The Bangka Belitung Islands

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Bangka Belitung

The Bangka Belitung Islands, is a province of Indonesia, previously a part of South Sumatra
Province. Lying off Sumatra, the province comprises two main islands, Bangka and Belitung, and
several smaller ones. Bangka Belitung (BABEL) Islands province is the 31st Province in
Indonesia, one of the newest provinces. Bangka Belitung get it’s approved as a new province in
2001 separated with south Sumatra. That acknowledgement is because of the people struggle.
The region that was a great tin mines, now already to reach the new phase in its life. It
provisioned with the beautiful of nature, and the uniquely of culture, Bangka Belitung step to
the better future.
The richness of Bangka Belitung Island of nature and tin mines until its maritime rich, make
Bangka Belitung a magnet for the new comers to get a better life. A Balinese countryside is
found in this Island named Giri Jati village, complete with all of Bali culture that remembering
us to Bali Island. Beside Bali tribe, we also can found Bugis tribe that adds the various cultures
in Bangka Balitung Island. This Bugis tribe can be found in the fishermen village at Tanjung
Binga. Otherwise, the original tribe, Melayu culture has strong influence in the traditional
ceremony and religious ceremony. One of the ceremonies is Rebo Kasan Ceremony that done
by Air Anyer village people. It is believed that one day of a year, the God give His 320,000 angels
in the world. The people must together to pray. This ceremony was held in the beach, but now

on, it held in the mosque then continued to the beach. Formerly, this ceremony become the
people party with its star party is ‘Dambus’ art.
Bangka according to Bangka people’s daily language means “old man” or “very old”, so the
island of Bangka can be interpreted as “the old island.” When referring to the mineral sources,
this island is very rich with Mineral of Tin, which is why people called this island as Bangka,
taken from Wangka, which means Tin or Timah (Indonesian language).
According to folklore, Bangka Island has no indigenous people; all the residents were migrants
from tribal tribe called Sekak People. This people were still adhered to animism. Then enter the
nation of Malay from the Malacca brought Islam to this island which then evolved until present
Bangka Belitung is an exotic island. it has so many destinations which most of all are majoring
on marine tourism objects. It has many beautiful beaches that settled to spoil the tourists.Some
beaches are famous for their natural attractiveness with blue sea waters, variety of coral reefs,
white sand, and giant granite rock formations.The beaches are include: Matras beach, Tanjung
Pesona beach, Tikus beach, Tanjung Kalian beach, teluk gembira beach and many more. Most
of the beaches in Belitung features the sites for diving, scuba, snorkeling, fishing and sailing.
Besides the beaches, there are also tourism place such as Andrea Hirata’s museum of words,
blue kaolin lake and manymore.

Lengkuas Island

With a total area of less than 1 hectare, Lengkuas is located within the Sijuk sub-district,
belitung regency. While it may be small in size nevertheless it offers a wide range of splendors.
This humble little island offers idyllic landscape, lush palm trees and staggering boulders that
are great fun to climb on or swim beneath. Lengkuas Island is blessed with a pristine beach,
turquoise blue waters and distinct huge granite boulders, the icon of Belitung beaches, located
north of Tanjung Binga Village in Belitung. Adding to the splendor is the existence of a hundred
years’ old Lighthouse which offers complete fascinating views of the island and its surroundings.
The pride of Lengkuas Island, however, is the iconic old lighthouse. Built by the Dutch in 1882, it
still maintains its main function today in guiding ships sailing through and out of the island of
Belitung. Approximately 50 meters in height, it is as tall as a 12-storey building. While the
lighthouse itself is an exceptional feature, the spectacle it offers from the top is truly
spellbinding. Here one can get a complete 360 degree view of the fascinating Island and all the
wonders that surround it, including the crystal clear waters and other spreading tiny islands.
One can reach these unique, giant granite clusters by walking across the shallow waters that
are no deeper than 1.2 meters. The water is so transparent that the bottom of the sea is clearly
visible. Below the surface, the waters around the island are filled with colorful fish of various
kinds, pristine coral reefs, a large number of starfish and more of the fascinating granite
boulders. The moderately calm and shallow water makes it a perfect place for swimming and
snorkeling, while on the beach the fresh breeze will truly indulge those who lay down on the
soft white sands. To reach Lengkuas Island you can rent a boat available at several beaches in
Belitung such as at Tanjung Kelayang, Tanjung Binga, or Tanjung Tinggi. From Tanjung Kelayang
the boat trip will take approximately 20 minutes, while from Tanjung Binga or Tanjung Tinggi it
will take about 30-45 minutes.

Blue Kaolin Lake

If you are visiting Belitung Island, you should head to Tanjung Pandan. It is the home of a
fabulous Blue Kaolin Lake. Kaolin is a lake has a clean white color that land and water are
colored light blue. The lake was formed from the former site of the abandoned mining Kaolin
and enhance the natural beauty. Little knowledge of Kaolin. Kaolin is a mineral as industrial
materials such as cosmetics, paper, food, toothpaste and Kaolin favored because of its smooth,
white, strong, smooth and electric power and low thermal conductivity.
The scenery is breathtaking all-seeing eye. Excavated piles like hills around the lake area which
at first glance like a mini Mount Bromo but white. Lower Mainland lakes is covered by water,
such as the curve of an animal that was passing, when the water was receding land will look like
a clean white sugar. In the middle of a lake appears as if linking the mainland between the end
of the lake.
In this lake there is no smell of sulfur because the lake is not formed from a crater make visitors
feel at home to linger in this lake. For the water was relatively safe, because the water is not
hot here. Proven many activities residents and children who were using the lake water or
bathing in the lake. This condition makes the tourists who visit not only can enjoy the scenery,
but also can play or enjoy the fresh water lake swim Kaolin. Most of the residents said that the
water in the lake this kaolin skin so much smoother and softer.
How to Get There
Blue Kaolin Lake is quite reachable, especially from Tanjung Pandan City. It takes about 10-15
minutes. Since there are not many public transportation options, it is better to rent a car. When

it comes to facilities, you can’t find anything. Though, there are several hotels in Tanjung
Pandan. Make sure you have prepared some money.

Andrea Hirata's Museum of Words

The beautiful Belitung Island, off the eastern coast of Sumatra was once known only as Billiton,
the top producer of tin and tin mining in the world. But with the decline of this commodity,
interest in the island gradually waned.
However, one fascinating book, which was later made into a movie threw back the spotlight on
this island with all its beauty. The book was “Laskar Pelangi” or “The Rainbow Troop” and its
author, Andrea Hirata, a writer born and raised on Belitung. Today, a museum named the
Andrea Hirata’s Museum of Words stands as an inspirational window for all, that it is possible
to achieve our dreams despite many drawbacks, just as the novel has taught us.
The museum took the concept as a replica of the Muhammadiyah Gantung Elementary School
which was the central setting of the story that Andrea attended as a child. Today The Museum
is located not far from the original Muhammadiyah Gantung Elementary School which was the
location of the movie. The construction of the museum is to fulfil a promise that Andrea made
when he received profits from the novel. He once stated that he would allocate part of the
profits from the novel to build something that would have lasting educational value for
The inspiration to establish the Museum of Words came when Andrea visited The Mark Twain
Boyhood Home and Museum in Hannibal Missouri, USA, where he attended the University of
Iowa on a scholarship to study literature for seven months.

When coming to this museum, the visitors will be invited to commemorating the novel of
Laskar Pelangi. Entering the museum, we will see photographs of the author with inspiring
sentences. One of the inspirational words is "Keep on dreaming, for God will always hugs you”.
While you exploring more into the inside of museum, you will be greeted with a very
comfortable room, complete with a table and books that spread over it. In this room are also
displayed photographs of scenes of Laskar Pelangi the movie. The cover of Laskar Pelangi that
been published in various countries is also adorning the walls of this room.
The main room at this museum is named based on the names of the characters in Laskar
Pelangi. The first room is Ruang Ikal. In this space, visitors can see a snapshot of a novel
depicting the figure of Ikal. The next room is Ruang Lintang. Lintang on Laskar Pelangi is a smart
figure that made proud from his friends. In this space, visitors can see the photographs of
Lintang that taken from the movie Laskar Pelangi. In addition, there is one other area that is
located a little apart by Ruang Ikal and Ruang Lintang. The space is Ruang Mahar. Mahar is
known as an eccentric figure who likes a variety of art forms. In this space, visitors can see
photographs of the artists that inspiring Mahar, one of ther is Rhoma Irama. After passing
Ruang Mahar, the visitors will get into the kitchen space. In this space, the visitors will see a
kitchen that converted into a coffee shop.
The museum was founded by the author of the novel Laskar Pelangi, Andrea Hirata. To get into
the museum, which was inaugurated in November 2012, the visitors are free charged.
Museum Kata Andrea Hirata became the first and the only one literature museum in Indonesia.
Visiting the museum can make visitors know how the literature becomes an important part of
life. From this museum, visitors can get inspired to love literature, both in Indonesia and
How to get There
The distance between the main city of Tanjung Pandan to Gantung Sub-district is about 11 km
and can be reached in about 2 hours drive. From the airport at Tanjung Pandan, you can take a
rental car.

Tikus Beach

Tikus beach is located in Rebo Village, Kenanga Urban Village, Sungailiat District. Tikus beach
still preserve its naturality and much visited by tourism. The coast is decorated with smooth
white sandand is indeed very attractive for tourist enjoy. Tikus beach is one of the attractions
on the island of Bangka and has the same beauty with other beaches on Bangka. The unspoiled
beach area is adjacent to a hill called Bukit Rebo. The beach also has fine white sand and also
various types of granite boulders.
Despite its name, Pantai Tikus or Rat Beach, there will be no rats at all can be finding at this
beach. In other hand, this beach offers very beautiful scenery and unspoiled. Moreover, when
the sun appeared on the eastern horizon, then this is the right moment to aim your camera and
capturing this into frame. When visiting Tikus Beach, you might as well visit Tanjung Pesona
Beach and Teluk Uber Beach because the place is near at one to another.
The scenery at Tikus Beach is quite stunning. The nature is still fresh, the easy access and the
line of huge granite rocks is a great combination. On top of the hill there is a magnificent
temple with round shape. The visitors can enjoy the beauty of the beach by enjoying snacks and
drink from the top of the hill
How to get there
The access to the beach is very easy because it is near to the highway. You can use a private
vehicle or rental car from Pangkalpinang to go to Tikus Beach.

Lengkuas is an island off the shore of Tanjung Kelayang beach and located north of Tanjung
Binga village. The lighthouse has 12 floors with a window in every floor giving those climbing a
chance to rest and enjoy varied and beautiful scenes from within the lighthouse..

On the top floor one can can see fantastic scenery, particularly the effect of the sea surrounding
you from all directions. Large granite stones look like pebbles from the top of the lighthouse,
and the wind and smell of the sea make the experience all encompassing. Currently, three
people live on Lengkuas working as the operators of the lighthouse. It takes about 30 minutes
by boat from Tanjung Kelayang Beach or from Tanjung Binga, Sijuk.During the trip this island,
one can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea and other islands close to the Lengkuas Island,
such as Burung Island, Babi Island, Pengadaran Island, Lutung Island, Kera Island dan Jenang
Besides the beautiful scenery from the lighthouse, many people come here to dive, enjoy the
coral reefs, and eat grilled fish accompanied by coconut juice.

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