Angielski Phrasal Verbs

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Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 1 (Black plate)

Audio Kurs

Phrasal Verbs

Dodatkowe materia∏y do kursu na p∏ycie CD

© Copyright Edgard, Warszawa 2006

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 2 (Black plate)

Redaktor serii: Marta Kosiƒska

Autorzy: Dorota Koziarska, Victoria Atkinson
Lektorzy: Victoria Atkinson, Andy Edwins,
Chris Beardsworth, Mi∏ogost Reczek
Muzyka i mastering p∏yty: Dariusz Kaliƒski

Projekt ok∏adki: Emilia Szulewa

Sk∏ad i ∏amanie: Studio 27

© Copyright Edgard, Warszawa 2006
Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 3 (Black plate)


Czasowniki frazowe (phrasal verbs) zwane równie˝ z∏o˝onymi (compound
verbs) sk∏adajà si´ z czasownika g∏ównego i przyimka. Phrasal verb ma cz´sto
zupe∏nie inne znaczenie ni˝ sam czasownik, który wyst´puje w tym zwiàzku,
na przyk∏ad, czasownik take (wziàç) tworzy mi´dzy innymi nast´pujàce czasowniki
frazowe: take after (byç podobnym do kogoÊ z rodziny), take against (nabraç
do kogoÊ niech´ci), take on (zatrudniç kogoÊ), take up (zaczàç coÊ robiç,
uprawiaç np. sport). Czasowników frazowych jest w j´zyku angielskim bez
liku i, co wa˝niejsze, sà one bardzo cz´sto stosowane przez native speakerów.
ZnajomoÊç phrasal verbs jest wr´cz konieczna je˝eli chcemy mieç pewnoÊç,
˝e dobrze rozumiemy j´zyk angielski!

Niniejszy kurs skutecznie uczy blisko 200 najwa˝niejszych czasowników

frazowych. Przeznaczony jest dla osób Êrednio zaawansowanych i zaawansowa-
nych, które chcà poszerzyç swojà znajomoÊç angielskiego s∏ownictwa o szereg
najcz´Êciej spotykanych phrasal verbs oraz doskonaliç rozumienie ze s∏uchu.
Mamy nadziej´, ˝e Audio Kurs spe∏ni Paƒstwa oczekiwania. Wszystkich
U˝ytkowników Audio Kursów goràco zach´camy do zarejestrowania si´
– zarejestrowani Klienci otrzymujà atrakcyjne zni˝ki na wszystkie wydawnictwa
firmy Edgard. Rejestracji mo˝na dokonaç poprzez wys∏anie wype∏nionej karty
rejestracyjnej na adres Edgard, Skr. pocztowa 83, 02-588 Warszawa 48 lub
na stronie internetowej

Jak si´ uczyç?

Audio Kurs „Angielski Phrasal Verbs” sk∏ada si´ z 16 lekcji uczàcych 200
najcz´Êciej u˝ywanych czasowników frazowych. Ka˝dy phrasal verb zilustrowany
zosta∏ przyk∏adowym zdaniem, dodatkowo kurs zawiera tak˝e 16 krótkich tekstów
i rozmówek pokazujàcych u˝ycie phrasal verbs w odpowiednim kontekÊcie.
Ka˝da lekcja koƒczy si´ çwiczeniami powtórkowym. W nagraniach udzia∏
wzi´li profesjonalni lektorzy, wy∏àcznie native speakerzy.

Materia∏ kursu zosta∏ specjalnie opracowany, by umo˝liwiç samodzielnà

nauk´ j´zyka angielskiego. Audio Kursu wystarczy s∏uchaç, nie ma potrzeby
˝mudnego Êl´czenia nad çwiczeniami. Wielokrotne przes∏uchanie p∏yty sprawi,
˝e S∏uchacz w sposób naturalny zapami´ta przydatne s∏owa i zwroty, nabierze 3
Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 4 (Black plate)

Audio Kurs

w∏aÊciwego akcentu, pozna nowe wyra˝enia i nauczy si´ z nich korzystaç.

Interesujàce dialogi w wykonaniu wy∏àcznie native speakerów kszta∏cà umiej´tnoÊç
rozumienia ze s∏uchu oraz konwersacji – zapami´tywanie ca∏ych zdaƒ i zwiàzków
frazeologicznych poprawia p∏ynnoÊç mówienia.
Ka˝da lekcja prezentuje zestaw kilkunastu phrasal verbs wraz z t∏umaczeniami
na j´zyk polski oraz przyk∏adowe zdania pokazujàce ich u˝ycie. Polecamy
starannie powtarzaç zwroty i zdania za angielskim lektorem. Warto przet∏umaczyç
sobie zdania w myÊli – w∏asne t∏umaczenia mo˝na porównaç z tymi zamiesz-
czonymi w ksià˝eczce. Drugà cz´Êcià ka˝dej lekcji jest krótki dialog lub nagranie
pokazujàce u˝ycie czasowników frazowych w kontekÊcie. Nale˝y go uwa˝nie
pos∏uchaç i postaraç si´ wychwyciç wyst´pujàce w nim phrasal verbs. W przy-
padku trudnoÊci ze zrozumieniem tekstu ze s∏uchu warto zajrzeç do niniejszej
ksià˝eczki – znajdujà si´ w niej transkrypcje wszystkich nagraƒ, t∏umaczenia
zdaƒ, pytania oraz poprawne odpowiedzi.
Na koƒcu ka˝dej lekcji nagrane sà pytania sprawdzajàce – zadaniem
S∏uchacza jest przet∏umaczenie angielskich phrasal verbs na j´zyk polski lub
wyra˝enie polskich zwrotów po angielsku, a nast´pnie porównanie swoich
odpowiedzi z podanymi w nagraniu.
Po zapoznaniu si´ z ca∏ym materia∏em warto odtwarzaç p∏yt´ co kilka dni
lub tygodni, a nawet po kilku miesiàcach w celu przypomnienia sobie s∏ówek
i zwrotów. Ponadto, w naszej ofercie znajdà Paƒstwo tak˝e inne Audio Kursy
do samodzielnej nauki j´zyka angielskiego na poziomie Êrednio zaawansowanym:
„At Work”, „Travel”, „Business English” i „Adventure” oraz kurs uczàcy wyra˝eƒ
idiomatycznych dla zaawansowanych: „Angielski Idiomy”. Polecamy tak˝e
Audio Kursy do nauki innych j´zyków dla osób poczàtkujàcych, np. „Niemiecki
Kurs podstawowy”, „W∏oski Kurs podstawowy” lub kursy uczàce niemieckiego
dla osób Êrednio zaawansowanych „Niemiecki W pracy” i „Niemiecki W podró˝y”.
Doskona∏ym rozwini´ciem Audio Kursu sà programy komputerowe do nauki
j´zyka angielskiego z serii Profesor Henry: „Profesor Henry 5.0 Rozumienie
ze s∏uchu i Konwersacje”, „Profesor Henry 5.0 Gramatyka”, a w szczególnoÊci
„Profesor Henry 5.0 S∏ownictwo” i „Profesor Henry 5.0 Idioms & Phrasal Verbs”.
Pe∏nà i aktualnà ofert´ multimedialnych pomocy do nauki j´zyków obcych
naszego wydawnictwa znajdà Paƒstwo na stronie

Zapraszamy i ˝yczymy przyjemnej nauki!

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 5 (Black plate)


Part 1 Przepraszam za spóênienie, zatrzymano
mnie w szpitalu.
Listen carefully to the phrasal
verbs together with their Polish let off
translations. Repeat each – darowaç
phrasal verb after the speaker. As this is your first mistake of this kind,
Then listen to the sentence that I’ll let you off.
indicates how to use it properly. Jako, ˝e to twoja pierwsza pomy∏ka tego
rodzaju, daruj´ ci.
attend to sth/sb
– zajàç si´ czymÊ, kimÊ take up sth
Can’t talk now, I’ve got a customer to – zaczàç coÊ robiç, uprawiaç
attend to. np. sport
Nie mog´ teraz rozmawiaç, mam klienta, I have a very stressful job so I took up
którym trzeba si´ zajàç. yoga for relaxation.
Mam bardzo stresujàcà prac´, wi´c
be up to sth zacz´∏am uprawiaç jog´, ˝eby si´ odpr´˝yç.
– podo∏aç, sprostaç czemuÊ
Are you sure he’ll be up to the job? write up
JesteÊ pewny, ˝e on podo∏a temu zadaniu? – spisaç
We’ve done all the research, now we
get back need to write up the report.
– wracaç (np. do przerwanego zaj´cia) PrzeprowadziliÊmy wszystkie badania,
Get back to work right now! teraz musimy spisaç raport.
Natychmiast wracaj do pracy!
act up
grow into sth – nie dzia∏aç prawid∏owo
– zaadaptowaç si´ do czegoÊ The fax machine is acting up again!
Don’t let the initial problems discourage Fax znowu nie dzia∏a prawid∏owo!
you, you’ll grow into the job quickly.
Nie daj si´ zraziç poczàtkowym proble- fall out
mom, szybko zaadaptujesz si´ w tej pracy. – k∏óciç si´
Let’s not fall out over such an unimportant
hold up – zatrzymaç issue.
I’m so sorry I’m late, I got held up at the Nie k∏óçmy si´ z powodu tak niewa˝nej
hospital. kwestii. 5
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Audio Kurs

3 Now listen to the short dialogue. act up – nie dzia∏aç prawid∏owo

Listen carefully and pay special fall out – k∏óciç si´
attention to phrasal verbs that
appear in the conversation. Say it in English:
zatrzymaç – hold up
– Hey Joe, what’s up with Jeff? darowaç – let off
– Well, the printer was acting up, so zaczàç coÊ robiç, uprawiaç np. sport
Amy asked Jeff if he could attend to – take up sth
the problem as quickly as possible
– but you know Jeff – he’s not exactly
up to the job of ‘Mister Fix It’. Part 2
– Is that why he’s so angry then?
– No – that’s not it at all. Amy was angry Listen carefully to the phrasal
because she had written up her report verbs together with their Polish
and had a deadline to meet, and translations. Repeat each
because the fax printer was broken phrasal verb after the speaker.
it was holding everything up. Then listen to the sentence
– So? that indicates how to use it
– Well, Jeff couldn’t fix it and Amy properly.
shouted at him and asked him why
he was stupid enough to take up a job account for – wyjaÊniç np. powody
he couldn’t fulfill. Has he accounted for his absence at
– But he’s not employed as an engineer! yesterday’s meeting?
– Yeah – I know, but they’ve fallen out Czy wyjaÊni∏ powody swojej nieobecnoÊci
really badly this time – I don’t think na wczorajszym spotkaniu?
Jeff’s going to let Amy off for calling
him stupid. go through sth – przejrzeç
– Oh wow, I love a bit of inter-office Can we go through this report again?
gossip, oh, watch out, Amy’s coming Czy mo˝emy jeszcze raz przejrzeç ten
this way, better get back to work. raport?

hang on – czekaç
Exercise. Translate the following Mr Gowing is busy at the moment, would
phrases into Polish: you like to hang on for a while?
Pan Gowing jest w tym momencie zaj´ty,
attend to sth/sb – zajàç si´ czymÊ, kimÊ zechcia∏by pan zaczekaç chwil´?

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move on (to sth) is that if we bump up the prices

– przejÊç do czegoÊ any more, we’ll lose custom. Maybe
Can we move on to the next issue? we should hang on for another week and
Czy mo˝emy przejÊç do nast´pnej kwestii? go through the books again. Remember,
we can’t move on to any other projects
put forward until all monies have been accounted for.
– przed∏o˝yç, zaproponowaç
The solution put forward by Mr Fletcher
seems to be reasonable. Exercise. Translate the following
Rozwiàzanie zaproponowane przez pana phrases into Polish:
Fletchera wydaje si´ sensowne.
account for – wyjaÊniç np. powody
iron out sth hang on – czekaç
– rozwiàzaç np. problem, usunàç bump up – zwi´kszyç znacznie, podbiç
We need to iron out a few technical Say it in English:
problems before we start production. przejrzeç – go through sth
Musimy rozwiàzaç kilka problemów tech- przed∏o˝yç, zaproponowaç – put forward
nicznych, zanim rozpoczniemy produkcj´. rozwiàzaç np. problem, usunàç przeszkod´
– iron out sth
bump up
– zwi´kszyç znacznie, podbiç
If we bump up the prices we will lose Part 3
JeÊli podbijemy ceny, stracimy klientów. Listen carefully to the phrasal
verbs together with their Polish
translations. Repeat each
Now listen to the short text. phrasal verb after the speaker.
Listen carefully and pay special Then listen to the sentence that
attention to phrasal verbs that indicates how to use it properly.
appear in this recording.
base on
Well, the solution that Marion put – opieraç na
forward at yesterday’s meeting should Her latest novel is based on a true story.
iron out some of the problems we’ve Jej najnowsza powieÊç jest oparta na
been experiencing. However, my concern prawdziwej historii. 7
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Audio Kurs

come back – wracaç take up

Images from that film keep coming back – podjàç, przy∏àczyç si´
to me. The rest of the boys took up the song
Obrazy z tego filmu wcià˝ do mnie wracajà. after he started it.
Reszta ch∏opców podj´∏a piosenk´ po tym,
draw on sth jak on jà zaczà∏.
– opieraç si´ na czymÊ, czerpaç
z czegoÊ turn out
Her music draws on Japanese tradition. – przyjÊç, pojawiç si´
Jej muzyka czerpie z japoƒskiej tradycji. Many people turned out for the opening
of the exhibition.
face up to Wiele osób przysz∏o na otwarcie wystawy.
– stawiç czo∏a, zaakceptowaç
It’s time I faced up to the sad truth: single out
I cannot sing. – wybraç, wyró˝niç
Czas, bym stawi∏a czo∏o smutnej prawdzie: I love all this author’s books, I find it hard
nie umiem Êpiewaç. to single out the best one.
Uwielbiam wszystkie ksià˝ki tego autora
go off – zgasnàç i trudno jest mi wybraç najlepszà.
Then the lights went off and a lonely
figure appeared on the stage. break through sth
Wtedy Êwiat∏a zgas∏y, a na scenie pojawi∏a – przebiç si´ przez coÊ
si´ samotna postaç. It was impossible to break through
the crowd gathered around the stage.
live up to sth Nie da∏o si´ przebiç przez t∏um zgromadzony
– sprostaç czemuÊ, dorastaç do wokó∏ sceny.
The concert didn’t quite live up to our make sth up to sb
expectations. – wynagrodziç coÊ komuÊ
Koncert nie do koƒca spe∏ni∏ nasze oczeki- I can’t come with you to the cinema
wania. tonight, but I will make it up to you.
Nie mog´ iÊç dziÊ z tobà do kina, ale
take off sth wynagrodz´ ci to.
– naÊladowaç coÊ
You took off the author’s style perfectly!
Idealnie odda∏aÊ styl autorki!

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Now listen to the short dialogue. Then listen to the sentence that
Listen carefully and pay special indicates how to use it properly.
attention to phrasal verbs that
appear in the conversation. back somoeone up
– poprzeç kogoÊ
– Crumbs, that guy is so funny. I wonder No matter what you decide I will back
where he gets his material from. you up.
– Well, I think he draws from his Bez wzgl´du na to, co zdecydujesz, popr´ ci´.
childhood experiences. He takes off
his mother perfectly. be up to someone
– Maybe. His career suits him perfectly, – byç czyimÊ zadaniem
when the lights go off, and the curtain It is up to you to feed and walk the dog.
raises he is in his element. Karmienie i wyprowadzanie psa nale˝y do

Exercise. Translate the following bump into someone
phrases into Polish: – wpaÊç na kogoÊ, natknàç si´ na
draw on sth – opieraç si´ na czymÊ, I bumped into your parents in the super-
czerpaç z czegoÊ market today. They say hello.
live up to sth – sprostaç czemuÊ, dorastaç Natknà∏em si´ dziÊ w supermarkecie na
do czegoÊ twoich rodziców. Przesy∏ajà pozdrowienia.
make sth up to sb – wynagrodziç coÊ komuÊ
deal with sb – post´powaç z kimÊ
Say it in English: She’s got six siblings so she knows how to
opieraç na – base on deal with small children.
stawiç czo∏a, zaakceptowaç – face up to Ona ma szeÊcioro rodzeƒstwa, wi´c wie,
przyjÊç, pojawiç si´ – turn out jak post´powaç z ma∏ymi dzieçmi.

look after sb
Part 4 – opiekowaç si´ kimÊ
After his parents had died in a car crash,
Listen carefully to the phrasal John had to look after his little brother.
verbs together with their Polish Po tym, jak jego rodzice zgin´li w wypadku
translations. Repeat each samochodowym, John musia∏ opiekowaç si´
phrasal verb after the speaker. swoim m∏odszym bratem. 9
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Audio Kurs

pass away – umrzeç Now listen to the short text.
His grandfather passed away at the age Listen carefully and pay spe-
of 99. cial attention to phrasal verbs
Jego dziadek zmar∏ w wieku 99 lat. that appear in this recording.

show up – pojawiç si´ After my father passed away I had to

I was waiting for him in front of the cinema look after my mother. I didn’t know if
for half an hour but he didn’t show up. I was up to it, I had a lot to deal with.
Czeka∏em na niego przed kinem przez pó∏ Then one day I bumped into one
godziny, ale si´ nie pojawi∏. of Dad’s old friends. I went on about
Dad and how much I missed him and felt
tuck in – okryç much better. Then, six months later
Daddy, if I go to bed now will you tuck he showed up at our house! My Mum
me in? and him were trying to keep it from me
Tatusiu, jeÊli po∏o˝´ si´ teraz do ∏ó˝ka, that they were dating. I didn’t mind.
okryjesz mnie? Now he lives with us. It’s great. He reads
stories out loud to my little brother at night
keep something from someone before he tucks him in and he wakes
– ukrywaç coÊ przed kimÊ him up in the morning by tickling him.
They tried to keep the bad news from
their children.
Próbowali ukryç te z∏e wiadomoÊci przed Exercise. Translate the following
swoimi dzieçmi. phrases into Polish:

read out bump into somoeone – wpaÊç na kogoÊ,

– odczytaç, przeczytaç na g∏os natknàç si´ na
Silence fell on the room after mother kogoÊ
read out the telegram. pass away – umrzeç
W pokoju zapanowa∏a cisza po tym, show up – pojawiç si´
jak matka odczyta∏a telegram.
Say it in English:
wake up – budziç poprzeç kogoÊ – back somoeone up
Wake me up when you get back even post´powaç z kimÊ – deal with sb
if it’s very late. opiekowaç si´ kimÊ – look after sb
Zbudê mnie jak wrócisz, nawet jeÊli b´dzie
bardzo póêno.

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 11 (Black plate)


Part 5 boss around
– dyrygowaç, rzàdziç si´
Listen carefully to the phrasal Alison’s husband will never make any
verbs together with their Polish decision himself, but whenever she does,
translations. Repeat each he complains about being bossed around.
phrasal verb after the speaker. Mà˝ Alison nigdy nie chce sam podjàç
Then listen to the sentence that ˝adnej decyzji, ale ilekroç ona to robi,
indicates how to use it properly. narzeka, ˝e si´ nim dyryguje.

break down – za∏amaç si´ drag into

After his wife had left him he broke – wciàgaç
down completely. Don’t drag me into your marriage
Po tym jak opuÊci∏a go ˝ona, kompletnie problems, they’re none of my business.
si´ za∏ama∏. Nie wciàgaj mnie w swoje problemy
ma∏˝eƒskie, to nie moja sprawa.
find out – dowiedzieç si´
How did he find out about his wife’s affair? turn out
Jak on dowiedzia∏ si´ o romansie swojej – potoczyç si´, wypaÊç
˝ony? How did the wedding ceremony turn out?
Jak wypad∏a ceremonia Êlubna?
get along with
– mieç dobre relacje
He gets along surprisingly well with Now listen to the short dialogue.
his mother-in-law. Listen carefully and pay special
On ma zadziwiajàco dobre relacje ze swojà attention to phrasal verbs that
teÊciowà. appear in the conversation.

run off with – odejÊç – How are Jack and Sue?

His wife ran off with the postman. – They were getting along fine until Sue
Jego ˝ona odesz∏a z listonoszem. found out about Jack’s affair.
– His what?
pass out – zemdleç – Oh yes, it turns out that Jack has run
The bride passed out during the ceremony off with a girl from the office, he told
and had to be carried out of the church. Sue that he was sick and tired of her
Panna m∏oda zemdla∏a podczas ceremonii bossing him around.
i musiano jà wynieÊç z koÊcio∏a. – Well I never! 11
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Audio Kurs

– I know, poor Sue, she broke down be up – dziaç si´

completely when she told me. She was The moment I saw their faces I knew
crying so hard I thought she was going something was up.
to pass out. I’m getting dragged into W momencie, gdy zobaczy∏em ich twarze,
this mess whether I want to be or not. wiedzia∏em, ˝e coÊ si´ dzieje.

count on sth/sb
Exercise. Translate the following – liczyç na coÊ, na kogoÊ
phrases into Polish: You can count on Susan, she is very reliable.
Mo˝esz liczyç na Susan, jest niezawodna.
get along with – mieç dobre relacje
pass out – zemdleç get on
turn out – potoczyç si´, wypaÊç – zgadzaç si´, mieç dobre relacje
Those two have never really got on
Say it in English: but now their relations are particularly
za∏amaç si´ – break down strained.
dowiedzieç si´ – find out Ci dwaj nigdy tak naprawd´ nie zgadzali
dyrygowaç, rzàdziç si´ – boss around si´, ale obecnie ich relacje sà szczególnie

Part 6 hang around
– kr´ciç si´, sp´dzaç gdzieÊ czas
Listen carefully to the phrasal He misspent his youth hanging around
verbs together with their Polish the bars and night clubs of Soho.
translations. Repeat each Zmarnowa∏ swojà m∏odoÊç kr´càc si´
phrasal verb after the speaker. po barach i nocnych klubach Soho.
Then listen to the sentence
that indicates how to use it let sb down – zawieÊç kogoÊ
properly. Pat is my best friend, she has never let
me down.
cheer up Pat jest mojà najlepszà przyjació∏kà, nigdy
– rozchmurzyç si´ mnie nie zawiod∏a.
Cheer up! There’s no point getting
upset over things you can’t change. make out – zrozumieç
Rozchmurz si´! Nie ma co si´ zadr´czaç It was very loud and I couldn’t make out
rzeczami, których nie mo˝esz zmieniç. what Janet was saying to Michael.

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By∏o bardzo g∏oÊno i nie mog∏em zrozu- – I’ve looked everywhere though – I’m
mieç, co Janet mówi∏a do Michaela. sure I’d see him, I mean he stands out
like a sore thumb in a crowd.
stick with someone – Look, are you sure that everything is
– trzymaç si´ kogoÊ, trzymaç z kimÊ OK between you two at the moment?
Don’t worry about those people, stick I know that you have been making out
with me and no one is going to hurt you. that you two are still getting on fine,
Nie przejmuj si´ tymi ludêmi, trzymaj but from the look on your face earlier
ze mnà, a nikt ci nie zrobi krzywdy. I get the feeling that something’s up.
– So much for my poker face! Yes, we’re
stand out – wyró˝niaç si´ having difficulties, what a pity my face
You’ll find Sue easily, she’s so tall she gave me away.
stands out in every group of people.
Znajdziesz Sue z ∏atwoÊcià, jest tak wyso-
ka, ˝e wyró˝nia si´ w ka˝dej grupie ludzi. Exercise. Translate the following
phrases into Polish:
give away – zdradziç, wyjawiç
The satisfied smile he was unable cheer up – rozchmurzyç si´
to suppress gave him away. hang around – kr´ciç si´, sp´dzaç gdzieÊ czas
Zdradzi∏ go pe∏en satysfakcji uÊmiech, give away – zdradziç, wyjawiç
którego nie by∏ w stanie powstrzymaç.
Say it in English:
liczyç na coÊ, na kogoÊ – count on sth/sb
Now listen to the short dialogue. zawieÊç kogoÊ – let sb down
Listen carefully and pay special zrozumieç – make out
attention to phrasal verbs that
appear in the conversation.
Part 7
– Cheer up, I’m sure he hasn’t really let
you down. Listen carefully to the phrasal
– I just feel as though I can’t count on verbs together with their Polish
anyone anymore. translations. Repeat each
– Come on, don’t be so melodramatic! phrasal verb after the speaker.
Stick with it and hang around a bit Then listen to the sentence that
longer, I’m sure he’ll show up sooner indicates how to use it properly.
or later. 13
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be up to sth – kombinowaç Móg∏byÊ przestaç przynosiç mi wstyd przed

Don’t trust him, he is always up to moimi przyjació∏mi?
Nie ufaj mu, on zawsze coÊ kombinuje. take back
– cofnàç coÊ, co si´ powiedzia∏o
get back at someone I won’t talk to him unless he takes back
– odgryêç si´ komuÊ, odp∏aciç si´ all that he said about me.
Jon is trying to get back at me for what Nie b´d´ z nim rozmawia∏, jeÊli nie cofnie
I told his parents about him. wszystkiego, co o mnie powiedzia∏.
Jon próbuje mi si´ odgryêç za to, co
powiedzia∏am o nim jego rodzicom. fit in
– pasowaç
grow apart – oddaliç si´ It’s hard to tell why we didn’t like the
They used to be close friends but grew new boy. He just didn’t fit in.
apart after leaving school. Trudno powiedzieç, czemu nie lubiliÊmy
Byli kiedyÊ bliskimi przyjació∏mi, ale nowego ch∏opaka. Po prostu do nas nie
oddalili si´ od siebie po opuszczeniu szko∏y. pasowa∏.

put someone down brush someone off

– obra˝aç, poni˝aç kogoÊ – ignorowaç
I don’t understand why you always What is the point of me giving you
put me down in front of my mates. advice if you brush everything I say off?
Nie rozumiem, czemu zawsze mnie Jaki jest sens, ˝ebym dawa∏a ci rady, je˝eli
poni˝asz w obecnoÊci moich kolegów. ignorujesz wszystko co mówi´?

set on
– nas∏aç coÊ na kogoÊ, poszczuç Now listen to the short text.
Next time he dares come here, I’ll set the Listen carefully and pay special
dogs on him. attention to phrasal verbs that
Nast´pnym razem, gdy oÊmieli si´ tu appear in this recording.
przyjÊç, poszczuj´ go psami.
Well, when we moved to Holland she
show someone up found it hard to fit in. I tried to help her
– przynosiç komuÊ wstyd – but she just brushed me off. We just
Will you stop showing me up in front grew apart from each other. It’s such a
of my friends? pity. When she started putting me down

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 15 (Black plate)


at work, and showing me up in front of base on – opieraç

my friends I just couldn’t take it anymore. What do you base your suspicions on?
I decided I couldn’t hang about any Na czym opierasz swoje podejrzenia?
longer. So, I left her in Holland and
moved back to England. close in on sb
– otoczyç kogoÊ
The journalists closed in on her as soon
Exercise. Translate the following as she’d left the court building.
phrases into Polish: Dziennikarze otoczyli jà, gdy tylko opuÊci∏a
budynek sàdu.
grow apart – oddaliç si´
set on – nas∏aç coÊ na kogoÊ, poszczuç come about
fit in – pasowaç – wydarzyç si´, dojÊç do skutku
How did the accident come about?
Say it in English: Jak dosz∏o do wypadku?
obra˝aç, poni˝aç kogoÊ – put someone
down rule out sth
przynosiç komuÊ wstyd – show someone up – wykluczyç coÊ
ignorowaç – brush someone off The police have ruled out robbery as
the motive behind the break-in.
Policja wykluczy∏a rabunek jako motyw
Part 8 w∏amania.

Listen carefully to the phrasal set off

verbs together with their Polish – wywo∏aç, spowodowaç, uruchomiç
translations. Repeat each His car alarm is very easy to set off so
phrasal verb after the speaker. it rings for hours on end almost every
Then listen to the sentence night.
that indicates how to use Jego alarm samochodowy jest bardzo ∏atwo
it properly. uruchomiç, wi´c wyje godzinami prawie
ka˝dej nocy.
act on sth
– postàpiç zgodnie z czymÊ break up sth
I decided to act on my lawyer’s advice. – przerwaç, st∏umiç coÊ
Zdecydowa∏em si´ postàpiç zgodnie z radà The riot was broken up by the army.
mojego adwokata. Zamieszki zosta∏y st∏umione przez wojsko. 15
Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 16 (Black plate)

Audio Kurs

break off – zerwaç come about?

One of the parties broke off the negotia- – Well, based on previous experience,
tions. I don’t think that we will ever be able
Jedna ze stron zerwa∏a negocjacje. to sort out that child’s behavioural
break out – wybuchnàç – Come on, you’re just angry, sit down,
World War II broke out in 1939. let’s talk it over.
Druga wojna Êwiatowa wybuch∏a w 1939. – Well, he’s constantly answering back to
the teachers, we can’t rule out the
sort out – rozwiàzaç np. problem possibility that he was the one who
The government is trying to sort out the set off the fire alarm last week.
problem of high unemployment. – Yes, but that’s children for you.
Rzàd próbuje rozwiàzaç problem wysokiego – There’s more, we know that he was
bezrobocia. behind the canteen riot that broke out
last month, we had to call school security
talk sth over – przedyskutowaç coÊ to break it up because the teachers
We talked it over and decided not to couldn’t cope. I know he’s done other
take part in the demonstration. things in the school, besides I’ve almost
PrzedyskutowaliÊmy to i zdecydowaliÊmy gathered enough information to close
si´ nie braç udzia∏u w demonstracji. in on him and throw him out.
– Well, if that’s the case, you must make
stand by sth – trzymaç si´ czegoÊ a decision, then act on it. I’ll stand by
Do you think the new government will you whatever you decide.
stand by their promises?
Czy sàdzisz, ˝e nowy rzàd b´dzie trzyma∏
si´ danych obietnic? Exercise. Translate the following
phrases into Polish:

Now listen to the short dialogue. act on sth – postàpiç zgodnie z czymÊ
Listen carefully and pay special close in on sb – otoczyç kogoÊ
attention to phrasal verbs that set off – wywo∏aç, spowodowaç, uruchomiç
appear in the conversation.
Say it in English:
– That child deserves to be expelled from wykluczyç coÊ – rule out sth
the school. rozwiàzaç np. problem – sort out
– Good heavens, how on earth did all this przedyskutowaç coÊ – talk sth over

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 17 (Black plate)


Part 9 live up to sth
– sprostaç czemuÊ
Listen carefully to the phrasal Don’t act against yourself just to live up
verbs together with their Polish to other people’s expectations.
translations. Repeat each Nie post´puj przeciwko sobie tylko po to,
phrasal verb after the speaker. ˝eby sprostaç oczekiwaniom innych ludzi.
Then listen to the sentence that
indicates how to use it properly. make sb out
– rozgryêç, zrozumieç kogoÊ
talk back You are a very strange person Craig,
– pyskowaç I can’t make you out.
She is a rude kid who talks back to JesteÊ bardzo dziwnym cz∏owiekiem, Craig,
teachers and causes lots of problems. nie mog´ ci´ rozgryêç.
Ona jest niegrzecznym dzieckiem, które
pyskuje nauczycielom i stwarza du˝o pay someone back
problemów. – odp∏aciç komuÊ
She felt humiliated but promised herself
do without sth she would pay the bastard back in kind.
– radziç sobie, obywaç si´ bez czegoÊ Czu∏a si´ upokorzona, ale obieca∏a sobie,
We can do without your constant nagging. ˝e odp∏aci draniowi tym samym.
Obejdziemy si´ bez twojego ciàg∏ego
zrz´dzenia. put someone off
– zniech´ciç kogoÊ
fish for sth She wanted to ask how he was but
– szukaç czegoÊ his facial expression put her off.
If you’re fishing for sympathy, you’ve Chcia∏a spytaç go, jak si´ miewa,
picked the wrong person. ale wyraz jego twarzy jà zniech´ci∏.
JeÊli szukasz wspó∏czucia, wybra∏eÊ
nieodpowiednià osob´. put up with sth
– znosiç, wytrzymywaç coÊ
leap at sth I am not going to put up with his mood
– ucieszyç si´ z czegoÊ swings any longer.
I thought you would leap at the idea Nie zamierzam ju˝ d∏u˝ej znosiç jego
of going out of town for a bit. huÊtawek nastrojów.
MyÊla∏am, ˝e zachwyci ci´ pomys∏ wyjazdu
na jakiÊ czas poza miasto. 17
Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 18 (Black plate)

Audio Kurs

show off – popisywaç si´ Wiesz, co mnie tak naprawd´ wkurza?

Stop showing off, nobody’s impressed. To, ˝e mówi to wszystko, jakby by∏a jakimÊ
Przestaƒ si´ popisywaç, na nikim to nie ekspertem.
robi wra˝enia.
look down on sb
stem from sth – patrzeç z góry na kogÊ, pogardzaç
– wynikaç z czegoÊ kimÊ
His apparent rudeness stems from It may seem at first that she looks down
the fact that he is actually extremely shy. on you, but it’s a false impression.
Jego pozorne grubiaƒstwo wynika z faktu, Mo˝e si´ poczàtkowo zdawaç, ˝e ona
˝e w rzeczywistoÊci jest niesamowicie patrzy na ciebie z góry, ale to mylne
nieÊmia∏y. wra˝enie.

sum up butter sb up
– podsumowaç – podlizywaç si´ komuÊ
She is able to sum up people very quickly. Don’t butter me up, it won’t work.
Ona potrafi bardzo szybko podsumowywaç Nie podlizuj mi si´, to nic nie da.
come across as – wydawaç si´
take after sb She comes across as a rather nice person
– przypominaç kogoÊ, byç podobnym at first sight.
He was a con man and all his kids take Na pierwszy rzut oka wydaje si´ raczej mi∏à
after him. osobà.
On by∏ oszustem i wszystkie jego dzieci go
przypominajà. calm down
– uspokoiç kogoÊ, uspokoiç si´
cut in – wtràciç si´ If you want me to understand what you
Do you always have to cut in with your are saying you have to calm down first.
tuppence worth? JeÊli chcesz, ˝ebym zrozumia∏a, co mówisz,
Czy zawsze musisz wtràciç swoje trzy musisz si´ najpierw uspokoiç.

piss off – wkurzaç kogoÊ (slang!) Now listen to the short dialogue.
You know what really pisses me off? Listen carefully and pay special
The way she says all this as if she was attention to phrasal verbs that
some sort of an expert. appear in the conversation.

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– Hi Sam, what’s up? You look pissed off. Exercise. Translate the following
– Oh, it’s Jake, he came across as such phrases into Polish:
a nice guy, and made out that he really
liked me, but just now he told me to talk back – pyskowaç
shut up and told me that he could do fish for sth – szukaç czegoÊ
without my constant nagging. I don’t stem from sth – wynikaç z czegoÊ
know if I can put up with his crazy butter sb up – podlizywaç si´ komuÊ
mood swings any longer.
– Well, try to calm down, where were Say it in English:
you when this happened? Was he zniech´ciç kogoÊ – put someone off
showing off to his mates? popisywaç si´ – show off
– No, actually we were alone. I think przypominaç kogoÊ, byç podobnym
his mood swings might stem from – take after sb
a psychological problem. Sometimes patrzeç z góry na kogoÊ, pogardzaç kimÊ
he talks back to people in authority, – look down on sb
Police and so on, and then he seems to
look down on other people, sometimes
even me. He even cuts in on other Part 10
peoples conversations – thinking that
his opinion is oh-so important. Listen carefully to the phrasal
Then the next minute he’s lovely again, verbs together with their Polish
leaping at every opportunity to see translations. Repeat each
me, constantly paying me compliments, phrasal verb after the speaker.
I just have no idea what to make of Then listen to the sentence that
his strange behaviour. indicates how to use it properly.
– To sum up Sam, you have gotten your-
self mixed up with a psycho freak! brush up – odÊwie˝yç, podszlifowaç
– No, no, no, it’s not that bad. It’s just that I think I should brush up a bit on
his wacky mood swings are putting me my Japanese before visiting Osaka.
off. I guess he’s not living up to my MyÊl´, ˝e powinienem podszlifowaç troch´
expectations of him. swój japoƒski przed wizytà w Osace.
– Oh Sam, you take after your Mum.
Don’t feel so hard done by. You expect end up – znaleêç si´ gdzieÊ
too much, you’ll always be disappointed, (niechcàcy), wylàdowaç gdzieÊ
put it down to experience, he’s only I fell asleep on the bus and ended up
a man after all! at the bus station. 19
Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 20 (Black plate)

Audio Kurs

Zasnà∏em w autobusie i wylàdowa∏em turn into sth

na stacji autobusów. – zmieniç (si´) w coÊ, przekszta∏caç
The heavy rains turned the area into
make for a swamp.
– skierowaç si´ Ulewne deszcze zmieni∏y ten obszar
It’s getting late, I think we should make w bagno.
for the village.
Robi si´ póêno, myÊl´, ˝e powinniÊmy cut off
ruszyç w kierunku wioski. – przerwaç, odciàç
After the storm a lot of houses in the area
set off were cut off.
– wyruszyç Po burzy wiele domów w tej okolicy zosta∏o
When do we have to set off to get there odci´tych od Êwiata.
on time?
Kiedy musimy wyruszyç, ˝eby dotrzeç tam catch someone up
na czas? – dogoniç, do∏àczyç do kogoÊ póêniej
Don’t wait for me, I’ll catch you up at
settle down some point.
– zamieszkaç (na sta∏e), osiàÊç Nie czekajcie na mnie, do∏àcz´ do was
After ten years of travelling they decided w którymÊ momencie.
to settle down in Greece.
Po dziesi´ciu latach podró˝owania zdecy- come back
dowali si´ osiàÊç w Grecji. – wróciç, przyjÊç znowu
I must go home now, but I promise I’ll
set out come back soon.
– wyruszyç Musz´ teraz iÊç do domu, ale obiecuj´,
They set out at dawn to avoid traffic jams. ˝e wkrótce przyjd´ znowu.
Wyruszyli o Êwicie, ˝eby uniknàç korków.
call for sth
talk someone into something – wpaÊç po coÊ
– przekonaç kogoÊ do zrobienia I left my umbrella in your house, can
czegoÊ, namówiç I call for it this evening?
We are trying to talk our friends into Zostawi∏em u ciebie parasol, mog´ po niego
going on holiday with us. wpaÊç dziÊ wieczorem?
Próbujemy namówiç naszych przyjació∏
na wspólne wakacje.

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 21 (Black plate)


Now listen to the short dialogue. translations. Repeat each
Listen carefully and pay special phrasal verb after the speaker.
attention to phrasal verbs that Then listen to the sentence that
appear in the conversation. indicates how to use it properly.

– Well, Jen’s been on about getting check into

married for the last six months. – zameldowaç si´ (np. w hotelu)
– Yeah, but are you really ready to settle We checked into the cheapest hotel
down? Make sure that you know what in town.
you are letting yourself in for first, ZameldowaliÊmy si´ w najtaƒszym hotelu
you don’t want to end up divorced like w mieÊcie.
your parents.
– Yeah, but Jen’s somewhat persistent. come from – przybywaç z
– Even so, don’t let her talk you into She’s just come from the airport and
something that you’re not ready for. is really tired.
W∏aÊnie przyjecha∏a z lotniska i jest bardzo
Exercise. Translate the following
phrases into Polish: pick someone up – odebraç kogoÊ
Can you pick me up at the airport
brush up – odÊwie˝yç, podszlifowaç at 6 a.m. tomorrow?
make for – skierowaç si´ Czy mo˝esz odebraç mnie z lotniska jutro
talk someone into something – przekonaç o 6 rano?
kogoÊ do zrobienia czegoÊ, namówiç
see someone off
Say it in English: – odprowadziç, po˝egnaç kogoÊ
zamieszkaç (na sta∏e), osiàÊç – settle down A couple of my friends came to the airport
wyruszyç – set off, set out to see me off.
dogoniç, do∏àczyç do kogoÊ póêniej Kilkoro z moich przyjació∏ przysz∏o na
– catch someone up lotnisko, ˝eby mnie po˝egnaç.

shut sth down

Part 11 – wy∏àczyç coÊ
The captain ordered the crew to shut the
Listen carefully to the phrasal engines down.
verbs together with their Polish Kapitan rozkaza∏ za∏odze wy∏àczyç silniki. 21
Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 22 (Black plate)

Audio Kurs

take off from Devon to pick me up from the airport,

– wystartowaç but I was covered in sick, so we had
The plane is ready to take off. to check into a hotel so I could get myself
Samolot jest gotowy do startu. cleaned up. Like I said, very embarrassing.

touch down
– wylàdowaç Exercise. Translate the following
Please fasten your seatbelts, we’ll be phrases into Polish:
touching down in 10 minutes.
Prosz´ zapiàç pasy, b´dziemy làdowaç pick someone up – odebraç kogoÊ
za 10 minut. see someone off – odprowadziç, po˝egnaç
throw up touch down – wylàdowaç
– wymiotowaç
I spent the whole cruise feeling sea-sick Say it in English:
and throwing up in my cabin. wy∏àczyç coÊ – shut sth down
Sp´dzi∏am ca∏y rejs czujàc md∏oÊci wystartowaç – take off
i wymiotujàc w kabinie. wymiotowaç – throw up

Now listen to the short text. Part 12
Listen carefully and pay special
attention to phrasal verbs that Listen carefully to the phrasal
appear in this recording. verbs together with their Polish
translations. Repeat each
Well, it was all very embarrassing, I’m phrasal verb after the speaker.
so terrified of flying that my friends came Then listen to the sentence that
to see me off at the airport. I got onto indicates how to use it properly.
the plane OK, and nothing happened during
the take off, but later during the flight my break down – popsuç si´
phobia was gripping me so tightly that Our car broke down in the middle
my whole body shut down, and I couldn’t of nowhere and we had to walk to
move. Then horror of all horrors, just the nearest garage.
before we touched down on terra firma, Popsu∏ nam si´ samochód na pustkowiu
I threw up all over myself! It was awful, i musieliÊmy iÊç na piechot´ do
my Mum and Dad had come all the way najbli˝szego warsztatu.

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break up sth – przerwaç coÊ go with sth

They had to break up the party because – pasowaç do czegoÊ
of the neighbours’ complaints. I think you should buy these shoes,
Musieli przerwaç imprez´ z powodu skarg they’ll go really well with your pink
sàsiadów. dress.
MyÊl´, ˝e powinnaÊ kupiç te buty, b´dà
keep out of sth bardzo dobrze pasowa∏y do twojej ró˝owej
– byç poza, nie mieszaç si´ w coÊ sukienki.
I always try to keep out of my flatmates’
arguments. mix up
Zawsze staram si´ byç poza k∏ótniami – mieszaç
moich wspó∏lokatorów. Don’t mix up the dirty socks with
the clean ones.
bump into sth Nie mieszaj brudnych skarpetek z czystymi.
– uderzyç w coÊ
He braked too late and bumped into put sth out
the car in front of him. – zgasiç, ugasiç coÊ
Za póêno zahamowa∏ i uderzy∏ w samochód I can’t reach the ashtray, can you put
jadàcy przed nim. my cigarette out?
Nie mog´ dosi´gnàç popielniczki, mo˝esz
catch on zgasiç mojego papierosa?
– upowszechniç si´, przyjàç si´
Pointed shoes really caught on, almost run out
every woman today wears them. – koƒczyç si´, wyczerpywaç
Buty z czubem naprawd´ si´ przyj´∏y, We are running out of coffee, I’ll just
prawie ka˝da kobieta je dziÊ nosi. pop to the shop and get some.
Koƒczy nam si´ kawa, wyskocz´ do sklepu
come over – odwiedziç i kupi´ troch´.
Why don’t you come over tonight, Mike
is making lasagne! see to sth
Wpadnij do nas dziÊ wieczorem, Mike robi – zajàç si´ czymÊ, zadbaç o coÊ
lasagne! I’ll do the cooking, you just see to
the salad.
fall off sth – spaÊç z czegoÊ Ja wezm´ na siebie gotowanie, ty zajmij si´
I fell off a fence and ripped my trousers. tylko sa∏atkà.
Spad∏em z p∏otu i podar∏em sobie spodnie. 23
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Audio Kurs

tinker with sth Exercise. Translate the follow-
– d∏ubaç przy czymÊ, majstrowaç ing phrases into Polish:
Travis spends long hours tinkering with
his bike. break down – popsuç si´
Travis sp´dza d∏ugie godziny d∏ubiàc przy see to sth – zajàç si´ czymÊ, zadbaç o coÊ
swoim rowerze. tinker with sth – d∏ubaç przy czymÊ,
make over
– odmieniaç, zmieniaç Say it in English:
She got back from the hairdresser upowszechniç si´, przyjàç si´ – catch on
completely made over. pasowaç do czegoÊ – go with sth
Wróci∏a od fryzjera zupe∏nie odmieniona. zgasiç, ugasiç coÊ – put sth out

Now listen to the short dialogue. Part 13
Listen carefully and pay
special attention to phrasal Listen carefully to the phrasal
verbs that appear in verbs together with their Polish
the conversation. translations. Repeat each
phrasal verb after the speaker.
– Is she coming to the party or not? She’s Then listen to the sentence that
been tinkering around upstairs for ages indicates how to use it properly.
now. I think she must be giving herself
a complete make over. When it comes break down
to looking gorgeous no-one can dress – rozbiç, roz∏o˝yç
up the way Chloe does. What do you call the enzyme that breaks
– Yeah, tell me about it. Do you think down proteins?
these shoes go with this outfit? Jak nazywa si´ enzym, który rozk∏ada
I’ve gained weight and I can’t do bia∏ka?
the zipper up on the other dress.
– Yeah, I think you look great. Don’t cater for
worry about your extra weight – I can’t – zaspokajaç
see it. Are those shoes comfy enough This programme is meant to cater for
to dance in though? I know that they’ve the needs of disabled people.
really caught on, but I’d hate for you Ten program ma na celu zaspokajanie
to get blisters. potrzeb ludzi niepe∏nosprawnych.

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 25 (Black plate)


come down with sth keep away

– zachorowaç, zapaÊç na coÊ – trzymaç si´ z daleka
She came down with chickenpox when Keep away from drugs.
she was eleven. Trzymaj si´ z daleka od narkotyków.
Zachorowa∏a na osp´ wietrznà, kiedy
mia∏a jedenaÊcie lat. light sth up
– zapaliç
come round As if on cue, they both retrieved ciga-
– odzyskaç przytomnoÊç rettes from their bags and lit them up.
When she finally came round, she didn’t Jak na zawo∏anie obie wyj´∏y papierosy
know where she was. z torebek i zapali∏y je.
Kiedy w koƒcu odzyska∏a przytomnoÊç,
nie wiedzia∏a, gdzie jest. show in
– wprowadziç
die away – ucichnàç, zaniknàç He asked the nurse to show in the next
The sobs finally died away and the baby patient.
fell asleep. Poprosi∏ piel´gniark´, ˝eby wprowadzi∏a
Pochlipywanie wreszcie ucich∏o i niemowl´ nast´pnego pacjenta.
work out
draw on – çwiczyç, “pakowaç”
– zaciàgnàç si´ np. papierosem Jim works out every day in the gym.
She snatched the cigarette out of my Jim çwiczy codziennie na si∏owni.
hand and drew on it greedily.
Wyrwa∏a mi papierosa z r´ki i zaciàgn´∏a write off sth/someone
si´ nim ∏apczywie. – skreÊliç coÊ, kogoÊ
Let’s give the player one more chance
give sth up – rzuciç coÊ before we write him off.
I gave up smoking two years ago. Dajmy temu zawodnikowi jeszcze jednà
Rzuci∏am palenie dwa lata temu. szans´, zanim go skreÊlimy.

grow out of sth cut down (on sth)

– wyrosnàç z czegoÊ – ograniczyç
I hope she’ll grow out of biting her nails. You should try to cut down on smoking.
Mam nadziej´, ˝e ona wyroÊnie z obgryzania PowinieneÊ ograniczyç palenie.
paznokci. 25
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fall over – Sorry about that. I know I should really

– przewróciç si´ cut down. I’ve been working out at the
She tripped and fell over, hurting her gym more often recently. I’ve lost a lot of
elbow. weight too, but I’m afraid that if I give
Potkn´∏a si´ i przewróci∏a, raniàc si´ up smoking I’ll put on weight again.
w ∏okieç. – You know, that’s a really silly reason
to smoke. I’m trying to stop because
put down I want to be healthier, you should too.
– uÊpiç (zwierz´)
My dog was old and sick and had to be Exercise. Translate the following
put down. phrases into Polish:
Mój pies by∏ stary i chory – musia∏ zostaç
uÊpiony. come round – odzyskaç przytomnoÊç
give sth up – rzuciç coÊ
take against someone cut down (on sth) – ograniczyç
– nabraç niech´ci do kogoÊ
My dog took against him instantly. Say it in English:
Mój pies od razu nabra∏ do niego niech´ci. çwiczyç, „pakowaç” – work out
uÊpiç (zwierz´) – put down
put on nabraç niech´ci do kogoÊ – take against
– przybraç np. na wadze someone
The food was delicious there and we all
put on weight.
Jedzenie by∏o tam pyszne i wszyscy Part 14
przybraliÊmy na wadze
Listen carefully to the phrasal
verbs together with their Polish
Now listen to the short dialogue. translations. Repeat each
Listen carefully and pay special phrasal verb after the speaker.
attention to phrasal verbs that Then listen to the sentence that
appear in the conversation. indicates how to use it properly.

– I’ve been trying to give up cigarettes live on sth

for ages now. Watching you light up – ˝yç, utrzymywaç si´ z czegoÊ
now makes me want to start all over For the last 10 years they’ve been living
again. on lottery winnings.

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 27 (Black plate)


Od dziesi´ciu lat ˝yjà z pieni´dzy fill in (UK), fill out (US)

wygranych na loterii. – wype∏niç
Please, fill in this application form.
crop up Prosz´ wype∏niç ten formularz aplikacyjny.
– pojawiç si´, zdarzyç si´
niespodziewanie mark down – obni˝yç ceny
Apparently some technical problems The winter collection is marked down
cropped up, and they were unable 50%.
to complete the project. Ceny kolekcji zimowej sà obni˝one o 50%.
Najwyraêniej pojawi∏y si´ jakieÊ problemy
techniczne i nie byli w stanie sfinalizowaç add up – mieç sens
projektu. Why would he want to sell this beautiful
house for such a low price? It doesn’t add up.
call back – oddzwoniç Dlaczego chcia∏by sprzedaç taki pi´kny
I’ve got someone on the other line, can dom za tak niskà cen´? To nie ma sensu.
I call you back?
Mam kogoÊ na drugiej linii, mog´ do ciebie get through
oddzwoniç? – dodzwoniç si´, po∏àczyç
His phone is always engaged, it might
close down – zamknàç take you a while to get through.
After a series of accidents the factory Jego telefon jest zawsze zaj´ty, mo˝e
was closed down. chwil´ potrwaç, zanim si´ dodzwonisz.
Po serii wypadków fabryka zosta∏a
zamkni´ta. use up – zu˝yç, wyczerpaç
We used up all the ink in the printer
cut back – zredukowaç printing the leaflets.
They had to cut back the factory’s Zu˝yliÊmy ca∏y tusz w drukarce, drukujàc
workforce. ulotki.
Musieli zredukowaç liczb´ pracowników
fabryki. keep up
– nadà˝aç za kimÊ, za czymÊ,
fall behind dotrzymywaç kroku
– zalegaç, mieç zaleg∏oÊci It’s hard for the older generations to keep
I’ve fallen behind with my student loan up with new technological inventions.
payments. Starszym pokoleniom trudno jest nadà˝yç
Zalegam ze sp∏atà kredytu studenckiego. za najnowszymi wynalazkami technicznymi. 27
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Now listen to the short text. Part 15
Listen carefully and pay special
attention to phrasal verbs that Listen carefully to the phrasal
appear in this recording. verbs together with their Polish
translations. Repeat each
Due to cut backs an automated phone sys- phrasal verb after the speaker.
tem was installed. However, problems soon Then listen to the sentence that
began to crop up. Customers had problems indicates how to use it properly.
getting through and found it hard
to keep up with the automated directions. come from – dochodziç skàdÊ
As there was no-one to attend to the prob- (np. o dêwi´ku, zapachu)
lem customers patience was swiftly used I heard a strange noise coming from my
up. The staff began to fall behind with neighbours’ flat.
their workload as they were trying to fill Us∏ysza∏am dziwny dêwi´k dochodzàcy
out customer complaint forms, and didn’t z mieszkania sàsiadów.
always have time to call customers back.
The reason for having this system just break down – wy∏amaç
didn’t add up and soon the company lost We’d lost the house keys and had to break
so much of its business that it had to close the door down.
down two of its departments. That left ZgubiliÊmy klucze do domu i musieliÊmy
many unhappy ex-employees with only wy∏amaç drzwi.
unemployment benefits to live on.
cry out for sth
– domagaç si´, wymagaç czegoÊ
Exercise. Translate the following This house is crying out for general
phrases into Polish: repairs.
Ten dom a˝ wo∏a o generalny remont.
live on sth – ˝yç, utrzymywaç si´ z czegoÊ
cut back – zredukowaç link up – pod∏àczyç
mark down – obni˝yç ceny Is your house linked up to the sewerage
Say it in English: Czy twój dom jest pod∏àczony do kanalizacji?
zalegaç, mieç zaleg∏oÊci – fall behind
dodzwoniç si´, po∏àczyç – get through look out – uwa˝aç
nadà˝aç za kimÊ, za czymÊ, dotrzymywaç Look out, the ceiling is very low here.
kroku – keep up Uwa˝aj, sufit jest tu bardzo nisko.

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move in – wprowadziç si´ Uwa˝aj, dobrze? Prawie stràci∏eÊ ten

Can I move in with you? wazon ze sto∏u.
Czy mog´ si´ do ciebie wprowadziç?
break off – oderwaç, od∏amaç (si´)
move out I dropped that mug on the floor and the
– wyprowadziç si´ handle broke off.
The owner of the flat wants us to move UpuÊci∏am ten kubek na pod∏og´ i odpad∏o
out next week. mu ucho.
W∏aÊcicielka mieszkania chce, ˝ebyÊmy
wyprowadzili si´ w przysz∏ym tygodniu. come round
– przyjÊç z wizytà, odwiedzaç
switch on – w∏àczyç If you decide to come round, phone me first.
Switch the video on first, then put GdybyÊ zdecydowa∏ si´ do mnie przyjÊç,
the tape inside. najpierw zadzwoƒ.
Najpierw w∏àcz magnetowid, nast´pnie
w∏ó˝ do Êrodka kaset´.
Now listen to the short text.
turn off – wy∏àczyç Listen carefully and pay special
Turn the telly off if you’re not watching it. attention to phrasal verbs that
Wy∏àcz telewizor, jeÊli nie oglàdasz. appear in this recording.

give off – wydzielaç I heard a strange noise coming from

Something is rotting in that cupboard next door, so I went round to investigate.
and giving off a very unpleasant smell. I knocked, but got no answer, so I tried
CoÊ gnije w tej szafce i wydziela bardzo the door handle, but it broke off in
nieprzyjemny zapach. my hand. The place is crying out for
repairs. The Harrisons moved out last
get out – wydostaç si´ month, they were too old to get out
I spent all morning locked in the house, anymore, so I think they moved in
unable to get out. with their daughter. I knew someone else
Sp´dzi∏am ca∏y ranek zamkni´ta w domu, had moved into that house, but I hadn’t
nie mogàc si´ wydostaç. met them yet. I didn’t know what to do,
the strange noise persisted, so I decided
watch out – uwa˝aç to break down the door. Inside, the new
Watch out, will you? You almost knocked décor looked like it had been left up to
that vase off the table. a five year old. I had to look out for 29
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my safety as I crossed the floor, there break up – zerwaç, rozstaç si´

were boxes all over it. Finally I found It’s hard to believe they’ve broken up,
the light and switched it on. I turned such a perfect couple!
off the television in the living room, Trudno uwierzyç, ˝e oni zerwali, taka
the sound stopped. There was a pile of idealna para!
something on the floor that was giving
off a disgusting smell. There was no-one embark on sth
home. I don’t know who my new neigh- – rozpoczàç coÊ (szczególnie coÊ
bours are – but I’m going to watch out powa˝nego)
for them, they’re scary if the inside Are you sure you’re ready to embark on
of their house is anything to go by. a new relationship?
Masz pewnoÊç, ˝e jesteÊ gotowy wejÊç
w nowy zwiàzek?
Exercise. Translate the following
phrases into Polish: fall for someone
– zakochaç si´ w kimÊ
cry out for sth – domagaç si´, wymagaç Benji has fallen for one of his older
czegoÊ sister’s schoolmates.
switch on – w∏àczyç Benji zakocha∏ si´ w jednej ze szkolnych
turn off – wy∏àczyç kole˝anek swojej siostry.

Say it in English: fill up – wype∏niç

wprowadziç si´ – move in Her eyes filled up with tears as she
wyprowadziç si´ – move out was waving him good bye.
przyjÊç z wizytà, odwiedzaç – come round Jej oczy wype∏ni∏y si´ ∏zami, gdy macha∏a
mu na po˝egnanie.

Part 16 go out with someone – chodziç z kimÊ
Martin is going out with a fashion model.
Listen carefully to the phrasal Martin chodzi z modelkà.
verbs together with their Polish
translations. Repeat each light up – rozÊwietliç si´
phrasal verb after the speaker. Whenever someone mentions Susan’s
Then listen to the sentence name Paul’s eyes light up.
that indicates how to use Kiedykolwiek ktoÊ wspomni imi´ Susan,
it properly. Paulowi rozÊwietlajà si´ oczy.

Phrasal Verbs 3 1/26/06 18:43 Page 31 (Black plate)


look forward to sth ask someone out

– wyczekiwaç, nie móc si´ doczekaç – zaprosiç kogoÊ na randk´
czegoÊ Jack is too shy to ask Jane out.
She was looking forward to finally Jack jest zbyt nieÊmia∏y, ˝eby zaprosiç Jane
meeting that mysterious girlfriend of his. na randk´.
Oczekiwa∏a z niecierpliwoÊcià, a˝ wreszcie
pozna t´ jego tajemniczà dziewczyn´. check out
– spojrzeç, sprawdziç
pick someone up Check out that bird over the road. She’s
– poderwaç kogoÊ got a great pair of legs.
Tom picked Sue up in a night club. Spójrz na tego kociaka po drugiej stronie
Tom poderwa∏ Sue w nocnym klubie. ulicy. Ma niez∏e nogi.

show sth/someone off turn on – podniecaç

– chwaliç si´ kimÊ, czymÊ She’s got great legs. She really turns me on.
He brought his new girlfriend to show Ona ma wspania∏e nogi. Naprawd´ mnie
her off. podnieca.
Przyprowadzi∏ swojà nowà dziewczyn´,
˝eby si´ nià pochwaliç. put out
– wyprowadzaç z równowagi
split up – rozstaç si´ Yesterday’s row really put me out.
They keep splitting up and getting back Wczorajsza k∏ótnia naprawd´ wyprowadzi∏a
together again. mnie z równowagi.
Oni ciàgle ze sobà zrywajà i wracajà do
siebie. go by – sugerowaç si´
He seems to be a reasonable man, if my
tell off – zbesztaç daughter’s opinion is anything to go by.
I was so happy that she was back I didn’t On wydaje si´ rozsàdnym cz∏owiekiem, jeÊli
even tell her off. mo˝na oprzeç si´ na opinii mojej córki.
By∏em tak szcz´Êliwy, ˝e wróci∏a, ˝e nawet
jej nie skrzycza∏em. bottle up
– t∏umiç w sobie
turn up There’s a lot of bottled up anger in their
– pojawiç si´ relationship.
He turned up late with a bunch of flowers. W ich zwiàzku jest wiele t∏umionego
Pojawi∏ si´ spóêniony z bukietem kwiatów. gniewu. 31
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ask after someone my office with a big bunch of flowers.

– pytaç o kogoÊ I was going to tell him off, but his
I don’t understand why you dislike him persistence and, and his smile won me
so much. He asks after you every time over – so I accepted.
I see him. – And is it working out? This wonderful
Nie rozumiem, dlaczego tak go nie lubisz. romance you’ve embarked on?
On zawsze pyta si´ o ciebie, gdy go Any plans to settle down together
spotykam. if you work out as a couple?
– Well, it’s early days yet, I always look
settle down forward to our dates though. I love the
– ustatkowaç si´ way he shows me off when we go out,
It’s time for you to settle down. it makes me feel a million dollars. Some
Czas, ˝ebyÊ si´ ustatkowa∏. guy was checking me out in a club on
Saturday, he tried to pick me up, but
make up I wasn’t interested. When I told Mark
– pogodziç si´ he seemed quite put out – with the
They usually need a couple of days guy that is!
to make up after an argument. – Why?
Zwykle potrzebujà par´ dni, ˝eby pogodziç – Well, if his reaction was anything to
si´ po k∏ótni. go by I think he was a bit jealous! He
needn’t worry though – I’m not going to
break up with him anytime soon.
Now listen to the short dialogue.
Listen carefully and pay special
attention to phrasal verbs that Exercise. Translate the following
appear in the conversation. phrases into Polish:

– So, Sarah, are you going out with break up – zerwaç, rozstaç si´
Mark? fall for someone – zakochaç si´ w kimÊ
– Who told you? tell off – zbesztaç
– Well, it’s the way your eyes light up
whenever you talk about him, I knew Say it in English:
you’d fallen for him. wyczekiwaç, nie móc si´ doczekaç czegoÊ
– Yes, he asked me out several times, – look forward to sth
when I said no he was really put out. poderwaç kogoÊ – pick someone up
Then three weeks ago he turned up at ustatkowaç si´ – settle down


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