Performance Improvement Plan

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Performance Improvement Plan

Deficiency Statement: Employee fails to adhere to a number of performance standards required.

Duty 1
Assigned work is completed on time and in order of most important to least important tasks.

 Priority: Failure to complete work in the appropriate time creates problems for
employees and guests.
 Performance Standard:
o Priority 1 Tasks: Urgent tasks that involve disruption of service to guests must be
addressed within 30 minutes.
o Priority 2 Tasks: High priority tasks that cause minor disruption of service must
be addressed within 24 hours.
o Priority 3 Tasks: Moderate non-critical tickets will be addressed within 3-4 days.
o Priority 4 Tasks: Low priority tasks will be done on an as time is available basis,
to not exceed 1 week.
o Priority 5 Tasks: Very low priority tasks will be done on an as time is available

Technicians should be allowed to exceed time limits only if clearly communicated

with supervisor and end user.

 Goals and Timetables:

o Monday of each week, work in-progress will be reviewed.
o No Priority 1 work will have remained incomplete for more than one day from its
receipt by you unless some unusual situation has occurred which has been
documented and approved by your immediate supervisor,
o Priority 2 work in-progress will be acceptable only if it has been discontinued to
complete a Priority 1 task or there is clear documentation detailing daily
communications with the user.
o Priority 3-5 tasks should be clearly documented and indicate clear and frequent
communication with the end user.
 Action Plans: The Employees open tickets will be reviewed by employee and supervisor
every Monday to identify areas where problems are occurring and to devise alternative
plans when necessary.

Duty 2
Employee should provide clear and frequent communication to end users in response to open

 Priority: Ensures that end users are aware of the status of their support tickets and helps
to eliminate any possibility of miscommunication.
 Performance Standard: Employees are expected to follow these guidelines for
o Employees will ensure that the end user has been contacted for clarification
whenever necessary.
o It should be the first priority of the employee to contact the end user prior to
beginning work in order to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
o Any possible delays in completion of tickets should be clearly documented, and
the end user notified prior to the ticket priority deadlines listed above.
o All communication revolving around open tickets should always be documented
in order to prevent a breakdown in communication.
 Goals and Timetables: Document and notate all communication attempts and ensure
they follow the response guidelines listed above.
 Action Plan: The Employees tickets will be reviewed by employee and supervisor
weekly to identify areas where levels of communication need to be increased.

Duty 3
Employee must be available to work when on site or on call.

 Priority: Employee is expected to perform work as necessary in order to prevent

significant loss of productivity.
 Performance Standard: Employee should adhere to the following standards regarding
o Employee must be available to work when on the clock.
o When on site the employee should be free from any obvious distractions.
o When on site the employee should take care to not provide unnecessary
distractions to those around them.
o Employee must be available to respond in a timely fashion to emergency calls
when on call.
o Employees unable to meet on-call obligations are responsible for coordinating
coverage ahead of time.
 Goals and Timetables: Beginning immediately the employee will ensure they are
available as required and operate free from distractions.
 Action Plans: All on-call hours spent working should be logged. Any inability to work
should be coordinated ahead of time through the immediate supervisor.

Duty 4

Maintain open communication with other staff members and avoid defensiveness.

 Priority: Disharmony in the workplace has a negative effect on morale and in

accomplishing the goals of the department.
 Performance Standards: Employee's performance meets expectations when employee:
o Is polite
o Accepts assistance from other staff when offered, or declines it gracefully
o Cooperates and collaborates on projects with other staff
o Is clear and honest about missteps; avoiding defensiveness
o Takes pride in and responsibility for own work without becoming possessive
about it
 Goals and Timetables: Based on direct observations and reports from colleagues you
clearly communicate with your teammates without incident going forward.
 Action Plans: Your immediate supervisor will meet with you on a regular basis (no less
frequently that bi-weekly) to discuss problems you identify as prohibiting you from
accomplishing this goal. You will provide input and feedback to your immediate
supervisor to help identify areas where you believe that improvement can be made.

Duty 5

Employee should be thorough and detail oriented when completing a task or project.

 Priority: Failure to provide consistency in task completion leaves the process open to
critical failure.
 Performance Standards: Employee is expected to provide consistency in regards to the
level of work. All tasks should be uniform in their completeness and attention to detail.
All proper steps need to consistently performed and great care needs to be taken to ensure
that the end product meets the initial specifications set forth by the end user and
department standards.
 Goals and Timetables: Effective immediately all tasks will be completed thoroughly
and to the detailed specifications of the end user and supervisor.
 Action Plans: All tasks and projects will be reviewed on a weekly basis in order to
determine their level of completeness. All tests and review of tasks will be clearly noted.
For detailed tasks, the employee should develop checklists to ensure that all of the initial
specifications of the task or project are met.

Duty 6

Employee should set realistic timelines for detailed projects and take great measure to adhere to
those deadlines.

 Priority: Failure to adhere to project deadlines can create an overflow that makes
completion of other critical tasks more challenging.
 Performance Standards: Employee is expected to follow these guidelines when
maintaining project deadlines:
o Employees must set realistic target date for projects assigned to them and clearly
communicate that target date.
o Employees will be responsible for meeting the specified target date as a deadline
and must provide proactive communication about obstacles and delays that may
necessitate movement of that deadline.
o Employees will work as necessary to complete projects by the deadline stated.
o Employee will be innovative and take ownership for overcoming obstacles that
threaten to delay or derail projects.
 Goals and Timetables: Effective immediately all projects will be completed by the
stated target dates.
 Action Plans: All projects will be reviewed every Wednesday. Any obstacle or delay
shall be clearly communicated as they arise and shall be accompanied with a plan as to
how the employee will overcome the obstacle or delay.

Duty 7

Employee should act in accordance to direct instruction from supervisor.

 Priority: Direct instruction from supervisor is done in an effort to quickly and efficiently
complete the department goals. Failure to follow directions can result in missed
deadlines, injuries, or other complications.
 Performance Standards: Employee is expected to follow directions given to him by his
supervisor. In the event that there is a disagreement or the employee is unable to follow
the directions, it is the responsibility of the employee to notify the supervisor, the CIO, or
Human Resources detailing the directions given and the reasoning for not following the
 Goals and Timetables: Effective immediately, barring any acceptable disagreement
approved by the supervisor, the CIO, or Human Resources instructions provided will be
carried out with minimal delay.
 Action Plans: You will act in accordance to directions given and clearly communicate
when those directions are unclear, unreasonable, or unfair.

Terms of Agreement The purpose of this document is to identify performance deficiencies and
to provide a clear concise mechanism for improving performance to a standard of "Meets
Expectations". Items contained in this plan are subject to modification under several
circumstances. First, should it become clear that the level of "Meets Expectations" has been
attained prior to the projected date, the plan may be dissolved upon agreement of the supervisor
and employee. Second, where improvement in overall performance is noted, but additional time
and/or training is required to reach a standard of "Meets Expectations" in all areas, the plan may
be renegotiated. Finally, after a reasonable amount of time has passed, should it be determined
that the overall performance continues at the level of "Does Not Meet Expectations" or that a
standard of "Meets Expectations" cannot be met.

We agree to work together on the items identified in this Performance Improvement Plan and to
make every effort to reach the goals and expectations defined.

Supervisor's Signature________________________ Date_________________

Employee Signature____________________________ Date__________________

Next Performance Review Date______________________

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