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Calculation For X Direction

T = 5.2 sec Building Time Period (From ETABS)
L = 98.0 ft Building width Parallel to Wind
B = 170.0 ft Building width Perpendicular to Wind
H = 328.0 ft Building Height
m1  1918940 Slugs building (modal) Mass - Slugs (From ETABS)
V = 101 mph Wind Speed
  2.0% Damping Ratio
Zmin = 15 ft From table 6.2 ASCE-70-2005
  0.0024 Slugs Air denisty (Ib.sec2/ft) - Slugs
Cfx  1.3 (0.8+0.5) Along - wind force Coefficient
φ(z)  1.0 Constant the fundamental model shape = (z/h) ξ
c = 0.2 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
l = 500 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
 = 0.154 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
^ = 0.105 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
b- = 0.65 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
b^ = 1.00 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
gQ = 3.4 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
gV = 3.4 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
 = 0.20 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
 = 1.00 First Mode exponent taken 1.0
Z` = 196.80 ft Z'=0.6 H
n1 = 0.193 Hz n1=1/T nutural frequancy
IZ = 0.149 IZ= C(33/Z)1/6 Eq (6-5)

Lz = 714.62 LZ = I (Z/33) Eq (6-7)
2 2 0.63
Q = 0.666 Q = 1/(1+0.63(b+H)/LZ) Eq (6-6)
gR = 3.777 gR = (2ln(3600n1)0.50 +0.566/(2ln(3600n 1)0.5) Eq (6-9)
Z = 126.73 ft/sec V z = b- (Z//33)a- * V (88/60) Eq (6-14)
Z = 178.77 ft/sec V z = b^ (Z//33)a^ * V (88/60)
N1 = 1.086 N1 = n1*LZ-/VZ- Eq (6-12)
Rn = 0.126 Rn = 7.47N1/(1+10.3N1) Eq (6-11)
b = 1.189 b = 4.6*n1 *B/V z Eq (6-13)
h = 2.294 h = 4.6*n1 *H/V Z Eq (6-13)
L = 2.295 L = 15.4*n1 *L/V Z Eq (6-13)
RB = 0.520 RB = (1/b) - (1/(b)2 *(1 - e-2b) Eq (6-13a)
2 2h
RH = 0.342 RH = (1/h) - (1/(h) *(1 - e- ) Eq (6-13a)
2 2L
RL = 0.342 RL = (1/L) - (1/(L) *(1 - e- ) Eq (6-13a)
2 2
R = 0.772 R = 1/*(Rn*R H*RL)*(0.53+0.47RL) Eq (6-10)

Gf = 1.041 2 2
Gf = 0.925(1+1.7IZ*(gQ Q2+gR R2)0.5)/(1+(1.7gv*IZ-) Eq (6-8)

Refrences: ASCE 7 2005 Chapter 6

Calculation For Y Direction

T = 5.2 sec Building Time Period (From ETABS)
L = 170.0 ft Building width Parallel to Wind
B = 98.0 ft Building width Perpendicular to Wind
H = 328.0 ft Building Height
m1  1918940 Slugs building (modal) Mass - Slugs (From ETABS)
V = 101 mph Wind Speed
  2.0% Damping Ratio
Zmin = 15 ft From table 6.2 ASCE-70-2005
  0.0024 Slugs Air denisty (Ib.sec2/ft) - Slugs
Cfx  1.3 (0.8+0.5) Along - wind force Coefficient
φ(z)  1.0 Constant the fundamental model shape = (z/h) ξ
c = 0.2 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
l = 500 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
 = 0.154 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
^ = 0.105 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
b- = 0.65 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
b^ = 1.00 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
gQ = 3.4 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
gV = 3.4 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
 = 0.20 From table 6.2 ASCE-7-2005
 = 1.00 First Mode exponent taken 1.0
Z` = 196.80 ft Z'=0.6 H
n1 = 0.193 Hz n1=1/T nutural frequancy
IZ = 0.149 IZ= C(33/Z)1/6 Eq (6-5)

Lz = 714.62 LZ = I (Z/33) Eq (6-7)
2 2 0.63
Q = 0.687 Q = 1/(1+0.63(b+H)/LZ) Eq (6-6)
gR = 3.777 gR = (2ln(3600n1)0.50 +0.566/(2ln(3600n 1)0.5) Eq (6-9)
Z = 126.73 ft/sec V z = b- (Z//33)a- * V (88/60) Eq (6-14)
Z = 178.77 ft/sec V z = b^ (Z//33)a^ * V (88/60)
N1 = 1.086 N1 = n1*LZ-/VZ- Eq (6-12)
Rn = 0.126 Rn = 7.47N1/(1+10.3N1) Eq (6-11)
b = 0.685 b = 4.6*n1 *B/V z Eq (6-13)
h = 2.294 h = 4.6*n1 *H/V Z Eq (6-13)
L = 3.980 L = 15.4*n1 *L/V Z Eq (6-13)
RB = 0.665 RB = (1/b) - (1/(b)2 *(1 - e-2b) Eq (6-13a)
2 2h
RH = 0.342 RH = (1/h) - (1/(h) *(1 - e- ) Eq (6-13a)
2 2L
RL = 0.220 RL = (1/L) - (1/(L) *(1 - e- ) Eq (6-13a)
2 2
R = 0.905 R = 1/*(Rn*R H*RL)*(0.53+0.47RL) Eq (6-10)

Gf = 1.072 2 2
Gf = 0.925(1+1.7IZ*(gQ Q2+gR R2)0.5)/(1+(1.7gv*IZ-) Eq (6-8)

Refrences: ASCE 7 2005 Chapter 6

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