Research Project Guidelines and Others

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Curriculum Vitae

Your CV should provide a summary of your past experiences, academic and non-academic. Next to
your studies, your international experience, internships and volunteer work are important and will be
considered by the selection committee. If some of your past internships, projects, activities etc. have
a specific connection to GSP components, they can be highlighted in your motivation letter, and/or
you can submit additional certificates thereof. Please only include additional certificates if they are
specifically relevant to the Global Studies Programme and its components.

Your CV should contain the following pieces of information: first name, last name, date of birth,
place of birth, address of current residence, current email address.

Research Proposal

In addition to your letter of motivation, you need to submit a proposal for a hypothetical research
project (length approximately 800 words, excluding references). You should come up with a research
question and elaborate how you would investigate it. There are no topic guidelines as we encourage
you to focus on issues that you personally find relevant. Note that a proper research proposal
contains a list of references, as well as a hypothesis or research questions.

Please note that this research proposal is fictional! You are not required to pursue it as part of your
degree. It merely helps us to assess your scientific and research skills. Please do not submit
(extracts of) old term papers, essays, or theses. If you want to re-use any of your old ideas, you can
instead develop a research propsal based on your old work. 

Elements that you could incorporate into your proposal:

- Within which wider discipline is your research question located?

- How does your research question contribute to ongoing discussions within the discipline?

- Which previous research does your question relate to or build on?

- What research methods would you choose to investigate your question?

- What do you expect the results to look like?

At the end of the research proposal, please include a statement confirming that you composed the
proposal yourself (similar to the motivation letter). Also, please include a word count (excluding blank
spaces) at the end of the document.

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