Bhagavad Guna Darpanam

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With Translation in English By

“SrI Desika Darsana Durantarar”

Pudukkottai SrI U.Ve.A.Srinivasaraghavachar Swamy
SrI Vishnu Sahasranama
with bhashyya of
SrI Parasara Bhattar

Translated in English by

“SrI Desika Darsana Durantarar”

Pudukkottai SrI U.Ve.A.Srinivasaraghavachar
Sincere Thanks to SrI Oppiliappan Koil SrI V.sadagopan Swamy for
hosting this title in his website
Topic Scanned
Page No.

1 Introduction … I-XXV
2 Vishnu Sahasra Nama Stotram … 1-50
3. Bhagavad Guna-Darpana … 1-104
4. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 1-100 … 105-231
5. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 101-200 … 232-301
6. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 201-300 … 302-358
7. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 301-400 … 359-416
8. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 401-500 … 417-489
9. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 501-600 … 490-550
10. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 601-700 … 551-612
11. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 701-800 … 613-668
12. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 801-900 … 669-731
13. Sahasra Nama Bhasya Namas 901-1000 … 732-795
14. Appendix … 796-812
15. Index … 1-117
Namperumal and Thayar Serthi utsavam – SrIrangam

Namperumal with SrI Kamalavalli Nachiyar - Uraiyur
SrI Parasara Bhattar

SrI ParAsara BhattArya: SrI RangEsa PurOhita: |

SrI VatsAnga Suta: SrImAn SrEyasE mEastu bhUyasE ||
Pudukkottai SrI U.Ve. A.Srinivasaraghvachar Swamy and his dharmapathni
Smt Padmasani Ammal

Swamy’s Taniyan

श्रीर�ेशशठा�रयोगी क�णा ल�ा��चक्राि�तं

भार�ाजकुला�� शीतिकरणं श्रीसौव्�नारायणात् |
मा�ादे िशक स�माद��गत��यु �ं सदा
शा�ं श्रीिनिधराघवािभधगु �ं व�े दयासागरं ||
Sri Vishnu Sahasranama :
With. the. Bhaahya of . .

·.. Sri .. Parasara Bhattar

· . ·· Witt/ fran#ation in- Engl/sh ·

· ·.:<. Published by
Sri ·vi.sishtadvaita P.racharini .Sabha (Regd. 1959}
· .:- MYLAPORE, MADRAS· 600 004
Price: Rs. 65] .·. · (Postage Extra) [1983

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f. .
�- . .

. Sri Mahelakshmi's.·. Grace. cho�e ·. · niy . hu tnbl!' . self five

t _de�!l�el �go as Qn ill$tnlinent for J:>iinging o�t _a'it H_er Stot,as
t-- . '.bv ·sr{vaishnava,Ach$()'8S in a single v�lum_e_.'-. r.h�'.ffrst s,ctiqn
.f : .
of that bookc;o.ntafoed the Sri Suk_ta�bha$hya ·of N�j1jlyar. ( 1·2th
.t · .
. Centu rv)' which ·was nQt in print till ttier.a: .. A �tm�leaf Maous­
. .
cript of the work was with my rev�r�d Ac_i,a·,y,-, '$,ri ?.��!fl.VS
nararanactiarye_of Tlrukkottiyurwf)Q gave� to � arid ·help�:d
me t� pu_blish it. The sec::ond see�lo·n comprised th_e Text ·tn
Sanskrit and Translation in. English: of
tne follc>wirig. ··stotras:
Sr_i Sukta. Chatus-s·lokee.of Alav�nder, 'the·-m�L
paragraph ··of
Saran�gati-gadya of Sri �i;imenuia, · Sri �i�ye. :ot Sri'l��sanlta
Misra, Srigunarathnakosa· ·of Parasara Bhattar arid Sri Stutl of
Sri' Vedantadesika. · TheLaksini-sahesranama and .· Lak5hmi "
eshtcittara with .. thej; 'Nam�vaiit and the c·hapter'in Vishnu
Purana (_�hich descripes the birth of la_b,mi. l fo�ined 'the · test
section. Now M1;1havishnu's Kripaa ha:s chose� this ,,it to
publish with · Trenslatjon in EriQI ish Sri Vishnu-seh'aara,:\ama
with the Bhashya of Parasara Bhatta.

Br�hma Sutra�, Bhagavad Qita an� Vi�hnu•ea�asran��a. ·

Jfl. pf Which are the works of _Sage V�davvasa, enj_oy u�c;ii1;.
·puie_(.I · ,au.thority in oi.,r coui,tiy; . Ac;JlB'rya's . 'Af _·the ··_va�it>U's
of have cin
ln�i_an Phll�soph,y'
_the� : �hich afe ,t.u�)ed ': 'i!V;th great devotion" ·a�cf
Amonest tl\ei:n Vi1hn1,J-$$aj;i'�n�mJ is n:-ore pc,p'ular thr.o_ugh­
�ritten· corri:m!lrftarie_s· .

otit the tengtti 11'.\� -.biejdU:a of ·aJia_tata•d�ea · ;tnd ]$ ·rec:lit,d

evetv �yin te11ipl�$:Prtd h�U.!iCJS. ,· It la ._aid to _be th.ti ��·and
. unfailing means for'the att�{nrneniof all d�sires �n�fa){Oldance
· of unw�tc.oma th i'1U�.and. �en for th,:�ea!isation
p{Go',t 'the
. ·sastras lay down that what' was obtained by meditation in
Krita-yuga, by sa<:'rttice inTreta-yuga and worship in 'Dv�aj:,ara·
yuga can be acquired• in �•U-yuga by the mere recitation of
the names of Bhaga_van Keaava. Mecfnatton requires contro
of senHs a_nd concentration of mind; and · sacrifice stands
rn need of weaith ancl th■ help of other,. $0 they

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