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Velocity Vector Imaging: Standard Tissue-Tracking

Results Acquired in Normals—The VVI-STRAIN Study
Shemy Carasso, MD, Patric Biaggi, MD, Harry Rakowski, MD, Diab Mutlak, MD, Jonathan Lessick, MD,
Doron Aronson, MD, Anna Woo, MD, and Yoram Agmon, MD, Haifa, Israel; Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Background: Echocardiographic imaging assessment of left ventricular mechanics is a new technology that is of-
fered by various vendors. Different software algorithms have at times yielded conflicting results. The aim of this study
was to determine normal myocardial mechanical parameters in a healthy population using Velocity Vector Imaging.

Methods: One hundred twenty subjects were selected for this study, including healthy subjects referred for
echocardiography to evaluate minor symptoms or murmurs, who had normal echocardiographic findings
and healthy volunteers. Study subjects were recruited in Haifa, Israel and Toronto, Canada. Echocardiography
was performed using commercially available systems to analyze archived studies. Endocardial and epicardial
longitudinal and circumferential strain and strain rate were calculated as well as rotational mechanical param-
eters. Age and gender differences were evaluated.

Results: Average endocardial longitudinal, circumferential, and radial strains and twist were 19.6 6
2.0%, 27.6 6 3.9%, +30.1 6 7.5%, and 9.6 6 3.9 , respectively. Epicardial circumferential strain and twist
were 11.3 6 2.2% and 4.0 6 1.9 , respectively. Shortening increased from base to apex longitudinally (10%)
and circumferentially (33%). Thickening at the apex was 16% lower than at the base. Men and older subjects
had increased endocardial circumferential strain and apical rotation.

Conclusions: Mechanical parameters differ with location (endocardial vs epicardial, basal vs apical strain
gradients), age, and gender. Care should be taken when comparing regional strain measurements between
systems, and gender and age should be matched between and within two-dimensional strain systems. (J
Am Soc Echocardiogr 2012;25:543-52.)

Keywords: Myocardial mechanics, Strain, Rotation, Normal, Speckle tracking

Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular (LV) mechanics uses from multiple vendors, provided that no machine-specific differences
relatively new technology that is now offered by various vendors.1-6 are found. A new version of VVI that allows selective measurement
Although methodology has been validated, processing algorithms of both subendocardial and subepicardial strain parameters was avail-
differ among vendors, and results may not be comparable and at able to us. Our goals were to describe endocardial and epicardial lon-
times have even yielded conflicting findings.7-10 Thus, system- gitudinal and circumferential mechanics analyzed by VVI in a normal
specific standards measured in a normal population are required. population, exploring age and gender differences as well as acquisition
Such a study was recently published for longitudinal strain11 using and storage (machine source and frame rates) differences.
EchoPAC (GE Vingmed Ultrasound AS, Horten, Norway), but results
have not been published for Velocity Vector Imaging (VVI; Siemens METHODS
Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Mountain View, CA). An advantage of
VVI software is its ability to analyze myocardial mechanics from any Study Population
ultrasound system stored in Digital Imaging and Communications Subjects selected for this study included consecutive patients referred
in Medicine format. This substantially enlarges the number of studies for elective echocardiography to evaluate minor symptoms or benign
available for analysis in echocardiography laboratories with machines murmurs during 2009. Conventional echocardiographic studies had
to be reported as having normal results, and clinically, patients had to
From Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa, Israel (S.C., D.M., J.L., D.A., Y.A.); the be healthy, without major illnesses, and free of cardiovascular risk
School of Medicine, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel factors. A second group of patients included healthy volunteers free
(S.C., J.L., D.A., Y.A.); the University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (S.C., of cardiovascular risk factors. Study subjects were recruited in Haifa,
P.B., H.R., A.W.); and Toronto General Hospital, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Israel, and Toronto, Canada.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada (P.B., H.R., A.W.).
Reprint requests: Shemy Carasso, MD, Rambam Health Care Campus, PO Box Conventional Echocardiography
9602, Haifa 31096, Israel (E-mail: Echocardiography was performed using Sequoia (Siemens Medical
0894-7317/$36.00 Solutions USA, Inc.), iE33 (Philips Medical Systems, Best, The
Copyright 2012 by the American Society of Echocardiography. Netherlands), and Vivid 7 (GE Vingmed Ultrasound AS) systems.
doi:10.1016/j.echo.2012.01.005 Studies were done and reported according to accepted guidelines of
544 Carasso et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
May 2012

the American Society of
Echocardiography12,13 and saved
CI = Confidence interval for further analysis in the
FEARR = Fractional early laboratory Digital Imaging and
apical reverse rotation Communications in Medicine
LV = Left ventricular
SR = Strain rate LV Mechanics
2D = Two-dimensional Measurements were performed
using VVI software version
VVI = Velocity Vector Imaging 2.5.1 from archived studies
(Figures 1 and 2). Using VVI’s
clip editor, QRS frames were marked and two or three consecutive
cycles were selected for analysis for each view. Endocardial and epi-
Figure 1 LV mechanical parameter orientation. LV segmenta-
cardial contours were then traced and processed. Averaged endocar- tion and myocardial mechanical parameters analyzed by VVI.
dial and epicardial circumferential strain, strain rate (SR), and rotation LAX, Long-axis; SAX, short-axis.
velocities and angles and radial strain and SR were measured at three
parasternal short-axis planes (basal, mid, and apical) in six segments interobserver variability, intraclass correlation coefficients with 95%
per short-axis section. Endocardial and epicardial longitudinal strain confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated, because they take the
and SR were measured from the apical four-chamber, two-chamber, bias between observations into account.15,16 Statistical analyses were
and three-chamber views in six segments per view. performed using SPSS release 11.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL).
Ventricular Twist. Averaged myocardial rotation angles were used
to calculate LV twist, defined as the maximal instantaneous basal-to- RESULTS
apical angle difference. Rotation and twist timing was standardized
to cycle length. Patients
Patients were consecutively recruited during 2009. Of a potential 142
Diastolic Mechanics normal subjects who met the inclusion criteria, 120 patients had
Systolic and early diastolic peak SR were measured in the longitudinal VVI-analyzable studies. Their age ranged from 19 to 84 years
and circumferential axes. We showed in a previous report that peak (median, 39 years), and 55% were men. The distribution of referral
systolic and early diastolic SR were both lower longitudinally and diagnoses is shown in Figure 3A. Assignment to echocardiographic
higher circumferentially.10,14 Assuming that systolic and diastolic machines was random and reflected machine availability
function are interrelated, we needed a new parameter to identify (Figure 3B), except for a group of Canadian volunteers who were im-
systolic-independent diastolic abnormalities. The ratio of peak early aged on the Vivid 7 system but analyzed using VVI software. Most of
diastolic to peak systolic SR ratio (SR E/S ratio) was calculated the subjects (n = 88) were enrolled in Israel and the rest in Canada.
(Figure 2A) to assess whether the diastolic and systolic extent of
changes were disproportionate. Two-Dimensional (2D) Doppler Echocardiography
We used fractional early apical reverse rotation (FEARR) to assess All conventional echocardiographic parameters were within the
early LV relaxation.14 We measured the fractional decrease in rotation accepted normal ranges for gender, age, and heart rate (Table 1).
angle from its peak value to its value 10% of the cycle length later, Women demonstrated significantly lower LV mass of about 10%,
using the equation shown in Figure 2B. The threshold of 10% diastolic while ejection fraction, Doppler, and tissue Doppler parameters
time was selected because it was previously reported to demonstrate were similar. Age was not associated with 2D echocardiographic
the largest decrease in fractional reverse rotation for moderate changes. Expected age-related significant changes in the mitral inflow
compared with mild LV hypertrophy.9 parameters and annular velocities were demonstrated.

Two-Dimensional Strain Imaging
For intraobserver variability, 10 randomly assigned patients were
reanalyzed by the same observer (S.C.) several months after the initial Acquired clips had 14 to 57 frames per heart cycle (median, 24
analysis. For interobserver variability, the same patients and the exact frames per heart cycle), corresponding to a heart rate ranging from
same loops were analyzed by a second observer (P.B.). 41 to 90 beats/min (median, 64 beats/min). Of 2,160 potential seg-
ments, 2,061 (95%), 2,021 (94%), 1,990 (92%), and 1,945 (90%)
were analyzable for longitudinal, endocardial circumferential,
Statistical Analysis
epicardial circumferential, and radial strain assessment, respectively.
Continuous data are reported as mean 6 SD. Assuming a non-normal
distribution, nonparametric tests were used. Gender subgroups as well Longitudinal Mechanics. The average longitudinal strain was
as strain gradients (endocardial and epicardial) were compared using 20 6 2.0% and demonstrated a small yet significant apical-to-basal
Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test. Differences among age subgroups, seg- gradient that was similar by gender and age (Table 2, Figure 4A).
ments, short-axis strain gradients (basal, mid, and apical), and images Basal inferior septal and inferior wall strain were lowest (16 6 3%).
from various echocardiographic machines were assessed using analy- Women had a slightly higher average longitudinal strain. Systolic and
sis of variance with Tukey’s post hoc test. P values < .05 were consid- early diastolic SR followed the same pattern, with a significant decrease
ered statistically significant. For test performance, intraobserver and in the early diastolic to systolic SR ratio (SR E/S) with older age. There
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Carasso et al 545
Volume 25 Number 5

Figure 2 Strain, SR, and rotation. (A) Strain (top) and SR (bottom) parametric maps and curves. (B) Apical rotation curve and
calculation of FEARR. CL, Cycle length; q, rotation angle.

was also a significant increase in the late diastolic SR (SR A) with age. Rotational Mechanics. Basal endocardial rotation was in the
Epicardial longitudinal strain was significantly lower than endocardial clockwise direction, and the average peak rotation angle was
strain only in apical segments (up to 50% lower; Figure 4), resulting 3.4 6 2.0 (Table 6). Mid and apical rotation were both counter-
in a nonsignificantly lower average epicardial strain (20 6 2% vs clockwise, and peak angles were 2.2 6 1.9 and 7.1 6 3.3 , respec-
18 6 4% for endocardial and epicardial strain, respectively, P > .10). tively. The opposing orientations of the basal and mid levels placed
the rotation equatorial (null rotation level) between these levels.
Circumferential Endocardial Mechanics. The average endo- This pattern was consistent between genders and did not change
cardial circumferential strain was 28 6 4%, with a large and signif- with age. The overall peak endocardial twist (peak instantaneous
icant apical-to-basal gradient (32 6 6% vs 24 6 4% at the apex apical-to-basal rotation angle difference) was 9.9 6 4.0 .
and base, respectively; Table 3). Here again, basal inferior and inferior Epicardial rotation demonstrated the same level rotation orienta-
septal segments demonstrated the lowest strain (22 6 5%). Women tion, although mid rotation was more variable in its orientation.
had mildly but significantly lower systolic strain values, and larger Peak rotation angles were <50% of endocardial angles, as was
reductions were observed in SR S and SR E, with an unchanged SR epicardial twist.
E/S ratio. With older age, systolic strain and SR S increased, resulting FEARR was 38 6 9% and was not affected by gender or age. A
in a significant decrease in the SR E/S ratio, similar to its longitudinal similarly calculated fraction for the overall twist yielded the same
value. SR A was similar in all the subgroups analyzed. fraction.
Circumferential Epicardial Mechanics. Epicardial strain was
about 40% lower than endocardial circumferential strain, averaging Frame Rate and Heart Rate. Because studies were archived
11 6 2% (Table 4). There were no differences related to gender. before the application of VVI, they were subject to reduction of frame
Epicardial strain and SR followed the endocardial pattern of changes rate due to archive storage policy. As a result, lower heart rates resulted
that were not statistically significant. in a larger number of frames per cycle. We divided patients according
to the number of frames available for analysis (<25 frames/cycle [n =
Radial Mechanics. The average radial strain was 30 6 7.5% and 69; heart rate, 72 6 9 beats/min] vs $25 frames/cycle [n = 51; heart
demonstrated a reversed apical-to-basal gradient (26 6 10% vs rate, 57 6 6 beats/min]). There were no gender or age differences be-
32 6 12%, apical and basal, respectively; Table 5). The only other tween the groups, and measured strain parameters were similar.
significant change was a decrease in the SR E/S ratio in the oldest However, the ability to identify SR A was 70% in the group with
subgroup, again similar to its longitudinal and circumferential values. low frame rates compared with 93% in the group with high frame
546 Carasso et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
May 2012

layer of myocardium assessed, apical-to-basal gradients, and the

effects of gender and age. These findings are summarized in Table 7.

Apical-to-Basal Strain Gradients, Regional Strain Dispersion

Previous studies using various modalities (magnetic resonance imag-
ing tagging, echocardiography) to assess regional strain have demon-
strated conflicting results regarding the presence of apical-to-basal
strain gradients.8,11,17-20 Circumferential gradients have been more
consistently demonstrated, because apical strain is nearly double
basal strain. Longitudinal strain gradients are much smaller, and in
some studies such gradients could not be demonstrated.11,17 Using
the first version of VVI, we also could not identify a longitudinal
strain gradient in both normal controls and a study group of
patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.8 This probably relates
to the tracking algorithm and its sensitivity.
We have also demonstrated a significant regional pattern of strain
variability, showing that basal inferior and inferior septal segmental
strain was significantly lower than opposite wall and mid segmental
strain. This finding is consistent with the well-known difficulty in the
visual assessment of hypokinesis of the same specific segments.
Whether this is an artifact due to acquisition parameters (i.e., foreshort-
ened images, overshadowing by more proximal wall region) or
represents truly decreased shortening (i.e., inclusion of part of the
membranous septum) is not known, but both are possible explanations.

Endocardial-Epicardial Strain Gradients

We have shown a decrease of about 50% in circumferential tran-
smural strain from the subendocardial to the subepicardial layer.
Circumferential strain gradients have been consistently demonstrated
by magnetic resonance imaging and lately by 2D strain as well.21-23
Figure 3 Distribution of referral diagnoses and acquisition Regarding longitudinal transmural strain gradients, these have been
machines. (A) Pie chart of the echocardiographic referral found to be very small and not significant, except in apical
diagnoses. (B) Pie chart of the echocardiographic acquisition segments. The transmural gradients in apical segments resemble
machines. ECG, Electrocardiographic. circumferential transmural strain gradients. The cause for this ‘‘apical
anomaly’’ is not clear, but it may be due to the increased apical
rates. Whether this was because of decreased VVI sensitivity or higher curvature and/or acquisition problems concerning near-field reduced
heart rates resulting in fusion of SR E and A was unclear. 2D resolution. Moreover, the presence of an endocardial apical-to-
basal gradient and an opposite epicardial basal-to-apical gradient
Echocardiographic System. Comparison of VVI-analyzed strain may be the reason longitudinal gradients were not demonstrated
parameters from studies acquired by the various available machines when full myocardial thickness longitudinal strain was measured,11
did not demonstrate any differences. while global longitudinal strain remains very similar when the same
cycle is analyzed by either system.24 The high endocardial-epicardial
Reproducibility. Intraobserver agreement intraclass correlation circumferential gradient seen here may also provide an explanation
coefficients were 0.93 for strain (95% CI, 0.84–0.97), 0.97 for SR for the generally higher circumferential endocardial strain compared
S (95% CI, 0.94–0.99), 0.95 for SR E (95% CI, 0.88–0.98), and with full-thickness averaged circumferential strain.24 Moreover,
0.97 for peak rotation angle (95% CI, 0.94–0.99). Interobserver abnormalities in strain gradients (myocardial, regional) could be
intraclass correlation coefficients were somewhat lower: 0.89 for clinically important. They may reflect ischemia (which may be more
strain (95% CI, 0.75–0.96), 0.91 for SR S (95% CI, 0.78–0.97), subendocardial), scarring patterns that are disease specific, and
0.95 for SR E (95% CI, 0.74–0.96), and 086 for peak rotation an- changes in fiber orientation and architecture. This may aid in the
gle (95% CI, 0.63–0.96). There was 100% agreement between differential diagnosis as well as in the long-term follow-up of patients.
observers regarding the rotation direction.
Gender-Related Differences
DISCUSSION We found women to have slightly higher average endocardial lon-
gitudinal strain and lower circumferential strain, SR S, and SR E.
Evaluation of myocardial mechanics can play an important role in This probably represents a slightly more vertical orientation of strain
the evaluation of disease states. Comparisons are typically made to without an actual difference in the extent of shortening. This is supported
normal controls, so it is important to understand differences in by the similar global LVejection fractions and identical radial strain (thick-
myocardial mechanics by region of the myocardium studied, age, ening) in both groups. Global diastolic mechanics assessed using global
gender, and instrumentation. In this study, we have shown where SR E/S ratio (longitudinal, circumferential, and radial) and FEARR also
important differences in measurements occur, on the basis of the did not demonstrate gender-related differences.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Carasso et al 547
Volume 25 Number 5

Table 1 Conventional 2D Doppler echocardiographic characteristics

By gender By age (y)

All patients Men Women <40 40–59 >60

Variable (n = 120) (n = 66) (n = 54) (n = 62) (n = 37) (n = 21)

Male gender 66 (55%) 36 (50%) 21 (57%) 9 (43%)

Age (y) 41 6 13 41 6 14 45 6 14 32 6 6 48 6 5† 66 6 6‡
Body surface area (m2) 1.85 6 0.19 1.94 6 0.16 1.71 6 0.14* 1.86 6 0.19 1.87 6 0.18 1.81 6 0.20
2D echocardiography
LV diastolic diameter (cm) 4.8 6 0.4 4.9 6 0.4 4.7 6 0.3* 4.9 6 0.4 4.8 6 0.3 4.6 6 0.3†
LV systolic diameter (cm) 3.1 6 0.4 3.1 6 0.3 2.9 6 0.3* 3.0 6 0.4 3.1 6 0.2 2.8 6 0.3†,‡
Septal thickness (cm) 0.8 6 0.1 0.9 6 0.1 0.8 6 0.1* 0.8 6 0.1 0.9 6 0.1 1.0 6 0.1†,‡
Posterior wall thickness (cm) 0.8 6 0.1 0.8 6 0.1 0.7 6 0.1 0.7 6 0.1 0.8 6 0.1 0.8 6 0.1
Ejection fraction (%) 66 6 9 65 6 10 67 6 6 66 6 7 65 6 11 67 6 4
LV mass (g) 128 6 25 138 6 25 114 6 20* 128 6 26 126 6 24 136 6 28
LV mass index (g/m2) 69 6 11 71 6 12 65 6 9 69 6 12 67 6 11 76 6 12†
LA size (cm) 3.5 6 0.3 3.5 6 0.3 3.4 6 0.3 3.4 6 0.3 3.5 6 0.3 3.7 6 0.4†
Mitral inflow
E/A ratio 1.3 6 0.4 1.4 6 0.5 1.3 6 0.4 1.5 6 0.4 1.3 6 0.3 1.0 6 0.3†,‡
Mitral E velocity (cm/sec) 77 6 19 75 6 18 80 6 20 78 6 22 79 6 15 73 6 17
Mitral E deceleration time (msec) 196 6 47 202 6 54 190 6 35 186 6 44 191 6 30 231 6 57†,‡
Tissue Doppler
E0 septal velocity (cm/sec) 11 6 3 10 6 3 11 6 3 14 6 3 10 6 2† 8 6 1†,‡
E0 lateral velocity (cm/sec) 13 6 4 13 6 4 13 6 4 16 6 5 12 6 3† 10 6 3†,‡
Mitral E/E0 ratio 7.4 6 2.9 7.5 6 2.8 7.2 6 3 4.5 6 2 8.8 6 2.2† 9.0 6 2.3†
Pulmonary pressure (mm Hg) 25 6 4 25 6 4 25 6 3 25 6 4 25 6 4 28 6 4†

Data are expressed as number (percentage) or as mean 6 SD.

*P < .05 versus men.

P < .05 versus age < 40 years.

P < .05 versus age 40 to 59 years.

Table 2 Longitudinal endocardial mechanics

By gender By age (y)

All patients Men Women <40 40–59 >60

Variable (n = 120) (n = 66) (n = 54) (n = 62) (n = 37) (n = 21)

Strain (%) 19.6 6 2 19.1 6 1.9 20.0 6 2.4* 19.6 6 2.1 19.5 6 1.9 19.4 6 2.7
Base 19.2 6 2.3 18.7 6 2.1 19.7 6 2.5* 19.2 6 2.2 19.3 6 2.6 18.8 6 2.6
Mid 18.1 6 2.5 17.7 6 2.3 18.5 6 2.6 18.5 6 2.5 17.6 6 2.0 17.5 6 3.0
Apex 21.3 6 3.2§ 21.0 6 2.6‡ 21.8 6 3.8§ 21.1 6 3.0§ 21.5 6 3.4§ 21.7 6 3.5§
Systolic SR (sec1) 1.02 6 0.12 1.02 6 0.12 1.01 6 0.13 1.02 6 0.12 1.04 6 0.11 1.01 6 0.15
Base 1.00 6 0.13 1.00 6 0.13 1.03 6 0.12 1.00 6 0.12 1.03 6 0.14 0.97 6 0.15
Mid 0.93 6 0.14 0.92 6 0.12 0.94 6 0.15 0.95 6 0.13 0.92 6 0.11 0.90 6 0.17
Apex 1.14 6 0.20§ 1.13 6 0.19§ 1.14 6 0.21§ 1.11 6 0.19‡ 1.17 6 0.21§ 1.16 6 0.19§
Early diastolic SR (sec1) 1.04 6 0.28 1.01 6 0.32 1.09 6 0.2 1.06 6 0.32 1.09 6 0.23 0.93 6 0.17‡
Base 0.98 6 0.28 0.94 6 0.33 1.04 6 0.19 1.00 6 0.32 1.02 6 0.24 0.87 6 0.16‡
Mid 0.94 6 0.27 0.90 6 0.30 0.99 6 0.22 0.98 6 0.31 0.94 6 0.20 0.80 6 0.17‡
Apex 1.21 6 0.36§ 1.18 6 0.38§ 1.26 6 0.33§ 1.19 6 0.39‡ 1.30 6 0.36§ 1.13 6 0.25‡,§
SR E/S ratio 1.04 6 0.13 1.02 6 0.13 1.05 6 0.12 1.07 6 0.1 1.04 6 0.14 0.93 6 0.11§
Late diastolic SR (sec1) 0.37 6 0.12 0.36 6 0.12 0.39 6 0.13 0.31 6 0.09 0.42 6 0.13† 0.46 6 0.10†
Base 0.40 6 0.14 0.40 6 0.15 0.42 6 0.14 0.34 6 0.12 0.46 6 0.16† 0.48 6 0.11†
Mid 0.37 6 0.13 0.35 6 0.13 0.38 6 0.13 0.31 6 0.10 0.41 6 0.15† 0.45 6 0.11†
Apex 0.35 6 0.14§ 0.33 6 0.12§ 0.37 6 0.16§ 0.28 6 0.10‡ 0.38 6 0.14§,† 0.45 6 0.15†

Data are expressed as mean 6 SD.

*P < .05 versus men.

P < .05 versus age < 40 years.

P < .05 versus age 40 to 59 years.
P < .05 versus base.
548 Carasso et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
May 2012

Figure 4 Longitudinal strain gradients. Example of subendocardial and subepicardial segmental strain curves. Note that peak apical
strain is highest in the subendocardial trace and lowest in the subepicardial trace, resulting in a minimally lower average (black curve)
epicardial strain.

Table 3 Circumferential endocardial mechanics

By gender By age (y)

All patients Men Women <40 40–59 >60

Variable (n = 120) (n = 66) (n = 54) (n = 62) (n = 37) (n = 21)

Strain (%) 27.9 6 4.0 28.3 6 4.2 27.2 6 3.7 26.9 6 3.7 27.9 6 4.2 31.2 6 4.3†,‡
Base 24.4 6 4.1 24.4 6 4.4 24.3 6 3.8 24.0 6 3.9 24.6 6 3.6 26.1 6 5.4
Mid 26.2 6 4.6 26.5 6 4.9 25.9 6 4.4 25.3 6 3.6 25.4 6 4.7 30.6 6 5.1†,‡
Apex 32.4 6 6.2§ 33.5 6 6.2§ 31.2 6 5.8*,§ 30.9 6 5.7§ 33.3 6 6.5† 35.9 6 6.2‡,§
Systolic SR (sec1) 1.66 6 0.33 1.71 6 0.36 1.58 6 0.28* 1.58 6 0.28 1.67 6 0.34 1.90 6 0.39†,‡
Base 1.40 6 0.27 1.42 6 0.29 1.38 6 0.24 1.38 6 0.26 1.38 6 0.26 1.50 6 0.31
Mid 1.50 6 0.33 1.55 6 0.5 1.38 6 0.25* 1.45 6 0.27 1.45 6 0.33 1.78 6 0.38†,‡
Apex 2.01 6 0.54§ 2.12 6 0.56§ 1.82 6 0.44*,§ 1.88 6 0.44§ 2.12 6 0.62†,§ 2.27 6 0.61†,§
Early diastolic SR (sec1) 1.66 6 0.34 1.71 6 0.37 1.57 6 0.28* 1.62 6 0.3 1.72 6 0.41 1.74 6 0.46
Base 1.34 6 0.29 1.38 6 0.31 1.30 6 0.27 1.34 6 0.27 1.36 6 0.32 1.30 6 0.31
Mid 1.50 6 0.36 1.56 6 0.35 1.44 6 0.29 1.46 6 0.3 1.52 6 0.46 1.64 6 0.39
Apex 2.09 6 0.61§ 2.16 6 0.58‡ 1.83 6 0.44*,§ 2.01 6 0.52§ 2.20 6 0.73§ 2.09 6 0.57§
SR E/S ratio 1.01 6 0.12 0.99 6 0.13 1.02 6 0.12 1.03 6 0.11 1.03 6 0.14 0.90 6 0.09†,‡
Late diastolic SR (sec1) 0.42 6 0.16 0.40 6 0.15 0.46 6 0.16 0.36 6 0.13 0.45 6 0.13† 0.56 6 0.31†,‡
Base 0.42 6 0.19 0.41 6 0.17 0.45 6 0.19 0.38 6 0.17 0.43 6 0.17 0.55 6 0.19†,‡
Mid 0.39 6 0.15 0.37 6 0.15 0.44 6 0.19* 0.34 6 0.16 0.41 6 0.15† 0.52 6 0.18†,‡
Apex 0.46 6 0.22 0.44 6 0.20 0.49 6 0.24 0.37 6 0.16 0.52 6 0.23† 0.57 6 0.24†

Data are expressed as mean 6 SD.

*P < .05 versus men.

P < .05 versus age < 40 years.

P < .05 versus age 40 to 59 years.
P < .05 versus base.

Age-Related Differences the echocardiographic clip. Care should be taken to draw a contour
Although longitudinal strain remained similar with aging, endocardial that is parallel to shortening orientation to measure the peak strains.
circumferential strain and SR S gradually increased. These minor Figure 5 demonstrates a common pitfall that should be avoided in
changes are probably reflected by the small trend toward increased tracing the endocardium. Papillary muscle systolic shortening
LV ejection fraction in the elderly. Although diastolic SR E did direction is perpendicular to endocardial shortening and actually
not significantly change with age, the SR E/S ratio decreased (in all strain stretch (expressing their radial strain) within their endocardial inser-
orientations), and diastolic SR A increased (longitudinal and endocardial tion region. This results in the creation of very low peak strain values
circumferential). The lack of early relaxation abnormality in the elderly in these areas if the drawn trace includes papillary insertion areas.
despite mitral inflow changes is probably supported by the unchanged Common sites for this artifact are the lower mid posterior and mid
FEARR. The lower E/S ratio and increased SR A probably represent in- anterior segments in the apical long-axis views. A somewhat more
creased myocardial stiffness (reduced passive compliance). epicardial trace, going behind the papillary muscle, usually avoids
inclusion its radial strain in shortening analyses. Similar reasoning
should be applied tracing abnormal ventricular geometries, as in
Technical Issues Using VVI
cardiomyopathies (hypertrophic or dilated).
Endocardial Trace. The single most important step in strain anal- The existence of an endocardial-epicardial strain gradient, espe-
ysis using VVI is drawing the endocardial contour before processing cially in the short axis, must be considered when drawing the trace.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Carasso et al 549
Volume 25 Number 5

Table 4 Circumferential epicardial mechanics

By gender By age (y)

All patients Men Women <40 40–59 >60

Variable (n = 120) (n = 66) (n = 54) (n = 62) (n = 37) (n = 21)

Strain (%) 11.2 6 2.3 11.2 6 2.5 11.1 6 1.9 11.6 6 2.2 10.9 6 2.2 10.6 6 2.5
Base 11.3 6 2.9 11.2 6 3.1 11.3 6 2.8 11.9 6 2.9 10.7 6 2.8 10.5 6 2.9
Mid 10.6 6 3.0 10.6 6 3.1 10.5 6 3.0 11.0 6 3 9.8 6 2.9 10.6 6 3.4
Apex 11.8 6 3.4 12.1 6 3.6 11.5 6 3.1 11.9 6 3 12.3 6 4§ 10.7 6 3.0
Systolic SR (sec1) 0.62 6 0.12 0.64 6 0.14 0.59 6 0.1* 0.65 6 0.12 0.60 6 0.13 0.52 6 0.12†,‡
Base 0.62 6 0.16 0.63 6 0.17 0.60 6 0.14 0.65 6 0.16 0.57 6 0.15† 0.57 6 0.14
Mid 0.58 6 0.16 0.59 6 0.18 0.57 6 0.14 0.61 6 0.15 0.55 6 0.15 0.56 6 0.19
Apex 0.66 6 0.19 0.70 6 0.20§ 0.62 6 0.17* 0.68 6 0.17 0.70 6 0.22‡ 0.57 6 0.17
Early diastolic SR (sec1) 0.60 6 0.13 0.61 6 0.14 0.62 6 0.12 0.63 6 0.12 0.59 6 0.13 0.55 6 0.15
Base 0.61 6 0.17 0.62 6 0.18 0.60 6 0.17 0.63 6 0.17 0.61 6 0.18 0.52 6 0.15
Mid 0.57 6 0.16 0.57 6 0.18 0.57 6 0.15 0.61 6 0.16 0.54 6 0.16 0.52 6 0.16
Apex 0.63 6 0.21 0.64 6 0.20 0.62 6 0.22 0.65 6 0.18 0.66 6 0.26 0.52 6 0.16†,‡
SR E/S ratio 0.97 6 0.12 0.94 6 0.12 1.02 6 0.12 0.98 6 0.11 0.97 6 0.12 0.92 6 0.11†,‡
Late diastolic SR (sec1) 0.20 6 0.07 0.20 6 0.15 0.21 6 0.13 0.18 6 0.05 0.23 6 0.09† 0.22 6 0.05†
Base 0.19 6 0.08 0.19 6 0.09 0.20 6 0.07 0.20 6 0.09 0.17 6 0.07 0.21 6 0.08
Mid 0.19 6 0.09 0.18 6 0.1 0.19 6 0.07 0.16 6 0.06 0.20 6 0.11† 0.23 6 0.07†
Apex 0.22 6 0.14§ 0.22 6 0.14 0.24 6 0.13§ 0.18 6 0.06 0.30 6 0.19†,§ 0.21 6 0.11‡

Data are expressed as mean 6 SD. All epicardial mechanical variables in this table are significantly different from their corresponding endocardial
values (Table 3) except for SR E/S ratio.
*P < .05 versus men.

P < .05 versus age < 40 years.

P < .05 versus age 40 to 59 years.
P < .05 versus base.

Table 5 Radial mechanics

By gender By age (y)

All patients Men Women <40 40–59 >60

Variable (n = 120) (n = 66) (n = 54) (n = 62) (n = 37) (n = 21)

Strain (%) 30.0 6 7.5 29.9 6 7.6 30.2 6 7.7 30.3 6 8 29.4 6 6.9 30.4 6 7.6
Base 31.7 6 11.6 31.4 6 10.8 31.7 6 12.1 31.6 6 11.2 32.2 6 13.5 29.8 6 7.4
Mid 33.4 6 10.5 32.9 6 10.2 34.7 6 11.5 33.6 6 11 31.0 6 9.0 38.7 6 11.6‡
Apex 25.4 6 9.8§ 26.3 6 10.3§ 24.5 6 9.3§ 26.5 6 10.8‡ 24.4 6 9.1§ 24.0 6 7.3§
Systolic SR (sec1) 1.33 6 0.28 1.36 6 0.28 1.30 6 0.29 1.33 6 0.28 1.35 6 0.27 1.30 6 0.31
Base 1.43 6 0.44 1.42 6 0.47 1.43 6 0.41 1.42 6 0.42 1.45 6 0.54 1.40 6 0.31
Mid 1.43 6 0.41 1.46 6 0.37 1.40 6 0.47 1.45 6 0.39 1.40 6 0.32 1.43 6 0.62
Apex 1.18 6 0.38§ 1.24 6 0.39§ 1.11 6 0.36§ 1.16 6 0.23‡ 1.21 6 0.33§ 1.17 6 0.39§
Early diastolic SR (sec1) 1.29 6 0.29 1.32 6 0.30 1.26 6 0.28 1.32 6 0.31 1.31 6 0.28 1.18 6 0.22†,§
Base 1.29 6 0.42 1.27 6 0.40 1.32 6 0.45 1.33 6 0.37 1.30 6 0.51 1.16 6 0.36
Mid 1.37 6 0.40 1.40 6 0.44 1.34 6 0.34 1.37 6 0.47 1.39 6 0.41 1.38 6 0.31
Apex 1.23 6 0.42 1.30 6 0.44 1.15 6 0.38§ 1.28 6 0.42 1.21 6 0.35 1.05 6 0.31†,§
SR E/S ratio 0.97 6 0.12 0.97 6 0.15 0.98 6 0.13 0.99 6 0.11 0.96 6 0.12 0.91 6 0.11†
Late diastolic SR (sec1) 0.51 6 0.23 0.47 6 0.21 0.56 6 0.25 0.46 6 0.22 0.53 6 0.26 0.58 6 0.21
Base 0.65 6 0.37 0.62 6 0.36 0.69 6 0.37 0.58 6 0.33 0.68 6 0.45 078 6 0.30†
Mid 0.49 6 0.29 0.42 6 0.32 0.57 6 0.24* 0.49 6 0.27 0.46 6 0.35 0.54 6 0.27
Apex 0.41 6 0.24§ 0.39 6 0.23§ 0.43 6 0.26§ 0.36 6 0.23‡ 0.49 6 0.26§ 0.42 6 0.21†,§

Data are expressed as mean 6 SD.

*P < .05 versus men.

P < .05 versus age < 40 years.

P < .05 versus age 40 to 59 years.
P < .05 versus base.
550 Carasso et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
May 2012

Table 6 Rotational mechanics

By gender By age (y)

All patients Men Women <40 40–59 >60

Variable (n = 120) (n = 66) (n = 54) (n = 62) (n = 37) (n = 21)

Endocardial rotation ( )
Base 3.4 6 2.1 3.2 6 1.9 3.5 6 2.3 3.1 6 2.2 3.6 6 1.9 4.0 6 2.3
Mid 2.2 6 2.0‡ 2.4 6 2.1‡ 2.0 6 1.9‡ 2.1 6 1.8‡ 2.3 6 1.8‡ 2.5 6 2.9‡
Apex 7.01 6 3.3§ 7.3 6 3.0§ 6.9 6 3.5§ 6.5 6 3.1§ 7.7 6 3.1†,§ 8.0 6 3.8†,§
FEARR 0.38 6 0.09 0.39 6 0.09 0.37 6 0.09 0.38 6 0.09 0.37 6 0.08 0.38 6 0.9
Twist 9.9 6 4.0 9.9 6 3.8 9.9 6 4.3 9.1 6 3.9 10.5 6 3.6 11.0 6 4.5†
Fraction of early untwist 0.37 6 0.09 0.38 6 0.1 0.36 6 0.1 0.38 6 0.09 0.35 6 0.1 0.38 6 0.1
Epicardial rotation ( )
Base 1.5 6 1.0 1.3 6 0.8 1.6 6 1.1* 1.5 6 1.0 1.4 6 0.9 1.4 6 1.0*
Mid 0.8 6 1.2‡ 0.9 6 1.3‡ 0.6 6 1.0‡ 0.9 6 1.0‡ 0.65 6 1.4‡ 0.68 6 1.4‡
Apex 2.9 6 1.5§ 3.1 6 1.4§ 2.6 6 1.5§ 2.72 6 1.4§ 3.1 6 1.6§ 2.8 6 1.4§
Twist 4.1 6 1.9 4.2 6 1.7 3.9 6 2.1 3.9 6 1.9 4.3 6 2.0 3.9 6 1.8

Data are expressed as mean 6 SD. All epicardial values are significantly different from endocardial values.
*P < .05 versus men.

P < .05 versus age < 40 years.

P < .05 versus age 40 to 59 years.
P < .05 versus mid.

Table 7 Summary of major observations attempted. This resulted in increased segmental dropout (missing,
nonanalyzable, or excluded segments) in the epicardial and radial
Variable Men Women Young Old strain analysis.
Longitudinal Analyzing and Averaging Multiple Beats. The VVI algorithm
Endocardial strain [ can compensate for mild translational motion resulting from patient
Apical-to-basal gradient [ [ [ [ and respiratory cycle movements. Because beat-to-beat variability is
SR E/S ratio 1 1 1 <1 expected, analyzing and averaging consecutive beats creates more re-
Epicardial strain (apex) Y Y Y Y producible results. Stable-rhythm two-beat or three-beat acquisitions
Basal-to-apical gradient [ [ [ [ are probably best for strain analysis.
Endocardial strain Y [ Heart Rate and Frame Rate. More important than the frame rate
Apical-to-basal gradient [[ [[ [[ [[ per se is the number of frames per cycle. Low frame rates actually
SR E/S ratio 1 1 1 <1 pose two problems: one is the ability of the strain algorithm to track
Epicardial strain Y Y Y Y and the other is its time resolution and identification of fast changes
Radial in deformation. VVI can definitely track cycles of #20 frames. For
Strain data transferred to digital archives at 25 frames/sec, at heart rates of
Basal-to-apical gradient [[ [[ [[ [[ 80 to 60 beats/min, the time resolution would be between 33 and
SR E/S ratio 1 1 1 <1 25 msec, probably enough for the identification of most of fast defor-
Rotation apex mation changes. As we have shown here, the number of frames per
Endocardial Y [ cycle did not influence our strain measurements, apart from the ability
Epicardial Y Y Y Y to identify an ‘‘independent’’ SR A wave. This is an important message,
as most studies are usually automatically archived at a basic rate of
25 frames/sec for data storage space considerations. Remembering
Because VVI does not average strain of the full myocardial thickness, that most tagging magnetic resonance imaging gold-standard mec-
placing the endocardial trace in variable distances from the endo- hanics studies had only 12 to 16 frames/cycle is also reassuring.17-20
cardial border may result in inconsistent measurements that directly Having said that, we would recommend storing a minimum of 35
affect reproducibility and ability to assess changes between consecu- frames/sec in digital archives. For very high heart rate studies as
tive studies. We established a set of tracing rules that enhanced our stress tests, full–frame rate archiving should be considered. This
reproducibility using VVI. would avoid storage of too small a number of frames per cycle at
higher heart rates.
Segmental Dropout. This study was a challenging endeavor, as
we aimed to produce standards for most of the parameters Limitations
calculated by VVI. Although patients were recruited prospectively, This prospective study was conducted at two tertiary medical centers.
with rather good quality studies, not all segments were analyzable. Thus, subjects referred for echocardiography to these centers may not rep-
Moreover, as a rule, acquired images were focused on the best en- resent the normal general population. Epicardial strain is not validated for
docardial demarcation, and epicardial visualization was not regularly VVI, yet the numbers we report for circumferential epicardial strain are
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Carasso et al 551
Volume 25 Number 5

Figure 5 Common tracing error analyzing endocardial strain. (Left) Trace position and (right) strain parametric maps and average
trace strain. (A) Papillary muscle long-axis shortening. Note that papillary strain is in the normal range for longitudinal shortening.
(B) Papillary muscle thickening, perpendicular to the papillary long axis but parallel to the endocardial shortening direction. (C) Mixed
papillary thickening and endocardial shortening at the papillary insertion zone resulting in lower shortening. (D) True endocardial
strain behind the papillary muscle insertion.
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