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1 OXFORD LR nen Family @ Match the names with the words in the box. Toby is my Bill is my Tim and Clare are my Mike is my Sarah is my Mary is my Tina is my John is my Lisa is my CHVOuURUNH © Look at the family tree in exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1. Tina is John's, 2 Mike is Sarah's 3 Lisa is Mary's 4 Clare is John’ 5 Toby is Sarah's 6 Tim is Bill's 7 Tina and John are Clare’s Food © Write the correct words. 7 © Choose the correct alternatives. 1 2 3 | like apples / orange juice. They're my favourite fruit. Do you want some milk / butter on your bread? Ihave a glass of orange juice / chicken every morning. We can't make sandwiches. We haven't got any apples / bread. Bananas | Rice are long and yellow. Clothes © Match the pictures with the words in the box. 1 Sports © Complete the words with a, ei, 0 or u. z= _ng 2s_ af tb_il Houses and rooms @ Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You can have a shower or wash your face in the Mum and Dad are cooking dinner in the There are a lot of flowers and trees in our You can sit on the sofa and watch TV in the We usually eat our lunch and dinner in the This is my | sleep here. Grandma usually sits on the on sunny days. You can leave your coat and shoes in the Imperatives Personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and possessive forms @ Match the pictures with two sentences from the box. © Choose the correct answers. 1 __ house is in my street. a Toms’ —b Tom's —¢ Toms 2 | like Clare. really nice. a He's b She's e I'm 3 Jenny is in _ bedroom. a she b her € she's 4 | watch cartoons every day. | love —. a they b their them 5 Chocolate is __ favourite food. a my b me cl 6 We're doing homework. a we b our © us 7 My — names are Paul and Mark. a brothers’ b brother’s ¢ brothers 8 That's Tony. Do you know _? a his b he's ¢ him © Choose the correct alternatives. These / Those are my dogs. These | Those are my CDs. That / This is my sister. 4 That / This is my bag 5 These / Those are my 4 Py friends. Prepositions of place @ Match the pictures with the words in the Question words O Choose the correct question words. Then answer the questions about you. 4 What / Which is your name? 2. Who / How old is your best friend? 3 When / Which is your school bag? 4 What | Who is your teacher? When / How is your next English lesson? Prepositions of time © Complete the sentences with in, at or on. 1. I don't go to school ____ Sundays. 2 Jane is having a party _____ the weekend. 3 It's my birthday _____ June. 4 What time do you get up ______ the morning? 5 Lisa is meeting her friend five o'clock. 6 Have you got an English lesson Friday afternoon? 6 Where | What does your best friend live? some and any @ Look at the picture and write sentences. chicken There isn't any chicken. apples There are some apples. 1 bread 2 orange juice 3 bananas 4 butter 5 rice 6 chocolate Vocabulary : © Choose the correct answers. 1 London is the city of England, @ Find six words describing persor a town b empire capital word square. 2 We're doing a project on __ Egypt. AIRIS|710] 0] ely] 01 ale aes b ancient € important 3 Can I _ your pen, please? SRL ULC (eC CME a borrow —b disappear ¢ wish 1/8) A Gy WIZ) UFO) 4 Nobody lives in that old house, It hasn't got a [Al H]S]o/ P| Ric] s/H{T celling, It's a__. G|K|H|w a zlo[K|Lle a ruin b city © museum nimly[i H/elo[ciNim 5 Our class is making a of the town centre, alzielv Git NIM olP a model bb place € floor T{B/O|MI EL AIN|U DIE © Complete the text with the words in the box. tig Hol L{alolcialr Ulw PIL/Z|X/ Bi ViQ/e H/e/e/R]FlulelH|wip 1 4 2 5 3 6 © Match the sentences with the words from exercise 1. My name is Clare and i'm eleven. This is Lucy. She's thirteen. She's my ' sister. Lucy is really nice. She's very funny, and she tells me a lot of * 1. Kitty smiles and laughs a lot 2 Peter often shouts at his sister. Shas generole; tooi.she Westie eee —__—— and?________ me her clothes and 3 Susie is very quiet. CDs. Lucy is a good student. She always Ee does her*_________ and she 4 Steve likes people. He's got a lot of friends, answers all my about my es ‘work, too! Lucy also plays two musical 5 David never gives money or presents. s________ the piano and the Se ‘guitar. She's usually very?_______, 6 Mary often gives presents to her friends. but she always spends a lot of time with me. oes eae mar @ Complete the text with the verbs in the box. Grami Use the correct form of the present simple. Present simple © complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple. 1 Alexander _____ (visit) his grandparents every Friday. 2 Amanda —________ (speak) English and Italian. 3 Jamie and his brother ______ (not like) pop music. 4 Sarah _______ (not want) to go to the party. 5 Danny and his parents ______ (go out) every Saturday evening, 6 Helen ______ (not play) a musical instrument. @ Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then write short answers. Tom '____ at eight o'clock every morning. He? ___ breakfast with his family, then he *____ to school. Tom likes school and he *__ a very good student. After school, he usually 5 his friends in the park. Tom and his friends *________ football, and they often ?___ about their day at school. Then Tom usually goes home and . his homework. On weekdays, Joe live Does asmall house in? X Tom ® ______ a book and goes to bed Does ‘oe live in a small house? very early, But on Saturday nights, he No, he doesn’t, °___ TV until twelve o'clock! 1 like Amy football Does? v7 ————— @ Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs of — frequency. 2 walk school to Do Jane and Mike? x Karen does her homework after school. — (always) Karen always does her homework after school. i rs 2 3: n'a Shop! wort Fauls imum Des?! 1. Emily listens to music in the evenings. (usually) Se 2 My baby sister is happy and cheerul. (always) 4 Carol and Lisa Do on the phone every night ly baby PY (always) 2 talk? X 3 Jessica eats a lot of sweets. (never) 4 Peter goes to the cinema on Fridays. 5 after school Does football Simon play? x (eometimes) Tenens 5 Dominic is late for school. (often) 6 send Does e-mails to her friends Jenny? ¥ 6 Ruth gets up late on Sunday mornings. (usually) Unit People Vocabulary © Choose the correct alternatives. 1 Fire fighters put out / find out fires. @ Look at the pictures and complete the 2 Do you need a lot of equipment / accidents crossword. for your job? 3 Quick! Let's rescue / relax the people from that high building! 4 I can’t help you with your homework, I'm very, busy / interesting. 5 My class is doing a subject / project about India. © Complete the text with the words in the box: Sarah loves science. It's her favourite 1_____ at school. She enjoys meeting different people, and she likes helping people. She wants to work in a P 7 z_________ but she doesn't want to be a nurse, Sarah really wants to be a Sarah's best friend Alexander wants a job outside. He hates being #__— Alexander often feels bored, so he wants an s___ job. He wants to be a fire fighter. It's a very$___ job, but it's alot of 7____ tool Unit! People Grammar Present continuous @ Write sentences. Use the correct form of the present continuous. Jim/watch TV Jim is watching TV. 1 Mary/clean her bedroom 2 Toby/eat a pizza 3 Susie/listen to music 4 John/talk on the phone 5 Clare/relax on the beach 6 Robbie/play basketball © Complete the text. Use the correct form of the present continuous. I'm in my bedroom at the moment, but | *____ (not tidy) my room. 1?___ sit) on my bed and 1 (read) a book. My family and | are at home today. It's Sunday. My mum is in the kitchen, but she * (not cook) the dinner right now. She : (make) a cake! My dad is in the garden. He $____ (fix) my bike, My sister 7 (play) on her new computer and my brother is (help) my mum. He wants a big piece of Mum's cakel Present simple and present continuous a @ Choose the correct alternatives. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sally goes / is going swimming every Saturday. John does / is doing his geography homework at the moment. William writes / is writing a letter to his grandparents now. Sarah knows / is knowing a lot about history. Paul wears / is wearing a new T-shirt today. Mr Brown works / is working this morning, @ Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the present simple or present continuous. Karen Hi, Tim. What * (you/do)? Tim Hi, Karen. 1? (make) a birthday card for my brother; Joe. Karen |? (think) your card is great! How old is Joe? Tim He's thirteen today. Karen Really? Where * (be) he now? Tim He® (shop) with my mum and dad at the moment. They ¢___ (buy) food at the supermarket. We ” (need) a lot of food! Karen Why?* (you/have) a party? Tim Yes, we are. All Joe's friends from school s (come). | can't wait! (you/want) to come? Karen Yes, please! Thanks, Tim! ae ae . Model text Writing @ Read the text. What do Amy and Julie do Organizing your writing together? © Look at the model text again and complet the sentences. 1 Paragraph __ is about personal details. 2 Paragraph —_ is about personality. 3 Paragraph — is an introduction. 4 Paragraph — is about things you do together. @ Answer the questions about your best frienill 1 How old is your best friend? 2 What is he/she good at? My Best Friend by Amy Green 1 My best Friend’s nome is Toke. 3 What does he/she enjoy doing? She's grok! rs, 2 Tike is twelve years old ond she 4 What kind of personality has he/she got? Wives in my street. She’s good ot English and mokhs, ond she likes 5 Why do you like your best friend? spots. She plays Lennis every Sokurdoy moming and she aksays wins! B Tike is very generous ond she’s got 4 lok. of Friends. Everyone kes her © Write about your best fri 5 your best friend. Organize your because she’s a very cheerful person. writing into paragraphs. Use the model text, T like Tule becouse she aksays has your answers in exercise 4 and the writing fun. guide to help you. “hae to sora agin uc con =A BRAD ERR REET a Oe eee My best friend's name is eee oe Hels(ehe's «years old and che caterer He's/She's good at He/she likes He/She always 6 What do you do with him/her? @ Read the text again. Correct the false sentences. He's/She's vert Julie is-elever years old. _fwelve__ eae Sale TD like him/her because 1 Julie isn't good at maths. 2 She plays tennis every day. L see 3 She's very mean We always 4 Amy sees Julie every week, —_______ We . tegether f 5 They ride their bikes Pp OO to school, wea check Grammar D Write questions and short answers. Peter likes history. 7 Does Peter like history? Yes, he does. 1 You meet your friends on Tuesdays. X 2 James and Robbie play football after school. 7 3 Tony helps his dad at the weekend. X 1 three words describing personality 4 Sarah writes to her friend every week. ¥ 5 They do their homework on a computer, 7 3 Write sentences. Use the adverbs of frequency. 1 Amy/isit/her grandparents on Sundays (often) 2 Steve/go/on holiday with his family (usually) 3 I/have/lunch at school. (never) 4 Andy/play/with his brother (often) 5 Dan/walk/to school (always) ) Choose the correct answers. 1 Rob __ to the party tonight. He's in hospital. a doesn't gob isn't going ¢ aren't going 2 We __ a project about different jobs at the moment. ado b'sdoing —_¢ ‘re doing 3 Mr Wilson — history at our school. a teach bteaches _cis teaching 4 Jim a police officer. He's a fire fighter. a isn't bis c aren't 5 Janet and Linda __ for an exam at the moment. a study b is studying ¢ are studying 6 Heather in a clothes shop every Saturday. a work b works ¢ is working 2 three jobs © Choose the odd word out. 1 2 3 4 5 nurse pilot ~—capital__ teacher shy friendly — mean ancient dress sweater. ruin skirt project dentist doctor —_ police officer, generous cheerful friendly exciting Speaking © Complete the dialogue with the questions in the box. Pies ec Jack — I'ma fire fighter. Anna * Jack Yes, | do. | wear special clothes. Anna > Jack | put out fires and rescue people from car accidents. Anna * Jack | work with a group of six fire fighters. Anna * Jack Yes, | do. It's very interesting. Etat a @ Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 There are a lot of tall _____ in New York City. 2 We visited France, Germany and a lot of other 3 In the story, Maldo isn't a good man. He's 4 A____is a special power which makes horrible things happen. 5 Harry Potter goes to a school 6 Ihearda ________ noise outside! @ Find these words in the word snake. choose the correct alternatives. 1 Relax! Don't work / worry about the problem! 2 Can people travel back in home / time? 3 The Vikings attacked / stole Britain in the eighth century AD. 4 We sailed / ruined to the island in a small boat. 1 three adjectives 5 I can't answer this question. It's incredible / er eae te impossible. 2 three places 6 Lisa had a lot of homework yesterday. She worked hard / last all evening, vs ity Grammar Past simple © Complete the table. © Complete the text with the correct form of the past simple. ‘The Romans ‘____ (come) from Rome, in Italy. In 43 AD the Romans 2_____ (attack) Britain and they stayed there for 300 years. So how did people live in Roman Britain? In Roman Britain, people usually a travel) by horse, or they (walk) Most children ®_________ (not go) to school. There *________ (not be) a lot of schools, and they were expensive. A {ot of children ?_______ (help) their parents at work. © They did a lot of different things. We still do these things today. They * (play) games and went to the theatre. They also*_______ (listen) to music. The Romans _________ (leave) a lot of things in Britain. There are still Roman. buildings like baths and houses, and Roman names @ Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then match the questions with the answers. 1 did Peter go last weekend? did Sally watch on TV last night? Oo 3 _____ did the children go to school yesterday? QO CD did Lucy buy? LC did Jamie meet Martha? os She bought the new Beyoncé CD. She watched a film. He met her last year. They went by bus. He went to the beach eance @ Imagine that today is Sunday August 12th 2007. It's now nine o'clock in the evening. Look at the table and write sentences with ago. ——— Caroline/have her breakfast/at eight o'clock in the morning Mike/go to the cinema/on Tuesday ‘Amy/travel to America/in 2002 My cousins/have their birthday party/in January Julie/finish her homework/at seven o'clock in the evening Ben/start English lessons/in 2006 Christina/visit the Ancient History Museum/ last Sunday Caroline had her breakfast thirteen hours ago. ourwn _ Vocabulary @ Write the correct words. © Complete the crossword. Down 1 Roman chariots had two or four © complete the sentences. Use the words from exercise 1. 4 Valways invite all my friends. 2 Paul and Clare often — Monopoly is their favourite! 3 | love new clothes, so my best friend and | every weekend. on my birthday. | 4 Sarah sometimes in a café after school, 5 Ben often - His favourite singer is Robbie Williams. 6 Lyn and Danny always —______ at the pool on Sundays. a 2 The Romans enjoyed relaxing at the 3 A brave person is called a Across 4 In ancient Greece, —______ didn't wear clothes. 5 Greek actors wore faces. ‘on thell an oN fiat Py A Po Pay LM gy SRR yw macnn Pat oe * wan hash Ny _ rene 1. Simon ran very fast. He won the a race —b chariot © sport 2 Greek actors wore a different mask for each — a person b character € theatre 3 The Romans used to do __ at the baths. anews b games © business 4 Fire fighters do a dangerous job and are very brave. | think they're a heroes b athletes € charioteers 5 What do you do in your free _? a hobby b entertainment time 6 Chariot racing was dangerous. There were a lot of a baths — b crashes € actors Grammar used to © What did/didn’t you use to do when you were six years old? Complete the sentences. Write true information. 11 {go shopping. 21 go to the park. 31 cook the dinner. © Complete the text. Use used to or didn’t use Paul is eleven years old. When he was seven, he was very different. He *_____ (play) with toys, but now he plays games on his computer. He ? _______ (walk) ‘to school with his mum or his dad, and he : {not learn) English. Now he walks to school with his friends, and he has English lessons every week, When Paul was seven, he *___ (go) to bed early every night. He often goes to bed late now. He®_______ (not go) to the cinema then, but now he goes every Saturday. He * (not like) adventure films, but he loves them now! @ Write sentences. What did Sally use to do? What does she do now? z play the guitar watch cartoons play with my friends. talk on the telephone. 81 draw pictures. listen to rock music ride a bike 90 to bed early X]S 1} 1S [3 RRS SXS Sally didn’t use to play the guitar. ‘She plays the guitar now. Model text @ Read the text. How did Susan B. Anthony change the world? She cl a the word! by Emma Jenkins Suson 8. Anthony changed our world. She was bom on ISth February, 1820. Suson gfes up in Adams, Massachusetts, in the USA. She had a big fomily. She hod three sisters ond tiso brothers. In (84-0, Susan got a job, She was a keacher. The school paid men sIO a weeks bee Ehey only paid women $2.50. Susan wasn’t hoppy. She didn’t. believe, hak women and men were different. She wonked Lo show Lhe world Lhak women were important, boo. Susan Lravelled oll over Lhe USA with her siskers ond Friends. She bold people all over the combry Lhak women were important. She wonked women bo have the voke, and to have their own money ond houses. She wanted women Lo have 1@ good educakion ond good jobs, too. She aso wonked all people Lo be free. Susan ond her sisters ond friends worked hard. They wanted to make life belker for women. They changed Lhe word because Lhey showed people Lhak women were strong ond clever. Susan &. Anthony died on [Sth March, 906. By 192.0, a women in America coud vote. @ Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 How many sisters did Susan have? 2 What job did Susan do? 3 Where did Susan travel? 4 What did Susan and her sisters and friends want to do? When did Susan die? a @ Write about Alexander Graham Bell SURRASRUR REECE EER Oe ater Writing when © Combine the sentences. Use when. James won the race. He was very happy. When James won the race, he was very happy 1 Karen finished her homework. She watched Til 2. lost my school bag. | was very worried. 3 We went to the beach. We had a great time. 4 Steve went shopping, He bought a new CD. 5 Emma had a party. She invited all her friends, Use the ing model text, the fact file and the wi guide to help you. FACT FILE ‘Alexander Graham Bell 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland moved to Boston, USA and worked as a teacher started work on the telephone made the first telephone call telephones were used all over America 1922, in Nova Scotia, Canada Alexander Graham Bell changed our world, He was La 1871, « Ln 1874, Ln 1876, 1417 Alexander Graham Bell ~.. progress check Grammar @ Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the past simple. ‘Anna What ' (you/do) yesterday? Paul Oh, |? (be) very busy. | 3_____ (get up) at six o'clock. ‘Anna Wow! That's early! Paul | know! Then, | *_____ (have) breakfast with my parents and my sister, and |* (go) to school. Anna * (you/work) hard? Paul Yes, | did.17____ (have) English, maths and history lessons. After school, 1 * (meet) all my friends in the park, but we ® (not play) football. We © (organize) a skateboarding competition! Anna "!___(you/win)? Paul Yes, | did! it was great! © Write questions and answers. Use the words in brackets and ago. When/Clare/meet Tom? (three years) When did Clare meet Tom? Clare met Tom three years ago. 1. When/John/start English lessons? (five years) 2 When/Sam’s aunt visit him? (two weeks) 3 When/Sally go on holiday? (two months) 4 When/Mark/tidy his bedroom? (four days) Vocabulary © Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 Helen always goes _____ in the sea in the summer. 2. It’s raining outside. Let's stay in and play a 3 Jim rode his bike very fast and he won the daindonecaomasensatinlinalh 4 Sue loves listening to ____. She often buys new CDs. 5 Can! have a ___________ on my birthday? © Match the words with the definitions. 1 You can see actors here. [_] a wheels 2 They run races. U b hero 3 A very brave person. Cle mask 4 Bikes have two of these. [_] d theatre 5 You wear it on your face. [_] e athletes Speaking Q Write questions. Sharon What/you/do last weekend? Alex | went to a football match. Sharon you/enjoy/it? Alex Yes, it was great. Sharon Who/you/go/with? 5 When/Jenny have breakfast? (three hours) © Choose the correct alternatives. Did you use / used to live in London? 2 Greek athletes didn't use / used to wear clothes. 3 Andy used / use to be in the school team. 4 We used / use to get up early. 5 6 Did you used / use to play board games? Jane didn't used / use to like the theatre. ‘Alex | went with my brother. Sharon What time/the match/start? Alex It started at four o'clock. Sharon your favourite team/win? Alex Of course! They always win! Har ag Vocabulary Describing personality @ Match the sentences with the words in the box. 14 Dan never gives me any of his sweets. 2 Karen is quiet with new people. 3 Sarah often buys presents for her friends. 4 Aunt Mary shouts a lot 5 Peter always talks to people 6 James laughs and smiles a lot. Jobs OFind ei s[N|Y H]D[B[L[D] o/c] To) Rr] [H|e/D| us |b] v|B|x wlelals o|tiejFlHinfolule clalals| plo[t[i{clelolelejiicielr A[x[e[R[H/G k/D/a R{H[ ite si] v[e[elo.mis|wi/tle|R|b s{v[u/F|p/H/e|wi[nlulri[sle [ifzi«{iix{elalvia|w[ul iin si@lole clw|z/s|viw y|z|t tlaly[Hfufafe{i[efolt{Rit [al kle|T| K/Z/o!L|Gle| KB/s NiolFle[Niv[tjelFlulolalt tly[elr{s|n[M/r|witlol ilk 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Free time activities © Complete the sentences with the phrases inl the box. 1 Caroline needs some new clothes. She wani omer St 2 Let's go to the beach. We want to 3 Bob wants to ___. His favourite football team are playing today. 4 I've got some fantastic new CDs. Let's 5 It’s Sarah's birthday next week. She wants ta 6 We want to see a play. Let's 7 Let's stay in and love Monopoly! 8 Steve goes to the café every day. He likes to there. today. | Vocabulary extra @ complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1. These two countries fight all the ie. They are often at 2 Hundreds of years ago, soldiers fought a terrible in this field, 3 Mark Antony was a famous Roman 4 My mum was twenty-one years old when she —_____ my dad. 5 Fire fighters put out fires and they also people. 6 My big brother joined the when he left school. 7. After the fighting, there was in that country for twenty years. Grammar Present simple © Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the present simp! Amy *_______ (you/like) sport, Ben? Ben Yes, | do.1?_______ (love) sport. Amy *_______ (you/play) football? Ben Yes,1do.1*_________ (play) with my brother every Saturday. Amy *_____ (your brother/be) good at football? Ben Yes, he is. He's in the school team and they always ®________ (win). Amy 7______ (you/watch) football on TV? Ben No, Idon't. 1*___ (not watch) a lot of TV. It’s boring. Present simple and present continuous © Complete the text with the correct present simple or present continuous forms of the verbs in the box. © Complete the sentences. Use used to or didn’t use to. Past simple with ago @ Write questions, then answer them with ago. Write true information. When/you have breakfast? When did you have breakfast? I had breakfast three hours ago. 1 When/you learn to read? 2 When/you meet your best 3 When/you start English lessons? 4 When/you do your homework? 5 When/you buy a new CD? 6 When/you go on holiday? used to ‘computers. She her computer every day. At the moment, she ® —___ in an Internet café and she * ‘an e-mail to her best friend. Jenny usually *___ to her best friend at school every day, but this week, Jenny : at school. She's on holiday and she ?________ with her grandparents. They *________ ina village near the sea. Jenny loves the holidays! 1 My grandad ________ (play) football every weekend 2 Sarah ____ (learn) French at ‘school, but now she does. 3 What programmes — (you/watch) on TV when you were five? 4 My parents (listen) to CDs when they were young. They didn't have a CD player, 5 James —__—_— (walk) to school ‘every morning, 6 Where ______ (your friends/live)? Vocabulary @ Find six scary things in the word square. [N[T/E]O[HO[uysle viely|x{c[ri eH] s|z|clv|Nly|w|x]z tle] H/T M|a|R Elm aiHlulo r[sikimMii y_o|F/D/H[N/M/ LD] LI /S|N|U[D} Al c/HIN F{t|p/ols{c|elx]i k[@lFlelHlelslale wie|v/etli[R{ul Kix ef e[tfo[n| Flatt 1 4 z e Last night a strange thing happened in the ae museum. Someone stole a beautfl tone It was very and the museum paid lot of money for it. The * took it late at night, but he didn't open any doors or windows. How did he get into the museum without a key, and how did he 4 ? The police don't understand. It's very * Was the thief a ghost? © Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 1. @ Choose the correct answers. 1 There's a thief in the housel Let's call the I a police b people —_ parents 2 I don't know that man. He's a__. a shadow —b stranger ¢ collector 3 Mike had a very strange — last night. 1. ‘What time is it?’ ‘t's twelve o'clock at night. 7 2 Jane doesn't want to go into the —___—__- She's frightened! a bed b sleep ¢ dream 3 Richard saw a dark ae 4 There are no doors and windows! There's no window. — out. : 4 A ____isa scary dream. save road - 5 | can see a woman in a long, white dress. | 5 | must take my book — to the library. think it's a 1 aon b off ‘© back 6 Your lessiisthie hoveatini 6 We mustn't —_ to the building until we know i Ye it's safe. pee a follow b return © end Grammar Past continuous © Write sentences. Use the correct form of the past continuous. (do his homework) Tack wasn't doing his homework at six o'clock, He was watching TV. (listen to music) Lucy xv (play tennis) Oliver (talk to her friend) Mary —_ FS (visit a museum) Mark and Amy a (play in the park) Jamie and Peter © Complete the text with the correct form of the past continuous. At four o'clock last Saturday, John was at a football game. Garston Rovers, his favourite team, *_ —— (play). John 2 (have) a great time. A lot of people *_________ (watch) the game. They * (not sit). They * ____ (stand) and they * (shout), too! Some people ” (sing) football songs. It was very cold and windy, but John . (not wear) a jacket. He * _______ (wear) a football shirt and a red and blue hat, because Garston Rovers wear red and blue. He was very happy, because Garston ° (win) the game! @ What was happening at Tom's party at nine o'clock last night? Write questions and answers. x wo * w Steve and Simon (dance) Were Steve and Simon dancing? Yes, they were. Karen (eat) Tom (open/a present) Lisa and Sarah (eat/ice cream) James (play/the guitar) Dan (drink/milk) Cee Vocabulary @ Match the pictures with the words in the box. © Match the sentences with the words from exercise 1. 4. A light shines from this building to help ships. 2. There are a lot of animals near this house, § —________ 3 This is a small house in the country. 4 This building Is very tall and thin. 5 This place is on the top floor of a tall building in the city 6 You can stay here on your holidays. 7 Kings and queens live here. 8 This is an old stone building, © choose the correct alternatives. 4. The King and Queen live in a very impress | frightening palace. 2 Joe doesn't want to go into the stairs / cell It’s dark down there! 3 When | woke up, a ghost was floating / cooking through my room, 4 We went to the local museum recently / suddenly. it was very interesting. 5 I closed the window, but now it's open, Tham very frightened | mysterious. 6 It’s dark in this room. Switch on / Open the light. 7 Please can my best friend sit / stay here for the night, Mum? 8 You mustn't run in the school roads / corridors. © Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 4. Someone is walking behind me. | can hear 2 Do you work in this museum, or are you a _—__—_—_——# 3 Nick saw a ghostly stairs, but then it disappeared. 4 They'te talking very quietly. Why are they on tha 2 5 This house is A ghost lives here! 6 The policeman saw a picture of the thief on the ____ camera. Grammar Past simple and past continuous © Choose the correct answers. 1 Ben and Louise __ to a party last weekend. awent —b go ‘¢ were going 2 Becky __ at eleven o'clock last night. aslept —_b was sleeping ¢ were sleeping 3 Toby a haunted house last year. a visited — b visit ‘¢ was visiting 4 Lisa her room when the phone rang. accleaned b was cleaning € were cleaning 5 While Simon was doing his homework, his mum — him, acalled —bwascalling calls 6 The children were talking when the teacher — into the classroom. acomes b came € was coming © Complete the text. Use the correct form of the past simple or past continuous. It was Saturday night. Jim * (sit) in the living room on the sofa, but he 2 (not watch) TV, He stead) a book about ghosts. Suddenly, he * (hear) a strange noise outside the window! He ®______ (go) to the window andhe*_________ (open) the curtains very slowly and carefully. Someone 7___ (ook) at him, It was his sister, and she *_____ (laugh)! “Open the door, Jim!" she said. ‘I *__________. (ferget) my key!’ @ Match the sentences. Then join them, using when. 1 Amy was walking home. John was riding his bike. Louise and Tom were watching TV. Becky was sitting in a café. Matt was shopping in town. Sally and I were talking ousun The lights went out. Our teacher came into the classroom. She heard footsteps behind her. He met his friend, Her mobile phone rang, He fell off and hurt his arm, seaoce ‘Amy was walking home when she heard {footsteps behind her. © Write sentences with when or while. We/play football/it start to rain (when) We were playing football when it started to rain, Lisa/watch TV/she hear/a strange noise (while) While Lisa was watching TV, she heard a strange noise, 1. Toby/eat dinner/his friend/arrive (while) 2 Jenny/have a nightmare/her mum wake/her (when) 3 Harry/clean his room/he find/his Justin Timberiake CD (while) 4 Ben and Andy/stay in a haunted house/they see/a ghost (while) 5 Sue/cook dinner/she burn/the chicken (when) 6 Julie and Jenny/walk to school/they find/some money (while) Model text @ Read the story. Why did the ghost come back to the hotel? A. Ghosk Story by Emma wikox Sally ond her family were on holiday. They were saying in a small hotel in Ehe country. They were having a great Lime. One nights Sally and her Family had dinner in Ehe hokel restaurant. After dinner, Ehey went upstairs. Suddenly, remembered Ehat her book was in bhe restaurant. She went back down Lo the restaurant. When she went iny a man was there. He was her book and smiling. ‘Ts Enis your book?” he asked. ‘Yess ib is,” Said Sally. ‘Thank you.’ Sally Laleed Lo Lhe man for a feus minutes. Then she went bo bed. The next days Sally Laked Lo some people abou Lhe nice man in the restaurant. ‘He’s a \ He was a chef in the hokel FifLy years agoy bok he died. He loved Che hokely and he didn’ wont Lo leave ik, so he comes back sometimes.” Sally felt, sod. She went back to the restaurant every nights but she didn’t see Lhe ghost again. © Read the story again. Put the sentences in the correct order. Sally went back to the restaurant, Sally met a nice man. Sally found out that the man was a ghost. Sally and her family had dinner. Sally went to bed. Sally went upstairs se acces DoOBeBOoo Writing Word order © Correct the mistakes. | saw last night a ghost I saw a ghost last night. 1 Karen heard in the kitchen a strange noise 2. My dad takes every morning me to school 3 Tom visited yesterday his grandparents, 4 Simon likes really chocolate. 5 Jenny went last night to the cinema. 6 | listened to yesterday evening my new CO @ Match the sentences. 1 Peter was staying Peter went for a walk He saw a cottage He went to the cottage The woman showed him His grandparents told him oun with a light in the window. and an old woman opened the door. the woman was a ghost. with his grandparents. and he got lost the way to his grandparents’ house. seoance © Write a ghost story. Use the model text, answers to exercises 3 and 4 and the writ guide to help you. SERREEREeeeaeeeeeett Peter One evening, he suddenly, he saw He she Peter asked They told him that progress Check Grammar Vocabulary @ What were the people doing when it started © Match the words in the box with the to rain? Look at the picture and write definitions. sentences. We use this to catch thieves, —_____ Very strange. You don't know this person. Talking very quietly. This person steals things. A scary place. | ouruns \d these words in the word snake. 1 three buildings ride/his bike - Scott was riding his bike. 2 three scary things 1 walk/her dog 2 play/football Speaking 3 tak © Complete the dialogue with the questions in the box. 4 read/a magazine 5 eat/an ice cream Helen Something strange happened to me last © Choose the correct alternatives. weekend. 1 Karen was reading / were reading a book havaa when she fell asleep. 2 While James was running, he fell / was falling pica eos and hurt himself. 3 I met / was meeting my friend while | was Helen | was in my bedroom. walking to school, Amy * 4 When I Jost / was losing my bag, | was very Helen No, it was black and it was floating in the air. worried Amy * 5 While Linda was cooking, she burnt / was Helen | was very frightened! burning her hand. yes 6 Paul played / was playing tennis at six o'clock Helen | called my dad. When he came into my room, the ghost disappeared. yesterday evening, Vocabulary My friend Lucy and [tee hig on a trip to London next month. We've got a lot of exciting 2S opoaet trip. London is an 2___ city, and there are a lot of things to see and do there. We can find all the interesting places because we've got a*_____ of the city, We're going to visit Buckingham Palace. We want to stand * the gates and watch the soldiers. | want to take a lot of photos, but my dad doesn't want to®___ me his camera. I'm going to? acamera from Lucy. We're going to go shopping in London, and we're going to®____a lot of gifts home for our friends. | can't wait! Unit 4 Technology 1 two meals 2 two school subjects 3 two adjectives @ Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 You can find a lot of —________ om the Internet. 2 Are we near the park? Let's look at the 3 My cousin lives in a village of Ankara, 4 Tom sent Lyn a yesterdan 5 I've got a \ can't do my homework. 6 We are doing a _____ about space at school. 7 What is your favourite TV 8 We must makea about Dad's birthday present. Grammar (instant decisions) and going to (plans and intentions) © Match the statements with the replies. It's cold in here, I can't do my homework. I haven't got any money. Q I'm hungry. C It’s dark in this room. l My bike doesn't work. O 7 ouswn+ a I'll make you a sandwich. b 'lllend you some. € I'll close the window. d T'ilhelp you. @ I'll fix it for you. I'll switch the light on. © Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of going to and the verbs in the box. a eu UU 1 I'mat the library. | books. 2 James is cutting some bread. (he) a sandwich? 3 _______ (you) a party on your birthday? 4 My litle sister is bored. | her to the park. 5 Here's the video cassette. David and | — a film. 6 Melanie loves flowers. She a rose bush in the garden. 7 The children have got paper and coloured pens. They a picture, 8 Dad phoned. He home late tonight. @ Choose the correct alternatives. 1 2 We ‘i! / ‘re going to drive to the beach on Saturday. I don't feel well. | think I l/ 'm going to lie down. I've got an idea! |" / ‘mm going to phone my friends. Sarah 'll / 's going to be a teacher when she's, older. Tom is ill. His mum "ll / ’s going to take him to the doctor, There's Simon! | 'l / ‘m going to ask him to help us. © Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of will or going to. Mark — Hi, Louise! What * (you/do) this afternoon? Louise |? (watch) my new Harry Potter DVD. Mark Jove Harry Potter fms! | think (come) and watch it with you. Is that OK? Louise Yes, of course! Mark Let's eat something, too. Have you got any crisps? Louise No, | haven't Mark = OK. (buy) some. We can't watch a film without crisps! Louise Good ideal * Mark = * (your brother/be) at home this afternoon? Louise No.He®______ (watch) a football match. His favourite team is playing today. Mark’ OK.17 (be) there in twenty. minutes. Louise * (you/ask) your mum to drive you to my house? Mark — No. She's at work. Anyway, it's a nice day. | think 1° (walk) Louise OK, but hurry up! I really want to see the film! Se Cy y Vocabulary @ Complete the words with a, e, i, 0 or u. © Complete the text with words from exercise 1. My parents bought me a new computer for my birthday last week. It's fantastic! The 1___ is very big’ and looks like a TV. The computer has got a 4 $0 | can watch films, and it's gota®________, sol can play a lot of computer games. | use my new computer every day of the week. | use the + to write e-mails, | use the®______ to print my homework, and, of course, ! use the = to listen to music. Computers are great, and | think mine is the best! Unit4 Technology © Complete the sentences with the words the box. 1 Mrs Hall is very rich, She wears a lot of expensive 2 James knows a lot about computers. He's 3 I'm ________. | can't go to school tod] 4 My pet mouse isn't big. He’s 5 Some people think that computers alread] ou lives. 6 ______ shows that a lot of people Britain use the Internet every day. @ Complete the crossword. Down 1 I'm lost. Can you give me — to the musa please? 2 We've got three __. We've got a cat andl dogs. 3 How much did you — for your new computer? Across 4 There are three main __ in the book. Thal names are Harry, Hermione and Ron. 5 | don't like maths. it's very —! 6 | don't want to watch this horror film. It'S 5 Grammar will and going to (predictions) © Choose the correct alternatives. 1 2 3 Sarah is a great dancer. She ‘I! / won't win the dance competition. Tim will / won't be at school today. He's ill. Lyn is eleven. She ‘ll / won't be twelve on her next birthday. That restaurant was terrible! We ‘ll / won't go there again! David never studies. He ‘il / won't pass his exams. In the future, computers will / won't do a lot of different things. @ Write sentences. Use the correct form of going to. Look at John! (he/catch a fish) He’s going to catch a fish. Be carefull (you/fall) Lisa is hot. (she/buy an ice cream) Look at me! (\/score a goal) Come with us! (we/play tenni My friends send me a lot of messages. (check my e-mail) @ Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of will or going to and the verbs in the box. 1 In the future, people in flying cars! 2 William is running very fast. He the race! 3 Alexandra is in a fantastic clothes shop. She _—_____ a new dress. 4 Inthe year 2050, we ___ on holiday to the moon. 5 In fifty years, everyone a robot in their home. 6 The sky is very dark and cloudy. | think it © Write questions. Use the correct form of will or going to. (Sally/be) Will Sally be happy at her new school? Yes, she will. I's a very nice school (enny/send) Is Jenny going to send Toby an e-mail? No, she isn't. She's too busy. 1 (United/win) the football match? Yes, they will. | think they're the best! 2 (Helen/travel) ___ to Italy next summer? No, she isn't. She wants to go to Poland. 3 (Robbie/walk) _________ to school tomorrow? Yes, he is. He always walks to school. 4 (Lucy/finish) _—________ her homework before the lesson on Monday? Yes, she wil. She's a good student. 5 (the children/enjoy) —_____ the horror film? No, they won't. i's very scary! 6 (you/visit) your grandparents tomorrow? Yes, | am. | always visit them on Sundays. Unit4 Technology Model text @ Read the text. What job does Mark want to do in the future? Writing Choosing ideas © Think about your future. Write your ideass the table. My Future by Mosk Hammond My Home In the future, I’m going Eo kive in a Flak in the city. My flak will be fon Lhe Lop Floor and ib will have a lok of rooms. My bedroom wil be TM have a computer and a DVD ployer in my flak. I'M stay up late every night! My Job T’m going bo be a dockor in a busy hospital. I’m going Lo look after people shen Ehey’re ill, ond Ehey will be healthy again. I hope I have a lok of money, My Free Time Tim going Lo do a lok of exciting Ehings in my free Lime. I think IW Eo Fookball makches every weekend. T'W probably meet my friends in cafés, ‘and reskauranks in Lhe evenings. Maybe Tl dive a fast sports car ond I’N go on a lok of holidays. Ik'N be Fontastic! @© Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Where is Mark going to live in the future? 2 What will he have in his home? 3 Where is Mark going to work? 4 What will he do at the weekend? 5 Where will Mark meet his friends? eo @ Write about your future. Use the model your ideas from exercise 3 and the wi guide to help you. SURRERA RRR RRR R My home Ln the future, L'm going to live My home will be LM pave My job L’m going to be Lill work ru My free time L’m going to do a lot of exciting things in = free time Lill go to Eyes Li'l be n” progress Check Grammar Vocabulary @ Put the words in the correct order. © Complete the sentences with the words in he play computer games Is going to? the box. Is he going to play computer games? ee ee 1 Mum doesn't wear a lot of —-- ‘She only wears one ring. 2 | like this computer game. The —________ are very funny! 3 I can't go to schoo! today. I'm feeling very 2 the lesson soon Is start going to? 3 Andy the film enjoy won't 4 Julie going to is go shopping tomorrow 5 win the competition Nick think | will 4 My big sister sends me a every day. 6 They going to are at the café meet 5 This necklace was a —_________ from my grandparents. © Complete the sentences with the correct © choose the odd word out. form of will or going to. 1 keyboard joystick belt —_—_ printer 1 ‘I feel ill’ ‘Oh dear! | 2 plane focket bus computer (phone) the doctor for you. 3 hungry magical bored ill 2. Ela has got some CDs. She 4 map bracelet watch —_necklace (listen) to music. 5 speakers screen expert. DVD-drive 3 We (wear) space suits in ‘the future. ’ 4 ‘The phone is ringing.’ ‘| _____——— Speaking (answer) it!” 5 Be carefull You ______ (fall) off @ Put the words in the correct order. your bikel Lucy What do you think life will be like in the 6 Robots _________ (clean) our houses future? in 2100. Steve will exciting think | life be © Correct the mistakes. le will I? 1 Life will to be very exciting in the future. Lucy: Howndyyou think people: wil rere Steve use | will think flying cars we 2 Be carefull You're going fall Lucy Really? Where do you think we'll live? 3 ‘it’s hot in here.’ ‘| open the window." Steve live We underground houses will in 4 It's Clare's birthday next week. She's going to ill liday? having a party. Lucy — Where will we go on holiday’ Steve on holiday go will to the moon We 5 Wait! 'll coming with you. Lucy What will we wear? 6 James isn't ready for school. He going to be Steve will space suits wear We late. . EE ee

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