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what is goal setting

2.what is smart goal

3.how to set and achieve a goal

4.time management

5.how to time management

6.why it is important to time management

Hello and welcome to episode 170 of the Working With Podcast. A podcast to answer all your
questions about productivity, time management, self-development and goal planning. My name is
Carl Pullein and I am your host for this show.
We have reached that time of year where over 80% of the goals set on January 1st have been
dropped. Where resolutions, goals and new good habits are just a distant idea and where old habits
and practices have returned. 
That’s a terrible statistic—80% of all new year goals and resolutions fail by the first week of
February. Yet it really does not have to be that way. Achieving a goal is possible for everyone if it is
approached in the right way. And how to do that is what I will be answering this week.
Now before we get to the question and answer, I would just like to let you know that we have been
celebrating the Lunar New Year here in Korea over the weekend and to celebrate the new year, I
have put together a bundle of my finest courses to help you go from where you are today to where
you want to be in the future. 
This bundle includes the Time Sector System, my Productivity Masterclass AND Your Digital Life
3.0. With these three courses, you will have everything you need to create your own time
management and productivity system, you will learn the skills to develop an organization system that
makes finding your files and notes quick and easy and you will learn a way of managing your email
that takes the stress and overwhelm out of dealing with a massive amount of email. 
Plus, as part of Your Digital Life 3.0, you also get free access to my Ultimate Goal Planning course—
so a course relevant to today’s question. 
Normally, if you buy all three of these courses it would cost you over $180, but for the Lunar New
Year, you can pick up this bundle for just $99.00. 
You will have to hurry, as this bundle will be ending on Wednesday 17th Feb. Full details on how to
pick up this bundle can be found in the show notes.
Okay, it’s time for me now to hand you over to the mystery podcast voice for this week’s question
This week’s question comes from Ashley. Ashley asks, Hi Carl, I’ve heard you speak about
goals and goals planning before and wondered if you have any tips for someone who fails
every time they set a goal. I’ve failed so many times now I just laugh at myself every time I
think about setting a goal. Is there anything I can do that would help me to set and achieve
Hi Ashley, thank you for your question. 
Now, this is a timely question because last week I did a talk for Todoist’s Office Hours series where
we talked about goal setting and tracking using Todoist and as I was preparing for that talk, I went
through the three main components and tried to think of better ways to explain why each part is
So, let’s start there.
There are three parts to achieving a goal: What, why and how. 
This translates to what do you want, why do you want it and how will you do it.
 Now you need to be very clear about what it is you want. It’s no good saying “I want to lose weight”
or “I want to earn more money” while you might think these are clear they do not specify exactly
what you want. How much weight do you want to lose and by when? How much more money do you
want to earn and by when? Unless you know this, then if you skip dinner tonight and weigh yourself
tomorrow you will likely to have achieved your goal. Or your boss could say, okay I’ll give you an
extra $5.00 per month—probably not what you had in mind. 
So get very specific about what it is you want:
I want to lose ten pounds by the end of March. I want to earn an extra $1,000 per month by July. 
 What do you want and by when do you want to have achieved it?
That’s fairly straight forward. 
Now the mistake most people make is they decide what they want then move straight to how they
are going to do it. 
Now, let’s look at why this is a problem. Everyone knows how to lose weight. It’s a very simple
formula: eat less, move more. Now we could argue about the semantics and talk about the types of
foods you should be eating, but even if you are eating the healthiest foods, if the calories going in
are higher than the calories coming out, you will still gain weight. 
No matter what goal you want to achieve, all you need do is spend a little time on Google and you
will find all you need to know about how to achieve it. If you want to become an astronaut and spend
some time on the International Space Station and do a spacewalk, Google it and you will find a road
map explaining everything you need to know and do to become an astronaut.
The difficulty in achieving your goals is never about the how. How to do it will be well documented.
How to save money, how to earn more money, how to get your dream job, how to become a doctor.
Whatever your goal is the how to do it, will never be a problem.
So, if you know what you want and you know—or can at least find out—how to do it, then why do so
many people fail at achieving their goals? 
It’s because their reasons for achieving those goals are not powerful enough. 
The key part to achieving your goals, Ashley, is in your reasons for wanting to achieve your goals. 
How to lose weight is easy. If you eat less and move more you will lose weight. However, there is
one factor that will always get in the way. Hunger. When you reduce your calories sufficiently to lose
weight your body will tell you it does not like eating less food and so will produce a chemical
response in your brain to tell you you are hungry and you must eat something right now. 
However, it is unlikely you will feel hungry first thing in the morning when your willpower it at it’s
highest, you are more likely to feel hungry later in the day when your willpower is at it’s lowest. 
This means your reasons for wanting to lose weight need to be stronger than your body’s reason for
not wanting to feel hungry. 
So, if you have decided you want to lose weight, then why? Why do you want to lose weight? It is for
cosmetic reasons—you want to look good? Is it for health reasons—you don’t want to develop
diabetes? Why do you want to lose weight? 
Likewise with earning more money, or complete a masters’ degree or getting a promotion at work.
Why do you want to do these things? 
When your reasons for wanting something are strong enough, your motivation for sticking to your
plan—the how—will be stronger than the forces pulling on you to stop making these changes. 
You see our minds and bodies do not like change. We love habits. We love routines. It’s why we feel
tired around the same time each day and why, if you allowed it, we would wake up quite naturally
without an alarm clock. It’s why, weirdly, the amount of money we earn is usually roughly the same
as the amount of money our friends earn. We love stasis. We hate change. 
But, if you really want to achieve your goals you will have to change. You will have to go through a
period of discomfort where your mind and body is fighting you to get back to it’s comfort zone. 
You know the most dangerous place anyone can be is when they are earning enough money to feel
comfortable. To be able to drive a reasonably nice car, to live in a nice house in a nice
neighbourhood. To have a comfortable job with a stable company. That is a very dangerous place to
be because the fear of losing any of that will always be stronger than the desire to improve and
change. So changing anything will scare you. The problem is change is inevitable. 
There will come a time when your company wants to make changes, you may perhaps reach an age
where you will not be able to progress further in your company and younger colleagues begin to
pass you on the promotion chain and your worst fears will become a reality and begin to live a life of
fear, dread and anxiety. 
So, for you to begin achieving your goals you need to reset your comfort zone. You need to become
uncomfortable being where you are today. You need to be uncomfortable weighing what you weight
today. You need to be uncomfortable earning what you are earning today and you need to be
uncomfortable not knowing what you need to know to perform at your best. 
So how do you find strong reasons for wanting a goal?
Well, in my experience, the stronger the emotional attachment to your reason the more likely you will
succeed. I’m reminded of the story of a successful businessman who had everything he wanted. A
great job, a wonderful family, a nice car and house etc. 
He was also a very heavy smoker. Smoking was his pleasure. He would sit down in his favourite
armchair and smoke every evening. His doctor, his wife and friends all urged him to stop smoking
but he refused, telling them smoking was his one pleasure in life. 
Then one day his five-year-old daughter came into his room crying. She was saying “Daddy, I don’t
want you to die” He calmly said, “I’m not going to die honey”. 
“No Daddy, you are going to die” she replied pointing to his cigarette. 
At that moment, he stopped. He realised he wanted to be there to walk his daughter down the aisle
on her wedding day and to play with his future grandchildren. At that moment, he got a very powerful
reason for quitting smoking. From the very next day, this guy never smoked a cigarette again. And,
yes he did walk his daughter down the aisle and got to play with his grandchildren. 
You see, when you make you reasons for wanting to achieve your goal incredibly powerful by
making them emotional, you will succeed no matter how hard it is because you will have a reservoir
of motivation for those days when things are very tough. 
So, make what you want clear. Be very specific about what it is you want. Make your why a
powerful, emotional reason for wanting to achieve this goal and change your habits and behaviours
so they fall in line with your desired outcome. 
However, there is another level to consistently achieving your goals. That level is who do you want
to become? How do you want to live your life? What do you want to be doing in ten or twenty years
time? What kind of lifestyle do you want to live? What do you want for your family and friends? 
This is what I call your North Star. Your North Star is your journey. It takes you in the direction you
want to live your life. If you have a, as Tony Robbins calls it: “A compelling vision of how you want to
live your life” then your goals, your habits and your daily activities will follow suit. 
When your goals align with your long-term vision of the life you want to lead, you will find achieving
your goals becomes easy because as you journey towards building the life you want, all you will be
doing is making tiny adjustments to the way you live your life today. It’s why you will often hear:
“most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can
achieve in a decade” 
When you are working towards a longer-term vision the changes you need to make are much more
I’m sure many of you have heard of the book called “The Secret”. The book’s premise is that if you
want it, if you desire it and if you can imagine having it, then you can have it. It’s as the Bible says
“ask and you will receive”. Well, it turns out there is some truth to this. 
If we ask questions like “why can’t I lose weight?” Your brain will answer that question. It will give
you all the reasons why you cannot lose weight. Same for “why do I never get promoted?” And “Why
can’t I find the love of my life?” That’s exactly what you will get—reasons why you cannot do
Change the question and you will get different answers. Instead of asking why you cannot lose
weight, ask “what do I have to do to lose ten pounds?” “What skills do I need to learn to get
promoted?” “Who do I need to talk to to find the love of my life?” 
These questions will give you a list of all the things you can do to achieve your desired outcome. 
So there you go, Ashley. It’s not that you cannot achieve your goals, you can achieve your goals, but
you need to begin focusing on your why. Why do you want to achieve these goals? How will being
successful with your goals align with your future vision? Get this part of the equation right and you
will no longer have any difficulties achieving your goals. 
Thank you for your question, Ashley, and thank you to you for listening. Don’t forget to check out my
Lunar New Year bundle. There is something in there for everyone. 
It just remains for me now to wish you all a very very productive week.
Greetings to you all. This is coming from James Erna do our daily podcast. Today we shall be considering
the topic goal setting and time management. Before we continue, let's look at some facts about time,
time is a fraction of eternity that determines our eternal destiny, we exist on it in time, time is universal
currency that is used for this new transaction. No wonder the same time is money. Time is a basic unit of
life. seasons that is where the summation of your lifetime will spend is simply time utilized the same
amount of time with the sense of a kink we all share the same time you can make a bunch of videos
while watching him at all he knows how much value attached to your time determines how well to
utilize it. Know how long you live that matters with how well you utilize your lifetime on it. No wonder
the sun is in Psalms 90 was to assist Teach us to number our days anybody or anything that says your
time destroys or steals your life. Let's look at also some characteristics of time time is continuous time
waits for no one time is neutral time cannot be stopped, time reviews, time heals, time shows time
cannot be altered time will calculate the maximize, it can be managed it can be utilized or wasted. What
are the common time wasters number one, we have destructors social media emails procrastination,
too much sleep not planning activities, not delegating unnecessary tasks not prioritizing. These are some
of time wasters additions we have seen too much or attempt to please everybody. Also waste time. Now
let's go into the subject of goal setting. Goal setting can be defined as the process of developing
Strategic Action Plans for the course of one's life that is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and
time bound. Taking into consideration your one strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and strength. Goal
setting is a process of planning your tomorrow today. Goal setting is a process of counting the cause of
action for an achievable desire. Good is a target you set to achieve with resources you have at your
disposal. goal can be a long term goal, it can be a short term goal it can be medium term goal is simple
short term goals are your daily tasks, that weekly tasks. Your modulators is Apollo lockdown good is
Who will I marry? Where do I leave your retirement plans or long term goals, your housing plans. Now
let's go into the subject of how to set goals. Remember, we are considering the topic goal setting.
Number one in goal setting is identify and write down what you want. Brainstorm on the resources
required for you to acquire or achieve what you want. Analyze your strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats in acquiring or processing what you want. Maximize your strengths. overcome
your weaknesses. Take advantage of your opportunities and analyze your risks. protects your wants,
based on urgency, value and importance. Set Key Performance Indicators, milestones and targets. Break
down your goals into daily, weekly, more than an impossible even hourly celebrate gains. Review the
strategize er monitor and evaluate your processes. Thank you for listening once again. This is James
Sarona doodle Live from echo good news, Demetri

greetings to you all. This is coming from James Erna do our daily podcast. Today we shall be considering
the topic, goal setting and time management. If we continue, let's look at some facts about time. Time is
a fraction of eternity that determines our eternal destiny. We exist on Earth in time, time is universal
currency that is used for this new transaction, no one that is saying, time is money. Time is a basic unit
of life. Time is an interval between moments, seasons and events, your entire life is measured with time.
That is why the summation of your life on Earth is called your lifetime. A life well spent is simply a time
will spend or utilize. We all have access to the same amount of time, our differences notwithstanding
the rich, the poor, the sooner the scholar, the illiterate, the king, and the servant. We all shared the
same time 24 hours a day, seven days a week, two weeks a day, 365 days a year. It time is an equalizer.
While our decisions is what makes the difference between us. How much value are you attached to your
time determines how well utilize it. It is not how long you live that matters. It how well you utilize their
lifetime on it. No wonder the sun is in Psalms 90 was to assist Teach us to number our days, anybody or
anything that says your time destroys or steals your life. Let's look at also some characteristics of time
time is continuous time waits for no one time is neutral time cannot be stopped, time reviews, time
heals, time shows time cannot be altered time calculi be maximize, it can be managed, it can be utilized
or wasted. What are the common time wasters number one, we have destructors social media emails,
procrastination, too much sleep, not planning clutter activities, not delegating unnecessary tasks not
prioritizing. These are some of time wasters addition, we have seen yours too much, or attempt to
please everybody. Also waste time. Now let's go into the subject of goal setting. Goal setting can be
defined as the process of developing Strategic Action Plans for the course of one's life that is specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound. Taking into consideration your one strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Goal setting is a process of planning your tomorrow today. Goal
setting is a process of counting the costs of action for an achievable desire. Good is a target you set to
achieve with the resources you have at your disposal. Good can be a long term goal. It can be a short
term goal, it can be a medium term goal. Example of short term goals are your daily tasks, weekly tasks,
your modulators is up for a long time good is Who will I marry? Where do I leave your retirement plans
or long term goals, your housing plans. Now let's go speak to the subject of how to set goals.
Remember, we are considering the topic goal setting. Number one in goal setting is identify and write
down what you want. Brainstorm on the resources required to acquire for achieve what you want.
Analyze your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in acquiring or assessing what you want.
Maximize your strength. overcome your weaknesses. Take advantage of your opportunities and analyze
the risks or tides your wants based on urgency, one, set key performance indicators, milestones and
targets. Break down your goals into daily, weekly, monthly and impossible even hourly. Celebrate gains
review to strategize and monitor and evaluate your processes. Thank you for listening once again this is
Jim sub Hello, come in life from eco good news, Demetri.

Greetings to you all. This is coming from James aroma to do our daily podcast. Today we shall be
considering the topic, goal setting and time management. Before we continue, let's look at some facts
about time. Time is a fraction of eternity that determines our eternal destiny, we exist in time, time is
universal currency that is used for this new transaction. No wonder the same. Time is money. Time is a
basic unit of life. Time is computable between moments, seasons and events, your entire life is
measured with time. That is why the summation of your life what is call your lifetime. A life well spent is
simply a time well spent or utilize. We all have access to the same amount of time, our differences
notwithstanding the rich, the poor, the sense, the sooner the scholar, the illiterate, the king, and the
servant. We all share the same time 24 hours a day, seven days a week, two weeks day, 365 days a year.
The time is an equalizer. While our decisions is what makes the difference between us. How much value
attached to you as time determines how well utilize it how long you live that matters. It how well you
utilize their lifetime on it. No wonder the sun is in Psalms 90 was to assist Teach us to number our days,
anybody or anything that says your time destroys or steals your life. Let's look at also some
characteristics of Time, time is continuous time waits for no one time is neutral time cannot be stopped,
time reviews, time heals, time choose time cannot be altered. Time can only be maximize, it can be
managed, it can be utilized or wasted. What are the common time wasters number one, we have
distractors social media, emails, procrastination, too much sleep, not planning, clutter activities, not
delegating unnecessary tasks not prioritizing. These are some of time wasters addition, we have seen or
attempt to everyone go through wasted. Now let's go into the subject of goal setting. Goal setting can be
defined as the process of developing Strategic Action Plans for the cost of one's life that is specific,
measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. Taking into consideration your one strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Goal setting is a process of planning your tomorrow today called
cities a process of counting the costs of action for an achievable desire. Good is a target you said to
achieve with the resources you have at your disposal. Gold can be a long term goal. It can be a short
term goal it can be a medium term goal is simple short term goals are your daily tasks, weekly tasks,
your monthly tasks is a long term goal where your retirement plans are long term sheet model 1000
plants. Now let's go into the subject of how about what remember we are constantly talking goal
setting. Number one in goal setting is identify and write down what you want. Brings brainstorm on the
resources required for you to acquire or achieve what you want. weaknesses opportunities and threats
in aquaria or possessing what you want. Maximize your strengths, overcome your weaknesses. Take
advantage of your opportunities and your wants. And this one unimportance set up famous tools and
targets a weekly an impossible even hourly celebrate gains. Review, to strategize Evaluate your
processes. Thank you once again coming from EcoBoost D'Amato. hoche

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