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Notes on Eliptic Curves

Cryptographic operations that use groups (e.g. DH) are

rewritten to use
the groups of rational points of elliptic curves over finite

Field: has + and ×

Group: just has + (needs identity element)

Any field F is an abelian group (also called a

commutative group) under addition

Finite Fields ≡ Galois fields

Order of field = number of elements

For scalar n, n ⋅ a = a + a + … + a (which is an element

of F)

If there is no positive integer such that n ⋅ 1 = 0, F is

said to have characteristic 0

What good note-taking apps are there that work for

things like formulae? I normally just use text files/Apple
Notes, but with the crypto I need to take snippets from
web sites which include formulae. I figure students must
have to do this!

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