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2nd Quarter Science 10

Week 3
Lesson: Electromagnetic Waves

A. Content Standards:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

B. Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of
electromagnetic waves.

C. Weekly Topics:
- Risks and Hazards of EM Waves

D. Most Essential Learning Competencies

Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the environment.

E. Transfer Goal
The learner should be able to compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of
electromagnetic waves.
Junior High School Department

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________

Grade & Section: ___________________________________________ Score: _________
2nd Quarter Science 10
Week 3
Lesson: Electromagnetic Waves


Directions: Fill in the missing term or phrase to complete the sentence. Find the answer
from the word pool below.
1. Over-exposure to certain types of ______________________ can be harmful to
2. The higher the ______________________ of the radiation, the more damage it
is likely to cause to the body.
3. ______________________ causes severe sunburn and damage to cells.
4. The darker skin absorbs more ultraviolet light, so less ultraviolet
______________________ reaches the deeper tissues.
5. ______________________ radiation can be used to transmit signals, such as
those for mobile phone calls.

*radio wave *microwave *radiation *UVB *UVC *frequency *EM radiation
2nd Quarter Science 10
Week 3
Lesson: Electromagnetic Waves

Activity 1: Watch and Learn
Watch the video from the link below and answer the questions that follow.

Process Question:
1. What did you find out from the
2. Did you find the video to be
helpful for the future lesson of
3. Based from the video, give at
least 2 suggestions that we
humans must do to avoid or to
lesses the damage of the risks of
EM waves.

Activity 2: KWL
Why is it important to locate the possible earthquake epicenter?
What I know.. What I want to know… What I’ve Learn…
2nd Quarter Science 10
Week 3
Electromagnetic Waves

Activity 3: Virtual Interactive Discussion

Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation

Over-exposure to certain types of electromagnetic radiation can be harmful. The
higher the frequency of the radiation, the more damage it is likely to cause to the body.
- Microwaves cause internal heating of body tissues
- Infrared radiation is felt as heat and causes skin to burn
- X-rays damage cells causing mutations (which may lead to cancer) and cell death –
this is why doctors and dentists stand behind protective screens when taking lots of x-
- Gamma rays also damage cells causing mutations and cell death

Microwave radiation
Microwave radiation can be used to transmit signals, such as those for mobile
phone calls. Microwave transmitters and receivers on buildings and masts
communicate with the mobile phones in their range. There is concern that microwave
radiation from mobile phones and masts may be harmful to our health.

Ultraviolet radiation
UV radiation is found naturally in sunlight. We cannot see or feel ultraviolet
radiation, but our skin responds to UV exposure by turning darker over time. This is
called a sun tan. This happens as our bodies attempt to reduce the amount of
ultraviolet radiation reaching deeper skin tissues.
Darker skins absorb more ultraviolet light, so less ultraviolet radiation reaches
the deeper tissues. This is important, because UVR can cause cells to become
We should wear UV blocking sunscreen on sunny days to avoid skin cancer.
Overexposure of our eyes to UVR can cause blindness, so we should wear hats and
sunglasses on sunny days.
There are three types of UV radiation and some of their effects:

Type UVC
Frequency High
Hazard Causes severe damage to cells

Type UVB
Frequency Medium
Hazard Causes severe sunburn and damage to cells

Type UVA
Frequency Low
Hazard Weaker effects than UVB

Watch the video from the link below for further understanding of the lesson:

Activity 4: Our Health

How radiation threatens Health (
Process Questions:
1. What type of EM wave is cited in the article?
2. What harm does this type of EM wave bring?
3. Will exposure to this type of EM wave certainly make you ill? Why?

Activity 5: Exposed
Effects of Sun Exposure to Skin (
Process Questions:
1. What specific dangers to the skin may be brought about by the exposure to the sun?
2. What type of radiation is responsible for this skin damage?
3. How do you protect yourself from such damages?

Activity 6: KWL
Write the things that you wanted more to learn about the topic in the second column.
What I know.. What I want to know… What I’ve Learn…


Activity 7: Gadget Risks

Cellphones and Cancer Risk (
Process Questions:
1. Describe the level of harmfulness of the type of radiation cited in the article based on its
location in the EM spectrum.
2. In the context of radiation risk, what can you recommend to make the use of cellphones
Activity 8: The Effects on Us
Read the articles on some effects of ultraviolet raus from the sun to living things by
following the links provided.
1. Cosmetics Procedures: Sun Exposure and Skin Cancer

2. Ultraviolet radiation and the INTERSUN Program

Organize your notes and ideas on the article by completing the graphic organizer
below. Refer to the process questions as you complete the organizer. One organizer
per article.

Process Questions:
1. What specific dangers to the skin may be brought about by the exposure to the sun?
2. What type of radiation is responsible for this skin damage?
3. How do you protect yourself from such damages?
Activity 9: I Complete You
Based from your answers in every activity, how safe are EM waves? Complete the open
ended phrases below.
1. The effects of the EM waves are _________________________________________
2. There are supporting reasons and examples of the effects of the EM waves such as

Activity 10: KWL

Write the things that you’ve learned from the lesson in the third column.

What I know.. What I want to know… What I’ve Learn…

Answered… Answered…
Junior High School Department

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________

Grade & Section: ___________________________________________ Score: _________
2nd Quarter Science 10
Week 3
Lesson: Electromagnetic Waves

Directions: Identify the term or phrase that is described in each item. Write your answer
on the space provided.
______________________ 1. It causes internal heating of the body.
______________________2. It is a radiation that is felt as heat and causes skin to
______________________3. It damaged cells causing mutations (which may lead to
cancer) and cell death.
______________________4. It also damaged cells causing mutations and cell death.
______________________5. We cannot see or feel it, but our skin responds to its
exposure by turning our skin darker over time.

Fill in the table to complete the information needed in types of ultraviolet radiation.


Activity 11: I Know Now
Direction: Answer the question below based on your own perspective.

“Based on your understanding, what is the importance of learning the

different risks and hazards of the EM wave?”


Criteria 5 3 1 Points
The entry The entry The entry is
Subject thoroughly addresses off-task or
gives the facts some aspects, makes little
and and portion of reference to
information the facts and the facts and
posed in the information are information
prompt. missing. posed in the
The entry is The entry The entry is
Quality thoughtful, shows lapses thoughtfully
carefully in care and written, and
written and depth of does not
demonstrates understanding suggest the
self-reflection regarding the subject has
with regards to task at hand. been taken
the topic. seriously.
The entry is The entry is The entry is
Clarity clear, logical somewhat unclear and
and articulate. unclear and may ramble
may have gaps from topic to
in logical topic.
Total Points: /15

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