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Notice to q ith the work.

Office of the General Manager

M.P. Rural Road Development Authority, P.I.U.-I Rewa (M.P.)
Memo No.l'!ov/o/MP:t2PT059/202r Rewa, Drttd: J0.l1.2021
'-fo. Erb/

Ilerr Sir(s)
Pursuant to your furnishing the requisite perlormance security 6s stipul&Ed itl ITB ClBUsc 32.10 ad
signing of rhe contract for the const$ction ofthe work under package numbcr MP-32-PT-059 you a* hcrcby
instructcd to proceed with the execution of the said works in accordance with thc contract documcnts,
(l) Package Number: MP-32-fru59
(?) Agreeme-nt Number: jl3 Datc&,f 1.2021 &;,111- 2,
(3) PAC Rs. 17.37 Lahh

(4) Rate 3 L 12 % Below SSR w,e,f. 01.09.2017

(5) Time allowed for completion of lR $ork 60 Days
(6) S.O.R.applicoble. n.e"f. Datcd 0l .09.2017
(7\ Contract Amount Contract Amount (11,96+1.44) lncluding GST Rs.
| 3."10 Lakh (Thiseen Point Four Zero Only)

(8.) NITNo. 159 l!{'lN 12.08.2021

(91 Yearwisc prograrrme for periodlcal renewal of bituminous surfare is eacloged. This programme is
to be followed strictly subject to any deviatioa that may be ordercd by rhe cmploycr.

Yours fgi$firllya

Genlnl Maneger
- n-oao ttcvclopment Autlrrity
PIU- Rcwa-l (M.P.)
Erdr. No. 1269/WOA[P31PT059/202i Rerre, Der.d 3tlllJ*ll -'Ellt,
Copy forwarded to:-
i. Chief Execulive Offieer. M.P. Rural Road Development Authority. Elock-2 5't Floor. Paryovas
Bhavan. Arcra Hills. Bhopal
7 Chief GenEral Manager, M.P. Rural Road Developmenl Authoriq',Rewa
J Commissioner, Rewa Division, Reva for inlbrmation
4 Collector {Mining), Rewo Disn. , Rewa for informarior
5 Exccutive Engineer, RES, PWD, WRD Rewa Division, Rewa for information.
6 Labour Officcr, Padra. District Rewa for informxion.
7 Shri A.K. Pandey,6,4q, MPRRDA" Rewa 1M.P.) lbr inlormstion and neclssrry action.
8 Smt. Seema Singh, S/8. MPRBDA, Rewa (M.P.) for information and ncccssary action.
I Technical Section, PIU-l Rewa

Gerenl Mruager
- Road thvclopment Authority
PIU- Rewa-l (M.P.)

*r)(n ,,/ Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed by PRADEEP
Date: 2021.12.24 12:44:28 IST
Location: Madhya Pradesh-MP

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