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Japanese martial arts

 Arts


Sumo (wrestling)

Jujutsu/Taijutsu/ Yawara (Tegoi, Sumo, Historic Chinese martial arts/Chinese boxing )

(700-present[1868-1912 became unfashionable]) (Aikido, Judo, Bartitsu)
(Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu [780/1200-present] (Aikido, Judo, Hapkido, Hwa Rang Do), Hontai Yōshin-ryū
[1660-present], Kitō-ryū [Early Edo period, 17th century-extinct] (Judo), Kukishin-ryū [14th
century-present], Sekiguchi-ryū [1640-present], Shindō Yōshin-ryū [1864-present], Sōsuishi-
ryū [17th century-present] (Judo), Tenjin Shinyo-ryu [1830-present] (Aikido, Judo, Bartitsu), Yagyū
Shingan-ryū [1600-present], Yōshin-ryū [mid 17th century-present] (Judo), Shinden Fudo-ryū
[1130-present] [Chinese origin] (Bartitsu, Genbukan, Bujinkan), Hojōjutsu (Rope Technique))
(In the beginning focused heavily upon throwing (including joint-locking throws), immobilizing, joint
locks, choking, strangulation, and to lesser extent ground fighting. In the early 17th century during the
Edo period, new techniques were created to adapt to the changing situation of unarmored
opponents. This included the development of various striking techniques in jujutsu which expanded
upon the limited striking previously found in jujutsu which targeted vital areas above the shoulders
such as the eyes, throat, and back of the neck. However towards the 18th century the number of
striking techniques was severely reduced as they were considered less effective and exert too much
energy; instead striking in jujutsu primarily became used as a way to distract the opponent or to
unbalance him in the lead up to a joint lock, strangle or throw)

Shinobi no jutsu/Ninjutsu (Jujutsu) (14th /15th century-17th century)

Judo (Tenjin Shinyo-ryu, Kitō-ryū, Sōsuishi-ryū, Yōshin-ryū, Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu) (1882-


Karate (Okinawa Karate) (1912/1922-present)

Aikido (Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu, Tenjin Shinyo-ryu) (late 1920s-present)

Shorinji Kempo (Shaolin Kung Fu, Bailian Quan, Yihemen Quan, Uechi-ryū Karate, Hakko-Ryu
Jujutsu, Fusen-ryū jūjutsu) (1947-present)

Bujinkan (Jujutsu, Ninjutsu) (1970-present)


Swordsmanship (Kenjutsu, Battōjutsu/ Iaijutsu) (Kenjutsu -15th century-present [1868-1912

became unfashionable]) (Battōjutsu/ Iaijutsu-16th century-present [1868-1912 became unfashionable] )

Kyūjutsu (bow) (ca. 500 BC/ 12th century [first kyujutsu ryūha (style)] - 17th century)

Naginatajutsu (980-1868) (1926-present> Naginata-do)

Sōjutsu (spear)
Shinobi no jutsu/Ninjutsu (Jujutsu) (14th /15th century-17th century)

Kendo (Kenjutsu) (1876-present)

Iaidō (Iaijutsu) (mid-1500s/1932-present)

Kyūdō (Kyūjutsu) (17th century-present [1868-1912 became unfashionable])

 Periods

Koryū ("old school") bujutsu

Bow, spear

Antiquity (pre-1185) [Heian period (794 to 1185)]

Japanese Middle Ages (1185–1603) [Kamakura period (1185–1333)]

Edo period/Tokugawa period (1603-1867) sword

Gendai budō ("modern budo")

Meiji era (1868-1912) (Jujutsu/ Kenjutsu /Kyūjutsu became unfashionable)


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