Classical Electrodynamics 3rd Ed - J.D.

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FOR FURTHER READING Cross-reference Table between problem number in 4D. Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics . | and equivalent problem number in this book. ‘The subjects of special functions of mathematical physies, Stunm-Liouville ote i is devoted to two-dimensional potential problems with many examples and nice pictures ofthe equipotentials and stream lines. LE theory the solution of ordinary ferential equations, tyergsomei ontons es [es] SS SE Ss | the ae covered In many book auch " number | edition | number | edition edition | number | edition (A) Arfken, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Academic Press, 2nd ed. SS Soe ae a rane i . 1970 ry af ae A a 92s | 9s 1410 (DK) — Ennery and Kryzwicki, Mathematics for Physicists, Haper-Row, 1967. us] 0320) gu |) de wa (MW) Mathews and Watker, ‘Mathematical Methods of Physis, Benjamin, ea ca wan rbot we | aa tea | 103 (WW) Whittaker and Watson, Modern Analysis, Cambridge Pees, 1980. | ‘ peale ea (MF) Morse and Feshbach, Methods of Theoretical Physics, McGraw-Hill, leads = 1953, 7 Sturm-Liouville theory = A, p. 424449; DK, 286-288; MW, Ch. 9; MF, p. | : non | s Diecast Equations snglr points, ete. — A, p. 387-408; DK, p29 u G MB, p. 523-576, and p. 667674; WW, p. 194-210, . a Mypegeomerie fantlons = Dk 903-308; MR, p41; WW, 281-20, 5 hy Legendre functions — A, Ch. 12; MF, p. 593-600 and p. 1325~1328;MW, Ch, iB “WW, p. 3552965, (abo ‘Waion, Beas Functions, Canbidye Pres | 5 : Vowmnsh Des! Funeton, Benham, + sho sonprtenive bode te > “ a} cay eal) | 1 58 { ry 3 Conformal mepping and the we of complex vcbles for two dimensional | Wy si9 , potential problems: i a Jeans, p,261=286. | "yy 2 Maxwell, Vol, 1, chapter Xt, eo a w Mone abd Fess, Va 1p. 443-483; Vol2p 1215-122, Ds om ‘goo! litle mathematic book on the sje L.Bleberbachy“Confomal | » 6a ' Mapping", Chelsea Publ. Co.,N.Y. 1964, i 6 [33 |. smite e415 to-4.31 (p 79-108) good dicusons with abundant w ot | os - exanpe (Sythe, “State aed Dyan etsy) S |e let Reem teat Conformal transformations: 2 suo} 38 645 94 3 3 ‘H, Kober, Dictionary of Conformal representations, Dover, 1957 — 200 | ' 3 oo as] on his | bites of examples often fam aerodynamic, bat ith nary anlar one ~ an | 340 69 7 ws i from electrostatics, ¢.g.p. 117; Schwar-Christollel transformations are | aa | aut se | oe a | iss treated in Prt IV, p, 141168, with numerous examples. | iw) he | 5 role wa | ba E, Durand, Electosttique et Magnctostatque, Masion, Pais, 953-Ch. X 2 | Delta (Dirac) functions: Lighthill, MJ. “Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Generalized Function” Mathematical cigorous treatment. PAM, Dirac, “The Principles of Quantum Mechanics” 3rd ed, Oxford Clarendon Press, 1947, p. 60, |. Halperin and L, Schwartz, “Introduction to the Theory of Distributions", University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1952. REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READING at the end of each chapter in Jackson are also resources of reference on special topics. Landau and Liftshitz, “The Classical Theory of Fields” Landau and Liftshitz, “Electrodynamics of Continuous Media" Landay and Lifisita's books are very concise and cover physically significant theoretical topics backedup with cleat mathematical formalism, Lorrain and Corsion, "Electromagnetic Fields and Waves" (a good elementary {tex0) It gives clear physical concepts in simple language and mathematics. It is good for readers with weaker background in this subject. Panofsky and Philips, "Classical Electricity and Magnetism” ‘Smythe, “Static and Dynamic Electricity”. It is more mathematical and classical than Jackson's and is a good source of problems and illustrative examples, Sommerfeld, “Electrodynamics” Stratton, “Eleciromagnetle Theory”. The book used mks (rationalized) rather ‘than esu in Jackson's, It is a great lielp in solving problems and clarify some ‘concepts by reading explanations from another angle. Jackson, J.D., “Classical Electrodynamics (Ist ed.) Since over 90% of the problems in this work come from Ist ed, of Jackson's book, all notations and. Units follow the convention in the book and equations (quoted by the rnumber in the text) are referted to, so it Is an inevitable reference. The ‘naterals covered in “Classical Electrodynamics" especialy the 2nd edition are contemporary subjects in Electrodynamics, i INTRODUCTION Since certain branches of mathematics are more fluently used in classical electro- dynamics, a short list of the more often used functions and mathematics should be presented before we discuss the solutions of the problems, Vector and tensor analysis are prequsite because electric and magnetic fickis are vector fields which can be derived either from seala or vector potential. ‘The gradient, divergence, curl and Laplace's operator form the mathematical backbone of electricity and magnetism, The solutions of potential are usually ‘epresented by expansions in orthogonal of which coefficients of the expan- sion can be obtained by making use of the orthogonality properties, Fourier series expansion is one of the type. Suitable coordinates should be chosen for particular symmetry of the problem. Although it may be advantagcous to know ‘liptical coordinates and generalized coordinates, they do not appeat often in this book, Dirac delta function is often used to describe the location of discrete charge instead of charge distribution in integration, Complex plane for con formal mapping, residue integration In retarded solution due to finite velocity flight and short duration of the souree, and Green's functions are some of the special or general approaches to obtain potential. Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson gives a general discussion of mathematies whenever itis required, which 4s often sufficient to handle the problems. . ‘The emphasis of the summary is primarily on the methods in solving the problems. The first part discusses electrostatics and magnetostaics. The tech- ‘niques of solving electrostatic problems In ths book are:~ (1) Coulomb's law: It is a basic approach but is not convenient, Fagk EO= 2, ERB ofa we Dué to the vector quantity of F and E, most of the probleme are solved by the potenti concern. (2) otemas~ For electrostatic cae: ¥ x E = 0, hence the eet fei intensity E can be expresed in terms of potential = @ Potential Isa salar quant, 10 the superpsidon fs the saae sum of individual contribution ‘of each of the sources or charge Alstdbutions. Several methods are uied in ptental problems, such (9) Gauss law:~ It is 2 generat consdetation of a closed surface and charge dstrbution inside the enclosed volume. The iategal form of (Gauss iw iS 4ndq;_ifq's are inside V, Fifa = : 0 ifno charge is enclosed. andthe equivalent diferental fom i CCC VB =4ag "Fora simple problem, if a Gaussian surface is constructed according to physical geometry of the problem, then the problem Is solved. Otherwise, Gauss law gives Laplace's equation (¥* @ =0) of Polson’s equation (V* @ = —4 79), which serves as the starting point of most of the problems. The Laplace operator is geometry Aependent, The special functions associated with coordinate systems ¢ shown asthe following: () Cartesian Coordinates ---othogonal expansions of sine and cosine functions. (i) Cylindrical Coordinates -- Bessel function (1g) (Ui) Spherical Coordinates --- Legendre polynomial (Pp), associated Legendre polynomial (P), spherical harmonies (Ym) and spherial esse function Gy), LU x LUT n (b) -_Multipote expansion ---is the most often used method in electro: atic and electrodynamic problems, By ditect Taylor's series expan. y sion of the potential @, gives monopole (2), dipole (dipole moment and quadrupole (quadrupole moment and the higher terms in x’ or higher multipole moments, (©) Green's function G(R, ¥) — It is also a general method to obtain solution for potential, It is deduced from Green's theorem, SOP Oe xf My 28 as By replacing © (potential) for ¢ and G (Green's function) for y, then, FO =f 9G CRR Hs 7 $10 2.2922 02) 22099) aye Wo ae Green's function depends only %' (the displacement vector from the ” origin to, the charge distribution) and x (the displacement vector ye from the origin to the point of observation). Using the boundary mW v @) “ conditions to eliminate one of the terms in the square brakeets (Le, Dirichlet or Neumann boundary condition), itis equivalent to {he potential of unit charge and is symmetrical wth respect to ¥ and (that is interchanging X and Toes not alter the overall effect of the potential). Method of image — It simplifies the problem to a great extent, hhowever its application is limited to a simple geometries of the problems such asa charge and an infinte constant potential conduc ing plate; two parallel conducting plates, with charge in betwe charge und a sphere with constant potential or added charge ele, ‘The images (magnitudes and positions) simulate the same boundary conditions specified by the conducting plane, sphere etc. afte theit ‘removals, However the potential so calculated is good for the region where the aetual charge(s) isfure situsted and is bound by the con- ‘ducting plates; sphere etc, In the teatment beyond this region, care should be taken, This happens when diclectsie problems are in concern. The potential inside and outside of the dielectric medium ate intersting, Method of inversion ~ It is 4 particular ease of Schwarz transfor ‘mation, The more general Ueatment of using complex varlbles in conformal mapping originates from Green's funtion where F (XX) satisfies the Laplice's equation V"F = 0, For smann boundary condition, the F(R, 5) an be interpreted as external charge distribution Yo “satisfy the boundary ‘condition, ‘he method of image illustates that F (&, %) ean be replaced physically by image charges. On the other hand. for Dirichlet pro- Biem with conductor, he potential U (&, Z) due to the Induced surface charge distibution on the conductor, is given by F (2). For regular two dimensional geometry, this type of problems is more convenient to be solved by Iansfornation, because F 5) satisfies the Laplace's equation, In complex plane, z = x + jy = re! wad the equivalence of U is - W where W = U + jVBoth U and V ate real and ae called Conjugate An illustration is given In problem 2.12 by modifying an example form Symthe, Functions. The vitues of complex transformation i best demonstrated in Schwate ane - formation which permits te interioc of the polygon In plane tobe tramonmed Mw 2 Wy jav to the real axis of the 2, plane and their relation is given by the complex deriva: ae "Gx oe ee Wo au a ) oe Tay ay KB, oto Gofn)—1 : IW Is analytic, then Cauchy-Riemann equations must be satisfied. where K's a complex constant and an and By sre eal andy ay 4 ” BU av, au . ax ay} ox ay Zplane - ‘The families of curves U (x,y) = enistant and V. x, y) = constant are orthogonal ‘They can be interpreted as equipotentials and the lines of force in electrostatic problems. The introduction of transformation in the complex plane (conformal transformation) gives the freedom of alternation of the magnitude of angles and length (o reduce the problem to a trivially simple form. Conjugate functions are very useful in two dimensional problems, (for example Infinite parallel cylinders which can be expanded {o infinite radius so that they become planes; or shrink to zero radius thus becoming line charges), ‘The expression W for those problems can be written as wong whichis derived from more general expression We=¥ qin ex) {here 2s the position of the linear charge with charge density 0. The problem 's to consider the equipotentals generated by two equal and opposite linesr charge 0 = 1 at y =a and o =-1 at ¥ = a. The conjuate functions U and Vo ao Serome 22+ (yma coth U) = 2? exch? : and | (x=acot VF +y? =? cose!V : “ : { . vil - EL LERL were rere reer Cae 1 For a particular case, one vertex at the origin, 2, = 2 = (re /®)n, this represents the problem of two seminfinite conducting planes intersecting at the org at an angle ¢. The conformal transformation unfolds the conducting planes to an angle % such that the problem becomes aa infiatie condctig plane at a given potential, The solution i tv ay aah = (ool) Z plane (x= cos #and y= rin), enh 23/20 by transformationsz, = 2 = el)" such that np = m2; Uy = const=y, = esin2g Vi = const =x; = eos2y N= 2/3; Uy S const =y, =12/3 sin 2/39 Vireo = yer? crag J plane Vi =x) = const Z plane U_ = const = rsin29 = (7605 9) (rsin §) = 99 (oa for equipotent) = y* const. U = const =12/3 sin 2/39 = G2 ty") (ay 22K) =k! V:G8 +y2) (x? = y? + 4K) 23K where K and K' are constants case For two parallel conducting surfaces with a separation 1 in between, itis re presented asa strip of with 1 along the x axis in the 2 plane (interest at x = e or & at an angle B, = 0.) Under the transformation the stip is unfolded to the upper half plane in 2, plane. Set, = O and mp the pot of intersection at the origin , =O, then da/d2, = K @s)~¥ or 2 King +Ky The radial lines 0 = constant are transformed to horizontal line ¥ = constant and the semi-ciecles with r, lines (lines of force) of lent 214; 5 (equipotential) = const, ate transformed to vertical 1, More examples are given in problem 2.13 and Case 3 Another important case is when B == and K = {inversion in which the conjugate function is fixed + I gives the expressions for Went so a0; With the potential P09) = 20 where a is the radius of the sphere of inversion (or eile of inversion). The ‘radius of inversion is determined by the given geometry of the problem. Mathe- ‘matically the results are the same as those from the problem that a charge placed ln front of a conducting sphere (by image method: r= a" fr, q° = ~I/ (rq) ], ‘but the physical nature of image method and inversion method is very different, xi CHAPTER 3 Introduction to Electrostaties Ml @) In static equilibrium, E inside a conductor must be zero. A Gaussian surface Js constructed just under the surface of the conductor E«0 ;9-B-0-4n9 ke g=O inside the Gaussian surface, (©) Construct a Gaussian surface inside the conductor just under the surface Since there is no cleciric eld inside the conductor. External field induces charges on the outer surface only and the electric field terminates at the outer surface, Boute™ 9 If there are charges inside the hollow canductor the charges would induce ‘equal and opposite charges on the intria sur ‘ace of the hollow conductor such that it encloses no net charges. There is no E eld inside the conductor, but the ‘excess charges of the same sign and quantity distributed on the outer surface, which produces electri field. The electric fic d does not depend on the disti- bution of charges inside the hollow conduc.or, but on the geometry of the hollow conductor. Fem ae -Byeene ca? ma € eS L he L ie yy. 1 Le 0 b pe v cat By 400 If AYE, then £, has tangential Component which means that the surfuce charges must be disturbed, This contradicts the static equilibrlum eon- dition. So'E, must be normal to the surface of the conductor, iz (@) Assuming we can consider each plate separately: z AE Fa gy= SX (evenly distributed on two surfaces) E, and Ey must be parallel or antiparallel and. normal to the conducting surfaces c . SION 1 Region I: Taking the direction of E, as t 7 positive, we can write L on EEE (upper sign is for same sign charges andthe lower, pp) AjandA, are amiparle. p= 95,2 S059 oe O)Resion oj» B= (Ee (aia 748) or a) (It snot a function of thickness nor separation between the plates. When ai =: =Q Semative mehoays (@) Translational invariance in (x,y) directions makes surface charge densities, constant in (x,y). Define densities on the four surfaces as shown in fig, with oft dao otto With p(x) = p(2) independent of x andy, the electrostatic potential © can only depend on z Hence there is only a component of electric fied, With a Gaussian volume as shown above, we have $8-nas= Pe Because ofthe dependence only upon z we find that this result does not. depend on the separation L, @x = aerofendsx (of'+ of) (0) As far as outside the slabs are concerned We can imagine L-+0 or rather, thatthe space between the slabs is filled with conductor. Then we have one slab of gly yxot thickness t=, + ty + L, with charge density gt on left face and o® on sight face, with gt 4 of = a, +03. If we put ot yo" the left field El and the right field ER are unequal, If we view the slab from behind the page, the role of left" and “right” axe interchanged (equivalent to 2 -+-2). This asymmetrical situation Is perfectly possible, for example, witha dilectricl slab, but fora conducting slab the charge will flow in sucha way as to make ot =o” (© Applying Gaus: aw, or by insepection, there is no dependence of any of the results on ty, ty oF L, a1 =Q . Wehave of =-ok, of =of = 24% (2) Special ease of oy therefor, of =f =0 of=a=Q, feu 2-0 ; 13 (1. (@) Conducting sephere e ] | © Bro rea | @) UBL = gi? roa @w) By, ana rea. (See when bud © 5229 comtintente) 1 2 constant > fe Thenforr a, Bh) «Q¢ey - | BG sAdas, ngs t 1 (b) Conducting sphere: GB Bnaee[fferartan srsse i ) Conducting NEL =.Qr/a? ' 9+ Speen eC sober, We EAR Arca 0 7 © SC, 5, Q=44Ce st 2a (ee g = LDL Bey 9m am GB betta oa fff ere annenasee : ype Gyrsa Fie Airketen so em (ee > ar forn= 42 gadnke E: e A s forn=-2 z. ! Dy Conducting rh Gr>t BQ: ? ee - where Q is the total charge in the sphere. pale , “Alternative method: i op “ Gauss’ Law, , FERS = 40s 90x (@) When r=0, has a singularity at : : . 0, - for a sphere of radius r and a sphere rand 10 We ifn) =~4 mq5(1) oot a spherically symmetric 9 (x) becomes 5 jn . Ieisinterpretéd as» point charges situates at =O - E()= tt fre a(r)ae eee with a magaitude of 4.14 4} . l 7 F JY Hall 9 have total charge Q and are confined to ¢ a all cats give G0 vor4e (0 5 E(r)= Qi? (r>a ()* Oe (r> a), By spherical cordate if ‘. “Se d L L w L bL bv L L L Bs Le 5 i e a - - i views de® a2 eter ete 88 Bag Mr aae®t 7 wk cE ono ‘The charge dtebution continous 7 except a0, Wiha rusimumn value aL ‘The charge density decay exponentially. The total orbital electronic charge Q =f e@av=-49 for ethae- ay Or f,e@ava-49 [re wa S00) na te. thee charg que and oppo othe ft elton rg ofthe som, tr = 0, which is the nucleus, TS (ee) (2) Two flat plates: 9 = 4 nod; AV=4 nod; Clk BW "ae (b) Two concentric spheres: The electric field between the conductors is 2-9, a) ay = 0-99 7 (€) Two concentric eylinders: By Gauss Je weseo: ave e eee ay IE (d)is left forthe reader. Toy dcosdsee0 dD # sect YV,, and ¥ ate potentials due to conductor No, 1 and No. 2 respectively. wis [ot edea {Yue ant a are - vie m2) Ves aN (2) a = wi (2) c= A per unit eng (4t0 (2) 7 (a) Fused charges on each conductor Q Here energy density W is used and the potenti difference is ealeuated from the general formula

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