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Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr.



Drd. Gabriela Adina Hasegan Mares – Ph.D Gabriela Adina Hasegan Mares –
Universitatea Libera Internationala din Moldova International Fee University

Abstract Abstract
Managemnetul serviciilor publice este foarte Public services management is very important for
important si pentru a fi solutionat necesita luarea in solved require consideration of general assumptions,
considerare a premiselor generale; ca actiune that practical action, means a system of principles,
practica, desemneaza un sistem de principii, reguli si rules and methods talent management and to apply
metode de conducere precum si talentul de a le them.
aplica. To achieve a comprehensive analysis of the
Pentru a putea realiza o analiza complexa a institution "public services management" will study
institutiei “managemnetul serviciilor publice” vom the characteristics, guidelines and concepts operating
studia caracteristici, orientari si concepte generale general management of public services.
cu care opereaza managementul serviciilor publice . Typically, management of public services is
De obicei, managementul serviciilor publice este linked to activities established their rule complexity,
corelat cu activitasigurtile consacrate stapinirii while the government is conceived as an answer to
complexitatii acestora, in timp ce guvernarea este the question: "Who is in charge here?".
conceputa ca un raspuns la intrebarea : “cine este I appreciate that a brief analysis of the
seful aici?”. institution's new public services management is likely
Apreciez ca o noua analiza succinta a to diminish the eternal question marks doctrine.
institutiei managementului serviciilor publice este de
natura a diminua eternele semne de intrebare ale Keywords: management, public services,
doctrinei. public institution, Public Administration.

Cuvinte cheie: management, servicii publice,

institutie publica, Administratie Publica.
Any analysis of the public service
Orice analiza a managementului management involves the preliminary
serviciilor publice presupune precizarea statement of certain notions and concepts,
prealabila a unor notiuni si concepte cum ar fi such as: management, state, public institution,
: management, stat, institutie publica, organization, public administration, etc.
organizatie, administratie publica etc. We deem that these should be presented,
Consideram ca este necesara prezentarea to the extent that they serve the purpose of
acestora, in masura in care servesc scopului this paper, in order to properly appreciate a
lucrarii, in vederea aprecierii corecte a unei complex and sensitive activity like the public

Doctorand in cadrul Universitatii Libere Internationale din Moldova (ULIM), Specializarea Stiinte Economice, Adresa:
Sos. Alexandriei nr. 80, Bl. L21, Ap. 35, Et. 8, Sector 5, Bucuresti, Tel. 0722137688, email:
PhD within the Moldova International Free University (ULIM), specialized in Economic Sciences, Adress: Alexandria
Highway, no. 80, L21 Block, Suite 35, 8th floor, Sector 5, Bucharest, Tel: 0722137688, email:

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

activitati complexe si sensibile cum este service management.
managementul serviciilor publice. The problems arising from the public
Problematica managementului serviciilor service management has a special
publice dobandeste semnificatie deosebita significance in an extremely dynamic social
intr-un mediu social si politic extrem de and political environment, where the aspects
dinamic in care aspectele finantarii, of financing, content, quality and efficiency
continutului, calitatii si eficientei acestui of this business area are constantly brought
sector de activitate sunt puse permanent in forward.
discutie. General management, irrespective of the
Managementul general, indiferent de way it is perceived, defined or performed, is
modul in care este conceput, definit sau also found in public administration, with all
practicat se regaseste si in administratia the elements, dimensions and functions that it
publica, cu toate elementele, dimensiunile si accomplishes in any other field or business
functiile pe care le indeplineste in oricare alta area.
sfera sau domeniu de activitate Consequently, the problem concerning the
In consecinta, problema cu privire la managerial framework of public services
cadrul managerial al serviciilor publice requires taking into account certain general
devine extrem de importanta si pentru a fi premises, including:
solutionata necesita luarea in considerare a a) it is applied in Public Administration,
unor premise generale intre care amintim : as well as in all the other systems of social
a) se exercita si in Administratia Publica life, in a social-political environment that is
ca si in celelalte sisteme ale vietii sociale, constantly moving and it is increasingly
intr-un mediu social-politic aflat in continua changing and transforming;
miscare precum si in schimbare si b) it is applied under the circumstances of
transformare din ce in ce mai accelerate; increasing the complexity and uncertainty of
b) se exercita in conditiile cresterii economic-social life and the contradictions
complexitatii si incertitudinii vietii and dilemmas that they constantly produce;
economico-sociale si a contradictiilor si c) it is applied under the circumstances of
dilemelor pe care acestea le genereaza in the deep impact of the ethnical progress and
permanenta; informational revolution, both on the society
c) se exercita in conditiile impactului balance and the way we perceive the world
profund al progresului etnic si al revolutiei around us;
informatice, atat asupra echilibrului societatii d) it is applied under the circumstances of
cat si a manierei in care noi percepem lumea certain confusions in understanding and using
ce ne inconjoara; the terms created to describe the various
d) se exercita in conditiile unor confuzii aspects of the managerial framework; thus, in
in intelegerea si utilizarea termenilor creati the public sector, alongside the term of
pentru descrierea diferitelor aspecte ale management, there are frequently related
cadrului managerial; astfel, in sectorul public, terms such as:: administration, institutional
pe langa termenul de management, sunt governance etc., without rigorously
permanent asociati termeni cum ar fi : determining their nature and content.
administratie, guvernare institutionala etc, Public service management is usually
fara ca natura si continutul lor sa fie riguros related to the activities meant for mastering

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

determinate. their complexity, while governance is
De obicei, managementul serviciilor conceived as an answer to the question:
publice este corelat cu activitatile consacrate “Who is the boss around here?”
stapanirii complexitatii acestora, in timp ce The term functions are also derived from
guvernarea este conceputa ca un raspuns la the way they are derived, as management is
intrebarea : “cine este seful aici?”. mainly defined as the ordering and control to
Din modul de definire a termenilor, effectively and efficiently perform public
deriva si functiile specifice acestora, services against their objectives. Management
managementul echivaland, in principal, cu a is part of the change, but that is not its main
ordona si a controla pentru a face efectiv si purpose.
eficient serviciile publice in raport cu Administration is meant to put in practice
obiectivele lor. El participa la schimbare, dar the policies adopted and settled within the
nu aceasta este principala sa vocatie. system.
Administrarea are menirea de a The aforementioned shows that:
transpune in practica politicile adoptate si management controls, the leaders direct
stabilite in cadrul sistemului. and “bring forth enthusiasm”, and
Din cele de mai sus rezulta ca: administration serves.
managementul controleaza, liderii That is exactly why choosing the proper
orienteaza si “entuziasmeaza”, iar method of leading management practices that
administratia serveste. the leaders should promote to perform the
Tocmai de aceea, alegerea metodelor objectives of public (services) administration
adecvate de conducere a practicilor are so present.
manageriale pe care liderii trebuie sa le The word management is derived from the
promoveze pentru realizarea obiectivelor Latin “manus” (hand) and as a literary
administratiei (serviciilor) publice sunt de expression, it refers to “handling” or
stringenta actualitate. “driving”. The manager is the one who deals
Cuvintul management deriva de la with driving, or managing.
latinescul “manus”(mina) si reprezinta ca The Latin “manus” gave the French
expresie literara “manevrare” sau “pilotare”. “manege”, wherefrom it was borrowed in
Managerul este cel care se preocupa cu English, thus raising the derived terms of
pilotarea, cu conducerea. De la latinescul manager and management, which mean
“manus” s-a format in franceza “manege” de leader and leadership.
unde a fost imprumutat in engleza, aparand So, etymology-wise, management means
cuvintele derivate manager si management, to lead efficiently. Management is an English
ceea ce inseamna conducator si conducere. term with rather complex semantics. This
Deci, din punct de vedere etimologic, complexity is given by its multiple meanings,
management inseamna a conduce in mod including:
eficient. Management este un termen 1) management is constituted as a science,
englezesc cu semantica deosebit de namely an organized and coherent assembly
complexa. Aceasta complexitate este of concepts, principles, methods and
determinata de sensurile sale multiple, intre techniques whereby explaining the
care amintim: phenomena and processes within the
1) managementul se constituie ca o management of organizations;

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

stiinta, adica un ansamblu organizat si 2) management is also an art, which
coerent de concepte, principii, metode si reflects its pragmatic side and consists in the
tehnici prin care se explica fenomenele si manager’s skills to apply the scientific
procesele in conducerea organizatiilor; knowledge he/she possesses to the concrete
2) managementul reprezinta de practical realities, under efficient conditions;
asemenea, o arta, care reflecta latura sa 3) management is a specific state of mind,
pragmatica si consta in maiestria managerului represented by a certain way to see, wish,
de a aplica la realitatile practice concrete, in look for and accept progress.
conditii de eficienta, cunostintele stiintifice The term of management was coined in
pe care le detine; the latter half of the 20th century, thanks to
3) managementul reprezinta o stare de James Burnham’s work, “The Managerial
spirit specifica, reflectata de un anumit fel de Revolution”, published in 1941. He definitely
a vedea, a dori, a cauta si accepta progresul. imposed the notion of manager as a vector of
Termenul de management s-a impus in innovation and progress.
ultima jumatate a sec.XX gratie lucrarii lui The new and valuable idea coined on this
James Burnham ,“The Managerial occasion is that any society, irrespective of its
Revolution”, publicata in anul 1941. El ideology, politics or law, needs manager if it
impune in mod categoric notiunea de wants its economy to flourish in terms of
manager ca vector al inovatiei si progresului. innovation and creation.
Ideea noua, de mare valoare si actualitate If we bring forth the definitions given by
pusa in circulatie cu aceasta ocazie, este specialists, we shall see that management are
aceea ca orice societate, indiferent de regimul given multiple meanings, as follows:
ideologic, politic sau juridic, are nevoie de Wiliam Newman defines management as
manageri daca vrea ca economia ei sa coordination, leadership and control of a
prospere in ritm novator si creator. group of individuals in order to accomplish a
Daca facem apel la definitiile date de common goal. A good leader is he who
specialisti constatam ca managementului i se makes the group achieve its goals with
dau multiple sensuri,dupa cum urmeaza: minimum spend and resources.
Wiliam Newman defineste A. Macknesie appreciates that
managementul ca directionare, conducere si management is the process during which the
control al eforturilor unei grupe de indivizi in manager works with three main elements:
vederea realizarii unui scop comun. Un bun ideas, things and people, reaching his/her
conducator este acela care face ca grupa sa goal by means of others.
atinga scopurile sale cu un minim de According to Jean Gerbier, management is
cheltuieli si resurse. organization, the art to lead and administrate.
A.Macknesie apreciaza ca managementul H. Johannsen defines management as the
este procesul in care managerul opereaza cu art and science to direct, coordinate and
trei elemente principale: idei, lucruri si administrate other’s work, in order to reach
oameni realizind obiectivul prin altii. the settled goals, the process of decision
Conform lui Jean Gerbier, managementul making and leading.
inseamna organizare, arta de a conduce, de a Management means to act and apply
administra. across organizations, as the essence of human
H.Johannsen defineste managementul ca resources management.

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

fiind arta sau stiinta de a directiona, dirija si In view of the aforementioned, we may
administra munca altora pentru a atinge look at management as “the assembly of
obiectivele stabilite, procesul de luare a techniques related to organization and
deciziilor si de conducere. administration, provisioning and
Managementul presupune actiune si modernization of organizational structures,
aplicare la nivelul organizatiei, fiind esenta by accepting new challenges in terms of
managementului resurselor umane. competitiveness, regulations, social
Prin prisma celor de mai sus, putem privi exigencies, may be deemed as the most
managementul ca “ ansamblul tehnicilor de important change factor3”
organizare si administrare, de previzionare si To the economist, management is a
modernizare a structurilor organizationale, production factor related to the organization
acceptand noile provocari privind and coordination of the other factors (land,
competitivitatea, reglementarile, exigentele work, capital) in order to maximize
sociale, poate fi cnsiderat factorul cel mai efficiency, the social process that involves
important al schimbarii1” taking responsibility for the efficient planning
Pentru economist, managementul este un and regulation of an organization’s business.
factor de productie care priveste organizarea Off course, there has been data about it
si coordonarea celorlalti factori (pamant, and many definitions are to be given to
munca, capital) pentru obtinerea maximului management.We think that management, as a
de eficienta, procesul social care implica practical action, refers to a system of
responsabilitatea pentru planificarea si principles, rules and methods of leadership,
reglementarea eficienta a activitatii unei as well to the skills to apply them.
organizatii. Given the aforementioned, we may state
Desigur, au fost date si se vor mai da that management is a complex of performed
multe definitii managementului. actions, in order to ensure normal and
Consideram ca managementul, ca efficient operation of organized human
actiune practica, desemneaza un sistem de collectivity (enterprises, public institutions,
principii, reguli si metode de conducere political organization, and educational units)
precum si talentul de a le aplica. as a whole, as well as for every comprising
Avind in vedere cele precizate anterior, structural link.
putem afirma ca managementul reprezinta un It aims at reaching the organization’s goal
complex de actiuni desfasurate cu scopul de a provided that material, human, financial
asigura functionarea normala, eficienta a resources that it has are properly used.
colectivitatii umane organizate (intreprinderi, As we stated before, leadership dates back
institutii publice, organizatii politice, unitati since the beginning of human society.
de invatamint) in ansamblul lor cat si a In the beginning, and much later on,
fiecarei verigi structurale componente. El are leadership was performed directly, as there
ca scop atingerea obiectivului organizatiei in was not, like nowadays, a network of high
conditiile utilizarii judicioase a resurselor performance hierarchy and technology
materiale, umane, financiare etc. de care organizational structures. Management is
dispune. highly sensitive to changes going on in
L. Matei, Management public, Ed.Economica,Bucuresti,2001
L. Matei, Public Management, Economic Publishing House, Bucharest,2001 

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

Conducerea dateaza, asa cum am society.
precizat, inca de la inceputul societatii It reflects the dynamics in contemporary
omenesti. society and at the same time it is adapting
La inceput, si mult mai tirziu dupa aceea, more and more to certain features determined
conducerea se realiza nemijlocit, intre by the system, tradition, national culture, etc.
conducator si activitatea condusa neexistand, Thus, although management in terms of
asa cum se intampla in acest moment, o retea principles, concept, goal, etc. is unique, when
de structuri organizatorice ierarhice sau put into practice, it is different from one
tehnologie de inalta performanta. country to another or even from one
Managementul este foarte sensibil la organization to another in the same country
schimbarile care au loc in societate. (subsystem).
El reflecta dinamismul inregistrat de Today, in a public institution, between the
societatea contemporana si in acelasi timp se leaders and the managed activities appears a
adapteaza tot mai mult unor particularitati number of scientifically established norms,
determinate de sistem, traditie, cultura methods and techniques, depending on the
nationala etc. Astfel, desi managementul ca concrete leaderships; leadership is performed
principii, concept, obiectiv etc.este unic, ca in teams, it is based on a motivated
mod de realizare in practica se diferentiaza, participation of people in performing the
de la tara la tara sau chiar de la o organizatie proposed goals and it has a prospective
la alta in aceeasi tara (subsistem). nature.
Astazi, intr-o institutie publica, intre In its way to achieving the scientific
conducatori si activitatile conduse se interpun statute, public service management has
o seama de norme, metode si tehnici defined a number of general concepts that it
elaborate stiintific in functie de conducerile works with4:
concrete, conducerea se realizeaza in echipe, A. How it is organized:
se bazeaza pe o participare motivata a 1- Goal: purpose, loyalty, mission: it
oamenilor la realizarea obiectivelor propuse represents the main organizer of each
si are caracter prospectiv. structure and it answers the question “What
In drumul sau spre atingerea statutului do we want?”;
stiintific, managementul serviciilor publice 2- Resources answer the questions “With
si-a definit un numar de concepte generale cu what?”, ”With whom?”, they are established
care opereaza2: after the goal that they can change has been
A.Cum se organizeaza: specified, the same way that the process may
1-Obiectiv: scop, finalitate, misiune: bring changes both to the goal and resources,
reprezinta principiul organizator al oricarei and optimization may change all three of
structuri si raspunde la intrebarea “ce vrem?”; them;
2- Resurse :raspunde la intrebarile “cu 3- Process: answers the question “How?”
ce?”,”cu cine?”, se stabilesc ulterior and shows the means to transform resources

M.Malita-Aurul cenusiu,Ed.Dacia,Cluj Napoca 1971

 M.Malita‐ Gold grey, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj Napoca 1971 

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

precizarii obiectivului pe care-l pot modifica, in order to achieve the settled goal;
dupa cum procesul poate aduce schimbari atat 4- Optimization: arises from the
in obiectiv cat si in resurse, iar optimizarea le imperative “as good as possible”;
poate schimba pe toate trei; B. How a system works:
3- Proces: raspunde la intrebarea “cum?” 5- Autonomy: the operation autonomy is
si arata modalitatea de transformare a worked out from the property of systems
resurselor in vederea atingerii obictivului (structures) and biological and social
stabilit; subsystems to self-adjust; if a system didn’t
4- Optimizare: decurge din have a certain degree of autonomy, it could
imperativul”cit mai bine”; not be managed, for it would imply a great
B.Cum functioneaza un sistem : number of detailed instructions;
5- Autonomie: autonomia de functionare 6- Adaptability: is a system’s ability to
se deduce din proprietatea sistemelor keep its stability when external disturbances
(structurilor) si subsistemelor biologice si act on it;
sociale de a se autoregla daca un sistem nu ar 7- Organization: it refers to the inner
avea un anumit grad de autonomie, nu ar structure of the system. The organization is
putea fi condus, pentru ca ar reclama un said to be good when it matches the function
numar foarte mare de instructiuni detaliate; and mechanism that the structures of systems
6- Adaptabilitate: este capacitatea unui work with (public services);
sistem de a-si pastra stabilitatea atunci cand 8- Plan: completed with the forecast, it
asupra sa actioneaza perturbatii exterioare; favors the accomplishment of goals since,
7- Organizare: tine de structura interna a unlike hazard, it allows the process work to
sistemului. Se considera ca organizarea este be anticipated;
buna cand corespunde functiunii si 9 - Inclusion: means the integration into a
mecanismului cu care lucreaza structurile broader structure. All social structures are
sistemelor (serviciilor publice); open if a structure (public institution) is
8- Plan: completat cu prognoza, closed, it has no communication channels
favorizeaza atingerea obiectivelor deoarece, with the outside and leadership science may
spre deosebire de hazard, permite anticiparea not be applied to it usefully and efficiently;
mersului procesului; C. System leadership:
9- Incluziune: inseamna integrarea intr-o 10- Information: collecting and processing
structura mai larga. Toate structurile sociale of data may be ensured using classical
sunt deschise daca o structura (institutia methods (statistics, polling, survey) or by
publica) este inchisa, nu are porti de means of modern tools such as electronic
comunicare cu exteriorul nu i se poate aplica databases;
cu folos si randament stiinta conducerii; 11- Model: it represents a mockup of
C.Conducerea sistemului: reality that it is working on. A good model
10- Informatie: culegerea si prelucrarea resembles reality, a property referred to as
datelor se poate asigura cu ajutorul unor isomorphism;
metode clasice (statistica, sondaj, ancheta) 12- Verification: is the operation whereby
sau cu ajutorul unor instrumente moderne the correctness of the model is found and if it
cum sunt bazele electronice de date; serves the proposed purpose;
11- Model: reprezinta o macheta a 13- Decision: represents the choice of a

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

realitatii, pe care se lucreaza. Un model bun constructed variant; by the mathematization
concorda cu realitatea, proprietate cunoscuta of the decision theory, a huge step was taken
sub denumirea de izomorfism; in the modernization of economical and
12- Verificare: este operatiunea prin care social sciences;
se constata daca modelul este corect, daca el 14- Control: it refers to the purpose of
corespunde scopului propus; decision achievement, putting decisions in
13- Decizie: reprezinta alegerea unei practice and the sequence of phases for the
variante construite; prin matematizarea teoriei adopted plan.
deciziei s-a realizat un pas imens in Other points of view regarding the
modernizarea stiintelor economice si sociale; structure of the management process have
14- Control: priveste urmarirea been outlined in literature.
indeplinirii deciziilor, punerea in practica a According to some authors, we are not
hotararilor si succesiunea fazelor planului facing problems in the management process,
adoptat. but an unlimited number of problematic
In literatura de specialitate s-au conturat situations, comprising “types of problems”
si alte puncte in ceea ce priveste structura that may be subject to certain standard
procesului de conducere. Dupa unii autori, in methods of analysis and resolution.
procesul de conducere nu ne confruntam cu The resolution of leadership-related
probleme, ci cu un numar nelimitat de situatii problems implies the analysis of the
problematice, in componenta acestora intrand problematic situation, identification of the
“tipuri de probleme” care pot fi supuse unor problems comprising it and their falling in
metode standard de analiza si solutionare. one of the three possible types:
Solutionarea problemelor de conducere - “violation”-type problems;
comporta analiza situatiei problematice, - “optimization” problems;
identificarea problemelor ce o compun si - “potential” problems.
incadrarea lor in unul din cele trei tipuri The analysis of the violation-type
posibile: problems aims at discovering the unknown
-probleme tip “abatere”; cause that raises the violation from the
-probleme de “optimizare”; forecasted natural operation (the proposed
-probleme “potentiale”. goals) or the complex of causes.
Analiza problemelor tip abatere The analysis of optimization-related
urmareste sa descopere cauza necunoscuta problems aims at the identification of factors
care produce abaterea de la mersul firesc that may determine the optimization of a
preconizat (obiectivele propuse) sau previously designed activity and operating
complexul de cauze. normally, but subject to improvement. In this
Analiza problemelor de tip optimizare respect, decision alternatives are established,
urmareste sa identifice factorii care pot as the one with the most advantages is to be
determina optimizarea unei activitati anterior chosen and applied.
proiectate si care se desfasoara normal, dar Obviously, no matter how well a decision
care este susceptibila de ameliorare. In acest is defined and chosen, it still bears the mark
scop se formuleaza alternative de decizii, of the decision maker’s subjectivity.
urmarind sa fie aleasa si pusa in aplicare cea The potential problems usually occur
care prezinta cele mai multe avantaje. following the decisions being applied, when,

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

Evident, oricat de bine ar fi formulata sau outside expected effects, advantageous and
aleasa o decizie, ea pastreaza amprenta disadvantageous unexpected effects may also
subiectivitatii decidentului. occur. The latter should be anticipated and, if
Problemele potentiale apar de regula in possible, preventive actions should be taken
urma aplicarii deciziilor, cand, in afara or at least actions to diminish the negative
efectelor scontate, pot aparea si efecte effects.
nescontate-avantajoase sau dezavantajoase. The purpose of the potential problems
Acestea din urma trebuie anticipate si, analysis is to settle proper action ways to
daca este posibil, luate masuri de prevenire avoid and mitigate undesired effects. The
sau cel putin de atenuare a efectelor negative. person who analyzes the leadership-related
Scopul analizei problemelor potentiale problems (the manager) has two major
este de a stabili moduri de actiune adecvate obligations:
pentru evitarea si atenuarea efectelor -not to ignore the importance of situation
nedorite. analysis, especially as regards the exact
Cel care analizeaza problemele de identification of the type of problems it
conducere (managerul) are doua obligatii consists of;
majore: -not to take violation-type problems for
-sa nu ignore importanta analizei optimization problems; the latter obligation
situatiei, in special in ceea ce priveste requires maximum attention, for, if a
identificarea precisa a tipului problemelor violation is approached as if it were referring
care o compun; to an optimization, then the analyst (manager)
-sa nu confunde problemele tip abatere is in the position of a decision-maker
cu cele de optimizare; aceasta din urma (subjective) that would not allow him/her to
obligatie solicita maximum de atentie, find out the (objective) cause of violation.
intrucat, daca se abordeaza o abatere ca si Decision plays a key role in the leadership
cand ar fi vorba de o optimizare, atunci process, namely that action whereby the best
analistul (managerul) este pus in situatia de way is chosen, in order to achieve the
decident (subiectiv) care nu i-ar permite sa proposed goals.
afle cauza (obiectiva) a abaterii. In the progress of the leadership process, a
Un rol central in procesul de conducere il manager is constantly dealing with one of the
are decizia, adica acea actiune prin care se following situations:
alege o cale optima pentru atingerea - analyses certain shortcomings or
obiectivelor propuse. violations that occur in his/her field of
In timpul derularii procesului de expertise, where violation refers to the
conducere un manager se afla permanent difference between the obtained result and the
intr-una din urmatoarele situatii: forecasted one;
- analizeaza anumite neajunsuri sau - makes decision to obtain the forecasted
abateri ce apar in domeniul sau de results;
competenta, prin abatere intelegand diferenta - analyzes the potential disadvantageous
dintre rezultatul obtinut si cel preconizat; problems that may occur following the
-ia decizii pentru obtinerea rezultatelor passing of a decision that may endanger
scontate; his/her established action plan, in order to get
-analizeaza problemele potentiale the desired result;

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

neavantajoase ce ar putea aparea in urma - controls the performance of the action
aplicarii unei decizii si care i-ar putea plan;
periclita planul de actiune stabilit pentru The purpose of analysis is to settle the
obtinerea rezultatului dorit; causes that drive unwanted effects and
-controleaza realizarea planului de endanger the desired result.
actiune; When a problematic situation arises in the
Scopul analizei este acela de a stabili managed system, a decision must be made,
cauzele care produc efecte nedorite si namely the identification of the best action
pericliteaza obtinerea rezultatului dorit. In variant to achieve the intended goals.
momentul in care apare o situatie The manager’s work is greatly lessened by
problematica in sistemul condus, se impune the existence of databases and information in
luarea unei decizii, adica identificarea owned systems or in specialized systems, as
variantei optime de actiune pentru atingerea well as by the use of computer, which,
obietivelor urmarite. although it cannot replace thinking, helps the
Munca managerului este mult usurata de manager a great deal in increasing the
existenta unor banci de date si informatii effectiveness of such thinking, of the
existente in sistemele proprii sau in sisteme leadership acts.
specializate, precum si de utilizare a The development of managerial skills
calculatorului care, desi nu-i poate inlocui plays an important part in making manager’s
gandirea il ajuta enorm in cresterea eficientei work more effective. On a management level,
acestei gandiri, a eficientei actelor de the following are of special importance:
conducere. - the capability to draw up, select useful
Un rol important in eficientizarea muncii information, to settle and outline priorities, to
managerului il are dezoltarea aptitudinilor communicate with employees;
manageriale. In plan managerial, o - the logical argumentation and rightful
importanta deosebita prezinta: analysis of managerial phenomena;
-aptitudinea de a elabora, de a selecta - the ability to think economic- and social-
informatiile utile, de a stabili si sublinia wise;
prioritatile, de a comunica cu angajatii; - the ability of objectification, knowledge,
-rationamentul logic si analiza judicioasa and recognition of one’s own value, by
a fenomenelor manageriale; turning to the team, as the case may be, thus
-capacitatea de a gandi economic si preventing vulnerable situations;
social; - the ability to settle and communicate the
-aptitudinea de obiectivare, de cunoastere goals and to achieve them.
si recunoastere a propriei valori, apeland Managerial skills may not be shaped
dupa caz la echipa, prevenind astfel situatiile outside a system of knowledge,
vulnerabile; competencies, and habits, or outside a
-aptitudinea de a stabili si comunica motivation (interest, positive attitude).
obiective, de a finaliza realizarea lor. An important feature of the manager’s
Aptitudinile manageriale nu se pot forma work refers to the line of work: the manager
in afara unui sistem de cunostinte, priceperi si works with people. That is why it requires a
deprinderi si nici in afara unei motivatii priority of working with the personnel, by
(interes, atitudine pozitiva). ensuring normal interpersonal relationships

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

O caracteristica importanta a muncii across the organization, thus avoiding,
managerului se refera la obiectul muncii: preventing or neutralizing conflict situations.
managerul lucreaza cu oameni. De aceea este Under the particular circumstances of our
necesara o prioritate a lucrului cu personalul, country, when a liberalization process of the
prin asigurarea in interiorul organizatiei a personnel’s means of expression is found, as
unor relatii interpersonale normale, evitandu- well as a certain way to understand and cope
se, prevenindu-se sau neutralizandu-se with the phenomena within the organization,
situatiile conflictuale. In conditiile particulare a public administration manager is efficient if
ale tarii noastre, cand se constata un proces he/she:
de liberalizare a formelor de exprimare a - detects the causes of a potential conflict
personalului si un anumit mod de intelegere in a timely manner;
si tratare a fenomenelor din interiorul - clearly defines the goals of each
organizatiei, un manager din administatia employee from the structures of the system
publica este eficienta daca: he/she manages, notifies, and explains them
-depisteaza la timp cauzele unui conflict on their level of comprehension;
potential; - as promotion criteria, the manager uses
-defineste precis obiectivele fiecarui professional proficiency, the ability to answer
angajat din structurile sistemului pe care il various requests, the will to improve oneself,
conduce, le aduce la cunostinta si le explica the degree of integration within the formal
la nivelul sau de intelegere; and informal structure of institution, the
-foloseste drept criterii de promovare attitude towards the team and the proposed
competenta profesionala, capacitatea de goal, etc.;
raspundere la solicitari diverse, dorinta de - draws up an open system of personal or
perfectionare, gradul de integrare in structura group creativity, skillfully using moral and
formala si informala a institutiei, atitudinea material stimulation of remarkable
fata de echipa si obiectivul propus etc.; achievements;
-elaboreaza un sistem deschis al - he/she is not distant in the relationships
creativitatii personale sau de grup, utilizand with subordinates;
cu pricepere stimularea morala si materiala a - he/she focuses on the really important
realizarilor notabile; problems;
-nu este distant in relatiile cu subalternii; Upon meeting these conditions, the
-se concentreaza asupra problemelor cu manager gains a certain authority that puts
adevarat importante; him/her in a respect position towards the
Prin indeplinirea acestor conditii, other members of the institution.
managerul capata o anumita autoritate care il The authority is determined by a series of
situeaza intr-o pozitie de respect fata de factors: vocational training, exigency towards
ceilalti membri ai institutiei. oneself and the others, a quick and flexible
Autoritatea este determinata de o serie de thinking, a solid action, humanity, diplomacy,
factori: pregatirea profesionala, exigenta fata courage to take risks, etc. In this way, the
de sine si fata de altii, rapiditatea si manager decisively contributes to shaping up
flexibilitatea in gindire, fermitatea in actiune, an atmosphere of morality, cohesion and
umanismul, tactul, curajul de a-si asuma un professionalism within the institution that
risc etc. In acest fel, managerul contribuie he/she runs.

Analele Universităţii “Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu Jiu, Seria Litere și Ştiinţe Sociale, Nr. 3/2012

decisiv la crearea unei atmosfere de
moralitate, coeziune si profesionalism in Conclusion
cadrul institutiei pe care o conduce. The evolution of society imposed several
types of administrative systems. If, in the
Concluzie traditional bureaucratic system, the personnel
Evolutia societatii a impus mai multe were receptive to simple stimuli without
tipuri de sisteme administrative. Daca in making decisions, today it is shown a greater
sistemul birocratic traditional, personalul importance to management rather than
raspundea la stimuli simpli fara sa ia decizii, administration, to results rather than means.
astazi se acorda o mai mare importanta In crisis situations there is a chance that
managementului decat administratiei, personal authority be replaced by rules and
rezultatelor decat mijloacelor. public servants be compelled to comply with
In situatii de criza exista posibilitatea ca power factors.
autoritatea personala sa ia locul regulilor, iar These crises may help the bureaucratic
functionarii publici sa fie obligati sa se organization system.
supuna unor factori de putere. It is clear that this adaptation contributes
Aceste crize pot ajuta sistemul de to the development of the bureaucratic
organizare birocratica. organization system. This system is
Este clar ca aceasta adaptare contribuie la comprised of routine procedures but also of
dezvoltarea sistemului de organizare crisis periods that later ensure stability
birocratica. Acest sistem este format din periods.
proceduri de rutina dar si din perioade de The initial changes in public
criza care asigura apoi, perioadele de administrations impose the following:
stabilitate. - investments in state-of-the-art
Schimbarile initiale in administratiile technologies;
publice impun: - redefining customer relationships;
- investitii in tehnologii de varf; - reorganization of work;
- redefinirea relatiilor cu clientii; - use of quality management and
- reorganizarea muncii; information campaigns.
- utilizarea managementului calitatii si
campanii de informare.
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