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Qatar Academy Al Wakra Jassim Al Kharaaz

IB MYP Visual Arts (MYP 3) A (Grade 8)



Subject Year Start date Duration

Visual Arts Grade 8 Week 4, January 6 weeks 12 hours

Key and Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Concepts Definition

Culture encompasses a range of learned and shared beliefs, values, interests, attitudes, products, ways of
knowing and patterns of behaviour created by human communities. The concept of culture is dynamic and organic.


Conceptual Understanding

Cultures can be identified by the differences and similarities in the expression of their visual arts styles

Global Context

Global Context Explorations to develop

Peoples, Boundaries, Exchange and interaction

Orientation in space
and time

Statement of Inquiry
Cultures develop their unique visual style

Inquiry Questions

Type Inquiry Questions Line of Inquiry

Conceptual How do neighboring cultures influence Style changes through time

each other's style?

Qatar Academy Al Wakra

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Qatar Academy Al Wakra Jassim Al Kharaaz

IB MYP Visual Arts (MYP 3) A (Grade 8)

Type Inquiry Questions Line of Inquiry

Debatable Does style change over time? Style changes through time

Factual How does the use of symbols change Style changes through time
through time?


MYP subject group objective(s)

A: Knowing and understanding

ii. demonstrate knowledge of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts

B: Developing skills

i. demonstrate the acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art form studied

C: Thinking creatively

iii. demonstrate the exploration of ideas through the developmental process to a point of realization

• Research various cultures and their use of symbols Develop skills in hand building pottery techniques Develop their own
symbols which represent their culture

ATL Skills

ATL skills

Learning Experiences:


Week 1 - Intro

- What is clay? Early civilizations and their use of clay, Japan, Mesopotamia, China...

- How to make a pinch-pot

Week 2 - Developing ideas

- Developing ideas in Visual Arts Process Diary, researching symbols and their cultural connotations, looking at the vaarious
purposes of clay vessels, sketches of possible designs, researching hand building techniques as well as decorative techniques.
Learning to take notes while the teacher is speaking. Researching the meaning of the symbols they choose to use and
annotating sketches in VAPD.

Week 3 - Experimenting with pinch, coil and slab

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Qatar Academy Al Wakra Jassim Al Kharaaz

IB MYP Visual Arts (MYP 3) A (Grade 8)

- Experimenting with clay, testing the various pottery shapes which they have sketched in their Visual Arts Process Diary. Testing
out on a small scale different hand building techniques such as pinch-pot, coil and slab, and choosing which one they would


Week 1 - Intro

- What is clay? Early civilizations and their use of clay, Japan, Mesopotamia, China...

- How to make a pinch-pot

Week 2 - Developing ideas

- Developing ideas in Visual Arts Process Diary, researching symbols and their cultural connotations, looking at the vaarious
purposes of clay vessels, sketches of possible designs, researching hand building techniques as well as decorative techniques.
Learning to take notes while the teacher is speaking. Researching the meaning of the symbols they choose to use and
annotating sketches in VAPD.

Week 3 - Experimenting with pinch, coil and slab

- Experimenting with clay, testing the various pottery shapes which they have sketched in their Visual Arts Process Diary. Testing
out on a small scale different hand building techniques such as pinch-pot, coil and slab, and choosing which one they would

Week 4 - Review, sketch and annotate ideas in Process Diary

- Review in Visual Arts Process Diary their ideas, how have they changed? What has stayed the same? Sketching. refining and
researching ideas and symbols.

Week 5 - -Final Assessment begins, creating a large scale piece of pottery, choosing which techniques from their
experimentation and research they will use

Week 6

-Final Assessment lesson 2, creating a large scale piece of pottery, form should be complete by now, leather hard stage, applying
their researched symbols and patterns and chosen decorative techniques.

- Self-evaluation

Learning Experiences:


Week 4 - Review, sketch and annotate ideas in Process Diary

- Review in Visual Arts Process Diary their ideas, how have they changed? What has stayed the same? Sketching. refining and
researching ideas and symbols.

Week 5 - Decorative Techniques

-Testing and researching various decorative techniques such as sgraffito, stencil, engraving, carving... Documenting, sketching,
and annotating sketches in VAPD

-Final Assessment begins, creating a large-scale piece of pottery, choosing which techniques from their experimentation and
research they will use

Week 6

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Qatar Academy Al Wakra Jassim Al Kharaaz

IB MYP Visual Arts (MYP 3) A (Grade 8)

-Final Assessment lesson 2, creating a large-scale piece of pottery, the form should be complete by now, leather hard stage,
applying their researched symbols and patterns and chosen decorative techniques.

- Self-evaluation


- Research task on Mesopotamia Due via Google Classroom

Decorative Techniques

-Testing and researching various decorative techniques such as sgraffito, stencil, engraving, carving... Documenting, sketching
and annotating sketches in VAPD


- I. Communication skills

Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information

Read critically and for comprehension

Read a variety of sources for information and for pleasure

Preview and skim texts to build understanding

Take effective notes in class

Use a variety of organizers for academic writing tasks


- VII. Media literacy skills

Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information

Locate, organize, analyse, evaluate, synthesise and ethically use information from a variety of sources and
media (including digital social media and online networks)


- IX. Creative thinking skills

Generating novel ideas and considering new perspectives

Use brainstorming and visual diagrams to generate new ideas and inquiries

Consider multiple alternatives, including those that might be unlikely or impossible

Make unexpected or unusual connections between objects and/or ideas

Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes

Create original works and ideas; use existing works and ideas in new ways

Practise visible thinking strategies and techniques

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Qatar Academy Al Wakra Jassim Al Kharaaz

IB MYP Visual Arts (MYP 3) A (Grade 8)

Developing IB Learners

IB Learner Profile






Researching, refining, reviewing ideas


Assessment task on Mesopotamia, active note taking every lesson, visible thinking techniques in Visual Arts Process Diary,
sketching and annotating, brainstorms...


understand and use symbols from cultures to communicate meaning in their piece of pottery

Open minded:

Researching various cultures and their symbols, find common-human understanding in the symbols researched from various
cultures and possibly apply it to their artwork.


Service as Action
Become more aware of their own strengths and areas for growth:

Students develop skills in hand-built pottery techniques which they can apply to create artworks and auction them off for charity.


Summative Assessment

Students will study a range of cultures and their styles in pottery. Students will create their own piece of pottery and design
symbols relevant to their time and their culture.

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Qatar Academy Al Wakra Jassim Al Kharaaz

IB MYP Visual Arts (MYP 3) A (Grade 8)

MYP Assessment Criteria

N/A A: Knowing and understanding N/A B: Developing skills

N/A C: Thinking creatively N/A D: Responding


Learning Experiences

Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies

Learning experiences:

Week 1 - Intro

- What is clay? Early civilizations and their use of clay, Japan, Mesopotamia, China...

- How to make a pinch-pot

Week 2 - Developing ideas

- Developing ideas in Visual Arts Process Diary, researching symbols and their cultural connotations, looking at the vaarious
purposes of clay vessels, sketches of possible designs, researching hand building techniques as well as decorative techniques.
Learning to take notes while the teacher is speaking. Researching the meaning of the symbols they choose to use and
annotating sketches in VAPD.

Week 3 - Experimenting with pinch, coil and slab

- Experimenting with clay, testing the various pottery shapes which they have sketched in their Visual Arts Process Diary. Testing
out on a small scale different hand building techniques such as pinch-pot, coil and slab, and choosing which one they would

Week 4 - Review, sketch and annotate ideas in Process Diary

- Review in Visual Arts Process Diary their ideas, how have they changed? What has stayed the same? Sketching. refining and
researching ideas and symbols.

- Research task on Mesopotamia Due via Google Classroom

Week 5 - Decorative Techniques

-Testing and researching various decorative techniques such as sgraffito, stencil, engraving, carving... Documenting, sketching
and annotating sketches in VAPD

-Final Assessment begins, creating a large scale piece of pottery, choosing which techniques from their experimentation and
research they will use

Week 6

-Final Assessment lesson 2, creating a large scale piece of pottery, form should be complete by now, leather hard stage, applying
their researched symbols and patterns and chosen decorative techniques.

- Self-evaluation

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Qatar Academy Al Wakra Jassim Al Kharaaz

IB MYP Visual Arts (MYP 3) A (Grade 8)


Students who have problems handling clay will be allowed to use gloves. A variety of easy -> challenging techniques will be
demonstrated and students can choose their technique. Provide explicit demonstration of how to take notes, brainstorm, sketch
and annotate researched symbols. Allow students to write in Arabic if it is easier for them. One-on-one time with students who
require extra support. Whole class knows that questions are always welcome via Google classroom if they are shy or stuck with
an idea during non-class times.

Stream & Resources


Husic Amina
Posted website on Feb 1, 2018 at 7:45 AM

Husic Amina
Posted website on Feb 1, 2018 at 7:44 AM

Qatar Academy Al Wakra

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