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Middle East Technical University

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

EE 303 Problem Set # 2

1. Consider a source free medium with the following parameters   105 H / m ,   2 x109 F / m ,
and   0 . Find A (including units) so that each of the following pairs of fields satisfies
Maxwell’s equations. Check all Maxwell’s equations and show that they are satisfied.
a. E  3aˆ x  4 yaˆ y  4 zaˆ z V / m , H  15 xaˆ x  Ay aˆ y  25 zaˆ z A / m
 
b. E  20 y  At  aˆ x V / m , H  y  2  106 t aˆ z A / m

2. Find the amplitude of the displacement current density for the following cases
a. Within a large power capacitor with  r  4 and
  
E  aˆ x1.8 cos 4  10 8 5  108 t  2 z V / m
b. Consider source free air region where there is magnetic field with density
 
B  aˆ y 2 cos 4  108 5  108 t  x T
c. In a metallic conductor with  r  1, r  1,   5.8  107 S / m , and conduction current
density J  aˆ x100 cos522 t  120 z  A / m 2
3. Assuming the presence of sources J ( r , t ) and  (r , t ) , write down Maxwell’s equations in the
time domain in terms of E and H only for a lossless, but inhomogenous medium in which ε =
ε( r ), μ = μ( r ).
a. Derive the vector differential equation (wave equation) satisfied by E ( r ,t) in a source-
free, lossless, inhomogenous medium.
b. Derive the vector differential equation (wave equation) satisfied by ( r ,t) in a source-
free, lossless, inhomogenous medium.

4. In a lossless, homogeneous region of space with parameters  and μ, the phasor vector potential
is given, using cylindrical coordinates, as:
C  jkz
A e aˆ r , where C is a constant, and k   
a. Find the corresponding scalar potential V using Lorentz condition.
b. Find the phasor E and H fields that are associated with above potentials.

5. A rectangular waveguide cavity is essentially a hollow (filled by air) metallic box in the shape of
a rectangular prism with side lengths a, b and d along the x, y and z axes, respectively, as shown
in the figure below. Assume that the closed walls of this cavity are made of perfect conductors. A
set of possible electromagnetic field solutions (which can exist within this cavity) has the
phasor in the following form
E  aˆ y E0 sin( ) sin(  z ) (V / m) .
Assume that is a known real constant.

(a) Obtain the phasor for these solutions.

(b) Determine all possible values of  in terms of the cavity dimension d by using the boundary
condition satisfied by at the perfectly conducting cavity wall placed at z=d.

Cavity wall
a at z = d


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