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Weesihg: CHILDREN’S SONGS AND FINGERPLAYS pss ‘To our forgetful friends... (and to our special wee ones, Hilary and Sean, Ryan and Devin) ‘he ei 197 5b San Hagen Ngo te Pg 17185 Pn Coen el nna Hage Nip, An Pem Dee he Mosk By Brey ‘ren Conn al 2005 Baition Covoritstratin copright © 2007 by Liisa Chauncy Guida ‘Copyright© 202, 107,977 by Panel Conn Bel aa Suse Hagen ip ‘Ais eer Posed by Pre Stra Sou. in of Penule, ‘oun Hesrs Group, 36 Hn Sirct New York NY S00. PREFACE How many times have you wanted to sing a song to your child and found you couldn't remember the words? This has ‘happened to us so many times that we decided to compile book ‘of our favoritesongs and fingerplays toshare with our forgetful friends and their woe ones. Music can create a special closeness and joy to those who ‘experience it together. However, for a child, there is more to music than mere enjoyment. Language development, muscular ‘coordination, body awareness, rhythmic proficiency, auditory discrimination and self confidence are a few of the benefits acquired from an early exposure to music. The young child is ‘eager for musical and rhythmic experiences, thus providing @ perfect time to introduce songs and fingerplays. Music can also provide a positive resource for approaching those crisis situations with children, As the hour of waiting in the doctor's office is drawing to a critical climax, nimble those fingers, begin “Three Little Monkeys” and feel the knot in your stomach untie. Or, as the road sign reads 20 more miles, bellow fut “a chick, chiek here” and wateh the scowl on Dad’s face disappear as he jcins in with “a chick, chick there.” Music may bbe the answer in moving from cri to calm. We want to thank our many friends who have contributed to this book. For them, and for you, we hope Wee Sing will bring many special, enjoyable times with your wee ones. Pam Beall Susan Nipp ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ‘Table af Contents Waiter, just one more cracker, please. Bentay Weentey Spider . ‘Mother's Knives and Forks” Here isthe Beehive™ ‘Two Litle Blackbirds Knock, Knock? .. Little Green Frog Jack ana Jill® Bumblebee" : Where is Thumbkin? "Round the Garden. Here is the Chure Five Litle Fishies" How many more miles did you say? ‘This Od Man Little Peter Rabbit ‘The Finger Band Down by the tation Teen dan Joc Sngiebiner Sch Little Cabin in the Wood (Old MacDonald Had a Farm 8 ‘Ties with asternks are fingerplays which are shymes illustrate bythe ose ‘of finger motions 4 Another day, another diaper. Good Morning What Are You Wearing? ‘One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Rickety, Tickety® .... My Name and Address ‘The Alphabet Sone Right Hand, Left Hand Ten Little Fingers Days of the Week Rain, Rain, Go Away ‘There is Thunder -. Ws Raining ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star ‘Hound the Clock Wiggleworm workout Looby Lao... ‘Now Tall, Now Small ‘Animal Poem* Walking, Walking Jimmy Crack Com Baby Bird oo. cssscns Ring Around the Rosy Pop! Goes the Weasel One Finger, One Thumb «-.---. "The Mulberry Bush if You're Happy Peter Haramers Roach for the Sky ‘Three Blue Pigeons One Blephant Went Out to Piay Head and Shoulders Sack and Jil seeeeseseuB EEE Baees SeeSssse Whew! It's bedtime, Good Night ‘Sleep, Baby, Sleep Al Night, All Day All the Pretty Little Horses Hush, Little Baby Another holiday...80 soon? Jack O-Lantern* Chickamy, Chickamy, Creney Crow ‘Ten Little Witches Gobble, Gabbie™ Over the River Christmas is Coming ‘The Chimney" We Wish You a Mery Christmas Skidamarink Index 0 51 5 53 61 EENTSY WEENTSY SPIDER @the een-tsy, ween-tsy spi-der went up the wa-ter spout. Down came the i rain andSwashed the spi-der out; Out came the sun andYried up all the Tain; And theeen -tsy, ween -tsy spi-der went up the spout a - gain. circles out of thumbs and foreingersputips tether, twist epward_ wise Enger whe movinedownrardelpathoearda)make cle mth meer fade) handsin font pelne up move epsn arch & MOTHER'S KNIVES AND FORKS: (Pingerlay) ‘These are Mother's knives and forks, {fingers interlaced, tips up) "Thies Mother's table, (atten hands and arms) ‘This is Mother's looking glass, (palms toward face) And this is baby's cradle. (palms up, ock arms) HERE IS THE BEEHIVE Fingerplay) Herein te bev, wher athe ees? iat with thumb enloved to make hive) Gh Bidiensvay where nobody ot. ‘lace oer hend over hehe) Watch and youl we them come out of he hive, 1 Gay watch hive) One othr fn, ‘very slows, bgining with chum, Cpe coe out fhve oe by oe) Base... ‘afi away) CLAP YOUR HANDS ingerplay) 1, Clap, clap, lap your hands AAs slowiy a8 You can, Clap, clap, clap your hands ‘As quickly a8 you ean, 2. Shake, 3 Rall Rub. 5. Wiggle vour fingers. 6 Pound your fits Here are Grandmas ase, ‘angers around eves) eres Grandma's hat thends on hea) ‘This is the way she folds her hands, 4 than) Ad aye them in era. 1 ded bande fp) | Here are Grandpa’ glasses, | anne ase) Hore is Grandpa's hat, Garger ha) ‘Thin inthe way he fds his arms, aid are across ces) HICKORY, DICKORY DOCK ch-o-ry, dick-o-ry dock; The Ye + = a a jouse ran up the clock ; The clock struck®one, the. Grouse ran deunHick-o-ry, dick-o-ry doch. 2 Beker dcr dock ‘he mousy ck Ty Trerseuse ea "Bas Ticker try aoc a. a Thrones (lap dap lp) Es sartoan tld Se 4 bc lececaaben cecal gt. # atoae tad oNe mar : Sheers fingers upward cic hunts be kena Awe ners Swart any san math ‘andes suri sbate head no ‘THREE LITTLE MONKEYS (Fingerpiay)| ‘Three little monkeys jumping on the bed (tap three fingers on palm of opposite hand) (One fell off and bumped his head, (one finger falls off, then held head) ‘Mama called the doctor and the doctor said (hold phone by ear dial in air) “No more litle monkeys jumping on that bed.” (shake finger) ‘Suggestion: Repeat with “Two little monkeys “One little monkey TWO LITTLE BLACKBIRDS (Pines) ‘rile acids Stingon al ‘stn nec) One named Jack ‘one hand tear) dod oe named i 73 ‘othe Fad forward) Wy away, Jc (Gnehand behind back) Py away. dl ‘che hand behind back) Come back, Jack. - ‘rar sae hand) Come back i ‘rtm sine hand) 2 KNOCK, KNOCK Fingorplay) Knock, knock, (mock on child's forchead) Peskin, (open child's eye) Open the latch, (push up tp of child’s nose) ‘And walk right in (walk fingers into child's mocth) How do you do Mr. Chin, C (sriggle childs chin LITTLE GREEN FROG. Gung, gungi ent the lt-te green frog one day. "Gung, gung!went the lit-tle green Frog." Gung gung! went the lit-tle green frog one day, And hisStyes wen!™aah, aah, gung” 13 JACK AND JILL (Fingerplay) Jack and ll went up the hill, ‘To fetch a pail of water. (thumbs straight up, sltemsting upward) “Jack fll down and broke his erown, le one thumb and wrist down) after. \seiggle other thumb and wrist down) ‘Then up got Jack and said to Jil, "bring one thamb up, then other) ‘As in his arms he took her, ‘cross thumbs) “Brush off that dit for you're not hur, hes one thumb with the har) ots fetch tt palo water” ‘continue bracing) $0 dack and Jill went up te hill ‘To fetch the pail of water, / (thumbs tp asin And toskithome te Mother dar, 1) ‘ring thm slowly dow togetben Who thanked her son and daughter. Mal” ‘thumbs mee) BUMBLEBEE ingerplay) pe Bumblebee was in the bam, {rele rer ini) Caring hs dinner unde his arm. (rele finger loser fo child) Bassons “Gently poke ei WHERE IS THUMBKIN? (Tune: Are You Sleeping?) 1. here is Thumb-Kin? Where is Thumb-kin? Here Tam, hereT am PHow are you to-daysir? ler-y well, thank youPRun a-way,run &-way. 2, Pointer 3. Tall Man. 44 Ring Man 5. Baby 6 All the Men ‘Suneation: Use with right hand, left hand, right foot, lft fot. pins handed back b)show ene thumb then ther bend oe thumb {De athe tml mge hare sey oe 15 | FIVE LITTLE FISHTES ‘noun THE GaRDEN a rn rite hie swimming ina {Fingerlay) ° “riel five nce) “Round and round the garden, : . ° Frat one sid, “The pool ico Goes the lite mouwe ‘coe finger up (wrap armnw around boy) “Upstp up he crepe B " Upintohis howe 7 Sond one i, “The plied.” ‘two fingers up) ends ressue deep) {Nhold chiles hand, pals up, wth ° ‘Third one said, “I want to sleep.” “hecho ae ° thre finger up) est head on hands) SRS, ° Fourth one sid, “Lats dive and in” ont 2 fou ingore wp) thand dive and dips) 7 Fifth one sid, “Tapy ship” 7 8 {ive fingers wp) er ont ener hand) . Fishers bot ores ° ingers form V and move amay trom boy) . Line goes kereplah, . amie throwing hing ine) HERE IS THE CHURCH és bar ae Away th ive ite fishies dash nseray) = ei five fingers ewes) ere isthe church ° ° (old hand, Hingrs inside) And hore inthe steeple ‘index Sngere ep) pen the door, ‘thambe ape) ‘And ace all the people. : (wile inside Fingers) Close the doors, (humbs together) & ‘And heae therm pray ‘hands to ear) * Open the doors, (@humbs apart) —_— ‘And they all walk away. === (Gingers walk away) 16 \ THIS OLD MAN This old maiPhe played oné®He played nich-nack con my thumb; With Lhick Shack pad -dy whack, my thumb; Wit A whack, 3 eth, 7 SgiXe a dog abonés This ald man comé"*ol-ling home. 2."This old mane played ~ THe payed ne-ack oo my soe; OL, 2 RIB 3, With anick*nack pad) ey \ “give a dog a bone, Fi srhiold man come rating he « TERT] sy ay thvee. on ny ke ap knee) i Br ee eee ne = 5 Ree on my he ap) 6. my sticks (tap pointer fingers together) 7. 1 even up in beeen pom fo heaven) 3 H ‘éight...on my gate (tap forearm in front of you) nine. --on my apine (tap on backbone) 8 10 --ten.-once again (clap hands) a LIVTLE PETER RABBIT 4 (Dune: Batle Hi ——— = Bae vice Oe aS nad Phy up-on hifear, 2 saeiideas o- # Ss Lit He Pe-ter Rab-bit had. oPFly up.on was, a it-tle Peer Rab-bit had Fly up-on hiSear, m And ho flicked it Hi) # Flew a - way. 2. Donot sing “Rabbit” but do motion. 8. Donot sing “Rabbit” and “fy,” but do motions. ” 4 Donoteing “Rabbit,” “fy” snd “ear,” but do motions ene inode makerabitcar binges fy away eprint oear a ickese| 2 ‘THE FINGER BAND (Pune: Mulberry Bush, p. 41) ‘he Fnge ad a com ten Gamo tense iowy ‘he nga cn own, Sia owen ‘he ae Band can play trum. JS. Ate EE & Salm ? trombone 6 5 piano guitar of The Finger Band has gone away bd Pantomime playing the various instruments. DOWN BY THE STATION \" Daun bythe station early inthe morn-ing, == SS sas ‘See the lit-He puf fer belies all in a. row, See the en-gine dri-ver pull the lit-He han-dle, ©*Chug, chug tock, tock!” OFF we go! ‘armaatade.ctbows bent movehanésforwardandbackinceularmoton pull a THE TRAIN She wheels of Hhe train govound. and'round,, Click-e-ty clack,-click-e-ty clack The wheels of the train ge'round and'round, Click-e4y,elick-e-ty clack. 2. The engineer toots his horn, ‘Toot... (pull imaginary cord in rhythm) 8, The crossing gates come righi dose, ang... (arms up, elbows bent, hands move dovn toward ‘each other and back ap in rhythm) 4 The people on the train get bumped around, Bumpety bump... (body moves up and down) 2 BINGO There was a farmer had.o.ddg and Bin-go was his name -o. B-I-N-6-0, B-I-N-G-0, B-I-N-G-0, and Bin-go was his name-o. 2 (Cap ex-co oe 8 IONGO or, 4 aron.0Go: oe OE”. 8. cago apa6 — 6 OMAR Suggestion: Substitute child's favorite animal and spell child's name. JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT John Ja -cob Tin- gle-heim-er Schmidt, that’s my nametoo! Whén-SrerT goout, the peo-ple al-woys shout; Sehn Ta-edbSin-glehem-er Schmidt!” Da, da,da,da,da,da,da,da! Repeat four times, each time softer, except loudly on the “da da. IF tle ca-bin in the wood ltt-He man by the ¥ win-dow stood lit-tle rab-bit hop-ping by, het ¢ ! . ey f gk x A ERE ®nock-ing i! the dooPHelp me! Help me,sirlthe said, a F = a “Fore the Sarm-ef bops my headttome on inthe, lit-tle man eried Warm up by the fire! OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM 1.0ld Mae-Don.ald had. a farm, E -I-E-I-0! And. on his farm he had some chicks, E -I-E-I-o! With d&hiek,chiek here anda chick,chick there, tere a.chick, there a chick, Ev:ry-there.a chick chick, Old Mae-Don-ald had a farm, £ -I-E-I-o! 2 Andon his farm he had some ducks, E-LE‘0. With a quack, quack here and a quack, quack there, Here a quack, there a quack, eveywhere a quack, quack, cook eh ind ek hee 3 ree eset are anos ik hk - Old MacDonald had farm, E-LE-TO. ‘cow “moo, moo (Repeat duck, chick sounds). ‘tara gobble, ole Repeat cow, dk cick nunda) “oink, oink (Repeat turkey, cow, et.) "thee haw (Repeat pig te) tows iow. makati yhtng unt ra wpipe ne f)Handaup to make ‘Suggestion; Old MacDonald Had a Band - Use instrument names, make their sounds and pretend to play. 26 day, anoth yore romher of. ~ GOOD MORNING morning, good morn-ing, and how do you do?” Good morning, good mom ig, Tim Fine, how ae You? WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? 2 Sal:lys wear-ing a red dress, red dress, red des, i Sal-lys wearing a red dress all day long. Use chilis name and sing about what he is wearing, B ONF, TWO, BUCKLE MY SHOE ‘Seale Sone) One,, tuo, buek-le my shoe, Three four, shut the door, ive, Six, pick up sticks Sev-en, eight, lay them straight Eight, sev-en, six, five Four, three, two,one. All Done! Suesestion: Hold up core number of fingers RICKETY, TICKETY (Fingerplay) Rickety,tekety, look at me How many fingers do you see? ‘Example: Hold up t ‘MY NAME AND ADDRESS: (Tune: Rain, Rain, Go Away, p. 32) my ediress, ‘THE ALPHABET SONG (Dune: Twinkle, Lite Star, p. 33) ARCDEFG, HIJKLMNOP, QRS, TU, WX, YZ, Now know my AB-Cs, ‘Tell me what you think of me. — ao RIGHT HAND, LEFT HAND Fingerplay) ‘This is my right hand Mi raise it up high. (ight hand up) ‘This is my left hand, Ml touch the sky. eft hand wp) Righthand, (ehow right palm) Left hand, (chow left palm) J Roll them around ‘oll hands over and over) Left hand, ‘show palm) Right hand (show palm) Pound, pound, pound. (ound fists together) 9349567 Gado ren urrruz ringers Foe ere neon —_ = aH |.One lit-tle, two little, three lit-He Fin-gers, Four lit-He, ve lit-tle, Six lit-tle fin-gers,Sev-en lit-He,eight lit-tle, nine lit-te fin-gers, Ten fin-gers on my hands. 2 Ten litle, ine little, eight little fingers Seven little, six lite, five litle fine Four lil, three Hite, two ite Hager, VED ‘One finger on my hand Sggeton: Count othe things atch a8 toe, mae rocks, lowers, et DAYS OF THE WEEK Suin-day Mon-day Tues-day ,Wednes -day, Thurs -day , Fri -day , Sat-ur-day . a ‘, RAIN,RAIN,GOAWAY * ,¢ Rein,rain,goa-wiay. Come again a-notver day lit-Hle Bet-ty wants toplay.Rain-rain-goa-aay. Suggestion: Use child's name, Cat get, 2 FI + THERE IS THUNDER (Pune: Are You Sleeping? p. 15) “There is thunder, thee is thunder, Hear itroar, hear it roar, "Pitter, patter, rain drops Pitter, patter, rain drops, ‘Tim all wet! Tm all wet 4 pound or with zs of hands 1a eee arate ant culcly Saker of han = IT’S RAINING (Tune: Rain, Rain, Go Away) ~ Ie’ raining, it’s pouring, ‘The old man is snoring. He went to hed and bumped his hesd ‘And couldn't get up in the morning, 32 ‘TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR one Tr 108 Twin-kle, twin-ble, lit-tle star, how I won-der what you ate. Up a-bove the world. so high, like a dia-mond in the sky, Twin-kle,twin-kle, lit-tle star, how T won-der what you. are. "ROUND THE CLOCK (Tune: Twinkle, Little Star) Round the lock the hours 0, ‘Sometimes fast and sometimes slow, ‘Tell me what the two hands say, ‘Come with me you sleepyhead, ‘Suggestion: Make up your own thyme for other times of day: (Twelve o'ock, it's time to eat, ‘Come with me, well have a treat) 33 so! eWOrM Work, Ou, ip bbl ZA we LOOBY LOO ere wegoloo by Lon Herewe goo by ight — 4 Pe Here we goloo by loo ~Allona. Sabu day ni Lyfoe®but your right hand in~You put your right hand ou — Yougjve your ghthand.a shake shake, shake, and. turn your -self a -bout. Oh, 2 lefthand (After each verse join hands and citele around on chorus) Bright foot 4 ft foot 5 head 6 whole self NOW TALL, NOW SMALL G ‘Tm stretching ver-y tal nd now'Tm ver -y ‘ by - Ss Ht EA ‘small Now tall Feustilfbuinale oy bal AviMAt.PoEM Pam Beal Vm a lite kitty, Tove to tippy toe. Won't you doit with me? Ready now, lets go Tm a litle rabbit, love to hop, hop. hop Come on and do it with me, ee Wotan well averse maga big elopant, Bose, MT akctig wee tsow Td Jove to have you join me, ~ Ready now? Lat’ go, 3). I'ma tte dog, love to ran and ran GLY it you would doit with me, 9 We ould have such fan! a= => WALKING, WALKING (Tine: Are You Sleping? p. 15) Walking, walking, walking, walking, Hop, hop, hop, hop, bop, hop. Running, running, running, ‘Running, running, running, Now let's stop, now let's stop, JIMMY CRACK CORN ©Jim-ry crack corn and I dorit care, im-my crack corn and. T dont care, zi = erack eorn and I dort care, My mas - ters gone a - way 1, “Right hand yp and I don’t care, Right hand up and I don't care, ‘Right hand up and I don't care, “My master’s gone away. ‘(Chorus sung after each verse) 2. “Left hand up. 3. ‘Both hands up. ‘Stare toe thoughout chor i old right band up and walk terme ofl od deve vg bck frm il hand walt ene of + uta piy in EU. A, 87) 7 BABY BIRD (Scale Song} eres a. ba-by bird-ie ; Hes fromhis shell out comes his head, And then comes his tail. pad Wow his legs he stretch-es,HiBuingshe givesafap. en he Flies and Flies and flies, Now what do jou. think oF that? ®Down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down .°B00m ! lem are and ne, feta page hed dwn 1) etd peep) a}stinfup"oMlapcibows"Aiaparme gti arundandsrud hal down 8 RING AROUND THE ROSY 19Ring a -round the. ro-sy. Pock-et-ful of po-sies. Ash-es,ash-es, We all falBoun. 2 Tiptoe ‘ound the rosy 3 Skip 4 Hop 5 Run POP! GOES THE WEASEL All a-round the cob—blers bench, The 4 ®mon-Key chased the wea-sel. Thefnon-hey joughttwas all in Fur@POP ! goes the wea-sel Suagestons: 1 Rell hands while singing. clap on POP. ca on PO ‘ele grceimar wien Singer) chane one and wih beter bandh at ‘Sheri otbead ck eye dcp - ONE FINGER, ONE THUMB 1. One fin-ger, one thumb, Keep mov-ing, One 45; 45 = fin. ger,one thumb, Keep mav-ing One Fin-ger, one, ‘thumb, Keep mov-ing and well al! be hap. py to-day 2 One finger, one thumb, one hand keep moving. 3 ctwohands 4 Lone arm. 5.0. ltwo arma, 6 lone leg 7 awe legs. 8.1. sit down, stand up. ‘THE MULBERRY BUSH Here we go'round the mul-ber-ry bush, the mul-ber-ry bush, the mul-ber-ry bush, Here we go'round. the mul-ber-ry bush, so ear-ly in=— the morn -ing. 1. This the way we wash our face ‘Suggestion: For circle game, join hands ond circle around lon chorus after each verse, Act out motions on verses. a IF YOU'RE HAPPY \ Tf you're hap-py and you Know if,clap your hands. (clap,clap) LF youre hap-py and you know it, clap your hands. (clap,clap)-L# youre hap-py and you. Know then yourface will sure-ly showit.TF youre hap-py and you know clap your hands. (cap, elag) urrayt 4.5. do all three clap, clap, stomp, stomp, hurry) PETER HAMMERS (Pune: What Are You Wearing? p.28) Peter hammers with one hammer, one hammer, ‘one hammer, (pound one fst on Moor oF leg) Peter hammers with one hammer all day Tong. ‘Two hammers (pound two fists) ‘Three hammers (pound two fists, one foot) Four hammers (pound two fists, two fet) ive hammers (pound tv fst, two feet, nod head up and down) Peter's very tire now... (rub eyes, then lay head on hands) REACH FOR THE SKY 1B Pam Bol Clap your hands, touch your toes, Turn around and put your fin-ger on your nose Flap your arms, jump up high, Wig-gle your fin-gers and reach for the sky e ‘THREE BLUE PIGEONS Three blue pi - eons sit-ting on a. wall, Three blue pi geons—sit-ting on a wall One flew a - way! 0-0 - oh . (spoken) 2, Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall, ‘Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall Another flew away! Ooooh, (spoken) 3, One blue pigeon sitting on a wall, ‘One blue pigeon sitting on a wall ‘And the third flew away! Ooco-oh, 4. No blue pigeons siting on a wall, [No blue pigeons sitting om a wal One flow back! Whee-eece-ce! One blue pigeon sitting on a wall, One blue pigeon sitting on a wal Another flew back! Wheece eee! 6. Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall ‘Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall ‘And the third flew back! Whee ee coe! 7. Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall, Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall, (Clap happily while singing) ‘Suggestion: Three children ston a bench. All children sing while the three act out the words “4 ONE ELEPHANT WENT OUT TO PLAY One el -e - phant went out +o play, o, 76 = Out on a spi - ders — web one day He had sueh e- nor -mous fun, He 6, c called for an -oth-er el -e-phant to come. 2. Two elephants went out to play 3. Three elephants went out to play. ete Game: One child walks around room ikean elephant. Attheend of the verse, he chooses anather ‘elephant to jain behind him. At the fend of each verse, the last ‘elephant’ chosen selects a new ‘elephant’ Continue until several children are imitating elephants, “ HEAD AND SHOULDERS Head and shoul-ders, Knees and toes, knees and toes, Head and shoul-ders, knees and toes knees and toes; — E¥es and ears and mouth—and— nose, Head.and shoul-ders, Knees and toes, Knees and toes. Suggestions: Point to body parts as singing. Repeat, leaving out different body parts each time, JACK AND JILL (Seale Son) @Fack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a. pail of wa-te® Tack fell down and broke his Crown and. Jill came tum-| bling of- ter. TREorateearyinany eet se ‘THIS IS THE WAY (Pune: Mulberry Bush, p. 41) 1. Thisis the way the ladies ride, a Ladioe ride, ladies ide, "Tete, tr-re, tri tree. (bounce child genily on knoce) om 2 Gentlemen ride— gallopaallopa tot ~ (bounce fast 4. Params hotly hobtedy be ounce arte) TROT TO BOSTON rot to Boston town to, getastick oF can-dy. 'e for you,and one for me, for Dick-y Dan-dy. Gross legs, bounce child on foot, Near end of song, feently drop child to flour (surprise), 0 TEDDY BEAR \Ted-dy Bear, Ted-dy Bear, turn a-round,— ‘Ted-dy Bear, Ted-dy Bear, touch the ground;— Ted -dy Bear, Ted.-dy Bear, show your shoe,— Ted-dy Bear, Ted- dy Bear, that will do! 2, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs, ‘Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers, ‘Teddy Boar, Teddy Bear, switch off the light ‘Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say goodnight. Pantornime the words, my wine It Betti. GOOD NIGHT (Tune: Good Night, Ladioe) Good night,Ba-by, Good night, Ba-by , Good night, Ba-by, Its time to goto bed Mer-ri-ly we roll a-long, roll a-long, rolla-long, Mer-ri-ly we roll a-long as off tobed we go Suggestion: Substitute child's name for ‘baby! Guitar payin EEA, 87) 50 SLEEP, BABY, SLEEP ‘Sleep ba-by,sleep- Your fa-ther tends the sheep Jour moth-er shakes the dream-land tree, Down falls a lit-He dream for thee. Sleep,ba-by, sleep. ALL NIGHT, ALL DAY 5 a Alinight,all—day,an-gels watch-in'o-vermeyny Lord— All night, all—day, an.gels wateh-in' over me— 1. When at night Igo to slecp, ‘Angels watchin’ over me, my Lord, Pray the Lord my soul to keep “Angela watchin’ over me (Repeat chorus) * Oar play m4, 8 ALL THE PRETTY LITTLE HORSES Hush-a-bye,don+ youery, Gotosleep-y lit-tle When you woke, you shall have all the pref-ty lit-tle baby. Blacks and boys, dap-ples and grays, coach and six-a-lit-He hors-es. Hush-a -bye, dort youery , Go to sleep-y lit-tle ba -by a HUSH, LITTLE BABY 1. Hush lit-He ba -by,dont say a word. Eps gon-na buy you a mock-ing-bird 2, Uthat mockingbird don't sing Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring. liamond ring turns brass, Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass. 4 If that looking glass gets broke, Papa's gonna buy you a billy gost 5, I that billy goat don't pul, Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull 6. Wethat cart and bull tum over, Papa's gonna buy you a dog named Rover. 1. Wthat dog named Rover don't bark, ‘Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart 8, Ifthat horse and cart fall down, ‘You'l til be the soeeetest litle baby in town, ait oliday. . «5, wet a sel S00, 5 as JACK-O-LANTERN (Fingerlay) ‘Sometimes big and sometimes smal, ‘arma form large crle, then small) A ‘But always round and yellow, BO). venchitven mee ms famous amyl () ‘hen Tm a scary fellow (emake scary face) CHICKAMY, CHICKAMY, CRANEY CROW Chick-a-my, chick-a-my cran-ey crow), T went to the well 4o wash my toe. When I get back, my chiek-ens were gone, nt ? : i What time is it old witch 7 One Baal Game-Choose child tobe the witch, The witch hides hereyes and turns her hack whilea group of children singin a teasing way near ‘Atthecountof twelve, the witch comesout ofhiding and triesto ‘atch asmany children as shecan. Children are‘safe'ifthey reach ‘predetermined point. 3 TEN LITTLE WITCHES (Tune: Ten Little Indians, p. 31) 1, One little two little, three little witches, our litle, five ltl, six litle witches, Seven lite eight ite, nine little witches, Ten witches in the sky. 2. Ten little, nine lite, eight litle witches, ‘Seven lite, sx ttle, five litle witches, Four little, three little, two little witches, ‘One litle witch, “Bye, by Age GOBBLE, GOBBLE (Fingerplay) *Aturkey isa funny bird, "iis head goes wobble, wobble, ‘And he knows ust one word, “Gobble, gobble, gobble Aetna ‘pe key by ping me ‘Debate heads sound ke eter 6 fi OVER THE RIVER 1.0-ver the ri-ver and through the woods, To Grand mothers house we.go;-The horse knows the ula fo carry the sleigh through the white and drifted ‘Snow— O-ver the ri-ver and through the woods, Oh, how the wind does blow) stings the toes and bites the nose, As o-ver the ground ule Go: 2 Over the river and through the woods, ‘Trot fast my dapple gray, Spring over the ground like @ hunting hound ‘For this is Thanksgiving Day. ‘Over the river and through the woods, ‘Now Grandmother's face [ py. Hurrah for the fun, is the pudding done? ‘Hurrah for the pumpkin pie a7 CHRISTMAS IS COMING oa, 2, Christ-mas is com-ing, The goose is getting Fat. £ ul a # Lctapn tin Please fo puta. pen-ny in the old. mans —hat. Please fo put a pen-ny in the old mans hat. ‘Suggestion: Can be sung as a round 8 ‘THE CHIMNEY (Fingerplay) Here isthe chimne (onake fist with thumb inside) Hore isthe top, {other hand over fst) (Open te lid (remove hand) (Out Senta will pop! {pop up thamb) WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS We wish you.a Mer-ry Christ-mas, We Ae 1 wish you a. Mer-ry Christ-mas, We wish youa Mer-ry Christ-mas and a Hap -py New Year! 1. “Lats all do a ite claps Tete doa ite capping. Leal do ide clappg, ‘And spread Christmas heer. (Chorus sung afer each verse) 2 dumping a Twirling ‘Suggestion: Add your own verses, snare cme econ tor cap ha omen 59 @syid-a-ma-rink adink-a-dink®Shid-a-ma-rink a 4 doo,8r-Sove-Qyou; (rlove youSokid-a-ma-rink dink-a-dinkkid-a-ma-rink a-doo,2t ove — jou.— ©F love you in the morn-ing —and. in the af-ter-noonBT love youin the eve sing-and a A SS SSS cae eee es der neath the moon, skid marinkadinkedink, id-amatink edo® TP love Syourte: idve you) {nen eda, een ioe, ove feat and sagt _ eee re above wa eas INDEX AILNight, All Day 3 All the Pretty Lite Horses 3 Alphabet Song, The 0 ‘Animal Poem* 6 Baby Bird cy Bingo ... Daa ‘Bumblebee* ae Chickamy, Chika, Graney Grow a ‘Chimney, Thet cy ‘Christmas is Coming ===. ry (Clap Your Hands. 22--0.. a 10 aye of the Weok . a Down by the Station. : he SID a Bentey Weentsy Spider |... ae ele 8 Finger Band, The en Five Little Pshies® 20000002. fob lan Gobble, Gobbie® .... oe . cece 8 Good Morning ‘ : seseave Good Night 20000 5 Grandma's Giasses* 7 : 10 Head and Shoulders «| n INI a8 Herein the Beehive 9 Here isthe Church* Stelle Cas Hickory, Dickory Dock seit ovate at Hush, Little Baby III. ss If You're Happy 2 1s Raining eerie sen a ‘Jack and Jill” IIIT Jack and Jill 6 Sack OLantern® soo... sooo SUITING os. ‘Jimmy Crack Com EILIIN ar doh ac dnb Shiidt silat m Knock, Knoek™ : 13 [Little Cabin in the Wood B ‘Title with asterisks areingerplaye, which are rhymes illustrated by the use of finger motions. 6 Little Green Frog Little Peter Rabbit, Looby Loe «+ ‘Mother's Knives and Forks" ‘Malbeery Bush, The .- My Nameand Addroos Now Tall, Now Small... (Old MacDonald Had a Farm |... One Elephant Went Out to Play One Finger, Ono Thumb... One, Two, Buckle My Shoe Over the River --.-vesen-n Ticket, Tiekety™ 02000000. Right Hand, Left and ing Around the Rosy .. "Round the Clock ..-- "Round the Garden Sleep, Baby, Seep Skidamarink ‘Teddy Bear « ‘Ten Little Fingers ‘Ten Litle Witches ‘There is Thunder ‘This the Way ‘This Old Man. ‘Three Blue Pigeons 0... : | ‘Three Little Monkeys” |. : riba ‘Train, The : 2 Tee W Bowles ycirisiaeyssoiemencetiseanmr cen aero MT ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Siar ‘Two Little Blackbirds™ =...) Tate Walking, Walking a We Wish You a Merry Christmas 0000000000000. 00000000 ga What Are You Wearing? «.....-+0. 00sec. csssesssesseese 8 Where ie Thumbkin? 6 REARRES SERRE RRES AES SE SEA OBES

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