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Individual Differences &



Values – stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is
important in a variety of situations, that guide our
decisions and actions.

Value System
Organization of one’s beliefs about
preferred ways of behaving and desired
end states
A hierarchy based on a ranking of an
individual’s values in terms of their intensity.


Importance of Values
 Provide understanding of the
attitudes, motivation, and behaviors of
individuals and cultures.
 Influence our perception of the world
around us.
 Represent interpretations of “right”
and “wrong.”
 Imply that some behaviors or
outcomes are preferred over others.

Types of Values –- Rokeach Values

Terminal Values
Desirable end-states of existence; the goals that a person would like
to achieve during his or her lifetime .

Instrumental Values
Preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving one’s terminal

Espoused Values
Values that we say we use or think we use- others
expect to embrace

Enacted Values
Values we actually rely on to guide our decisions and


Individual Work Values

 Achievement (career advancement)

 Concern for others (compassionate
 Honesty (providing accurate
 Fairness (impartiality)

Conflict & Congruence-

Values & Person
A situation wherein two or more entities have similar value system

•Person- organization values

•Espoused-Enacted values

•Org. dominant values & Values of



Person–Job Fit
John Holland’s
The re appear to be intrinsic differences in
Personality–Job &
pe rsonality be tween people Person Organisation Fit
The re are different types of jobs

Pe ople in jobs congruent with their

pe rsonality should be more satisfied and
have lowe r turnover

Person–Organization Fit:
T he employee’s personality must fit
with the organizational culture.
People are attracted to organizations
that match their values.
T hose who match are most likely to be
Mismatches will result in turnover.
Can use the Big Five personality types
to match to the organizational culture.

Values across Culture

Hofstede’s Framework
Power Distance
The extent to which a society accepts that power
in institutions and organizations
is distributed unequally.

Low distance vs. High distance

relatively equal distribution extremely unequal distribution

Masculinity vs. Femininity

The extent to which org. values The extent to which there is
work roles of power, control, & little differentiation between
achievement, and assertiveness roles for men and women
& materialism also valued Feminine values: quality of lif e,
maintenance of , service, care f or the
Masculine values: assertiveness, success, weak, solidarity


Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)

Individualism vs. Collectivism

The degree to which A tight social framework in

people prefer to act as which people expect others
individuals rather than a in groups of which they are
member of groups. a part to look after them
and protect them.
Achievement vs. Nurturing
The extent to which The extent to which societal
societal values are values emphasize
characterized by relationships and concern for
assertiveness, materialism others.
and competition.

Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)

Uncertainty Avoidance
The extent to which a society feels threatened by
uncertain and ambiguous situations and tries to
avoid them.

•High Uncertainty Avoidance:

Society does not like ambiguous
situations and tries to avoid them.

•Low Uncertainty Avoidance:

Society does not mind ambiguous
situations and embraces them.


Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)

Long-term Orientation
A culture attribute that
emphasizes the future, thrift,
and persistence.

Short-term Orientation
A culture attribute that
emphasizes the past and
present, respect for tradition,
and fulfilling social obligations.

Hofstede’s Framework: Indulgence

 Indulgence
– The degree to which it is alright for people to
enjoy life, have fun, and fulfill natural human
 Restraint
– The extent to which there are social norms
governing the gratification of basic human desires
and behavior


Further Reference:
Dominant Work Values in Today’s Work-Force

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