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E-Business /

Beyza Eker- 45069

Cassandre Martenat- 39811
Catarina Seco- 45071
Ivylize Pontes- 45089
Lena Marie Janeković -38945
Prepare a business model canvas for startup considering both B2C
and B2B market scenarios.

What other paths to growth could you
suggest in case that an investor's offer is
CONTENTS rejected? Do you see an opportunity for
innovation at the business model level in this

Analyze the target audience using the Value
proposition canvas (separately for B2C and
B2B customers).
B2B and B2C
2. What other paths to
growth could you The company presence in the online
suggest in case that an
As people tend to do everything online and automated,
investor's offer is recent trends predict, that more and more people are

rejected? Do you see an using online therapy sessions and portals.

opportunity for Online therapy includes the following benefits:

innovation at the Convenience and affordability
Treatment is more accessible
business model level in Good option for remote areas
Accessibility for people with physical
this industry? limitations
2. What other paths to growth could you suggest in
case that an investor's offer is rejected? Do you see
an opportunity for innovation at the business model
level in this industry?

Online counseling is offering a form of Pandemic

professional counseling, that is The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic
accessible, affordable and convenient recession have negatively affected many people’s
mental health and created new barriers for people
This offers the opportunity for B2B and B2C clients to already suffering from mental illness and substance use
get help, whether in counselling or any additional disorders.
struggles, to their convenience - anytime, anywhere.
Target audience according to
the Value proposition canvas
3) Analyze the target audience using the Value proposition canvas
(separately for B2C and B2B customers).
Gain creators
Jobs to be
Service providers: psychologists, Employees have unlimited access to all
services (after purchasing the
coaches, personal trainers, etc
subscription + the participation per Offer a mindfulness
Web application and a dedicated month per employee paid by the package for individuals
application for android and iOS company), through telephone and for corporations,
consultations, helpline and video which would offer benefits
systems consultations for employees that go far
Unlimited access to a beyond the usual medical
package and also include
psychologist or coach ; access to trainers,
Online training and employees who may want / need psychologists, coaches and
achieve selected goals psychological assistance, who have an on-line platform full of
Product personal objectives (burn calories, build new features.
at home or at the gym; muscle mass, prepare for a marathon,
A large number of etc) or who want to participate in
& training plans
periodic meditation sessions, listen to
selected courses to reduce stress,
Services Periodic meditation improve focus or enable internal balance

The product offers three types of benefits:
Mind section
Body package
Harmony package

Pain relievers
B2C Gains
Gain creators
Jobs to be
Individual customers can choose done
to consult the various specialists
Premises where service providers online or on site at the
can conduct therapy, coaching
company's premises
and meditation sessions To offer a mindfulness package
for individuals and for
corporations, which would offer
Therapy benefits for employees that go

Products Coaching far beyond the usual medical

package and also include access
& Meditation to trainers, psychologists,
coaches and an on-line platform
Services sessions They offer services such as full of new features
psychologists, coaches, personal
trainers, all center, booking
system and online consultation Individual customers who wants
system to minimize customer / needs therapy, coaching and
dissatisfaction meditation sessions conducted
by psychologists, coaches &
personal trainers
Pain relievers


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