Not About Belief But Rather Engaging in The Process

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Notes from Snyder’s video on Manifestation

Bill Bengston, The Energy Cure (Society of Scientific Exploration (SSE))

About energy healing foremost (cancer mice example)
Not about belief but rather engaging in the process

Rules for the Bengston healing method (also goes for the application to manifestation
mentioned below):
1. Be playful
2. Avoid ritual

2 parts, one that does and one that thinks; they’re separate just as the process below and
the healing is.

Cycling - going over desired things, events and people (anything emotionally exciting) over
and over while doing the healing, a way to get the consciousness (the thinking part) out of
the way and allowing the energies to flow through.
While doing this it was discovered that the things you’d cycle through would manifest.

The manifesting part:

Listing things we want, number doesn’t matter (people have had 75+ things they we’re
cycling, or you could go with three) because we’re not going to “do” anything; the image
cycling process isn’t the channeling process.
Make sure to go beyond the thing; look at the end, the results that would occur by the things
we want having manifested, the natural result of us having manifested it, things that
presupposes that we’ve already manifested the desired thing, results that wouldn’t occur
otherwise, things that are only possible because the thing has manifested and wouldn’t be
otherwise, the end result of the end result/goal.
When visualising we might get our image blurry; to solve this we can either increase
proximity (bring the image closer, literally reach out, grab it move it closer and grab the
edges and make it bigger) or find out why it is blurry; is there any reason that says we can’t
have it?
The things need to be emotionally compelling for us; YES I WANT THAT!
No need to be altruistic, in fact that’s discouraged; we’re supposed to be entirely selfish with
these things.
Distill thing down to a word or an image and list that.
As soon as they manifest we have to cross them off our list otherwise, if we keep
manifesting with old stuff on the list it’ll demanifest.
There isn’t really any limits here either, and it will occur. The thing is we will have everything
we want, but this process will change us as we need to become the person to or for whom
these things can happen; life will become dramatic but it’ll be for the good.
Keeping this in mind it’s important that it actually is something we want.
If we have troubles putting what we want on paper we simply don’t know it well enough and
thusly why we wouldn’t, if that actually would be the case, be manifesting our desired things.
Don’t worry about this seeming simple; nothing that works is ever difficult or complicated,
though that doesn’t mean it’s always easy.
Then in comes the cycling; we have our list of things and the results of our desires having
manifested and we start imagining them one by one
The speed at which we imagine the things will pick up until we feel as though we’re reaching
a limit, like it’s hitting the ceiling, and then it’ll break through and we’ll feel it’s spinning but
won’t be able to consciously control it.

2 water bottles (one for usage; one for control, should work with glasses too), 1 in left hand,
relaxed posture
Deep breath in, let out with a sigh
Look down at out list
Call up the first image
See what we saw, hear what we heard, feel what we felt, see the image big and bright, feel
the feelings coming flooding back of us having those things.
Once we’ve got that, move on to image two and repeat.
See what we saw, hear what we heard etc.
Go through 5 of the images, then start at image 1 again and repeat but cycle it faster, and
faster and faster until we can’t consciously keep track of it anymore and then let it spin
beyond that point and keep spinning it for a while.
Open our eyes.
Repeat above process with images 1-10, and then 1-15 and so on (can do multiple stages
with the same images as well)
When done, open control bottle and take a sip, then open the used bottle, take a sip and
notice what we notice.
When that water’s in our system we might notice we begin to heal, through things we
thought were long gone coming back for a little while and then fucking off completely.

We can do this process as often as we’d like, just remember the rules; be playful and ​avoid
ritual.​ Don’t get stuck in the mindset of “I have to do this every day or I’ve fucked up”.
Also don’t worry about “doing it wrong”, however our nervous system does the process is the
right way for us. There are only two rules after all.
Now don’t forge a strict belief of how the things should manifest, don’t set a timeframe,
because then we’ll miss it. Just trust the process, let go of any expectations and be open to
the eventual required change and we will recognise every opportunity and when things are
manifesting for us. You need no faith in it for it to work either, in fact it’s irrelevant whether
you do or not considering, again, it’s not about belief but rather engaging in the process.

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