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Danny the Champion of the World Zohra

1. They lived in an old gypsy caravan behind a filling

station. All around there was not much besides
meadows and forests, they lived very secluded, but
they loved everything about their little home. They
didn't own much but the little bit of land they had
was enough for them to live on. (54 words)

2. Danny's father's big secret is he's a poacher.

Poachers poach all sorts of things, but in your area
it's mostly just pheasants. In his opinion, a poacher
is a great artist. Danny couldn't believe that his nice
and decent father could do something like that,
because in Danny’s eyes it was stealing! (54)

3. Danny’s father left at 6 o clock and told Danny, he

will be back at least 10:30. He knew his father would
never break a promise, so Danny was very afraid for
his father when he was not back at 2 o’clock in the
morning. He knew something have must gone
wrong! Immediately, he drove Mr Prachett’s Austin
Seven out of the workshop, he knew how to drive a
car, but he was still afraid that something would go
wrong. When he arrived at the forest after a few
minutes, he immediately went to look for his father
with a flashlight. He keeps calling his name in the
hope of hearing an answer, but for a long time he
only heard the silence of the forest. After a while he
heard a quiet answer and ran in the direction of the
voice, where he finally saw his father sitting in a pit,
he has broken his ankle when he felt in the pit. The
pit was built by the keepers to catch people. Danny
ran back to the car to get a rope. This enabled him
to get his father out of the pit. He helped his father
to get up and hobbled with him to the car. Then
Danny drove his father home. (216)

4. Danny’s father wants to catch 200 of the pheasants

so that Mr. Hazell is exposed in front of all the rich
and famous guests. Danny’s idea is to fill the
powder of the sleeping pills that his father received
from the doctor in raisins to catch the pheasants.
The pheasants will be stunned by the powder and
will simply fall from the trees, then all you have to do
is pick them up from the ground and that’s it.
However, they didn’t have enough capsule for all
the raisins, they had 50 and needed at least 200 of
them! Danny’s father came up with the idea of
divide the powder from one capsule among four
raisins. In other word’s quarter the dose, so you
would get exactly 200 raisins filled with sleeping
powder. This would be enough for any pheasant
they want to catch. (153)

5. A total of 120 pheasants fell from the trees. Danny’s

father had the brilliant idea to bring two big sacks to
put the pheasants in and to be able to transport
them quickly. Since the sacks would be too heavy to
bring them home alone, Danny’s father organized a
taxi. The taxi is driven by Charlie Kinch, who knows
the whole story and is happy to help. The taxi is
waiting on a street right behind the forest and will
take them home by direct route. (88)

6. The plan was to have the pheasants delivered by

Mrs. Clipstone. A special child’s perambulator was
made for this, it was deeper and longer than the
usual child’s perambulator, so it had more space for
more than 100 pheasants and a baby, this plan was
invented by Danny’s father.
When Mrs. Clipstone wanted to deliver the
pheasants something went wrong! One of the
pheasants managed to break out of the carriage
when he regained consciousness, then another
followed and another one until a complete flock of
pheasants flew out of the child’s perambulator.

7. With more raisins they got six more pheasants, they

gave Mrs. Clipstone two, Samway two and Danny
and his father had two. Danny and his father are still
looking forward to buy a oven and they got the idea
to pull some taps. They also have some new
adventures ahead of them.

8. Hey

I have to tell you something, but before you read

this you have to promise me, not to tell anyone. You
know Mr. Hazell right? Every year he plans this big
shooting party, this year my father and I wanted to
steal all the pheasants from Hazell Forrest and it
worked! I was kind of afraid at the beginning
because of the keepers but it all went good,
tomorrow Mrs. Clipstone will bring us some of the
pheasants the others were given to some friends,
your family should become some too.
My father and I catched 120 pheasants, I would
love to tell you how we did it but it is now a family
secret. After all that, my father calls me: Danny the
Champion of the world! Because how we catched
them was my idea. You know what? I can’t tell you
everything by this letter, I will tell you every detail in
school. See you soon.

9. Review

Danny talked about himself, his father and all the

things they did together. They lived in a small
caravan, his father owned a gas station and a small
piece of land. There isn’t much, but for Danny it was
the best and his whole world.
One night Danny woke up and his father was gone,
after that he discovered his father’s big dark secret.
His father kept it a secret for many years, but now
Danny wants to support his father with a grandiose
plan and the adventure begins.

This book shows the carefree life of a little boy, he

doesn’t have much and doesn’t need a lot and he is
still very happy the way it is. I can only recommend
the book, no matter what age or type you are, this
book is for everyone who likes father and son

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