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There was a girl, named Mae Holland, who has been spending every day of her life working at a
call center. All of that ended, when her friend, Annie, got her an interview at a big company named
“The Circle”. There she was doing the same thing as in a call center, the difference is that she gets a
better salary and more free time.
One night, being full of thoughts she decided to go with a stolen canoe in the ocean. That
night, were also big waves and he almost drowned. Some of the near by people saw her and,
through The Circle app, they announced the lifesavers. Because of that event, Mae decided to go
transparent, meaning that people following her on the app would watch her everyday.
The company boss, Eamon Bailey, noticed her and started was paying attention to her more
and more, meaning he was calling her to meetings, to presentation and more. In one meeting, Mae
had a great idea that everyone should be transparent, because that would help us to know everything
is going on around the world. So, she had a big presentation about that. She even found a criminal,
when testing her idea. Unfortunately, the public kept asking insistently to find her best friend,
Mercer. He was found in the woods, in his house, but he didn’t want to be seen, so he got in his
truck and drove away. Everyone was following him with cars and drones. On one bridge, a drone
got into his face and he took a sudden turn, fell off the bridge and died. In the end, Mae realised
how bad this app was, and with the help of her friend, Ty, she discovered all of Eamon Bailey’s
biggest secrets, what he wanted to do with this app. What he wanted to do with the world. Mae is
now working hard to make the app better and free off dangers.

As I was watching the film, I realised that, as minutes were passing, it was getting more
intense. My favourite thing about this movie, is how ambitious, confident and powerful is Mae. Its
hard to have the courage to take down your boss and to start developing an app, because of which
you lost your friend.
In conclusion I loved this film and I strongly suggest you would watch it.

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