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Ahmed Medeghri Secondary School. Time allowed: 2 hours.

Third year streams.

The First Term English Exam
Read the text carefully and do the activities.
The Ignored Pandemic
In 2019, Transparency International Health Initiative launched its report “The Ignored Pandemic:
How corruption in health service threatens Universal Health Coverage (UHC)”.It documented the impact
of corruption on health service.Corruption in the health sector hinders the fight against diseases. Unless the
most harmful forms of corruption are prevented, UHC* is unlikely to be achieved.
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed cracks in health systems. The crucial urgency has led many
governments to loosen rules and neglect sanction mechanisms. Add to that the fear and extreme exhaustion
health professionals are experiencing, the low—and sometimes lack of—salaries for those at the frontlines
of the healthcare response, and you have a perfect setting for theft and embezzlement. Instances of theft
and embezzlement of money, medicines and other medical equipment and supplies by frontline healthcare
staff from hospitals across the globe were reported by worldwide media. In Brazil; for example, more than
two million personal protective items were stolen. Similar reports of theft have emerged in Honduras, and
Cuba and even in developed countries like the US and Japan where healthcare staff are well-paid. Theft
and embezzlement also occur outside the health sector. In Taiwan, for example, two soldiers were found
guilty of stealing a total of 6,000 face masks.
.Global awareness of corruption’s impact on health is increasing; consequently, decision makers
alongside international organisations, such as the World Health Organization have joined the Anti-
Corruption, Transparency and Accountability (ACTA) for Health Alliance network to identify the most
effective anticorruption, transparency and accountability mechanisms in the health sector.
Adapted from
UHC*:is a health care system in which people have access to health services without financial hardship.

1. The text is… a. a web article b. a newspaper article c. an extract from a novel
Choose the best answer
2. Write the letter that corresponds to the right answer.
a) The Transparency International Health Initiative report documented…
A/ the causes of corruption on health services. B/ the influence of corruption on health services
C/the consequences of corruption on health services…
b)If we don’t prevent most harmful forms of corruption…
A/ UHC will be achieved B/ UHC will not be achieved C/ will have been achieved
c)The crucial urgency has led many governments to…
A/ tighten rules and sanctions B/ untie rules and sanctions C/ Add more rules and sanctions
3.Put the following ideas in the order they appear in the text
a) The world is becoming more conscious of corruption’s effect.
b)Health care frontline personnel stole medicine and medical equipment.
c)Corruption obstructs the battle against illnesses.

4.Answer the following questions according to the text

a) When did Transparency International Health Initiative launched its report?
b) What are the conditions that contribute in the making of a perfect setting for theft and embezzlement?
c) Do theft of medical supplies occur only inside the health sector? Justify from the text.
d) Why did decision makers join the Anti-Corruption, Transparency and Accountability for Health
Alliance network?

5. Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to.
a) It (§1) b) that (§2) c) where (§2)
B/ Text exploration
1)Find in the text words whose definitions follow.
a. to make it difficult for something to develop or succeed (§1)
b. something that is extremely important, because everything else depends on it (§2)
c. the fact of being responsible for your decisions or actions (§3)
2) Give the opposites of the following words keeping the same root
a. Corrupt b.organise c. Responsible d. ethical
3) Rewrite sentence “B” so that it means the same as sentence “A”
1. A. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said: “Response to the virus is creating new
opportunities to exploit weak oversight and inadequate transparency”
B. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said……………………………………..
2. A. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed cracks in health systems
B. Cracks in health systems………………………………………………………………..
4) Ask questions which the underlined words answer.
Worldwide media reported instances of theft and embezzlement.

5) Classify the following words according to their final –ed.

prevented - achieved -supplied -taxed
6) Re-order the following sentences to get a coherent passage.
a. Failing to address corruption risks in this environment can make that inequality so much worse.
b. There are almost 40 million cases of COVID-19 globally and more than one million deaths.
c. And alongside policymakers, businesses arguably have the biggest role to play in tackling corruption
d. Despite these staggering numbers, we now know the virus does not affect us all equally.

Part Two: Written Expression

Choose ONE of the following topics:
Topic One:
We sometimes let ourselves get away with cheating that we would blame in others for. We tend to
judge unethical behaviours in others but not in ourselves. Write an article of about 80 to 120 words for your
school magazine in which you raise awareness about the topic.
Make the best use of the following notes:
- cheat / unethical / for all
- behave / moral / values
- watch / imitate / good behaviour
- avoid / judgement / others
Topic Two:
The period of lockdown caused by Covid-19 revealed many unethical behaviours among people in
our society (e.g. hoarding goods=buying more than you need, lack of responsibility) as well as
businessmen and traders (e.g. monopoly and rising the price of goods). Imagine you are a decision maker
in your city. Write a speech addressing the people of your town where you warn them of such unethical
practices and give them some pieces of advice to change your society for the better.

Believe you can and you are half way there

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