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Mining association rules for anomaly detection in dynamic process

runtime behavior and explaining the root cause to users

Kristof Böhmer, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma

PII: S0306-4379(19)30490-9
Reference: IS 101438

To appear in: Information Systems

Received date : 1 February 2019

Revised date : 1 June 2019
Accepted date : 10 September 2019

Please cite this article as: K. Böhmer and S. Rinderle-Ma, Mining association rules for anomaly
detection in dynamic process runtime behavior and explaining the root cause to users, Information
Systems (2019), doi:

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Journal Pre-proof

Mining Association Rules for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Process

Runtime Behavior and Explaining the Root Cause to Users

Kristof Böhmer1 , Stefanie Rinderle-Ma2

1 Research Group Workflow Systems and Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, 2 Data Science@Uni Vienna, University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, {kristof.boehmer, stefanie.rinderle-ma}

Detecting anomalies in process runtime behavior is crucial: they might reflect, on the one side, security
breaches and fraudulent behaviour and on the other side desired deviations due to, for example, exceptional
conditions. Both scenarios yield valuable insights for process analysts and owners, but happen due to
different reasons and require a different treatment. Hence a distinction into malign and benign anomalies
is required. Existing anomaly detection approaches typically fall short in supporting experts when in need
to take this decision. An additional problem are false positives which could result in selecting incorrect
countermeasures. This paper proposes a novel anomaly detection approach based on association rule mining.
It fosters the explanation of anomalies and the estimation of their severity. In addition, the approach is able
to deal with process change and flexible executions which potentially lead to false positives. This facilitates
to take the appropriate countermeasure for a malign anomaly and to avoid the possible termination of
benign process executions. The feasibility and result quality of the approach are shown by a prototypical
implementation and by analyzing real life logs with injected artificial anomalies. The explanatory power of

the presented approach is evaluated through a controlled experiment with users.

Keywords: Anomaly detection, process runtime behavior, root cause, association rule mining, process

1. Introduction behavior is identified an alarm is sent to a secu-

rity expert. Subsequently, the expert determines

Information security, while being one of the top

the alarm’s root cause to choose an appropriate
priorities for companies, is currently shifting from
anomaly countermeasure, such as, terminating an
prevention-only approaches to detection and re-
anomalous process, ignoring a false alarm, or man-

sponse – according to Gartner [26]. One analyst

ually correcting process execution behavior, cf. [9].
states: “The shift to detection and response ap-
The survey on security in PAIS [45], however,
proaches spans people, process and technology ele-
shows that the majority of existing approaches fo-
ments and will drive a majority of security market
cuses on prevention and only few approaches tackle
growth over the next five years” [26]; predicting a
detection and response, particularly at runtime and
113 billion worldwide spending on information se-
change time of processes.
curity by 2020.
The vehicle to integrate processes, users, and

technology and hence to drive digitalization ef- 1.1. Problem Statement and Research Questions
forts in companies are executable processes imple-
mented through Process-Aware Information Sys- Analyzing anomaly detection alarms and choos-
tems (PAIS). Security problems in PAIS can be ing countermeasures is challenging, cf. [36]. This
found based on anomaly detection approaches, i.e., applies also to the process domain as many pro-
by revealing anomalous process execution behavior cesses operate in flexible open environments [58].
which can indicate fraud, misuse, or unknown at- Hence, thousands of alarms must be carefully an-
tacks, cf. [7, 9]. Typically, whenever anomalous alyzed as they could be false positives that report
Preprint submitted to Information Systems June 1, 2019
Journal Pre-proof

benign behavior as anomalous [36, 9] (e.g., because of P . The given behavior in L is represented as a
of incorrectly interpreted noise or ad hoc changes). set of association rules R (a signture, resp.). To an-
Existing work on process anomaly detection, cf. alyze if a novel execution trace t0 ∈/ L is anomalous
[9, 7, 13], reports only if an execution is anoma- it is determined which rules in R are supported by
lous or not. However, we assume that additional t0 . Supported means that a trace complies to the
information, e.g., which behaviour motivated the conditions specified by the rule. If it is found that
(non-) anomalous decisions or the anomaly sever- t0 has a lower rule support than the trace t ∈ L that
ity, are a necessity. Without such information, is most similar to t0 then t0 is identified as anoma-

anomalies, likely, cannot be fully understood and lous and an alarm is triggered. Doing so, individual
it becomes hard to differentiate between harmful rules can easily be replaced if a process changes (7→
anomalies and false positives, but also to choose RQ2).
appropriate countermeasures as anomalies vary in Another advantage of employing a rather sim-
ple formalisms such as association rules, when com-

effect and form.
Further on, existing process focused work fre- pared to more expressive formalisms such as LTL,
quently applies monolithic anomaly detection sig- is understandability (7→ RQ3). Typically, the more
natures, cf. [7, 13], to identify anomalies. Such expressive rules become the more likely it is that
signatures, compress all expected execution behav- they are misunderstood and the more computa-
ior into a complex interconnected structure. As a tional intense it is to mine them, cf. [22, 49].
consequence, the signatures must be recreated from Nonetheless, in order to cover the most prominent
scratch whenever a process changes, are hard to process perspectives, the work at hand supports
understand, and can be computationally intense to association rules with respect to control flow, re-
create. Monolithic signatures were also found to be sources, and temporal process execution behaviour.
overly detailed and specific so that benign noise or Furthermore, the proposed approach prevents
ad hoc changes (such as slightly varying resource false positives as it supports noise and ad hoc
assignments or activity execution orders) are typi- changes (7→ RQ1). This is because process execu-
cally reported as anomalies [9]. This could hinder tions, differently to monolithic signatures, no longer

an organization as benign process executions could must be completely represented by the signatures,
be unnecessarily terminated. but only by a fraction of the rules which a signa-
Altogether, this work aims at a flexible approach ture is composed of, cf. [9]. This also enables to
to detect anomalies, distinguish their cause into be- provide more details about the individual anoma-
nign and malign behavior, and explain their root lies, as it can be reported which rules a process ex-
cause to the users. This is reflected by the follow- ecution (trace resp.) supports and which not, but
ing research questions: also the anomaly severity. The latter is composed

of the aggregated and automatically calculated rule

1. RQ1: How to distinguish anomalies caused by significance of each non-supported rule.
benign behavior, such as, changes from malign Overall, this work follows the design science re-

behavior? search methodology, cf. [72]. The specific method

is depicted in Figure 1. At first, existing rele-
2. RQ2: How to reduce the effort for anomaly vant literature was thoroughly analyzed based on
detection, particularly in flexible process envi- a systematic literature review on process runtime
ronments? anomaly detection, cf. [9]. Hereby, a range of limi-
tations could be identified, such as, the lack of root
3. RQ3: How to explain the root cause of anoma-
cause analysis capabilities in the business process
lies effectively and efficiently to users?
anomaly detection area, forming a foundation to

address and identify related research problems and

1.2. Contribution and Research Method design requirements in the following.
To address RQ1 – RQ3 this work proposes a novel Subsequently, design requirements are derived
unsupervised anomaly detection heuristic. Instead from existing work on anomaly detection in the
of monolithic signatures it applies small sets of in- security domain, in general, and the process do-
dependent association rules (7→ RQ1, RQ2) as fol- main specifically. As a result an existing rule for-
lows: Let P be a process that should be monitored malism, i.e., association rules, lays the foundations
for anomalies and let L hold all execution traces t for a novel anomaly detection approach, cf. Sec-
Journal Pre-proof

Figure 1: Applied design science inspired research method

tions 2 and 3. This artifact is evaluated in two approaches.

ways. In Section 4, its feasibility and the qual-
ity of the results are shown based on a proof-of-
concept implementation and by performing a cross 2. Requirements, Fundamentals, and Over-

validation with real life process executions, injected all Approach

anomalies and multiple state-of-the-art comparison
approaches. Secondly, the expressive power of the This section starts off with a summary on design
approach is evaluated based on a controlled exper- requirements for an anomaly detection approach
iment with users (cf. Section 5). in flexible process runtime behavior. Fundamen-
In this experiment, different visualizations and tal notions are introduced in the sequel. Finally,
representations of anomalies and their root cause we sketch the overall approach which is presented

are compared by the users in finding answers to formally in Section 3.

questions on the anomalies. The correctness of the

answers is analyzed in order to gain insights on the 2.1. Design requirements

effectiveness of the proposed approach. In addi- The design requirements for the approach are se-
tion, the time for giving such answers is also mea- lected based on the systematic literature review on
sured to evaluate its efficiency. All findings are approaches for anomaly detection in process run-
then compared with related work (cf. Section 6) time behavior conducted in 2017 [9]. In the fol-
and the achieved root cause analysis capabilities lowing, these requirements are augmented – where
are discussed in Section 7. Stakeholders of the pro- applicable – with more general research challenges,
posed approach are process managers and security as identified in [45].

Overall, this work contributes towards a flexible • DR1: Detecting anomalies during run-
anomaly detection approach that is robust against time: Both reviews [9, 45] find that most
process change and noise. Its visualization seems of the existing approaches focus on ex post
promising to foster a more effective and efficient anomaly detection. Although this can also
understanding to anomaly root causes than existing yield valuable insights the need for detecting
anomalies when they are actually happening,
1 Note that this work extends [11]. i.e., during runtime when a process model is
Journal Pre-proof

currently executed, is prevalent. This is, be- representation inspired by Ishikawa or “fish-
cause ex post analysis can only reveal that an bone” diagrams as they have proven useful for
anomalous incident, such as, an attack was al- root cause identification [5, 6]
ready completely executed, and, e.g., that at-
tackers have already achieved their malicious Design requirements DR1 – DR3 address a sub-
goals. In comparison dynamic runtime analy- set of the challenges stated in [9, 45]. Another chal-
sis capabilities bear the chance to delay or stop lenge is, for example, to deal with instance spanning
an attack in its tracks before it unfolds poten- anomalies instead of limiting the approaches to find

tial negative effects, such as, data loss. single instance anomalies. For the work at hand,
Challenges: performance and process changes however, DR1 – DR3 lead to a balanced approach
Design choices: avoid monolithic signatures, focusing on a flexible, runtime anomaly detection
provide lightweight, simplistic and flexible sig- with integrated root cause explanation support.

How to address: represent signature by short 2.2. Fundamental Notions
comprehensible association rules as “pieces” of This paper proposes an anomaly detection
a lightweight signature heuristic to classify process execution traces as
anomalous or not. For this association rules are
• DR2: Reduction of False Positives:
mined from a bag of recorded execution traces L
Change and flexibility are one of the open re-
(i.e., a log). This is beneficiary as L:
search challenges stated in [9], but will cur-
rently result in “assessing correct behavior as a) represents real process execution behavior;
anomalous” and hence pump up the number of
false positives. b) incorporates manual adaptions, noise, and ad
Challenges: distinction of false positives, high hoc changes;
frequency of changes c) is automatically generated during process exe-
Design choices: keep signature complexity and cutions; and
interconnection to a minimum in order to be

able to adapt them at any given point in time; d) is independent from abstracted/outdated doc-
support root cause analysis in order to distin- umentation, cf. [27].
guish between benign and malign anomalies
How to address: represent signature by associ- The proposed approach is unsupervised as the
ation rules which can easily be adapted in case traces in L are not labeled, formally:
of deviating behavior; this facilitates distinc- Definition 1 (Execution Log). Let L be a bag
tion into benign and malign anomalies

of execution traces t ∈ L; t := he1 , · · · , en i

• DR3: Explaining Root Causes: [45] states holds an ordered list of execution events ei :=
that “a holistic security approach also includes (ea, er, es, ec); ei represents the execution of activ-

the involvement and awareness of humans”. ity ei .ea, by resource ei .er, which started at times-
However, [9] finds that most approaches oper- tamp ei .es ∈ R>0 and completed at ei .ec ∈ R>0 ; the
ate in “black box mode”, i.e., it is not sufficient order of t is determined by ei .es.
to present only that a trace was detected as
being anomalous. Instead details on anomaly This notion represents information provided by
severity, causes, and further explanatory infor- process execution log formats such as, the eXten-
mation should be provided. sible Event Stream2 , and enables the representa-
Challenges: determine root cause, convey in- tion of the control, resource, and temporal per-

formation to users spective on a trace level. As this work is not yet

Design choices: integrate root cause represen- aiming on the analysis of additional perspectives
tation into anomaly detection, i.e., the results and event/case attributes, we opted not to repre-
of the anomaly detection should already pro- sent such information, for the sake of simplicity,
vide information on root causes; representation in Definition 1. Accordingly, the first event in the
by visualization
How to address: association rules enable trac- 2 – IEEE 1849-2016 XES

ing back root causes in a fine-granular way; use Standard

Journal Pre-proof

running example (cf. Table 1) would be denoted as For the analysis of temporal execution behaviour,
e1 = (A, Mike, 1, 5). (fuzzy) temporal association rules can be applied.
The following auxiliary functions are used: However, related mining approaches were found to
be designed with different objectives in mind than
• {· · · }0 returns a random element from a set/ this work; such as, the identification of seasonality
bag. [77], the analysis of inter-event-intervals [53], or the
analysis of unordered item lifespans [18]. In com-
• c := a⊕b appends b to a copy c of the collection parison, this work is interested into analyzing indi-

given by a. vidual activity execution durations in combination
with control flow sequences which requires to com-
• h·il retains the last element of a list
bine concepts mentioned beforehand. Accordingly,
• h·ii retains the list item with index i ∈ N>0 . ADARs are formally defined as:

• h·i+ Definition 2 (ADAR). Let L be a set of execu-
i retains all list items with an index > i.
tion traces.
Figure 2 provides an overview of the proposed A rule r is defined as r := hrp1 , · · · , rpm i with
anomaly detection heuristic; algorithms are pre- conditions rpj := (ra, rd).
sented in Section 3. Firstly, a signature R is created For j = 1, ..., m, rpj .ra represents an expected ac-
for a process P based on the associated execution tivity and rpj .rd ⊆ {low, avg, high} an optional ex-
log L (rule mining), i.e., L is assumed as given input ecution duration represented as classes low, avg,
re- and high. All conditions in r must be matched by
1 . Here, a signature R is a set of rules that rep-
resent behavior mined from L. A rule represents, t ∈ L to conclude that t supports r, cf. Def. 4. The
e.g., that activity C should be a successor of A. condition indices j represent their expected order in
The applied rule mining approach is inspired r, i.e., rpj must be matched by a trace before rpj+1
from the Apriori algorithm [3] which mines valuable can be.
relationships in large unordered datasets as associ-
ation rules. However, process execution traces are The following projections were defined

temporally ordered, e.g., based on the start times- for rules (r) and conditions (rp): rt(r) 7→
tamp of each event. To take this aspect into account {control, temporal, SoD, BoD} represents that a
a) the Apriori algorithm is adapted accordingly, cf. rule can specify control flow (control for short),
Section 3; and b) association rules, as defined in [3], temporal, or resource behavior. The latter focuses
are extended into Anomaly Detection Association on the assignment of resources to activities which is
Rules (ADAR) – (rule for short), cf. Definition 2. analyzed in the form of Separation of Duty (SoD)
or Binding of Duty (BoD), cf. [16]. Depending on

The applied adaptions to the Apriori algorithm

the rule condition type (e.g., control or temporal)
are inspired from related sequence mining ap-
different elements (i.e., rp.ra and rp.rd) of each
proaches, i.e., GSP [66] and, especially, PrefixSpan;

rule condition rp := (ra, rd) become relevant.

enabling to gradually reduce the computational ef-
In the following examples non-relevant elements
fort (which is relative to the complexity and amount
will be denoted as ·. For example, a control flow
of traces analyzed throughout rule mining) during
focused rule condition for activity A will, in the
each rule mining step the longer each rule becomes,
following, be denoted as rp := (A, ·) because the
cf. [56]. Overall this enables to achieve a sufficient
duration representation rp.rd is solely relevant for
rule mining performance, cf. Section 4, while the
temporal rule conditions, cf. Example 1.
implementation is still simplistic and can directly
Further, as rules (conditions) are mined based on
be applied on the given expandable Definition 1

given traces (events); we define projections for rules

of traces, execution events, and logs used through-
(conditions) on their trace (event), such that:
out this work. Enabling ADARs to represent com-
mon process execution behaviour, to detect control, • rtr(r) := t returns a trace t ∈ L which has
resource, and temporal execution behaviour devia- motivated the rule r during rule mining.
tions (i.e., potential anomalies) from expected be-
haviour as unsupported rules, as those can be indi- • re(rp) := e is similar to rtr(r) but returns an
cators for potential fraud, misuse, or novel attacks, event e ∈ t ∈ L which motivated the rule con-
cf. [7, 17, 10, 13]. dition rp during rule mining.
Journal Pre-proof

Figure 2: Proposed rule based process anomaly detection approach – overview

It was chosen to focus on the described three pro- only consists of t1 then the initial rule set is
cess execution behaviour perspectives (i.e., control, R := {r1 , r2 , r3 } where each rule consists of a
temporal, and resource behaviour) as we found that single rule condition, e.g., r1 := hrp1 i where
these are most commonly covered by existing work, rp1 .ra = A given that rt(r1 ) = control.
cf. [9]. Support for additional perspectives can be
Subsequently, rule extension and verification ap-
added by specifying additional conditions, see Sec-
proaches are applied in an iterative way. The rule
tion 3.1.
extension, see 3 , extends each rule in R by one

Example 1 (ADAR, cf. Table 1). Imagine additional rule condition in each possible way to
rule r1 := hrp1 , rp2 i where rt(r1 ) = control, identify new potential rules.
rp1 = (A, ·), and rp2 = (B, ·) is matched with the Example 3 (Rule extension, cf. Table 1).
running example. As r1 is a control flow rule, To extend r1 all successors of activity A (i.e.,
execution duration classes are not relevant/defined. the last rule condition, 7→ r1l , in r1 , cf. Def. 3)
While trace t1 supports r1 the second does not. are determined, i.e., activity B and C. Secondly,

This is because an execution of activity A succeeded activity B and C are utilized to extend the ADAR
by an execution of activity B is only given in trace r1 into r10 := hrp1 , rp02 i and r100 := hrp1 , rp002 i where
t1 . If rp1 .ra = A and rp2 .ra = C then the rule rp02 .ra = B and rp002 .ra = C.

would be supported by both traces t1 and t2 .

Formally, the rule extension is defined as:
Definition 3 (Extending individual ADARs).
2.3. Overall Approach
Let E be the bag of all events in a log L, RP be
The applied rule mining consists of three stages the set of all rule conditions and R be the set
(cf. Figure 2). Initially, the basis for the mining of all rules. Let r := hrp1 , · · · , rpm i be a rule
is laid by converting each event e, given by L’s and t := he1 , · · · , en i ∈ L be an execution
traces, into an individual rule (see 2 ). Hence, at trace with rtr(r) = t. Rule extension function

this stage each rule only holds a single condition, ext : R × L 7→ R extends r by:
so that ∀r ∈ R; |r| = 1. In the following, these ini-
tial set of rules (the individual rules in R, resp.) is ext(r, t) := {r ⊕ torp(e, rt(r))|e ∈ Eaux } (1)
repeatedly extended and verified to create the final where
anomaly detection rule set.
• torp : E× {control, temporal, SoD, BoD} 7→
Example 2 (Single rule condition, cf. Table 1). RP converts an event e into a rule condition
When assuming that the running example log rp of the given type, e.g., control.
Journal Pre-proof

Table 1: Exemplary running example log L containing the exemplary traces t1 and t2
Event e Process P Trace t Activity ea Resource er Start timestamp es End timestamp ec
e1 P1 t1 A Mike 1 5
e2 P1 t1 B Mike 6 9
e3 P1 t1 C Sue 12 16
e4 P1 t2 B Mike 18 21
e5 P1 t2 A Tom 22 29
e6 P1 t2 C Sue 32 38

• Eaux := {e0 ∈ t|e0 .es > e00 .es; e00 = re(rpm )} Unfortunately, this effect persisted even after relax-
determines events which will individually be at- ing the chosen thresholds in an effort to mitigate it.
tached to r to span a set of extended rules.

Definition 4 (ADAR mapping). Let
Section 3.1 defines how the extension described in r := hrp1 , · · · , rpm i be a rule (cf. Def. 2)
Definition 3 is performed for each of the four rule and t := he1 , · · · , en i an execution trace (cf. Def.
types, i.e., rt(r) ∈ {control, temporal, SoD, BoD}. 1). Mapping function mp : R × L 7→ {true, false}
Finally, rule verification is applied 4 . Each rule determines if r is supported by (matching to, resp.)
is verified by analyzing its support, i.e., t. Rule type rt(r) determines the matching strategy
to be applied, see Section 3.1.
sup(r, L) := |{t ∈ L|mp(r, t) = true}| / |L| (2)
Example 4 illustrates the ADAR mapping.
where function mp is defined in Def. 4. The sup-
port of a rule represents the percentage of traces Example 4 (ADAR mapping, cf. Table 1).
in L that a rule could be successfully mapped to The rule r10 , as given in Example 3 achieves a
(match the rule conditions, resp.). If the support support of 0.5. This is because it expects that
(i.e., the percentage of traces t ∈ L that a rule sup- activity A is succeeded by activity B. Accordingly,

ports) of a rule is below a user configurable thresh- it can only be mapped onto trace t1 but not on
old mins ∈ [0, 1], then the rule is removed from t2 . Imagine, that mins was defined as 0.9, then
R. Subsequently, the rule extension and verifica- r10 would be removed during the verification phase
tion steps are applied repeatedly until the rules in from R as 0.5 < 0.9. In comparison rule r100 would
R are extended to a user configurable maximum not be removed as it is supported by both traces t1
length of rl ∈ N≥1 rule conditions. and t2 (i.e., sup(r100 , L) = 1 so that 1 ≮ 0.9). Rule
r100 matches to (is supported by, resp.) traces where

The verification variables mins and rl enable to

fine tune rules for specific use cases and process A is succeeded by activity C.
behavior. For example, we found that the mining of

longer rules resulted in stricter signatures than the Finally, the mined rules R (the signature) are
mining of short rules. In comparison choosing a low applied to classify a given process execution trace
mins value could result in overfitting the signatures t0 ∈
/ L as anomalous or not. For this a trace t ∈ L
and a high amount of rules. Further discussions on is identified that is most similar to t0 , see 5 . The
the variables are given in Section 4. similarity between traces is measured based on the
occurrence of activities in the compared traces, cf.
We also have investigated alternative measures,
Def. 5. Then t0 and t are mapped onto R’s rules
common to association rules, for the calculation
to determine the aggregated support of both traces.
of rule significance, e.g., lift or confidence. While
Finally, if the aggregated support of t0 is below the

those were found to result in mining a smaller set of

aggregated support of t then the given trace t0 is
rules (signature, resp.) it also increased the num-
classified as being anomalous, see 6 .
ber of false positives reported by the proposed ap-
proach. We were left with the impression that this
was caused because the smaller, e.g., more confident 3. ADAR based Anomaly Detection
rule set resulted in a stricter representation of the
behaviour in L - providing less freedom for fluctua- This section presents the algorithms for the ap-
tions and ad hoc chances (i.e., overfitting occurred). proach set out in Figure 2.
Journal Pre-proof

3.1. Association Rule Mining for Anomaly Detec- Event to control condition Accordingly, during
tion rule extension, an event e is transformed into a rule
condition rp = (e.ea, ·). Given the running example
The applied ADAR mining approach, cf. Al- (cf. Table 1) e1 would be transformed into rule
gorithm 1, combines the main mining steps de- condition rp = (A, ·).
scribed in Figure 2. This is the rule set initial- Control ADAR Support Trace t supports a con-
ization, along with the iteratively applied rule ex- trol flow rule r if t holds all activity executions spec-
tension (cf. Def. 3) and verification steps (cf. ified by the rule conditions in rp ∈ r, cf. Figure 2,

Def. 4). Depending on the user chosen rule type 1 . Further the activity executions must occur in
ty ∈ {control, temporal, SoD, BoD} different algo- accordance to the order of rule conditions in r, 2 .
rithms are applied to mine either control, temporal, This represents that activity executions are mutual
or resource behavior given in L into rules. While dependent on each other. 1 and 2 are verified by
each rule type is mined individually, rules of all Algorithm 2 to determine if a trace t supports the

types can be combined in a single signature (i.e., control flow rule r.
the union of all individual rule sets).
Example 5 (Control Flow ADAR, cf. Table 1).
Algorithm ruleMining(log L, min support mins, max Rule r = hrp1 , rp2 i where rp1 .ra = A (rp1 = (A, ·),
rule length rl, rule type ty)
Result: set of mined rules R (i.e., a signature) resp.) and rp2 .ra = B (meaning that activity A
R := ∅; // initially the rule set (signature, must be succeeded by B) would only be supported by
resp.) is empty
foreach t ∈ L do // initializing the rule set R trace t1 but not by t2 .
with base rules
foreach e ∈ t do
R := R ∪ {htorp(e, ty)i} // initial base
rule with one condition Algorithm ControlSupport(trace t, control flow rule
for rcsize := 0 to rl do // generate rules up to a r)
size of rl conditions per rule Result: if r is supported by t 7→ true or not
R := {ext(r, rtr(r))|r ∈ R} // extend rules in 7→ false
R, cf. Def. 2 and Def. 3 for j = 1 to |r| // |h·i| retains the length of the
foreach r ∈ R do list h·i do
if sup(r, L) < mins // verification, for i = 1 to |t| do

calc. rule support, cf. Def. 4 then if ti .ea = rj .ra // verify control flow
R := R \ {r} // remove r from R rule condition matching then
because its support is too low t := t+ +
i ; r := rj ; break // remove
return R // final set of mined rules R for successfully matched parts of t, r
behavior given by the log L return |r| = 0?true:false // return true if r
Algorithm 1: Mines rules for a given execution fully matches to t else false

log L and rule type ty. Algorithm 2: Checks if a trace t supports the
control flow rule r.

The auxiliary function torp(e, ty) : rp (cf. Def.

This work applies a relaxed rule matching.
3) transforms an event e into a rule condition
Hence, a rule is assumed as supported by a trace
rp. Depending on the chosen rule type ty one out

as long as this trace contains at least a single com-

of the three rule condition mining approaches pre-
bination of events that match to the rule condi-
sented in Section 3.1.1 to Section 3.1.3 is applied.
tions. This enables to deal with loops and concur-
For example, if ty = control then the control flow
rency. Moreover, the approach is flexible enough
rule mining approach presented in Section 3.1.1 is
to avoid struggle with noise and ad hoc changes.
However, as found during the evaluation it is still
specific enough to differentiate benign and anoma-
3.1.1. Mining Control Flow ADARs lous process executions, cf. Section 4.

Control flow rules represent expected activity or-

ders, e.g., that activity A should be succeeded by 3.1.2. Mining Temporal ADARs
activity C during a process execution. Hereby, con- Temporal rules focus on activity durations (i.e.,
trol flow rules enable to identify process misuse, cf. the timespan between the start and completion of
[7], such as, the execution of a financially critical an activity execution). Those were found to be
“bank transfer” activity without the previous exe- a significant indicator for fraud and misuse, cf.
cution of a usually mandatory “transfer conforma- [17, 10]. However, while control flow rules focus on
tion” activity. representing distinct values (e.g., explicitly activity
Journal Pre-proof

A is expected) this is not possible for temporal rules. classes of PDC and how widening affects them. For
This is because distinct durations, e.g., one second example, while the activity duration 1 can clearly
or one hour, are so specific that even a minor tem- be represented by class low this is not the case
poral variation, which we assume as being likely, for the duration 2 . As this duration is between
would render a rule to be no longer supported by a the avg and the high class the “widening” (w)
trace. This can, potentially, result in false positives. comes into effect, so that 2 is represented by both
To tackle this challenge we apply fuzzy tempo- classes. Accordingly, the two exemplary constraints
ral rules. These rules are not representing dura- rp1 .rd = {avg} and rp2 .rd = {high} would both

tions with explicit values but with duration classes. match to 2 .
These classes represent, for example, that the ex-
pected duration of activity A is roughly compa- Example 6 (Temporal ADAR, cf. Table 1).
rable or below/above the average execution dura- Converting e1 into a temporal rule condition rp1
tion of activity A – given by the traces in L. In results in rp1 .ra = A while rp1 .rd = {low} when

this work three duration classes are in use, i.e., using a widening factor of w := 0.1. Given this
P DC := {low, avg, high}. Increasing the number widening factor, the average class for activity A
of classes would be possible but it was found that would match durations between 3.9 and 4.1. In
this can result in overfitting the generated temporal comparison event e5 would convert into a condition
rules (signature). rp2 so that rp2 .ra = A while rp2 .rd = {high}.
Event to temporal condition A temporal rule
condition consists of an expected activity execu- Example 7 (Temporal ADAR, cf. Table 1).
re- Converting e4 into a temporal rule condition rp1
tion along with its expected duration classes. For
this the activity execution duration is represented results in rp1 .ra = B while rp1 .rd = {avg} when
as a subset of the possible duration classes P DC. using a widening factor of w := 0.2. Given this
So, based on an event e a temporal condition rp widening factor, the average class for activity B
is constructed by defining the expected activity, would match durations between 2.8 and 3.2. In
i.e., rp.ra := e.ea and selecting one or more du- comparison event e2 would convert into a condition
rp2 so that rp2 .ra = B while rp2 .rd = {avg} as both

ration class which are expected to be observed, e.g.

rp.rd := {low} ⊆ P DC. e4 and e2 match to the average execution duration
class of B (i.e., both events show an execution
Algorithm TempClass(event e, log L, duration classes duration of 3).
P DC, widen w ∈ [0; 1])
Result: set of representative duration classes
DC ⊆ P DC for e Temporal ADAR Support A trace t supports
// calculate durations D for L, min and max
duration, duration class timespan part, duration
the temporal rule r (i.e., rt(r) = temporal) if t
holds all activity executions specified by the rule

d of event e, relative class timespan widening

conditions in r with the expected durations. In ad-
D := {e0 .ec − e0 .es|e0 ∈ t, t ∈ L : e0 .ea = e.ea}
min := {d|d ∈ D, ∀d0 ∈ D; d ≤ d0 }0 ; dition, these activity and duration pairs must occur

max := {d|d ∈ D, ∀d0 ∈ D; d ≥ d0 }0 in the expected order given by r’s conditions. To

part := (max − min)/|P DC|; d := −;
wspan = part · w; i := 0 verify this Algorithm 2, is extended by calculating
foreach pdc ∈ P DC // check for each class in and comparing duration classes, cf. Algorithm 4.
P DC if it is representative do
start := min − wspan + part · i;
end := start + wspan · 2 + part; i := i + 1 Algorithm TempRuleSupport(trace t, temporal rule r,
if d ≥ start ∧ d ≤ end then duration classes P DC, w ∈ [0; 1])
DC := DC ∪ {pdc} Result: true if r is supported by t; false otherwise
return DC // set of representative duration for j = 1 to |r| // |h·i| retains the length of the
classes for event e list h·i do
for i = 1 to |t| do
Algorithm 3: Determines for a log L the du-

if ti .ea = rj .ra ∧
ration class for an event e. ((T empClass(ti , L, P DC, w)∩ti .rd) 6= ∅)
t := t+ +
i ; r := rj ; break // cf.
Algorithm 3 determines the representative dura- Algorithm 2
tion classes for an event e based on L. Hereby, return |r| = 0?true:false // return true if r
variable w ∈ [0; 1] “widens” the covered timespan fully matches t else false
Algorithm 4: Checks if trace t supports the
of each duration class so that the rule support cal-
temporal rule r
culation becomes less strict to prevent overfitting.
Compare Figure 3. It depicts the three duration
Journal Pre-proof

Figure 3: Duration class representation for temporal ADARs

3.1.3. Mining SoD and BoD ADARs 3.2. ADAR based Anomaly Detection
Separation and Binding of Duty rules represent
The mined ADARs (i.e., a signature) are applied
expected relative pairs of activities and resource as-
to classify a given trace t0 ∈ / L as anomalous or
signments, cf. [16], i.e., all activities covered by a
not. For this the artificial likelihood of t0 is calcu-

SoD rule must be executed by different resources
lated and compared with the likelihood of the trace
while all activities covered by a BoD rule must be
t ∈ L that is most similar to t0 . If t0 is identi-
executed by the same resource. Failing to support
fied as less likely it is assumed as being anomalous,
resource rules can be an indicator for fraudulent
cf. Def 5. Hereby, the presented approach follows
behaviour, cf. [7, 13].
and exploits the common assumption that anoma-
Event to resource condition Converting an lous behavior is less likely than benign behavior, cf.
event e into a SoD or BoD rule condition rp is [17, 9, 13], while also enabling dynamic anomaly
performed by extracting the activity related to e,
re- threshold identification. In comparison to existing
i.e., rp.ra := e.ea. Accordingly, for e1 , in Table 1, work, cf. [9], the latter increases the flexibility of
rp.ra = A holds. the proposed approach. This is because this work,
Resource ADAR Support To verify if a trace other than, e.g. [17], does not rely on a fixed pre-
t supports a resource (res. in short) rule r, a set defined detection threshold which is fixated once
is generated that holds all resources that have exe- and from there on needs to be suitable for “all” po-
cuted activities which are specified in r’s conditions tentially upcoming process executions. To further

(cf., rp.ra), i.e., extend on this concept one could create an average
RS := {e.r|e ∈ t ∧ e.ea ∈ {rp.ra|rp ∈ r}} likelihood threshold based on a range of most sim-
For a BoD rule it is expected that all executions ilar traces to reduce the risk of overfitting – which
utilize the same resource, i.e., |RS| = 1. For a will be explored in future work. A comparable idea
SoD rule the amount of resources taking part in the was implemented by us in [13].
activity executions should be equal to the amount The artificial likelihood of a trace is determined
of conditions, i.e., |RS| = |r|. by aggregating the overall support (based on L) of

the rules which the trace is supporting, cf. Def. 4.

Example 8 (Res. ADAR SoD, cf. Tab. 1). This implies: the less rules a trace supports the less

Rule r = hrp1 , rp2 i where rp1 .ra = A, rp2 .ra = B, likely it and its occurrence is assumed to be and the
and rt(r) = SoD would only be supported by trace t2 more likely it is anomalous.
but not by t1 . This is because, here, r specifies that
activity A and B must be executed by different Definition 5 (Anomaly detection). Let L be a
resources. Hence for trace t1 the set RS = {Mike} bag of all traces t (i.e., an execution log) and t0 be
(i.e., |RS| = 1) while |r| = 2 so that |RS| =6 |r|. an execution trace with t0 6∈ L. Let further R be
a set of rules, i.e., a signature that was mined for
Example 9 (Res. ADAR BoD, cf. Tab. 1). L. Whereas R be the set of all signatures and L

Rule r = hrp1 , rp2 i where rp1 .ra = A, rp2 .ra = B, be the set of all Logs, such that, L ∈ L. Anomaly
and rt(r) = BoD would only be supported by trace detection function adec : R × L 7→ {true, false} is
t1 but not by t2 . This is because, here, r specifies defined as:
that activity A and B must be executed by the
CaseP1: adec(R, t0 ) := true if
same resource. Accordingly, for trace t1 the set
sup(r, L) < sup(r, L)
RS = {Mike}, such that, |RS| = 1 while for t2 the r∈R r∈R
mp(r,t0 )=true mp(r,tsim(t0 ,L))=true
set RS would become RS = {Mike,Tom} such that
|RS| =
6 1. In the latter case BoD would be violated. Case 2: adec(R, t0 ) := false otherwise.
Journal Pre-proof

where tsim(t0 , L) returns the trace t ∈ L that is assumption that an anomaly can only be truly re-
most similar to t0 6∈ L. solved by understanding and addressing its cause.
Accordingly, this work proposes the novel visual-
The proposed anomaly detection approach re- ization technique A Viz to foster anomaly focused
quires to identify, for a given trace t0 ∈ / L, the most root cause analysis to address following limitations:
similar trace t ∈ L. For this function tsim(t, L) : t
is applied. In detail: both traces are first converted Severity: existing process anomaly detection ap-
into bags of activities (each one holds activities ex- proaches frequently generate binary results,

ecuted by the respective trace). Subsequently, the i.e., they mark traces either as anomalous or
Jaccard similarity J({· · · }, {· · · }), cf. [68], between not, cf. [9]. However, this does hardly support
both activity bags is calculated. This means: the experts when in need to a) assess the severity
more equal activities3 the traces contain (have ex- of an reported anomaly and b) deduce the rea-
ecuted) the more similar they are. For example: sons why an execution was deemed anomalous.

J({A, C}, {B, C}) = |{A, C}∩{B, C}|/|{A, C}∪{B, C}| = Thus, as stated in [49], providing only binary
0.3. results is generally not sufficient. Hence, we
More calculation intensive approaches, such as, propose to utilize the aggregated rule support
edit distances (e.g., the Damerau-Levenshtein dis- of a signature/traces (t vs. t0 ) as an indicator
tance) could be applied to get a more thorough rep- for the deviation severity between a trace and
resentation of activity orders, as demonstrated by a signature.
us in [12]. Such can especially be beneficial if ac-
tivity orders in the analyzed traces are fluctuating Granularity: binary detection results are also in-
while roughly the same activities are executed over- sufficient to perform a thorough anomaly anal-
all. Such a situation did not emerge throughout the ysis as they do not indicate which specific
evaluation. Hence, while the underlying similarity parts of a trace did not comply to the utilized
measure can be user chosen the described approach signatures. In comparison, the proposed ap-
was found to be fast and sufficient during the eval- proach comprises the signature from multiple
uation, cf. Section 4. fine granular rules which can be individually

reported as supported or not; enabling to re-

3.3. Fostering Root Cause Analysis and Under- port which parts of a given trace were affected
standability by an identified anomaly in a fine granular way.
The detection of anomalies constitutes only the
Simplicity and clarity: during the evaluation
first step in a large anomaly management process
the mined signatures were found to contain a
[5]. In addition it must also be analyzed which
relative low amount of rules (e.g., below 100
context, behaviour, policies or errors motivated the

temporal and control rules) while an even lower

classification of an execution as being anomalous,
amount of rules was typically violated by an
cf. [32]. The latter is typically subsumed as root
anomalous trace. Given the low amount of

cause analysis which paves the ground for the se-

(violated) short and simple rules those can,
lection and application of suitable anomaly coun-
likely, easily be grasped and taken into account
termeasures (e.g., the termination or adaption of
by experts when analyzing process executions
anomalous instances). In general, “root cause anal-
(traces resp.) which were found to be anoma-
ysis is a structured investigation that aims to iden-
lous for anomaly root causes.
tify the true cause of a problem and the actions
necessary to eliminate it” [5]. Transparency: is required to foster trust in the
So far, root cause analysis capabilities have been anomaly detection results to achieve a wide

mostly neglected in the process anomaly detection spread use of related detection approaches.
domain, cf. [9]. Related work focuses on the tech- Hence, we propose that it must not only be
nical perspective of detecting anomalies in the first obvious that an execution trace is anomalous
place. However, this can significantly lower the pos- and why but also which parts of traces were not
itive impact of such detection approaches as it is our identified as being anomalous. This enables ex-
perts to assess strengths and weaknesses of a
3 Activity equivalence is considered as label equivalence detection approach but also to identify and re-
here. port overlooked anomalous behaviour to form
Journal Pre-proof

a training set which can be used to further im- rule was violated (i.e., a rule which is partly also
prove related anomaly detection approaches. violated by process executions which were, overall,
classified as being non-anomalous).
Relation: Existing approaches were found to uti-
The latter can occur in the case of loops and par-
lize separate screen locations to display a) the
allel executions, were, e.g., activity executions over-
execution trace, and b) information about re-
lap each other in different ways and orders or were,
lated anomaly detection results. We assume
e.g., the same activity can be observed four or fife
that this hardens it for an expert to draw
times in a row - depending on the number of loop it-

conclusions about relations between anomalous
erations. The chosen colors/shades were combined
execution events and the related anomaly de-
in a way that they are still distinguishable by ap-
tection results (e.g., which rules were violated
plicants which suffer from red-green deficiency. The
by a given event). Hence, such related details
latter was verified by checking out multiple poten-
should, likely, be located in close proximity.

tial color combinations with affected test subjects.
A Viz builds and expands on visualization ap- The proposed visualization takes over ideas from
proaches utilized in related areas, such as, business Ishikawa diagrams while positioning each graphical
process compliance research. There, business pro- element. Hence, the rules which are violated by
cess models and executions are, for example, col- an execution event are positioned just below the
ored to indicate that a given execution part, such event which triggered the rule violation decision.
as an activity, is compliant (green) or not (red), Compare with 2 , it depicts a violated resource rule
cf. [50]. Further, Ishikawa (fishbone) diagrams are which aims at checking whether or not X and W are
applied to organize the relations between problem executed by different resources (SoD), cf. Figure 4.
causes, cf. [37]. The latter, are typically created As this is not the case the SoD rule is violated, W is
manually while A Viz can be created automati- identified as the culprit and the violated rule is dis-
cally based on the analyzed traces and mined rules. played just below the potentially malicious execu-
Figure 4 gives an example of the proposed visu- tion event for W. This rule positioning approach was
alization approach. It consists of two main parts: motivated by our assumption that preceding execu-

The process execution trace 1 which was deemed tion behaviour (the IF part of each rule) sets the
as being anomalous, and 2 / 3 , i.e., the rules which expected behaviour for succeeding behaviour (the
were found to be violated (not supported, resp.) by THEN part of each rule). Hence, we assume the
that trace. event related to the THEN part of the rule as the
wrongdoer and position the violated rule below it -
similar to the concepts used in Ishikawa diagrams.
The proposed positioning approach is not appli-

cable at all times. So, if an activity should be

executed but is missing completed from an visu-

alized trace then the executing event matching the

THEN part of the rule is missing too. To stay con-
sistent with the general idea to positing the violated
rules below the THEN part a workaround is applied
by summarizing such events below a “No matching
Events” caption, see 3 in Figure 4.
Overall, A Viz supports all three rule types out-
lined throughout Section 3. Hereby, small icons, po-

Figure 4: Visualizing a rule violation with A Viz (example) sitioned in the top right corner of each rule box, in
the form of tridents (control flow ), clocks (temporal
Here, color is applied to visualize differences be- behaviour ), and stick figures (resource behaviour,
tween process execution events which have not vi- i.e., SoD or BoD) visualize the associated rule type.
olated any rules (green) and events which have vi- The icons are selected according to suggestions from
olated rules (red) (i.e., which do not comply to ex- literature on process compliance, e.g. [40]. The ex-
pected behaviour). Note, that also a third color planatory power of the proposed root cause visual-
is utilized (blue) indicating that a less significant ization and analysis is evaluated in Section 5.
Journal Pre-proof

4. Evaluating the Detection Quality of the anomalous (i.e., mutated) test data entries. Hereby,
Proposed Anomaly Detection Approach it becomes possible to determine if both behavior
“types” are correctly differentiated by the proposed
The evaluation utilizes real life process execution approach (cross validation). The applied mutators
logs from multiple domains and artificially injected inject random control flow, temporal, and resource
anomalies in order to assess the anomaly detec- anomalies:
tion performance and feasibility of the proposed ap- a) Control Flow – two mutators which randomly
proach. It was necessary to inject artificial anoma- mutate the order and occurrence of activity exe-

lies as information about real anomalies are not pro- cution events; and b) Temporal – randomly cho-
vided by today’s process execution log sources [9]. sen activity executions get assigned new artificial
The utilized logs were taken from the BPI Chal- execution durations; and c) Resource – activity/
lenge 20154 (BPIC5) and Higher Eduction Pro- resource assignments are mutated to mimic, for ex-
cesses (HEP), cf. [71]. These logs were chosen ample, BoD anomalies.

because they are: a) widely applied throughout The applied mutators were adapted from our
existing process anomaly detection work, such as, work in [10, 13]. Combining multiple mutators en-
[55, 70, 13], fostering comparability; b) realistic ables to represent the diversity of real life anoma-
and cover real world business process execution be- lies. In addition, the applied random training and
haviour; c) enabling to evaluate the described ap- test data separation also evaluates if the proposed
proach based on logs with two different complex- approach is capable of dealing with benign noise and
ity levels (high 7→ BPIC5, medium 7→ HEP) and ad hoc changes by not identifying them as anoma-
domains; and d) containing all the relevant infor-
lous. This is, because the test data contains benign
mation in sufficient granularity, as, for example, we behavior which is not given by the training data
found that alternative logs frequently do not con- (e.g., bening ad hoc changes). The following results
tain details on the related resources. are an average of 100 evaluation runs, cf. Table 4.
The BPIC5 logs hold 262,628 execution events, This enables to even out random aspects, such as,
5,649 instances, and 398 activities. The logs cover the random data separation and trace mutation.
the processing of building permit applications at

Metrics and Evaluation Here, the feasibility of

five (BIPC5 1 to BIPC5 5) Dutch building authori- the presented approach is analyzed. For this, a
ties between 2010 and 2015. The HEP logs contain cross validation is performed to determine if known
28,129 events, 354 instances, and 147 activities – anomalous (mutated) execution traces are correctly
recorded from 2008 to 2011 (i.e., three academic differentiated from known non-anomalous (non-
years 7→ HEP 1 to HEP 3). Each trace holds the mutated) ones. Through this four performance
interactions of a student with an e-learning plat- indicators are collected: True Positive (TP) and
form (e.g., exercise uploads). All logs contain suffi-

True Negative (TN), i.e., that anomalous (TP) and

cient details to apply the proposed approach (e.g., non-anomalous (TN) traces are correctly identified.
execution events, activities, timestamps, resource False Positive (FP) and False Negative (FN), i.e.,

assignments, etc.). that traces were incorrectly identified as anomalous

The logs were evenly randomly separated into (FP) or non-anomalous (FN). Finally, these indica-
training (for signature generation) and test data tors are aggregated into:
(for the anomaly detection performance evalua- a) Precision P = T P/(T P + F P ) – if identi-
tion). Subsequently, 50% randomly chosen test fied anomalous traces were in fact anomalous; and
data entries were randomly mutated to inject arti- b) Recall R = T P/(T P + F N ) – if all anomalous
ficial anomalies. By randomly choosing which, how traces were identified (e.g., overly generic signatures
many, and how frequently mutators are applied on could result in overlooking anomalies); and c) Ac-

a single chosen test data entry (trace, resp.) this curacy A = (T P +T N )/(T P +T N +F P +F N ) – a
work mimics that real life anomalies are diverse general anomaly detection performance impression;
and occur in different strengths and forms. Fur- T P, T N, F P, F N ∈ N; P, R, A ∈ [0; 1].
ther the application of mutators enables to gener- An optimal result would require that TP and
ate labeled non-anomalous (i.e., non-mutated) and TN are high while FP and FN are low so that the
accuracy becomes close to one. Further, the Fβ -
4 – DOI: measure, Eq. 3, provides a configurable harmonic
10.4121/uuid:31a308ef-c844- 48da-948c-305d167a0ec1 mean between P and R, cf. [19]. Hence, β < 1
Journal Pre-proof

results in a precision oriented result while β = 1 cepted as a part of the signature, was set to 0.9
generates a balanced result. for control & resource rules and 0.8 for temporal
rules. For this variable it was found that higher
(β 2 + 1) · P · R values could potentially result in a very small rule
Fβ = (3)
β2 · P + R set or in finding no rules at all. In comparison, us-
Results The results were generated based on the ing a lower value could result in finding a very high
BPIC 2015 and HEP process execution logs and amount of rules. This does not necessarily result in
following proof of concept implementation: https: better anomaly detection results as it increases, as

// The implemen- we found, the risk of generating overfitting signa-
tation was found to be calculating a signature tures. A comparison of the effect of different mini-
within minutes and required only seconds to clas- mum support configuration values on the anomaly
sify a trace as anomalous or not. Once generated detection performance (represented as average F1 -
measures) is given in Table 3. The best three results

the signatures can be reused and easily adapted by
adding new rules or removing old ones, e.g., to ad- are printed in bold letters.
dress concept drift.

mins Control/Resource
Primary tests were applied to identify appropri- 0.5 0.78 0.75 0.74 0.72 0.6 0.7
ate configuration values, e.g., the maximum rule 0.6 0.76 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.74 0.76
length rl := 3 (control and temporal) and rl := 2 0.7 0.76 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.75 0.77
(resource). Typically utilizing longer rules results in 0.8 0.77 0.76 0.79 0.78 0.77 0.77
stricter signatures which are prone to overfitting, cf. 0.9 0.77 0.76 0.91 0.87 0.81 0.76
[74]. Here, this seems not to be the case as the given 1 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.75 0.78
dynamic threshold calculation utilized in this work 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5
mitigates this effect as a) both, the trace analyzed mins Temporal Rules
for anomalies and its most similar counterpart in
L commonly support similar rules; and b) shorter Table 3: Effect of different mins values on F1 , cf. Eq. 3.
rules (i.e., rules with a length below rl) are also

generated, based on the outlined iterative extension Finally, the fuzzy temporal rule generation can
and validation based rule mining approach, cf. Def. be configured based on the chosen temporal class
3, and become part of the rule set R. Hence, a sin- widening variable w which was set to 0.2. Lower-
gle long unsupported rule does not have a dramatic ing this value will result in stricter signatures (tem-
effect on the detection results (anomaly assessment, poral rules, resp.) that could potentially struggle
resp.). However, given that lower values for rl do when dealing with noise and ad hoc changes while
not only result in shorter easier to grasp rules but a higher value would result in potentially overlook-

also reduced calculation times low values were used ing anomalies as the signatures become less strict.
for rl in the following. A comparison of the effect However, when experimenting with different values
of different rl rule length configuration values on for w (between, 0.01 and 0.6) the F1 results, cf. Eq.

the anomaly detection performance (represented as 3, only fluctuated by 1-3%. Given the low amount
average F1-measures) is given in Table 2. The best of configuration variables we assume that existing
three results are printed in bold letters. optimization algorithms should, likely, be able au-
tomatically find optimal settings for the proposed
rl Control/Temporal

2 0.9 0.89 0.85 0.84 0.87 approach based on given training data.
3 0.87 0.86 0.84 0.86 0.9 The average evaluation results are shown in Ta-
4 0.88 0.84 0.83 0.85 0.86 ble 4. Overall, an average accuracy of 81% was
5 0.88 0.87 0.83 0.8 0.88 achieved along with an average precision of 77%

6 0.86 0.89 0.9 0.86 0.89 and an average recall of 89%. Given these results we
6 5 4 3 2 conclude that the proposed approach is feasible to
rl Resources Rules identify the injected anomalies in the analyzed pro-
cess execution data. Moreover, it becomes visible
Table 2: Effect of different rl values on F1 , cf. Eq. 3. that the detection of diverting anomalous behavior
becomes harder the more diverse and complex the
In comparison, the minimum support a rule has benign behavior is (e.g., because of noise or ad hoc
to achieve mins during the mining phase, to be ac- changes). Accordingly the anomaly detection per-
Journal Pre-proof

formance of the BPIC 2015 logs are lower than the expected process execution anomaly analysis work-
results for the HEP logs. Nevertheless, an average flow is replicated. Within the conducted experi-
anomaly detection accuracy of 75% was achieved for ment, the participants are, hence, provided with
the more challenging BPIC 2015 process execution a) multiple anomalous execution traces, b) a related
log data. process documentation, while c) given the task to
Comparison with existing anomaly detection identify and report as many distinct anomalies as
approaches possible. The focus of this evaluation is on correct-
We have compared the proposed approach ness (how many anomalies were correctly identified

against five alternative anomaly detection ap- and reported) and response time (how long did it
proaches, cf. Table 5. From those, [55, 13] were take the participants to complete the given tasks).
specifically tailored for detecting anomalies in busi- Both variables are frequently utilized to construct
ness process executions. In comparison, [15, 41, 44] understandability, i.e., enabling to deduce if the
proposed visualization supports the identification

apply generic anomaly detection techniques, such
as, clustering. The tests were executed based on the of anomalies, cf. [33].
BPIC 2015 logs as such are more challenging than Context The experiments and data collection were
the HEP logs and thus enable a more conclusive conducted throughout calendar week three in 2019
evaluation. Here, the Area Under the Curve (AUC) with 25 participants. From these 25, six partici-
metric is applied to compare the listed anomaly de- pants were classified as experts as they can show
tection techniques as this metric was found to be of more than five years of practical (or research)
commonly used by comparison approaches, such as, experience in the field of process management and
[14, 55]. analysis - either as a researcher or process analyst.
In comparison to alternative approaches, such The remaining participants were students who en-
as, [13] it was found that the proposed approach rolled in the course “Workflow Technology” (WT)
achieves a slightly lower anomaly detection perfor- or “Business Intelligence” (BUS) (optional part of
mance, cf. Table 5. However, we were left with the the Master in the Computer Science curricula) at
impression that, with regards to quality attributes, the University of Vienna throughout the winter

such as, understandability, computational perfor- term 2018/2019; both courses put a distinct focus
mance requirements or visualization capabilities, a on business process design and analysis. It will, in
significant improvement was achieved. For exam- the following, be differentiated between both par-
ple, [13] utilizes large monolithic signatures which ticipant groups of “non-experts”, i.e., students, and
need to be completely recreated from scratch if, “experts” in order to determine if the use of A Viz
e.g., the process model which instantiates the to affects both groups differently. Note, according to
be analyzed traces is changed. In comparison, the [38], conducting experiments with students “is not

proposed approach was found to generate the sig- a major issue as long as you are interested in evalu-
natures faster and can also reuse some of the gener- ating the use of a technique by novice or non-expert
ated rules if the underlying process model changes. ... engineers. Students are the next generation ...

This observation is also confirmed when comparing professionals and, so, are relatively close to the pop-
this ADAR based detection approach with state-of- ulation of interest.” Further studies even argue that
the-art techniques, such as, [55]. Overall, this gives students can serve as sufficient representatives for
the experts the flexibility to choose the correct tool experts, cf. [63, 67, 34].
for their needs as, for now, there seems to be a trade Material, Tasks, and Design Each task of the
off between detection performance and simplicity/ experiment consists of two steps a) reading and
understandable of the results and signatures. understanding a given process documentation, and
b) analyzing three related process execution traces

to spot and report anomalies by comparing a) and

5. Evaluating the Proposed Root Cause b). For a) two types of documentation are utilized:
Analysis Visualization Approach (A Viz)
Optimal Documentation is up to date, contains
This part of the evaluation has the objective to a BPMN based visualization of the process
investigate the effect of A Viz on the analysis of model along with a textual documentation of
anomalous process executions detected by the pre- that model which, inter alia, describes tem-
sented anomaly detection approach. For this an poral and resource relations, such as, BoD
Journal Pre-proof

Log HEP 1 HEP 2 HEP 3 BPIC5 1 BPIC5 2 BPIC5 3 BPIC5 4 BPIC5 5

Precision 0.86 0.87 0.85 0.73 0.70 0.78 0.69 0.69
Recall 0.98 0.98 0.97 0.90 0.85 0.75 0.87 0.84
Accuracy 0.91 0.91 0.90 0.78 0.74 0.77 0.73 0.73
F0.5 -measure 0.88 0.88 0.87 0.76 0.73 0.77 0.72 0.72
F1 -measure 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.80 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.76
Table 4: Anomaly detection performance of the presented approach

Detection Technique ADAR Dynamic BN Likelihood Feature Bagging LOF SOD
Reference This Paper [55] [13] [44] [15] [41]
AUC 0.76 0.84 0.77 0.56 0.55 0.6

Table 5: Anomaly detection performance comparison

and SoD constraints. This documentation Section 3.3 for an outline and an example de-
type could represent, for example, the early picted in Figure 4.
days of a business processes when its design/
implementation was just completed and all Colors represents a simplification of A Viz which
documentation is still up to date and available. mimics common visualization styles applied by
existing conformance checking approaches, cf.
Typical Documentation: Here it is assumed [50]. Colors are utilized to visualize that an
that the original documentation was lost or execution event is either most likely related to
is outdated. Hence, the last resort for an an anomaly (red) or not (i.e., benign behaviour
anomaly analyst is to utilize historic process 7→ green), see Figure 5 for an example appli-
executions (in the form of execution traces), cation of this visualization. In comparison to

which are deemed as benign, to deduce ex- the A Viz visualization details on the violated
pected benign behaviour from them. This doc- rules are not provided.
umentation type represents a common scenario
where business processes have been in use for
some time and have been affected by undoc-
umented changes such that related documen-
tation is missing, no longer applicable or even

misleading. This documentation type is, based

Figure 5: Anomaly visualization using colors (example)
on our experience, common and representative
for aged business processes.

No support represents the status quo in existing

The group of participants was split into sub-
work, cf. [9]. Here, a process analyst only
groups of three. The members of the same group
receives the information that a given execu-
were always uniformly provided with the same doc-
tion trace contains one or more anomalous ex-
umentation type (i.e., optimal or typical). It was
ecution events, while additional details about
randomly and evenly determined which group uti-
which events are likely affected/related by/to
lizes which kind of documentation throughout the
anomalies are not provided. Figure 6 gives an
experiment. The latter enabled to achieve an al-
example for this. Note, this trace visualiza-

most perfectly balanced ratio between the optimal

tion uses a gray background color to enable the
(13 participants) and typical (12 participants) doc-
differentiation between this visualization style
and the other two alternatives presented here.
In addition to the documentation the experiment
requires that given process execution traces must be
Task Generation Procedure For each of the
analyzed for anomalies, i.e., b). Traces were visual-
two documentation types three matching execu-
ized in three different ways:
tion traces were created (i.e., six in total) and mu-
A Viz is a visualization using colors and rules. See tated to contain randomly chosen anomalies, on
Journal Pre-proof

the tasks were doable in time, and all necessary in-

formation was provided before and during the ex-
periment. With regards to the latter aspects it was
planned that a single group does not require more
Figure 6: Example without visualization support than 60 minutes to complete the given tasks (i.e., to
read the provided documentation and spot anoma-
lies in three different execution traces). Those 60
randomly chosen events, with random strengths (at minutes comprise of a 15 minute preparation ses-

least/most 2/4 events were mutated for each trace) sion which reiterates the objective of the experi-
- comparably to the mutation approach applied in ment, answers questions with regards to the dif-
Section 4. Each of the mutated traces was visual- ferent visualization types and the provided process
ized in all three style (i.e., 18 different visualizations documentation. All participants were able to com-
were generated in total). For each participant the plete the experiment within the 60 minutes period

order of traces was randomized along with the vi- (during the pre test and the real experiment).
sualization styles. While doing so it was ensured Based on the feedback gathered throughout the
that the traces match the documentation handed pre tests some minor changes were performed, rang-
out to the group the respective participant belongs ing from fixing typos to slight wording adaptions to
to. Note, each of the three traces was visualized in prevent potential misunderstandings. Overall, the
a randomly chosen style while ensuring that each feedback was positive and no critical issues were
participant deals with each visualization style ex- observed.
actly once (i.e., each participant had to analyze Experiment Execution Two weeks before the
three traces, each trace was visualized in a unique experiment five minute talks about its goals and
visualization style). motivations were given throughout one session of
By following this computer aided and random- both courses (i.e., WT and BUS). Those talks mo-
ized design we aimed at avoiding learning effects tivated the relation of the experiment to the re-
and selection bias. Further, the tasks, traces, pro- spective course and outlined the respective benefits
cesses, and visualizations given throughout the ex-

each student could gain when participating (one/

periment are not taken from the material of the two two bonus points could be earned by participating
related courses. All materials handed out to the in WT/BUS).
students is publicly available at https://github. Before these talks preparatory material was made
com/KristofGit/A_Viz to support a replication of available together with a registration form at
the study. This includes a preparatory document CEWebS5 to enable potential participants to sign
which provides basic information on BPMN and the up for their preferred group/timeslot. CEWebS is

way the execution traces and its events are visual- a custom e-learning platform which is utilized by
ized throughout the experiment. In addition to the a number of computer science courses at the Uni-
two documentation types, all anomalous traces in versity of Vienna (including WT and BUS). The

the three different visualizations, and the utilized preparatory material and all other materials con-
master data sheet are included. The latter is uti- tain informal natural language descriptions of ap-
lized to collect data about previous experience in proaches and tasks along with practical examples.
related areas (such as process research) from the This enabled us to present the material equally to
participants (at the start of the experiment). Af- each participant in an approachable manner, as sug-
ter the experiment that sheet was utilized again to gested in [39, 30, 59]. Note, while performing the
document and obtain a general impression concern- experiment all participants were always able to ac-
ing the three different visualization styles. For this cess all the material at once.

questions were asked, such as, which of the three Before the beginning of each group timeslot each
visualization styles resulted in the highest confi- attending participant was seated randomly and the
dence that no anomaly was overlooked or that the experiment materials were handed out as printed
reported anomalies were, in fact, true positives. documents. The latter used a combination of A4
Pre Test Four weeks before the experiments, pre- and A3 pages whenever appropriate to increase con-
tests were conducted with four experts to verify if tent readability and clarity (e.g., the process model
the created documentation was clear and under-
standable, the technical infrastructure was capable, 5

Journal Pre-proof

documentation was always printed on A3 pages so results when applying a relaxed analysis, i.e., an
that no page flips are necessary by the participants). anomaly is also counted as detected if the correct
Next, the participants were brought up to speed anomaly type was chosen, but the culprit event was
about the tasks, visualization styles used, and the wrong. Note that the results collected for the typ-
general procedures to follow. This included the ical documentation do not contain any details on
website which was utilized by each participant to anomalies caused by swapped activity as this mu-
report identified anomalies. tation operator was never applied on the related
Data Set Collection Throughout the experi- traces due to the random nature of the mutation

ment each participant described/reported identified selection and application.
anomalies by using a custom made website. On this In all scenarios, A Viz (average correctness 0.98)
website it was possible to select a) the event which outperforms visualization approaches Colors (av-
was the source of an anomaly (or that an expected erage correctness 0.82) and No support (average
event is missing), and b) the anomaly type (i.e., correctness 0.79). While the longest experiment run

missing activity, swapped activity, novel activity, took 55 minutes from start to completion the short-
SoD or BoD violation or temporal violation). Each est took 35 minutes. Overall, it was found that ex-
anomaly could be reported individually until the perts were, on average, able to complete the given
participant decided that all anomalies for the cur- tasks faster than non-experts, mainly, because they
rent trace/task were identified and switched over extracted the necessary details from the given doc-
to the next task/trace. Utilizing an electronic data umentations faster. An overview on the anomaly
collection (i.e., anomaly reporting) system enabled reporting times is given in Table 10 and 11. At
us to automatically track each participants’ actions first, it might seem that the participants were sig-
(e.g., when he or she started with reporting anoma- nificantly faster when reporting anomalies when not
lies and when this process was completed for a given being supported by the visualization. However, this
task/trace). Further, it prevents the occurrence of was likely not the case as it was observed that the
equivocal markings, timestamp documentations or “No support” visualization was frequently handled
that participants forget to annotate all necessary in a different way than, e.g., A Viz, i.e., the partic-

details – as it was observed, e.g., in [23]. ipants first extracted all the anomalies in advance
During their work each participant utilized a lap- and subsequently entered them into the report web-
top computer provided by the researchers which site in bulk which distorts the collected durations/
had all the necessary tools (such as, the website timestamps. Hence, the related data on temporal
utilized to report anomalies) already preinstalled. behaviour must be taken with caution.
From these machines no network connection was Another difference between experts and non-
possible and the participants were arranged in a experts could be spotted in the result quality: ex-

way that limit opportunities for cheating – which perts made almost no errors throughout the exper-
was further hampered by the random trace/task/ iment. The few errors made by experts occurred
visualization style order each participant was as- at tasks which were not supported by A Viz. Un-

signed with. Note, the publicly available material fortunately, only six experts participated in the ex-
collection also contains a copy of the beforehand periment so that a clear differentiation between the
mentioned electronic data collection (i.e., anomaly compared scenarios is hardly possible.
reporting) solution (website, resp.). Further, the When comparing relaxed and strict results it
raw data collected throughout the experiment is seems that almost all anomalies were identified by
available at the participants when applying a relaxed analysis,
Viz. cf. Tables 8 and 9. However, it was found that the
Analysis: 25 participants took part in the ex- participants frequently started to spot anomalies

periment. Each participant was assigned with a “everywhere” when being unsure if some behaviour
unique combination of documentation type, trace is anomalous or not. This effect was especially visi-
order, and trace visualization style. Tables 6 and ble in the data collected for the No support visu-
7 give the results when applying a strict analysis alization and seems to be less significant the more
of the anomaly reports. Here strict means that an support the visualization provides – which could
anomaly is only assumed as correctly reported if the be an indicator that the proposed visualizations in-
anomaly type and the culprit event were correctly crease understandability. One interpretation is that
identified. In comparison, Tables 8 and 9 give the providing no root cause analysis support could mo-
Journal Pre-proof

A Viz Colors No Support

Temporal 1.00 0.91 0.83
SoD 1.00 1.00 0.83
BoD 1.00 0.83 1.00 A Viz Colors No Support
Missing Act. 1.00 0.80 0.83
Temporal 1.00 0.75 0.60
Swapped Act. 1.00 1.00 0.83
SoD 1.00 1.00 1.00
New Act. 1.00 0.83 1.00
BoD 0.88 0.60 1.00

Table 6: Anomaly report correctness. optimal documenta- Missing Act. 1.00 0.72 0.81
tion (strict) Swapped Act. NA NA NA
New Act. 1.00 0.83 1.00
A Viz Colors No Support
Table 9: Anomaly report correctness, optimal documenta-
Temporal 1.00 0.75 0.60

tion (relaxed)
SoD 1.00 0.50 0.50
BoD 0.88 0.60 0.50
Missing Act. 1.00 0.72 0.81
Swapped Act. NA NA NA
New Act. 1.00 0.83 1.00

Table 7: Anomaly report correctness, typical documentation

A Viz Colors No Support
tivate analysts to become overly suspicious which Temporal [sec] 55 150 63
could potentially increase the likelihood to choose SoD [sec] 132 106 35
incorrect anomaly countermeasures. BoD [sec] 49 144 50
Discussion & Impact When preparing the visu- Missing Act. [sec] 145 50 97

alization we assumed that the more support and in- Swapped Act. [sec] 235 107 65
formation is provided by a visualization the easier, New Act. [sec] 105 44 50
precise, and faster the identification of individual
anomalies, hidden in a given execution trace, be- Table 10: Average anomaly report duration, optimal docu-
comes. However, this assumption was only partly
confirmed by the results and the oral feedback pro-
vided by the participants.

In detail: for “simple” control flow related tasks

such as reporting novel or missing activities the No
support visualization outperformed the Color vi-

sualization. We refer to such tasks as being simple

as, e.g, comparing the trace with a given process
model is sufficient to solve them. In comparison, A Viz Colors No Support
resource or temporal behaviour violations require Temporal [sec] 69 131 43
SoD [sec] 82 57 39
A Viz Colors No Support BoD [sec] 119 99 138
Temporal 1.00 1.00 0.83 Missing Act. [sec] 106 190 138

SoD 1.00 1.00 1.00 Swapped Act. [sec] NA NA NA

BoD 1.00 1.00 1.00 New Act. [sec] 38 311 91
Missing Act. 1.00 0.80 1.00 Table 11: Average anomaly report duration, typical docu-
Swapped Act. 1.00 1.00 0.83 mentation
New Act. 1.00 1.00 1.00

Table 8: Anomaly report correctness, optimal documenta-

tion (relaxed)

Journal Pre-proof

to correlate multiple events at once. Based on our taneously. Accordingly, the respective expert for
observations a likely reason for this is that with- each domain, process model, and execution – which
out any support the participants a) invested more was identified as being anomalous – is potentially,
effort and checked for anomalies more thoroughly, not available all the time. Hence, based on our ob-
b) marked observations and anomalies on the pro- servations, generic Business Process Management
vided handouts, and c) checked and verified more (BPM) experts are frequently forced into the role
potential cases of anomalous behaviour before start- of “limited ” domain experts and business analysts.
ing to enter any information into the anomaly re- For example, by reading up on the process model

port website. documentation before deciding on and conforming
These observations were also confirmed by oral reported anomalies (as simulated throughout this
feedback provided by the participants after com- experiment).
pleting the experiment. This also motivated the applied visualization
Nevertheless, it was found that A Viz outper- styles (e.g., languages and symbols), which we

formed both comparison approaches. This is, most found to be well known to the targeted BPM user
likely, as it explicitly points out anomalies which, as group. For this a minimalistic visualization was im-
we assume, are relatively hard to spot (i.e., anoma- plemented that represents the cause (the IF part of
lies related to resources and temporal behaviour). each rule) and effect (the THEN part of each rule)
The personal preferences expressed by each partici- of each reported anomaly in a condensed form. This
pant on the master data sheet support this impres- enables to represent all the relevant information in
sion, i.e., A Viz dominates the categories “highest close proximity to each other to support deductions
confidence” and “personal preference”. However, on an execution’s anomaly state (e.g., to confirm an
given the limited amount of participants and sce- anomaly and terminate the related execution).
narios further studies must be performed to verify Accordingly, while the proposed visualization is
and expand these observations. well suited for BPM experts, less specialized stake-
When expanding the outlined idea of simple and holders, such as, managers will likely struggle with
more challenging tasks it could be observed that the the chosen representation without additional train-

application of supportive visualizations, i.e., Col- ing. Further, preparing fundamental security re-
ors and A Viz, seems the more beneficial the more lated changes based on identified anomalies and
complex a task becomes. For example, we assume root causes requires to incorporate analysts which
that the identification of anomalies is simpler when have a deep understanding of the related domains
analyzing traces related to the “optimal documen- (i.e., domain experts). This scenario was not eval-
tation” than when analyzing traces related to the uated here, but is seen as a promising extension
“typical documentation”. This assumption is moti- for future work. Hence, we see A Viz mainly as a

vated by the fact that the optimal documentation first step towards creating awareness for supporting
already describes, e.g., resource constraints in an root cause analysis in the business process anomaly
informal manner while the typical documentation detection domain.

requires to deduce them from a set of execution

traces. The results in Table 6 and 7 seem to sup- 6. Related Work
port this assumption. Hence, we found that A Viz
seems to be especially helpful if the process doc- (Business Process) Anomaly detection employs
umentation is outdated or missing – which we as- techniques from areas, such as, data mining and
sume to be a realistic and common situation for machine learning and is relevant for a number
typical anomaly detection scenarios. Nevertheless, of application domains, e.g., intrusion and fraud
additional studies are necessary to verify if this ob- detection [17]. In particular, anomaly detec-

servation holds when given, e.g., more complex pro- tion in the business process domain combines two
cess executions and process models as the models viewpoints: Firstly, a method side which applies
utilized here only contained 7 activities each and a process-oriented techniques, such as, conformance
small amount of basic gateways (parallel and XOR). checking along with techniques from mining cross-
Limitations and Extensions The conducted sectional and temporal data and, secondly, the ap-
A Viz evaluation followed the assumption that or- plication side, i.e., the detection of deviations in
ganizations have to cope with a wide range of do- process execution behavior. Hereby, it is related
mains, process models, and anomaly reports simul- and influenced by a range domains and concepts
Journal Pre-proof

stemming from data and process mining but also found to frequently apply either overly strict sig-
security in general, see Fig. 7. This is because natures [9] (potentially resulting in false positives)
detecting anomalies is often connected with secu- or soft matchers, cf. [10]. Soft matchers widen
rity issues [45], for example, the detection of fraud the area of behavior which a signature matches
and misuse. In the following, we discuss related to. Hereby, the risk of false positives can be re-
approaches from the security domain and from the duced. However, as soft matchers require domain
process domain as well as approaches on root cause and expert knowledge and are manually defined we
analysis. The discussions also address the method assume that they are hardly applicable given the

point of view. huge amount of processes which are currently in
use. We assume that the proposed automatic ap-
proaches, e.g., to dynamically choose a comparison
trace based on its similarity or to factor in rule sig-
nificance, are necessary.

6.2. Detecting Anomalies in Process Behavior
This section provides an overview on anomaly de-
tection approaches in process behavior based on the
systematic literature study in [9]. One option to
categorize the approaches is based on the applied
method, e.g., by distinguishing supervised learning
and unsupervised learning methods.
For supervised learning classification is applied as
Figure 7: Related areas
follows: the process execution data, i.e., the logs,
are considered as labeled training data that does
6.1. Anomaly Detection in the Security Domain not contain any anomalies. From this, a classifier is
learned and new process instance data can be clas-

In the security domain, anomaly detection and

root cause analysis are major research areas. How- sified into non-anomalous or anomalous behavior.
ever, existing approaches are too specialized to be Based on the technique, the classifier varies.
applied to process data, cf. [28, 10], because they For process mining techniques, the classifier is
focus on single unique use cases and data formats, typically a reference process model that is discov-
such as, specific network protocols, e.g., the Session ered from the training data, cf. [1, 2, 61, 47, 52].
Initiation Protocol, cf. [60]. These approaches can By contrast, [20] mines an automaton and is specif-

hardly be generalized and applied to process exe- ically tailored to deal with infrequent behavior
cution logs which hold different data, formats, and (which would, elsewise, be interpreted as anoma-
contextual attributes. In comparison, generic and lous). [29] advocates an anomaly score for sliding

more flexible anomaly detection approaches from windows on the log data.
the data analysis domain frequently show a sub par In comparison, conformance checking and filter-
performance when being applied on process execu- ing techniques, cf. [75, 64, 69], show some resem-
tions, cf. Table 5 and [55]. blance, e.g., to [1], as they are also capable of de-
One could argue that instead of applying tecting deviations between process models and pro-
anomaly detection the process definition could be cess executions, cf. [4, 46]. However, we were left
secured by applying security focused modeling no- with the impression that, while conformance check-
tations, cf. [16]. In real world scenarios, this would ing and filtering show potential, related techniques

require to be aware of all potential sources for secu- are not perfectly up to the task. This is, because re-
rity incidents during the design phase and to con- lated conformance checking and filtering work, for
stantly update the processes to meet novel security example, was found to be “overly” strict which can
challenges. In comparison the proposed anomaly increase false positive rates – a drawback which sim-
detection approach is self learning and can also deal ilar process mining based approaches, which were
with process changes automatically. mentioned beforehand, such as [20], mitigate. For
This flexibility also differentiates the proposed example, by precisely relaxing mined process mod-
approach from existing work, e.g., [7], which was els and related anomaly detection thresholds.
Journal Pre-proof

For rule mining techniques – such as, the work results in manual effort. The work at hand, by con-
at hand – rules are derived in order to serve as a trast, offers automatic mining of association rules.
classifier. An approach based on Support Vector As said before a crucial step in compliance man-
Machines (SVM) is presented in [51]. The most agement is the analysis and explanation of root
comparable work to the appraoch at hand is [65]. causes. The process of root cause analysis com-
It applies association rules for anomaly detection in prises the following steps according to [5]): at first,
processes. However, rules are largely manually gen- the problem should be understood. Here tools such
erated (e.g., a user define the expected maximum as flow charts are proposed. In the approach at

activity duration) and order dependencies between hand, accordingly, process models can mined from
activities are not verified. the log. Secondly, a problem cause brainstorming
In [10], we present an approach to detect tempo- should take place. This step can be added to the ap-
ral anomalies for multiple instances that is based proach if desired. Thirdly, the problem cause data

on time series mining. is collected and analyzed. These steps are achieved
Unsupervised approaches are clustering-based by the association rule mining approach. Subse-
and aim at determining clusters of non-anomalous quently, the root cause is to be identified. Here it
and anomalous behavior where the latter is most is suggested to use cause-and-effect charts as they
likely represented by small and scattered clusters. provide “an easily applied tool used to analyze pos-
The clusters are based on similarity between pro- sible causes of a problem” [5]. Accordingly, this
cess executions, e.g., based on the resources [76], work uses cause-and-effect charts based on Ishikawa
the temporal perspective [35], and the control flow (“fishbone”) diagrams. The final steps of problem
[25]. Other control flow oriented approaches include elimination and solution implementation are out of
[24, 48]. In [13], clustering is combined with likeli- scope of this work, but constitute promising re-
hood graphs. search directions for future work.
Further approaches employ neural networks, cf. Alternatives for anomaly and root cause visual-
[54], signatures based on regular expressions [8], ization are provided in literature. In [31], a visu-
and statistical anomaly detection [62]. alization for anomalies in business processes is pro-

Currently, several shortcomings in existing work vided. For this, impact factors can be specified and
hinder the application of anomaly detection in real related to a fraud amount. This approach can be
world applications. At first, a significant amount used to further investigate factors behind the devi-
of process anomaly detection approaches support ations, but does not analyze the process deviations
only single process perspectives. Secondly, existing directly. An approach to discover deviations be-
work does hardly support the analysis of identified tween process graphs and their instance traffic is
anomalies and mostly applies monolithic signatures offered in [43]. Deviations can be spotted, but the

which are hard to grasp, struggle with noise and ad root cause is neither visualized nor explained. A
hoc changes, but also cannot be partially updated survey on visual analytics options based on current
whenever the underlying process changes. process mining frameworks such as ProM6 is pro-

vided in [42]. For spotting anomalies in process

6.3. Compliance checking and root cause analysis behavior the described visualizations using dotted
charts seems particularly useful, however, it does
Compliance checking approaches such as [50, 49] not shed light on their root causes.
also utilize rule-based definitions of expected pro- Further related work can be found in the pre-
cess behavior. The goal is to analyze the pro- dictive monitoring area, cf. [21, 73]. The latter,
cess definition and execution for compliance vio- strives to predict the outcome and execution be-
lations and their root causes, cf. [57, 49]. How- haviour of business processes and business process

ever, such work typically does not take noise and changes. While such predictions provide valuable
ad hoc changes into account, possibly resulting in insights for business process management, they are
false positives. Moreover, rule formalisms such as only of limited used for anomaly root cause anal-
LTL enable expressive rules, but at the price of in- ysis. This is because such work typically focuses,
creased complexity. This work, by contrast, aims e.g., on predicting execution costs or durations but
at simplicity, balanced with flexibility. Moreover,
the definition of the compliance rules often requires
in depth domain and process knowledge and hence 6

Journal Pre-proof

not on describing the cause and effects of anoma- Signature strictness: it is not necessary that a
lous behaviour. trace matches all rules a signature R is com-
posed of. Instead the applied approach aggre-
gates the support of each rule such that a trace
7. Discussion and Outlook can “compensate” an unsupported rule by sup-
porting other rules. Such a relaxed approach,
The paper set out three research questions, i.e., in comparison to stricter existing work, cf., [1],
how to detect anomalies by reducing false posi- provides a basis to deal with noise and ad hoc

tives (RQ1), how to balance effort and flexibility changes, cf. [10].
for anomaly detection (RQ2), and how to explain
the root cause for anomalies to users (RQ3). We We conclude that the approach takes a next step
conclude that the proposed approach is able to de- towards the reduction of false positives by being
tect anomalies (7→RQ1) as the conducted evalu- aware of process change and noise.

ation showed an average anomaly detection recall As the identified anomalies (and related traces)
of 89%. This goes hand in hand with a substan- can be complex and hard to understand we argue
tial simplification of the generated signatures com- that anomaly detection approaches should support
pared to previous work in [13] (complex likelihood experts when analyzing anomalies along with the
graphs vs. short rules) which in principle fosters related alarms. We assume that it is necessary to
the understandability of the signatures and identi- identify but also to understand anomalies to choose
fied anomalies (7→RQ2). appropriate anomaly countermeasures. For this,
re- inter alia, the following information is required:
Both research questions RQ1 and RQ2 require
an adequate treatment of flexibility by ad hoc pro- a) which part of an execution trace is affected by an
cess changes and noise as both might lead to false anomaly; and b) the anomaly severity, cf. [36]. It is
positives or in other words an insufficient distinc- shown how this information is provided by the pro-
tion between benign and malign behavior. posed rule based anomaly detection approach (7→
The proposed approach applies the common as- RQ3). Moreover, the proposed root cause visual-
ization can foster the understanding and identifica-

sumption that benign behavior is more likely than

anomalous behavior, cf. [9]. Nevertheless benign tion of root causes of anomalies. To our knowledge
noise and ad hoc changes still occur in the signa- this is the first process anomaly detection approach
ture mining data (i.e., L) but also in the traces that that does so.
are analyzed for anomalies, cf. [9]. These kinds of In future work, the performance of the proposed
behavior can, if the applied signature is too strict approach will be further optimized. This is because
or overfitting, be misinterpreted as being anoma- currently each of the three rule types is mined in-

lous and so result in false positives. Hence, the pro- dependently of each other. However, we found that
posed approach applies three strategies to mitigate for example the control flow rules and the temporal
this risk: rules partly have connected conditions (i.e., the re-

spective activities they apply to). We assume that

Similarity: given traces are not compared with such similarities can be exploited. Moreover, we
strict fixed signatures or thresholds. Instead will analyze if the proposed approach can be ap-
the signature and the expected behavior is in- plied to clean up execution logs. Hereby, if logs that
dividually and automatically adapted for the are riddled with anomalous traces they could be
trace that is analyzed by dynamically select- “cleaned” by the proposed unsupervised approach
ing a similar trace in L which is utilized as a so that they can be successfully utilized by exist-
source for comparable behavior. ing semi- or even supervised anomaly detection ap-

proaches, cf. [9]. Finally, we will extend the con-

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This article centers on the approach presented in our CAISE 2018 paper, but revises and extends the
original paper by more than 75% as follows:

● Extended evaluation, including a comparison with five alternative anomaly detection

approaches and a detailed discussion and experiment based justification of the chosen
evaluation parameter values.
● Extended introduction: more general motivation, explicit statement of research questions:
more detailed outline of research method and contribution.

● New research question on how to evaluate the root cause analysis enabled by the proposed
approach in comparison with existing approaches.
● Explicit discussion and statement of design requirements based on two systematic literature

reviews (new Section 2.1).
● A novel visualization approach for rule violation and its root causes (new Section 3.3).
● Evaluation of expressive power of root cause analysis of the proposed approach in
comparison with existing approaches based on a controlled experiment (new Section 5).
● Elaboration of related work, including results from systematic literature review.
● Elaborated discussion and conclusion.
a lP
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Declaration of interests

​ he authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
☒​ T
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

☐​The authors declare the following ​financial interests/personal relationships ​which may be considered

as potential competing interests:

a lP

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