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Ahmed Medeghri Secondary school -Tiaret 2018/2019 Level: 1st year ST stream

Full name:............................................................. Class:............................

Third Term Examination of English pTime: 2hours

Part one: reading and interpreting
A/ comprehension: Read the text carefully then do the activities
The Father of the Atomic Bomb /20
On July 16th, 1945, J. Robert Oppenheimer, the director of the Los
Alamos Laboratory and so-called “father of the atomic bomb,” watched
from afar that morning as the first bomb exploded and released a mushroom
cloud. His description of that moment has become famous when he said:
“„[...] Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.‟”
Julius Robert Oppenheimer was an American theoretical
physicist and professor of physics. He was born on April 22, 1904 in New
York City. His academic genius was apparent at a young age. He graduated
of his high school in 1921, Oppenheimer enrolled at Harvard in September
1922. He began his atomic research at the Cavendish Laboratory in 1925 in
England then continued it in Germany. Oppenheimer received his doctorate
in 1927. In 1942 he was selected to administer Los Alamos Laboratory to
carry out the Manhattan Project, a U.S. Army experiment aimed to use
atomic energy for military purposes and to make the first A-bomb. In 1960
along with Albert Einstein, he established the World Academy of Art and
Science. He was awarded the Enrico Fermi Award in 1963.
Oppenheimer was satisfied about his invention; however, after two atomic bombs were dropped on
Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki) he felt remorse about it. His growing guilt was shown when he told President
Truman: "I feel I have blood on my hands". After the war, he took steps to prevent future destruction by
nuclear. Therefore he began working with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission to control the use of nuclear
weapons. In 1949, Oppenheimer opposed the making of the Hydrogen-Bomb. On February 18, 1967, J. Robert
Oppenheimer, died of throat cancer in Princeton, New Jersey.
Adapted from:
1) Circle the suitable answer; The Text is: a) an opinion page b) a comparative article c) a biography
2) Fill in the table with information from the text
Date Achievement
................................... Oppenheimer started his atomic research
1927 ...............................................................................................................................
............................. Establishment of the World Academy of Art and Science
3) Are the Following statements true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM)
a- Oppenheimer made the first Atomic Bomb in the world....................
b- Albert Einstein established the Academy of Art and science alone...................
c- Oppenheimer lost his job at the AEC when he opposed the making of the Hydrogen Bomb..........
4) Answer the following questions according to the text:
a- What is the Manhattan project?
b- When did Oppenheimer regret making the atomic bomb?
c- What did he do to prevent future destruction by the nuclear?
5) In which paragraph it is mentioned that Oppenheimer was extremely smart
6) To what or who do the underlined words refer to in the text:
His:§1....................................... It:§2................................................. It:§3.............................................
B/ Text exploration:
1) Find in the text words or expressions closest in meaning to the following
a-Witnessed=§1.......................................b- Visible=§2................................ b- Regret=§3..................................
2) Give the opposite of the following words keeping the same root
Helpful≠....................... visible≠............................formal≠........................... agreement≠................................
3) Combine the following sentences with although, who or which
a- Oppenheimer is a scientist. b- He addressed the moral problems of his creation.
b- Oppenheimer opposed the making of the H-bomb. b- The US government developed and tested it in 1952.
c-The Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. b- It was called “little boy".
4) Rewrite sentence “b” so that it means the same as “a”
a- Oppenheimer announced: “I have blood on my hands”
b- Oppenheimer announced............................................................................................................................
a- All countries are obliged to stop the nuclear arms race.
b- All countries................................................................................................................
5) Cross out the silent letters in the following words
Bomb...............- fight...................- knees................- wrong.................................
6) Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph:
a- He died in 1206 leaving behind hundred of inventions among which the amazing elephant clock.
b- In 1206, he wrote The Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices, to describe 100 devices.
c- He was simultaneously a scholar, an inventor, a mechanical engineer, an artist, and a mathematician.
d- Ismail Al-Jazari ,known as the father of robotics, was born in 1136 in Cizre during the Islamic Golden Age.
a b c d

Part two: Written Expression:

Man invented different inventions for many purposes. According to you what is the best invention that man
has ever made? In few lines talk about its importance then compare its advantages to its disadvantages.
“The greatest striving (jihad) is to battle your own soul, to fight the evil within yourself.”
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Best of luck and Happy Holidays

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