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All thanks to the almighty God for the love, care, and protection bestowed to us during our
struggle throughout the research. I hereby extend my thanks to my parents, facilitators from
different Departments and the entire members of 4BS Auto spare and garage for their time given
to me during my research.

Special thanks to the staffs of ISBAT University, especially in the department of Information
and Communication Technology for the theoretical knowledge imparted to us that made it easier
to relate to the practical exercises, and which has been so useful during the study.

Special appreciation also goes to my project Guide which is like a mentor to me Mr. Kibwika
Nasurdin Bashir for being close to me during my research period, for the guidance and all words
of wisdom he gave us during the entire time of both theoretical and practical lectures and the
research time.




1.1. Overview of the Project

In any organization with a lot of information need to oversee in a way which diminishes
repetition and duplication. Student Database Management System gives an easy to understand
answer for oversee information proficiently on few ticks. This application is essentially intended
for gathering and maintain students’ data securely.

An organized and systematic office solution is essential for all universities and organizations.
There are many departments of administration for the maintenance of college information and
student databases in any institution. All these departments provide various records regarding
students. Most of these track records need to maintain information about the students. This
information could be the general details like student name, address, performance, attendance etc.
or specific information related to departments like collection of data.

It tracks all the details of a student from day one to the end of his course which can be used for
all reporting purposes, tracking of attendance, exam details, project or any other assignment
details, final exam result etc. the design can facilitates us to explore all the activities happening
in the college or institution, even one can get to know which faculty is assigned to which course,
the current status of a student, attendance percentage of a student and upcoming requirements of
a student.

All the modules in college administration are independent. They are maintained manually. So
they need to be automated and centralized as, information from one module will be needed br
other modules. For example when a student needs his course completion certificate it needs to
check many details about the student like his name,reg number ,year of study, exams he /she
attended and many other details. So it needs to contact all the modules that are office, department
and examination and result of students.

With that in mind, we overhauled the existing Student Database Management System and made
necessary improvement to streamline the processes. Administrators using the system will find
that the process of recording and retrieving student’s information and managing their classes,
including marking of attendance, is now a breeze. In general, this project aims to enhance
efficiency and at the same time maintain information accurateness. Later in this report, features
and improvement that allow achievement to this goal will be demonstrated and highlighted.

A system that grows with your school;

A module-based approach allows your school to build a system to grow to your exact needs.
From student admissions to end-of-year exams and assessments.

1.2: Name of a Project

Student Database Management System.

1.3: Objectives of the Project

 The main objective of the Student Database Management System is to develop a robust
student management system for students.
 To allow the dissemination of information in an environment that encourages accountability,
relevance and retention of the information gathered. Such are a main significances of a school
administrator, who, as a student manager, is charged with allowing this opportunity and
environment to occur on behalf of students.
 The proposed system is intended to manage specific information of students such as personal
details, course details and exam details etc.
 Presenting information in an easy and intelligible manner and also enhancing efficient
management of student’s information. In general, this project aims to enhance efficiency and at
the same time maintain information accurateness.
 Improving accessibility and availability of data and information and also reducing data
redundancy and inconsistency.
 Any institution can use this frame work because it’s not based on the customer.

1.4: Scope
This system is aimed at total user-friendly as well as user- friendly as well as efficient
management of varied tasks. These tasks may range from registering new students, managing
fees payment, examination management to all the essential features necessary for making the
administrative division of school effective.

The proposed system is intended to manage specific information of students such as personal
details course details and others. The system should be able to capture, validate, sort, classify,
calculate, summarize, store, retrieve, reproduce and communicate operational data. Student
Database System will store semester details, course details, department details, and all the details
of students including their background information, educational qualifications and personal
details etc.

1.5: Company Profile:

The name of the project is Student Database Management System. As its name states, the project is
about managing all the student’s entry and assessment records.

It tracks all the details of a student from day one to the end of his course which can be used for
all reporting purposes, tracking of attendance, exam details, project or any other assignment
details, final exam result etc. the design can facilitates us to explore all the activities happening
in the college or institution, even one can get to know which faculty is assigned to which course,
the current status of a student, attendance percentage of a student and upcoming requirements of
a student.

Allowing the dissemination of information in an environment that encourages accountability, relevance

and retention of the information gathered. Such are a main significances of a school administrator, who,
as a student manager, is charged with allowing this opportunity and environment to occur on behalf of


2.1: Existing System;

2.2: Proposed System;

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