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Chamisa holds crunch

meeting over party name
. . . As by-elections loom

HE Nelson Chamisa led MDC Alliance
will tomorrow hold a “crucial” meet-
ing to deliberate on a possible new
name for the party ahead of the March 26
by-elections and the 2023 plebiscite after
their nemesis, the MDC-T led by Douglas
Mwonzora laid claim on any name with the
acronym MDC.
MDC Alliance presidential spokesperson


The aftermath . . . Harare City Coun-

cil demolished informal traders’
tuckshops and stalls around Muped-
zanhamo area in Mbare, Harare, yes-
terday. Picture: Shepherd Tozvireva.

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2 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Local News
Chamisa in crunch meeting
over party name
Nkululeko Sibanda confirmed the Monday meeting to The
“The party will hold a crucial meeting to resolve that is-
Fresh demolitions hit Mbare
sue. You may ask our national party spokesperson Fadzai BY HARRIET CHIKANDIWA /SHARON BUWERIMWE and order.” relatives are sick, and vending was our

Mahere for further clarification because I only speak on The affected vendors and tuckshop source of livelihood,” she said.
behalf of the president. She will also make an official an- ARARE City Council (HCC) owners blasted the government and the Another vendor who could not reveal
nouncement after the meeting,” Sibanda said. backed by the Zimbabwe city council for literally condemning her identity as she was sobbing bitterly
Mahere said the party would, at the “appropriate” time, Republic Police yesterday them to poverty. kept asking rhetorical questions and ac-
set its position to the people. demolished vendors’ mar- Those that spoke to The Standard said cusing the government of being cruel to
“The party is ready for the by-elections, but there is need ket stalls and tuckshops in after getting wind that demolition would its own citizens.
to implement electoral reforms, which are not negotiable Mbare, Harare, leaving the area resem- take place, they rushed to remove their “Covid-19 affected us yet they come and
— to solve the governance crisis in Zimbabwe,” Mahere said. bling a battlefield. merchandise out of the shops while some rub salt on the wound. Where do they
“We need to align our electoral laws to the Constitution There was heavy police presence in pulled down part of their structures in a want us to get the money to survive? The
and there is need for full disbandment of the partisan and Mbare most of yesterday with the area bid to save building material from ruin. government just wants to see us suffer-
militarised Zimbabwe Electoral Commission secretariat.” having been cordoned off to vehicular Some vendors were however, caught una- ing, yet they are living luxurious lives.
Chamisa’s party lost the MDC headquarters, Morgan Ts- traffic very early in the morning. Only wares and their goods were destroyed as Maybe they should just kill us; we are
vangirai House, and the funds that it is supposed to get pedestrians could get in or out of this their structures were pulled down. tired of these continued demolitions,”
through the Political Parties Finances Act to the Mwonzo- populous suburb. The traders said they had recently sent said the vendor.
ra faction, which claimed to be the legitimate MDC and the On Friday, the opposition MDC Alli- emissaries to government seeking to Mbare resident Takudzwa Moyo said
courts ruled in its favour. ance party had informed residents of the have the authorities provide them with the government was now pushing people
Mwonzora’s party also recalled MPs affiliated to the MDC impending demolitions in Mbare, accus- proper and legal market places to oper- to resort to crime in order to survive.
Alliance, and has since replaced about 15 proportional rep- ing Harare Provincial Affairs secretary ate from. Vendors for Social and Economic
resentation seats with its MPs. Tafadzwa Muguti and Zanu PF of spear- Relating yesterday’s operation, one of Transformation executive director Sam-
About 133 Parliamentary seats and council wards are heading the demolitions. the affected traders, Simbarashe Chibaya uel Wadzai said the demolitions were il-
now vacant after the recalls of MDC Alliance MPs. Other va- “In Harare Metropolitan Province, said the police were deployed in Mbare legal as there was no court order.
cancies were caused by the deaths of MPs and appointment Zanu has directed Harare City Coun- very early in the morning and they gave “It is barbaric to destroy people’s liveli-
of others to Ambassadorial posts. cil to demolish markets and tuckshops no chance to vendors that came trying to hoods when there are no alternative plac-
The MDC-T has since threatened to use the MDC Alliance in Mbare. The process will start tomor- remove their wares. es provided,” Wadzai said.
name in the forthcoming elections, a situation which has row Saturday, 8th of January 5am in the  “We had heard that they were com- MDC-Alliance secretary for Local Gov-
now forced the MDC Alliance to think about changing its morning,” the MDC Alliance advised on ing, and so some traders started remov- ernment Sesel Zvidzai said government
identity. social media. ing their stuff last night, but most failed should legalise the informal sector rath-
MDC Alliance deputy national spokesperson Felix Contacted for comment during the to do so. These people are really heart- er than abuse citizens that were trying to
Magalela Mafa Sibanda said the party was ready to take part demolitions yesterday, Muguti refused to less; they came before 8am just to demol- earn an honest living through vending.
in any “credible, legal, free and fair elections”. say anything about the operation.   ish our vending stalls. Personally, I have “Traditionally, whenever it’s cold or
“By-elections were stage-managed by Mwonzora, a sur- “I cannot comment on that,” Muguti said been hurt beyond words. I have a son raining, Zanu PF always wants to punish
rogate of Zanu PF. It is going to be a humiliation to Mwon- curtly before cutting off the conversation. who will soon be going to university and people in cities because they know that
zora and his henchman,” Sibanda said. The demolitions began around 8.00am I need to raise school fees for him. What they rejected them long back. So they are
Mwonzora’s MDC-T also said it was ready to participate in with bulldozers and front-end loaders pull- am I going to do now?” asked Chiba- trying to punish them,” Zvidzai said.
the by-elections and reiterated they would use any of the ing down all structures deemed illegal. ya who appeared distraught and disillu- “Our policy is that we support the poor,
MDC names that may come up. Scores of informal traders were left count- sioned. “Can you imagine what was go- we don’t punish them because they are
Mwonzora’s spokesperson Lloyd Damba said the names ing their losses with some saying they ing on in their heads, coming to destroy already suffering. If there is need for reg-
MDC- T and MDC Alliance were both theirs to use as elec- had been ruined permanently. Most of our livelihoods during the rains?” ularisation of informal sectors, we be-
toral vehicles for different times depending with the situa- the structures that were torn down in yes- A retired teacher, Mary Mujokoto, who lieve we must regularise rather than pun-
tion on the ground. terday’s operation were those built along had now turned into vending for survival ish the people.”
“So we are going to use any of the names and no one out- roads around the Mupedzanhamo area. said her market stall had become her ma- Acting Mayor Stewart Mutizwa was
side of our party is allowed to use any of the above,” he said. The operation was rolled out under the jor source of income. not answering calls yesterday.
“Our claim to the MDC Alliance name is not to spite an- watch of police officers and soldiers de- “I am a retired teacher and selling But suspended Harare Mayor Jacob
yone, but is embedded in the history of the MDC name, of ployed in the area to avoid likely back- wares has been providing me with in- Mafume said: “Whenever there is rain,
which the resolution was made on the 27th of July 2017 and lash from angry victims. come. I had 12 employees that were sell- the demon of destruction awakens in
the signing of the pact on the 5th of August 2017 in Zimba- National police spokesperson Assis- ing different wares for me in Mbare. The Zanu PF without notice or care. They de-
bwe Grounds.” tant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said: affected traders need to support their rel- stroy households on the order of unelect-
  Coalition for Democrats (CODE) leader, Trust Chikoho- “Police were just there to maintain law atives in rural areas too. Some of our ed officials.
ra who lost the 2018 Presidential elections said his party

ZEC ‘bans’civic groups from conducting voter education

would not contest the by-elections as they were a waste of
time and resources.
Zanu PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa said "the dem-
ocratic ethos" of his party would lose no time to prepare for
the by-elections as well as the 2023 polls.
  “Zanu PF has just finished its own internal provincial
elections. To underscore the serious commitment, the par- BY MIRIAM MANGWAYA wants to engage in voter education must tional right; hence people need to acquire
ty even held them during seasonal holidays on the annual submit an application to the commis- the necessary information that will en-
calendar. The cadre ship and membership enthusiastically THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission sion,” Kazembe said.  “They will be stat- hance them to make informed decision
responded even as the other population partook in festivi- (Zec) has banned Civic Society Organisa- ing their particulars and the activities on that key right. When the electoral
ties,” Mutsvangwa said. tion (CSOs) that are not accredited with they want to conduct. The content must body then starts the vetting process, it be-
them from conducting voters’ education, be approved by the commission.” comes problematic. CSOs should proceed
a move viewed as a blow to voter mobili- “Those that are not on the list that with the voters education drive ensuring
sation efforts ahead of the 2023 elections. we submitted, but are conducting voters’ that they are following the constitutional

Weather report
The ban comes at a time when oppo- education must not be doing that without dictates.”
sition parties and civic groups have ac- permission. They must stop forthwith. Last week, Zec torched a storm follow- cused Zec of lack of transparency on the They must do that only after they have ing its announcement that only 2 000 vir-
voters roll after the electoral body recent- been registered with us. Those that are gin voters were registered in 2021. It lat-
Forecast for today: ly released disputed figures of newly-reg- doing that have been doing so illegally,” er revised the number to 2 971, after op-
Scattered clouds and isolated thunderstorms, as well istered voters. Kazembe said. position political parties and civic groups
as warm afternoon conditions, are expected in areas to On Friday, Zec published a list of 76 Some of the organisations that have challenged its statistics on newly-regis-
the north of the main watershed (namely matabeleland CSOs that it has approved to conduct vot- of late been conducting voter education, tered voters
North, northern parts of Midlands, harare Metropolitan, er education countrywide. This then trig- but are not on the Zec list include Project On Thursday Zec announced plans
northern parts of Manicaland and all Mashonaland gered uproar amongst other civic organ- Vote 263. to remove 35 085 names of deceased per-
provinces) Heavy rains (in excess of 20mm) remain isations that have of late been involved Recently, Project Vote 263 claimed that sons from the voters’ roll, two months af-
probable, especially along the Zambezi valley. Mostly in voter education, but have not been ac- it had facilitated registration of 9 635 new ter identifying only 22 000 deceased voters
sunny and warm conditions are expected in matabele- credited by the electoral body. voters throughout the country in 2021. on the roll, which sparked public outcry.
land South, Bulawayo metropolitan, masvingo as well Since last year, various political parties Project Vote 263 however claims that it Meanwhile, Zec has published a list
as southern areas of Midlands, manicaland province, and civic groups have been encouraging is constitutionally mandated to conduct of voter registration centres in rural ar-
becoming mild towards evening. Brief cloudy periods eligible voters to register. voter education. eas. The list shows that the centres are so
and isolated thunderstorms remain probable. Zec spokesperson, Commissioner Project Vote 263 chairperson Alan Chi- far apart that people would need to trav-
Joyce Kazembe yesterday told The Stand- poyi said: “We will continue encouraging el long distances to be able to register to
Temperatures for the main city centres (°c): ard that only the organisations that were people to vote.  Zec has no mandate to se- vote.
Minimum Maximum approved by the electoral body would be lect the parties that are consulting, but While urban dwellers have the option
Today Today allowed to conduct voter education and they can regulate the content that is dis- to register online, Zec established one
Harare 17 26 that those that were not listed could not seminated. We are conducting a consti- registration centre in each district, locat-
Bulawayo 18 28 do so, without violating the law. tutional mandate to encourage citizens ed at the growth points. 
Gweru 17 26 The commission also said it would mon- to register to vote and no one will stop us Home Affairs minister Kazembe Ka-
Mutare 18 27 itor all the activities of the CSOs that had from carrying out that mandate.” zembe told The Standard: “We are going
Kwekwe 18 28 been given the nod to perform the task of Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC), to be rolling out our biometric voter reg-
Kadoma 16 29 voter education, as well as the materials a conglomeration of over 80 civic society istration (BVR) kits so that we get clos-
Masvingo 19 29 that they would be using during the cam- organisations said the accreditation pro- er to the people. It is our plan, and we
Chinhoyi 19 28 paigns. Only material approved by the cess would create unnecessary bureau- should have done that earlier, but we were
Lupane 21 29 commission could be used in the voter ed- cracy. They also said the requirement waiting for the youth to get their identity
Bindura 19 28 ucation exercise, she said. was meant to frustrate the voters’ mobili- cards first. We are sure that we will roll
Marondera 15 25 Zec said it would also monitor the sation campaign. out the BVR exercise in the first quarter
Gwanda 20 31 CSOs programmes as stipulated in the “It is not a crime to mobilise people to of this year. On whether we will get there
—MSD Electoral Act. vote,” CiZC spokesperson Orbert Masa- before the holding of the by elections, the
“The procedure is that anyone who raure said. “Casting a vote is a constitu- matter is still under discussion.”
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 3
Local News

Zim one of biggest
severely affects labour exporters to UK
tourism sector BY PRIDE MZARABANI one in five doctors in the UK were from a non-
European Union and non-UK country.
greener pastures, with 2021 recording around
2100 workers that left the country,” Marisa said.

NITED Kingdom’s National Health Ser- Other countries whose health workforce has He said several health professionals in the
vices (NHS) has revealed that Zimba- sought greener pastures in the UK include In- country were not motivated to work as they
bwe is one of its biggest exporters of la- dia and the Philippines, but the biggest num- were not well remunerated.
bour in the health sector, ranking it as the sec- ber of health employees is from Africa. “This has been fuelled by both intrinsic and
ond country after Nigeria in terms of the num- Over the past years, Zimbabwean nurses extrinsic factors that include poor remunera-
bers of health professionals working in the UK. and doctors have been engaged in strikes over tion, lack of incentives, lack of motivation, or
In 2021, 4 780 medical professionals re- poor remuneration and bad working condi- the general poor working conditions. We ex-
BY LORRAINE MUROMO portedly left for the United Kingdom at a time tions where they work without medicines and pect the government to seriously consider
when the country is struggling to offer effec- other medical equipment. health workers who have been grumbling for
THE tourism sector in Zimbabwe lost close tive health services. Dental Private Practitioners Association of a long time now with no remedy in sight,” he
to US$1 billion due to the Covid-19 pandem- “In the year 2020 Zimbabweans recorded by Zimbabwe president Johannes Marisa said the said.
ic last year, but players in the industry are the National Health Service (UK) were 4 049, massive brain drain to Europe began in 2019. “Non-monetary incentives like duty- free ve-
still optimistic of a rebound in 2022. with Nigeria being the top African importer of “That’s true there is massive brain drain to hicles, stands, and accommodation are some
Covid-19 disrupted tourists from visiting medical professionals to the UK,” read a state- countries such as the UK. Since 2019, there has of the items that can be urgently put in place in
the country due to prolonged lockdown pe- ment by the NHS last Thursday. been a more than 200% increase in the num- a bid to retain staff. High staff turnover is detri-
riods to curb further spread of the respira- They also said one in seven nurses, and over ber of health workers leaving Zimbabwe for mental to good health delivery.”
tory infection.
Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) head
of corporate affairs, Godfrey Koti told The
Standard that although the industry experi-
enced several challenges and lost close to a
billion dollars, there was still hope for the
“We made zero dollars but we hope that
2022 will be a different year when we get to
quantify it financially. It’s been a tough 2021
for tourism but there has been a bit of activ-
ity,” Koti said.
“We have seen a bit of movement where
the accommodation sector in particular
was fully booked in the Eastern Highlands,
Kariba, Bulawayo and Victoria Falls, thus
contributing 60%.”
Koti said ZTA has put in place measures
to mitigate further losses and restore the
country's status on the tourism map.
“In 2020 we launched the national tourism
recovery and growth strategy, which strat-
egy was based on three pillars that include
domestic tourism focus, the regional mar-
keting element and then international tour-
ism,” he said.
“Pillar number one was the major factor
and we predicted that it would be the major
focus for three to four years depending on
when the pandemic will dissolve.
“We have been focusing on domestic tour-
ism and coming up with a campaign that
we want to sustain for a foreseeable future,
which is the 'Zimbo campaign'. It is meant
to encourage, bolster and push domestic
tourism by all means possible. So far we
have seen good results as opposed to 2019
where we lost about US$1 billion worth of
“In 2020 we managed to get US$369 mil-
lion, and this largely came from the domes-
tic market which shows that there is hope
of improvement. We have ultimately decid-
ed to focus on it in 2022 as this will help us
in mitigating some of these gaps that have
been shown by the pandemic.”
Koti said the 2022 strategy was to push for
domestic tourism by maintaining a serious
vaccination drive in the country.
“This makes the country a safer desti-
nation although unfortunately towards the
end of 2021, we have seen that some of the
European countries decided to use a blan-
ket statement to deal with matters that con-
cern the Covid-19 pandemic with an exam-
ple of the Omicron discovery and commu-
nication by one of our Southern African
countries,” he said.
Tourism Business Council president
Wengai Nhau said the success of the tour-
ism industry in 2022 would hinge on accept-
ance of ‘the new normal’.
“By having intercity travel banned, and
other bans that were imposed on the tour-
ism sector, it meant that whatever prof-
it projections and business performances
were made for the year 2021 - these did not
come to realization,” Nhau said.
“Out of the 12 months we have on the cal-
endar, as a country we only operated for
seven months last year, and we can’t have
a vibrant domestic tourism sector with in-
tercity travel banned. A lot of our opera-
tors have closed the year on a minus and
it is our fear that if we continue doing the
same, we are putting operators in a predic-
ament where they might have to close off
completely and we do not hope for that.”
4 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022


Daring thieves break into defence ministry offices BRIEFS
BY DESMOND CHINGARANDE stolen items were taken to Gunzvi’s girl- was on duty noticed that the accused Zim bus driver arrested

friend, and some to his wife. Gunzvi is looked suspicious, but still they got away
ARING thieves broke into the
offices of the ministry of De-
fence at Batanai Gardens and
said to be on the run.
The state alleges that on December 24
last year at about 9am, the complainant
with the loot.
They hid the stolen property in Bor-
rowdale, where Phoncine Nhanga, a girl-
in SA for bribery
stole various items includ- knocked off from duty and secured his friend to Innocent Gunzvi resides. Other ABOUT 14 illegal Zimbabwean immigrants were arrest-
ing computers and food items offices by closing all the windows and items were taken to Southlea Park where ed by the South African Police Service (SAPS) police on Fri-
worth nearly $4 million. doors. He then went for the Christmas Brenda Chitsinde, who is the wife to Gun- day, while the driver of the bus they were travelling in was
The break in was revealed yester- holidays leaving everything intact in the zvi resides. nabbed for bribery.
day when Kumbirai Mashiri (19), Allen office and in the storeroom. It is further alleged that on December The illegal immigrants were travelling to Gauteng from
Hillary Madziwa (16) and Panashe Gunz- It is alleged that during that period 28, the offence was discovered and a re- Zimbabwe.
vi (20) appeared before Harare magistrate when the complainant was away, the three port was made to the police. SAPS confirmed the arrests, and accused the driver of the
Yeukai Chigodora facing unlawful entry accused persons teamed up with Innocent On Friday, the police arrested Mashi- bus of trying to bribe his way through.
charges. Gunzvi and proceeded to the ministry’s of- ri and Madziwa in Bindura. The pair “Fourteen illegal immigrants travelling from Zimbabwe
The trio was remanded to tomorrow for fices at Batanai Gardens in the CBD. then led the police to the recovery of two to Gauteng were arrested by Gauteng police during opera-
bail application. They allegedly stole from the store- computers and various food and clean- tion #OkaeMolao,” SAPS tweeted yesterday.
The complainant in the matter is the room after breaking in through the ceil- ing items from the homes of Phoncine “The driver was also arrested for bribery after he offered
ministry of Defence and War Veterans ing. Nhanga in Borrowdale and Brenda Chit- law enforcement officials an amount of money for them to
represented by Owen Seketa. The trio took seven Infinity Desktop sinde in Southlea Park. be allowed to go through.”
It is alleged that all the three accused computers and various food and clean- The total value of the stolen property is This comes a week after South Africa’s Home Affairs minis-
persons are relatives of one Innocent ing items. $3 500 000, and the value of the recovered ter Aaron Motsoaledi accused local security forces of taking
Gunzvi, an employee at the ministry. The An alert Modern security guard, who property was $485 000. bribes to let undocumented immigrants into the country.
Hundreds of Zimbabweans were last week deported
back home after the South African government intensified
its clampdown on border jumpers.

Notorious burglars nabbed

TWO burglars were last week caught feasting on groceries
and whisky that they had stolen from a resident in Mvurwi.
Graham Zuze (37) and Frank Chipesani (28) also stole
other valuables and were then caught feasting on some of
MDC A activist the groceries at Pembi Farm in Mvurwi by police.
Makomborero The matter came to light when they were arraigned be-
Haruziviishe was fore Guruve magistrate Rumbidzai Mugwagwa on Friday
released from Harare and were slapped with a three-year jail term each.
Remand Prison Prosecutor  Albert Charewa told the court that the con-
yesterday. Picture: victs broke into Juster Gotosa’s homestead last year on De-
Shepherd Tozvireva cember 6 and stole alcohol, groceries, solar panels and a Wi-
Fi router.
They dumped some of the loot in the bush near their
farm. Working on a tip off from members of the public, the
police then pounced on the pair while they were drinking
Jameson Whisky and braaing meat. — SIMBARASHE SITHOLE

Woman bashes
neighbour over goat

5 million people food insecure: WFP

A BINDURA woman was dragged before the courts last Fri-
day for assaulting a neighbour after a misunderstanding
over a goat.
Perseverance Pashibheyi pleaded not guilty to the as-
sault charge when she appeared before Bindura magistrate
Ruramai Chitumbura.
The state led by Sheilla Kudzai Maribha alleges that
on December 9 last year at Nyanhehwe village in Bindura,
BY NUNURAI JENA malnutrition are not problems from the Zacharia said. the accused approached Marvellous Tamira (26) asking her
past. Additional investments and re- Zimbabwe Integrated Commercial about her mother-in-law’s goat. An altercation then en-
FIVE million Zimbabweans, 42% of sources are required to achieve zero hun- Farmers’ Union president Mayiwepi Jiti sured.
which are urban dwellers are food inse- ger in Zimbabwe. In the first half of 2022, said the country should invest more in Pashibheyi allegedly started assaulting Tamira with open
cure despite government claims that the the World Food Programme has a short- dam construction and irrigation equip- hands before throwing a brick at her.
country has enough grain stocks to see it fall of US$74 million.” ment for continuous water supplies, and Tamira bled and was rushed to hospital.
through to the next harvest. But Grain Marketing Board (GMB) not to solely depend on the rains. A police report was filed leading to the arrest of the ac-
World Food Programme (WFP) country spokesperson Nixon Kanyemba, told “For the country to be food secure, we cused.The matter will be heard again on January 13.
spokesperson Maria Gallar told Stand- Standardpeople that the country has should invest more in dam construction — SIMBARASHE SITHOLE
ardpeople recently that the organisation enough grain to sustain it until the next and irrigation equipment because of the

Mhondoro villagers
was currently supporting 860 000 people harvest, which will be around April 2022. erratic rains caused by climate change,”
with food and cash handouts. “Yes we are food secure until the next Jiti said.
“According to vulnerability analysis, harvest,” Kanyemba said. Agriculture meteorologist Benja-
more than five million people are esti-
mated to be food insecure in Zimbabwe
today and humanitarian assistance is
He, however, refused to shed light on
why organisations like WFP continue to
support families when the country has
min Kwenda said for the country to be
food secure, farmers should grow small
grains that are quick to mature because
lose draught power
still required. Only last month (Decem- enough grain. the country is now experiencing erratic VILLAGERS in Mhondoro, Mashonaland West province have
ber), the World Food Programme sup- Kanyemba then referred questions to rains due to climate change.    bemoaned lack of draught power after a significant number
ported 860 000 people, with food and cash senior government officials in the minis- MDC Alliance shadow agriculture min- of their livestock died due to an unknown disease.
assistance,” Gallar said. try of agriculture who were not respond- ister Allan Markham blasted the govern- Moses Nyekete of Mamina Irrigation scheme in Mhon-
Gallar added that WFP was also con- ing to questions despite numerous prom- ment for its lack of transparency on how doro-Ngezi told Standardpeople that most farmers in the
cerned about the rising number of city ises to do so. the Agriculture ministry uses its budget- area were in need of farming equipment to use this agricul-
dwellers in need of food. Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union (ZFU) di- ary allocations. tural season after losing draught power.
“We are particularly concerned about rector Paul Zacharia said the country has Markham said the Agriculture min- “We lost a lot of cattle in the past year due to an unknown
cities. The increased crop yield has not enough grain, but only faces distribution istry traditionally receives the biggest disease, and we now need equipment support to enable us
driven improvements for the urban poor, challenges as some areas receive more chunk of the national budget, but fails to to perform our farming activities,” Nyekete said.
who are constrained by Covid-19 contain- grain than others. account for the funds. “We are also experiencing several cases of livestock theft
ment measures. Forty-two percent of all “With the 2.7 million metric tonnes WFP said this year alone they distrib- in the area. We have since engaged the services of law en-
city dwellers in Zimbabwe are food inse- harvested this year, the country is food uted 107 000 metric tonnes of cereal, puls- forcement agents, and we hope that the situation will nor-
cure,” said the WFP official. secure but what is lacking is equal dis- es and vegetable oils to 1.5 million people malise soon.” — OBERT SIAMILANDU
“Unfortunately, food insecurity and tribution that has deprived urban areas,” in rural Zimbabwe.
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 5

Local News

Zanu PF ‘rejects’
land top posts

Dr Munyaradzi George Manyaya

Board Chairperson
The Board, Management and Staff of the Zimbabwe National Road Administration would like to congratulate Dr Munyaradzi George Manyaya on his
recent appointment as the Chairman for the ZINARA Board of Directors. Dr Manyaya is a holder of a Doctorate in Business Management among
other several qualifications.As an institution, ZINARA is ready to tap from his vast and unparalleled experience gained from various sectors that he
has worked in. Dr Manyaya is firmed for his exceptional management style that has transformed the reputation of various companies and
corporates. His appointment to ZINARA is a timely boost to the rebranding journey that we have embarked on as an institution. To us, 2022 is a Year
of Rebranding and Dr Manyaya's experience in the corporate and communications sector is going to help us achieve this critical objective.

Dr Manyaya is a recipient of various accolades for his outstanding and shining leadership in corporate governance and communications. As
ZINARA, we welcome you and wish you a rich and successful tour of duty.

Congratulations!! Makorokoto!! Amhlophe

Aplonia Munzverengwi.
by JAIROS SAUNYAMA ter she was elected in the provincial basket in

N this summer day, two years ago, Though tormented, rejected and barred
Nyarai Tsvuura cut a lone figure at a from executing her duties, the politician has
Provincial Coordinating Committee shrugged off stiff competition in the just end-
(PCC) meeting in Marondera during Zanu PF ed provincial elections and waits to be accord-
gatherings. ed an influential post as the province’s wom-
She was the provincial women’s league en's league political commissar.
chairperson but could not occupy the front Across the province lies Wedza District, the
seat due to the party factional fights. home of provincial affairs minister Aplonia
Instead, Lyn Gororo occupied the position, Munzverengwi.
with the blessings of a group of powerful She reportedly fell out of favour with influ-
women in the party. ential women in the national women's league
The late Joel Biggie Matiza, who was the executive where she held the political commis-
then provincial chair- sariat post.
person, read a letter to She was seen
the effect that Tsvuu- as a threat to

"The elections are

ra, also a Mutoko leg- her colleagues
islator (PR) was the who reported- Ms Lizwe Fungai Bunu
substantive women’s ly crafted friv- Vice Board Chairperson
league boss.
The decision was over, we are now olous accusa-
tions against Ms Lizwe Fungai Bunu is a seasoned strategist, women leader, and an accomplished businessperson. She has vast experience in the service industry;
Customs Clearance & Forwarding including vessel management. Currently, she is the Managing Director of Veer Freight (Private) Limited. Ms Bunu is

working towards
made after the polit- her before be- a holder of Bachelor of Business Studies (Hons) degree with a local University. She possesses various professional qualifications in Business
buro had found Tsvuu- ing demot- Leadership, Management, FIATA, Business Administration, Public Relations, and Marketing among others. She is a committed mother and is blessed
with 4 children.
ra not guilty of the ac- ed to a lesser
cusations, which were
noted as ‘gossiping’.
But this group of
mobilising people post.
Now nick-
named Deb-
In her various achievements in business, she ran the Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL), the Japanese shipping line, and achieved 90% of the client base
throughout various sectors in Zimbabwe. She also successfully launched the MOL main line vessel from the Far East into Beira for the first time.

to join us so that
Due to her contributions in the commercial sector, Ms Bunu is currently serving as a Board Member for Shipping & Forwarding Association of
women did not take orah in the Zimbabwe. She was appointed as a ZINARA Board Member and has been acting as a Board Chairperson for over a year. She contributed to the
cleaning process & re-branding process for ZINARA. We wish to congratulate her for her re-appointment in the ZINARA Board and as the Vice-
heed of the decision. province, Chairperson and wish her all the best.

we achieve the six

They responded Munzvereng-
through holding fresh wi was as-
elections claiming signed to the
that Tsvuura was not
voted to the position.
Tsvuura did not par-
million votes tag." deputy secre-
tary for lands
in the wom-
ticipate in the elec- en’s league.
tions resulting in In a bid to
Gororo claiming the show her abil-
posts as planned. ities and influence, the former top cop contest-
The province disregarded the results but Ts- ed in the provincial elections for the women's
vuura was barred from exercising her duties league post.
as the women’s league provincial boss. She defeated incumbent, Gororo by a wide
The Central Committee (CC) recommended margin and is now back at the top.
that Tsvuura be reinstated as the provincial "The elections are over, we are now working
women's league boss in the last conference towards mobilising people to join us so that
held in Bindura last year. we achieve the six million votes tag," Munz-

The reinstatement was captured in the final verengwi said during victory celebrations in ALDERMAN MUDZARA
But her joy was short-lived as the same The province was tasked to deliver 800 000
Alderman Mudzara is a professional and experienced corporate governance expert. He has vast experience of over a decade in leading local
group of women barred her again. votes come next year's elections. authorities and a War Veteran of the Liberation Struggle. He is a holder of a Master of Commerce in Strategic Management with a local University.
Senate President Mabel Chinomona, Sec- The tales of both Tsvuura and Munzvereng- Alderman holds various professional qualifications in Corporate Governance, Business Leadership, Business Administrations and Accounts. He is
currently studying towards being a Doctor of Business Administration with UNICAF University.
retary for Administration (women's league) wi have revealed how Zanu PF has been im-
Monica Mutsvangwa among others, wrote let- posing candidates or leaders for factional rea- Alderman Mudzara is the Chairperson of Manyame Rural District Council and has risen through various ranks within local authorities. In 2019, he was
ters defying the CC order and prevented Tsvu- sons. appointed as a ZINARA Board member and has been acting as a Vice-Chairperson for over a year. We congratulate him on his reappointment as a
ZINARA Board member.
ura from taking the reins. Today, the party’s rejects have bounced back
Today, Tsvuura has had the last laugh af- boasting of top posts in the province.
6 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Local News

Underfunded and deadly

By Busani Bafana

ULAWAYO — Global
efforts to end tuber-
culosis (TB) are futile
without dedicated in-
vestment in research

TB needs its own Bill Gates

into the debilitating disease that
is killing 4 000 people a day, Stop
TB Partnership warns.
“TB is a disease that is not a dar-
ling of donors and investors,” Lu-
cica Ditiu, the executive director
of the Stop TB Partnership, told
IPS in an interview from Geneva.
“We do not have a Bill Gates
that can support TB research, yet
TB remains a disease of concern sis (TB) research totalled 915 mil- expected by 2027.
with deaths increasing for the lion US dollars in 2020 — less than “It takes a long time to get a vac-
first time in over a decade,” she half the goal of 2 billion US dol- cine. But because of Covid (we re-
added. lars set forth by participating alised), it is possible to have a vac-
TB, a bacterial disease main- country governments at the 2018 cine much quicker, and we hope to
ly affecting the lungs, has been United Nations High-Level Meet- use the learnings from Covid-19 to
around for over millennia and re- ing on TB. get a TB vaccine,” Ditiu said.
mains one of the top killer diseas- In 2021, TB had a funding gap of Tuberculosis vaccine research
es globally. But it is preventable 13 billion US dollars globally, with has been slowed by chronic un-
and curable with the right invest- only 5,3 billion US dollars availa- derfunding with only one moder-
ment in diagnosis and treatment. ble for its programmes. It experi- ately effective century-old TB vac-
Ditiu attributed the rise in TB enced a drop in funding amount- cine, compared to over 20 Covid-19
incidents to several factors; many ing to 500 000 US dollars in 2020 as vaccines.
people diagnosed and on treat- many countries took money away “What’s enabled the develop-
ment for TB have defaulted ow- from TB to respond to Covid-19. ment of dozens of Covid-19 vac-
ing to the disruption of health A new report, Tuberculosis Re- cines in less than a year has es-
services in the wake of the Cov- search Funding Trends, 2005– sentially been money,” noted Aus-
id-19 pandemic and global lock- 2020 by Treatment Action Group tin Aurinze Obiefuna, executive
down. Furthermore, many people (TAG) and the Stop TB Partner- director of the Afro Global Health
remain undiagnosed because they ship, found that TB received less Alliance and incoming vice-chair
have not been reached. than 1 percent of the amount in- of the Stop TB Partnership board.
“Southern Africa has done a vested in Covid-19 Research and “I think that the same enor-
good job in respect of Zambia, Development over the first 11 mous amount of funding should
Zimbabwe and South Africa as months of the pandemic. be applied with equal vigour to
well as Rwanda in trying to dis- “The mobilisation of over 100 the development of TB vaccines.
rupt as little as possible the treat- billion US dollars for Covid-19 re- But that simply doesn’t seem to be
ment and diagnosis of people with search and development in the happening.”
TB,” Ditiu said. She commend- first 11 months of the pandemic According to the Stop TB Part-
ed awareness programmes in the shows us just how powerful a co- nership, making much-needed
media and community door-to- ordinated effort against a disease progress against TB demands in-
door campaigns to promote diag- can be,” noted Ditiu. vestment that matches the threat
nosis and treatment. While the pandemic has shown of the disease around the world.
Countries need to invest more that effective vaccines can save This includes a commitment to
in finding people with TB and put- lives, the world is still banking on rectify the inadequate funding of
ting them on treatment. Until you a 100-year-old vaccine, Bacillus the past. Over the next two years,
find people, you cannot put them Calmette-Guérin or BCG. Howev- 10 billion US dollars are needed
on treatment, and this is where er, a more effective vaccine could to close the tuberculosis research
we are very much lagging, she have higher efficacy rates, espe- and development funding gap.
said. cially for adults. Why has it taken “Wealthy countries need to step
Ditiu fears the worst should the so long to develop a new, more ef- up and put more money into cor-
world fail to change the current fective TB vaccine when the health recting global health inequalities,
TB transmission trend. An esti- burden of TB is increasing? which Covid-19 vaccine allocation
mated 5.8 million people received “This is the drama,” Ditiu com- inequities laid bare,” urged Mark
treatment for TB in 2020; a drop of Executive director of the Stop TB Partnership Dr Lucica Ditiu mented. “We have a vaccine for a Harrington, executive director of
21% from 2019, and more than 4 hundred years that we know for TAG, an independent activist, and
million people worldwide remain HIV and Aids. has resources.” the last 40 years does not work (ef- community-based research and
untreated. According to Stop TB “In general, we have availa- According to the Stop TB Part- fectively) except for newly-born policy think tank.
Partnership, half of those un- ble only 30 percent of the fund- nership, a network of interna- babies, and yet we have not done “Covid-19 made more people
treated are likely to die from the ing needed globally. We have plac- tional organisations established much about it.” around the world aware of the im-
disease. es that have done well in prevent- in 1998 to help end TB as a pub- While ongoing research on new portance of research and develop-
Admitting that funding for TB ing TB in people living with HIV. lic health problem, funding for TB vaccines had been slow because ment spending than ever before.
has always been insufficient, Prevention of TB in people living research and development (R&D) of poor funding, Ditiu said sever- Now is the time to finally start
Ditiu said TB was the poor cousin with HIV is going well, especially has remained flat since 2018. al potential vaccines were in the making investments ambitious
compared to the deep pockets for in African countries because HIV Global funding for tuberculo- pipeline, and a vaccine could be enough to end TB for good.”—IPS

Plastic recyclers clamour for government funding

BY TAPFUMANEI MUCHABIWA becoming aware that they are ac- financial support for this task be- the Women’s Bank and Empower- Protocol and the United Nations
tually voluntarily cleaning up cit- cause we know that President Em- ment Bank. Framework Convention on Climate
REFUSE collection in Harare ies; and that it is an essential ser- merson Mnangagwa introduced Used plastic collector Edward Change (UNFCCC), which support
used to be purely the business of vice, which is part of green jobs. a day when everyone has to help Nyirongo said they work hard to interventions to combat climate
the local authority, but now coun- They now want government clean the environment every first collect the used plastics. change effects and emphasise on
cil is being assisted to do the task funding to support their activi- Friday of the month.” “We are actually working for environmental conservation.
by freeloaders who move around ties, taking a leaf from countries Small to medium enterpris- the Chinese who are buying the Harare Residents Trust (HRT)
picking up litter that is strewn such as China, where the plastic es minister Sithembiso Nyoni ac- used plastics for recycling at very director, Precious Shumba said:
all over the city for sale mostly to waste industry is big and plastics knowledged that plastic recyclers low prices. In turn, they sell the “The Vision 2030 was derailed a
Chinese businesses into the man- for recycling are actually bought were an important stakeholder in recycled products for higher prof- long time ago. Service delivery
ufacture of plastic products. from these “scavengers” or free- business and were doing a good its,” Nyirongo said. has deteriorated in Harare. Re-
Despite picking up litter for lit- loaders at good prices in order job to keep the environment clean. “Government should extend its fuse collection is nearer to non-ex-
tle money, very few freeloaders to recycle them to produce final “The ministry is encouraging helping hand to the indigenous istent.”
understand that they are actually products. every SME to promote green jobs, people by funding our projects so Harare city council’s dump
freeing the environment from tox- A freeloader in Harare, Amon and people in the plastic industry that we can also manufacture ben- sites have reduced in number
ic waste which might add onto cli- Nyoni, told The Standard that are no exception,” Nyoni said. eficiated products such as plastic with some sites having been con-
mate change effects threatening he picks a huge chunk of plastic “We are happy that they are do- buckets, cups and dishes. We are verted to other use, mostly due to
Zimbabwe. waste in order to get paid US$2 ing a good job. The first thing is not mechanised, and our produc- the increased demand for houses
The government is also missing only. that they are responding to the en- tion is very low. We cannot com- and other infrastructure.
out on promoting local SMEs to “While I am not making a lot vironmental challenges by clean- pete with the Chinese who are Council does not have enough
produce plastic products, and has of money from collecting plastic ing up toxic waste, and secondly, now opening plastic product busi- space to deposit garbage but ob-
left Chinese businesses to domi- waste for recycling, I now under- they are supporting the produc- nesses in the Graniteside area of servers say if the recyclers are
nate the industry. stand that it is an important thing tion of goods that are later used in Harare.” supported with better working
But while poverty has pushed to do for the environment,” Nyoni the market.” Zimbabwe is party to various conditions and mechanisation,
freeloaders to pick up waste for said. She encouraged freeloaders to environmental protocols and con- Zimbabwe can benefit from plas-
recycling, some of them are now “If only we can get government seek funding from banks such as ventions, among them the Kyoto tic recycling.
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 7


1) Pay As You Earn [PAYE]
2) Withholding Taxes / Royalties / Presumptive Tax
3) Intermediate Money Transfer Tax (IMTT)
The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) hereby reminds all its valued clients that the following returns and payments for the month of December 2021 are due on the 10th of
January 2022.
1. Returns Due
a) Employees Tax or Pay As You Earn (PAYE) Remittances – [ P2 Remittance Advice Form]
b) Withholding Taxes / Royalties Returns / Presumptive Tax – [ REV5 Form]
c) Intermediate Money Transfer Tax (IMTT) – [ REV5B Form]


The following issues are reminded to all taxpayers in this regard:
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Taxpayers should ensure that all taxes are remitted on time, in full and in the currency of transaction through banks. The following link provides ZIMRA banking details to
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When making payments to ZIMRA, please ensure that the following details are provided and correctly captured so that the payments may be credited on correct accounts:
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Taxpayers who are in arrears with regards to their tax obligations are required to settle the outstanding amounts or to engage their nearest ZIMRA Offices to discuss
and agree on a way forward. ZIMRA urges its valued taxpayers to file their returns and pay taxes due on time and in full in the currency of trade to avoid follow-ups.

My Taxes, My Duties: Building My Zimbabwe!!

Public Notice No. 1 /2022, issued on 04/01/2022. @Zimra_11 ZIMRA.ZW

8 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022


What are the options for Chamisa in the

n 1998, in Russia’s St Pe-
tersburg, Oleg Sergeyev ran
for the Governor’s position.
When he officially launched
his campaign, to his chagrin
there were two other opponents.
Opponent one was Oleg Sergeyev,
opponent two was Oleg Sergeyev.
On voting day, voters were unsure
which Sergeyev they were voting
for. For students of politics, it was
therefore not a shock when in au-
thoritarian Zimbabwe, Morgen
Komichi, the chairperson of the
splinter MDC-T led by Douglas
Mwonzora announced on 24 Octo-
ber 2020 that his party was going
to contest in future elections as
MDC Alliance. Yet MDC Alliance
is led by Nelson Chamisa, who
has used that name in polls since
the 2018 general election. So MDC
Alliance, like Sergeyev of Russia,
faces opponent number two as
MDC Alliance at the nomination
court for by elections on January
26, by elections voting day on 26
March and the subsequent gener-
al election constitutionally due in
2023. What then are the political
options? I am not here to be over-

Under normal dem- MDC A president Nelson Chamisa

ocratic conditions,

indepth analysis
parties do not make liance in May 2019. The branches, of power at every opportunity of
significant changes the wards, the districts, the prov- change. On the other hand, it does
such as relabelling, re- inces, the National Executive not give room for consolidation of
branding, creating new identities Committee (NEC), the National power by cliques. Party members
because political parties are large- Standing Committee (NSC) and can still make claims to the par-
ly conservative in nature. Howev- BY DR PHILLAN ZAMCHIYA the President remain the same. ty’s historical legacy, the memory,
er, internal or external shocks can Inter alia there is no freezing of blood and pain of the past. There
break the status quo and trigger ly prescriptive but to lay the basis fore, the relabelled party is not a current party systems. In this re- is some degree of continuity un-
the need to weigh options as part for democratic debate. brand new party. For this reason, gard, the next congress date, un- der this option. When faced with a
of strategic insulation and self- The first option for Chamisa’s party relabelling does not recon- less varied by an extraordinary Sergeyev crisis, the late founding
preservation especially in authori- MDC Alliance is party relabel- figure party structures, member- congress, remains earmarked for President of the MDC, Morgan
tarian contexts bent on annihilat- ling. Party relabelling means the ship and identity. It does not ex- 2024. This option does not provide Tsvangirai, had to relabel from
ing the opposition. continuation of the same par- tinguish the Gweru Congress pro- room for those that see an oppor- MDC to MDC- T in 2008. Howev-
ty but under a new label. There- cess outcome held by the MDC Al- tunity to grab power for the sake er, the political stakes are higher

No evidence of pandemic ‘mass formation psychosis’

Reuters that such a condition is theories and crowd psychology when people tell us contradictory
not officially recognised. theories which developed in the things about vaccines, who do we
“I have never heard of this con- 19th century, and which reflect- listen to. That is a matter of trust
cept,” John Drury, Professor of ed a fear of the masses,” he said. and of our social relationship to
REUTERS FACT CHECK Social Psychology and Director “The claim was that people in the the source of information. So, the
of Research and Knowledge Ex- mass lose their sense of identity politicisation of the pandemic,
“Mass formation psychosis” is sense… And then their attention change at the University of Sus- and their ability to reason, they the creation of a sense of an es-
not an academic term recognised gets focused by a leader or series sex, wrote in an email to Reuters. regress to an inferior mental tablishment enemy who wants to
in the field of psychology, nor is of events on one small point, just Jay Van Bavel, Associate Pro- state where they are manipulable control us is certainly important.
there evidence of any such phe- like hypnosis.” fessor of Psychology and Neural by unscrupulous leaders. It makes the establishment of
nomenon occurring during the He added: “They literally be- Science at New York University, “It has been totally discredited trust an absolutely critical aspect
Covid-19 pandemic, multiple ex- come hypnotised and can be led said the term “doesn’t exist as a by contemporary work on groups of the pandemic and hence such
perts in crowd psychology have anywhere… They will follow that real academic concept”, adding: and crowds.” things as transparency, respect,
said. person — it doesn’t matter wheth- “I’ve been studying group iden- Van Bavel, who said he found clarity etc. become critical.”
Online searches for the phrase er they lie to them or whatever, tity and collective behaviour for the idea of mass formation psy- He added: “But telling people
have spiked this month, as seen the data are irrelevant.” nearly two decades and just pub- chosis “reductionist”, highlight- who disagree with you that they
in worldwide Google trends data, As of January 3, the term has lished a book on the topic (www. ed a different account of the role are deluded and in a state of psy-
after it was used in a popular gathered more than 100 000 in- and not once of psychology, groups and leader- chosis is essentially a device to
podcast as the reason why people teractions (likes, comments and have I come across this term. ship in the rise of Naziism. silence them and a form of dis-
comply with public health meas- shares) on public Facebook pages, “It seems to have been made He also pointed to a study he respect. It alienates and hence
ures. groups and verified profiles, ac- up recently. There are similar- co-authored and released in No- undermines an attempt at dia-
Dr Robert Malone, told The Joe cording to social media monitor- sounding concepts, like ‘mass vember 2020 analysing the move- logue. It isn’t an explanation of
Rogan Experience that “mass for- ing tool CrowdTangle. psychogenic illness,’ but the ment of approximately 15 million the problem; it is part of the prob-
mation psychosis” is a phenom- Users on Twitter have also scope of these is relatively nar- Americans during the early stag- lem.”
enon that occurred in 1920s and shared the term, applying it as if row compared to what is being es of the pandemic, finding that
30s Germany when a highly edu- it were a legitimate condition to proposed here.” one of the “single biggest predic- Verdict
cated population “went barking describe those receiving Covid-19 Reuters also spoke to Steven tors of following social distance Missing context. There is no
mad”. vaccines, tests and following oth- Reicher, Professor of Social Psy- guidelines was political partisan- evidence to suggest a “mass for-
“And that is what’s happened er health measures chology at the University of St ship. mation psychosis” has occurred
here,” he said, referring to the The phrase does not appear in Andrews, who has studied crowd “What is true, of course, is that during the pandemic, experts
Covid-19 pandemic the American Psychological As- psychology for more than 40 people do have to make sense of a told Reuters. The term itself is
According to Malone, the con- sociation (APA) Dictionary of years. He described the concept confusing and complicated world not recognised among academ-
dition occurs when a society “be- Psychology nor does it appear of a “mass psychosis” as “more with different accounts coming ics, and modern research into
comes decoupled from each oth- in the PsycNet database of pub- metaphor than science, more ide- from different sources,” said Re- crowd psychology has shown that
er and has a free-floating anxiety lished research articles. Numer- ology than fact”. icher. crowds do not behave in mindless
in a sense that things don’t make ous psychologists have also told “It arises out of mass society “We are not vaccinologists so or non-individualistic ways.
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 9


context of despotic capture of MDC A?

at this historic juncture and the post-coup milita- tion is a long term gamble and a rushed history of struggle, pain, blood and mem- es such as relabelling, rebranding, creat-
rised party-state is bent on eliminating Chamisa rally to launch a new party will not suf- ory are embedded in the name. In addi- ing new identities because political par-
and his party. Therefore, what is likely to be at the fice especially ahead of the by-elections. tion, the legacy of Tsvangirai is part- ties are largely conservative in nature.
centre of legal contestation is the name MDC. Pre- The fourth option is to maintain the ly embedded in the name. The Mwonzo- However, internal or external shocks can
fixes or Suffixes to it — such as MDC C or MDC party name as is. The logic is based on an ra effect is also considered as a tempo- break the status quo and trigger the need
Z — might not resolve the conundrum, hence the assumption that the MDC Alliance is a rary inconvenience that will crumble in to weigh options as part of strategic in-
need for a new way of relabelling. strong brand with long term political ex- due course. The idea is to fight for the re- sulation and self-preservation especially
The second option is party rebranding. This does posure. Even a person with a remote in- tention legally and politically and allow in authoritarian contexts bent on anni-
not entail the formation of a new party but it is a terest in politics knows that the MDC is the political burden and responsibility hilating the opposition. The shock thera-
surgical process that requires transformation of Zimbabwe’s main opposition party. It has on Mwonzora and Mnangagwa the auto- py here is despotic-capture of the name
substantive aspects of the party. It means a strate- long term exposure both locally and in- cratic President of Zimbabwe as part of MDC Alliance. The MDC Alliance, like
gic review of the party’s goals, core objectives, prin- ternationally. As a result, relabelling, re- a total de-legitimisation strategy. So all Sergeyev of Russia, faces opponent num-
ciples and values and its ideology. This might re- branding or forming a new party is seen things being equal (ceteris paribus), all ber two as MDC Alliance. In the event of a
quire cleaning up and waterproofing the constitu- as a radical and risky step that might players would want to keep their name shock therapy of this nature, history has
tion to avoid unnecessary legal loopholes manipu- simply destroy the opposition. MDC is and fight to the end. However, this might taught us that partial rather than whole-
lated by opponents. The party organs might need to embedded in the political marketplace be foolhardy given the balance of politi- sale changes have significantly yielded
be repurposed in line with the new core objectives. for 22 years. There are also sentimental cal forces in Zimbabwe today. more positive electoral effects. My mod-
The secretariat might as well need a complete over- and emotional attachments to the name Under normal democratic conditions, est contribution to the democratic debate
haul under rebranding in order to streamline with especially by the older generation. The parties do not make significant chang- is stated. I am out.
the new strategic focus. In other words, if a collec-
tive decision is taken to rebrand Chamisa’s MDC
Alliance, it must not just be about the change of a
name. The result should be a total refurbished par-
ty so that it is presented to the people in a new and
pulchritudinous form. This is a time-consuming
process. Given that politics is fluid and moving very
fast, one can relabel as a first step to deal with the
immediate questions of the day like how to register
candidates at the nomination court set for 26 Janu-
ary 2022 and rebrand thereafter.
Before we move to the third and fourth options
here is a question. What are the prospects of the
masses resonating with relabelling and rebrand-
ing in the Zimbabwean context? I think they are
high. Why? Zimbabwe has a politically hyper ac-
tive society. There are strong levels of political at-
tention among the electorate so the changes will
not evade the curious public eye. From the history
of splits, Zimbabwean voters have predominantly
utilised personalistic signals in identifying parties
and making voting decisions, therefore they are
able to reorient to a relabelled or rebranded party
more easily. Voters can identify the party under a
new label or brand by simply checking out its lead-
ers. Is Chamisa there, are his deputies, Lynette
Karenyi-Kore, Tendai Biti and Welshman Ncube
there, and is the national chairperson Thabitha
Khumalo there including her deputy Job Sikhala
and the secretary general Charlton Hwende as well
as treasurer general David Coltart. By looking at
who the leaders are, that is whether the leaders re-
main in the party, voters would associate easily. In
addition, the MDC Alliance is a less institutional-
ised party system, an embedded weakness but one
which makes it less arduous to change based on
the weak party hypothesis. Finally, the larger de-
mographics of the voting population are the young
with less sentimental value to the old ways of do-
ing things.
Now the third option will entail forming a new
party. A new party has to break orthodoxy and
think afresh to be presented in a pulchritudinous
form. This is a laborious process because it is not
about trying to resurrect the MDC through reani-
mating the Tsvangirai days. A new party needs to
think about big problems in a fresh way and come
up with new big ideas. One cannot just jerry-build
ideas from the previous era. Continuity with the
noble ideas can be valuable, but it is not enough to
build a new party. This will require a competent in-
frastructure to develop new ideas followed by build-
ing a national movement with presence in every
corner of Zimbabwe to advance the new big ideas.
This is important because durable new parties have
to start from the bottom up around a popular big
idea. Even if you capture voters’ attention around
the charismatic Chamisa, he has to stand for a gen-
uine national movement rising from the people.
A new party implies an inaugural congress
which might produce an entirely new leadership
from the current presidium to the branches. There
is no guarantee, for example, that all the current
deputies, national chairperson, Secretary Gener-
al, Treasurer General et cetera will be retained.
It might be determined by a whole different par-
ty structure, constitution, party roots in socie-
ty, membership, ideology and identity. For a new
party will technically freeze the Gweru Congress
and usher in a new birthday. The outcome is a dou-
ble edged sword. This process can pilot a new, dy-
namic and competent leadership unchained to or-
thodoxy, which will not merely hitch-hike old ide-
as but usher in fresh big ideas with renewed ener-
gy. However, it is common to see actors who will
not make it in new parties, get disappointed at the
shattering of their dreams and form splinter par-
ties to restore a status quo ante. This can plunge
the opposition into the old cycle of splits. This op-
10 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Comment & Opinion

Demolitions leave women,

children worse off
arare yesterday woke up to what has become
an annual ritual of horror. Once again, the
government brought heavy road construc-
tion equipment, including bulldozers and front-
end loaders to tear down illegal structures, most-
ly wooden and metal market stalls in the capital’s
oldest and most populous suburb of Mbare.
Needless to say, the exercise is violently merci-
less, targets some of the poorest citizens of the
country and affects mostly women and children.
This happens virtually every year and the tim-
ing is almost always during the rainy season, or
in winter.
Every time this happens, questions are asked
around the demolitions — the same questions eve-
ry year. Why do authorities let people put up ille- OPINION

Zimbabwe students the biggest

gal structures, including houses and market stalls,
and then raze them down when they are complete
and occupied? Why do authorities always wait for
the bad times to demolish the structures?

losers as new year begins

Right from the biggest urban tragedies in mod-
ern times, Murambatsvina of 2005 which hap-
pened at the height of winter, all demolitions seem
to happen during the bad times of the year. This
coincidence in timing patterns makes it difficult
not to think that the human tragedy that follows BY JOSEPH NDONDO net, the network speeds have been far tion of curriculum, which could take
these demolitions is well thought out and planned

from amusing in most parts of the a long time to be recovered, while the
by certain people in certain offices. lobally over 1.38 learners were country, with rural areas most affect- permanent damage include the fact
Whatever the reasons behind this exercise; good affected by the Covid-19 pan- ed. This has seen students facing chal- that some learners may never return
demic since it was first report- lenges in accessing the internet. The to school even when the disease out-
or bad; the undeniable fact is that the human suf- ed two years ago in Wuhan, China, in government and policymakers must break is ended.
fering that follows these demolitions is clearly December 2019. The pandemic subse- work to ensure that they subsidise Schools closures are likely to have
pre-meditated and deliberate. The sight of wom- quently spread globally to become the the internet to enable students to ac- ripple effects, leading into other com-
en and children huddled around broken pieces fifth documented pandemic since the cess online education affordably. In plex challenges such as drug abuse
of furniture and wet blankets — out in the open 1918 flu pandemic. Many schools were this Information revolution, inter- and teenage pregnancies. In Zimba-
forced to shut their doors in compli- net is a prime currency. Students use bwe, this trend has started to mani-
in the biting cold or lashing rains, is a deliberate ance with gGovernment lockdown di- the internet not only for communica- fest as observed in the past year. Gov-
plan by authorities. rectives that were a major character- tion and learning, but many use it to ernment reported a major increase
The victims of these demolitions may be to istic of the year 2020. search for opportunities such as schol- in teenage pregnancies in January
blame for the action they take to build and occu- arships and employment while other and February 2021. Nearly 5 000 teen-
py illegal structures, but authorities must take Global impact of Covid-19 on ed- students and young people digital en- age girls fell pregnant in those two
ucation trepreneurs, utilise it to perform in- months in the year 2021 while about
the responsibility to find a lasting solution to this To date, many countries are still re- ternet-based tasks such as digital mar- 1 800 girls entered into early marriag-
perennial problem. As it is, both central and lo- sorting to lockdowns and shutdowns keting, web design, graphic design es. Many educational analysts have at-
cal government have failed to take charge of the of various forms in order to curb re- and other digital skills. The internet tributed this trend to school closures.
growing problem in urban areas caused mainly by surging variants of the virus and ris- is the fuel of digital entrepreneurship. Students in Zimbabwe lost long peri-
unemployment. ing infection cases. When schools were When schools shifted to online ods of learning since the start of the
shut, some had to shift to online learn- learning in Zimbabwe, the tuition fees pandemic.
Promises to avail more market places have not ing which is sometimes referred to as in most schools were not reviewed Although the Omicron variant has
been fulfilled and attempts such as one near Coca- virtual learning, remote learning and downwards. Students have argued seen rising infection cases and in
Cola along Seke Road and refurbishment of Mu- e-learning. While the rapid shift to on- that the school fees for online learn- some countries emerging to be a dom-
pedzanhamo in Mbare appear to have been aban- line learning was a noble idea, it how- ing must not be the same with that for inating variant, this variant has how-
ever exposed huge inequalities that physical classroom learning. With an ever been found to be less severe in
doned. The people that suffered the cruel demo-
existed in societies around the world, online learning approach, there is a terms of virulence than other var-
litions yesterday and whose families are today with Zimbabwe not an exception. Some strong case to argue for reducing the iants in scientific studies. New re-
without food and may have spent last night in the students could not afford to continue to tuition fees for learning, based on the search by a large consortium of Japa-
rains are victims of the government’s incompe- learn due to a number of reasons chief fact that students will not be fully on nese and American scientists has sug-
tence and premeditated cruelty. among them, the high internet costs, campus physically and so will not be gested that the Omicron variant may
slow internet connectivity, the lack of using some university facilities such cause less damage to the lungs as com-
The authorities have shown that they have no
resources such as laptops, radios and as WIFI, electricity, library, and other pared to earlier variants. In addition,
idea how to deal with the thousands of homeless smartphones and the lack of electrici- facilities. a spate of studies led by Dr Gupta,
citizens and growing multitudes of jobless youths ty among other reasons. As we enter 2022 students in Zimba- Professor of Theoretical Epidemiolo-
and vendors. They seem only capable of crafting The challenges faced in implement- bwe begin the new year on a sad note. gy at the University of Oxford, on lab-
sadistic solutions such as the on-going demoli- ing e-learning revealed the great dig- As if rubbing salt to their wounds, on oratory animals and human tissues
ital divide, a term that refers to the New Year’s Eve the government of are providing the first indication of
tions — as if the Zanu PF government has a politi-
gap between people and regions that Zimbabwe announced an extension of why the Omicron variant causes mild-
cal axe to grind with city and town dwellers. have access to modern Information the nationwide lockdown by a further er disease than previous variants, es-
The constitution makes it mandatory for gov- and Communications Technology two weeks and further announced pecially in vaccinated people.
ernment to ensure that citizens enjoy basic digni- (ICT), and those that do not or have that the school calendar, would be de- According to Economists at JP Mor-
ty. This destruction of shelter and means of sur- restricted access. In Zimbabwe when layed until further notice. Although gan, the Omicron variant will thus
the nationwide lockdown was first an- the government exempted students not pose the same economic and so-
vival infringes on people’s basic human rights by
nounced on March 24, 2020, more than with examinations in this order, many cial threat as previous virus waves. In
their government. 4.6 million children were subsequent- students will remain home indefinite- neighboring South Africa, the govern-
ly affected in the whole country ac- ly until further notice. ment announced on December 30, that

Quote of the week

cording to statistics from the United The full impact of school closures they were likely past the peak of the
Nations Children’s Education Fund. will certainly bear long-term nega- Omicron wave and that the variant did
According to the Zimbabwe national tive impacts on student development. not bring a large jump in virus deaths.
Statistics Agency (Zimstat), only 40% The United Nations has reported that This has left many in Zimbabwe ques-
of students in the country could man- the Covid-19 pandemic has wiped out tioning why the Harare government is
age to continue learning after schools 20 years of education gains, with 9% resorting to hard lock downs closing
“We the teachers of Zimbabwe organis- had been closed (Zimstat, 2020). Zim- of children in grades 1-through grade schools against the backdrop of this
ing under the ‘Save Our Education’, are wor- stat reported that rural students were 8 falling below the minimum reading emerging scientific evidence on the
ried about massive spreading of Covid-19 in affected the most, with only 25% of ru- proficiency levels in the year 2020. In a Omicron variant.
schools, angered by the slave wages we are ral students managing to continue to recent research on The Impact of Cov-
receiving, infuriated by government’s failure learn. id-19 Pandemic on Education in South l Joseph Ndondo (MBL) is a writer
to pay invigilation allowances, enslaved by 12% towards edu- Learning after school closures Africa, researchers reported that long with the Institute for a Greater Eu-
cation in the 2022 budget." — Teachers’ petition to Parliament In Zimbabwe, like in most sub-Sa- periods of learning would be lost for rope. You can contact him for feed-
last week. hara countries, internet is expensive. as long as the closures lasted and the back via email on kunashe@outlook.
In addition to the high cost of inter- temporal damage would be disrup- com
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 11

Letters to the Editor

The army must stop meddling in Feedback

civilian affairs, political choices
The emergence of denial to access
maternal health care services have
resurfaced in Harare at Glen View
and Budiriro Poly Clinics, a situation
that has a potential to claim lives if
not addressed urgently.
Pregnant women allege that Glen

View Poly Clinic is no longer regis-
he army was instrumental in effect- made use of the available arsenal to suffocate Are we going to witness any changes as we tering pregnant women for mater-
ing a change of leadership within Zanu and suppress the opposition in the mould of enter 2022? Recent reports of Chamisa being nal health services while health per-
PF and government when it engineered MDCA under the leadership of Nelson Chami- denied free passage to meet with his support- sonnel at Budiriro Poly Clinic are in-
a military coup which dethroned Robert sa. It has never been recorded during the over ers in the countryside, if anything, could be a structing those who want to register
Mugabe and installed Emmerson Mnangag- three decades of Mugabe’s rule that soldiers tip of an ice-berg of what awaits us as we edge for maternal health services to come
wa as president in November 2017. But peo- shot at defenceless and unarmed civilians towards 2023 elections. It’s not too late for our and register on the day of delivery.
ple still ask questions, why did the Sadc re- in the city of Harare. But with Mnangagwa, security officers to stand for the people and “I wanted to register for mater-
main quiet when dangerous statements were it happened before he could even spend 12 not a political party as has been advocated by nity but I was told by the Sister in
made by the army? Where was African Union months in office as President. The shooting their leadership of late. The military should Charge that Glen View Poly Clinic is
which should be aware of the code of conduct of people in August 2018 and in January 2019 never make political statements. no longer offering maternal health
of the security forces? The disturbing state- are cases in point. This idea that the existence of the opposi- care services and that I should go
ments were tantamount to unconstitutionally For whatever reasons, soldiers were wrong tion is at the behest of the western nations is somewhere but now am stuck”, be-
taking over elected government which is what to use live bullets on civilians who were un- a charade and it has to be treated as such. moaned a pregnant woman.
during the coup. armed and the late former army general and The opposition and the west are not respon- At Budiriro Poly Clinic the situa-
Those who suggest that the late Morgan Ts- the Foreign Affairs minister Sibusiso Moyo sible for the massive looting that has para- tion is astonishing and terrifying as
vangirai was robbed of his victory in 2008 af- agreed that punishment was to be meted out lysed our economy and caused untold eco- the health personnel are not moved
ter election were delayed for five weeks before on all those who were found on the wrong side nomic, social and moral decadence. How can or treating pregnancy as an emer-
it was announced that he had scored 47% com- of the law. However, the nation still awaits we not say our economy is on its knees when gency.
pared to Mugabe’s 43% of the total vote cast, recommendations of the Kgalema Motlanthe one needs to change his or her salary soon af- “My delivery dates were due in
cannot be dismissed. commission to be implemented. For all we ter earning it so as to store value? Workers are December but the nurses told me to
The involvement of the military is now as know, the wait seems prolonged. paid in our own currency but the same gov- come on the day of delivery with the
obvious as darkness after sunset. The Mnan- The fact of the matter is that Zimbabwe is ernment charges for services in United State registration money”, said a hopeless
gagwa administration, in a bid to pacify the not the only country with the army and again dollars. nine-month pregnant woman who
military, has gone on an overdrive to not only we are not the only nation which was un- If people want a change of government, visited Budiriro Poly Clinic last week.
militarise Zanu PF, but also the national insti- der colonialism. Why is our case different in which is their democratic right, let the army CHRA has engaged the manage-
tutions. This has by and large resulted in the terms of how our soldiers operate? Why are not intervene and tell the people what not to ment in the City Health Department
capture of one of the pillars of state: the ju- they not being professional like their counter- do. After all, sufferings cuts across the politi- on the matter and they have prom-
diciary. It’s not bad that our retired soldiers parts in the region? Why should Zimbabwe- cal, social and religious spectrum. ised to conduct a fact-finding mission
are absorbed in government and in other pro- ans be afraid of their soldiers and police offic- Nobody is spared; we all go to the same su- at the clinics to address the crisis.
fessional jobs, but it is the intentions that are ers? Our soldiers should not be conditioned to permarkets, tuck shops and black market to The denial of access to maternal
spoiling the smooth running of government. work against any opposition political parties change our currency to United States dollars. health services also came at a time
As spelt out by the constitution, security forc- in Zimbabwe. This trend will not get Zimba- If people now want someone and not Mnan- when the City of Harare unilaterally
es are there to serve the nation and not an in- bwe anywhere and it’s the recipe for disaster. gagwa to lead them, let them not be blocked resolved to close nine clinics in the
dividual or political party. By supporting a po- The people are watching and by supporting from making that choice. If they still want city citing health personnel short-
litical party, they have relegated themselves Zanu PF, the security forces have joined the him to continue, let them also vote for him ages and to this end CHRA has en-
to willing agents to be used at every turn by gravy train. In fact, they should advise the po- freely. Zimbabwe has the potential to do well, gaged legal experts for possible lit-
politicians. They now act as an extension of litical leaders to respect the constitution and let not anyone or institution be blamed tomor- igation.
the ruling party. serve the people. The security services sector row for blocking progress and prosperity. In October 2020 the High Court
Indeed, the Mnangagwa administration has is supposed to be neutral. Mtape Mamuse Maunganidze granted an Interim Relief to preg-
nant women and ordered the Ha-

Citizens under siege from authoritarian govts

rare City Council to open all its 42
clinics and offer pregnant women
emergency treatment after the lo-
cal authority had closed more than
30 clinics.
Insiders have pointed out that

T his year starts on a bedrock

of a myriad of challenges in
Southern Africa, which include
forms part of the major crises the
region is facing and this reverses
gains made on women empower-
region, the region has not man-
aged to effectively deal with the
causes such as the continued re-
and decision-making within the
region and we hope that she leads
with the highest form of integrity
moral is too low in the health de-
partment due to poor working con-
ditions and the recent proposal to
the Covid-19 pandemic which has ment and the realisation of wom- liability of energy on fossil fu- with respect to the country’s con- transfer local authority nurses to the
seen hundreds of thousands los- en’s rights. els ahead of green energy and at- stitution and spearheading devel- central government to access their
ing their lives through uncom- Corruption engineered by car- tendant effects of the same such opmental initiatives that are in- wages and salaries.
prehensive medical response tels and government functionar- as power outages with countries clusive of everyone. CHRA
and lack of epidemiological re- ies, diminished regulatory over- such as Zambia, Zimbabwe and As we get into 2022, CIASA re-
search for many Sadc countries sight on state-owned enterpris- South Africa going through mas- affirms its commitment to defend,
with the exception of South Afri- es across the region has also seen sive power reduction programs protect and empower various Voluntary Media
ca and Botswana, the loss of live- countries losing billions of dol- which gravely impacted on the communities across the region,
lihoods for millions whose jobs lars that could have supported provision of service delivery for especially those from marginal- Council
and enterprises were affected by the provision of basic service de- citizens. ised, hard to reach, minority and of Zimbabwe
the hard hitting effects lockdown livery in the wake of devastat- CIASA, however, notes the posi- indigenous groups. Further we
measures in the absence of emer- ing impacts of the Covid-19, ref- tives that emanated from the year strongly urge governments to re- The Standard newspaper subscribes to
gency relief funds and the wan- erence can be made to the revela- 2021 across the region and com- spect human rights and advance a Code of Conduct that promotes truth-
ton human rights violations of tions that have been made on the mends the Republic of Zambia for developmental initiatives that are ful, accurate, fair and balanced news re-
citizens and vulnerable groups commission of inquiry into state holding a relatively peaceful elec- not exclusionary, and strength- porting. If we do not meet these stand-
under the guise of lockdown en- capture in South Africa which re- tion and seamless transition and en institutions that advance good ards, register your complaints with the
forcement across the region. The vealed the massive grand looting South Africa for holding credible governance and accountability. Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe
violent and brutal clampdown of that happens on state resourc- local government elections. These Lastly, we urge the regional body at No 34, Colenbrander Rd, Milton Park
human rights defenders and citi- es. We hope that institutions that two electoral processes are a posi- Sadc to provide guidance on all Harare.
zens through arrests, killings and fight corruption are empowered tive reference for other countries matters affecting the region with Telephone us at 04-778096 or 04-
the inception of prohibitive legis- and that whistle-blowers on any in the region on how to engage in impartiality and holding the in- 778006
lations on the operation of CSOs acts of corruption are protected. electoral processes that pass the terests of all citizens in the region 24 Hr Complaints line: 0772 125 659
such as the PVO Amendment Bill Legislations that prohibits illicit integrity test and also transfer of at the centre. Email: or info@
in Zimbabwe has been a signal on financial flows and interstate co- power that does not lead to unnec- May 2022 be a year of inclusive Whatsapp: 0772 125 658
the increase on authoritarianism operation on fighting against illic- essary conflicts and loss of lives. growth, and enjoyment of rights Twitter: @vmcz
in eSwatini and Zimbabwe in the it financial flows must be effected Further CIASA applauds Tanza- for all in Southern Africa. Website:
year 2021. The scourge of GBV in 2022. nia on having its first female lead- Facebook page: vmcz Zimbabwe
and femicide in South Africa Climate change also remains er, this shows the improvement in CIASA Information Depart-
has been on a consistent rise and one of the biggest threats to the women participation in politics ment

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12 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022


Why Mugabe honours are awkward

to have a Form 1 intake. at the expense of education and disturb Baba’s rest by exhuming

letter to my people
This has never happened in the in the process they are creating a him and burying him in a place
history of this country. This is generation that is uneducated but that he refused to be buried at.
literally the height of incompe- sits for examinations almost reli- Baba described these people as
tence. giously. his tormentors and did not want
Baba was an educationist and A bit like our elections kkk; anything to do with them. If he
BY DOCTOR STOP IT would have never let this happen. they are held regularly as and was alive, I know he would refuse
But this lot have no regard for when they are due, but they can to have his name associated with
education and this is why this is never be said to be democratic. this award.

happening. The government has to rethink If they are trying to appease
Y Dear People, to the elderly but was told there On the other hand, pupils are its attitude towards education be- Baba, it’s too late, the damage was
I hope you had was Covid-19, but Profit Java is still sitting for their ordinary and cause we are creating an illiterate long done.
restful holidays allowed to gather hundreds of advanced levels that were sup- generation and that is very dan- Will my family be part of this
and for once you people without anyone raising posed to be completed in 2021, but gerous for the country’s future. charade? Wait and see kkk.
forgot about the the C word — I mean coronavirus will now be written this year. I see the government has I saw raging debate on voter
people that pretend to rule you — get your mind out of the gut- Can someone explain to me come up with the Robert Gabri- registration figures and I thought
when all they do is loot. ter kkk. how we have degenerated into el Mugabe Commendation Award my people were missing the for-
The year started with the gov- It really doesn’t make sense such. Baba made sure Zimbabwe for Service in Human Capital De- est for the trees.
ernment postponing the opening that Covid-19 discriminates along was one of the most literate coun- velopment and I can’t wrap my A high voter turnout is bad for
of schools indefinitely because party lines and Zanu PF gather- tries in the world and now his head around what the big idea the party in power, so they will do
of a “rise” in Covid-19 cases, a ings are spared. work is being reversed by people here is. their utmost best to suppress vot-
laughable excuse if you ask me. Even schools have to be closed that have no idea on the impor- One moment, they describe er registration and the number of
I am really beginning to not un- to reduce Covid-19 cases, but tance of education. Baba as a dictator, a person who newly registered voters.
derstand this Covid-19 thing, at Zanu PF functions proceed as For them, literacy and intellec- brought sanctions on Zimbabwe If you believe that only 2 000
first it was straightforward; avoid planned. tualism are subservient to mili- and someone who had to be de- people registered to vote in 2021,
large gatherings and groups to Last year, at the height of the tary power and force, this is why posed by a coup, yet on the other then you will believe anything.
prevent it, but now it seems it is Omicron variant, Launchmore they allow the education system they name an award after him. ZEC must be challenged on these
selective. held his functions regardless of to collapse in such a manner. This feels a bit dishonest for figures rather than a situation
Zanu PF recently held elections Covid-19 regulations, yet schools Obviously, the easy excuse is me; they should choose whether where people spend days debat-
across the country and Covid-19 opening has to be deferred indef- that Covid-19 made it difficult for they want to demonise Baba or ing those figures.
was not raised as an issue. initely. education to continue last year. honour him. Put plainly, those figures aren’t
The country cannot hold by-elec- Speaking of education, nor- However, they won’t say Sisi Oppah described Baba as true and the rigging has started.
tions but Zanu PF can go ahead mally schools would be re-open- why Covid-19 did not stop a traitor, so why should an award
with its internal elections. You see ing this week, but up to now, Launchmore’s rallies that were be named after Baba. Stop it!
my problem with Covid-19. Grade 7 results are yet to be re- held every other two days. Also, don’t forget that these Munopengaaaaaa
Nero tried to distribute goods leased, meaning it’s not possible These ones prioritised politics are the same people that want to Dr Amai (PHD Fake)

Legitimising wrong-doing in the guise of rule of law

BY LINDIWE SISULU tion, and economic reparations graves, with a dream deferred, Today, the language of law has a man’s thinking you don’t have
as essential for reconciliation, their life’s work besmirched, and done little to really change an- to worry about his actions. You
APARTHEID was “legal”. Jim has been consistently ignored by their sacrifices spat upon. What ything. We have parallels. One do not have to tell him to stand
Crow laws in the United States those with the power to actually happened to us? must look at the January 6 insur- here or go yonder, he will find his
were “legal”. Colonialism was give effect to these calls. Where is the economic recon- rection in the United States of proper place. You do not need to
“legal”. Even the Nazis were “le- That demand should be made ciliation? America, and whether its propo- send him to the back door, he will
gal”. So what does it mean to have with greater urgency now than The land is where it all begins. nents really care about democra- go without being told. In fact, if
the rule of law? And whose law is ever before. We should insist, and And the law of the land makes or cy or only care about power. And there is no back door, he will cut
it anyway? not give up until they are met. breaks. The law pervades every ask ourselves why almost half one for his special benefit.”
In South Africa, a constitution Colonised capital and politi- aspect of our lives, including the the country voted for a man who When it comes to crucial eco-
in 1994 and the rule of law took cal brokers allocation of wealth and poverty. seemed to care nothing about de- nomic issues and property mat-
on a new lofty meaning after the What we have instead wit- We are all too familiar with the mocracy and the rule of law. At ters, the same African cosies up
deck had been heavily stacked nessed under a supreme constitu- history of land theft in South Af- the deepest level, it is not very dif- with their elitist colleagues to
against the victims of the “rule tion, and the rule of law since 1994 rica that began in 1652. The infa- ferent from South Africa. sing from the same hymnbook,
of law.” It was a new dispensation has been the co-option and invita- mous 1913 Natives Land Act that The stark reality is that if you spouting the Roman Dutch law of
of justice after centuries of vi- tion of political power brokers just took from Africans has mere- don’t have land, you don’t have property. But where is the indig-
cious oppression of the indigenes to the dinner table, whose job is ly been a legalisation and legiti- a country. That is why an over- enous law? It has been reduced
of the land by invaders. But what to keep the masses quiet in their misation of this scandalous pro- whelming majority of wars in to a footnote in your law schools.
has this beautiful constitution sufferance while they dine cavi- cess. Its disastrous effect has had history have been fought over Where are the African value sys-
done for the victims except as a ar with colonised capital (CC). Af- a very long life. After more than land and territory. In South Afri- tems and customs of land, wealth,
palliative (Panadol)? ter dinner many things take place a century later, the very same Af- ca 8% of the population control and property?
If we look around, we see a sea under the table and around the ta- ricans are unable to take back 80% of the land and its resourc- Today, in the high echelons
of African poverty. ble. Some call it stomach politics. what belongs to them. They have es. So, who are the real owners of of our judicial system are these
Let’s not fool ourselves and one The politicians take care of them- been co-opted in patches to work the country? Meanwhile 80% of mentally colonised Africans,
another; the primary motivation selves and their families while against the interest of their own; the majority in the country con- who have settled with the world-
for the evils of colonialism was those who put them there go to trapped in the politics of mean- trol less than 10% of the market view and mindset of those who
and still is economic. It is an or- bed hungry, waiting for crumbs ingless language, political crap capitalisation at the Johannes- have dispossessed their ances-
ganised crime; the robbery of oth- from the table. and stupor. burg Stock Exchange. Who is fool- tors. They are only too happy to
er people’s land and resources; as Otherwise, what explains the In 1913 those who took from Af- ing who? lick the spittle of those who false-
well as the exploitation and de- sudden astronomical wealth of ricans were never conflicted in Meanwhile, our black politi- ly claim superiority. The lack
spiteful use of their labour. It is so-called “liberators” over such what they wanted to do. How long cians have become black assets of confidence which permeates
also about the reduction of these a short period of time? How will the centre hold if economic for colonised capital. And that their rulings against their own
people to mass consumers and ex- did some become multi-million- reconciliation, restoration of the capital keeps knocking at their speaks very loudly, while others,
clusion from the ownership of the aires and billionaires overnight land, and meaningful redistribu- doors for them to facilitate eco- secure in their agenda, clap be-
factors of production and wealth while a third of their fellow citi- tion of wealth is not addressed as nomic returns to multiply their hind closed doors.
creation. zens languish on social grants? a matter of urgency? investments. There is a need for an overhaul
But it seems today we have le- It takes several years for families The July 2021 looting was a The legal brokers and judi- of a justice system that does not
gitimised wrongdoing under the and businesses to earn the status massive warning shot. Our coun- cial reform work for Africa and Africans. If
umbrella of the rule of law. Many of multi-millionaires or billion- try cannot afford second and third The most dangerous African to- the law does not sufficiently ad-
years down the line Africans man- aires, after real hard work and warnings. day is the mentally colonised Af- dress the issue of the food fight,
age poverty while others manage value creation. But like Mzansi Whose law is it? rican. And when you put them the law will fail and inevitably
wealth. When we talk about trans- magic we have some socialism- Politicians in parliament are in leadership positions or as in- it will play out in the streets. We
formation, it is just a buzzword? spouting “liberators” draped in called lawgivers. They make terpreters of the law, they are have a neo-liberal constitution,
When we talk about reconcilia- flags, transformed and co-opted the law. During colonialism and worse than your oppressor. They with foreign inspiration, but who
tion, what we don’t hear is eco- into the capitalist class and leafy apartheid, the lawgivers were have no African or Pan-African are the interpreters? And where
nomic reconciliation? suburbs. purposeful. Their purpose was inspired ideological grounding. is the African value system of
There are excellent reasons why In 1994 they struggled to put rooted in the philosophy of white Some are confused by foreign be- this constitution and the rule of
the late Sampie Terreblanche, re- petrol in their cars. Some didn’t supremacy and entitlement to lief systems. law? If the law does not work for
nowned economist and fighter for even own one. And yet when it is everything, including the bodies In America these interpreters Africans in Africa, then what is
justice, kept insisting on a new election time you will hear them of those they falsely believed to be are called the House Negroes. It is the use of the rule of law?
Truth and Reconciliation Com- spouting “Our people, our people. inferior. It was simply to take and what the father of black history
mission focusing on economic Surely, this was not the vision of colonise and defend, for kith and Carter Woodson strenuously com-  Lindiwe Sisulu is a mem-
justice. But obviously his voice, the real liberators. Those whom kin. It was about power. Econom- plained about in his famous book ber of the ANC’s national ex-
like other voices calling for eco- we revere as the “struggle stal- ic power, political power, military The Miseducation of the Negro. ecutive committee. She writes
nomic justice, economic restora- warts”. They have gone to their power, and social power. Woodson wrote, “If you control in her personal capacity.
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 13

New perspectives

Transitional mechanisms for more effective

service delivery in peri-urban areas
by Masimba Manyanya

arly November Sab-
huku Samaita escaped
death by a whisker
after being pumme-
led by hail stones in a
freak storm that intercepted him
on his way to his village home, as
he came back from the business
centre where he had quite ironi-
cally, escaped to for a drink with
fellow mates. “Escaped to” (in
his own narration of events) be-
cause he had spent a whole previ-
ous week literally besieged at his
home trying, with his Commit-
tee of Seven, to resolve mounting
village challenges, without much
success. There were issues to do
with new stands allocations, il-
legal land sales, repairs to bore-
holes, destruction of early plant-
ed maize crop by rains, village
roads destroyed by rains and were
now rivers in the making, gaps in
the distribution of Pfumvudza ag-
ricultural inputs, boundary dis-
putes between villagers, delays
with the village clinic fund con-
tributions and impending visits
by council officials to talk about a
new Covid variant.
A serious concern that always
bothered Samaita was the con-
tentious pegging of communal
land without warning by the lo-
cal council during the time of his Peri-urban zones are now conflict areas as urbanites seek land and yet destabilise the rural ecosystem and social order
predecessor in the 1990s. Appar-
ently council had allocated 10 ur- al functions, addressing funer- er parts of Zimbabwe. Peri-ur- criminality equipping them with information
ban type stands as compensation al events, and mediating conflict ban lands (also called outskirts vi. Extreme vulnerability of about local challenges and poli-
to villagers affected by pegging within the village. or the hinterland,) include spac- poor and landless people living in cy opportunities in emergent eco-
exercises. But these stands nev- In Zimbabwe cities and towns es, forms, and structures result- the peri-urban regions. nomic and policy environments.
er reached their beneficiaries. tend to expand outwards, or hor- ing from urbanisation. As rural Quite noteworthy, the peri-ur- Below are possible areas of prior-
A potential corruption case that izontally, and as this happens, spaces for the expansion of cities, ban region degenerates into a ity for the Transitional Council;
was now hanging over Samaita’s large crowds of often wealthy in- peri-urban areas encompass land- conflict zone, bringing huge bur- a) Minimising land losses, pop-
head. dividuals, invade the rural land- scape interfaces between town dens on local traditional leader- ulation relocations/ displace-
The day had started busy as scapes with their perimeter walls, and country; a rural-urban transi- ship structures that are, on the ments and disruptions of liveli-
usual. By 5pm, and in the midst boreholes and driveways. The tion zone where urban and rural other hand, ill-equipped (techni- hoods;
the pressures of work, Samaita population influx means an un- mix tend to clash”. In Zimbabwe, cally, financially, or organisation- b) Developing adequate legis-
told his secretary that he was precedented spike in population peri-urban regions typify conflict ally to cope with the serious im- lative, institutional and policy
going “next door”. If he delayed demand for basic local services. zones as cities and towns expand pending challenges. Samaita and mechanisms to protect the poor
coming back the team could The new entrants also bring new into communal areas without his league find themselves in a and vulnerable rural communi-
just continue with the meetings social values as well as shifts in clear land rights or coping mech- corner that is difficult to escape ties during acquisition of com-
and do the best they could, then local power balances, often associ- anisms in dealing with emergent from. This all is further compli- munal lands by municipalities
brief him upon his return. He ated with the erosion of tradition- conflicts. cated by the lack, or absence of and councils;
just then disappeared, with his al constituencies of village heads. The disappearance of agricul- systematic planning by govern- c) Developing educational and
US$10 in his pocket to pay for The new urbanites can easily drill tural land as a primary livelihood ment and council authorities. public awareness campaigns on
some “breathing space” at the their own borehole at their own source, against the background of Meaning to a very large extent Constitutional rights and policy
local business centre. But after premises and donate water to the expanding human needs in com- the peri urban area is shaped by privileges in the context of the
a short two hours of revelry, Sa- whole community. When this hap- munal areas sparks off an eco- ad-hoc reactions to emerging cri- encroaching urbanisation, tar-
maita had to rush back home as a pens they suddenly have a social nomic and also social livelihood ses. With the perspective on the geting in particular, councils,
dark ominous cloud showing im- power base that even competes crisis, resulting in intensive land life experience of Sabhuku Sa- traditional leaders, and rural
minent rains had covered the sky. with the village head. Sudden- utilisation of limited spaces, and maita and his poor village, it be- communities;
The freak storm brought great ly there is intense local competi- environmental degradation. With- comes important to address im- d) Prioritising regularising ex-
damage to homes in its wake and tion among all locals to “build up in a short space of time commu- peratives of “economic justice” isting land holdings in peri urban
many had to flee elsewhere for to standard”. Prospects of quick nal residents, particularly wom- which the Zimbabwe Coalition on and communal areas for conver-
safety. As the freak storm relent- money, fuelled in part by relent- en, will be scrounging for money Debt and Development (Zimcodd) sion into urban residential plots.
lessly pounded earth, all Samaita less poverty, become very real to pay for basic necessities such defines as “a set of moral princi- Where land had been taken away
could do as he struggled to reach through illegal land sales. Soon- as food, shelter, health and educa- ples for building economic insti- by Councils, compensation has to
home was cover his head with his er rather than later the whole tion. In summary, the general ex- tutions, the ultimate goal of is to be considered;
arms for protection. Rains often village is transformed with the perience points to; avail an opportunity for each per- e) Developing properly planned
bring blessings. But sometimes erection of new urban dwellings, i. Rapid increases in local pop- son to create sufficient material peri-urban regions as these lay
great damage. Meaning more cas- boreholes, and electricity connec- ulation foundation upon which to have a the essential basis for well ser-
es for Sabhuku to deal with. As it tions. More often than not, exclud- ii. Spike in population demand dignified and creative life.” (www. viced urban, industrial, agricul-
lies within the perimeters of the ing the village head’s own person- for roads, health, education and tural, commercial and housing in-
expanding Harare city, Samaita al dwellings. He remains impover- other services frastructure in the future
village faces challenges typical to ished. iii. High population mobility Transitional solutions
many peri-urban regions around as people continually migrate be- A ‘transitional council’ of local l Masimba Manyanya is a
the country. Challenges of change tween urban and rural during the chiefs, headmen and village head- Policy Analyst.
In a pre-urbanisation era, ru- transitory phases, which particu- men who regularly interact in ad-
The village headman ral communities earn their live- larly complicates local service de- visory capacity with the Local Au- *These weekly Insights arti-
The village headman remains lihoods tilling the land for maize, livery thority is one proposal to address cles are coordinated by Lovemore
an intrinsic aspect of Zimbabwe’s as well as livestock production. iv. Intense competition and con- peri-urban land conflicts. Tran- Kadenge, an independent consult-
rural and cultural life. A village When urbanisation inevitably flict for land between “invaders”, sitional here applies to the grad- ant, past president of the Zimba-
head in Zimbabwe really sym- “arrives” villages wake up sud- (also represented by advancing uation from rural to urban. This bwe Economics Society (ZES) and
bolizes respected, revered leader- denly to the realisation that the municipality interests on the oth- suggestion is reinforced by con- past president of the Chartered
ship, whose activities are shaped farming and grazing lands are er hand and retreating rural pop- stitutional responsibilities of lo- Governance & Accountancy Insti-
by close genetic and social con- no longer theirs, and that it was ulations on the other) cal authorities in terms of build- tute in Zimbabwe (CGI Zimbabwe)
nections. The village head is gen- going to be sold to prospective v. The flourishing of illegal land ing local knowledge, and the con- . Email –
erally responsible for ceremoni- private homeowners from oth- transactions and other acts of fidence of local communities, and Mobile no. +263 772 382 852
14 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022


C What I learnt from Bishop Tutu: There

OMPARE to what
awaits us, the universe
in which Bishop Des-
mond Tutu operated
was very simple and

is no neutrality in a fight with evil

straightforward. Both oppressors
and the subjects agreed as to what
was right and what constituted
wrongdoing. Therefore, the moral
arch of the universe, though long,
usual tilted towards justice.
When one has the privilege to
meet such a great man, the wis-

Letter from America

est thing to do is to let the old man ished at their lack of competitive- Whenever the natives file com-
speak while the shisya (Hindu for ness. plaints against the company, the
learner) listens attentively. I had a “What would be the point of eat- Chinese tell them that they have
privilege to sit at the feet of Bish- ing all the bananas when my sib- no rights.
op Tutu twice in my life. lings remain hungry. In any case, The Chinese do not provide jobs
The most singular lesson I WITH KENNETH MUFUKA we can share the bunch, so each for the locals.
learned was that in a fight with one of us has something.” They President Pedro Castillo, who
evil, there is no neutrality. But let commissioner “took that under Taking a position against British spoke in unison. came to power with the support of
me start with the memorable sto- advice” and returned a reply. “Af- Prime Minister Tony Blair dur- The threat from China the rural communities and tribes-
ries of his life. Tutu had just been ter some consideration the com- ing the Iraq war and suggesting Tutu’s opponents were large- men is alleged to have signed se-
appointed Bishop of Johannes- mission has ruled against your that Blair be tried for genocide ly of European descent and de- cret treaties with the Chinese
burg in the 1980s. He went to reg- application, there being no such was costly for Tutu. He was disin- spite their racism, their Christian whose details are not open to the
ister for a vote. Of course, he was nationality as or tribe called hu- vited by the British Broadcasting background allowed them a com- public.
denied. He asked a simple ques- mans.” Now my group was up in Corporation, which until then had mon moral universe. The issue here is that the world
tion. tears with laughter. Bishop Tutu been on friendly terms with him. The entry of China into Africa in which Tutu lived was very
“How is it that common Jo- remained serious in countenance. Furthermore, his greatest con- changes the equation. It has es- simple. The oppressors and the
hannes Van Tonder there, a white Then he would retort. tribution to humanity was his caped the African sluggards who subjects spoke from a common
truck 28-year-old driver can qual- “That is how ridiculous these philosophy of forgiveness and rule over us that the Chinese have platform. What was wrong was
ify to vote while I, a Bishop of the people were. They missed the Ubuntu. His book, Reconcilia- only one universe; that universe wrong, and right was right. In the
universal Episcopal Church can- whole point I was trying to make. tion: Ubuntuism (1997) empha- begins and ends in China. new world of Chinese domina-
not?” Of course, there was no an- There is only one race. All of us sized what Bantu etymology had No moral arguments will suf- tion, all roads lead to China and
swer. He went further. are humans.” Tutu’s eyes would long emphasized that wrongdoing fice with them. In August 2018, our leaders have been bought.
“In your scheme of things, do protrude out of their sockets as if cannot escape the spiritual forces the Macro Police Region in Peru Lithium is the new gold stand-
you hold Johannes to be wiser to emphasize the point. that supersede the physical world. which polices the Las Bambas ard in the world as the world
than a bishop of the universal Singular lesson By releasing the apartheid crim- Chinese Copper Mining area was moves towards electric cars. Zim-
church?” Of course, there was no The most singular lesson Tutu inals, Tutu was certain that liv- paid US$1.2 billion. The police babwe registers as number two
answer from the commissioner. taught us was that when fighting ing with shame was more severe a “receive logistical support, food, in the availability of this miner-
In another incident, Bishop evil there are no neutral bystand- punishment than any physical in- lodging and legal advice” (Reu- al after the Congo. Having sold out
Tutu went to register at the Na- ers. He illustrated it this way. “If carceration would have done. ters, December 15, 2021). the Marange diamonds to the Chi-
tionalities Registration Commis- you are neutral in situations of This philosophy will work Here are the complaints of the nese Anjin Company, we are on
sion. He was asked to what na- injustice, you have chosen the where participants are in some- Peruvians. the verge of repeating the same
tionality he belonged. Now, if I side of the oppressor. If an ele- way ennobled by conscience. They say that this contract with mistake.
remember correctly, there were phant has its foot on the tail of a Tutu often repeated a story of Chinese mining companies and Parliament should demand to
only nine nationalities recog- mouse and you say that you are an English anthropologist who their law enforcement compro- see the terms of these lithium
nised in South Africa at the time. neutral, the mouse will not appre- asked three Tanzanian boys ages mises the sovereignty and im- agreements.
He was ear-marked for one of the ciate your neutrality.” 5 to 7 to run a race. The winner partiality of the law enforcement
Bantu nationalities, Xhosa, Zulu, On the other hand, taking a po- would enjoy a bunch of bananas, agencies.  Ken Mufuka is a Zimba-
Venda and Sotho. sition in favour of justice always The three boys threw their arms Secondly, the Chinese “habits bwean patriot. His books can
He wrote the name “human” costs something. There is no free- across each other’s shoulders and and practices” bypass the natives be found at kenmufukaooks.
under the title nationality. The dom without costs. Usually, the proceeded to the goal post so that and, therefore, the wealth of the com in the wider world and
Boers in South Africa were re- people who oppress others have they arrived at the same time. country disappears into foreign at Innov Bookshops in Zimba-
nowned for their stupidity. The vast resources at their disposal. The anthropologist was aston- countries. bwe.

Community-based rehabilitation post Covid-19 era ment must come up with develop-
ment strategies to strengthen com-
mitments on CBR programmes.
In countries like India, persons
IT is a fact that worldwide, per- of the CBR centres that has been with disabilities still struggle to get

Village Rhapsody
sons living with disabilities have helpful in reaching out to persons assistance, including pensions, dur-
and are still struggling to be part with disabilities through commu- ing the pandemic.
of the communities in which they nity development approaches de- Non-governmental organisations
live. Yes, we are in the 21st century spite limited resources. like World Vision Zimbabwe have
where we would expect people, gov- CBR should make use of local been doing better in the adoption
ernments and communities to em- WITH EVANS MATHANDA available resources including bene- of CBR programmes. Their pro-
brace PWDs but, inasmuch as there ficiaries, the families of PWDs and grammes started in 2002, in areas
are few changes, we are still behind the community. like Chipinge. The adoption of CBR
insofar as accepting these mem- national Development Coopera- The CBR programme was initi- According to the United Nations by World Vision is meant to explore
bers of society. tion Agency (SIDA), CBR was first ated by the World Health Organisa- Convention on the Rights of Per- and cover the areas that are not ful-
Chinua Achebe writes about this introduced in Zimbabwe in 1982 tion (WHO) following the Declara- sons with Disabilities, the com- ly addressed as far as rehabilitation
issue in his book Things Fall Apart when the Zimbabwe Red Cross So- tion of Alma-Ata in 1978 in an ef- prehensive rehabilitation servic- is concerned.
and states how people living with ciety established its first project fort to enhance the quality of life es should focus on health, employ- The programmes that target-
disabilities were ostracised and lit- in Mutoko District, Mashonaland for people with disabilities and ment, education and social servic- ed PWDs focused mainly on chari-
erally condemned as societal mis- East Province. The evaluation was their families to meet their basic es to capacitate PWDs/CWDs. ty and medical issues but turned a
fits. In Igbo-land, there existed the carried out in 9 CBR districts in needs as well as to ensure their in- Therefore, the absence of CBR blind eye on other important factors
“evil forest” where cursed people Zimbabwe. The main aim of the clusion and participation. Since can be detrimental to PWDs and of life that lead to holistic achieve-
and such rejected items were dis- evaluation was to assess the im- 1979, WHO has been advocating other vulnerable groups and ment of quality of life. Among other
carded and abandoned — left to die pact of the programme and its ben- CBR as an integral component of the impact on PWDs can be ex- factors, these include issues such as
or rot. People with disabilities were efits to people with disabilities and healthcare. treme. If we keep hiding behind access to school, community’s nega-
treated as such in Igbo land. They their families. The United Nations Children’s limited resources, CBR will be tive attitudes towards children with
were presumed “cursed”. The government should also con- Fund (UNICEF 2016) estimates that forgotten in Zimbabwe and other disability and integration of these
It took generations to wake up sider CBR as a good strategy that between 5% and 10% of all children developing countries. If there is children in the community.
from this barbaric mindset and to focuses on providing equal oppor- in Africa are children with disabil- totally no government support, In African countries, most CBR
start accepting these unfortunate tunities to persons with disabili- ities where 90% of these children some aid agencies will not step in programmes do not result from the
members of society as human be- ties to ensure that they can partic- do not attend school, making them with financial assistance for such creativity and hard work of the lo-
ings and part and parcel of society. ipate in community life and devel- less likely to engage in other oppor- rehabilitation programmes. cal people themselves but they are
However, we need to do more to opment initiatives. CBR can there- tunities for social participation. There is an urgent need for com- products of foreign aid and interest,
eradicate segregation, abuse and fore enhance the quality of life for The process of rehabilitation munity-based or home-based reha- with the input of foreign policies
exclusion of PWDs. We still need to PWDs. must involve the grassroots to pro- bilitation programmes during and and monetary aid.
improve in areas that these mem- The Covid-19 pandemic has mote participatory development post Covid-19 era. The most effec- Most CBR programmes are large-
bers of society require special at- shown the need to strengthen reha- and inclusiveness. CBR processes tive way to provide services is to ly financed by donor agencies and
tention because of their various bilitation centres to assist vulnera- should take place in the home, at rehabilitate CBR centres as part of ideas are made to fit donors’ re-
conditions. More still needs to be ble sections of the Zimbabwean so- local clinics or at district hospital the system. Developing countries quirements, aid remains an integra-
done to ensure that they are pro- ciety, especially the elderly and per- level. spend less of their annual budget tion, some argue, meant to exclude
vided with facilities and amenities sons with disabilities. Even though Of course, there are several civ- on health services despite that the Africans.
that allow them to live better than communities have been offering il society organisations implement- Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbat-
they are now. support since the onset of Covid-19, ing CBR programmes across the ed the frailty of healthcare systems  Evans Mathanda is a jour-
With the limitations in Zimba- the pandemic has exposed grave country but a lot should be done across the world. nalist and development prac-
bwe’s health services, community- limitations and several challeng- to create awareness in the commu- The need for rehabilitation cen- titioner who writes in his per-
based rehabilitation (CBR) for peo- es in third world countries where nities and to encourage PWDs to tres has increased and will contin- sonal capacity. For feedback
ple with various disabilities must there are little rehabilitation ser- form self-help groups to advocate ue to rise further due to population email: or
be absolutely essential. vices available for those living in for their needs and rights. growth, global health trends, espe- call 0719770038 and Twitter @
According to the Swedish Inter- poverty. In Zimbabwe, Jairos Jiri is one cially due to Covid-19. The govern- EvansMathanda19
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 15


More or less full-ishness
BY TIM MIDDLETON from George Orwell’s Animal Farm that noted that, “It has been said that there director of the Association of Trust

“Some are more equal than others” is is no fool like an old fool, except a young Schools [ATS]. The views expressed in
ANY a time we will have felt that equally confusing and naturally but to- fool. But the young fool has first to grow this article, however, are solely those
Maths is an extremely confusing tally wrong. The Maths does not add up. up to be an old fool to realise what a damn of the author in his private capacity
subject; indeed, it will probably Very often in life, less is more and the last fool he was when he was a young fool.” and do not necessarily represent the
have made a fool of us all at some are first. So let the last word be the same Let us help children be full of this, nei- views of the ATS.
stage in our lives. Yet it is fair and as the first. Harold MacMillan, a British ther more or less. email:
accurate to say that English is an equally confus- Prime Minister, ruefully (not ruelessly)  Tim Middleton is the executive website: www.atschisz
ing subject and makes a fool of us as well. Let us
consider some of these now.
If we were to be asked what the opposite of
“less” is, we would no doubt say it is “more”; that
sounds sensible, does it not? Yet, there are very
few examples where words ending in the suffix
“less” have as their opposite a word ending in the
suffix “more”. Indeed there are very few words
that end in “more” — evermore, furthermore, an-
ymore are the few but surprisingly their opposite
is not everless, furtherless, anyless.
We may be encouraged and relieved, however,
to realise with a renewed hope in language that
some words ending in the suffix “less” do have as
their opposite words ending with a related suffix,
that being “ful”. There is some sanity, after all! So
we find that “faithless” has as its opposite “faith-
ful”, “useless” has as its opposite “useful”, “help- BY- ELECTIONS NOTICE: 2022
less” has as its opposite “helpful”, in the same way
that all these words are (more or less) equal with INVITATION FOR APPLICATIONS TO OBSERVE 28 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY
their opposites — lawless (lawful), hopeless (hope-
ful), fearless (fearful), painless (painful), harmless
(harmful), fruitless (fruitful).
Some order would appear to have been restored, The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) hereby invites applications from
thankfully (or thanklessly). However, it is a sad
fact to note that the reverse process does not work,
observers and the media for accreditation to observe by-elections in respect of 28
that the opposite of words ending in “ful” do not National Assembly Constituencies as indicated in Proclamation No.1 of 2022 and 117
always end in “less”. We speak of something be-
ing “peaceful” but do not use the word “peace-
Local Authority Wards to be held on 26 March 2022.
less”; we speak of “truthful” but not “truthless”
(just “toothless”, which perhaps could be inad- All applications must be received at ZEC Head Office no later than 22 March
vertently taken to be the same — though we do not
use the word “toothful” — or “toothmore”…) We
describe something as “awful” but not “aweless”
(only “awesome”, just to complicate this even fur- The accreditation of successful applicants shall be conducted between 8 am and 5
ther); we employ the word “beautiful” but never pm at venues to be advised commencing 18 January 2022.
the word “beautiless”; there is “woeful” (a fitting
word to describe this article, perhaps) but never
“woeless” (only “Whoa! Less of that!”). ACCREDITATION FEES
Where then does that leave us? Perhaps we are
simply left thinking, as the saying goes, that the
 Local observers – US$10 or ZWL equivalent at prevailing Bank rate
less said the better — or should that be, the more  Observers from the continent of Africa - US$20
said the better? However sometimes the less said
does not mean more or full. The opposite of “time-  Observers from foreign Embassies in Zimbabwe - US$50
less” is not found in “timeful” or “timemore”;
similarly, the opposite of “limitless” is not “limit-  Observers from any country outside Africa - US$100
more” or “limitful”; we will not find “pointmore”
 Zimbabwean media practitioners accredited with the Zimbabwe Media
or “pointful” but we do have “pointless”; we may
have “reckless” but we do not have “reckmore” Commission and working in Zimbabwe for foreign media houses - US$50
or reckful”; we use the word “ruthless” but nev-
er “ruthmore” or “ruthful”, “senseless” but not
 Zimbabwean local media practitioners accredited with the Zimbabwe Media
“sensemore” or “senseful”, “heartless” but not Commission – US$10 or ZWL equivalent at prevailing Bank rate
“heartmore” or “heartful”. Why not? Maybe we
can start using them!
It would seem therefore that this whole exercise For further information please contact ZEC on +263-4-759130/774095/770340;, Fax
can only be described as being senseless, point-
less, hopeless, useless, reckless — at least we do +263-4-781903/770660
have the right words to describe it! Indeed, we are
probably left breathless right now (even if we will
never be breathful or breathmore). We might go
further and declare it all as being awful, frightful,
dreadful (not dreadless, or even dreadlocks).
So there we have it: we are more or less back at
the beginning. And what have we learned from
all this linguistic lessons? Probably not a lot, oth-
er than that these suffixes are suffocating! Do we
want more of this? No, once again, we need less,
not more! The opposite of less is rarely more, but
is sometimes full. We must not let our faith fool us
with all this but rather be faithful, and trust that
we will eventually know the right word to use. The
fact is, opposites do not seem to attract!
It does all have a deeper lesson perhaps (which
is not to say that the opposite of “less-on” is “mor-
on” or “fool on”). We love, as individuals and as
society, to try to rank children and adults as be-
ing more or less than others, rather than seeing
them as more or less the same. The famous line
16 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Solar, wind still lead generating capacity additions
OLAR, wind, and other renew- ulatory Commission (FERC) and the En- Separately, the EIA’s most recent In December, the Solar Energy Industries As-
able energy sources (includ- ergy Information Administration (EIA). “Short-Term Energy Outlook” forecast- sociation (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie said that
ing biomass, geothermal, and The report said that according to the ed that small-scale distributed solar less trade policy uncertainty and supply chain con-
hydropower) added more than FERC’s “Energy Infrastructure Update” than 1 MW in size was on track to grow straints were driving solar price increases across
2,250 MW of new generating ca- (with data through October 31), utility- by about 5,100 MW in 2021. Both figures all market segments. They warned that logistical
pacity each month during 2021. scale renewable facilities at least 1 MW led SUN DAY to conclude that utility- challenges and price increases in the solar supply
That was according to the SUN DAY in size added 18,255 MW of new generat- scale renewables plus distributed solar chain would likely depress deployment over the
Campaign, which based its finding on ing capacity during the first 10 months were adding more than 2,250 MW of new next year, resulting in a 7.4 GW (25%) drop in the
data from both the Federal Energy Reg- of 2021. capacity each month. forecast for 2022 compared to previous forecasts.
The industry trade group’s analysis said that so-
lar projects would continue to face supply chain
challenges in the near term. It added that clean
energy provisions in the Build Back Better Act

INTERNATIONAL RENEWABLE would stimulate solar market growth and avert

the expected slowdown.
Days after the SEIA outlook was released, Sen.


Joe Manchin (D-WV) publicly announced his op-
position to Build Back Better, drawing White
House ire and prompting the United Mine Work-
ers of America, among others, to urge the senator
to reconsider his opposition.
15 - 18 March 2022 | Elephant Hills Hotel | Victoria Falls According to the SUN DAY Campaign’s analy-
sis, during the first 10 months of 2021, solar and
wind added 9,604 MW and 8,580 MW of capacity,
respectively. Including new hydropower (28 MW),
Areas of discussion will be: geothermal (25 MW), and biomass (18 MW), re-
newables provided 83.6% of all new generating ca-
pacity through the end of October. Natural gas ca-
Ÿ COP26 resolutions (Adaptation, Financing & Ÿ Climate Change pacity grew by 3,549 MW and new oil and coal ca-
Mitigation) Ÿ Standards: focus on ISO 50001 pacity increased by 19 MW and 11 MW respective-
Ÿ Internationally bankable PPAs Ÿ Local Government catalysing ly. No new nuclear capacity additions were tallied
Ÿ Financing Models for Clean Energy Renewable Energy upatake in 2021.
Ÿ Rethinking Mobility Ÿ Nuclear Energy Renewable installed generating capacity now
Ÿ Decarbonisation of the Grid stands at 25.47%. That is up from 23.31% a year ago
Ÿ Energy Transition and 18.58% in 2016, SUN DAY said.
It said that growth was “almost entirely attrib-
utable” to a nearly three-fold increase in wind’s
share of installed generating capacity and a 35-
Who should attend fold increase in solar’s share. Wind is now more
than 10.54% of the nation’s generating capacity,
Diplomats Independent Power Producers up from 3.80% in October 2011. Utility-scale solar
Policy Makers Insurance Firms now accounts for 5.21% of total installed capacity,
Solar equipment manufacturers Local Authorities not counting small-scale distributed solar.
During the first 10 months of 2021, solar and
Development Finance Institutions Power Developers
wind have each set new records for capacity ad-
Private Equity Investors Legal Institutions ditions. SUN DAY said. The 9,604 MW of new so-
Commercial Banks Development Bankers lar through October exceeded the 6,516-MW added
Property Developers Utility & regulators during the same time period in 2020, or the 3,758
Consultants Fund Managers MW added in 2019. Likewise, the 8,580 MW of new
Contractors Motor Vehicle Manufacturers wind capacity exceeded the 7,161 MW reported for
Transport Operators Technology Developers 2020, or the 4,721 MW added in 2019.
Academia Regional & International energy bodies According to the EIA’s “Electric Power Month-
ly” report, utility-scale solar and wind generation
during the first 10 months of 2021 rose by 27.9%
and 11.1% respectively compared to the same pe-
riod in 2020. Wind now accounts for 8.64% of US
electrical production while solar — including
small-scale — is providing 4.08%, SUN DAY said.
Solar and wind both are on track to continue
growing through 2024. FERC said that there may
be as much as 170,941 MW of new solar capacity
in the pipeline with 52,692 MW classified as “high
probability additions.” That was offset by around
92 MW of projected retirements.
A year ago, FERC reported 128,001-MW of solar
in the three-year pipeline with 32,784-MW classi-
fied as “high probability.” In addition, new wind
capacity by October 2024 could total 71,929 MW
with 23,180 MW being “high probability” with

The New Frontier... around 150MW of retirements expected.

“High probability” generation capacity addi-
tions for utility-scale solar and wind combined,

Net-Zero Africa
minus anticipated retirements, reflect a project-
ed net increase of 75,630-MW, SUN DAY said in its
analysis. Its figure does not include new distribut-
ed, small-scale solar capacity or additions by hy-
dropower, geothermal, and biomass. By compar-
ison, net growth for natural gas will be around
Accommodation, Payment by Payment from 14,327 MW.
28 Feb 2022 The SUN DAY analysis said that if just FERC’s
Conferencing & 1 March 2022
latest “high probability” projections materialise,
Activities only USD1200 USD1300 by October 2024 renewable energy sources should
account for more than 30% of the nation’s total
available installed generating capacity. Utility-
scale solar and wind would account for 9% and
For sponsorship packages & registration email or call 0773 277 599 or 0713 430 151 11.81% respectively.
— Renewable Energy World
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 17


To the reader of the Bible
Hill. Who would not linger at these ing of the Book. The first change
sacred shrines? Or study in detail is not new. It has often been done,
these monuments of worship? In and obviously it meets the needs
this series of drawings that illus- of modern readers. It is the ar-
trates the religion of Israel, some rangement of the text in para-
pictures have been used more graph form instead of the usual
than once — a most unusual pro- division into verses, with head-

see it, he knows at once whether it cedure in modern book produc- lines to indicate the contents of
is the Egyptians, the Philistines, tion. The repetition is deliberate. the main sections, and sub-head-
the Syrians, or Babylonians who It has been done to emphasize the ings to mark the flow of the sto-
have stepped into the picture. unity and coherence of the 66 dif- ry. Great restraint has been ex-
So much for the foreign na- ferent books that together make ercised to keep the divisions as
BY PROSPER TINGINI tions of the Bible. But what of Is- our Bible, and so show the stream few as possible, and to use for the

rael and Judah, whose complicat- of continuity that runs through headings such words of scripture
HOSE who have as- took place. A simple artistic de- ed fortunes are interlocked in his- the scriptures. By using, for exam- as occur in the text.
sisted in the correc- sign has therefore been devised to tory and so interwoven in the sa- ple, one common picture through- The second change is a later de-
tion and amendment show the date. But the use of this cred narrative that it is difficult out the Bible for the Book of Law, velopment in the direction of the
to some defects of the time-signal, as we may call it, has to separate them. Can anything the general reader gathers at once simplified page. In order that the
older version of the had to be limited to marking the be done to enable the most casu- an impression of the place and reader can more readily distin-
Bible culminating in the outputs centuries rather than the years. al reader to follow easily the des- power of this work in the people’s guish the nature of the material
of the Revised Standard Version Precise dates could have been giv- tinies of these two Kingdoms? life and history. He realises that before him, two different sizes of
Bible had this to say to the read- en from some of the events, but for By using of Jacob’s well for Isra- the Book of the Law about which type are used, without implying
er (Page VIII): You will find a new many others the specific year has el and one of the Gate of Jerusa- the Psalmist sings, and the Proph- and difference in the value of such
line of illustration in this Bible. not yet been determined, through lem for Judah, the separate chap- ets preach, is in effect the Book of material. It is purely a visual aid
Instead of the usual type of sto- scholars have reduced uncertain- ters of their history are plainly Law that is described in Exodus for the convenience of the reader.
ry-picture, there are simple little ty to the difference of a few years. displayed. and discussed by Paul in his Epis- The position becomes clear
drawings that look more like up- There is, however, little doubt But more is needed if the his- tles. Later, if the reader wishes, he when we realise how mixed and
to-date visual aids than illustra- about the century to which the tory is to become alive. More win- can with the scholars go more ful- varied the material to be found
tions. That is indeed what they great events belong. So we have dows must be put into the pages of ly into the matter, but for time be- in the Bible is. Every kind of lit-
are; and they have been fitted into kept to these broad spans of time. letterpress. As one reads, the con- ing this general idea will serve his erature is there. But whereas in a
the text just at the place where For, although it is often impossi- tour and character of the country purpose. By a similar repetition modern library, history is in one
help is needed. ble to give the exact date, there is, must be as clear to the eye as an of pictures the Fall of Jerusalem section, law in another, philoso-
There are, for example, many we feel, some advantage in having open landscape. So little sketches recorded in the historical books is phy in a third, and all the official
little route-maps. The Bible is a at least an indication of the pe- have been inserted of the moun- directly linked with the writings documents of church and state
great Travel Book, and where so riod about which one is reading; tains and deserts, valleys and of the Prophets. There are other are separated from them, in the
many journeys are made a map and this applies particularly to hills that mould the features of instances of the same kind. books of the Bible all these forms
is essential. But a general map is parts of the Old Testament, where the land of this Book. And there Many pictures included in this of different literature are inex-
often more difficult to read than the material does not always run are, what might be called, snap- work need no explanation and tricably woven together. It is this
a page of type. What is wanted in historical sequence. shot drawings of the interesting carry no caption. So close is the that makes the reading of scrip-
for easy reference is a simplified When the scene is set in time things to be found there, wheth- connection between the drawings ture so difficult. Surely some-
map, or many such maps, each and place, interest is naturally fo- er by the wayside or in the city and the texts that the line of letter thing can be done, and should
showing only the places men- cused on the people who appear in street. It may be a bird or a flow- press beneath them, or in the ad- be done, to indicate the different
tioned in the text, and if possi- the story. What a strangely mixed er, a beast of burden or a flock of joining column, will suffice to de- types of material without lessen-
ble also the route taken by the company! They come in from all sheep, and perhaps a travelling scribe them. ing in any way the value of any
person concerned. To know the sides, people of many nations, minstrel or a night watchman. A word about the letter press of them.
distance between the different who come and go and keep reap- Here and there are objects of and its layout is essential. The
places would be an advantage. In pearing until the mind is bewil- more passing interest. They have text is that of the Revised Stand-  Prosper Tingini is the
some cases it adds to the point of dered by their variety and move- a mission and a message for all ard Version. It is the plain text, Scribe of the Children of God
the story. So, along with the maps, ments. Who are they? How can mankind and all for close-up pic- without note or comment, and it Missionary Assembly - God’s
drawings of milestones have been they be distinguished? By giving tures on a large scale. Such are is complete. Two changes have messengers. Contact details:
inserted to give this information. each nation an appropriate sym- the early altars of these people been made in the layout of its pag- Mobile & Whatsapp – 0771 260
It is no less important when the bol — a sort of badge or identity of God, the Tabernacle in the wil- es, both with the hope that they 195. Email address: ptingini@
events about which one is reading flash — so that, when the reader derness and the Temple on Zion’s will contribute to the easier read-

How to accomplish the impossible

divineinsight failing to come together.
When you look at the bees, they
have an ability to communicate in
be synched. No wonder bees can
build such amazing structures
because their connection is com-
tion is because that self-aspect is
no longer in existence. Men at Ba-
bel became selfish and more self-
a language man cannot compre- plex. driven and because of this they
BY HUMPHREY MTANDWA hend. Scientists believe in what In marriage couples can restore lost an ability that could have
they term the “hive mind talk”, that hive connection that was lost pushed them to accomplish great-
GOD has deposited in man God acknowledged that these which refers to the ability of a at Babel. Couples can grow to a er things. At Babel God said noth-
tools that if he can only use, he people, because they spoke one bee to communicate its thoughts point that they share thoughts ing will be impossible for these
would accomplish anything. In language, they had the poten- to others through the mind with- and emotions. Some couples can people because of their unity. Im-
the book of Genesis, God came tial to do the impossible. When out using audible language but know that the other one is not agine if the world had that unity,
down to confound the language God confounded the language, projecting thoughts. So, the theo- well even if they are hundreds how much we would accomplish.
of the builders at Babel because he did more than we may no- ry is expanded when they say just of miles away. What creates that Love, not selfishness is that key
he noticed the success of com- tice with the natural eye. In our a single thought can be communi- bond is love. that unites. Happy New Year
mon purpose. In our time there time, man can translate lan- cated from one bee to all the other This tool was lost at Babel but it
are buildings that are taller guages and its easier to com- bees in the hive. Meaning what’s seems it can be activated through  Humphrey Mtandwa is an
than the height the builders at municate but even with all that, on one’s bee’s mind can be shared love. I have seen people working anointed minister of the gospel
Babel had reached and even as man don’t have the same uni- with all the bees within the hive. together on one project and be- and teacher of the Word based
man we have flown to space yet ty as the men at Babel. It seems Have you noticed that a friend- cause of the love they have for in South Africa. He has written
still at that height, we have not Babel did not corrupt just the ship can grow to a point that that, they develop that hive con- several books including The
reached heaven or God’s dwell- words man use for communica- the friends can think the same nection. Enoch Generation, Truthful-
ing. It was not just a tower but tion, but it uprooted something thoughts and have the same plans In a hive each bee’s focus is on ness and Theophany. He blogs
a portal they were making. This else that caused man to come at the same moment? At Babel, the hive and not on itself as an in- at and
was not just about the height together. I have seen man who men lost that deep connection dividual. The reason why some can be contacted via e-mail or
the tower would reach. speak the same language but that allowed their thoughts to marriages have this hive connec- WhatsApp on +27 610286350.
18 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

A A new year, a new beginning

S we reflect on the
year 2021, there is a
strong temptation to
focus on the losses
and pain associated
with Covid-19, other challenges
— physical, emotional, relation-
al, lives, financial and missed
opportunities. This can easi-

ly bring a sense of hopelessness ready blessed you with all spirit- You then want to see if your vi-
and even fear as we now move ual blessings in heavenly places sion or purpose is still relevant
into 2022. (Ephesians 1:3). You can’t ask Him as you proceed to the New Year.
There is a temptation from to heal you because by His stripes Everything has to be driven by
those of us who do not know the you were healed. your future self. How do you see
nature and character of God to God has already provided eve- yourself by end of 2022? What
blame Him for all these mishaps.
WITH DR DOUG MAMVURA rything that you need in order is the key vision that will drive
God is not an author of those mis- to live a victorious life hence the you? What are the key goals you
haps. It is the devil that is the au- of 2022? What accomplishments That vision then requires a con- Bible says “His divine power has intend achieving in various as-
thor of all your problems. Howev- or goals have you set for your- crete plan to accomplish it. given us all things that pertain pects of your life, financial, fam-
er, God is able to make all these self ? This is what you then need to to life and godliness through the ily, health, spiritual, academic,
things work together for good in Your future self isn’t you. Your commit to the Lord. It is very im- knowledge of Him”. (2 Peter 1:3). career etc?
2022, as long as we love Him and future self should be evolved and portant for you to realise that as All you need is faith to appropri- What daily, weekly and month-
are called according to His pur- different from your current self. a believer your foundation has to ate what God has already given ly routines do you need to follow
poses. To stay the same, although it is be Christ. He has to be at the cen- you. if you are to accomplish your
If you are to have a successful expected and even culturally cel- tre of these plans. Proverbs 16:3 Stop asking for what He has al- goals?
2022, it is very important to al- ebrated, means you’re not learn- clearly states that if we commit ready given you. What you lack My challenge is to stretch your
low God to direct your footsteps ing, advancing, and changing. our work to the Lord, our plans is either knowledge. When you imagination. Forget about the
“Trust in the Lord with all your Instead, you’re stuck in a story, will succeed. therefore fast, you are aligning economic climate or inflation as a
heart and lean not on your un- avoiding new experiences, and I know most people are cur- your mind to the spiritual man. believer as you plan. God will sup-
derstanding, in all your ways limiting your potential. Refuse to rently fasting during this month You want the flesh to subject it- ply all your needs not according
submit to Him and He will make be like that in 2022. of January so that God moves on self to the spirit so you are able to to the economy of Zimbabwe, but
your paths straight” (Proverb 3: There’s another reason why their behalf. Fasting is very good hear God who is Spirit. You want according to His riches in glory
5-6). viewing your future self as a dif- provided it is not being done just to make sure that your spiritual through Jesus Christ. You should
A new year gives us an oppor- ferent person from your current as a tradition or because one is acumen is sharp and you are sen- attempt something so big that
tunity to redefine our vision and self is essential for making big just being religious. sitive to the Spirit of God. Your without God it is bound to fail.
purpose. We need to stretch our changes in your life, otherwise Please note that you don’t flesh can’t comprehend the things Dream big as you enter into
minds and heighten our stand- your 2022 will just be identical to move God by fasting. God is not of God. 2022. Remember you have been
ards. So why settle for mediocri- 2021, if not worse. stuck. It’s you and I who need to Fasting for success without a blessed with all spiritual bless-
ty? Without viewing yourself in an renew our minds. When we fast, plan is waste of time. You have ings in heavenly places and you
The New Year gives you anoth- imagined and different way, it’s we are the ones that change and to have something that you are are seated with Christ far above
er opportunity to redefine your- actually not possible to engage we are the beneficiaries of the expecting God to give you vic- inflation, fuel shortages, cash
self or reimagine yourself. Most in “deliberate practice.” Your be- fast. Our fasting doesn’t change tory for. Make sure it is in line shortages or whatever excuse
people underestimate the power haviour has to be deliberate. You God for the scriptures say in with the Word of God. Do you you may want to have. I know
of imagination. There is no limit have to leave the junk and bag- Malachi 3:6 “I am the Lord, I have a scripture you are basing some of you may not agree with
to what one can imagine. We see gage you had in 2021. Be inten- change not”. your prayer request on? Prayer me but please don’t wake me up
the power of imagination in Gen- tional. There are certain friends Secondly, unless you have a and fasting is not just abstinence because I believe the people who
esis 11:6, in the story of the Tower you have to get rid of, if you are clear plan of what you want to from food. Prayer and fasting, know their God shall do exploits
of Babel, God Himself said “Be- to accomplish your goals in 2022. do in 2022, you can go on a 40-day includes regular intervals of and the Bible doesn’t give any
hold, the people is one, and they The Bible says bad company cor- fast, but nothing will change in prayer, study and meditation of conditions.
have all one language and now rupts good character. your life. At times we waste a lot the Word. Whatsoever is born of God
nothing will be restrained from There are certain habits you of time praying and begging God Having mentioned about the overcomes the world (1 John 5:4).
them, which they have imagined have to get rid of if you are to for the things that He has already importance of planning, as you You are an overcomer not a vic-
to do”. succeed in 2022. You have to have given us. It’s because we are igno- move to 2022, it is important tim.
Paul says in Ephesians 3:20 a goal and your focus should be rant and stuck in tradition and re- to review your past year. What Happy New Year.
that God is able to do exceedingly targeted directly at that goal. The ligion. worked? What didn’t work? What
abundantly above that which we practice is purposeful and meas- For example, you can’t ask God were the key highlights of the  Dr Doug Mamvura is a grad-
can think or imagine”. My ques- ured, not random and based mere- to prosper you because for your previous year? What were your uate of Charis Bible School.
tion to you is — have you spend ly on a “love of the process”. You sake though He was rich, He be- major failures or challenges last Feedback: drdoug@corporat-
time imagining yourself in 2022 need something to be working to- came poor (2 Corinthians 8:9). year? What are the lessons you or Twitter @
and beyond? What kind of a per- ward. You need a vision that gives You can’t ask Him to bless have learnt from those experienc- dougmamvura
son do you want to be by the end meaning and purpose to your life. you in 2022 because “He has al- es?

Our souls don’t need saving

IN winter of the year 5760 - 2000 created her, You fashioned her, cance of her journey.)
the beginning of a new millen-
nium in the Christian calendar
— certain Evangelical Christian
hebrewscriptures You breathed her into me.”
These words had a profound
effect on the spiritual journey
The journey of a convert to Ju-
daism can remind us that we, as a
people, have a unique and sacred
groups had been engaging in ag- of an African-American Chris- heritage. If we rededicate our-
gressive missionary activities tian minister who eventually selves to the preservation and re-
which had been targeted at Jews.
WITH YOSEF B S HAKOHEN converted to Judaism. The for- newal of this heritage, we will
One of them was the largest mer minister is Ahuvah Gray, be able to convey an ancient and
Protestant denomination in the Eden, and since the soul is in- am’s sin, all of mankind has be- who now lives in Bayit Vegan, universal message to all peoples
United States — the Southern herently sinful, it can only be re- come ‘sinful,’ that the human a haredi (traditional Orthodox) — not through proselytizing, but
Baptist Convention. Three years deemed through accepting the being has lost the ability to be neighborhood in Jerusalem. Be- through the power of our ethi-
ago, they issued a resolution call- belief that Jesus is both God and good and is compelled to go on fore becoming a Jew, she was cal and spiritual example: “I call
ing on Christians to proselyt- the messiah. Judaism teaches, sinning, and that the human be- struggling with a number of upon heaven and earth to testi-
ize among Jews, and they estab- however, that although the hu- ing’s return to God and the res- spiritual issues. One issue was fy that whether one is an Israel-
lished a well-funded programme man being descended to a lower toration of Paradise on earth the Christian doctrine of “orig- ite or a Gentile, man or woman,
which sends missionaries to spiritual level after the sin in the require something other than inal sin.” a bondsman or a bondswoman —
Jewish communities all over the Garden, the soul remains inher- a revival of devotion to duty — She began to read books on according to the deeds that one
world. In that year, in honour of ently pure. an effort within the capacity of Judaism, and one day, she came does, so does the Holy Spirit rest
the “millennium,” they have in- This ancient teaching is elabo- every human being — these are across the words of the above upon a person.”
creased their efforts to convert rated on in the biblical commen- notions against which Judaism daily prayer words which filled
the Jews. tary of Rabbi Samson Raphael must offer its most categorical her with an inner peace. She  Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen
It is, therefore, relevant for us Hirsch, a noted sage of the 19th protest. The human being needs found in these words the confir- is the author of “The Universal
to remind ourselves of the sa- century: no intermediary, dead or res- mation of her own spiritual in- Jew - Letters to My Progressive
cred principles that Jews have “To this day every human child urrected, in order to return to stincts concerning the inner pu- Father” published by Feldheim
lived for and died for, and there is springs forth from the hand of God.” rity of every human soul, and she Publishers. He is also the coordi-
one particular principle that can God in the same state of purity Rabbi Hirsch reminds us that felt herself drawn to the Jewish nator of a study-program called
serve as a good starting point for as did Adam; every child comes this teaching is expressed in the teaching that each human being “Hazon - Our Universal Vision.”
study and discussion — the pu- into the world as pure as an an- opening words of a prayer that can come close to God through Hazon explores the universal vi-
rity and dignity of the human gel. This is one of the basic con- Jews chant each morning — a study, prayer, refining one’s char- sion of the Torah for Jews, hu-
soul. cepts in the essence of Judaism prayer which was composed sev- acter traits, and good deeds. (She manity, and all creation.
According to the Christian and Jewish living.” eral centuries before the begin- has written a book about her life The web site address is: www.
doctrine of “original sin,” the (Commentary to Genesis 3:19) ning of Christianity: which will be published by Tar-
human soul became innately sin- Rabbi Hirsch adds: “As for the “My God, the soul that You gum Press, and she also speaks to zon/
ful after the sin in the Garden of doctrine that, because of Ad- placed within me is pure. You Jewish groups about the signifi-
rabbit market
set for growth

The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Assets requirement headache for insurers

By Melody Chikono scribed asset status by the Minis-

ter of Finance and Economic De-
HE life assurance sec- velopment .
tor is battling to com- Prescribed asset investments
ply with the minimum are an important resource mobili-
prescribed asset re- sation tool for funding long term
quirement with life as- government projects of national
surance companies and reassur- interests to foster socio-econom-
ance companies failing to meet ic development towards a middle-
their regulatory requirements in income economy and the attain-
the third quarter of the year 2021. ment of Vision 2030,” the commis-
The Insurance and Pensions sion said.
Commission (IPEC) announced Statutory Instrument 206 of
mid last year the commencement 2019 requires all life re-assurers to
of the development of a new pre- have a minimum of 15% of their
scribed assets framework that assets invested in prescribed as-
will ensure that institutional in- set securities.
vestors’ funds are hedged against For life assurers, total invest-
inflationary pressures. ments in prescribed assets by
Prescribed assets are bonds or the life assurance sector amount-
securities issued by the govern- ed to ZW$1.83 billion translating
ment, Local Government, quasi- to a compliance level of 2.84%
government organisations or any while for the nine months to 30
other bond that may be accorded September 2021, the total invest-
the prescribed asset status. Dur- ments in prescribed assets by the
ing the period under review all life re-assurance sector amount-
life assurance sector players re- ed to ZW$45.5 million translating
ported prescribed asset ratios to an average compliance level of
that were below the minimum re- 3.90%.
quired threshold of 15% while All things being equal, pre-
only one out of four life re-assur- scribed assets, such as stocks,
ers was compliant with the mini- bonds and other types of Govern-
mum prescribed asset threshold. ment paper should be generating
In its Q3 life report Ipec said significant returns.
prescribed assets investments However, inflationary pres-
were an important resource mo- IPEC commissioner Grace Muradzikwa sures have affected the level of re-
bilisation tool for funding infra- turns investors can generate from
structure development and oth- try players to continuously carry for possible conferment of pre- ers are encouraged to develop pre- such assets as prescribed assets
er projects of national interests out compliance self-assessments, scribed asset status by the Minis- scribed asset compliance plans are mostly fixed interest assets.
to foster socio-economic develop- developing compliance road- ter of Finance and Economic De- in line with SI 206 of 2019 and Over the years it has become dif-
ment. maps in cases of noncompliance velopment. come up with viable projects for ficult to reconcile a fixed interest
The regulator called on indus- and come up with viable projects “Non-compliant life re-assur- the possible conferment of pre- instrument amid high inflation.

Tariff hikes reflect erosion of Zim dollar, raise inflation fears

BY FIDELITY MHLANGA hikes on utilities which he said “To me, there’s economic sense tor for instance, which requires irrigate their crops and plan their
would stock inflationary pres- by Zesa to upwardly adjust the about 18 hours of uninterrupted costs in advance, and an ambush
TARIFF hikes on electricity and sures on the economy. electricity tariffs by such a mar- power supply and electricity is tariff hike such as this comes as
toll gates among others have piled “The hikes will increase the gin. There’s a insignificant nega- also a major cost driver to them; a huge threat to agricultural pro-
more misery on consumers who cost of doing business and cost tive effect to be conjured up by this a power tariff hike of such sig- duction,” Machadu said.
are already battered by the tough of living and this will ultimately adjustment to business consider- nificant increase will definitely Economist Victor Bhoroma said
economic environment and ex- result in an increase in inflation; ing that their pricing models are take a toll on the cost of produc- while Zesa  tariff hikes would in-
pose the vulnerability of the local and for this year there is going to perfectly elastic to exchange rate tion and those increased costs will evitably lead to marginally in-
currency. be sustained pressure on the infla- movements while electricity tar- be passed along the upper value creased cost of business conse-
The Zimbabwe Electricity Sup- tionary front,” Chitambara said. iffs have been highly inelastic.” chains, right up to the final con- quently resulting in the upsurge 
ply Authority (Zesa), increased “We are expecting the price of He hoped the power increase sumer who will bear the brunt of in  cost of living ,low tariffs usu-
tariffs by 12.3%. fuel to increase like it was doing would lead to consistent power such a hike. ally attracted power cuts.
The new charges will see do- last year. Of course, the improve- supply. “So this power tariff hike might “However, the increase has to
mestic consumers on pre-paid me- ment in the global economy puts “While there’s economic ration- somehow choke domestic demand be assessed with objectivity. Zesa
ters forking out $1 265.11 to buy pressure on commodity pricing, ale in this move by Zesa, it should as well as the competitiveness of tariffs have to be cost reflective so
200 units per month. especially the price of fuel. We are however ensure that they restore our products on foreign markets, that the utility can import power
Consumers on post-paid meters likely to see continued pressure a sustainable supply of electricity, which too might affect exports since we have a generation defi-
will pay similar charges plus an on the inflationary front. As long especially noting that the greater revenue. So this power hike might cit locally (Average 300W in im-
additional $35.68 monthly fixed as inflation is high, it makes the part of 2021 was riddled with pow- reverse the small gains that we ports). A low tariff is also a huge
charge. environment uncompetitive and er outages which hugely affect- were starting to accrue from the cost as power cuts become more
The Zimbabwe National Roads affects investment inflows into ed industry and commerce opera- building-back efforts which start- pronounced, debt to regional pow-
Administration also hiked toll the economy. Investment thrives tions,” he said. ed last year.” er suppliers skyrockets and ser-
gate fees in Zimbabwe dollar in a stable economy.” Economist Clemence Machadu He said the increase in power vice delivery deteriorates. Pro-
terms to align with the exchange Inflation which reached a post said the power tariff hike would tariffs would also erode farmers’ longed power cuts mean going for
rate shifts. dollarisation high of over 830% choke domestic demand as well as earnings. alternative power sources such as
Light vehicles will now pay $220 in July 2020  has been spiralling the competitiveness of products “Also noting that the producer diesel in production and running
up from $165, while minibuses downwards and was at 60,7% in on foreign markets, which too prices for agricultural crops such generators is more costly. As such,
now pay $330 from $245. Haulage December 2021. might affect exports revenue. as maize have already been set for Zesa has to charge a tariff which
trucks now pay $1 100 from $820. Economist Takudzwa Chisango “We have started the New Year 2022, the rise in power tariffs will is sustainable (cost reflective to
Toll fees in other currencies did said the hike was reflective of the with these new threats to the ease definitely shrink the expected bot- pay for coal & power imports) and
not shift. erosion of the domestic currency. of doing business environment in tom-line for farmers, thereby dis- ensure the utility’s survival. This
Labour and Economic Develop- “The hikes are reflective of ero- the productive sectors that rely incentivising them from growing also calls for addressing structur-
ment Research Institute of Zim- sion of value of the domestic cur- on electricity to produce goods,” such crops, and also affect cere- al issues that cost the utility mil-
babwe economist Prosper Chitam- rency on the exchange rate,” Chi- Machadu said. als production. Most commercial lions in indirect expenditure,” he
bara expressed concern over the sango said “Take the manufacturing sec- farmers also require electricity to said.
20 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Bill to unlock tech sector potential
ABUJA— Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari
looks set to hand the country’s vibrant tech ecosystem
‘Zim needs infrastructure overhaul’
an olive branch, following years of fraught relations
with the sector. BY TATIRA ZWINOIRA be quite significant if we are going to We have to move up on that. It is about

In his New Year’s speech to the nation he stated: tackle some of the low hanging fruits in being the best place to do anything and
“In year 2022 and going forward, our administration IMBABWE Institute of Engi- each of these sectors.” that is one of the things we have to aim
would intentionally leverage ICT platforms to create neering (ZIE) president Engi- He said the funds that would be need- for. For me, it is not just about foreign in-
jobs while ensuring that the diversification of our econ- neer Tamsanqa Mpala says his ed for ICT, renewable energy, roads, high- vestors but local investors as well. If the
omy creates more support to other emerging sectors. organisation was carrying out ways, bridges, housing, water and sanita- environment is good for local investors,
“I am proud to announce that several foreign inves- a research on the state of infra- tion would run into the billions. it will also attract foreign investors be-
tors are taking advantage of our ranking as one of the structure in the country and preliminary “When you apportion this amount of cause they take a cue from the companies
leading startup ecosystems in Africa to invest in our investigations showed the country was investment in each of the sectors, you that are already in the economy.
digital economy.” in dire need of infrastructural rehabili- take into account everything including “So, once the companies that are al-
This follows approval by cabinet in December of Ni- tation requiring a lot of money. the materials, consultants that will work ready invested are expressing high lev-
geria’s Startup Bill (NSB). The fruit of a year-long collab- The Treasury reported in the 2022 Na- on the projects and the commissioning of els of confidence and positive sentiment
oration between the government and startup inves- tional Budget that a total of US$8 063 788 it. It could run into billions,” Mpala said. about the business environment, outlook
tors, law firms, entrepreneurs, policy advocacy groups, 836 was required for programmes and “If you really want to get to an upper and prospects then that will also give an
the NSB will set in stone a new relationship between projects under the National Development middle-income economy those are the indication to foreign investors as it were.
Nigeria’s regulators and startups. — Africa Business Strategy 1 document this year. types of figures, in all fairness, that we So, satisfy the investors that are here.
The requirement is higher than the should be looking at.” The second thing, for me, is that we re-
US$4 130 358 599 required for last year The Parliamentary Portfolio Commit- ally need to retire the currency challenge

SA spectrum auction delay which the Zimbabwe government failed

to raise because of poor foreign invest-
ment returns.
tee on Budget and Finance revealed a few
weeks after the 2022 National Budget was
released last November that the amount
that we have.”
The African Development Bank’s
(AfDB) 2019 Zimbabwe Infrastructure re-
NETWORK operator Telkom has approached the coun- ZIE found that infrastructure invest- allocated by the Treasury was below port found that the sustained deteriora-
try’s High Court seeking an urgent order to prevent tel- ments are urgently needed in ICT, re- their submissions. tion in the quality of infrastructure as-
ecoms regulator ICASA from holding a spectrum auc- newable energy, power, roads, highways, As we head into 2022, government min- sets stemmed from inadequate levels of
tion in March. bridges, housing, health, water and san- istries are already underfunded to meet public expenditure on routine and peri-
On January 5, Telkom said it had filed an applica- itation. Existing infrastructure has be- the costs of critical infrastructure pro- odic maintenance of the existing infra-
tion asking the Gauteng High Court to review and set come dilapidated due to many years of jects. structure networks.
aside the invitation to apply, which outlines the auc- neglect. The continued depreciation of the Zim- The bank also noted that despite mul-
tion rules, spectrum bands and licence obligations, “We have done some preliminary in- babwe dollar continues to raise the cost tiple policy reforms aimed at stimulating
published by ICASA in December. vestigations and research and we dis- of infrastructure projects making the sit- the economy, implementation plans had
In court papers seen by Reuters, Telkom called the covered that our infrastructure is in real uation worse. not been clear.
contemplated auction process unlawful, illegal, irra- need of rehabilitation. There is signifi- “We have to improve our ranking on all The deterioration in Zimbabwe’s basic
tional and unreasonable given that the invite is “taint- cant investment that is required to scale indices that are measuring competitive- infrastructure over the past decade has
ed by a number of reviewable errors”. up infrastructure development in the ness in the economy, the things that in- had a serious impact on other productive
These errors include the auctioning of the sub 1 Gi- country,” Mpala told Standardbusiness in vestors look at globally when they com- sectors of the economy and on the level
gahertz (GHz) frequency band when it is not yet avail- an interview. pare countries in looking for the best and quality of services to the public at
able and is the subject of a legal challenge brought by “It is quite significant money that we place to put their investment,” Confeder- large, the bank noted.
e-tv, similar to objections raised by the company last are looking into if we want to look at all ation of Zimbabwe Industries chief exec- Previously, AfDB experts have stated
year. the sectors that require the money. I don’t utive officer Sekai Kuvarika said. that Zimbabwe has an annual capital ex-
—Business Tech have a figure as such but I think it would “It is about the ease of doing business. penditure of at least US$2 billion.

US, Asia stocks slide

STOCKS in Asia and US and European futures extend-
ed a global selloff Thursday as the rout in technology
shares accelerated after the Federal Reserve signaled
interest-rate hikes may be more aggressive than many
had expected. Treasuries held losses. 
Domestic rabbit market set for growth
An MSCI Inc. index of the region’s equities retreat- BY MTHANDAZO NYONI everyone in the rabbit meat value chain countries in southern, eastern and the
ed for the third day in four with a gauge of tech shares to ensure the success of our industry,” Horn of Africa.
among the worst-performing. ZIMBABWE’S domestic market for rab- she said. Raymeg executive director Paida-
The Nasdaq 100 tumbled the most since March bit meat is projected to grow by at least The association has dispatched some of moyo Nyamakanga said the rabbit meat
Wednesday as rising Treasury yields added to concerns 50% this year on the back of a raft of in- its top officials to study the export market distribution hub was set to be opened
over growth and profitability. The S&P 500 retreated as itiatives set to be unveiled by industry for rabbit meat in Africa, Middle East and during the first half of 2022.
traders increased bets US rates will rise at least three players during the course of the year, a Asia region and there were prospects that “We are excited to launch another first
times this year. The yield on the US 10-year note held at top industry official has said. Zimbabwe could be exporting rabbit meat in the rabbit industry in Zimbabwe and
the highest since April. The Zimbabwe Commercial Rabbit before the end of 2022. the Africa region. Our rabbit meat dis-
Overnight swaps markets moved to price in an 80% Breeders Association (Zicorba) secre- “Before this happens, we would like tribution hub naturally complements
chance of a 25 basis-point hike at the Fed’s meeting tary general, Siphosethu Ncube Moyo, to ensure that our production is at the the rabbit abattoir that we launched re-
in March. The dollar was little changed, while the yen told the country’s rabbit farmers that level which can sustain both the local cently. It will have the capacity to han-
climbed. A selloff in Chinese tech companies contin- the domestic market for rabbit meat and the export markets. For us, this is dle at least 50 tonnes of rabbit meat per
ued on concerns firms will pare holdings amid Beijing’s was projected to grow by at least 50 % key and we will soon be engaging with month, which will be distributed to ma-
regulatory crackdown on the sector. The Hang Seng over the next 12 months. our farmers to ensure that this vision is jor centres in Zimbabwe,” she said.
Tech Index fell for a fourth day. “Our estimation is that between 2,5 actualised. We will come up with some Nyamakanga said other smaller rab-
Investors fear tightening monetary policy will choke tonnes and 3,5 tonnes of rabbit meat is incentives for them to produce more,” bit meat distribution centres would be
global growth and crimp company profits just as the being consumed on the local market per Ncube-Moyo said. opened in main regions of the country
omicron Covid variant leads to fresh curbs. month currently, bringing to about 30 Meanwhile, Zicorba said the con- soon to complement the satellite rabbit
— Bloomberg tonnes per year. We expect this figure to struction of Zimbabwe’s first rabbit slaughter houses that are planned for
increase by about 15 tonnes at the end meat distribution hub was nearing com- these centres.
of 2022,” she said in the sector’s latest pletion in Harare’s Waterfalls suburb, “We have a very clear strategy of tak-
newsletter. setting the stage for a sustained growth ing rabbit meat to every household in

Apple hits $3tn market value “While rabbit meat is currently be-
ing sold in major supermarket chains,
eateries, hotels and restaurants, we are
of cuniculture production in the south-
ern African country.
This follows hot on the heels of the
Zimbabwe and of making rabbit pro-
duction one of the mainstays of Zimba-
bwe’s agricultural sector. And this we
working with leading industry players opening in Harare of Zimbabwe’s first will do in the shortest possible time,”
United States technology giant Apple has become to ensure that new innovative ways of rabbit abattoir early this year. The abat- the Raymeg boss said.
the first company to hit a stock market valuation of marketing rabbit meat are introduced toir, which has a capacity to slaughter Nyamakanga revealed that through
$3tn (£2.2tn). on the domestic market in the coming upwards of 3 500 rabbits per eight-hour its sister company, Raymeg was toying
The firm’s share price has risen by around 5,800% 12 months. We are very confident that shift, is one of the biggest in Africa. with the idea of launching game-chang-
since co-founder and former chief executive Steve Jobs our plans will yield positive results, cat- The country’s second rabbit abat- ing initiatives in South Africa, where
unveiled the first iPhone in 2007. apulting rabbit meat into becoming one toir is planned for Bulawayo next year, the rabbit industry has been reeling un-
However, its value slipped a little from that mile- of the leading meat dishes in the coun- which will be followed by the launch of der the weight of the recent collapse of
stone, to end Monday’s trading session in New York at try,” Ncube-Moyo said. satellite abattoirs in major centres in one of the country biggest rabbit abat-
$2.99tn. She revealed that Zicorba had been un- Zimbabwe. toir, which left many producers there in
Apple has been one of the big winners of the pan- dertaking an incisive analysis of costs Rabbit meat producer Raymeg Con- dire straits.
demic, as coronavirus lockdowns saw spending on across the rabbit meat value chain to en- sultants Private Limited (Raymeg), Rabbit farming has significant po-
gadgets jump. sure that the industry was competitive which owns Zimbabwe’s first rabbit tential to generate foreign currency
It took just over 16 months for Apple’s stock market in juxtaposition with other meats such slaughterhouse, is also the sole inves- through exports. It can also improve
valuation to rise from $2tn to $3tn, as the world’s big- as pork, chicken, fish and crocodile. tor in the country’s rabbit meat distri- food security and nutrition in develop-
gest technology companies saw demand soar as peo- “This study is very important for us bution hub, which will be the first such ing countries.
ple became more reliant on smartphones, tablets and to avoid pitfalls that befell some rabbit facility in Africa. Zimbabwe’s rabbit industry has been
laptops during lockdowns. industries elsewhere that collapsed due Raymeg is one of the corporate mem- affected by prohibitive pellet costs and
The company became the first company to hit a to the application of archaic production bers of Zicorba. It has interests in ag- lack of quality and affordable breeds.
stock market valuation of $1tn in August 2018. and marketing approaches which left riculture, real estate, strategic commu- Now, with more farmers venturing
— BBC many farmers deep in the doldrums. We nication, leisure and resorts and ener- into the industry with government sup-
have learnt the importance of involving gy and has operations in a number of port, the sector is set to grow.
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 21


Tile entrepreneur looks to tap into construction boom

IMBABWE’s construction sector has ness as the Diaspora market did not manage to
been growing steadily in the past years travel in their usual numbers back home as the
and Treasury has projected that it will Covid-19 Omicron scare shook the world. The Di-
grow by 17,4% this year. The growth is aspora ordinarily spend much on construction by
set to be propelled by authorities who way of buying building materials for new hous-
are planning to build health and education infra- es and renovations during the festive season. Also
structure across the country supported partly, by traditionally due to rains the construction indus-
funds from the International Monetary Fund Spe- try takes a break from the 5th till around the 19th
cial Drawing Rights allocations. The private sec- of January.
tor and individuals are also expected to drive that
growth. In this interview construction industry FM: What’s your business plan for 2022?
player, Tile Essentials managing director Spencer SM: Our focus is mainly on retaining and grow-
Madziya (SM) speaks to our Business Reporter Fi- ing our domestic markets and consolidate 2021
delity Mhlanga (FM) to give insights on the sector gains. We are expecting huge business at the back
and more. Below are the excerpts. of a boon in construction business being champi-
  oned by government. As you are aware according
FM: Give us the company overview... its to the 2022 budget statement authorities have pro-
scope of operations and target market. jected a 17% growth for the construction sector.
SM: Tile Essentials is a Pvt Ltd company pro- This means that with government, private sec-
viding a range of products in tiling, lighting and tor and individuals expected to spend big on con- Spencer Madziya
materials for domestic and commercial construc- struction, we as suppliers of the sector’s consum-
tion industry. Born out of Tiles For Africa our ables are in for brisk business.
company boasts of a team with 20 years plus expe-
rience in the industry led by myself.

FM: Tell us, to what extent has Covid-19 af-

fect your business operations?
SM: The Covid pandemic adversely affected our
operations. We experienced shorter trading hours
as the mitigatory lockdown measures were ef-
fected. Our supply chain was severely affected as
goods could not meet targeted timelines. Staff was
affected and we lost some workers. We are still
fighting on despite the impact of  the pandemic. It
is a struggle.

FM: What has been the uptake of products

you distribute since you started operating.
SM: The last quarter has seen a steady increase
in the uptake of our products as the market has
begun to ease and Covid restrictions relaxed.

FM: What opportunities are you seeing on PUBLICATION No. of copies 1 Month 3 Months
the Zimbabwean market and do you think
there is still space for local manufacturing of NEWSDAY(Mon-Fri) ZW5,500.00 ZW16,500.00
tiles in the country?
SM: The Zimbabwean construction industry has

taken quite a huge leap and indeed there is room NEWSDAY(Mon-Sat) ZW6,500.00 ZW19,500.00
for our local manufacturer of tiles to sufficient-
ly supply the market, however competition from ZIMBABWE INDEPENDENT ZW2,000.00 ZW 6,500.00
the region is also quite strong, which is healthy, as
suppliers fight for quality and good service. THE STANDARD ZW1,000.00 ZW 3,250.00
FM: Zimbabwe is generally perceived as a
tough operating market. How does it feel to be
an entrepreneur in Zimbabwe?
SM: Being an entrepreneur in Zimbabwe is
no easy walk in the park as we suffer from poli-
cy inconsistencies and lack of confidence in our
banking system. There is a lot of red tape to ac-
cess lines of credit as international and regional
financiers are hesitant to channel money due to SUBSCRIBER DETAILS: DELIVERY ADDRESS:
the currency volatility obtaining in our economy.
This and other factors makes it quite a struggle. Who is the party responsible for payment? Where do you want us to deliver the paper?
It also does have its good side as the government
Name: Name:
through the Small to Medium Enterprise ministry
has been doing its part to assist. Address: Address:

FM: Take us through the general trend of Telephone: Telephone:

your products. Mobile: Mobile:
SM: The general consumption trends of our
products is determined by various factors. We Email: Email:
have seen the emergence of luxurious apartments
commonly referred to as Estates, they have an ap-
petite for the bigger and more stylish tiles mostly
in the northern suburbs. A lot of funds have also
been channelled to low-cost housing for example,
FBC houses in Kuwadzana roundabout. This has To subscribe in the comfort of your home for credible, reliable and exclusive news, follow link:
seen our product that suits those projects having Any questions? Just call our friendly subscription team and they will be more than happy to help move the media to you!
quite a high uptake. The availability of local tiles HARARE:
have also seen a lot of consumers preferring those
Stand No.17382, Corner Bessemer/Strand Roads,Graniteside.
because of lower pricing and those well to do in-
dulging mostly on the imported tiles. There is def- No.1 Kwame Nkrumah Avenue,3rd Block,1st Floor MERCHANT NUMBER
Telephone: (024)755373/4,773930-8 Cell: 0773207437/0737185178
initely a balance in the market.
FM: The construction industry is seen as
one of the fastest growing sectors in the coun-
try. How do you intend to tap into this growth 1st Floor Amtec Building, Cnr 12th Avenue & R.Mugabe Way, Bulawayo
in 2022? Telephone: (029) 883184/9
SM: Zimbabwe’s construction industry is in- Here are the places where you can pay to activate your subscription!
deed one of the fastest growing with the NDS1 pro- NOSTRO Accounts: A member of
gramme initiated by the government having seen
an increase in the uptake of our products in the
market. We intend to tap into the vast buildings Account No: 9140001034765 - FCA Domestic
in the commercial and housing developments na- Account No: 9140001034757 - FCA Export
tionwide. RTGS Accounts:First Capital Bank (Barclays) Account: 2157- 6346662
Stanbic Bank: Account: 9140001182179
FM: How has business been faring this fes-
tive season? This subscription form is valid for 7days. Failure to settle within the specifed period, results in re-invoicing using
SM: This festive season saw a decline in busi- prevailing market rates to be advised by Alpha Media Holdings (Pvt) Ltd
22 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Branding in the age of entrepreneurship and industrialisation (Part 9)

T businessopinion
HE curtains of a daunt- returns here). We have come to isting silos due to functional struc-
ing year, 2021 have slow- this end which is a start of all the tures and organisational seniori-
ly but surely touched the aforementioned in the relay that we ty syndrome. Every member of the
grounds. That 2021 was have been engaged into. Where are organisation is an advocacy or am-
a hard year for Zimba- we then? Let’s take a closer look at bassador and should be given that
bwe and the broader community is WITH DR FARAI CHIGORA these fundamental nodes within space to practise and express them-
an understatement. It was survival our existing broken chains. That is selves. This is not a role for the mar-
of the fittest. The facts are evident brand advocacy and ambassador- keting department only or those in
across our enterprising sectors of perience through such associations and lasting brands. We talk of the ship. These two variants seem to be sales. In branding we are all repre-
both the national and global econ- driven by the brand ambassadors. McDonalds, Ford, KFC and many taken as mere words for concluding sentatives and custodians of what
omy. Of the 12 months of the year, At this point, we should engage more that have lived more than any brand storytelling rather than matters most. It is that high time to
possibly we had half of them under in the brand advocacy and ambassa- the human mind behind the crafts- a practice. Unfortunately, SMEs reconfigure and come up with pro-
lockdown and the usual uncertain- dor’s concept in-depth. [We choose] manship. If we treat our brands the have adopted the same downplaying cesses that consider such an instal-
ty brought forth by executive or- those who think and talk like us, for same in this age and take them not viewpoint (there is a need to think lation where a full force is exerted
ders in the form of statutory instru- us. When they are loyal and we now only for oiling but sustaining exist- new). Our customers and partners on what makes the brand talk to the
ments, which by now have reached have them in our business, they are ence SMEs will win the show. Not will always stand for us in the mar- global village. This is by consider-
300. Simply put, every day we had a at home (both clients and partners). only escalating in the current mar- ket and other spaces where we are ing;
statutory instrument, breaking and We can now have lunch and dine to- kets, but will also create newer ones, not physically present. They car- Brand vision openness
turning predictability into a tail- gether. Such a scenario creates end- withhold and dominate future mar- ry our burden as if it’s theirs. They Most operations are configured as
spin. Thanks to editions from the less lineages and family trees that kets as well forecasted in the pre- will become brand soul mates. They “open for business”. Let’s think be-
home-grown PEOPLE model to the we refer to and most of the times sent. defend our muddled image as creat- yond the boardroom as we construct
specialised branding in the age of emulate for generations. This being said and done, how do ed by those brand terrorists in our our brand vision. It should be open
entrepreneurship, which I believe, Brands should do the same rath- we fix our fractures in this regard? operating ecology. How good will to stakeholders (mainly employees,
have informed and transformed the er than be a once off and done con- Entrepreneurship in this perspec- it be if our enterprise is in such a customers and partners).
landscape into doing real business. cept of marketing by SMEs. When tive of construct should respect that state and defence? There is a need Brand shout capitalisation
Especially for those with a mind- advocacy and ambassadorship is “no man is an island”. We need to to relook at these issues and put in More should be allocated in im-
set geared for achieving vision 2030 considered, the brand should per- start with such a mind-set as we do place systems and structures that proving brands’ shout. Toolkits are
and beyond for our great nation. As petuate a lifetime return that propa- business now (and move to all those encourage our customers to be not enough but a composite of hu-
we gaze into 2022, we do so, knowing gates into fellowships and follower- who matter most). Brands in their our brand advocates and ambassa- man and non-human mechanisms
that it can only be further complex ship, which exudes the same as the competitiveness are also meant to dors (not merely for database rank- in a systemised approach will help.
and pray that our local brands will originator and in the current needs fellowship with others as a first ing and instant benefits). It is high Brand trust
navigate the treacherous waters. of the time. Coca-Cola is that brand stance of existence in the global time we engage with our customers Though not measurable but do-
One of the key areas that require which is still talking the same and market space. You cannot be rated and partners by going to an extent able. We should trust those we deal
marketers and brand managers for even more than in its inception (it as the best when there is no compe- of providing toolkits and any other with in our branding. These are the
the SMEs to master is the concept created its advocates and ambassa- tition. Denial and fear of competi- brand supporters so that they repre- custodians of our name, symbol,
of brand ambassadors and how dors through excellence). For exam- tion should not be part of entrepre- sent our vision as they move around colours and brand ownership. They
their advocacy roles cost-effective- ple, “Always Coca-Cola” making it a neurship in the brand craftsman- in all platforms. This cuts across should feel excited to showcase rath-
ly gear competitiveness. A point of driver and quencher in every hap- ship and positioning. We should be all sectors of the global economy. er than moving by the book. It gives
loyalty is an invitation to real busi- py moment from sports to lifetime happy about this and even create We need to invest in these relation- them a brand sense of ownership
ness sustainability (we need to go events. It is about the brand crafts- our own edge for lasting position- ships where we have time to share and their own creativity and inno-
beyond). That one which goes be- manship that is infused with crea- ing. Yet at the same time those who our experiences with customers vation is selling and showcasing.
yond repeat purchasing as alluded tiveness for longevity that has made have chosen and walked with us as and partners. Sharing brand strat-
to in the previous edition. We need such brands last the stretch and customers and partners should feel egies in various ways, even simple  Dr Farai Chigora is a busi-
self-driven and literally talking re- stand a lifetime of serenity (rath- that dominance when they chose us workshops and focus groups. These nessman and academic. He is
lationships for continued engage- er than an outcome of serendipi- compared to the rest. That pride of do not expose our strategy for com- the Head of Business Science at
ment and scaling up into the zone ty). It is out of a well-planned com- moving with the winners inspires petitiveness but encourage us to the Africa University’s College
of sustainable and above industry mitment for lifetime engagement closeness and transformative en- share the brand vision and practice. of Business, Peace, Leadership
profits. Having our key brand stake- that one which energies and last in gagements with enjoyments. This That is walking the talk with those and Governance. He is into ag-
holders thinking beyond instruc- the minds and living souls of pre- will lure them with confidence into who matter most in our brand life. ribusiness and is a consultant.
tions (for content and ingredients), sent and future generations. Those our brand selling journey as advo- Of course charity begins at home. He writes in his personal capac-
promotions (that are routine) and that have made it have gone far into cates and ambassadors. They will Such that our localised business en- ity and can be contacted for feed-
other luring talks (which become brand inheritance where the found- go beyond the dictionary and mar- vironment should have a common back and business at fariechig-
monotonous as over emphasised re- er has gone but not forgotten. Their keting literature to be part of our share of brand advocacy and ambas-, WhatsApp mo-
peatedly), towards building an ex- lives have remained in those talking brand strategy (more fortunes as sadorship. We should remove all ex- bile: +263772886871.

Drafting non-pathological dispute resolution clauses

lenges to the award. You should se-
lect a seat in a jurisdiction that has
a mature arbitration law that your
lawyer is familiar with; for exam-
ple the UNCITRAL model law. The
country of your chosen seat of ar-

arbitration insights
FORECASTING the nature of fu- panies to maintain flexibility by bitration should preferably be one
ture contractual disputes is diffi- providing for both a single arbitra- that has ratified the New York Con-
cult if not impossible. Attempting tor and a three arbitrator panel and vention on the Recognition and
to figure out which side of the dis- use the value of the dispute as a de- Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
pute you will be when a dispute aris- terminant of the number of arbitra- Awards. A good seat is one whose
es is, frequently, a futile exercise. You WITH JACOB MUTEVEDZI tors required. courts have a proven track record
may not even be able to pinpoint the The appointment of arbitrators of supporting international arbitra-
identity of your future adversary be- can either be the prerogative of the tion. These are the courts that have
cause interests may be ceded, enti- utable arbitral institutions such as contract, delict, statute, regulation, parties or be left to an arbitral insti- supervisory jurisdiction over the
ties may be acquired or merged and, the International Chamber of Com- or otherwise) arising out of, relat- tution. Experience has taught me arbitration. They will deal with ju-
in the case of investor-state agree- merce (ICC) or the Kigali Interna- ing to, or connected with this Agree- that parties usually prefer to retain risdictional challenges, handle ap-
ments, governments may change. As tional Arbitration Centre (KIAC). ment, or the operations carried out control of the appointment process plications for interim measures,
a result, dispute resolution clauses Before you agree to use an arbitral under this Agreement, including but because the choice of arbitrators and any applications to set aside ar-
should be drafted in the simplest and institution’s rules, you must make not limited to any dispute concern- has a considerable impact on the bitral awards.
clearest terms possible. One should sure that your lawyers are familiar ing the existence, validity, interpreta- outcome of their dispute. The dis-
resist the temptation of drafting dis- with the institution, its rules, case tion, performance, breach, or termi- pute resolution clause can achieve Language of arbitration
pute resolution clauses without tak- management skills, quality of arbi- nation of this Agreement.” Parties this by providing that each party While this is imperative, it is not
ing advice from their international tral panels, its default appointment must avoid multiple definitions for will appoint an arbitrator and that ordinarily a critical aspect of the
arbitration lawyers. mechanisms and fee structure. the term “Dispute”. It must only be those two arbitrators will appoint dispute resolution clause. If the
An appropriately drafted dispute defined once to avoid conflicting def- the chair of the tribunal. Where the parties speak different languages,
resolution clause will save parties Wide form clause initions that will cause confusion arbitrators cannot agree on a chair, it is prudent to clarify the language
both money and costs. This article A dispute resolution clause when a dispute arises. the designated institution can act as of the proceedings. For instance
outlines the components that you should be drafted in such a manner the defaulting appointer. If the dis- where your company uses English
should include or consider when that it will encompass all disputes Arbitrator appointment pute resolution clause says noth- but the other party speaks French.
drafting dispute resolution clauses. which may arise. It is inadvisable The outcome of a dispute usual- ing about the appointment process Not choosing a language for the pro-
Rules of arbitration to narrow a clause down to exclude ly relies on the arbitrator or panel the default appointment mecha- ceedings can potentially result in a
In electing the procedural frame- certain kinds of disputes. Such an of arbitrators you appoint. There- nism in the chosen arbitration rules disagreement over the applicable
work of an arbitral process, parties approach is injudicious because it fore, when drafting your dispute will kick in. You must avoid naming language. This could subsequently
have two basic options. They can ei- can result in disputes over the scope resolution clauses there are sever- a specific person as arbitrator be- give rise to a dispute over the pool
ther adopt the arbitration rules of of the clause thus potentially in- al things that you should consid- cause if he or she dies, is incapaci- of arbitrators to choose from. If not
an institution which will administer creasing costs. er. The first issue is the number of tated, or declines to serve as arbitra- properly managed, this issue could
the arbitration for them or employ Broad clauses come in an as- arbitrators. It is obviously foolhar- tor, it is an instant default in the ap- lead to the use of multiple languag-
non-administered rules for an ad sortment of forms depending on dy to appoint more than one arbi- pointment process. es in the pleadings and hearings re-
hoc arbitration. Whichever method the draftsman. The clause can be trator to deal with unsophisticated The seat of arbitration sulting in higher costs.
you settle for, it is invariably prefer- couched in the following simple disputes of low value. Conversely, Choosing the seat of the arbitra-
able to choose modern international terms: “Any dispute arising out of three member arbitral tribunals are tion is one of the key decisions to  Jacob Mutevedzi is a commer-
arbitration rules. It is ill-advised to or relating to . . .”. A dispute can be recommended for complex and high make in the negotiation of a dispute cial lawyer and partner at Clairwood
craft a procedural framework from defined in the following broad lan- value disputes. The more the arbi- resolution clause. The seat of the ar- Chambers Attorneys and writes in his
scratch or use the arbitration law at guage: “Dispute means any dispute, trators, the greater the cost and the bitration normally determines the personal capacity. He can be contact-
the place of arbitration. You should controversy, or claim (of any and longer it will take for them to ren- procedural law of the arbitration, ed at +263775987784 or at jmuteved-
choose rules of established and rep- every kind or type, whether based on der an award. I usually advise com- including enforcement of and chal-
JANUARY 9 to 15 2022

Mane is on a
quest to earn
Senegal’s Afcon


SH24 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022


Struggling Sadio Mane is on a quest

to earn Senegal’s Afcon redemption
YAOUNDÉ — Over two years have everyone except Odion Ighalo’s six goal
passed since the 2019 Africa Cup of contributions for Nigeria at the 2019
Nations final in Cairo, but the wounds tournament.
probably still feel fresh for some mem- Yet it would be misguided to suggest
bers of the Senegal side that lost to Al- the 29-year-old is playing at the same
geria. level as three years back.
The sight of nearly every Lions of Not only did the attacker head to the
Teranga player falling to the turf at the finals in Egypt after a season in which
final whistle underscored the hurt of Liverpool claimed a sixth European Cup
another opportunity missed on a night and narrowly missed out on the Premier
that promised so much. League title but his deadly finishing em-
Indeed, it was meant to be the West phasised his all-round brilliance.
African nation’s time to finally reign su- By contrast, Mane enters Afcon 2021
preme on the continent. But the mood a slightly diminished player whose fi-
soured after 90 minutes. nal-third menace has dipped somewhat
As Algeria celebrated only their sec- in the last 18 months or so. Underlying
ond Afcon crown and a first since 1990, numbers reveal a drop off in the wide
Senegal were left to lick their wounds attacker’s finishing, with the Reds for-
after failing to recover from Baghdad ward scoring fewer goals than expected
Bounedjah’s fortuitous second-minute in the aforementioned period.
strike. While the strike against Chelsea at
The cameras caught a crestfallen Sa- Stamford Bridge in early January end-
dio Mane sat on the turf, despondent ed a nine-game drought in all compe-
at the result and an eventuality Sene- titions, there are doubts about the su-
gal dreaded. Having waited 17 years to perstar’s form before the competition’s
make another final since their 2002 de- commencement.
feat, Egypt 2019 was a real kick in the Owing to the squad’s relative inexpe-
teeth. rience at this level — 17 members of the
An entire nation’s hopes of a fair- group are making their tournament de-
ytale ending were dashed for the sec- Sadio Mane. buts — the onus will be on Mane to ac-
ond time, and the disappointment was complish what is necessary for the Lions
palpable. to winning. The team has been making ruled out with a knee ligament damage nation would trade that for an Afcon ti- of Teranga.
Perhaps Mane’s post-match sullen- progress these past five years. since November. tle in an instant. They are the only nation In a sense, they could count them-
ness communicated the displeasure at “It’s been 17 years since Senegal got Be that as it may, Senegalese Presi- among Africa’s top eight to have never selves unlucky to have faced off with
his performance in the decider. In ar- to this stage of the competition. We’ve dent Macky Sall threw down the gaunt- won the competition, something they Cameroon and Algeria in 2002 and
guably the nation’s biggest game in al- only experienced disillusion and disap- let before the team departed their aim to correct in Cameroon. 2019 respectively, as those sides pos-
most two decades, the Liverpool super- pointment.” camp. Undoubtedly, the weight of expec- sessed the individual and technical
star could not replicate the decisive- Indeed, Cisse has first-hand experi- “This time, I’m not talking about the tation is firmly placed on Mane’s shoul- quality to rival both Senegal itera-
ness from previous rounds. ence of Senegal’s 2002 heartache, hav- final but the cup. You will have to fight ders, just as it was in 2019. tions.
Mane had scored the sole strike in ing captained the country’s Golden to bring us the cup,” the nation’s leader Despite missing the opening game This time around, regardless of the
the 1-0 success over Uganda in the Generation at the turn of the millenni- told the side at the presidential palace. through suspension, the Liverpool for- difficulties and a fluctuating star play-
round of 16 and expertly slipped in Id- um. “You can do it. You are the best tactically, ward was the only Senegal player to er, Senegal are fuelled by their ambi-
rissa Gueye for the winner in the quar- The Lions of Teranga had conceded technically and qualitatively.” score more than once at the finals, rack- tion to right those previous wrongs to
ter-final win over Benin. However, the only one goal all the way through the The West Africans are 20th in FIFA’s ing up three goals. Throw in his sole as- secure an elusive African title. A na-
country’s best player was shot-shy 2002 tournament — in their 2-1 semi- rankings, but the continent’s top-ranked sist, and four goal involvements outdid tion expects. —
against Algeria, managing only one at- final win over Nigeria — but had to
tempt all night. contend with defending champions
In a sense, Mane somewhat epito-
mised the Teranga Lions’ inability to
Cameroon in their first-ever Afcon final.
A strong Indomitable Lions side were
consistently play through a dogged favourites, owing to the sheer strength A COMPLETE 52-match schedule for Comoros v Ghana, Garoua - 21:00 18:00
North African side that defended for of Winfried Schafer’s squad and their the Africa Cup of Nations in Came- Group D: Sunday, 16 January
their lives after netting the quickest performance before that encounter in roon from January 9 to February 6. (Roumde Adjia Stadium, Garoua, Gambia v Mali, 15:00
goal in an Afcon final. Bamako. *Kick-off all Zimbabwe time unless noted) Mauritania v Tunisia, 18:00
Despite out-shooting Djamel Belma- The Central African nation, looking Group A: Tuesday, 11 January Thursday, 20 January
di’s men 12-to-one, the majority of Sen- to become the second team in over (Olembe Stadium, Yaounde, un- Egypt v Nigeria - 18:00 Gambia v Tunisia - 21:00
egal’s attempts were low-percentage three decades to retain their title, were less noted) Guinea-Bissau v Sudan - 21:00 Mali v Mauritania, Douala - 21:00
efforts from range. the only side to navigate the group Sunday, 9 January Saturday, 15 January Round of 16:
Admittedly, they were denied an op- stage with a 100% record and boasted OPENING MATCH: Cameroon v Nigeria v Sudan, 18:00 Jan 23: (1) 2A v 2C, Limbe, 18:00;
portunity to level from 12 yards on the a watertight rearguard, demonstrated Burkina Faso - 18:00 Egypt v Guinea Bissau - 21:00 (2) 1D v 3B/E/F, Garoua, 21:00
hour when Sidi Alioum overturned his by a goals-conceded column that read Cape Verde v Ethiopia - 21:00 Wednesday, 19 January Jan 24: (4) 2B v 2F, Bafoussam,
original decision of a penalty after a zero all tournament. Thursday, 13 January Guinea Bissau v Nigeria - 21:00 18:00; (3) 1A v 3C/D/E, Yaounde
pitch-side review of Adlene Guediou- Senegal could not breach the Cam- Cameroon v Ethiopia - 18:00 Egypt v Sudan, Yaounde (Ahma- (Olembe), 21:00
ra’s handball. But there was no guar- eroon backline, but neither could Cam- Burkino Faso v Cape Verde - 21:00 dou Ahidjo) - 21:00 Jan 25: (5) 1B v 3A/C/D, Bafous-
antee of success given their failed at- eroon beat the Senegal defence. Penal- Monday, 17 January Group E: sam, 18:00; (6) 1C v 3A/B/F, Yaounde
tempts prior to the final, missing three ties ensued after a goalless final. Cameroon v Cape Verde - 18:00 (Japoma Stadium, Douala, unless (Ahmadou Ahidjo), 21:00
of four penalties in the competition. Once Pierre Wome’s opening penalty Burkino Faso v Ethiopia, Bafous- noted) Jan 26: (7) 1E v 2D, Douala, 18:00;
Senegal manager Aliou Cisse insist- had been thwarted by Tony Sylva and sam - 18:00 Tuesday, 11 January (8) 1F v 2E, Limbe 21:00
ed his team edged the game and mer- the underdogs capitalised, Senegal ap- Group B: Algeria v Sierra Leone - 15:00 Quarter-finals:
ited more. peared destined for a maiden crown. (Kouekong Stadium, Bafoussam, Wednesday, 12 January Jan 29: (B) Winners 4 v winners 3,
“A final is decided by fine margins Yet misadventure loomed. unless noted) Equatorial Guinea v Ivory Coast - Douala, 18:00; (A) winners 1 v win-
and we deserved better tonight,” the A trio of failures from superstars Khal- Monday, 10 January 21:00 ners 2, Garoua, 21:00
45-year-old stated after the defeat. ilou Fadiga and El Hadji Diouf as well as Senegal v Zimbabwe - 15:00 Sunday, 16 January Jan 30: (C) Winners 7 v winners
“They put away the chance they need- captain Cisse dashed their hopes. The Guinea v Malawi - 18:00 Ivory Coast v Sierra Leo- 6, Yaounde (Olembe), 18:00; (D)
ed. On the whole, we didn’t let our- latter, in particular, rankled as the skip- Friday, 14 January ne - 18:00 winners 5 v winners 8, Douala,
selves down. We created chances but per could have forced the shootout Guinea v Senegal, 15:00 Algeria v Equatorial 21:00
weren’t able to score. into sudden death after Rigobert Song Malawi v Zimbabwe - 16:00 Guinea - 21:00 Semi-finals:
“When you concede a goal so early in was denied the winning kick by Sylva. Tuesday, 18 January Thursday, 20 Janu- Feb 2: Winners A v win-
the match the plan becomes clear. You “I want this Africa Cup of Nations. I Malawi v Senegal - 18:00 ary ners D, Douala, 1900
have to attack against an aggressive have been running after it since 1999,” Guinea v Zimbabwe, Yaounde Algeria v Ivory Coast Feb 3: Winners B v winners
defence but we weren’t able to find the Cisse remarked in December 2021 after (Ahmadou Ahidjo) - 18:00 - 18:00 C, Yaounde (Olembe), 1900
solutions.” unveiling his 27-player squad for the Group C: Equatorial Guinea v Sier- Third place:
The former Lions of Teranga cap- 2022 tournament. (Ahmadou Ahidjo Stadium, Ya- ra Leone, Limbe - 18:00 Sunday, 6 February
tain, who took over the national team The Lions’ preparations have been ounde, unless noted) Group F: Losing semi-finalists, Yaounde
in 2015 and led them to the 2018 World far from ideal, with coronavirus forcing Monday, 10 January (Limbe Stadium unless (Ahmadou Ahidjo) - 18:00
Cup in Russia, was pleased by the pro- three players and six coaching staff into Ghana v Morocco - 18:00 noted) Final:
gress they had made preceding that quarantine while the fitness of Kalidou Comoros v Gabon - 21:00 Wednesday, 12 January Sunday, 6 February
defeat by Algeria. Koulibaly and Ismaila Sarr is uncertain. Friday, 14 January Mali v Tunisia, 15:00 Winning semi-finalists, Yaounde
“The last time Senegal reached this The former went off injured for Napo- Comoros v Morocco - 1800 Gambia v Mauritania, (Olembe) - 21:00 — AFP
point was in 2002. The experience of li in early December and the latter, de- Gabon v Ghana - 21:00
big matches, we want to be here more spite Watford’s reluctance, will hope to Tuesday, 18 January
often,” Cisse said. “We’re getting closer feature in some capacity having been Gabon v Morocco 21:00
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 SH25


Mhari relishes
Afcon chance

FC PLATINUM shot stopper Petros Mhari is relishing the prospect

of donning the Warriors Number one jersey at the Africa Cup of
Nations finals which kicks off in Cameroon today
Mhari, who kept goal for the Warriors in the World Cup qualifi-
er against South Africa, will battle for the first team spot against
South Africa based Talbert Shumba and Spain-based Martin Mapi-
The Warriors begin their campaign tomorrow with a tough en-
counter against 2019 losing finalists Senegal tomorrow in a Group
B clash.
Fellow Southern African country Malawi and Guinea are in the
same group.
And being one of Norman Mapeza's Petros Mhari (left) is relishing the chance of donning the Warriors number one jersey at the Afcon finals which kickoff today
first choice goalkeeper at FC Platinum, it
would not be surprise if the coach gives
the 32- year- old the nod in the competi-
But unlike at his club, FC Platinum, he
faces stiff competition from Shumba and
Mapisa who have been in fine form for
their respective clubs.
The former Hwange keeper, though, is
brimming with confidence to make a de-
but appearance for the country at the Af-
con tournament having been previously
overlooked by other coaches in the past.
"It's going to be tough because there are
good goalkeepers and I think whoever is
selected will represent the country with
pride and from the heart," Mhari said.
"For now, the focus is on fighting for a
spot in the team and the rest is up to the
coaches to decide.
"As players we can only hope to push
the interests of the squad. With competi-
tion I am sure the best will be selected at
the end of the day," he said.
Mhari gave a good account of himself
when he played in a narrow 1 - 0 loss to
South Africa in the World Cup qualifiers
in November.
Only four locally based players were
able to make the final squad for the pre-
mier Africa football competition which
runs until February 6.
Apart from Mhari there are defenders
Peter Muduhwa and Godknows Murwira
who play for Highlanders and Dynamos
respectively as well as FC Platinum mid-
fielder Kelvin Madzongwe.
Mhari reckons that the quality of goal-
keepers in the team will give the techni-
cal team a selection headache.
"I know the caliber of keepers avail-
able, and the top players in the team as
well. We all want the same thing.
"We possess different qualities and we
all have different strengths which I am
sure will give all the coaches a headache
when it comes to selection," Mhari said.
Whether he plays or not Mhari's name
will forever be etched in Zimbabwe foot-
ball folklore as one of the goalkeepers to
have been to the Africa Cup of Nations.
Other goalkeepers who have been to Af-
con in the five times that Zimbabwe has
been to the competition include Energy
Murambadoro, Tapuwa Kapini, Ephraim
Mazarura and Gift Muzadzi who went to
the 2004 and 2006 finals.
In 2017 Donovan Bernard, Tatenda
Mkuruva and Takabva Mawaya were the
goalkeepers while George Chigova, Ed-
more Sibanda and Elvis Chipezeze were
part of the team in 2019.

AS players we can only

hope to push the interests
of the squad. With com-
petition I am sure the best
will be selected at the end
of the day.
SH26 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

For now, the focus is on fighting

for a spot in the team and the
rest is up to the coaches to

Pg 25

Vinicius declared world’s most expensive player

EAL MADRID star Trent Alexander-Arnold is the
Vinicius Junior tops most valuable Liverpool player,
the rankings as the according to the algorithm. He's
most expensive play- 13th on the list with an estimated
er in the world with a value of €112.8m.
an eye watering market value of Diogo Jota is the next highest
€166.4m right now, according to a Liverpool player on the list as his
recent study by the CIES Football value is estimated at €79.6m. Mo
Observatory. Salah follows him at €66.1m, with
After a tough start to life at his value probably affected by his
Real Madrid following a high- age and the remaining contract
profile move from Flamengo, the duration.
Brazilian winger has blossomed CIES' top 20 most expensive
into a seriously good player. players in the world:
Vinicius has tormented defend- 1. Vinicius Junior — Real Ma-
ers for fun this season, scoring 12 drid (€166m)
goals and providing nine assists 2. Phil Foden — Manchester
in 25 appearances for the Whites City (€152.6m)
this season. 3. Erling Haaland - Borussia
As a result of his turnaround at Dortmund (€142.5m)
Real Madrid, the 21-year-old for- 4. Mason Greenwood — Man-
ward is now ranked as the most chester United (€133.9m)
valuable footballer on the planet 5. Florian Wirtz - Bayer Lev-
by the CIES Football Observatory. erkusen (€133m)
Their complex algorithm - 6. Jude Bellingham - Borussia
which also factors in the length Dortmund (€130.1m)
of each player's current con- 7. Alphonso Davies — Bayern
tract - has Vinicius even ahead Munich (€122.3m)
of the enigma that is Erling Haal- 8. Ruben Dias — Manchester
and, with an estimated value of City (€120.5m)
€166m. 9. Pedri Gonzalez — Barcelona
Vinicius is ahead of the young (€118m)
English duo of Phil Foden and 10. Frenkie de Jong - Barcelona
Mason Greenwood who are sec- (€115.2m)
ond and fourth respectively on 11. Jadon Sancho - Manchester
the list of the world's top 10 most United (€115m)
expensive footballers. 14. Bruno Fernandes — Man-
The young duo, who play for chester United (€113.9m)
Manchester rivals City and Unit- 13. Trent Alexander-Arnold —
ed respectively, are considered Liverpool (€112.8m)
two of English football's hottest 14. Mason Mount — Chelsea
prospects, both tipped to enjoy (€108.9m)
glittering careers. 15. Achraf Hakimi — Paris
Their talent and potential has Saint-Germain (€108.2m)
been recognised by CIES Football 16. Reece James — Chelsea
Observatory, who estimate that (€108m)
Foden and Greenwood are each 17. Bukayo Saka — Arsenal
worth well over £100million. Vinicius Junior (€103m)
They join England teammate 18. Leroy Sane — Bayern Mu-
Jude Bellingham in the rankings, timated transfer values, with would take a bid in the region ue of €130.1million (£108m) nich (€102.4m)
with Borussia Dortmund sensa- Foden's being rated at an eye- of €133.9million (£111m) to prize Centre-back Ruben Dias is the 19. Jamal Musiala — Bayern
tion Erling Haaland high on the watering €152.6million (£127m) Greenwood away from Old Traf- most valuable defender on the list Munich (€101.7m)
list. which puts him second on the list ford. as CIES rate the Portuguese at 20. Kai Havertz — Chelsea
But the Manchester hot shots behind Vinicius. Bellingham, still just 18 years €120.5m (£100m) after 18 months (€101.2m)
can still boast about their es- Meanwhile, CIES claim it of age, closely follows with a val- of stellar displays in blue. — Mirror

Football Fixtures Equatorial Guinea v Cote d'Ivoire (Stade Verona v Salernitana (Marcantonio Bente- (Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, 1600), Wol- Bundesliga
2021 Africa Cup of Nations (Afcon) Omnisport de Douala, 2100) godi, 2145) verhampton Wanderers v Sheffield Unit- Today: Hertha BSC Berlin v FC Koln
Today: Cameroon v Burkina Faso English Premier League French Ligue 1 ed (Molineux Stadium, 1600), West Ham (Olympiastadion, 1630), VfL Bochum
(Olembe Stadium, 1800), Ethiopia v Cape Tuesday: Southampton v Brentford (St. Today: Brest v Nice (Stade Francis-Le v Leeds (London Stadium, 1600), Notting- 1848 v VfL Wolfsburg (Vonovia Ruhrsta-
Verde (Olembe Stadium, 2100) Mary's Stadium, 2145), Everton v Leicester Blé, 1400), Clermont v Reims (Stade Gabri- ham Forest v Arsenal (The City Ground, dion, 1830)
Monday: Senegal v Zimbabwe (Koue- City (Goodison Park, 2200) el-Montpied, 1600), Montpellier v Troyes 1910) Rugby Union
kong Stadium, 1500), Morocco v Gha- Wednesday: West Ham v Norwich (Lon- (Stade de la Mosson, 1600), Metz v Stras- FA Cup Gallagher Premiership
na (Stade Omnisport Ahmadou Ahidjo, don Stadium, 2145) bourg (Stade Saint-Symphorien, 1600), Today: Manchester United v Aston Villa Today: Bath v Worcester Warriors (Rec-
1800), Guinea v Malawi (Kouekong Stadi- Italy Serie A Nantes v Monaco (La Beaujoire-Louis-Fon- (Old Trafford, 2155) reation Ground, 1700), Wasps v Leicester
um, 1800), Comoros v Gabon (Stade Om- Today: Empoli v Sassuolo (Carlo Cas- teneau, 1805), Olympique Lyonnais v Paris LaLiga Tigers (Coventry Building Society Arena,
nisport Ahmadou Ahidjo, 2100) tellani, 1330), Venezia v AC Milan (Pier Lui- Saint-Germain (Groupama Stadium, 2145) Today: Rayo Vallecano v Real Betis (Es- 1700)
Tuesday: Algeria v Sierra Leone (Sta- gi Penzo, 1330), Cagliari v Bologna (Unipol FA Cup tadio de Vallecas, 1500), Sevilla v Getafe Top 14
de Omnisport de Douala, 1500), Nigeria v Domus, 1530), Torino v Fiorentina (Olimpi- Today: Luton Town v Harrogate Town (Ramón Sánchez-Pizjuán, 1715), Depor- Today: Toulon v La Rochelle (Stade
Egypt (Stade Omnisport de Garoua, 1800), co Grande Torino, 1530), Udinese v Atalan- (Kenilworth Road, 1430) v Cardiff v Pres- tivo Alaves v Athletic Club (Mendizorro- Mayol, 1900), Stade Toulousain v Mont-
Sudan v Guinea-Bissau (Stade Omnisport ta (Dacia Arena, 1730), Napoli v Sampdoria ton (Cardiff City Stadium, 1600), Charlton za, 1930), Osasuna v Cadiz (El Sadar, 1930), pellier (Herault Stade Ernest-Wallon,
de Garoua, 2100) (Diego Armando Maradona, 1730), Genoa v Norwich (The Valley, 1600), Liverpool v Villarreal v Atletico Madrid (Estadio de la 2205)
Wednesday: Tunisia v Mali (Stade Mu- v Spezia (Luigi Ferraris, 1930), AS Roma v Shrewsbury Town (Anfield, 1600), Stoke Cerámica, 2200) International Cricket
nicipal de Limbe, 1500), Mauritania v Juventus (Olimpico, 1930), Internazionale City v Leyton Orient (Bet365 Stadium, Tomorrow: Espanyol v Elche (RCDE Sta- Today: New Zealand v Bangladesh
Gambia (Stade Municipal de Limbe, 1800), v SS Lazio (Giuseppe Meazza, 2145), Hellas 1600), Tottenham Hotspur v Morecambe dium, 2200) (Test at Hagley Oval, Christchurch, 0000)
January 9 to 15, 2022
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28 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022


Grief and New YEAR

hen we are grieving, it is detached. Eventually, you might realize
hard enough to live each that your life is not what you thought it
day as it comes. It can be would be, that your world has changed.
daunting to face a whole Therese Rando, a noted grief thera-
new year stretching out in front of us. pist and author, describes grieving as
We may be afraid of what the new year a learning process. Each minute with
might bring. We may worry whether or a loved one created patterns of how to
not we can handle any more challeng- operate and what to expect. Each new
es. Our current experience of empti- challenge, like doing the taxes, fixing
ness and loneliness may make us reluc- things, and going into a new year, be-
tant to face a new year. comes a fresh occasion to accept the ab-
We might say to ourselves, “I used sence of your loved one and find new
to be so busy. I used to feel so needed, ways to cope, even if new challenges
so useful. Now it seems there’s nothing bring fresh pain.
but empty space and empty time.” It’s As you courageously work through
bad enough to wake in the morning not your grief over time, you eventual-
sure what we’ll do with the day; what ly will find the strength to look to the
will we do with a whole year? new year with interest and wonder
Longing to recover the past can about what it might hold. Maybe you’ll
sometimes make us resist to accepting feel eager to welcome change, now that
the new year. The past was where we your grief has started to ease.
were comfortable, where we felt safe, You might find comfort and joy in
felt good. Grief burdens us today and knowing that you did all that you could
we fear the new year won’t hold any- and loved well. Enriched by the love
thing different for us. We pine for the you once enjoyed, you can now show
negative thoughts with positive affir-
person we miss and the precious past deeper compassion for all who suffer.
mations about yourself, and soothe STAY SAFE, STAY INFORMED
we shared. We think about how it was, You eventually will recognize life as
yourself with music, prayer, uplifting
and wish we were back there. a gift to enjoy with whomever crosses
literature, tears and laughter. Dr Chomi Makina is Past President
Approach of a new year may mean you path. In time, you might want to do
of ZAFA, FUSA and Insurance In-
different things for different mourners. on your own what you both once hoped
3. Pay attention to hope and desire. stitute of Zimbabwe [IIZ]. He is
Whether we welcome, dread or ignore to accomplish together.
Find small practical ways to give your- Group CEO for Moonlight Holdings
a new year probably depends on where Even if you’re scared and lonely, and
self new pleasure. and can be contacted on clmakina@
we are in our grief process. The ques- even if you long for the past, you can
tion is not whether, but how grief will still open the door a crack to this new
4. Attend a support group or talk with
show up, and how we’ll work with it. year.
friends and family members who can For further Grief Care Counselling
list and share memories. and help contact:
A Learning Process Tips to face the new year:
International School of Funeral
If your loss was recent, sudden or un-
5. Seek spiritual support from a local Business Management
expected, you might experience it as a 1. Begin by getting needed rest. If
minister, rabbi, priest or imam. LongChen Mall
shock, as if you’re living a bad dream you’re still exhausted from caregiving
Block 2, 3rd Floor
or someone else’s life, trying desperate- or from acute grieving, focus on physi-
6. Find courage to live into the future Suite 301
ly to get back to your “old” life. The last cal recovery. Considering talking with
by living in the present, one day at a Harare
thing on your mind might be the chal- your doctor about how to rebuild your-
time. Do the best you can to care for
lenge of a new year. Writing or talk- self physically.
yourself and others today.
ing repeatedly about the death of your
loved one might make you feel numb or 2. Give yourself a mental rest. Replace

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The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 29


Bookmakers rule out Warriors


O, after all the specu- the withdrawal of Khama Billiat,
lation over a Fifa ban, and Tendai Darikwa, but the rules
the Warriors of Zimba- are clear that Zimbabwe must
bwe are still in Came- compete irrespective of whom
roon and are tomorrow they select to play.
ready to kick off their 2021 Afcon Surely losing such a high num-
campaign against a talent-laden ber of high profile players is a
Teranga Lions of Senegal. big blow considering the fact that
It has been a difficult and divi- they are almost half of the team
sive time, one in which the whole that helped Zimbabwe qualify for
of Zimbabwe and the Warriors the finals but what else can the
themselves were not sure wheth- country do under such circum-
er Zimbabwe would — after all — stances.
be part of this 24-team continental History has its own uses and on
football gathering. that premise, it should be remem-
Such has been the state of af- bered that in 1993, Zambia lost its
fairs but with the tournament’s entire squad in an air crash off
opening game set for today, there the coast of Gabon but still man-
is no way that Fifa at this stage aged to build a new team that
will throw the Warriors out of Af- reached the 1994 Afcon final be-
con 2021 as this would throw the fore narrowly losing out 2-1 to Ni-
whole competition into disarray. geria.
Surely, the game against Sene- From the outset, Norman
gal would not have been the start Mapeza’s team looks weak but in
the Warriors would have want- reality a team with such players
ed as patriotism aside the Zimba- as captain Knowledge Musona,
bweans are facing defeat although Teenage Hadebe, Tino Kadewere,
they might avoid total humilia- Jordan Zemura, Prince Dube, Kel- The Warriors are facing a tough opening match against Senegal at the Afica Cup of Nations finals in Cameroon tomorrow
tion. vin Madzongwe and Onismo Bha-
Even bookmakers are prepared sera, should be able to handle and
to offer odds that the Warriors overcome the likes of Malawi and Also of importance is the fact that he will lose all the respect he what football is all about. Coaches
will not stand a chance by offering Guinea. that the Warriors do not have has should the Warriors lose to stay on their jobs because of good
a 73 percent chance of the Teran- Surely, enough talent still floods money issues as was the case Malawi on January 14. results and are fired if they fail to
ga Lions winning the game com- in the Warriors changing room as in the last edition in Egypt and No excuses or mitigating factors deliver.
pared to Zimbabwe’s 27 percent. the absence of Nakamba and com- should be able to perform freely will be entertained since he select- As the Nation’s Cup gets into
There is also a 63 percent pany has also helped to open up and normally without pressure ed the team, the money for bonus- gear, there are too many doubting
chance that in their win Senegal new horizons for the likes of Kun- over bonuses. es is available and all the teams at Thomases and the Warriors have
will score more than two goals. dai Benyu, Ishmael Wadi, and Ad- Team manager Wellington the competition did not play many to prove that they are good if not
The fact remains that defeat miral Muskwe, who were over- Mpandare reports that morale is friendlies and - just like Zimbabwe better than what some think they
against the Lions of Teranga will looked in the past but now have high in the camp as the $1 million — were also affected by Covid 19. are.
be hard to avoid and the focus the chance to prove a point. from the government is enough to Mapeza should also be told that Surely, the Warriors might be
will be on how the Warriors will Musona, Thabani Kamusoko, take care of the Warriors welfare, there is nothing like building for disabled but let us give them the
build on from that first match for Bhasera, Never Tigere, Bruce appearance fees and winning bo- the future when a team qualifies benefit of the doubt at this Afcon
the coming games against Malawi Kangwa, Godknows Murwira, nuses — that is if they manage to for a major tournament like Af- 2021.
and Guinea. and Kuda Mahachi, are also play- win any of their games. con and failure to produce results
A lot has happened with inju- ing in probably their last Nations That Norman Mapeza is leading will mean he will never get anoth-  For your comments,
ries to Marvelous Nakamba, Per- Cup finals and should be hungry the team is not by accident as he is er chance to handle the Warriors views, and suggestions mkar-
fect Chikwende, Brendan Gallo- to leave a mark to be remembered widely regarded as the best coach again. or WhatsApp
way, and Marshall Munetsi, and for years to come. around but he should be warned That might look cruel but that is on 0773 266 779.

MANY readers will no doubt have

made the customary New Year
Resolutions (and may even have
broken them already) though
many will not have come up with
the following wacky ones: “I will
United coaches resolutions
school of sport
keep it to myself that I have trou- them responsibility. can be learned from winning as
ble with authority when I'm being I will ensure that I use the five Cs much as losing.
interviewed.” of twenty-first century learning to Above all, I will set a positive
One declared that “I will check enhance their sporting progress – example at all times in terms of
my work e-mail account at least I will get my players to think crit- dress, punctuality, behaviour, lan-
once this year” while another one with TIM MIDDLETON ically, to show creativity, to apply guage.
has announced that he will “help communication, to develop collab- We need to understand this is
kids stay safe by not texting on my oration and above all to produce not a laughing matter. These are
cell phone while eating McDon- tertainment, the coach’s CV or the standing of sport and to develop character. not fun suggestions or crazy inten-
ald’s and speeding through cross- school’s reputation; they are held their all-round ability. During matches I will remain tions.
walks in school zones with a frost- for the pupils’ learning, not just I will give all my players oppor- silent on the side-lines and allow If we are to fulfil our responsi-
covered windshield”. about sport but also and equally tunities to have game time, and not the players to put into practice bilities, we must honour these res-
However, let us be serious now about life. just keep using my best players, as what they have learned; only a bad olutions, in their entirety, not just
and reflect on what resolutions we It is on that basis therefore that I am there to develop each child, coach has to shout instructions. for a short time, as we would do
need to make with regard to coach- coaches (and parents) must make not just some. I will refrain from questioning for United Nations Resolutions.
ing youngsters sport. the following resolutions, the I will give every player the op- decisions by officials and concen- Sport at school is all about the chil-
We need to go right back to ba- greatest of which is to coach for portunity to captain the team trate on my role as coach. dren, not the coaches. It is all about
sics and remind ourselves afresh the children’s learning – not just on one occasion, especially at a At half-time I will only ask ques- learning, not about winning.
that school sport is not profession- one or two of them but all of them. younger age, and thus teach them tions, for the pupils to work out We are to give them life-long les-
al sport. I will ensure all my players en- to take responsibility and to think for themselves what they must do. sons, skills and values. If we do
School sport is obviously done at joy sport, not endure it. I will do about the bigger picture. At full-time I will not have a post- not understand that, we need to
school and the purpose of school everything possible to ensure eve- I will treat all players individu- match de-brief but leave such for go back to school ourselves – and
is for pupils to learn. It does not ry child wants to continue with ally. I will encourage and inspire the next training session. hope that we get a coach who has
take a genius therefore to work out sport after school. each child. I will not promote results or re- grasped the importance of such
that the reason that we do sport at I will ensure I enjoy the time I will apply life lessons to every cords but commend attitudes and resolutions.
school is for the pupils to learn – with them, as an example to them, practice session and every match. I values shown.
as with academics when they have and I will look to gain my enjoy- will coach according to my school’s I will react in exactly the same  Tim Middleton is a for-
classes, homework and exams, so ment from seeing progress rather Vision and Values, not my own. way, whether my team wins or los- mer international hockey play-
with sport pupils will have prac- than success. I will look to Long Term Player es, with humility, dignity and re- er and headmaster, currently
tices, individual training and fix- I will encourage youngsters to Development, not quick-fix instant spect. I will ensure I have equipped serving as the Executive Direc-
tures, all geared for the purpose learn to play in different positions gratification. I will coach players every player to know how to han- tor of the Association of Trust
of the pupils learning. Fixtures and different sports for as long as to take responsibility and to make dle success and failure. I will in- Schools Email: ceo@atschisz.
are not there for the parents’ en- possible, to broaden their under- decisions for themselves by giving spire each player to look at what
30 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022


Much-coveted Afcon BRIEFS

Conte vows to deliver harsh

is finally here!
truths to Tottenham players
LONDON - Tottenham Hotspur manager Antonio Conte stressed the
importance of truthful communication with his players in the wake of
Spurs' 2-0 defeat in the first leg of a League Cup semifinal against Chel-
Chelsea, who dominated from the start and had enough chances to
put the game beyond doubt, seized control of the two-legged semifi-
nal thanks to an early goal by Kai Havertz and an own goal by Spurs de-
fender Ben Davies.
Conte pulled no punches after the match, saying his Spurs side were
nowhere near Chelsea in terms of quality, and on Friday, the Italian
manager reiterated his desire to be honest with his players.
"My relationship with the players is based on the truth. Not only here,
but also in the past," Conte told reporters.
"When I was a player, I hated the coach that told me nice lies to keep
me calm and relaxed in a good relationship. If you want to improve it's
important for players to hear the truth.
"My players know that I'll always tell them the truth, because with the
truth you can improve. With good lies I don't think you have a chance
to live."
Conte added that the defeat against Chelsea would help Spurs gain
a more complete understanding of their shortcomings.
"We have space for improvement and we started to analyse the
game after Chelsea, and it's a good example of where we can improve,
not just in a tactical aspect, but also in mentality," Conte said.
"I think we can use this game an example to improve for the people
to see outside. You learn more after a loss than a win."
Spurs welcome third-tier Morecambe in the FA Cup third round on
Sunday before games against Chelsea, Arsenal and Leicester City over
the next fortnight. — Reuters
YAOUNDÉ - A couple of hours earlier than examined optimistic on Thursday and had of being so as to add to their 5 titles, a tal-
the much-awaited Sunday’s graduation of been in isolation in their lodge. ly bettered solely by Egypt, African champi-
the African Cup of Nations 2021 competi-
tors, the host Cameroon is now set to stage
Senegal, Africa’s top-ranked nationwide
group, traveled to Cameroon with out three
ons a file seven instances.
“We know that Cameroonians have high Djokovic held at airport for 8 hours
'mostly incommunicado': lawyers
the much-coveted event on the continent. members of their squad who had examined hopes because the competition is taking
The first match will pitch the hosts, the In- optimistic. place here,” coach Conceicao informed the
domitable Lions of Cameroon versus Burki- “Unprecedented times,” tweeted Egypt BBC.
na Faso in Yaounde on Sunday at Olembe coach Carlos Queiroz on Friday after expe- – Senegal, Algeria the favourites – MELBOURNE – Australian border agents held tennis superstar Novak
stadium. riences emerged of optimistic assessments However, the nation that gave the world
Djokovic for eight hours at Melbourne airport, mostly incommunica-
Cameroon was initially speculated to be in his squad’s camp. the likes of Roger Milla and Samuel Eto’o —
do, before cancelling his visa and sending him to a detention centre, his
the host nation in 2019, earlier than being “The more the situation becomes diffi- the latter now president of the Cameroo-
stripped of the event resulting from delays cult, the more we stay together and strong,” nian Football Federation — not boasts the lawyers said Saturday.
in its preparations, with Egypt changing it. he added. identical degree of stardust. Djokovic secured a Covid-19 vaccine exemption from Tennis Austral-
The thirty third Cup of Nations was then – Covid not the one concern – They have Ajax goalkeeper Andre Onana ia and the Australian government because he had tested positive for
postponed final year due to the pandemic. Covid, although, is removed from the one and Bayern Munich striker Eric Maxim the virus in December, which should have qualified him for entry, the
Cameroon, although, is soccer mad and concern in a rustic coping with a battle in Choupo-Moting and they need to definitely lawyers argued.
lots of followers can be determined to at- the English-speaking west. qualify from a bunch additionally contain- "The date of the first positive Covid PCR test was recorded on 16 De-
tend video games in a rustic that has solely Matches in Group F, that includes Tunisia, ing Ethiopia and Cape Verde, however the cember 2021," his legal team said in a 32-page submission ahead of a
hosted the Cup of Nations as soon as earlier Mali, Mauritania and Gambia, are resulting true superstars of the continent can be else- federal court hearing Monday to appeal the visa decision.
than, in 1972 when there have been simply from be performed in Limbe, a coastal me- where.
Djokovic, who touched down in Melbourne on Wednesday night af-
eight members. tropolis near Mount Cameroon which is ad- Senegal, who face Zimbabwe, Guinea
ter a 25-hour trip via Dubai, had asked for a time to rest and consult his
The dream for Cameroon this time is to ditionally a hotspot of separatist unrest. and Malawi in the western metropolis of Ba-
be in the ultimate in the capital Yaounde Jihadist raiders additionally pose an issue foussam, boast not simply Liverpool ahead lawyers the following morning, his lawyers said.
on February 6, as they give the impression in the north, at the least past town of Gar- Mane but in addition Chelsea goalkeep- But after a border official initially agreed, his superiors successfully
of being so as to add to their 5 titles, a tal- oua the place Salah’s Egypt and Nigeria will er Edouard Mendy, Napoli center-back Ka- pressured Djokovic to allow them to take an immediate decision on his
ly bettered solely by Egypt, African champi- play group video games. lidou Koulibaly and Paris Saint-Germain visa, the lawyers said.
ons a file seven instances. It is due to the well being disaster that or- midfielder Idrissa Gana Gueye. Foreigners are still mostly banned from travel to Australia, and those
Other international locations eying to ganisers have capped crowd limits at 60 % Holders Algeria, unbeaten in 33 aggres- granted entry must be fully vaccinated or have a medical exemption.
win the 2021 event embody Senegal, Alge- of capability, or 80 % when the hosts play. sive video games, can be led by Manches- The tennis star has been held since Thursday morning in a Mel-
ria, Ghana, Nigeria, Egypt amongst others. Spectators have to be vaccinated and ter City’s Riyad Mahrez, whereas Morocco bourne detention centre "notwithstanding his requests to be moved"
On Friday, the President of Cameroon’s have a detrimental check outcome, howev- have PSG full-back Achraf Hakimi and Se-
to another facility to train for the Australian Open, they added.
soccer federation Samuel Eto’o visited the er solely six % of the grownup inhabitants villa goalkeeper Yassine Bounou, amongst
Although Djokovic has won a legal reprieve from deportation, it is
Cameroonian participant on their coaching is inoculated. others.
floor to encourage them as they put togeth- It due to this fact stays to be seen what Little surprise some European golf equip- unclear whether he will play in the January 17-30 tournament.
er to show their price. number of venues will come near filling the ment usually are not glad about dropping If successful, he will be gunning for a 10th Australian Open crown
The Central African nation of 27 million restricted capability, in explicit the huge such a caliber of participant for as much as a and a record 21st Grand Slam title -- a milestone that Spanish great Ra-
folks was due to this fact decided to press new 60,000-seat Olembe Stadium in Ya- month mid-season. fael Nadal is also chasing.
on with the competitors amid experiences ounde and the 50,000-seat Japoma Stadi- Nigeria, in the meantime, cross the bor- In an internal video leaked Saturday, Tennis Australia chief Craig Tiley
final month that main European golf equip- um in Douala. der with out Napoli striker Victor Osim- said his organisation had done "everything they possibly could".— AFP
ment wished it postponed once more re- Cameroon, although, is soccer mad and hen, or Watford’s Emmanuel Dennis, whose
lots of followers can be determined to at- membership mentioned they obtained dis-
Lewandowski, Messi and Salah
sulting from Covid considerations.
This time it does go forward, beginning tend video games in a rustic that has solely cover of his call-up too late.
Sunday when Cameroon, coached by Portu- hosted the Cup of Nations as soon as earlier In any case this Cup of Nations is not sim-
gal’s Toni Conceicao, tackle Burkina Faso in
Yaounde, however the spectre of the coro-
than, in 1972 when there have been simply
eight members.
ply concerning the large names, because
the Gambia, ranked 148th in the world, and finalists for FIFA Best award
navirus is not going away. The dream for Cameroon this time is to the Indian Ocean island state of Comoros
Arsenal star Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang be in the ultimate in the capital Yaounde make their debuts, whereas South Africa LONDON - Robert Lewandowski, Lionel Messi and Mohamed Salah
and his Gabon team-mate Mario Lemina on February 6, as they give the impression are amongst these to overlook out. — AFP were named on Friday as the three finalists for the FIFA Best Men's Play-
er award, while Ballon d'Or winner Alexia Putellas was nominated for
the women's prize.

Afcon 2021: Caf confirms VAR for all 52 matches in Cameroon Poland star Lewandowski won last year's FIFA award but had to set-
tle for second in the 2021 Ballon d'Or voting behind Messi, winner of
the accolade for a record seventh time.
The awards ceremony will be held virtually from FIFA's headquarters
YAOUNDÉ - Video assistant referees (VAR) a Caf statement. gram.
will be used at all 52 matches at this month’s Caf has selected 24 referees, 31 assis- Meanwhile, the winners of the Nations in Zurich on 17 January.
Africa Cup of Nations for the first time. tant referees and eight video assistant ref- Cup will now receive prize money of $5 mil- Putellas, Barcelona team-mate Jennifer Hermoso and Chelsea's Aus-
The 2019 edition in Egypt only saw the erees from 36 countries for the tournament lion, an increase of $500,000 from 2019. tralian striker Sam Kerr are the finalists for the FIFA Best Women's Player
technology introduced from the quarter-fi- in Cameroon, with Rwandan referee Salima The runners-up will get $2.75m, while award. The trio were also the top three vote-getters for the Ballon d'Or.
nals by the organisers, the Confederation of Mukansanga among four female officials. beaten semi-finalists and quarter-finalists The winner will succeed England's Lucy Bronze, who took home the
African Football (Caf ). Two officials from North and Central will receive $2.2m and $1.175m respective- previous award.
“With Caf advancing with plans not only American and Caribbean football confeder- ly, helping boost the total increase in prize The prizes for the best men's and women's player, coach and goal-
to improve the image of refereeing but also ation Concacaf, Guatemalan referee Mario money from 2019 to $1.85m. keeper are voted for by the captains and coaches of all national teams
produce world-class match officials in Af- Escobar and Mexican VAR official Fernan- The Nations Cup kicks off on Sunday
around the world, as well as an online ballot of fans and a select num-
rica, the implementation of VAR in all 52 do Guerrero will also be included as part of when hosts Cameroon play Burkina Faso
ber of journalists.
matches is a step in the right direction,” said an inter-confederation skills exchange pro- (16:00 GMT). — BBC Sport
Voting closed on 10 December. — AFP
The Standard January 9 to 15 2022 31

Warriors suffer Zemura blow More sexual harassment cases emerge: SRC
BY MUNYARADZI MADZOKERE Board did not conclusively deal with
BY MICHAEL KARIATI sexual harassment incidences with-
THE Sports and Recreation Commis- in its structures, leaving the profession-

ARRIORS rising star sion (SRC) has revealed that sexual har- al women in football very vulnerable to
Jordan Zemura, will assment cases in Zimbabwean foot- continued abuse by their perpetrators.
miss Zimbabwe’s Afcon ball continue to rise as more victims are “Anyone within ZIFA who spoke out
2021 opening match against Sen- coming forward to report their ordeals. or supported the complainants were
egal following confirmation that This follows the suspension of the side-lined or ‘frozen out’ and in some
he is likely to arrive in Came- Zifa board by the SRC for a cocktail of cases, threatened. So not only were
roon after the first match due to transgressions among them the failure these women subjected to work relat-
a Covid-19 outbreak at his Eng- to deal with allegations of sexual harass- ed trauma of unwanted sexual advanc-
lish Championship club Bourne- ment of female referees by key technical es, they also lost their means of income
mouth. staff within the football governing body and careers,” she added.
Team manager Wellington Female commissioners in the SRC It is understood that the SRC wrote
Mpandare revealed that the board Karen Mutasa and Gail Van Jaars- to ZIFA on several occasions requesting
22-year-old England-born sensa- veldt revealed the latest development that they institute an investigation into
tion will only join camp either on in an exclusive interview with Standard- the matter and also requested ZIFA to
Monday or Tuesday which would Sport. avail reports of the findings but nothing
be late to face the star-studded Li- “One of the key discussion points materialized.
ons of Teranga at the Bafoussam that the SRC has brought to the atten- “Due to the severity of the issues,
Omnisport Stadium tomorrow af- tion of FIFA, is the sexual harassment the Sports and Recreation Commission
ternoon. cases whose number continues to in- was compelled to take the necessary
“As you know, Bournemouth crease as more victims emerge. We be- steps in order to protect the integrity of
was hit hard by Covid-19 and Jor- lieve that when the women made their the sector. This has brought to the fore,
dan was caught in the crossfire. Jordan Zemura complaints to ZIFA, CAF and FIFA - these deep routed issues of sexual harass-
We are expecting him on Monday issues should have been prioritized and ment within the ZIFA structures.
or Tuesday. Right now, he is not given due attention,” Mutasa said. “The SRC has since engaged the af-
available for the Senegal match,” liat is also unavailable for the him with being his first-choice “There has been a significant in- fected parties together with other rel-
said Mpandare. continental tournament follow- left-back. crease in sexual harassment incidenc- evant stakeholders in a bid to obtain a
Zemura went into isolation last ing his decision to retire from in- Zemura’s biggest asset is sure- es over the last few years, aside from holistic appreciation of the gravity of
Saturday after the majority of ti- ternational in November. ly his athleticism given the way this just being totally unacceptable, this the matter. What is quite apparent is
tle chasing Bournemouth play- Mpandare, however, is confi- he bounds up and down the flank. trend has further widened the gap with the absolute relief and gratitude by the
ers tested positive for Covid-19 dent that the highly rated Eng- Meanwhile unlike the chaos regard to gender equality within the victims that this issue is finally being ad-
just before their Championship land-based star would arrive in that characterised Zimbabwe’s sports and recreation sector,” she added. dressed,” Mutasa said.
match against struggling Peter- time for the Warriors’ second 2019 Afcon campaign in Egypt, Van Jaarsveldt also added her voice According to the SRC the Zimbabwe
borough which was later called game against the Flames of Ma- morale is reportedly high in the to the matter that came to light back Republic Police has opened dockets for
off. lawi on January 14. Warriors camp after the players in 2020 and seemingly died a natural the cases that have been reported while
His absence means coach Nor- Zemura has made four appear- were paid part of their dues by death until the SRC intervened. the Zimbabwe Gender Commission has
man Mapeza will have to reshuf- ances for the Warriors since mak- the Sport and Recreation Com- “Football has long held a special shown key interest in the matter.
fle his team once again as the on- ing his debut against African mission. place in the affections of Zimbabweans. Mutasa and Van Jaarsveldt appealed
fire Zemura, who can also play in champions Algeria in November “The players do not have any This status has largely protected the sec- to women whom have been subjected
midfield was a certain starter for 2020 and will be looking to use other distractions. They are more tor from scrutiny in as far as sexual har- to sexual harassment during the course
the Warriors against the 2019 los- the Afcon finals as a springboard focused on their matches after assment incidences are handled. of their work to come forward and re-
ing Afcon finalists. in his fledgling career. they were paid part of the money “Regrettably, the suspended ZIFA port.
Zimbabwe are already without The defender has been one of they were promised by the SRC
Brendan Galloway, Marvelous the rising stars in the English and in cash,” said Mpandare.

Zifa Councillors determined to oust board

Nakamba and Marshall Munet- Championship since impressing Apart from Senegal and Mala-
si, who are injured while Tendayi on his league debut in August in wi, Zimbabwe also have Guinea
Darikwa has asked to be excused the Championship’s curtain-rais- in Group B whom they play on
on personal grounds. Khama Bil- er, with Scott Parker entrusting January 18.
BY SPORTS REPORTER committee to convene an Extraordi-
nary meeting. This threshold was met,

Ervine ‘humbled’ to reach 100 ODI milestone

IT never rains but pours for the sus- and in fact surpassed as is apparent
pended Zifa board after Zifa Congress from the attached request,” reads part
approached Fifa informing them that of the letter.
the Extraordinary General Meeting Kweza also wrote a separate let-
BY DANIEL NHAKANISO as stand-in captain for the tour. impact in white ball cricket. that is set to revoke the mandate of ter to the FIFA secretary general Fat-
The 36-year-old veteran of 99 ODIs, All-rounder Tino Mutombodzi, who the local football leadership will go ma Samoura titled “State of football in
ALREADY affirmed as one of Zimbabwe’s 18 Tests and 34 Twenty20 Internation- last played for Zimbabwe during their ahead as planned. Zimbabwe” which painted a grim pic-
most consistent one-day players, Craig als took over the captaincy duties from tour of Bangladesh in March last year The EGM has been set for 29 Jan- ture of the state of the domestic game
Ervine is set to further cement his status Sean Williams ahead of the limited- has returned to the national side. uary 2022 where the suspended Fel- under the suspended leadership.
as one of the most gifted players of his overs tour to Ireland and Scotland in Au- Ervine, who is amongst the several ex- ton Kamambo-led board is supposed The ZIFA members threw their
generation in white ball cricket when he gust-September last year. perienced players in the squad together to answer several issues among them weight behind the SRC’s decision to
plays in his 100th One Day International After leading the side admirably dur- with Sean Williams, Sikandar Raza, Tend- failure to call for their Annual Gener- suspend the Zifa board while calling
(ODI) game during the upcoming series ing the previous tour, Ervine is set to ai Chatara and Regis Chakabva, is antici- al Meeting (AGM), failure to appoint out the suspended executive mem-
in Sri Lanka. continue in the leadership role after be- pating a tough series in Sri Lanka. ZIFA Electoral Committee and divert- bers for their alleged failure to dis-
Zimbabwe’s opening ODI against Sri ing entrusted with the responsibility to “Sri Lanka is going to be a tough op- ing of Covid-19 funds to other pur- charge their duties.
Lanka on January 16 in Kandy will bring lead Zimbabwe once again by Zimba- position for us especially being in Sri poses. “We also note that the ZIFA board
up a century of one-day internationals bwe Cricket. Lanka but we have to look at it as anoth- The suspended Zifa board mem- was inept in the way and manner in
for Ervine, who debuted against India “Again it’s a huge responsibility (to er opportunity to pick up points in the bers, who include Felton Kamambo, which it dealt with allegations against
in May, 2010 as a dashing 24-year-old captain the team) and I feel a number of Super League and play our best cricket Philemon Machana, Brighton Maland- match fixing and sexual abuse by one
tipped to follow in the footsteps of his guys can do it, so I am grateful to have with more pressure being on Sri Lanka ule, Sugar Chagonda, Stanley Chape- of their colleagues,” Kweza wrote.
older brother Sean, who had taken his been given another opportunity to lead as they are expected to win,” he said. ta, Barbara Chikosi and Farai Jere, also “It is again the view of the ZIFA As-
talents to the English County scene. my country and I hope I do justice to The ODI series will commence on Jan- stand accused of usurping the powers sembly that the board has not been
In fact the left-handed middle order the position and lead from the front,” he uary 16 with the last two games to be of the congress in key decisions. diligent in the discharge of its duties
batsman made an impressive entry into said. played on January 18 and 21. While the suspended Zifa officials and obligations:
international cricket, striking an unbeat- Ervine leads a 15- All the matches which are art of the accused its secretariat of improperly  They failed to maintain amica-
en 67 that guided Zimbabwe to a fa- man squad that in- ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup Super calling for the EGM, the Zifa Congress ble relations with key stakeholders, in
mous sic-wicket ODI victory over India at cludes the League will be played at the Palle- members revealed that it was them particular (SRC)
Queens Sports Club in 2010. uncapped kele International Cricket Stadium who submitted a request to convene  Failed to call an AGM for year
He went on to make his Test debut in duo of in Kandy and will be day-night af- the meeting. ending 2021 as per our constitution
Zimbabwe’s historic comeback triumph opening fairs. In a letter to the Fifa Legal Counsel  Failed to protect the interest of its
over Bangladesh in 2011 after the coun- batter Takudzwa- SQUAD: Ervine Craig (C), Burl on behalf of the Zifa Congress Mem- members
try’s six-year self-imposed exile. nashe Kaitano and Ryan, Chakabva Regis, Chatara bers on Friday, Northern Region chair-  Failed to protect the integrity of
However it has been in the ODI format former Zimbabwe Tendai, Jongwe Luke, Kaitano man Martin Kweza said due process the game as clearly spelt in Article 2(f )
where Ervine has flourished more and Under-19 wicket- Takudzwanashe, Madande was followed and the EGM Is in line “In view of the above, more than
his upcoming milestone will make him keeper batsman Clive Clive, Madhevere Wess- with the association’s constitution. one-third of the ZIFA Assembly
just the 18th Zimbabwean to feature in Madande who have ly, Masakadza Wel- “We advise that the members of signed a petition to call for an EGM,
100 ODIs. been rewarded for lington, Mutom- ZIFA called for an Extra Ordinary Meet- in terms of the ZIFA constitution Art
“I’m very excited to get to 100 ODI’s,” their form on the do- bodzi Tinoten- ing, which meeting has been set for 28(2). The members as conveners
Ervine told StandardSport just before mestic scene. da, Muzarab- 29 January 2022. The suspended ex- of the meeting, through the Acting
the Chervons’ departure for Sri Lanka Twenty-eight- ani Blessing, ecutive committee of ZIFA is however General Secretary Mr Xolisan Gwese-
yesterday. year-old Kaitano, NgaravaRich- of the view that the meeting was set la, have served the members with a
“When you start your career you nev- whose only previ- ard, Raza prematurely. In sharp contrast, we are Notice and Agenda for the meeting,”
er know if you will make these sort of ous appearance for Sikandar, of the firm view that the procedure we he said.
milestones so to be able to have that op- Zimbabwe came in Shumba adopted is correct,” Kweza. The EGM has also been endorsed
portunity is very humbling,” he said. a Test match against Milton, “In terms of Art 28(2) of the ZIFA by the SRC, with chairman Gerald
In addition to the impeding mile- Bangladesh in Ha- Williams constitution one-third of the mem- Mlotshwa describing the develop-
stone, Ervine will also have the honour rare in July, will be Sean bers of ZIFA can request the executive ment as “interesting”.
of leading the side after being retained seeking to make an
32 The Standard January 9 to 15 2022

Standard Lewandowski, Messi and Salah

finalists for FIFA Best award

Robert Lewandowski, Lionel Mes-
si and Mohamed Salah were named
on Friday as the three finalists for the
FIFA Best Men's Player award, while
Ballon d'Or winner Alexia Putellas was
nominated for the women's prize. Page 30

Warriors ooze confidence

Knowledge Musona (right) and Norman Mapeza: Picture by ZIFA

BY MUNYARADZI MADZOKERE month ago. time. what we have been working on.
The 31-year-old star reckons that the “I have already played at two AFCON "Everything is falling into place. I am

ARRIORS captain Knowledge Warriors will benefit from being one of finals without progressing to the knock- more than grateful to the government.
Musona is confident that the the first participating teams to travel to out stages and doing it now will mean a They gave us this opportunity to come
team will make the country Cameroon as it has helped them to accli- lot to me as an individual and to the whole here early and acclimatise,” he said.
proud at the Afcon finals despite missing a matize to the conditions in that country. team, because it will be historic for every Zimbabwe play Malawi on January 14
number of top players ahead of the Group “Coming in early was really important player. It’s an opportunity for us to show before concluding group matches with a
B opener against giants Senegal at the for us to be together for longer as a team, that we can perform at big tournaments tie against Guinea on January 20.
Kouekong Stadium, Bafoussam in Came- while we also acclimatize to the environ- like AFCON,” said Musona. Zimbabwe’s 23-man squad for the
roon tomorrow. ment for those players who are Coach Norman Mapeza revealed 2021 CAF Africa Cup of Nations:
The premier football event which kicks based in places with different that the technical team has Goalkeepers: Petros Mhari (FC Plat-
off today is set to run until February 6. weather conditions. been working more on the inum), Martin Mapisa (FC Zamora,
Making their fifth appearance at the Af- “We still have more psychology of the play- Spain), Talbert Shumba (Free State
con finals, the Warriors have never pro- days to train, and we ers as well as sharpness Stars, South Africa)
gressed beyond the Group stages of the will be ready for our ahead of the Senegal Defenders: Peter Muduwa (High-
tournament while they have also failed first game. I am con- tie. landers), Alec Mudimu (Torpedo
to claim three points in their first match fident that we will “The training ses- Kutaisi, Georgia), Takudzwa Chim-
since their debut in 2004. have a good tourna- sion was brilliant. wemwe (Nkana, Zambia), Jordan Ze-
And this time around a star-studded ment that will make The guys are work- mura (FC Bournemouth, England),
Senegal side offers the Warriors their first the whole country ing hard and I am Godknows Murwira, Gerald Takwara
acid test in Cameroon in a group that also proud,” he said. happy. The guys are (Venda Football Academy, South Afri-
includes Guinea and Malawi. The Warriors ar- really pushing and ca), Teenage Hadebe (Houston Dyna-
“It’s unfortunate that we are missing rived in Cameroon on their attitude is good. mo, USA), Bruce Kangwa (Azam, Tan-
some players who were with us during the December 30, to prepare My prayer is that we do zania), Onismor Bhasera (SuperSport
qualifiers because of injuries and other for the tournament camp- not get any injuries as we United, South Africa)
issues, but I think we still have the qual- ing in Yaounde before mov- are left with just three days be- Midfielders: Kelvin Madzongwe (FC
ity to compete with any team. I definite- ing to their Bafoussam. fore the first game,” said Mapeza. Platinum), Thabani Kamusoko (Zesco
ly think that we are going to have a good And on a personal level, Musona will be “I just hope that everybody will be ready United, Zambia), Never Tigere (Azam,
tournament, especially with the prepara- making a record third appearance at Af- by the time we play against Senegal. It’s Tanzania), Ishmael Wadi (JDR Stars,
tions that we have done so far, and what we con which he shares with teammates Tino all about the psychological part of the South Africa), Kudakwashe Mahachi
will still do in the remaining days,” Muso- Kadewere who plays for Olympique Lyon game, and we have been working on it. So (SuperSport United, South Africa),
na told Cafonline. in France, US-based Teenage Hadebe and far so good,” he said after Friday’s train- Kundai Benyu (Vestri, Iceland)
Notable players who are unavailable for Supersport United winger Kudakwashe ing session. Strikers: Admiral Muskwe (Luton
Zimbabwe this time around include Mar- Mahachi. “The friendly match we played against Town, England), Prince Dube (Azam,
velous Nakamba, Marshall Munetsi and The Zimbabwe captain who is in the twi- Sudan gave us a clear picture of where we Tanzania), David Moyo (Hamilton Ac-
Brendon Galloway while the star of the light of his career is hoping for third time are coming from and where we are going. ademia, Scotland), Knowledge Muso-
previous two tournaments Khama Billi- luck to help the country reach the knock- In terms of fitness, I am more than hap- na (Al-Tai, Saudi Arabia), Tinotenda
at retired from international football two out stages of the competition for the first py, we lacked a bit of sharpness but that's Kadewere (Olympique Lyon, France)

January 9 TO 15 2022 BACK WITH A

about 2022
Why I chose
Professor: Sandy

 Celebrating the
"legend" of Harare
MUMC choir

Gibson Brown
Foundation gives Mabvuku
Christmas cheer
S2 Standard Style |January 9 to 15 2022


Artists optimistic about 2022

By Sindiso Dube ryone across the country. We want

to perform it live before we start re-
he last two years have leasing new music."
been gloomy for the arts Comedian and Umahlekisa com-
industry and saw most edy club founder Ntando Moyo said
artists shelving their mu- they want to enhance their digital
sic due to Covid-19 re- footprint in 2022.
strictions that came with the sus- “As Umahlekisa comedy club, we
pension of live musical shows. are expecting to enhance our digi-
The last quarter of 2021 saw tal footprint and explore more on
shows being held under strict Cov- social media and other online plat-
id-19 regulations. However a few forms. We are looking at our anni-
would break the law and hold per- versary which is coming in March
formances after curfew times and and we want to hold a comedy fes-
exceeding maximum numbers. tival to celebrate our fete," he said. Mbeu
Many artists predict a better 2022 "On a personal level, I want to
that will see them releasing music grow my brand and diversifying it
and holding live shows. to consultancy, and administrative
Others have expressed the need work that means there will be less
to turn their brands from just artist- performances from me this year.”
ry to entrepreneurship and owning Rapper and founder of Masofa
platforms in the age of Covid-19. Panze Art Consultancy Noble Stylz
Mbeu released an album, Manera said artists should venture more
in November and hopes to market it into owning platforms rather than
through live shows and visual. concentrating on content produc-
“2022 is an exciting year for us, tion alone.
Stunner the dynamics of music are chang- “2022 presents a new landscape
ing due to the spread of the novel for creative, the digital age made a
corona virus. We are excited to be very rapid engulfment for our space

Stunner joins ED
in the trenches again and we see which has its serious advantages
ourselves doing a lot of shows and and challenges. The synergy of ide-
pushing for the culture of family as and processes to execute are key

shows that will be adhering to Cov- to survival and growth in our realm,"
id-19 regulations and curfew stipu- said Noble Stylz. Noble Stylz
lated times,” said Mbeu. "On a personal level, I look for-
“We will be marketing our latest ward to ownership as a key thing
release, Manera (Album) that we re- to many of the projects I will em-
By Sindiso Dube leased in November. That will be bark on. Institutions will surely out-
our key activity and we will be re- live artistry and I am going to bank
Hip-hop veteran Stunner has joined the bandwagon leasing videos from the album, with more into owning spaces and mar- laboration with X Studios in Bula- “This is an exciting year that will
of local artists who support President Emerson Mnan- our first video dropping in February. ket share. It will also be key to part- wayo and Gwanda. We are creating see me featured on a song with
gagwa, if a video making rounds on social media is an- We have a special collaboration that ner with platforms who are onto the a platform that will make it easy for one of Zambia’s finest artist but I
ything to go by. will be out on January 21, we can- same path and increase equity." artists to record their projects any- won’t be revealing the name till
Stunner is seen in a video with three fans endorsing not divulge the name of the artist, Amapiano and house star Mzoe time even if they don’t have mon- everything is on track. You should
Mnangawa’s rule whilst showing off Men BelievED de- we want to surprise our fans, all I 7 who managed to perform in the ey at hand. I will also be producing also expect more videos from my
signer clothes. can say is it’s going to be huge. United States of America last year and directing television shows and side and I will be fusing hiphop
Men BelievED is a movement by men meant to gar- "We will be releasing new mu- said he will be broadening his brand a movie in collaboration with Keait- with other genres. I bet many have
ner support for the Zanu PF leader ahead of the 2023 sic when we are convinced that more into business. se films” he said. never heard me sing, I will be sing-
elections. we have served and exhausted the “We are growing the brand, mov- Zambian-based rapper Sinbad ing this year,” said the Boyz Remuku-
The video was received with mixed feelings amongst market with Manera. We want to ing it up to entrepreneurship and 90 will dish out videos and also try te hit maker.
the artist’s fans with some blasting him for joining Zanu share the album Manera with eve- not limited to music. I am in col- out new genres.
PF whilst others defended his constitutional right to

Ollah Juru back with a bang

support whoever he wants.
Stunner could not be reached for comment as his BY NOMALANGA KABANZI
mobile phone was not reachable.
Other artists who have publicly expressed their sup- South Africa-based veteran gos-
port for Mnangagwa are DJ Towers and Passion Java, a pel musician Bishop Ollah Juru is
record label owner which houses artists such as Roki, back with a bang following the re-
DJ Oskid and others. The two have been embarking on lease of his 12th album that is lad-
nationwide campaigns for Mnangagwa and donating en with social commentary. Juru sang that people are born
food. The Rhabahoma hitmaker re- with their talents and they ma-
Late last year, Zanu-PF appointed musician and leased a six-track album lased with ture differently just like the way el-
raunchy dancer Sandra Ndebele as its representative human interest lyrics well-blend- ephant’s gestation period differs
for young women in economic development and em- ed with fast beats on songs Sefa with a dog’s. Therefore, Juru urged
powerment in Bulawayo. Mashoko, Kufa Kuripo, Shave Re- people to wait for their chances to
After the appointment, Independent Member of Par- urombe, Nzou Nembwa, Baba and make it in life than to give up early.
liament for Norton, Temba Mliswa scoffed at the recruit- Mujombonono. On the song Baba, Juru urg-
ment as ‘pittful’ Sefa Mashoko is a song that urg- es people to eat a humble pie to
“Another dry, cut and paste job as Zanu PF_Official es people to have a good diction as apologies and seek reconcilia-
has appointed Sandra Ndebele as their Bulawayo repre- inappropriate words can break re- tion whenever they wrong their
sentative for Young Women in Economic Development. lationships. parents. The song is a campaign
However, the abiding idea behind the move makes the Juru sings that words can either against domestic violence where
whole thing pitiful. It’s a clear scramble for popularity make or break relations; hence children side with their mother to
and youth support," said Mliswa. they ought to be chosen wisely. mete violence against their father.
“The move exhibits a low regard for the Zimbabwe- He urged people to be accom- Whether it was be design or coin-
an electorate’s mentality. People can now see beyond modative of others, regardless of cidence, these children faced mis-
these platitudinous actions which seek to harness and their status, social standing, ability fortunes in their life and blamed
transfer popularity from a different sphere into the par- or lack of but should embrace each it on the assault cases of their fa-
ty’s community of politics." other and live as one. ther. Upon realisation that they
Last year, comedienne Mai TT led a women’s dele- Juru added that in life people had done a bad thing against their
gation that met Mnangagwa at State House under the will always need each other and father, they swallowed their pride
banner Women for ED [economic development]. should, therefore, lend each other and apologised to him promising
Modeling instructor and mental health advocate a helping hand. not to do such an evil act on him
Sipho Mazibuko also joined the ruling party and is reg- The message is so touching on again.
istered under ward four in Bulawayo. the song Kufa Kuripo as death is Bishop Ollah Juru Mujombonono is a song that
In an interview with Standard Style after joining Zanu so difficult to fathom. It is a reali- preaches about unity in families
PF, Mazibuko said she joined out of her own volition as ty that “every person born out of a because there is nothing new un- spirits casting bad omens on fam- warning people who are bent on
she believes it is the “right party” to belong to as it offers woman has few days on earth”, but der the sun. Indeed, life is so pre- ily members so that whatever they causing disharmony in other peo-
many opportunities. this is a bitter pill to swallow. cious that the song urges people intend to do crumbles. ple’s families.
“Previously I didn’t belong to any political party, but People have failed to be accus- to preserve it and reap the rewards The nephew asked the uncle Juru said the album cuts across
I would vote. However, now I have chosen to associate tomed to death as the departure of of long life. why he was not doing anything to the social divide.
myself with a party, which is Zanu PF," she said. a loved one is painful, hence Juru, Life has its fate and sometimes cast out the evil spirit so that they “This album mainly touches on
“I feel Zanu PF is the right party to join since it has in an allegorical message urges a evil spirits can haunt people and can enjoy good living like oth- issues that affect people in their
proper structures that can be used nationwide. son to be worry of death and do deny them chances to prosper er normal families free from such everyday life. It is the duty of mu-
“I really like the initiatives that the second repub- good while alive. Juru pointed out and suffer in abject poverty as Juru spirits. sicians to tackle issues that affect
lic is doing to better the lives of the youths and wom- that the giver and keeper of life is sang on the song Shave Reurombe. The old Shona adage Usaenza- people in their life and proffer solu-
en spearheaded by the first lady Auxilia Mnangagwa. I God who should be praised by all When things do not go accord- nisa nguwo nedzaTarubva (do not tion to people in such circumstanc-
want to use my influence and skills to help in the socio- and sundry. ing to plan, people have a tenden- compare your belongings with es,” he said.
economic change of my country.” True to the proverb that even cy to blame either witchcraft or others) came clean on the song “As musicians, we have a way to
The country which is battling an economic crisis, seated elders can see far that a some bad spell casted on others Nzou nembwa. The song is about say out such issues in a social way
high unemployment, corruption and lack of investment standing youth, Juru urges the by family relations. In that typical opportunities that do not come at that does not negate those in that
will hold its harmonised elections in 2023. young to listen to the advice given African concept, a nephew com- the same time by differs according situation.”
by those who have seen it all in life plains to his uncle of some evil to people.
Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022 S3


tones and emotions
ran high recently
as revered United
Methodist Church
music ensemble Harare MUMC
Choir (Vabvuwi) launched their
20th music project at Hara-
re Inner City United Methodist
The choir, formerly known as
Harare West MUMC Choir, yet
again produced a masterpiece of
an album titled Mhururu (Silver
Jubilee Edition) as they celebrat-
ed 26 years in existence.
Their 25th anniversary fell in
2020 with the recording of the al-
bum shelved because of the Cov-
id-19 pandemic but a year later,
they lived to their reputation as
the icons of traditional gospel
music with a 10-track project,
laden with hymnals from the
United Methodist Church and
the title track, which is the only Harare MUMC Choir
chorus on the set, befitting the
celebratory mood.
Going way back in time in her

Celebrating the "legend"

opening devotion, deputy admin-
istrative assistant to the Bishop
in the Zimbabwe Episcopal Area
Reverend Vienna Mutezo, hailed
the choir for keeping the dream
alive and implored them never to

of Harare MUMC choir

forget the very firm foundations
on which this choir was built.
“I was looking back at your
videos from yesteryear as I real-
ized some of the members who
were part of you who are no
longer with us, reminiscing the
performances you did in Kari- gratulations, we are also say- and thought of to capture the ry for the years that followed. architect of some of the choir’s
ba and at state functions at the ing what next after this. We still celebratory mood and share the Songs like Vimba naJesu and greatest albums, not only pro-
Heroes’ Acre where the former want to see you impact our lives choir’s long walk in music. Rwendo Rwevatendi that came duced the album but added a bit
president (the late Cde Robert musically. We still want to see Songs on the album include; off the albums Vimba na Jesu of his musical spice on the song
Mugabe) said he won’t speak be- you putting smiles on our faces. Mwari Muri zuva rangu, Nyika and Kune Nyika kudenga raTenzi Ngatiite Zvakanaka.
fore you sing. Never waiver from Celebrate with us in our joyous Yakanakisa, Toenda Kune umwe respectively cemented the choir’s The album also features cele-
those acts of faith!” said Rever- moments. Dry our tears in the musha, Jerusarema Musha wan- rising stock, earning them rave brated lead chorister for Mutare
end Mutezo. difficult moments of life,” Dzum- gu, Ndomuteera, Ngatiite zva- reviews at the time. based music ensemble Hilltop
“You started a good thing now bira said. kanaka, Padyo nemuchinjiko, Such was and still is the choir’s and Friends MUMC, Gwinyai
copied by many male choirs in “Yes, the scourge of the glob- Kwese Kwese Tinoona, Jehovha pedigree and reputation that Mutsongodza whose versatile
other denominations. Don’t go al Covid-19 pandemic has not anotipa Chisepe and the title they guest performed at the fu- musical prowess is felt in songs
back. Push on with the legacy. spared you. Performances have track Mhururu kumatenga. nerals of the late state vice presi- Ndomuteera, Padyo Nemuchin-
Challenges will always be there been coming few and far be- The choir is widely recognised dent Dr Joshua Nkomo and Gen- jiko, Nyika yakanakisa and the
but always stand firm. I recall tween. However, you have perse- as the first choir within the Unit- eral Solomon Mujuru at the na- title track.
when you started this project vered and launching this album ed Methodist Church and in the tional shrine, leaving great im- Other albums in their long cat-
to build a clinic in Mhondoro. itself is a triumph amidst adver- nation to introduce and popular- pressions on both occasions. alogue over the last 26 years in-
Starting something with a vi- sity. We are here to help you keep ize the gospel music brand in- They have over the years clude Apo Jesu Anouya, Tenzi
sion. The choirs that have now the fire burning in a new nor- volving the use of drums and toured neighboring countries taungana, Best of Harare West
come through, always see them mal.”. shakers (ngoma nehosho), intro- and at the peaking of their musi- MUMC Choir Volumes 1 to 3, Tiri
as your offsprings. Choir chairman Abraham ducing it to an already breaming cal excellence went to China. vawadzani, Mwari baba wangu,
“As you continue, always bear Kawadza said the album’s thrust gospel circuit that already had As if to mark their year in Kune Kupenya Mugomo, Mharid-
in mind that those that were too was to raise funds to ensure established stars like Mechanic some fashion, the choir, on top zo (Tribute to Rev Katsande),
with you, the likes of the late the maintenance of the bus, pur- Manyeruke, Brian Sibalo, Carol of this Christmas present, did a Ndakabarwa mune dima, Kue-
Bishop Christopher Jokomo, Mi- chasing of the public address Wutaunashe and Gospel Trum- remix to their popular hit Vim- dza kwazosvika, Tsitsi Dzinon-
chael Muzondo, Mushoperi and system and other choir require- pet to mention but a few. ba naJesu featuring Mutare City dishamisa, Ebenezer Convention
others will always ask what has ments needed to enhance their The choir started as a district Council brand ambassador Jai- and Tiri pano Baba.
come of you along the journey. ministry. fundraising initiative in August rous Mutambikwa with the ac- They have done at least seven
Keep the legacy going.” The choir sampled songs from 1995 with over 40 men forming companying video launched on DVD compilations along the way.
Guest of honour David Dzum- their huge discography and from the choir. December 19. Their enduring legacy is the
bira echoed the same senti- the new album with a poignant Their debut album Mwari In keeping with the party, this proliferation and growth of Vab-
ments, urging the choir to look emotional moment coming as Mubatsiri wedu came in 1996 album for the first time was re- vuwi choirs within the UMC and
beyond the 26 years and contin- they belted the song Varume, a with the song Upenyu hwan- corded and produced in Mutare beyond.
ue being relevant in preaching tribute to their fallen members gu nemasimba, fondly known as at legendary music producer Pe- With such a rich library, there
the gospel. and the ones surviving. Ndomugarira, becoming a break- ter “Cool Dude” Muparutsa’s is no end in sight to the legend-
“Indeed, you are launching The album indeed earns its through hit that will define the PAYS Studio. ary musical story of the legends,
this album and in saying con- corn with songs evenly arranged choir’s positive musical trajecto- Muparutsa, a mainstay and an Harare MUMC Choir Vabvuwi.

Morline Shalom back in studio


AFRO-JAZZ gospel artiste, Mor-

line Shalom Kuwana, who had
gone into a five-year sabbatical,
will release her fifth album ti-
tled The Very Best Of Morline the choirs until I completed my the next thing I found myself music was a fusion of Afro- Morline said she was looking
Shalom later this month tertiary education. I have been at Monolio studios where Clive jazz, kwaito, rhumba, sungura forward to do collaborations
The multi-talented musician- in almost all Christian choirs,” Mono Mukundu told me that I and reggae. with a number of established
cum-businesswoman, fronts Morline Shalom said. had a gift of melody.” “Music just comes and I feel gospel musicians in the coun-
Morline Shalom and Shammah “Lincoln Muchinga inspired Morline said she first record- it is good to sing gospel in all try to spread the word of God.
Music group and is the owner me in the industry when we ed her first album titled Mwari these beats so that everyone “I will be very much happy to
of Platinum Home Incorporat- were having leadership work- Utatu which refers to the Holy will be ministered to spirit have collaboration with Shin-
ed Pvt Ltd, a designer compa- shops at Laying Solid Founda- Trinity in 2010. She released while enjoying the beat,” she gisai Siluma, Olivia Charam-
ny of home interiors, exteriors tion. her second album Nyaya Yacho said. ba, Mechanic Manyeruke and
and antique furniture. Morline “There you are helped to find in August 2011, which features “I am a product of Clive of course Jah Prayzah. People
Shalom said she was enthralled your career path when I shared the popular video Zimbabwe. Mukundu at Monolio Studio. may wonder why I would want
by music at a tender age of my experience and dreams; he She went on to release her With God all things are possible to collaborate with him but I
three years. encouraged me to always re- third album Mira (Be Still) in and I am pursuing my dreams. love his music and somehow he
“I feel it is a purpose. That cord on my phone so that I 2014 and the fourth album Zvib- “While others are limited by has his own way of preaching
is what I was also born to do. won't forget what I was singing. vunze in 2017. the sky I am not going to be lim- and inspiring people of which I
I had the feeling from a tender “The moment I started do- A product of Clive “Mono” ited because our God is a God like,” said Morline.
age and from Grade 3 I joined ing this, music was flowing and Mukundu, Morline said her of no limits.”
S4 Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022

Chics’ Galaxy

Why I chose Professor: Sandy


sician-cum business-
woman Sandra “Sandy”
Ndebele-Sibindi (pic-
tured) says South Afri-
can Kwaito musician
Professor (born Mk-
honzeni Langa) has
taught her that artistes
need to be creative and
innovative if they are to
remain in the game for
Sandy said this last
Monday when the two
dropped their Afro-pop
track titled Sara Baart-
man on video-sharing
platform YouTube.
“Professor is an ar-
tiste through and
through, who never
runs out of ideas. His
work ethic is admira-
ble and I love how he
is not afraid to try out
new things,” Sandy told
Standard Style.
“He taught me that
we need to keep on cre-
ating works as this is
our most valuable cur-
rency. So, this year I am
putting that advice into
practice with a goal to
release new music each
The Bulawayo diva
said she roped in Pro-
fessor for the project be-
cause it had been part
of their long-term plan
since the release of
their duet — a single ti-
tled Lizwile in 2018.
“This was always
part of a long-term plan
when we released Li-
zwile a few years ago.
From the onset we want-
ed to do something in
Zimbabwe with Zim-
babwean creatives and
then conclude the col-
laboration in South Af-
rica using that coun-
try’s creatives,” Sandy
“Sara Baartman is a
happy song that people
are going to groove to
but with a very serious
message. Sara Baart-
man was one of the first
black women known to
be subjugated to human
sexual trafficking and
exploitation because of
her body and figure.
“So, the song speaks
out against that and
urges young women not
to allow this to happen
to them. It’s a song that
celebrates African wom-
en and speaks against
all forms of exploitation
and abuse.”
She said the video was
shot in South Africa and
released on her birth-
“The video is out to-
day (January 3) to coin-
cide with my birthday
celebrations and the au-
dio should be available
for purchase on all on-
line platforms at the end
of this week,” Sandy
“People are excited
about it and we are con-
fident that it’s going to
do well. We are also in-
creasing our output
this year. So, look out
for more music, videos
and performances,” she
Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022 S5

With youth in mind

Spitzkop Leisure Centre:

A rare jazz outlet
BY STYLE REPORTER cial amenities, Spitzkop Leisure Maravanyika said the joint

Centre boasts of a bar that pro- serves various dishes and has
OST imbibers, es- vides intimate jazz music. braai facilities.
pecially the ma- He said the joint offers various “We have ample guarded park-
ture ones have al- spirits, lagers, ciders and classic ing spaces and we offer beef, pork,
ways had a strong cocktails complemented by sultry chicken, and mabonzo. But here’s
affinity with jazz, live jazz. the catch we make our own sau-
which has seen most liquor out- “We want to be an exclusive jazz sages to braai,” he said.
lets exclusively playing the genre outlet, although we would host “We have two greenhouses
either through disco or live bands. other groups playing different where we cultivate our vegetables
Jazz remains a booming art genres,” Maravanyika said. and we make our pizzas and burg-
form that packs out liquor outlets “We have our very own Spitz- ers. When I say we make I mean
and one such rendezvous is Spitz- kop Jazz band plus we invite out- we actually make them from
kop Leisure Centre on the periph- side artists at least twice a month. scratch, from the buns to the piz-
ery of the capital in Snake Park We have both outside and inside za base.”
area close to the Harare-Bulawayo performance stages. Maravanyika said the leisure
Road. “Recently we had Selmor centre also caters for kids.
The joint has become the talk of Mtukudzi, Sir Albert and his fa- “We have a children’s play cen-
town offering a potpourri of en- ther Bob Nyabinde and Josh tre where kids can enjoy while the
tertainment throughout the week, Meck, just to mention a few.” parents enjoy. In that regard, we
ranging from live bands, which “During the days when the live have meals, including ice cream
play jazz, blues and soul music, bands are not playing, we will that we make on our own,” he
especially on Fridays and Satur- have jazz, blues and soul music said.
days. available on our speakers. Located a stone’s throw from
Takunda Maravanyika, the “Music is one of the most essen- the White House, the joint is de-
joint’s director told Standard tial elements of the centre; hence signed to provide patrons with a
Style that apart from a recreation our tag line: ‘Home of Jazz, Blues fresh, modern and recreation ven- Spirtzkop Leisure Centre resident band in action
venue with an assortment of so- and Soul Music’.” ue.

Spring Publishing company

launch Nytra e-learning app
By Sindiso Dube educative content that they need of learners inside and outside of
to absorb. the classroom in this modern era
A local publishing company, The Nytra digital content is em- where access to digital platforms
Spring Hub Publishing in part- bedded in the publisher’s Spring is increasingly exponentially.
nership with an Indian-based Up textbooks that have been ap- “As a publisher, we believe we
company has launched a free mo- proved as following the New have a social contract with the
bile learning application called Competence-Based Curriculum learners, parents, and the minis-
Nytra which has been described and is therefore very relevant to try to ensure relevant and mod-
as ‘value-adding to students’ by the learners of Zimbabwe. ern ways of learning and teach-
the ministry of Primary and sec- The application was launched ing are .That is what we were try-
ondary education. in early December in the capi- ing to achieve with the introduc-
Nytra means eye, ziso in Sho- tal in a bid to elevate electronic tion of this application. Nytra
na or ilihlo in Ndebele. It’s an ap- learning for students during the has been met with a lot of appre-
plication that brings textbooks times of Covid-19 where students ciation from relevant stakehold- ter positioned to answer related She added that the application
to life by mainly using the pow- are learning from their respec- ers- learners and teachers were questions following use of the ap- is in line with the ministry’s e-
erful sense of the eye as it inte- tive homes. all quick to state that it made un- plication,” said Nyunyai Machi- learning agenda of digital learn-
grates the modern learners’ love “This application is meant to derstanding of abstract concepts wenyika, the managing director ing as well as that inclusivity.
of short videos, gadgets, and the augment the learning experience better and learners were bet- of Spring Hub Publication.
S6 Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022


Music industry predictions for 2022

in the groove
with Fred Zindi

am not a prophet like the late T.B. simply walk into a record shop and buy
Joshua or his subordinates, but I a vinyl disc to play on a gramophone at
can make predictions for the mu- home. Today’s kids do not even know
sic industry in the year 2022 which what a record player looks like, let alone
I see as the transformative year for a 12-inch vinyl record.
Zimbabwean music. Over the last few years, consumption
Predictions are usually statements habits have been slowly changing.
about what one thinks will happen in It's here now and figuring out how to
the future. I have made several of them, smash short form TikTok style content
some positive and others negative in a for our music is how artistes can meet
list below. this growing demand.
Let’s take a look back at the year 2021 The industry is fighting back with The late Soul Jah Love
then go out on a limb for what could new ways to monetise music consump-
happen in 2022. We are in unpredict- tion and innovative models: It is easy to
able territory for a bunch of reasons, host a live concert using online plat-
but there are encouraging trends in the forms that will attract millions of live Eve Kawadza is now married to Jamaican, Keeping fingers, toes and everything
music industry. viewers. Noel Blair and lives in Orlando, Florida else crossed, 2022 should be one of the
As we already know, the music indus- The crisis is likely to accelerate un- biggest years for live concerts and gigs
try has been hit hard by the coronavirus derlying trends in the music industry, as people crave the booming return of
pandemic with live performance reve- based on the importance of streaming, the live music industry, but for as long
nue being the biggest casualty. which has grown from 9% to 47% of to- die this year. There is also the possibil- Consumers will try their best to as the omicron, this new Covid-19 var-
It’s undeniable that 2021 has been tal industry revenues in just six years. ity that several bands are going to dis- avoid paying for music. More market- iant continues to affect the world, live
the year where a lot of musicians have Album launches will be fewer in 2022 integrate this year. This includes musi- ing strategies need to be thought out. music will continue to be a scarcity.
been more creative online and have and podcasts will be the new trend that cians fleeing from one top artiste. Here are more music industry pre- It is clear to see that static images
used live streaming platforms like Tik- will be competing more and more for The year 2021 for musicians was in- dictions and upcoming music business will become more video-based in gen-
Tok, Instagram or Twitch to provide high fans as podcasts do not really require teresting to say the least. trends to look out for in 2022. eral as they are more engaging overall
quality content to audiences and very the artistes to get paid. A lot of music So much happened that we may The first one is that the thirst for live for fans and music consumers.
often by incorporating licensed music consumers will try to download music have been able to expect, and some concerts becomes greater this year. We are already seeing this with the
in their streams. Last year, streaming for free, which is a big disadvantage to parts of the music industry took us The current state of live music is that rise of Spotify canvas and consumption.
accounted for 83% of music consump- the creators of such products. completely by surprise. it's still trying to get back on its feet. I think there will always be artwork but
tion. The global music industry is worth Quite a few female musicians left In Zimbabwe, we are lucky to be still there will also be versions for Apple/
In 2022, this trend will continue for over $50 billion, with two major income Zimbabwe to seek greener pastures. operating on level 2 of the pandemic Spotify and more.
many consumers. This year, we will see streams. We have the likes of Eve Kawadza (now restrictions. Small gigs which will at- There are going to be more online
more and more creators and artistes The first, live music, makes up over married to Jamaican, Noel Blair and tract no more than 100 patrons in small music teachers in 2022.
showcasing their own music creations 50% of total revenues and is derived lives in Orlando, Florida), Claire Nyaku- venues will continue to take place, but As music professionals search for
when streaming in order to promote mainly from sales of tickets to live per- jara, a solo artiste at Disneyland, Cindy curfew time must be observed. This more ways to monetize their knowl-
their content, attract new followers, formances. There will be few live per- Munyavi and Fatima Katiji, aka ‘Stimela’ is not good news for the likes of Jah edge and skills, the rise in music teach-
and engage with their fans online. formances this year which means that ( former member of Jah Prayzah’s Third Prayzah or Winky D whose fan bases ers online will be insane in 2022.
The live streaming space will be- 50% of music industry revenue will be Generation Band and backing vocalist- exceed 100. Everyone is more than comfortable
come incredibly noisy as every band lost. cum- dancer) who are all now comfort- However, as we enter 2022, efforts on video calls and Zoom webinars now
and singer searches for new ways to As the world welcomes 2022 amid ably settled in the United States. will be made by music promoters to that monetising this space seems obvi-
provide a live music experience during Covid-19 explosion, bars and restau- Some have quit the industry alto- arrange big concerts but despite this, ous.
these weird times. rants will continue to close while mu- gether while others are seeking alter- more concerts will be postponed and Music teaching online is really, really
With the advancement in technol- sicians will continue to play hide and native ways of making it. huge tours will also be cancelled. noisy. Artistes who are simply good at
ogy, music consumption through CD seek with law enforcement agents as Despite this, there are going to be We have already seen evidence of their craft but do not know how to deal
sales is going to be a thing of the past they try to make a living. Other artistes several new kids on the block. this. In November 2021, Major League with computers or other online gadg-
in the year 2022. do not even know that there are restric- Out of desperation for something to from South Africa came but were not ets will be at a loss. If they are going to
TikTok will become even more domi- tions in place as they keep on looking do, many unemployed youths will soon allowed to perform in Harare after fans tackle this, they need to become mu-
nant. TikTok is an absolute monolith. for work. surface onto the music scene. had already paid for tickets to watch sic marketing experts in order to stand
In September 2021, the platform an- It looks like the end of the world for The landscape for artists is changing them. a chance.
nounced a whopping 1 billion active humanity; what with floods, drought, every single day. They promised to come back on De- Only the strongest will survive! Ar-
users, and its growth does not show fires, volcanoes, earthquakes and of So how does 2022 look for the mu- cember 22, but failed to do so. tistes are responsible for sitting in the
any signs of stopping. course Covid-19 variants such as delta sic industry, and how can independent Fans eager for that live music buzz driver’s seat and for driving their music
The opportunity for virality and so- and omicron. artistes stay ahead of their game? No have simply been waiting far too long to their fans. There will be need for this
cial media explosion on TikTok is huge Using the law of averages and based doubt, there will be a huge increase in to watch their favourite bands and hustle in 2022.
for artistes. on 2021 statistics of artistes’ deaths in prices for music products just like there singers tear it up on stage. The mu- We hope that 2022 will bring a hap-
This makes it one of the most impor- Zimbabwe where Soul Jah Love, Friday has been increases in prices of other sicians too, who seem to be getting py new year and better fortunes for
tant digital platforms for music in 2022. Mbirimi and Cuthbert Maziwa died, at goods in the supermarkets, in electric- rusty, are more than eager to get back musicians.
Gone are the days when one would least two well-known artistes will also ity and fuel. on stage in front of hundreds of fans.  Feedback:

Pair drops multilingual Covid-19 song

BY CHELSEA MUSAFARE hours, it just reaches its destination and to the music industry with great guid-
that is how life is like.” ance on taking our time to think deep-
UPCOMING music group Decade Dif- The song, which was launched at Zim ly about our content before just rushing
ference recently released a single which Events Family Fun Day at the Hockey Sta- to record.
carries a message of hope in view of the dium in Harare, was recorded in five dif- She added: “For our individual brands,
Covid-19 pandemic. ferent languages. recently Cinatra released her EP called
Speaking to Standard Style, the duo “Tinosvika Chete is sung in five lan- Multilingual and is working on releas-
of Rumbie Rue (Rumbidzai Chakanza- guages (Shona, Tonga, Chewa, Ndebele ing videos whilst Rumbie Rue is working
Mamvura) and Cinatra (Angela Cinatra and English) to cater for all cultures,” on releasing her single produced by DJ
Moyo) said depression and grief among Mamvura said. Miles from Propabless Studios a reggae-
citizens inspired their latest offering ti- “The song was produced by DJ Mar- conscious song titled Thank You.
tled Tinosvika Chete. velle at McChevy Studios. We sing afro “She is recording some Afro-fusion
“This pandemic era has taken us to but we are not restricted to one genre as and gospel songs to be released dur-
places of fear, loneliness and confusion we want to bring out the yesteryear vibe. ing the course of the year using differ-
as people lose their loved ones and jobs,” “Music which is authentic and live ent genres.”
Mamvura said. for decades like True Love by Ilanga and Rumbie Rue and Cinatra formed the
“We thought of a song that will give Hapana Mazwi by Michael Lanas. We can group Decade Difference at Mhako’s
hope to communities so that these tur- still vibe to those jams as if they are still Kombi Station where they felt they must
bulent emotions will pass. Allow them fresh. be a group like Mafikizolo, which is free
to wash over you like water and then “We are busy composing songs for to do work under individual’s brands and
you can start the re-born process. Be pa- Decade Difference project and we will group brands.
tient! Change takes time and do not take be flexible to use different studios in and They named the group Decade Differ-
shortcuts. Pay attention to all details and out of Zimbabwe as we want to expand ence because that is their age difference
you will reach your desired destination. into other markets. and they believe each decade has a dif-
“New opportunities for change and “Many thanks to Plot Mhako, who sup- ference and will aim to bring that posi-
development present themselves every ported our collaboration idea and be- tive change regardless of their differenc-
day. We pictured a train, whether it takes lieved that we could bring a strong vibe es. Rumbie Rue (Rumbidzai Chakanza-Mamvura) and Cinatra (Angela Cinatra Moyo)
Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022 S7

Claritas expands its doors

By Jotham Gutsa/Brenda “People take pride in putting “One minute the exchange
Manyembere on something that you don’t al- rate is wherever it is and the

ways find at every other street next minute it’s gone up, but the
ONTEMPORARY corner. income is static and that aspect
boutique shop, Clar- “We thrive in trying to pro- of deflation that we are facing
itas, opened its reno- duce uniqueness that is why our as a country weakens the buy-
vated state-of-the-art procurement is so diverse.” ing power.
lingerie and under- He said most of their products “So one minute you are afford-
wear urban shop last week along were from Poland, United King- ing to buy something like US$10
Jason Moyo Avenue in the capi- dom, China, Turkey, UAE, Thai- then next same day that same
tal as the company continues to land as well as India. income you had will buy US$5.
expand its market share and im- “We do that so that when one And then priorities will defi-
prove customer experience. market has a limitation, the oth- nitely shift.
Claritas offers Panache sport er market should come in as a “No one should be scared of
collection with a glamorous and solution,” Mukwati said. walking in. Our promise is we
intense feel. “When it comes to underwear have everything and for every-
Prominent brands that are or lingerie for teenagers or preg- one but doesn’t mean compro-
crafted to fit and styled for com- nant women or whatever social mising on quality and class.
fort also available in the bou- we cater for you.” “We have split our market to
tique shop are Wonderbra, Tom- He said the renovations come downtown and uptown, however
my Hilfiger, Victoria’s Secrets, at a time business is poised we don’t discriminate our prod-
Kenneth Cole, Playtex and Cal- to improve following the Cov- uct range, we just sell every-
vin Klein to name but just a few. id-19-induced hard lockdowns, thing everywhere.”
The company’s director Ven- which affected economic activi- Besides Claritas, the business
gai Mukwati told Standard Style ty and disposable incomes for its executive also runs Carols Clos-
that they were buoyant about customers. et and Underwear City which
the future and had in place var- “We do understand the eco- are lingerie and underwear
ious strategies and initiatives nomic situation in Zimbabwe, shops. Adore is also part of his
to safeguard and entrench their the buying power is so com- empire and it specialises in cor-
market hold. pressed, it weakens everyday porate wear.
“We are going to introduce di- particularly for those earn-
verse brands and unique prod- ing Zimbabwe dollar,” Mukwa-
Vengai Mukwati and wife Carol ucts,” Mukwati said. ti said.

By Takemore Mazuruse

Pride Manyika, or simply Miss

Pride as the CEO of tech compa-
Businesswoman on mission to
empower female entrepreneurs
ny Parul Tech, is not just another
She is on a mission to raise an
empowered generation of female
entrepreneurs and has set up a
powerful vehicle to drive this mis-
sion. shifting mindsets so that all our
This noble and well structured clients and beneficiaries rise to
business incubation venture is become well to do with and suc-
called Business Shower with cessful players that contribute to
Miss Pride and it promises to be a viable economy in Zimbabwe.”
the go to company for most rising The Business Shower concept
female entrepreneurs. is already in motion with initial
The scope is to give passionate meetings with potential benefi-
and self-driven female entrepre- ciaries having been held.
neurs a head start into business Manyika said they are widen-
with many free business events ing their nets and ensuring more
and showers for selected benefi- visibility and presence for the
ciaries that make the grade lined brand to attract and reach many
up for 2022. across Zimbabwe.
A seasoned and respected en- “We don’t want this idea to ben-
trepreneur in her own right, the efit people in our circles only. We
affable businesswoman has seen want all progressive female busi-
it all in the business world thanks ness minds around Zimbabwe to
to her dalliance with some of the tap into this hence we have scaled
big mobile tech companies in up our brand visibility and pres-
Zimbabwe before she resigned to ence on digital platforms for eas-
start her own mobile and techno- ier engagement and communica-
logical gadgets supply venture tion of our ideals and services,”
aptly named Parul Tech. she said.
Her own business struggles and "We intend to roll out a mas-
experiences have exposed her to sive national campaign that will
the highs and lows of business. take Zimbabwe by storm and we
She believes there is no bet- are happy that we are receiving a
ter way to contribute to econom- lot of enquiries from doers that
ic and business growth in Zimba- want to be part of this movement.
bwe than through nurturing her There is no going back in this
female entrepreneur peers. venture and we thank the vari-
“I didn’t start my business ous partners coming on board to
journey with ease. I had to face Pride Manyika (in black) with her staff work with us.”
a lot of struggles and resistance The noble community pronged
and more often than not I would venture is creating a strong foot-
contemplate quitting and going The soft spoken businesswom- the market by storm even amidst ers charge a fee, Manyika said print online and a number of pro-
back to the usual 8 to 5 job but I an who co-directs the compa- the economic challenges. This her business shower concept was grammes and events have been
am grateful for my resilience and ny with her husband Davies Ma- goes to say we live in a world of unique in that it comes free of lined to rump up support and
the continued support and in- sango told The Standard Style possibilities and I am happy to charge with those that make the buy-in so that many can benefit
spiration I got from peers,” said that she felt blessed to be work- inspire fellow women to dream grade qualifying for the free yet from this undertaking.
Manyika. ing with some of the blue chip even bigger," Manyika said. empowering positive nudge. “Our presence and visibility is
"Parul Tech has risen to be- companies in Zimbabwe and will “Business Shower with Miss “We are doing it differently deliberate and there is no wish-
come a force in the mobile and use her new born Business Show- Pride will therefore focus on with Business shower with Miss ing us away. We want to be part
technological gadgets supply ser- er with Miss Pride venture to in- helping identified female entre- Pride. Our beneficiaries and cli- of the national drive to raise pro-
vice in Zimbabwe and we are not spire fellow women entrepre- preneurs start on their business ents under this undertaking wont ductive entrepreneurs that em-
looking back. We have serviced neurs to dream. journey from a vantage position be having to pay for the service. body excellence and we are happy
the entire Zimbabwe for over “God has blessed me in many courtesy of well structured busi- All they need to do is present that we are operating in the right
10 years with official registra- ways and I am grateful for the ness shower events that will help sound business models that con- era,” Manyika said.
tion only taking place in 2018 but continued confidence in my busi- them mobillise the right resourc- vinces our panel and once they Entrepreneurship is the new
our strides to date have given us ness and the products that we es both financial and material to- make that grade we work on the normal in Zimbabwe and there
so much confidence to continue supply. At Parul Tech we supply wards sustainable business oper- business shower parameters,” is no better way to support this
working hard and for that reason quality LED Tvs, mobile phones, ations.” she said. ideal than through creating the
we want to inspire and support laptops, printers, gas tanks and While many that claim to be “The showers are aimed at em- right linkages and partnerships
others to achieve their dreams.” gas stoves and these have taken supporting fellow business play- powering entrepreneurs and for those with the mind to work.”
S8 Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022


Gibson Brown Foundation gives

“I grew up here and I feel du-
ty-bound to give back to the
community hence the contin-

Mabvuku Christmas cheer

ued donations and community
development initiatives by the
Gibson Brown Foundation,” he
“The goal is to reach more
people with sustainable pro-
jects and support that can
change lives and the commu-
nity at large and we are push-
ing for more partner support to-

community builders
wards that drive.”
One of the beneficiaries Gogo
Chitewe thanked Gibson Brown
Foundation for the gesture and
with Takemore Mazuruse highlighted the grocery dona-
tion is timely.
“Our Christmas was going to

NITED Kingdom-based we are grateful to the partners be bleak but we thank them for
philanthropist Gibson that continue to heed our call remembering us from faraway
Brown has given Mab- particularly during this festive UK. May the good Lord bless
vuku residents something to season of giving.” them," said Chitewe.
smile about this festive season The recent Mabvuku grocery “It takes a lot of character
after donating groceries to dis- donations covered home basics to spare a thought for the less
advantaged and less-privileged like maize-meal, cooking oil, privileged especially for some-
families in the high-density rice, soap, salt and sugar and one who is in far away UK and I
suburb through his foundation. the beneficiaries thanked the just want to thank the organisa-
Other beneficiaries also in- Gibson Foundation for the no- tion’s founder and his partners
cluded health workers at the lo- ble gesture. for this gesture,” said one elder-
cal clinic. Lord Gibbo, as Brown is com- ly among the beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries of the Gibson monly known, said the dona- “May the dear Lord bless and
Foundation Christmas Cheer tion was their way of giving protect you as you continue giv-
include the elderly, orphans cheer to the less-privileged dur- ing yourself in service to oth-
and vulnerable children as well ing the Christmas season. ers.”
as the generally disadvantaged. “Christmas is all about giving The foundation’s represent-
Speaking from his UK base, and merry-making and we are ative Retired Major Sydney
the educationist and philan- happy to play our part in giving Musafare Mangwende, who
thropist said giving was in their cheer to the needy,” he said. handed over the donations,
DNA as Gibson Foundation and “Zimbabwe is generally go- said the charity drive was part
they will continue reaching out ing through challenging times of the organisation's ongoing
to the less privileged with sup- and such a scenario calls for all outreach programmes.
port from their funding part- actors including development “We want to continue reach-
ners. players to play their hence this ing more lives and we are work-
“We are very much alive to donation of groceries from the ing with local authorities to
the challenges that the disad- Gibson Foundation to the Mab- identify more beneficiaries,”
vantaged families continue to vuku people.” he said.
face and we are doing all we Brown, who was born and “Our hope is to make a last-
can to play our part in assisting raised in Mabvuku also pro- ing difference in the lives of the
them,” Brown said. vides educational support to less privileged. Through such
“As a progressive organisa- children in the area and has initiatives we will make life bet-
tion, we want to play our part in supported the local clinics and ter for all.”
Gibson Brown Foundation representative Rtd Major Sydney Musafare Mangwende complementing government ef- schools with grocery and other
with some of the beneficiaries forts towards social welfare and infrastructure related develop-

Kusi Chemicals records marked growth

BY TAKEMORE MAZURUSE floor glaze, hair shampoo, foam bath, then the Manufacturing company of
washing powder, detergent paste, the year and Manufacturing Business-
DOMESTIC and industrial chemicals channel blocks, de greaser as well as man of the year award at the Zimbabwe
manufacturing company Kusi Chemi- car wash and drain cleaner. Business Awards (ZIBA) in 2021.
cals has continued to register steady The 100% Zimbabwean owned com- “Other 2021 accolades include the
growth following a raft of measures to pany which was founded in 2017 has 2021 SMEs Expo, Silver Medal Entrepre-
satisfy the market and circumvent Cov- continued to contribute towards a neurship and Manufacturing award as
id-19 induced limitations. healthy nation and Mugwaga said be- well as the 2021 Gazelles, 4th Award for
The company’s innovation has seen yond their leading role in fighting Cov- Great performance in the year 2021.
the fledgling business player continu- id-19, they have always believed in a “I also received the following Honor-
ing to make inroads into various sectors clean and fresh environment for all. ary Doctorates in November 2021. The
of the economy thanks to its wide array “Beyond the work we are doing in first one is the Honorary Doctor of Hu-
of quality and market tested products. combating covid-19 through our prod- mane Letters, DHL from the Institute of
Kusi Chemicals CEO Maxwell Mug- ucts and services, we believe a clean Philanthropy (IIP) and the second one is
wagwa told Standard Style that the and fresh environment is a must hence the Honorary Doctor of Business Lead-
company is fast becoming the go to we have been specialising in the busi- ership & Entrepreneurship from the In-
company for all chemicals and cleaning ness of manufacturing cleaning deter- ternational Women’s University (IWU),”
detergents needs in Zimbabwe and the gents for both domestic and industrial Mugwagwa said.
region thanks to its unparalleled work- purposes," Mugwagwa said. The passionate businessman also
manship and customer satisfaction. Our vision is to reliably surpass ex- told The Standard Style that the compa-
“Kusi Chemicals is a subsidiary of the pectations of our customers and cli- ny will be on a major expansion drive
Kusi Group, which incorporates Kusi ents through provision of eco-friendly in 2023 and will be launching various
wholesale, Kusi hardware and Kusi min- products and offering quality cleaning campaigns and promotions to that ef-
ing. We are more than encouraged by solutions to people in Zimbabwe, the fect.
our growth particularly at a time the Southern African region and beyond." “We are embarking on a major ex-
economy continues to bear the brunt Thanks to innovation and continued pansion plan for the coming business
of the Covid-19 induced lock-down research on growing the entity, Kusi year with a bias on spreading into the
which affected operations over the past Chemicals has opened branches in Ha- retail market. We are therefore going to
two years,” Mugwagwa said. rare, Gweru, Bulawayo and Chinhoyi introduce various campaigns which we
“Our product range and services are since inception in 2017. The company believe will take the market by storm,"
quite in sync with the covid-19 situa- has also acquired industrial land where he said.
tion which has made us one of the key a state of the art manufacturing facili- “Our thrust is to become a trusted
players in combating this disease. From ty will be constructed within the next and valued player in the cleaning and
hand sanitisers, deep cleaning chem- five years. detergents making business and we are
icals and other related disinfection “We have registered marked growth doing all it takes to achieve this ideal.”
chemicals and services, Kusi Chemicals in our operations and we are happy Kusi Chemicals has also been com-
has become the flagship service pro- to have opened 4 branches in Harare, mended for its Corporate Social Re-
vider and supplier.” Gweru, Bulawayo and Mutare thanks to Kusi Chemicals CEO Maxwell Mugwagwa and wife sponsibility work and over the years
The company specialises in various our quest to satisfy the market," Mug- they have reached out to various char-
products namely hard surface cleaner, wagwa said. has been resounding. We have also re- date include the Gold Medal Product ities including Chinyaradzo Children’s
scouring powder, fabric softener, regu- "In 2019, Kusi Chemicals also diver- ceived various accolades in recognition Marketing award at the SME Expo in home as well as Prison services where
lar bleach, thick bleach, toilet cleaner, sified into cleaning, fumigation and of our work and we are grateful for the 2017 and 2018 respectively followed they have donated both food and non
household sanitizer, all purpose clean- landscaping services from domestic strides." by a silver award at the Zimbabwe In- food relief materials to the less privi-
er, pine gel, floor polish, tile cleaner, to commercial level and the success Some of the accolades received to ternational Trade Fair (ZITF) in 2019 and leged.
Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022 S9


95-95-95 by 2025
Telephone: +263(0242) 791171/2/8,
Telephone: 790575
RESPONSE 791243.
790575 Email:
& AIDS791243. Email:
National AIDS Council @naczim @naczim
Telephone: +263(0242) 791171/2/8, 790575 Tel/Fax:of AIDS
National Zimbabwe
791243. Email:of Zimbabwe
  Website: National AIDS Council of Zimbabwe @naczim

Co-ordinating the national multi-sectoral response to HIV and AIDS

Post Covid-19 syndrome also

sonnel and examination is needed
to rule out other possible causes of
these symptoms like unmasking
of pre-existing health conditions
or even SARS-COV2 re-infection.

known as “Long Covid-19"

Targeted pharmacologic treat-
ment for symptomatic improve-
ment is currently being done to
reduce symptom burden and im-
prove quality of life in affected pa-
However, studies are being done
BY DR HELEN KABAYA measures, patients frequently suf- to quantify the symptom burden
fer from symptoms of depression, in those with persistent symp-
THE majority of Covid-19 patients anxiety or mood changes. Post- toms and to evaluate the response
recover fully within weeks of ill- Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to these and other potential thera-
ness. is triggered by a terrifying or trau- pies.
However, a subset of Covid-19 matic event, which could result Long-term psychological sup-
patients will present with new, re- from either experiencing it or wit- port could be a crucial element aid-
turning or persistent symptoms of nessing it. ing in reducing mortality and mor-
at least 2 months' duration after se- As for Covid-19, the emergen- bidity.
vere acute respiratory syndrome cy environmental conditions that The best way to prevent post-
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infec- have been induced with this in- Covid syndrome is to prevent Cov-
tion. fectious disease might produce id-19 illness. For all those who are
These symptoms can occur even unique characteristics that are re- eligible, getting vaccinated against
in people who did not have Cov- sulting in PTSD among Covid-19 Covid-19 is the best way to prevent
id-19 symptoms when they were in- survivors. getting Covid-19 and can also help
fected, those who had a mild SARS- Of note, most Covid-19 patients protect those around you.
COV2 infection or in patients who are more likely to be infected by Remember to always follow the
do not have any underlying medi- close contact from family mem- recommended preventative meas-
cal condition. bers. As a result, those patients ures of:
The commonly reported symp- might be experiencing the impacts Wear a facemask
toms are prominent fatigue, short- of both Covid-19 exposure in them- Keep a social distance of at least
ness of breath, chest tightness, selves as well as witnessing it in 2 meters
anxiety and inability to focus, also their family member. Frequently wash hand with soap
known as brain fog. This could result in a double and water or alcohol-based sanitis-
Other symptoms that have been Prevent Covid by wearing a mask exposure effect and could have a er
reported are depression, loss of more severe impact. Avoid crowds and poorly venti-
sense of smell and/or taste, a dry subjective fevers, headaches, poor demic that has been associated It is important for anyone who lated spaces
or productive cough, muscle pain, appetite and insomnia (inability to with increases in mental health is- experiences any of these symp-  Dr Kabaya is currently
joint pain, symptoms that get sleep). sues among Covid-19 patients. toms to seek medical care from studying for a Masters in Pub-
worse after physical or mental ac- These symptoms represent a Along with social isolation re- their nearest health facilities. lic Health programme and is at-
tivities (post-exertional malaise), post viral syndrome Covid-19 pan- sulting from Covid-19 prevention Consultation from medical per- tached to NAC

2022 needs drastic health sector solutions

otic in nature and it is thus imperative Action is urgently required in order Where are the Ministries of Finance

health talk to understand that there is no mean-

ingful development that comes with-
out a robust health delivery.
to stem brain drain and that should
see an improvement of remuneration,
heightened worker motivation, better
and Local government to collabo-
rate with the ministry of Health to sal-
vage the health worker catastrophe?
with Dr Johannes Marisa As we round up 2021, the year 2022
should see us improving on numerous
incentives amongst other benefits.
Husky and incontrovertible actions
Corruption in the health sector—This
scourge remains pertinent if the nation
areas which surely need the collabora- are supposed to be taken especially is to archive its vision of a robust health
THE year 2021 was a miserable for whelmed fast. tion of key stakeholders who include by government. Why is there no plau- delivery service.
many people with even illustrious peo- The health professionals remained government, churches, health work- sible action when the health sector is Many cases of corruption have been
ple succumbing to the heinous Cov- astute and focused and the country ers, non-governmental organisations, drowning? reported at hospitals where tender
id-19 with many others suffering from managed to contain the virus with financial institutions and local author- Uncompetitive remuneration— procedures have been flouted by those
the effects of the coronavirus. government imposing lockdowns, en- ities. health workers have been crying responsible for purchasing.
In 2007, the World Health Organi- hancing vaccination processes, scaling It is quite appalling that the fol- about poor salaries and benefits which Recently, the Supreme Court up-
sation came up with a framework for up testing and creating more beds for lowing are real factors that de- have haunted them for long. The poli- held a judgement by the High Court
good health delivery service. admission. serve special attention in 2022: cy makers have come up with a raft of where the Judicial Services Commis-
These were labelled as the building All health professionals were per- Brain- drain in the health sector—2021 measures some of which have died a sion sought to confiscate Russell Ta-
blocks of health service delivery and mitted to attend to Covid-19 patients becomes one of the worst years in the natural death as there is often lack of tenda Mwenye’s Ruwa property which
included here are health workforce, from anywhere and many patients at history of Zimbabwe if worker migra- implementation. was said to have been bought from
leadership, health delivery service, least managed to access some health tion is to be talked of. The inter-ministerial taskforce con- the proceeds of corruption. Corrupt
medicines, financing and information service. Today, the United Kingdom boasts of sidered a number of factors which in- tendencies are rampant at many lev-
systems. There was to be the natural grace about 4780 health workers from Zim- cluded the need for wi-fi, food, accom- els of health leadership. Surprisingly,
A robust health service is made up period between September and No- babwe, second from Nigeria that has modation for health staff. the same people who are known to be
of candid structures that derive their vember 2021 before the emergence of about 10494 health workers working Health workers have been clamour- pursing this unethical act, remain in of-
strengths from the mentioned pillars. the 4th wave which had extraordinary in UK. ing for vehicle loans, residential stands, fice as if they are the only ones who can
The year 2021 had three intertwined panic from global super-powers when At least 2200 health workers left farms and it is now national anthem, occupy the respective offices.
waves of the Covid-19 with the second a new variant of the Covid-19, the Omi- Zimbabwe in 2021 for countries like alas, nothing concrete is coming up The ministry of Health should se-
wave extending from December 2020 cron, was reported on 24 November Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zea- with the employer. riously investigate corruption in the
and lasting up to March of 2021 while from South Africa before being de- land, USA. It is time all the involved ministries health sector and take appropri-
the third wave had the delta variant clared a variant of Concern by WHO on In 2020, about 1100 health work- put their heads together in a bid to ate action in order to bring sanity.
strangulating people from end of June the 26th of November 2021. ers left Zimbabwe while in 2019, only bring relief to the disgruntled health We hope for a better 2022 in terms of
to end of August. Our health delivery service was about 700 health workers deserted our workers. health service delivery.
July became the deadliest month marred by serious challenges that con- country for greener pastures. The year 2022 should be a year of ac- All ills should be nipped in the bud
ever since the emergence of the cor- tinue to threaten us as a nation. It is If the rate of staff turn-over is not tion because failure to act will see the for a better Zimbabwe. Say no to cor-
onavirus with over 1000 deaths. The time some of these ills are taken seri- slowed down, I foresee many public further demise of the health sector, a ruption and save the nation from col-
number of cases admitted with respir- ously if we are to be a strong country clinics and hospitals running with skel- development that is detrimental to the lapse. Let us all value our health work-
atory complications was unprecedent- health-wise. eton staff in 2022, a development like- nation at large in view of the ravaging force!
ly high and many hospitals were over- Health and development are symbi- ly to further cripple the health sector. effects of the coronavirus.
S10 Standard Style | January 9 to 15 2022

People & Places

Willmore plays up The Sparrows

lised if people collectively take action.

out & about “Taking note of the fact that one of the
problems millennial and generations face
is poverty, we try to confront the negative
with Grant Moyo circumstances tooth and nail. Learning
about the systemic inequalities that fuel

poverty, racial, ethnic, gender, sexual, and
ILLMORE Dube, a con- jockey (DJ) who headlined people’s par- economic inequalities, empowers young
tent creator from Bula- ties and various events. people with knowledge that enlightens
wayo is using all the nec- “I credit The Believers Boppers Battle them on possible means to eradicate so-
essary techniques and Dance Competition for giving me an in- cial ills," Dube said.
know-how that he has sight into events management. The plat- “Therefore, preparing them to have lu-
acquired over the years to better his sto- form modelled me into a unique content crative careers and to occupy jobs that
rytelling ability. creator who distinctly partook in different will make them more confident, gives
Having been put on the right path to forms of content creation like photogra- them the chance to learn from others and
prevail steadily through eMoyeni Digi- phy, videography and graphic designing allow them to earn a good living that will
tal Storytelling master classes — a pro- which eventually sparked the conception go a long way in laying a solid foundation
gramme that brought together young of Sparrows ZW in the midst of a global that will be essential in their adulthood.
Zimbabwean content creators between epidemic (coronavirus),” Dube said. “Meaning that, in the near future when
the ages of 18 to 35 — the desirous crea- “The YouTube channel came into ex- these youngsters become parents, the
tive, who is involved in loads of communi- istence when my peers and I, publicly education and job occupations they ac-
ty outreach programs, provides boys and known as The Sparrows, got caught up quired will help secure a better future for
girls with sessions solely focusing on how in an online discussion in which we were their kids. In a nutshell, using The Spar-
to be influential on YouTube, Snapchat, Tik weighing in on the extent at which quar- row’s YouTube channel (Sparrows ZW) we
Tok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, as well antining was emotionally and psycholog- will continue giving more power to the
as through vlogging and blogging. ically draining children, teenagers and people through education, information,
Buoyed up by the eagerness to close- adults that lacked positive relationships coaching and counselling.”
ly look into the psychological and so- and warmly friendships in their lives. In Willmore Dube Amplifying the possibilities to get or
cial effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on essence, our other goal was to create an create a job or commercial enterprise
the normalcy of the livelihoods of mass- online community to serve young people and more casual. To date, we have talked up with content is to get a topic, usually is of paramount importance. It helps
es, Dube and his peers Musa Ntaisi, Mu- and everyone who is young at heart.” about identity, paying attention to how based on something we encountered or in grooming and sustaining active and
sawenkosi Sibanda and Nathan Mukasa Paying attention to social struggles young people are being shaped by al- felt the need to address. After coming up innovative global citizens, especial-
— who are lifestyle custodians of crea- youths face on a daily basis and helping cohol, peer pressure and the night life with the topic we then go and research ly among the lower, middle and upper-
tive activity— created a YouTube channel them relate better to the outside world, in pubs and clubs. We have looked into and also try to structure the episode. class African millennial as well as gener-
called Sparrows ZW. The Sparrows provide young people with personal development, focusing on how Structuring does not really work most of ations.
Dube attended several educational in- a fully packaged edutainment content young people can make themselves bet- the time because once the camera starts Thinking about people that do not
stitutions including Greenfield Primary tackling various life orientation skills. ter socially and financially. We have dis- rolling, we just freestyle, making it more have positive relationships and friend-
School, John Tallach High School, Matopo Accordingly, helping them to identi- cussed mental health, the misconcep- authentic than a staged dramatic com- ships, Sparrows ZW continues to be an
High School and the National University fy themselves and people around them tion around it, its effects, and how to spot position. We also have what we call ‘ice- online platform where The Sparrows lead
of Science and Technology. under any given circumstances, and feel red flags in regards to depression among breakers’ at the start of each and every au- from the front in their capacities as pro-
As a co-founder of The Sparrows — an deeply connected to a cause after going close friends and colleagues. Sparrows diovisual. These are used to help people ponents of positive social change. The
organised movement of young men who through the intense process of accept- ZW has also put spotlight on love lan- settle down before we unpack the topic Zimbabwean content creators vow to fre-
are curators of art, music, dance, business ance and tolerance. Dube pointed out guages, dwelling on how people love of the day.” quently share their energy and vibe with
and culture collectively — Dube is dedi- that Sparrows ZW is also an online plat- and receive love, giving emphasis on the The straight-from-the-shoulder con- the rest of the world throughout 2022,
cated to using digital media to tell perti- form where people from all walks of life importance of valuing love for one’s fam- tent creator noted that besides talking so as to vividly set an example of good
nent stories that depict the truth behind gather, find a target audience, and form ily, friends and colleagues without ne- about personalities — why people be- friendships.
societal issues befalling communities in a community of innovators and propo- glect,” Dube said. have in certain ways and what shapes
Zimbabwe and across Africa. nents who create positive impact both “What makes The Sparrows different them — The Sparrows have a series BIOGRAPHY: Grant Moyo is a prolific
“Being exposed to arts and entertain- online and in real life scenarios. from other creatives is our synergy in called Hangout With The Sparrows, where writer, innovative media personality,
ment throughout my childhood and ad- “It’s more of a panel discussion where front of the camera, which is due to the they shed light on creatives and explore entrepreneur and a creative artist who
olescence boosted my understanding of one of us takes the role of a host who fact that we are genuinely friends off the their work. Creating media artworks and is passionate about using his creative
artistry at a deeper level. Due to my ap- leads the discussion and gives other par- camera. That on its own helps us to add performances, Dube believes that ex- mind for the betterment of society.
preciation of various kinds of music gen- ticipants turns to speak. We do it in a hap- some uniqueness in our content. The treme poverty can be eliminated, and Follow him on Twitter: @TotemGrant
res I found my niche as an amateur disc hazard manner to keep it interesting, fun first thing that happens when we come that the resources to end it can be mobi-

‘Continue putting Zim on the world map’ type of food and service which you
wrote glowingly about.
The remarks were meant for an ar-
ticle which Yours Truly wrote about

travelling & touring Samora Machel, the Mozambican

Zimbili is also a poet cum musician
an outdoor lesuire family outlet re-
cently opened in Hwange meant for
picnic enthusiasts.

with Burzil Dube with a couple of albums under his

belt and his stars continue to shine.
On column entitled Hwange's
Vulindlela exports ungwavhang-
"This article about Queen Eliza- wavha to the airwaves, MaMpala
NINETY- seven year old Walter Bing- of feed backs being received. beth II second visit to Zimbabwe could not hide her excitement on
ham is the oldest living and practic- The previouś year was full of ad- was also ideal for international me- having another drama group from
ing journalist who has seen it all. ventures both high and low and dia houses because of the way how the coal mining town being able to
Bingham was recently inducted some of them need to be tabulated you articulated the royal tour of Vic- feature in the country's broadcast-
into the Guiness Book of Records for in months or years to come in the toria Falls. ing stations.
being the oldest journalist current- form of a book. "Most people are not even aware "I cannot wait to see and hear
ly hosting a popular radio talk show One prominent Zimbabwean mu- that one can also tour the Falls at what our youngsters have to offer
which is keenly followed by millions sician remarked in one of his numer- night courtesy of the moon. Thanks and what this ungwavhangwavha
of listeners across the globe. ous life teaching hits where he lik- to your free publicity which other is all about as far as Hwange is con-
He is also an actor, producer and ened himself to fish whose survival tour operators were failing to utilise. cerned," she said.
entrepreneur par-excellence. is premised on water and in this case "Thank you for putting Zim (Zim- Ma Mpala also 'confided' to Yours
The British-Israeli journalist is a he literally meant his followers. babwe) on the world map in terms Truly that the first missionaries to
decorated World War II veteran, hol- He also extolled the virtues of his of its natural attractions. I believe set base in Matabeleland North en-
laucast survivor and contributes reg- followers who were applauded for al- God will reward you in future," said tered through Pandematenga and
ularly to The Jerusalem Post and The ways sticking with him even in times Zimbili commenting on the column she promised to provide more de-
Jerusalem Report. He is a modelling of hardships. headlined Moonlight viewing of The tails concerning this topical issue.
expert, playwright and also an ac- The same applies to readers of this Augustine Zimbili Falls. On a parting note, Yours Truly's
tor who starred as a wizard in Harry travelling and touring column whose Linah Mpala is an entrepreneur new year resolution is 'stolen' from
Potter and the Philosopher's stone as main thrust is promotion of various based in the coal mining town of the late Nelson Mandela famous
well as Harry Potter and the Chamber untapped tourism places starved of soever. Hwange never misses a copy of The words when he was released from
secrets. publicity. The Gokwe-based senior police Standard and is an avid follower of prison: "As I stand before the door
Yours Truly wishes to emulate This week's article is all about can- officer is a gifted wordsmith and it Yours Truly's travelling and touring to my freedom, I realise that if I do
Binghamis whose Fourth Estate feat onising readers whose constructive is no surprise that he is also an ac- column. not leave my pain, anger and bitter-
drew commendations from far and criticism of Yours Truly's columns complished journalist as we did the In one of her numerous comments, ness behind me, I will still be in pris-
wide, not only for his age but works continue to grow in proverbial leaps same journalism course in the capi- MaMpala as she is popularly known, on."
which continue to inspire scribes and bounds thus in the process in- tal albeit different enrolment years. paid tribute to Yours Truly for his un- Let those with ears hear.
from all walks of life. vigorating the writer to churn out To describe him as the legendary dying efforts on promotion of indig- If you know you know.
Talking of commendations, Yours more tourism tidings. jack of all trades would be an un- enous tourism players who some of Till we meet again in the next col-
Truly would like to put a closure of One reader who has been consist- derstatement because he has seen them were not even known. umn.
2021 in style by paying tribute to fol- ent throughout the past year is Au- it all including the public relations "Sekuru, your articles are very in-  Comments always welcome
lowers of this column whose 'mem- gustine Zimbili whose input and profession and also portrait artist cisive and thought provoking. I will on: or Twit-
bership' continue growing in leaps comments were well received and di- of note, hence the sobriquet 'Samo- certainly pay a visit to Shadows ter@DubeBurzil
and bounds, judging by the number gested without any misgivings what- ra' after he drew a picture of the late eatery and sample for myself the
The Standard

Eye Southern Eye on Sunday | January 9 to 15 2022 S11

BCC incurs US$3500 loss
after fight with vendors
Minister petitioned over bulk meters
BULAWAYO City Council (BCC) has reportedly lost BY STAFF REPORTER
an estimated US$3500 after it failed to find suitable
property to attach from a vendor’s union it had won GWANDA residents and a local civic group
a lawsuit against. have petitioned Matabeleland South Pro-
Town clerk Christopher Dube is quoted in the lat- vincial Affairs minister Abednico Ncube to
est council minutes as saying the Bulawayo Upcom- facilitate the removal of bulk water meters
ing Traders Association had taken the BCC to court at the town’s main reservoir.
after the closure of their vending sites in the city cen- In the petition dated January 3, which
tre, along 5th Avenue. was copied to the Zimbabwe National Wa-
"Council had defended the matter and the court ter Authority (Zinwa), the Gwanda Resi-
had ruled in favour of council. They were further or- dents Association (GRA) and the Commu-
dered to pay council’s wasted costs which were in nity Youth Development Trust (Cydt) said
the region of US$3500. Efforts to recover this mon- residents were being denied access to wa-
ey were proving to be fruitless and unfortunately ter following the installation of the meters.
this association did not have any attachable prop- Zinwa installed the meters at the main
erty," read the council minutes. "Authority was here- reservoir to stop the municipality from ac-
by sought to write-off these costs to avoid further cessing treated water without payment.
loss of money in pursuit of a debt whose recovery The petitioners said Zinwa often discon-
chance was very slim. Discussion ensued and the nects water supplies to the municipality
Chamber Secretary (Sikhangele Zhou) explained over outstanding payments, denying rate-
that the 5th Avenue vending site had been closed payers access to water.
due to the COVID-19 outbreak." – BY SILAS NKALA “The residents and the youths are of the
opinion that if nothing is done to force Zin-

Power outages hit Dete, wa to disconnect these meters, the com-

munity of Gwanda is bound to face exten- Zinwa spokesperson Marjorie Munyonga

Hwange businesses
sive water supply challenges,” the petition
“Facilitate a disconnection of those bulk remove the meters. resentatives met the Local Government
SOME businesses in parts of Hwange and prepaid water meters and advise Zinwa to "At the moment, our position has not minister July Moyo over the control of the
Lupane districts in Matabeleland North have com- consider installing them in all government changed. We are installing prepaid water precious resource.
plained that they have incurred huge losses due to departments, which have proven to be the meters to all our clients. We have written Government allowed Zinwa to take over
an almost month long power outage. biggest debtors. Zinwa should always con- to all the ministries informing them of the all water functions countrywide in 2006, a
A representative of the businesses, Jealous San- sider the plight of residents in as far as ac- same, and also consulted our clients,” Mu- decision that was later reversed following
sole who operates a service station and butchery cess to water is concerned – many women nyonga said. protests from local authorities.
at Cross Dete said they have since been forced to and girls were raped in the previous years Ncube could not be reached for comment But Zinwa still controls the water sup-
scale down operations due to the problem. in their quest of looking for water in ward on the issue. plies at the town, and sewer infrastructure
“Since December we have no electricity and 5.” The municipality and Zinwa are at log- of councils such as Gwanda.
during the festive season we lost quite a lot in busi- Zinwa spokesperson Marjorie Munyon- gerheads over the control of water reticu-
ness. I operate butchery and a service station at ga said the water authority has no plans to lation. In August 2021, GRA and CYDT rep-
Cross Dete turn off Binga centre but we have since
closed due to absence of electricity,” Sansole said.

Bulawayo dam levels still depressed

“The meat in our cold rooms and refrigerators
got rotten because of lack of electricity. I am also
not able to sell fuel at the service station because
the generator cannot run for more than 24 non-
stop. I am speaking on behalf of many business
people here who are all at standstill because of this BY PATRICIA SIBANDA
problem.– BY SILAS NKALA
WATER levels in Bulawayo city’s dams re- Umzingwane Dam
Visually-impaired mains low at 53% despite the heavy rains that
pounded the area over the past few weeks
children face challenges with the Bulawayo City Council saying it is
still reviewing plans to decommission Umz-
VISUALLY-IMPAIRED children in Bulawayo and ingwane Dam.
other cities and towns in Zimbabwe are struggling Last month, BCC announced plans to de-
to access learning materials amid revelations that commission the dam after the water levels
most public libraries in the country do not have went down to 6.7%.
books in Braille for the new curriculum. BCC Engineer Sikhumbuzo Ncube told
This comes at a time when most pupils with vis- The Southern Eye on Sunday said it was not
ual impairment are struggling to take part in online automatic that inflows to the dams would im-
lessons, which require one to have a learning gadg- mediately rise despite the current good rains.
et, and a good eyesight. “Indeed there is too much rain in the city
Bulawayo Public Library Braille coordinator Kil- but not where our dams are situated. There-
lion Dube told The Southern Eye that visually im- fore, we are still examining Umzingwane
paired students had no Braille exercise books to dam so that we can make a decision on wheth-
write on. er to decommission it or not,” Ncube said on far the water has gone up, but as of now noth- to last time,” Moyo said.
“We have a challenge with getting Braille paper, the side-lines of the water and sewerage ser- ing is showing in terms of that dam,” Ncu- If the decommissioning is done, the de-
and to produce books in Braille for the new curricu- vices improvement project, water and servic- be said. velopment is set to pile more misery on res-
lum, and for the embossers to manufacture Braille es delivery indaba that was held at the Large Ward 17 Councillor Sikhululekile Moyo idents who are currently grappling with wa-
books,” Dube said. City Hall in Bulawayo on Friday. said the current dam water levels in Bula- ter-shedding.
“We have also been severely affected by the He also said the ground water level has not wayo were averaging 53%. Ncube said they recommissioned Umzing-
Covid-19 pandemic, which has resulted in limit- significantly increased. “We are currently looking at 53% dam wa- wane last year when it was at 16% in terms
ed resources and funding. This has affected us im- “The ground water level is a little high but ter levels for all the dams combined in the of water levels. He said the Upper Ncema
mensely as some pupils lack books in Braille for the inflows are seriously not that much. We city. The situation at Umzingwane dam is not Dam was also recommissioned two years
both reading and writing.” - BY METHEMBE SIBANDA make use of a gauge so that we can see how looking good as it is sitting at 5, 7% compared back when it was at its lowest.
Southern Eye on Sunday January 9 to 15 2022 S12


In Nkayi, pregnant women


NKAYI — Lilian Mdlongwa, 19, a first-time moth-

er from Manomano village, recalls how she almost
lost her baby when she went into labour at Nkayi
district hospital a month ago, when there was com-
plete shutdown of electricity at the whole hospital

deliver in the dark

as part of load shedding.
“The nurses had only a small rechargeable light
that they used to deliver my son and that of anoth-
er expecting mother that I went into labour with,”
Mdlongwa narrates.
“It was tough, and when I had just delivered, the
nurse who stitched me noticed that she had almost
left some cotton wool inside me.”
“It was dark because the small light had been put the ward and the same light was also being used to
at the centre for them to share, and even that lady assist in the labour section, so its use was based on
had a similar tale as they almost stitched her cuts emergencies.”
while the cotton wool was inside,” Mdlongwa says. Moyo says they have tried to rope in the ZETCDC
When The Citizen Bulletin visited the hospital re- officials from the district without any fruitful out-
cently, the whole hospital was in complete electric- comes.
ity blackout and none of the administration, thea- He says the feedback that they get is that the
tre and X-ray duties among other day-to-day pro- hospital is equipped with a solar system, but it also
grammes of the hospitals were being conducted. has some issues despite it being only two years old.
Patients that had come for X-ray examinations, “We have a solar system that covers the materni-
for instance, were being told to go back to their ty labour wards, post-natal ward, theatre, mortuary
homes, or wait until electricity was restored. and the pharmacy but even so, we have a challenge
But, even for those that waited for up to eight with that solar system because it doesn’t pull and
hours, their examination could not be complet- the batteries are always too low such that we fail to
ed as electricity was restored and immediately cut even use them.” Moyo said.
off ten minutes later with the darkness extending Provincial medical director Admire Kuretu says
throughout the night. the Nkayi solar system has not been connected to
In September the country’s electricity provider, the whole hospital and is only meant to cover criti-
Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution cal areas like maternity and theatre and the health
Company (ZETCDC) implemented countrywide 12- ministry’s head office is aware of the Nkayi situa-
hour load shedding due to power generation issues tion..
at Hwange coal powered station. “The solar system works, the problem is that the
According to the District Medical Officer Thaba- installation is not complete and it covers a small
ni Moyo, the problem of electricity the hospital is part of the hospital,” Kuretu says.
experiencing started about two months ago, and He adds that they have been pushing the head
has seen many expecting or just delivered mothers office to connect the other departments like the
struggling to nurse their babies successfully, espe- wards, the mortuary health information, the admin-
cially at night. The power cuts at Nkayi district hospital pose a great danger to delivering mothers istration block and the X-ray department.
“The challenge, especially to patients and nurs- * This article was originally published by The
ing staff, is largely felt at night,” Moyo notes. Citizen Bulletin, a nonprofit news organisation
“We have tried to purchase four small lights, Mdlongwa says during the week she was in hos- ing baby. that produces hard-hitting, hyperlocal report-
but we can only give them one per ward, and that pital following delivery, she relied on her neigh- “We breastfed in the dark,” she adds. ing and analysis for the southwestern region of
light is only used by the nurses on duty, so patients bour’s phone torch to change her newly-born nap- “The light that the nurses use services everyone Matabeleland.
struggle a lot during this time,” says Moyo. pies, clean the umbilical cord or comfort her wail- and during that time, there were over ten of us in

Matabeland North women with to place their report, it then becomes cumber-
some and a hindrance.”
She blames the justice delivery system for fail-
ing survivors of GBV as most cases fail to see the

disabilities at double risk of GBV

light of day as a result of poor investigations.
This she says also contributed to the low re-
porting of GBV cases amongst the special group.
“Yes, a certain number is reported but what
happens after the report is what is very key,
BY GEORGINA SOKO. there is a lot of gender injustice within the de-
ner violence than their able-bodied counter- GBV,” says Phiri. livery system. Sometimes a report is made infor-
Emily trips and falls to the ground as she tries parts. Research has shown that generally wom- She says myths, culture, stigma and discrim- mally and when it comes to investigations where
to escape her attacker; she fumbles into the air en and girls will experience physical or sexual vi- ination were fueling the risks of women falling a survivor has to assist police like making state-
as if trying to grab something but she is just not olence in their lifetimes. victim to different forms of abuse resulting in un- ments it will continuously need one to be pre-
strong enough. There are no official statistics on the total derreporting. sent at the station and sometimes this is not so
An order clothed in a cold threat booms as she number and percentage of women with disa- “Stigma, myths and cultural beliefs amongst feasible for women living disabilities.”
recognises the voice as belonging to her uncle. bilities in Zimbabwe however, the Inter-Cens- other factors play a leading role in fueling GBV. Human rights activists agree that the Covid-19
Everything around her is blurry as she retreats al Survey by ZIMSTAT states that the proportion You find women and girls with disabilities be- pandemic and lockdown have had a very seri-
into a cocoon as he rapes her repeatedly. She of males to females with disabilities is 56 and 44 ing sexually abused for ritual purposes as well ous negative impact on women especially wom-
knows in a moment it will all be over and her mind percent respectively. as because of beliefs such as if one sleeps with en with disabilities as they were locked down to-
wanders off. Although women with disabilities represent a woman who has a disability you get rich or will gether with their perpetrators with no way of re-
Emily (15) is not your typical ordinary teen- 56% of the female population there is too little be cured of a disease or curse.” prieve as imposed restrictions stifled reporting
ager. She is visually-impaired and is heavily de- attention given to them with the few studies de- Phiri adds that most of them don’t report of these abuses. Accessing services such as a po-
pendent on adult members of her family to get voted to disability and gender-based violence because they fail to get services due to being lice station or health centre were made impossi-
around, something that increased her risk of sex- all highlighting the vulnerability of women and shunned by service providers as there is a lot of ble as one had to have travel documents to pass
ual abuse and the subsequent cover-up that en- girls with disabilities to various forms of violence. stigma and discrimination when it comes to dis- through roadblocks.
sued. Interestingly 80% of women with disabilities ability. Matabeleland North provincial development
She has been subjected to sexual violence at living in rural areas are unable to meet their own So most cases go unreported and when they officer, Masauso Phiri says the government has
the early age of 11 by several members of her needs and are heavily dependent on family and are reported, are taken for granted. several interventions in place to end GBV which
family. friends. She says oftentimes perpetrators are family included laws and programming.
Her attempts to report the abuses to her According to a case study carried out by Dis- members on whom the woman or girl depends “The Domestic Violence Act which criminalis-
mother were in vain as instead of taking action ability Agenda Forum (DAF), a Matabeleland on which led to cases being covered up and the es GBV is another intervention that the govern-
she was cowed into hiding them. North focused disability rights organisation in abuse continues unabated. ment has put in place to curb the scourge. The
At 14, she stopped reporting and along the Hwange and Binga districts, women and girls Phiri has called for disability inclusion in the government, in partnership with organisations
way she contracted a sexually transmitted infec- with disabilities are at a heightened risk of vio- fight to end GBV arguing that it is part of the in- such as Leornard Cheshire, is implementing the
tion and was denied medical treatment over us- lence and remain excluded from basic services, terventions that can fight stigma and discrimina- “access to justice for disabled women and girls
ing traditional herbs for fear it might expose the such as education, health, work and social sup- tion. as well as the inclusive mainstreaming of gen-
abuse. port. Anna Mandizha-Ncube, director of Buwalo der and GBV. Disability-friendly programmes for
Emily’s heartbreaking story is an example of “Our field experience and research in Binga Matiliko Trust (BMT), a Hwange-based human women and girls living with disabilities through
many similar testimonies of persons with disabil- and Hwange districts have shown us that wom- rights organisation says access to services such education and social welfare are also being im-
ities in Hwange and Binga. en and girls with disabilities in particular face as the police station or health facility is one of plemented.”
Making up an estimated 10% of Zimbabwe’s double marginalisation as they remain excluded the factors that make women and girls with dis- He says limited access to opportunities such
national population according to ZIMSTAT 2019 from basic services, such as education, health, abilities experience a higher degree of vulnera- as education, decision making and productive
census, persons with disabilities seemingly re- work and social support,” says Octavia Phiri, DAF bility to GBV. assets coupled with biological make-up is expos-
main an invisible and excluded group across all director. “You want to talk about issues to do with re- ing the special group to abuse and exploitation.
levels of society. “This development in turn heights their risk liable transport, access to the road network, ac-
It is also widely acknowledged that women of exposure to gender-based violence and ex- cess to health facilities that accommodate peo-
with disabilities are at a heightened risk of sexu- ploitation. Having the disability in the first place ple living with disabilities as they come into the * This article was originally published by
al violence and twice as likely to experience do- makes them vulnerable and their inability to health facility or police station. A very good ex- The Citizen Bulletin, a nonprofit news organi-
mestic violence. fight back when attacked or violated. Our con- ample is if you go to Hwange police station there sation that produces hard-hitting, hyperlocal
Further evidence indicates that women with dition exposes us as women with disabilities to are a flight of stairs as you get into the charge of- reporting and analysis for the southwestern
disabilities are four times more likely to suffer abuse as we are taken advantage of easily and fice. Now a woman with a disability is unable to region of Matabeleland.
sexual violence as well as at risk of intimate part- that is what results in us being at double risk to negotiate entry into the charge office for them

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