Tooth Mousse IADR Ranjitkar 9 07

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The role of Tooth Mousse in preventing enamel wear

95179 S. Ranjitkar*, J.A. Kaidonis, G.C. Townsend, And L.C. Richards

School of Dentistry, The University of Adelaide, Australia

Abstract Materials and methods Results Discussion

Enamel from buccal and palatal halves of third molar teeth were mounted There were no significant differences in rates of enamel wear between samples Our findings indicate that Tooth Mousse with and without the
In addition to its role as a remineralising agent in preventing dental
separately on scanning electron microscopy studs using autopolymerising 1 and 2 (0.44 ± 0.05 vs 0.63 ± 0.06 mm3 per 1,000 cycles), but both these rates remineralising agent is effective in reducing rates of enamel wear
caries, recent evidence has shown that Tooth Mousse (TM),
resin, with three spherical titanium steel balls (2 mm in diameter) being were significantly less than that in the control sample (0.92 ± 0.11 mm3 per under conditions simulating attrition and acid regurgitation, although
manufactured by GC Corporation, Japan, may reduce enamel wear
equally spaced around them. These specimens were then worn against each 1,000 cycles) (p<0.05). Tooth Mousse resulted in a further 31.1% reduction in tooth wear.
under conditions simulating attrition and acid regurgitation. Objective:
other in electro-mechanical tooth wear machines under a load of 10.0 kg and Unlike in previous in vitro and in situ studies confirming
Our aims were to determine whether TM could reduce enamel wear
at a pH of 1.2 for around 10,000 cycles. In experimental sample 1 (n = 12), Wear facets of enamel specimens treated with Tooth Mousse and Tooth anticariogenic properties of CPP-ACP delivered in a solution phase
under different in vitro conditions and to clarify its likely mode of
the machine was stopped every two minutes (160 cycles of wear) and Mousse Minus were shinier than those of control specimens. However, wear (Reynolds, 1997), Tooth Mousse was applied as a paste in our study.
action. Methods: Buccal and lingual enamel halves of human third
specimens were washed for 15 seconds and dried for 10 seconds. TM was facets treated with Tooth Mousse Minus were less shiny than those treated with Our findings imply that Tooth Mousse may have some remineralising
molar teeth were worn against each other in a purpose-built
then applied for four minutes. The specimens were further subjected to two Tooth Mousse. potential when applied as a paste. However, it seems that traces of
electromechanical tooth wear machine under a load of 10.0 kg. In
cycles of washing and drying, with each cycle comprising washing for 30 glycerol and other residues still adhere to the enamel surface even after
experimental sample 1, enamel specimens (n = 12) were worn for
seconds and drying for 15 seconds, before the wear cycle was continued. The it has been thoroughly washed. It is hypothesised that these “third
around 10,000 cycles in the presence of hydrochloric acid (pH = 1.2).
bodies” provide lubrication between opposing wear facets resulting in

Volume worn (cubic mm per 1,000 cycles)

same protocol was followed for experimental sample 2 (n = 12) using Tooth 1.20
The machine was stopped every two minutes (160 cycles of wear) and
Mousse containing the same formulation but without the remineralising wear facets that are highly polished.
specimens were washed and dried before TM was applied for four 1.00
minutes. Specimens were washed again and dried before the cycle was agent, CPP-ACP (TM-). In the control sample (n = 12), the specimens were
continued. This protocol was also followed for experimental sample 2 worn at pH = 1.2, but no TM or TM- was applied. 0.80
Future studies are needed to elucidate the role of remineralisation on
(n = 12) using Tooth Mousse containing the same formulation but
Enamel wear was quantified by measuring the reduction in volume of enamel 0.60 reduction of tooth wear at various loads and pH values both in vitro
without the remineralising agent, CPP-ACP (TM-). In the control
specimens using a 3D profilometer (PIXA-4, Roland DG, Tokyo, Japan) and in situ. The effectiveness of frequent application of Tooth Mousse
sample (n = 12), the specimens were worn at pH = 1.2, but no TM or
provided with ‘Dr. PICZA' software and a purpose-written MATLAB 0.40 on tooth wear prevention should also be compared with other
TM- was applied. Wear rates were compared between the samples
software (Liu et al., 2004). For qualitative assessment of tooth wear, negative remineralising agents (for example, involving fluoride) currently used
using one-way ANOVA. Results: There were no significant differences 0.20
impressions of enamel specimens were obtained using a light-body polyvinyl in clinical practice.
in rates of enamel wear between samples 1 and 2 (0.44 ± 0.05 vs 0.63 ±
0.06 mm3 per 1,000 cycles), but both these rates were significantly less siloxane impression material (Imprint II, 3M-ESPE Corporation). Clear 0.00
than that in the control sample (0.92 ± 0.11 mm3 per 1,000 cycles) epoxy resin replicas were then prepared for examination under a scanning
electron microscope.
Experimental s ample 1 Experimental s ample 2 Control s ample Conclusion
(p<0.05). Conclusions: Tooth Mousse with and without the
remineralising agent reduced enamel wear under conditions simulating
One-way ANOVA was used to determine whether there were significant Figure 4. Comparison of the rates of enamel wear in the experimental sample 1 (TM), experimental sample Frequent application of Tooth Mousse is effective in reducing enamel
attrition and acid regurgitation. We suggest that this is related to the
differences in the mean rates of enamel wear between various samples. 2 (TM-) and control (no TM). The wear rates of both the experimental samples were smaller than that of wear under conditions simulating attrition and acid regurgitation. These
lubricating agents in the TM formulation (for example, glycerol). the control sample at p<0.05.
Statistical significance was set at the 0.05 probability level. findings open up new possibilities for the prevention of tooth wear.

This product was conducted during the tenure of the first author as a
There is an increasing awareness in clinical dentistry of the need to recipient of a Dental Postgraduate Research Award from the National
better understand the aetiology and management of tooth wear as Health and Medical Research centre of Australia. We would also like to
increasing numbers of elderly patients are retaining their natural teeth acknowledge the Australian Dental Research Foundation Inc (Grant no:
to a stage where they present with extensive wear (Nunn, 2000). In 40/2005) for funding this project. We thank the G. C. corporation for
addition, a significant number of younger patients are presenting with providing us with Tooth Mousse and Tooth Mousse Minus samples, and
wear of both primary and permanent teeth (Khan et al., 1997; Jaeggi Figure 1. A 3D scanner that records the heights (z) of surface mesh points (x and y) of a specimen with the 3M ESPE Corporation for donating impression materials used in this
and Lussi, 2006). an active piezo sensor (left), and settings for scanning resolution in Dr PICZA software (right). Figure 5. Photographs of wear facets of the experimental sample 1 (left) and the control sample (right) study.
taken at angles that best showed the most shiny areas.
Previous in vitro studies conducted under conditions simulating
attrition and corrosion (commonly termed dental erosion) have
provided insights into the complex nature of wear in enamel, dentine References
and restorative materials. In an in vitro study conducted by Kaidonis et
al. (1998) at loads of 3.2, 6.2 and 10.0 kg, rates of enamel wear were 1. Jaeggi T, Lussi A (2006). Prevalence, incidence and distribution of
noted to be very rapid at a highly acidic pH of 1.2 (simulating acid erosion. Monogr Oral Sci 20: 44-65.
regurgitation) compared with a less acidic pH of 3.0 (simulating 2. Kaidonis J, Richards LC, Townsend GC, Tansley GD (1998). Wear
presence of soft drinks) or a neutral pH of 7.0. of human enamel: a quantitative in vitro assessment. J Dent Res
Our pilot study investigating lubricating properties of a commercially 3. Khan F, Young WG, Daley TJ (1997). Dental erosion and bruxism.
available, water-based cream containing casein phosphopeptide and Aust Dent J 43:117-128.
amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) (Tooth Mousse, GC Figure 2. Reference planes passing through the tip of the three external reference points (titanium balls) 4. Narayana T, Ranjitkar S, Kaidonis J, Townsend GC, Richards LC
of an enamel specimen before (left) and after (right) wear. Figure 6. Scanning electron micrographs of wear facets of the experimental sample 1 (left) and the control (2005). An in vitro study of wear prevention in dentine. Aust Dent J
Corporation, Japan) has shown that enamel specimens, worn under a
sample (right) corresponding to those shown in Figure 5.
load of 8.2 kg, showed reduction in wear rate by around 70% with 50 (Suppl 1):S43.
continuous application of Tooth Mousse compared with continuous 5. Nunn JH. Prevalene and distribution of tooth wear. In Addy M,
application of hydrochloric acid lubricant (pH = 3.0) (unpublished Embery G, Edgar WM, Orchardson R, eds. Tooth wear and
data). These findings are supported by other data on dentine wear under sensitivity: clinical advances in restorative dentistry. London:
conditions simulating corrosion and abrasion (Narayana et al., 2005). Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2000: pp 93-103.
These results warrant a more detailed investigation of enamel wear 6. Reynolds (1997). Remineralization of enamel subsurface lesions by
prevention using Tooth Mousse under various conditions, including casein phosphopeptide-stabilized calcium phosphate solutions. J
acid regurgitation. Dent Res 76: 1587-1595.

Our aims were to determine whether TM could reduce enamel wear

under different in vitro conditions and to clarify its likely mode of Contact
action (pH = 1.2). We hypothesized that enamel wear could be reduced
by frequent application of Tooth Mousse. Figure 3. Illustration of the calculation of enamel loss before (left) and after (right) wear using a Dr Sarbin Ranjitkar
purpose-written MATLAB software. A reference plane is constructed using three reference points Figure 7. Photographs of wear facets of gold-coated epoxy replicas of enamel specimens subjected to
before and after wear, and enamel loss is calculated as the difference in volumes between these stages. treatment with Tooth Mousse (left), Tooth Mousse Minus (middle) and no tooth Mousse (right).

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