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Circuit Elements

• 5 ideal basic circuit elements:

– voltage source active elements, capable of
generating electric energy
MUH 103/105 – current source
– resistor passive elements, incapable of
Electric Circuit Theory – inductor generating electric energy
– capacitor
• Many practical systems can be modeled with just
“Fundamentals and sources and resistors
Introduction to Electric Circuits” • The basic analytical techniques for solving circuits
with inductors and capacitors are similar to those for
resistive circuits

MA -1 MA -2

Electrical Sources Ideal Voltage Source

• An electrical source is a device that is capable of
• Circuit element that maintains a prescribed voltage
converting non-electric energy to electric energy and vice
across its terminals, regardless of the current flowing
in those terminals.
Examples: – Voltage is known, but current is determined by the
– battery: chemical electric circuit to which the source is connected.
– dynamo (generator/motor): mechanical electric • The voltage can be either independent or dependent
(Ex. gasoline-powered generator, Bonneville dam) on a voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit, and can
be constant or time-varying.
 Electrical sources can either deliver or absorb power Device symbols:

vs +_ vs=m vx +_ vs=r ix +_

independent voltage-controlled current-controlled

MA -3 MA -4

Ideal Current Source Dependent and Independent Sources

• Circuit element that maintains a prescribed current

through its terminals, regardless of the voltage across
those terminals.
– Current is known, but voltage is determined by the
circuit to which the source is connected.
• The current can be either independent or dependent
on a voltage or current elsewhere in the circuit, and can
be constant or time-varying.
Device symbols:

is is=a vx is=b ix

independent voltage-controlled current-controlled

MA -5 MA -6

Current vs. Voltage (I-V) Characteristic I-V Characteristic of Ideal Voltage Source
• Voltage sources, current sources, and resistors can What is a voltage source?
be described by plotting the current (i) as a function
of the voltage (v) a i
i Vab +
_ v i=0
s v
+ Vs>0
v b
1. Plot the I-V characteristic for vs > 0. For what values of
i does the source absorb power? For what values of i
does the source release power?
Passive? Active? Vs>0  i<0 release power; i>0 absorb power

MA -7 MA -8

I-V Characteristic of Ideal Voltage Source I-V Characteristic of Ideal Voltage Source
i i i i
a a
+ +
Vab +
_ vs Vab +
_ vs
_ _
b v b v

2. Plot the I-V characteristic for vs < 0. For what values of 3. What is the I-V characteristic for an ideal wire?
i does the source absorb power? For what values of i
does the source release power?
Vs<0  i>0 release power; i<0 absorb power Do not forget Vab=-Vba

MA -9 MA -10

I-V Characteristic of Ideal Current Source I-V Characteristic of Ideal Resistor

i i i
What is a current source? a
i +
v R
+ _
v is v b v

1. Plot the I-V characteristic for R = 1 kW. What is the slope?

a a
1. Plot the I-V characteristic for is > 0. For what values of +
v does the source absorb power? For what values of v Vab
does the source release power? Vab R R
V>0 absorb power; V<0 release power b b
MA -11 MA -12

Electrical Resistance Electrical Resistance

• Resistance: the ratio of voltage drop and current. The circuit

element used to model this behavior is the resistor.

Circuit symbol: R

Units: Volts per Ampere ≡ ohms (W)

• The current flowing in the resistor

is proportional to the voltage
across the resistor:
Georg Simon Ohm
v=iR (Ohm’s Law) 1789-1854

where v = voltage (V), i = current (A), and R = resistance (W)

MA -13 MA -14

Electrical Resistance Electrical Conductance

• v(t) = i(t) R - or - V=IR • Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance. (İletkenlik-kondüktans)

• p(t) = i2 (t) R = v2 (t)/R [+ (absorbing)] Symbol: G
Units: siemens (S) or mhos ( )
The +
Rest of R v(t)
the Werner von Siemens
Circuit – 1816-1892

• If the voltage across a 25W bulb is 120V, what is its resistance?
Consider an 8 W resistor. What is its conductance?
R = V 2/P = (120V)2/25W = 576 W
1 1
• What is the current flowing through the 25W bulb? G   0.125 siemens
R 8
I = V/R = 120V/576 W = 0.208 A
MA -15 MA -16

Effect of Temperature Effect of Temperature

Material resistance changes with temperature For copper resistors: R1 T1  235

T  T0 R2 T2  235
R2  2 R1 R2  R11 aT2  T1
T1  T0
100 20  235
R1  100W  R2  131.2W
R2 100  235

In general;

R2  R11 aT2  T1 Where alpha is temperature coefficients of the

resistance in 10-3 / oC

R2  1001 0.0039100  20

R2  131.2W

R R1  R2
 aT  aT1  T2  R2  R11 aT2  T1
MA -17 R2 R2 MA -18

Terminology: Nodes and Branches Notation: Node and Branch Voltages

Node: A point where two or more circuit elements are • Use one node as the reference (the “common” or
connected “ground” node) – label it with a symbol
• The voltage drop from node x to the reference node is
called the node voltage vx.
• The voltage across a circuit element is defined as the
difference between the node voltages at its terminals

Branch: A path that connects two nodes Example:

– v1 +
a R1 b
+ +
va _+ vs R2 vb
_ _
MA -19 MA -20

Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)

• Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) (Charge stored in node is zero.)

– sum of all currents entering a node is zero • Sum of currents entering node = sum of currents leaving node
– sum of currents entering node is equal to sum of • Algebraic sum of currents entering node = 0.
currents leaving node – Currents leaving are included with a minus sign.
• Algebraic sum of currents leaving node = 0
i1(t) i5(t) – Currents entering are included with a plus sign.
i2(t) i4(t)
Gustav Robert Kirchhoff
i3(t) 1824-1887 • KCL tells us that all of the elements in a single branch
carry the same current.
The sum of currents entering the node is zero: • We say these elements are connected in series.

 i (t )  0
j 1
Current entering node =
Current leaving node

i1 = i2
Analogy: mass flow at pipe junction
MA -21 MA -22

KCL Example Example 1: KCL

Q: How much is the current Io ?

Currents entering the node: A: io = 2.5 mA + 4 mA = 6.5 mA
-10 mA
5 mA Currents leaving the node: 2.5 mA
4 mA

15 mA i4 i2 i3

50 mA • Note that a “node” need not be a discrete point

5mA • The dotted circle is a node with 2.5 mA entering
KCL Examples:
• Hence i2 = 2.5 mA exits the “node”.
2mA i Similarly, i3 = 4 mA.
• From KCL, i4 = i2 + i3 = 6.5 mA, and Io = i4
i MA -23 MA -24

Example 2: KCL KCL Summary

Q: How much are the currents i1 and i2 ?

A: i2 = 10 mA – 3 mA = 7 mA Review: Different ways to state KCL:

i1 = 10 mA + 4 mA = 14 mA
 The sum of all currents entering a node must be zero.
 The net current entering a node must be zero.
10 mA
node  Whatever flows into a node must come out.
i1 3 mA i2
4 mA


4 mA + 3 mA + 7 mA = 14 mA

MA -25 MA -26

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)

• Consider a branch which forms part of a loop:
The algebraic sum of all the voltages around any loop in a
circuit equals zero.
+ –
loop v1 loop v2
+ – + _
+ v2(t) +
v1(t) – v3(t)
– Moving from + to -, add V1 Moving from - to +, subtract V1

• The sum of voltages around a loop is zero: • Use reference polarities to determine whether a voltage is dropped
n • No concern about actual voltage polarities

v j 1
j (t )  0 • Sum of voltage drops around loop = sum of voltage rises around
• Algebraic sum of voltage drops around loop = 0
• Analogy: pressure drop thru pipe loop – Voltage rises are included with a minus sign.
• Algebraic sum of voltage rises around loop = 0
– Voltage drops are included with a minus sign.
MA -27 MA -28

A Major Implication of KVL KVL Example

• KVL tells us that any set of elements which are connected Three closed paths:
at both ends carry the same voltage.
+ v2  v3
 +
• We say these elements are connected in parallel. a c

1 2
+ + +
+ + va vb vc
va vb  - 
_ _
Path 1: 3

Applying KVL in the clockwise direction, Path 2:

starting at the top: Path 3:
vb – va = 0  vb = va
MA -29 MA -30

Example 1: KVL Example 2: KVL

Q: If v1 = 10 V and v5 = 2 V, what are v2, v3, and v4?
Q: How much is the voltage Vo ?
A: Vo = 3.1 V + 6.8 V A: v2 = 10 V
v3 = 10 V – 2 V = 8 V
v4 = 2 V
+ 3.1V – + v3 –
+ +
+ 6.8 V
_ Vo v4
– _ + + + +
v1 = 10 V + v2 v4 v5 = 2 V
– _
Q: How much is the voltage v4 ? – – –

A: v4 = 6.8 V

MA -31 MA -32

KVL and KCL Summary Resistors in Series
Consider a circuit with multiple resistors connected in series.
1. Find their “equivalent resistance”.

The sum of all the currents entering a node is zero. I

• KCL tells us that the same
current (I) flows through every
R1 resistor
R2 • KVL tells us
2. VSS +
 R3
The sum of voltages around a closed loop is zero.

Equivalent resistance of resistors in series is the sum

MA -33 MA -34

Voltage Divider When can the Voltage Divider Formula be Used?

+ KVL: R1 R1
– V1 R2 + R2
R2 Vss  R1I  R2 I  R3 I  R4 I  0 + – V2 VSS +
– 2
VSS +  R3  R3
 R3
– V3 R4 R4 R5
R4 I
R1  R2  R3  R4 
V  2 V V ≠ 2 V
2 SS 2 SS
R R R R R R R R
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Correct, if nothing else Why? What is V2?
is connected to nodes
MA -35 MA -36

Resistors in Parallel General Formula for Parallel Resistors
What single resistance Req is equivalent to three resistors in parallel?
Consider a circuit with two resistors connected in parallel.
Find their “equivalent resistance”. I I
+ +
x • KVL tells us that the
V R1 R2 R3  V Req
 
same voltage is dropped
I1 I2 across each resistor
ISS R1 R2 Vx = I1 R1 = I2 R2 1 1 1 1 1
   Req 
• KCL tells us Req R1 R2 R3 1 1 1
 
• Illustration: Req = R1 // R2
R1 R2 R3

Equivalent conductance of resistors in parallel is the sum

MA -37 MA -38

Generalized Current Divider Formula Short Circuit and Open Circuit

x • Short circuit
I1 I2 Vx = I1 R1 = ISS Req – R = 0  no voltage difference exists
– all points on the wire are at the same potential.
– Current can flow, as determined by the circuit
• Open circuit
– R =   no current flows
Consider a current divider circuit with >2 resistors in parallel: – Voltage difference can exist, as determined by the circuit
I1 I2 I3 V i(t) = v(t)/R = 0
I R1 R2 R3
v(t) = R i(t) = 0
i(t) i(t)=0

The + The +
I Rest of v(t)=0 Rest of v(t)
 1   1   1  V  1/R 3  the the
      I3   I  – –
 R1   R 2   R 3  R3  1
1/R  1/R 2  1/R 3
Circuit Circuit
MA -39 MA -40

Units Units

MA -41 MA -42

Measuring Voltage and Current Measuring Voltage

• Keep in mind that: To measure the voltage drop across an element in a real
– Both Ampmeters and voltmeters have internal resistances circuit, insert a voltmeter (digital multimeter in voltage
– Voltameters have large internal resistance because of parallel mode) in parallel with the element.
connection Voltmeters are characterized by their “voltmeter input
– Ampmeters have small internal resistance because of series resistance” (Rin). Ideally, this should be very high (typical
connection value 10 Mohms)



MA -43 MA -44

Effect of Voltmeter Measuring Current
undisturbed circuit circuit with voltmeter inserted
To measure the current flowing through an element in a real
circuit, insert an ammeter (digital multimeter in current mode) in
R1 R1 series with the element.
+ + Ammeters are characterized by their “ammeter input resistance”
_ +
R2 V2 R2 Rin V2′ (Rin). Ideally, this should be very low (typical value 1W).
– –
 R2   R2 || Rin 
V2  VSS   V2  VSS  
R1  R2  R2 || Rin  R1 
Example: VSS  10 V, R2  100K, R1  900K  V2  1V
Rin  10M , V2  ?
MA -45 MA -46

Effect of Ampmeter Using Equivalent Resistances

Measurement error due to non-zero input resistance: Simplify a circuit before applying KCL and/or KVL:
undisturbed circuit circuit with ampmeter inserted
Example: Find I
I Imeas
ampmeter I
R1 R1 R1 R1 = R2 = 3 kW
Rin R3 R3 = 6 kW
V1 +
_ V1 +
_ +
R2 7V R4

R2 R4 = R5 = 5 kW
R5 R6 = 10 kW
V1 V1
I Imeas 
R1  R2 R1  R2  Rin
Example: V1 = 1 V, R1= R2 = 500 W, Rin = 1W
I  1mA, I meas  ?
500W  500W
MA -47 MA -48

Using Equivalent Resistances Using Equivalent Resistances

Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit: Find the current of the source by finding the equivalent resistance
of the following circuit:
R3 (R1 +R2)//R3 = 3 kW
7V R4

R6 (R4 +R5)//R6 = 5 kW

+ Res Res = 8 kW

MA -49 MA -50

Using Equivalent Resistances The Wheatstone Bridge

• Circuit used to precisely measure resistances in the range

from 1 W to 1 MW, with ±0.1% accuracy
 R1 and R2 are resistors with known values
 R3 is a variable resistor (typically 1 to 11,000W)
 Rx is the resistor whose value is to be measured

battery R1 R2
V 12V
i   8A
Req 1.5ohm +
current detector

R3 Rx
variable resistor

MA -51 MA -52

Finding the value of Rx Identifying Series and Parallel Combinations
Some circuits must be analyzed (not amenable to simple inspection)
• Adjust R3 until there is no current in the detector
R2 R1 R2
Then, Rx = R3 + R3 I
Derivation: V
R1 
+ R2 R3
V -
R4 R5


R1 R2
i1 i2 Special cases:
+ R3 = 0 OR R3 = 
V R5
i3 ix

R3 Rx

Typically, R2 / R1 can be varied

from 0.001 to 1000 in decimal steps
MA -53 MA -54


1. Find the voltage Vo across 40 ohm resistor in the following resistive circuit. First, label nodes currents and voltages

MA -55 MA -56


2. First, Vo using mesh currents.

We need to use KVL here to apply mesh currents to the following circuit

MA -57 MA -58


3. Determine the voltage V in the following resistive circuit

MA -59 MA -60


4. Find V1 in the following circuit

MA -61 MA -62

KVL and KCL Dependent Sources

5. Find V and I in the following circuit 6. Determine the VX and i in the following resistive circuit

Source current of 40mA flows into parallel resistors. So, by current division
I x 40  32mA
20  5

By KVL V  900  32 (5)  740V

MA -63 MA -64

Dependent Sources Voltage Divider

7. First, Vo if R1=5ohms and R2=1ohms. Assume Vs=24V

V  Vs  IR1  IR2  0 V  Vs  IR1  IR2  0

R1  R2

 Vs   R2 
Vo  IR2    R2  Vs  
 R1  R2   R1  R2 

 1 
Vo  24   4V
 5  1

MA -65 MA -66

Current Divider Current Divider

8. Find i1, i2 and i3 in the

following circuit.

MA -67 MA -68

Open circuit Power

9. Find the open circuit voltage below 10. Calculate I and P absorbed by the dependent source

Apply Ohm law to 4 ohm resistor V1  4 I

Using voltage division; V1  x100  60V
60  40 So voltage rise across the dependent source 4.5(4I )  18I

Applying KVL to the right hand half; V10  30  Vab  10  V1  0 Now applying KVL; 4I  2I  18I  24 I  2 A

0  30  Vab  10  60  0  Vab  80V

Power absorbed by the source P  4.5V1I  18I 2  72W

MA -69 MA -70

Power Power

11. Find Vo and i 12. Find Vo, power supplied

by the source, power
dissipated by each resistor.

MA -71 MA -72



MA -73


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