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Universidad de Santa Isabel - CBE

First Semester, A/Y 2021 - 2022

Marc Jason Gantong
Good Governance & Social Responsibility
Ethan Matthew C. Salva
Friday, 6PM - 9PM
Midterm Examination

1. What kind of business do you have? Why is this the kind of business you
decided on having?
- Most of my childhood memories is about food and what I loved
about it, is that, those food were made by my grandmother and my aunts. I grew up
seeing them cook special dishes and sell it in our store or sometimes just in front of
our house, but, lately, I haven't seen them doing such, so I have decided to open a
restaurant business. A food business. I have chosen this kind of business because
food is a necessity and it is always in demand but the main reason that I venture in
this, is that, I want to see my grandmother and my aunts to cook their own best
dishes and food together and sell it in one place in my restaurant. By this, not only
us, or our neighbors will be able to taste our homemade food but also, I want other
people to taste and share them my family's best of the best food and let them feel at
home even they are away from their homes, let them eat food that will make them
feel like being loved and hugged by their families.
2. Indicate your comprehensive vision and mission statements.
- Vision
We envision to create a harmonious relationship
with all of our customers and the community by being one of main
providers of Bicol’s best native and traditional dishes and delicacies in
the region. We intend to promote Bicol’s dishes to younger generations
to preserve culture by incorporation of modern style and ways of
cooking. In our place, we imagine not a passive client to customer
relationship but a family-like treatment to everyone.

- Mission
We aim to provide an oragon and a heartfelt
experience by exposing our customers to our finest Bicol’s dishes and
delicacies made with fresh, local and quality ingredients in the region and
prepared in a home-like environment.

3. Enumerate at least three [3] core values of your business and describe
why each is important to your business.
- Family
- Our business is run by my own family and we would
like to extend our love with our customers to create
sincere relationship with them that will add value to
our company.
- Authenticity
-We mainly focus on serving Bicol’s dishes and
delicacies which is highly prepared with fresh and
quality ingredient bought in the region.

- Supporting Local Community

-We buy our ingredients to our local farmers and

growers and make a network with them to ensure
supply and needs of the company.

4. How will you make your CSR program sustainable and unique from
other businesses?
- My CSR programs will mainly focus on food waste. I will find
partners, organizations who has proper knowledge on how to lessen food waste and
promote food recycling. I will seek government's help to get a wider scope of
beneficiaries for my projects and programs and, at the same time, there will be
seminars and feeding programs for less privileged people. My target is those in
dumpsites, who depends their subsistence in garbage and trash. They will be
educated about food waste, health issues and other sensitive matters. I will also
seek other restaurants' help to join me in my venture so maybe we can come up
with an idea how to properly treat food waste, differentiate and segregate food that
can be still be eaten and recycle, use and donate the unused and excess ingredients
and materials instead of throwing it in the trash.
5. What have you learned this midterm?
- What I learned about this midterm is mainly about responsibility.
Not only being responsible to yourself but also to others. We make
decisions based on our free will and by that, we, sometimes does not
account for its impact to other people, so it is really necessary that we
always bear in our minds the different factors like the ethical and social
impact our actions. By that, we become responsible and accountable and
that is something other people can depend on onto you. With have been
faced by a lot of quotes like “No man is an island” and “With great
power, comes with great responsibility”. Such quotes talk about being
responsible. As a business, there are responsibility outside the company
and that is not an additional cost but it is something that adds value to the
company because it gains trust and loyalty. We must extend our hands
beyond its reach and we must work together. We are not alone. We must
do things for the betterment of everyone.

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