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Brilliant Footsteps Int’

Teacher AbdulRahim Ibrahim

Lesson Plan & Notes

Week: Two Date: Class: JSS3 Gender: Boys Duration per period
Teachers Name: Abdul Rahim Ibrahim Total period (per week)
Subject: English Language Theme: Reading, Writing and Grammar
Topic: Comprehension: Environmental Education, Sub-topic:
Expository essay and Perfect Aspect
Instructional Materials: New Effective English Course for Junior Secondary
Behavioural At the end of the lesson(s), the learners should be able to:
1. state the main points of the passage.
2. answer the comprehension questions on the passage.
3. state the vocabularies highlighted.
(Affective) 1. state the features of expository essay.
2. Write an expository essay.
1. state the active and passive voice form of perfect aspect in different sentences.
(Psychomotor) 2. write sentences in perfect aspect in active and passive voices.

Introduction: The teacher introduces the topic by greeting students and making comments on previous lesson.

Previous Students have been exposed to comprehension, types of essay writing and tenses in their
Knowledge previous classes.

Teaching Method Discussion method.

Student Activity Students will listen to teacher’s explanation, they will make inputs and write notes where
Presentation: The lesson would be presented in the following steps:
Step 1- Reading
Step 1: Teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 2: Request a student to read the passage.
Step 3: Teacher reads the passage.
Step 2- Step 4: Teacher guide students to answer the questions in the passage.
Step 1: Teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 2: He requests students to remind mention types of essay.
Step 3- Step 3: Teacher reminds them of what expository essay is.
Step 4: He states the features of an expository essay.
Step 5: Refers them to their textbooks to see a sample of an expository essays.
Step 4- Step 1: The teacher introduces the lesson.
Step 2: He what a perfect aspect is all about.
Step 3: He gives examples of perfect aspect of the present, past and future tense.
Lesson Plan Allah loves those who consider his commandment in their speeches and actions.
Evaluation: Teacher asks students random questions related to the objectives.

Conclusion: The teacher concludes by summarising the lesson and praying for blessing upon himself and his

Assignment (take-home or class work)

Comprehension questions will serve as class work for students.

Students will be given home work to write an expository essay on “How to be a responsible student”.

Class work will be given, students will be asked to construct perfect aspect in active and passive forms.

______________________ ______________________
HOD’s Signature & Date Principal’s Signature & Date


Comprehension: Environmental Education


Expository essay

An expository essay is a writing which explains a specific topic or set of ideas to a defined audience.
state the features of expository essay.
Features of expository writing
The main features include:
▪ Informative
Expository text is meant to deposit information
▪ Clarity.
Using words that clearly show what the author is talking about.
▪ Organization of the text.
A well-written exposition remains focused on its topic and lists events in chronological order
▪ Impersonal
The use of first-person pronouns should be avoided.
▪ Unbiased
Expository essays will not openly reveal the opinion of the writer.


Perfect Aspect
The perfect aspect (or complete aspect as it's sometimes called) is the aspect of a verb that expresses a completed
action. In other words, "perfect aspect" is the collective term for all the verbs (in the present tense, past tense, or
future tense) in a perfect tense.

Active form of present perfect Passive form of present perfect
The dog has eaten bones. The bones have been eaten by the dog.
Aisha has swept the floor. The floor has been swept by Aisha.
My dad has explained the note. The note has been explained by my dad.
Active form of past perfect Passive form of past perfect
The dog had eaten the bones. The bones had been eaten by the dog.
Aisha had swept the floor. The floor had been swept by Aisha.
My dad had explained the note. The note had been explained by my dad.
Active form of future perfect Passive form of future perfect
The dog will have eaten bones. The bones will have been eaten by the dog.
Aisha will have swept the floor. The floor will have been swept by Aisha.
My dad will have explained the note. The note will have been explained by my dad.

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