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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 January 9, 2022 am – Rawhide with Clint
Eastwood premièred on CBS TV

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCXXXII] – “Doug4Guv”

State Senator (Army Colonel) Douglas Vincent Mastriano announced PA-gubernatorial

candidacy during a historic Gettysburg “SRO” event in a convention center ballroom
with a capacity of 1400; it was exquisitely executed (from security to staging to singing),
with Manichean/evangelical subthemes that resonated among participants/witnesses.

This wasn’t a “rally,” for emphasized was the need to emulate Doug’s focused activism;
this was a networked aggregation of people/organizations devoted to help PA become
the modernized “Keystone State” that, palpably, could provide a paradigm for America.
This isn’t hyperbole, for speakers consistently invoked history to animate messaging,
and private conversations reinforced the conclusion that Doug’s strategy is to unearth
ignored-qualities of human nature to facilitate remodeling government to serve people.

Planning how to polish Philly as the “gem” of the Commonwealth recalled The Donald’s
“What do you have to lose” advice of a half-decade ago, and he can build upon what
Kathy Barnette [whom he carefully endorsed] has observed [predicted in her book and
stated in her brief remarks], to wit, that “we’ve blown past socialism and we’re facing
communism” under the Dems [at ALL LEVELS of hegemony led by Brandon’s consorts].

Personally, this validated prior memos that explored the nooks-crannies of competitors,
after which I concluded that [1]—Doug was #1, and [2]—the others paled in comparison.
I’ve interacted positively/directly with many of them during the past quarter-century
(e.g., Melissa Hart and Guy Ciarrocchi when trying to moderate anti-tobacco overreach
and Charles Gerow when writing a letter trying to moderate environmentalism fanatics)
and continue honoring prospective/courageous leadership (e.g., Lou Barletta’s unique
long-term efforts to limit housing/employment of Illegals). I’m unimpressed with
neophytes who forsake aggressively pushing conservatism to oppose elitists/globalists
(Dr. Nche Zama, Bill McSwain. Jake Corman and Scott Martin); I’m totally opposed to
only one (Joe Gale) due to personal/legal reasons (including my successful suit to scrub
this do-nothing negativistic egotist from last cycle’s Lt. Gov. ballot because he’d have
been underage on inauguration day, violating a black-letter Constitutional mandate).
[I’d been honored to have been in-attendance; missing in this photo—one in a series—
were "Trump" sox, c/o the Davidsons. I had a front-row seat c/o photographer/spirited
Liz Diehl, as occasionally noted in this video; thus, it’s easier to relive this experience.]
Before doing so, it’s necessary to recognize that PA’s Elections in 2022 are the most vital
in three generations, inasmuch as 1958 was the last time PA nominated a new governor
and U.S. senator without an incumbent running for either office; furthermore, nationally,
PA’s is one of the 2022 high-stakes governor's races, with the legacy media predictably
focused on a GOP field that “includes multiple candidates who seek to tie themselves to
Trump and his discredited claims that the state’s 2020 election results were rigged.”
Reporting-bias c/o libs was locally manifest when Laughlin's exit from the gov-race was
portrayed [negatively] as a reflection of “GOP [faults] and not of the politician.”

Notwithstanding aggressive ad-campaigns (via internet/cable), this Richter-Listing “11”

event contrasted dramatically with sparsely-attended announcements of others [e.g.,
Melissa Hart] and with the thirteen participants in a debate seeking 15-minutes-of-frame
[with Barletta absent]. During this non-event of regional-candidates (except Corman),
Monn, Hart and Corman said they would leave school closures to local officials, straying
from the crowd that reaffirmed the need for in-person instruction. Guy Ciarrocchi vowed
to jumpstart Pa.’s economy [as Doug pledged to reduce 151K state-regs to <100K within
the first year of his term] and it’s OK to have fraud-laden mail-in voting [undermining my
“cause” of pushing multiple Zoom-call participants to advocate precinct-level tabulation].

David White [calling himself a blue-collar outsider for governor] said he offers something
different than customary focus on educational background or government experience,
but he hasn’t provided an example of what this entails from his past experience. Similarly,
Lou Barletta feels he’s the Trump guy PA Dems can love and wants to bus illegals to
Delaware (Brandon’s home state); surprisingly, he hasn’t highlighted Brandon’s having
used Coronavirus-$ to bankroll secret flights of Illegals into America [contrasting with
Doug’s having recognize that flights near Lehigh Valley show PA isn’t immune to border
crisis issues]. Note Corman’s seat was redistricted (a major grassroots victory involving
many organizations) for, I was told by local GOP leaders @ the Bradford event that many
people were planning to “primary” him. None supported The Donald’s #1 issue, elections.

The Mastriano-theme will be Saddle up your Horses [lyrics] c/o Steven Curtis Chapman,
one of the Christian Songs with which I’ll have to become acquainted; additional photos
were provided by the pastor sitting next to me, c/o the Family Worship Center in Lansdale.
This entity has a personal “history” with me that extends back to 1998, when fellow-Jew
(and livelong friend, having grown up 2 blocks away) Jon David Fox lost his congressional
re-election and brought me along as he sought solace the following Sunday thereat. Also,
perhaps a decade ago, on a Sunday-p.m., the ZOA’s Mort Klein spoke @ a COFI-sponsored
Zionist event (where gentiles were far more spirited in support of Israel than any Jewish
convocation I’ve ever attended). I shook hands with COFI’s Rev. Hagee (his was gigantic)
along with all of the pastors who attended Glenn Beck’s 2010 D.C. Restoring Honor rally)
functioning as “security” (prior to being the “medic” who was pressed into service to
handle people who became dehydrated). In any case, Pastor Ernie Springer hosted one of
three Mastriano-attended events c/o Liz Diehl this past June and demonstrates courage
of a religious leader who updates Liturgy with awareness of modern anti-freedom Dems.
It is recognized that this memo has necessarily become more lengthy than anticipated
because of the need to contextualize the video; the import of this seismic announcement
is such that it’s desirable to annotate the proceedings from a personalized perspective.
Not having been an insider, it’s actually easier to view public comments in a disinterested
fashion without conveying what might have been learned during private conversations;
left to experts are interpretations of musical interludes chosen to amplify proceedings.
The volume faded but, overall, this resembled a well-orchestrated military operation;
obviously, this presentation of the well-edited tape omitted some pomp/circumstance
(e.g., entry of the Bikers’ flags) and warnings (e.g., what to do if an emergency arose).
OBVIOUSLY, this memo is intended (moreso than many others) to be a “keeper.”

Jamie Bellet; Jeremy Lehman; Tam & Vish; Danny Gokey; Dave Bray; Abby Abilness (who
correlated William Penn’s having been jailed to his commitment to religious expression
and the Constitution); Pastor Don (blowing Shofar, as is done at Rosh Hashanah services)
{@ 44 minute mark}; General Mike Flynn (emphasizing “service”); video of “the people”
{1:10}; Rep Rob Kauffman (who went with him and Sen. Dush to Maricopa, Arizona); Rep.
Stephanie Borowicz; Maryland Rep. Dan Cox (gubernatorial candidate); Kathy Barnette
(who need for work to accompany faith, to formulate/implement our side’s plan) {1:34};
Rylee Morgan (who sang God Bless America, sadly recalling my lamentation that *Kate
Smith should be allowed to keep blessing America*); Matt Bellis (of ReopenPA); Kimberly
Klacik (2020 Baltimore Congressional candidate, now leading Red Renaissance, whom I
met @ a $-raiser for Kathy Barnette in June which Doug “crashed” without his staffers);
Tabitha Valleau (emphasizing voter registration); Dwayne McDavitt (Bikers for Trump);
Karen Taylor & Toni Shuppe (Audit the Vote PA, noting Toni has chatted with Bannon);
Wendy Bell & Joe O’Toole (Wendy recounting having been fired as talk-show hostess in
an animated presentation, almost dancing on-stage); Chaplin Bill Rudge (of Mastriano’s
church); Teddy Daniels (Congressional candidate who wasn’t dissuaded by a GOP leader
from supporting Doug, as he awaits redistricting due to reticence to compete against
incumbent Rep. Meuser in a primary); Steve Turley, Ph.D. (Friends of Doug Mastriano,
who noted a mask is actually a muzzle); Val Finnell, M.D. (Gun Owners of America of PA
and Air Force Col. Ret., disabled but not wounded vet); Virginia Sen. Amanda Chase
(Chair, National Election Integrity Caucus); guitarist/singer of “Fiddler Doug on the Roof”
[which I recorded with much better sound than is in the video, as per this *loop*; then,
after the Saddle up your Horses [lyrics] c/o Steven Curtis Chapman theme, Doug/Rebbie
spoke (with Rebbie introducing Doug, who cited a few of his campaign themes {3:47}.
Amazingly, as of 4 p.m., this video has instantly prompted 15K views and 2400 comments;
in closing, recall their visit to the historic Rising Sun Inn in Telford [resize thumbnail].

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