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bd X The keys to the Bem etl 4-4 COG Peer) ered What is Edain? Coe ee ee ea eee ce er er et eee reese erty ee eee re ees Pe el sea ee CoCo eS ae Too Edain Technologies Cee RCM ruts 44 itis generally agreed that knowledge is data that is processed to varying levels such that at est an en ete sto ue CSc ae (09) me @ ® ry ead Ce ects ine ee icone) ice teete eS e She ee eet Slice ge eR ero Aenea ae eee ee eS ened eee eel Se ee ee ee mn torts ore eee eer eee me net Fata pce aes ee rere naa tele I hha pe een ean oar Senne s B e es err oy Wnatisedain? 02 /Edaln Technologies ered PET teat q “The EDAIN knowledge ecosystem is comprised of the ee tec ace ar together with the C+8 Technology assets as developed and Eee eae cd (03//Edain Technologies Edn Ecosystem Edain Technologies Components & Processes SCO iu eC eeu uu eaC Seg Te ey ees Serco rang Sate Sec ey rer eo) Sener Beco) ce seco eee ee ered Tradable license key EDAIN's tradable license keys are a blockchain based ere oe eure (state eee eerie) ee eee ee een eras ‘currencies and can be held asa store of value in the speculation aa tone ranma Eee ea ee eee ae have an assignable value relative to the value and amount of knowledge residing within EDAIN at any given time. a Cd Edain Technologies BEC Cette Cla Within the Edain knowledge ecosystem, we use a tradable eee ere an eter eg Ce eee ee teas ‘the EDAIN Exchange. TLK transactions are simple and can be ‘acquired with ust afew clicks. The value of the TLK will vary depending on traditional market forces (supply, demand, sentiment, etc). The pricing of the TLK for our knowledge eater te eng eee Cera Een ta ane cy ‘radablelicensekey 06 /Edaln Technologies ered 7) Cee og eae Perera areca at purpose of knowledge acquisition, asset storage or exchange for fiat or crypto currencies. For the purpose of offering Rae ocean Ge Gee Les eet eet tate eres Convertible medium of exchange for access to EDAIN's C+8 Pe ea ore eee en eat) Marketplace). A consumer uses EDAIN's TLXs as transferable Per ete heer erent ag teed lof accessing the C+8 Knowledge Vault through software Sea Non ee cre oa PS eet mae aR cd eet 07/EaainTechnologies EAL Edain Technologies ace TT) yo Way emelelemelelee 2] Cy ‘Midate Last call ieee) Prez oeeae ied EDC eR 32,900.00 EAI area) reste Pees oF . oF . . ° ro Cy ng eg Crt oer] Dera) poe iresaeiyzd PEROT 32.900.000 EAL EO ro reek) reer Cd ered Token distribution cy D 10% eet] ment he Sn aa ser aD Ld Did Ce ae Edain Technologies Le EAI Value oy cea Demeter px Lecuiyy eer Cd ered Cet M riley a eee ee ee eee transformation engine that allows data to fully setF-organize Re ee net eeu ae Ey scuS Peon rater ae te ec eee Se ta ay Pe seec a ease Se ey Edain Technologies DCCC Me ling The C+8 Knowledge Vault isthe centerpiece ofthe EDAIN ee ee Soe ect rer e a eesy produced by C+8 Technology®.Itis the entity from which al Perera ra en coe Cy ered PE aa ene eee a ey processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific Se eee eet Ree eer eee eee ea eer ead ‘automatic manipulation of natural language, like speech and en ee Ren eer been around for more than 50 years and grew out ofthe field of tee ears See od Edain Technologies TK) elt Vd SS ee eo Cees interaction with its knowledge store via an Application Programming Interface (API). Calls to the API can be submitted te Sate wee care eae venom En meea rr mee reas See ee eee eae iy real-time, and submit new data to the system, ce ae ered C+8 Apps CC Sa peer en Cue ere ee ie eae paren ee ree errr tea tad een a re ra See ecm ems nt ‘enable hundreds of milions of people equal problem- peer erat eens eee er Pe ed Pek T Tra Cece eu thier saree! ore erence ere een ene rer err eernt er ee ete eee Peace rec reneea Seance eee nea ear ae Eee Edain Technologies RUC (See ete Peete ointments Brser treet ee rear ae er Era merino pinot emery pec aetetette etea ee ah See ae ees pecan’ ee ered Ladd Pee ie eens ee rat ene een ta een et coaareeeat Pee nee es eee eee Pore anetsT ise Sere baad Dd Pe UUs CE er Peet erate era) Peete ad Pearse etn BT a Cs Be te erate en Espen horse error a eee See eect ere ieeertee ere aetna eee eee ee ena beeen ee tee te Edain Technologies CT Tur Tey ee ee anet treet etter eter senate eee inetd ete en ee eee or ered TTC} rs en) tienen Scalable & Secure eens Escorts Perens cee case rd a Seemann ong peer) eee Ferman See a es tet ete’ eer eetts Pieter a . ees Petre bere ta pene en sneered ume oe Edain Technologies tai On ert eens aren reat State ee Sed aaa ey ered Founders an oe an rier CET I OTR 21/Edain Technologles Founders Edain Technologies Petey ole} aS * & ea) Ce) Poe iLy peu Tech Re er ered Ceci Ct Cet (ey ee eet Cc eg millions of people equal problem-solving capabilities and will Eee eee eel) the world today. At the same time, EDAIN will pur the onset of an entirely new knowledge industry forts flattening of the ad ee see ect ee eee aa ee ee ‘change how people come into possession of knowledge, and nen eta ne Edain Technologies Objectives Cee ener eur) See esc Maes Capabilities of our global society to "the haves" The second is thatit (the knowledge gap) further exacerbates wealth inequality across Cen eee eee Cette er nee oe ete ue a ere ee ease Chee ee e x oO Edain Technologies Seen Deer

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