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Document: PROGRAM: Date: Due Date:

In class SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGMENT April 8th, 2021 April 8th, 2021
Production Planning: Routing


Part A: Create a Production Order

Transaction CO01
Material (parent BOM Bike from in class lab1, not Bike Kids)
Production Plant: 1000
Order Type: PP01

Rebecca Spagnolo 5028

Rita Al-Amil 5057
Mohammed Al-Haderi 5145
Simon Augar 5078
Ahmed Besbas
Nadia Calaras 5076
Ramdane Khenter 5054
Lucie Njoh Endale 5140
Omar Ruvuta 5119
Regan Salib 5120
Sami Salim 5065
Rachit Tiwari 5470
Shayne Williams 5071
Step 1:
(Notice the Status)
Total Qty: 100
End Date: 07-13-2021

Press ENTER. You will most likely see either of these below. Both are ok to proceed.
Step 2: (optional)
See log if there is one in your message.
Make any necessary corrections.

See screen shot to view the log.

See sample log:

Fix ups:

When creating Work Centers, we have to go into each of the 5 views, even if we leave the defaults. That
is why BOM 5029, 5120, 5065, 5057, 5145 and 5078 will have 4 warnings. I will demonstrate with my
BOM how to get rid of the warning message to get capacity planning.

Step 3:
Do a Material Check

Step 4:
Do a Capacity Check

Step 5:
Operation Overview
Notice for each line item is a Work Center, the start date, the start time, the System Status, the end date
and that my first Work Center is linked to a BOM.
User status is also something I want you to be aware of.

To go back to the main screen, click on the Header icon.

Part B: Release a Production Order at the Header Level

Release can be done at the Header level with the Green Flag to the left. It can also be done at the item
level, I will show in Power Points.
Once you Release the order, notice how the Status changes.
FYI: You can save the Order and then go back in change mode to Release the Order, or Release it at

Part C: Create a Production Order from a Planned order

Step 1:
In Transaction MD04, we enter our BIKE material number and Plant 1000.

Since most of you have brand new Materials, it will most likely have 2 lines.
The first line shows information on the stock exception 96
The second line shows how short you are based on Material Master and the Safety stock in MRP2 view.
Step 2:
Back out of your transaction and run MD05, it will make a Planned Order if necessary.

Step 3:
Go back into Transaction MD04
If you double click on the PlOrd, this pop up will appear.

Step 4:

If you click on the Prod Ord button you can create an order.
Notice there isn’t a PrdOrder number assigned yet. Now we look at the Material, Capacity and Log

Step 5:

Material & Capacity check

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