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Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis

Gary L. Messing,* Shi-Chang Zhang,* and Gopal V. Jayanthi*

Particulate Materials Center, The Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802

A variety of spray pyrolysis (SP) techniques have been ceramics (i.e., submicrometer particle size and low degree of
developed to directly produce ceramic powders from solu- aggregation). In contrast, hydrothermally prepared powders can
tions. This paper reviews the current status of these pro- be directly produced in the requisite physical and chemical
cesses in terms of the process parameters that enable the form. However, the high-pressure requirements and the general
formation of particles with controlled morphology and difficulty in producing a wide range of multicomponent compo-
composition. A model incorporating solute diffusion in the sitions often deters consideration of hydrothermal techniques
droplet and solvent evaporation from the droplet surface is for the synthesis of ceramic powders. In principle, solution-
presented to establish the critical parameters leading to based aerosol processes, unlike most solution processes, inte-
solid particle formation. The model illustrates that solid grate the precipitation, thermolysis (i.e., calcination), and sin-
particles can be obtained if solutes with high solubility and a tering stages of powder synthesis into a single continuous
large difference between the critical supersaturation and process. In this manner, the advantages of starting with a solu-
equilibrium concentration are used and if the process is tion are complemented by providing unique control over the
designed to avoid solvent boiling. It is demonstrated that thermolysis and sintering stages of inorganic particle formation.
mixed metal oxide, non-oxide, and composite particles that A large number of terms’ have been used to distinguish the
are solid, hollow, porous, or fibrous can be produced by various solution aerosol processes by either the mechanism of
modifying the precursor characteristics, solution proper- aerosol generation or the type of precursor thermolysis reaction
ties, and process parameters. The physical and chemical (Table I). Spray pyrolysis (SP) has been widely used to describe
flexibility of SP processes offers numerous opportunities for these processes. However, the use of pyrolysis is sometimes too
the controlled synthesis of advanced ceramic powders and limiting and, in some cases, incorrectly describes the critical
films. However, production rates are limited by the need to thermal process during SP. For example, pyrolysis (i.e., thermal
produce 4-pm-diameter droplets and to avoid subsequent decomposition) does not adequately capture the various oxida-
droplet coagulation. Developments in process controls, tion, nitridation, or reduction-based thermal processes that will
atomization, and system design are required for wider com- be increasingly important applications of SP-type processes.
mercialization of SP-type processes. However, the proliferation of new acronyms (including some
by the present authors) simply leads to more confusion in the
literature. Therefore, for the sake of simplicity and in keeping
I. Introduction with the prevalent use of “spray pyrolysis” in the literature, we
will use this term to describe all synthesis processes in which a
N UMEROUS solution techniques have been developed to syn-
thesize ceramic powders with improved physical and
chemical characteristics. Most solution-precipitated powders
solution is atomized and thermolyzed to attain the requisite
must undergo subsequent calcination and milling steps, pro- Spray drying, a process similar to SP, has been used for many
cesses that can negate some of the advantages of the solution years to produce pressing-grade ceramic powders and for
process. As a result, it is difficult to achieve the powder charac- numerous other applications in the foods, chemicals, and mate-
teristics that are increasingly in demand for high-performance rials ind~stries.‘~ SP synthesis differs from spray drying in the
use of solutions, the consequent process of precipitation or con-
densation within a droplet, and the use of significantly higher
temperatures (e.g., >3OO0C) to form the desired inorganic
B. Ghate--contributing editor phase by thermolysis. “Spray drying” of solutions followed by
calcination and milling was widely reported from the early
1970s to early 1980s as a means for preparing mixed metal
oxides. Johnson reviewed this literature and other powder syn-
Manuscript No. 194525. Received June I , 1993; approved September 22, 1993.
Supported by NASA through Battelle’s Advanced Materials Center for Commercial thesis proce~ses.‘~ In this paper we focus on the more recent lit-
Development of Space under Grant No. NAGW-81 I , and the Fluid, Particulate, and erature and advances in the field.
Thermal Systems, and the Metals, Ceramics, and Electronic Programs of the National
Sc- Foundation under Grant No. CTS-9202418. During SP, the solution is atomized into a series of reactors
Member, American Ceramic Society. (Fig. 1) where the aerosol droplets undergo evaporation and

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2708 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76, No. 1 I

Table I. Nomenclature for Spray Pyrolysis Processes

Term Authors

Solution aerosol-thermol ysis Jayanthi, Zhang, and Messing’

Evaporative decomposition Roy, Neurogaonkar, O’Holleran, and Roy’ and
of solutions Gardner and Messing4
Spray pyrolysis Hirata and Kato’
Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis Ishizawa, Sakurai, Mizutani, and Kato‘
Mist decomposition lmai and Takami’
Spray roasting Ruthner’
Chemical reactions Matijevic’
with aerosols
Plasma vaporization Pollinger and Messing“’
of solutions
Aerosol decomposition Kodas, Datye, Lee, and Engler’’
High-temperature aerosol Moser and Lennhoff’’

solute condensation within the droplet, drying, thermolysis of Ruthner’.’’ 22 who first commercialized the process. The
the precipitate particle at higher temperature to form a micropo- “Ruthner process” is based on the atomization of metal chloride
rous particle, and, finally, sintering of the microporous particle solutions into a vertical furnace that is operated at 700” to
to form a dense particle (Fig. 2). Solution aerosol techniques 1000°C. Solutions are atomized into the top of the furnace and
take advantage of many of the available solution chemistries the generated powders are cyclone separated from the gas. A
that have been developed for powder synthesis but then wet scrubber is used to separate hydrogen chloride from the
uniquely control the particle formation environment by com- exhaust gas. The powders consist of 25- to 400-p.m hollow par-
partmentalizing the solution into droplets. In this manner, S P ticles which require milling if used for fine-grain ceramic pro-
ensures complete stoichiometry retention on the droplet scale, duction. It is instructive to note that the Ruthner process was
at least, and, thus, is particularly advantageous for mixed metal developed originally for chlorine regeneration in the steel pro-
oxide synthesis. Furthermore, by controlling the type of ther- cess. More recently, Scimarec, Inc., in Japan:’ E. Merck, Inc.,
molysis reaction, it is also possible to synthesize non-oxide in germ an^,'^ and SSC, Inc., in the United States” now sell
ceramic, metal, and composite particles. ceramic powders produced by an SP-type process. Both Merck
A number of pre-1980 papers report the direct synthesis of and SSC further process by milling to obtain powders of the
ceramic powders by heating solution aerosols. Neilson et a1.I5 desired characteristics.
reported the synthesis of metal oxides, mixed metal oxides, and As shown in Fig. 3 , a variety of particle morphologies have
ferrite powders from metal chloride, sulfate, acetate, and nitrate been produced by S P processes. For fine-grain ceramic applica-
solutions atomized into oxygen or air-fuel flames. The particles tions, a key issue concerns the process conditions leading to
ranged from flakes and hollow shapes to submicrometer volume precipitation within the droplet and the subsequent con-
spheres, but no correlations between process or solution condi- version to a dense, solid particle rather than hollow, shell-like
tions and particle morphology were reported. Wenckus and particles (Fig. 4(A)). The completely filled particles formed
Leavitt16 reported the formation of ferrite powders from alco- after precipitation were earlier d e s ~ r i b e d * ~as. *“solid”
~ to con-
holic solutions of metal nitrates atomized into an oxygen flame. trast their formation with the shell-like particles. Note, how-
Most other s t u d i e ~ ~ ~emphasized
’ ~ ~ ’ ~ ~ the
’ ~ compositional flexi- ever, that the completely filled or “solid” particle is actually
bility for synthesizing ceramic powders but seldom was particle nanoporous as a result of the porosity between the precipitated
morphology reported. However, when particle morphology was salt nanocrystallites and the subsequent decomposition of the
reported, the powders consisted of hollow spheres. salt crystallites. The latter is due to the lower specific volume of
Although Neilson et al. l5 demonstrated commercial-scale the inorganic phase relative to the salt. It is also important to
potential for their flame decomposition process, it was understand how the precipitation conditions and precursor

Pressure Humiditv
Gauge Gauge”

Diffusion Drier Thermolysis Reactor Sintering Furnace


P 1
Laser Particle
Size Analyzer

Reaction Gases Electric
Solution Atomizer Analyzer
Carrier Gas

Fig. 1. Schematic of SP equipment.

November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 2709


Fig. 2. Stages of SP process.

properties affect particle microstructure. Figure 4(B) illustrates superconducting oxides and, thus, to adversely affect phase
that there are a number of possibilities for synthesizing multi- development.
component and composite particles with a unique range of The low solubility of metal acetates and high decomposition
microstructural characteristics. temperature of metal sulfates limit the use of these water-
To date, most SP research has focused on the preparation of soluble salts. Therefore, hybrid systems in which one of the
ceramic powders with specific chemical compositions. How- components is added via a solution and the remainder as parti-
ever, despite the importance of the powder physical characteris- cles have also been reported. For example A1,0,-15 vol% ZrO,
tics, there has been little attempt to understand or model the powders were producedz8 by using a dispersion of a-Al,O,
processes and factors that affect the production of particles with powder and ZrO(NO,),. To completely avoid the solute limita-
controlled size and morphology. Consequently, the production tions and to increase process yield, Scimarec, Inc., has devel-
capabilities and advantages of SP processes for advanced oped a commercial SP process to produce mullite powder from
ceramic powder synthesis, although quite promising, are only a sol mixture of AlOOH and SiO, .*3
now beginning to be realized. The physical and chemical characteristics of soluble chcmi-
One objective of this paper is to identify the technical prob- cal precursors strongly influence the characteristics of particles
lems that have limited the utilization of SP-type processes for formed by SP. Unlike most solution-precipitation processes
powder synthesis. By examining the underlying factors affect- where the metal ions are precipitated as sparingly soluble salts
ing particle formation, we seek to determine future research (e.g., hydroxides, oxalates, or carbonates), the dissolved precur-
directions and process needs that will accelerate the acceptance sor salts precipitate during the evaporation stage of SP. As
and commercialization of SP powder synthesis. Of particular shown later, the salt solubility and degree of supersaturation
concern is the status of SP modeling for solid particle forma- influence whether solid or hollow particles are formed during
tion. We also review the literature to identify the opportunities, the evaporation stage of SP.
challenges, and impediments for SP synthesis of ceramic pow- Charlesworth and Marshallz9 summarized how the perme-
ders with specific physical and chemical characteristics. We ability and thermal character of metal salts affect particle mor-
conclude by briefly discussing other opportunities for advanced phology when the boiling temperature of the solvent is
materials synthesis by SP-type processes. exceeded. For example, thermoplastic salts readily inflate,
whereas impermeable, rigid particles simply fracture into shell
11. Spray Pyrolysis Process Steps fragments once the solvent boils. The thermal properties of the
precipitated precursor also impact subsequent particle evolu-
( I ) Precursors tjon30.3I during the thermolysis stage. For example, many metal
nitrates have low mefting temperatures (e.g., <2OO0C). If the
Although true solutions, colloidal dispersions, emulsions, metal salt melts during thermolysis, then the reduction of the
and sols can be used as aerosol precursors, this paper focuses on product gas permittivity through the molten salt results in an
issues associated with SP of true solutions. Aqueous solutions internal gas-pressure increase and “explosion” or foaming of
are commonly used due to ease of handling, safety, low cost, the particle. This process leads to hollow particles or particle
and availability of a wide range of water-soluble metal salts. fragments of a broad particle-size distribution. Below we dis-
The solute must have high solubility to increase the powder cuss the opportunity for forming porous AI,O, particles by this
yield of the process. Increasingly, alcoholic and organic solu- type of process.
tions have been studied due to the interest in the synthesis of
inorganic materials from metal organics that undergo gelation (2) Atomization
or polymerization and for the synthesis of non-oxide ceramic A variety of atomization techniques (Table 11) have been
powders. used for solution aerosol formation, including pneumatic (pres-
In general, metal chlorides and oxychlorides have the highest sure, two-fluid, nebulizers), ultrasonic, and electrostatic. These
water solubilities relative to other metal salts and are used for atomizers differ in droplet size, rate of atomization, and droplet
the industrial production of MgO and ferrites.*’ The corrosive velocity. The velocity of the droplet when it leaves the atomizer
nature of the product gases and the adverse effect of residual is important because it can determine the heating rate and the
chlorine on ceramic sintering decreases the general attrac- residence time of the droplet during SP. The size of the droplets
tiveness of these salts for advanced ceramic powder synthesis, produced with pneumatic or pressure nozzles decreases when
but the technology for handling such systems is available.** the pressure difference across the nozzle is increased. Two-fluid
Other water-soluble metal salts-such as nitrates, acetates, and atomizers represent off-the-shelf technology capable of atomiz-
sulfates-can also introduce impurities which may adversely ing large quantities of liquid at droplet velocities from 0.5 to 20
affect subsequent processing, sintering, or properties. For m/s but with minimum droplet sizes of only 10 pn3* Ultrasonic
example, Gardner and Messing4 showed that Mg(CH,COO),- nozzles, conversely, apply a relatively smaller amount of
derived MgO contained free carbon after heating at 1000°C. energy, but efficiently couple that energy to achieve droplet for-
The presence of carbon from the precursor system has also been mation. Ultrasonic atomizers can easily produce droplets down
shown to cause BaCO, formation in BaTiO, and barium-based to 2 to 4 pm, but the atomization rate is limited to <2 cm’/min.
2710 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76. No. 11

Fig. 3. Various morphologies of particles produced by SP processes: (A) solid ZrO, particles derived from 0.1 M ZHC solution, (B) irregular ZrO,
particles derived from 1M ZAC solution, (C) AlzO,/platinum nanocomposite particles derived from 0.SM Al,(SO,),-H,PtCI, solution, (D) A1,OJ
platinum nanocomposite particles derived from 0 . S M AI(OBu’),-H,PtCI, solution, (E) catalyst particles derived from 0.1M NH,VO,-H,PO,xitric
acid solution, and (F) Y,O,-stabilized ZrO, discontinuous fiber derived from Z A C 4 wt%-PVOH-surfactant solution.

The concept of SP processes is to produce one particle per drop- sion of organic-based systems (<40 dyne/cm (0.04 N/m)j is
let. Because small particles are required for most advanced generally less than water-based solutions (70 dyne/cm (0.07
ceramic applications, there is a serious need to develop tech- N/m)j. These factors directly affect the droplet size during
niques that can atomize large quantities of small droplets at low atomization, and, thus, it is important that the initial droplet-
exit velocities. Indeed, it is for production reasons that compa- size distribution be determined to correlate the particle evo-
nies have used pressure atomizers instead of ultrasonic
atomizers. lution processes with the initial aerosol size. Later we will
For a specific atomizer, the droplet characteristics depend on demonstrate how the solution viscosity/surface tension char-
the solution density, viscosity, and surface tension. The viscos- acteristics of the precursor solutions can be manipulated to
ity of metal organic and organic acid precursors can range synthesize nanoparticles (<0. 1 p m in diameter) or discontinu-
orders of magnitude, depending on chemistry. The surface ten- ous fibers.
November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 271 1

of solute diffusion. Therefore, to understand what factors con-

trol particle formation, a model incorporating both solute diffu-
sion and the rate of droplet shrinkage was developed.
(A) Evaporation of Liquid Droplets: A comparison of the
evaporation rate and temperature change of pure liquid droplets
and solution droplets is helpful in identifying the effect of the
Pcimeabilit solute on particle formation by SP. The evaporation of liquid
0 droplets has been extensively studied and modeled for combus-
tion processes and atmospheric phenomena. The derived mod-
els form the foundation for calculating the rate of droplet-size
change as a function of temperature and relative humidity in the
initial evaporation stage of SP. The rate of evaporation of drop-
lets moving with the same velocity as the ambient is given by34

it Metal Salts
where p- and T, are the ambient vapor pressure and temperature
of the reactor, respectively. The subscript “d” refers to the same
parameters at the surface of the droplet, M is the molecular
weight of the gas and R, is the gas constant, R is the droplet
radius, and rn its mass. FuchP noted that Eq. (1) neglects the
initial change in the surface vapor concentration and the change
in the drop radius. Ranz and Marshall36experimentally deter-
mined the evaporation rate when there was a velocity difference
between the ambient and aerosol droplet. Note that, when the
droplets are <0.05 p,m in diameter, the vapor pressure must be
I C o 1I o i d -
Metal Salt corrected for the Kelvin effect.
( B ) Evaporation from Solution Droplets: In the initial
stage of drying, surface evaporation from a solution droplet is
the same as for a pure solvent except that the vapor pressure of
the liquid decreases as a result of the solute in the droplet.
Assuming the gas phase is ideal, the vapor pressure p d of a solu-
Fig. 4. Effect of precipitation conditions and precursor characteris- tion droplet is given by
tics on (A) particle morphology and (B) composite particle

where pTatis the saturated vapor pressure of the solvent at a

Table 11. Characteristics of Atomizers Commonly given temperature, xA the solute mole fraction at the surface of
Used for SP the droplet, and yA the activity coefficient which is dependent
Droplet size Atomization rate Droplet velocity on the nature of the solute; for ideal and dilute solutions, -yA can
Atomizer (w) (cm’/min) (m/s)
be assumed to be 1 . From electrodynamic balance experiments,
Pressure 10-100 3-no limit 5-20 Cohen et al.” found that the activity coefficient can vary sig-
Nebulizer 0.1-2 0.5-5 0.2-0.4 nificantly with the solute concentration during the evaporation
Ultrasonic 1-100 <2 0.24.4 of the solution droplets. Unfortunately, such data are not gener-
Electrostatic 0.1-10
ally available for the range of precursors currently used in SP.
(C) Temperature of Liquid Droplets: The droplet loses
heat as the latent heat required for evaporation and gains heat
(3) Evaporation Period when the temperature of the ambient is greater than the droplet
temperature. The rate of temperature change is given by
During the first stage of SP, the following physical phenom-
ena can occur simultaneously: evaporation of the solvent from
the surface of the droplet, diffusion of the solvent vapors away (3)
from the droplet in the gas phase, shrinkage of the droplet,
change in the droplet temperature, and diffusion of solute where K is the ambient thermal conductivity, A the latent heat of
toward the center of the droplet (Fig. 2). Before presenting the evaporation of the solvent, and S the specific heat of the liquid.
equations governing these phenomena, it is useful to compare Equation (3) neglects radiant heat transfer which is acceptable
the characteristic time constants’3 of these processes to identify if
the most important factors during SP. The characteristic time
refers to the time required for a process to reach steady state; the 4RaS,T,’
shorter the time, the sooner it reaches steady state.
<< 1 (4)
Table 111 shows that the characteristic time for diffusion of
the solvent vapor is much shorter than that for subsequent drop- where usb is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Heat transfer due
let shrinkage. Therefore, it is concluded that vapor diffusion to radiation could be comparable to the conductive and convec-
proceeds much faster than droplet shrinkage and reaches steady tive heat transfer if high ambient temperatures are used.
state before there is a significant change in the droplet size. By a (D) Temperature of Solution Droplets: Equation (3) can
similar argument, the temperature profile of the air and the be used for salt solutions if the specific heat and latent heat of
droplet can be assumed to reach steady state before droplet the solution do not differ significantly from the pure solvent
shrinkage. From this analysis, solute diffusion at high humidi- values. The solution droplet temperature will exceed the wet-
ties is concluded to be the slowest process, but, at low humidi- bulb temperature ( Twh)of pure water, because the vapor pres-
ties, the rate of droplet shrinkage may be comparable to the rate sure of a solution is less than that of pure water. Some observers
2712 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76, No. 11

Table 111. Comparison of Characteristic Times for Processes during SP

Characteristic times
Process Definition’ (relative to heat conduction)

Heat conduction in air t,, = R’ILY~ 1 .o

Heat conduction in a droplet t,, = R 2 / a , 90
Vapor diffusion in air t,, = R 2 / D , 0.86
Droplet shrinkage t , = R2p,lp,x,D, 20/x,
Solute diffusion in a droplet t,, = R 2 / D , -1 x 105
* D , is the diffusivity of solute in the droplet (cm’.s- I), D, the diffusivity of solvent vapor in air ( c m W ’ ) , R the droplet radius
(cm), tdgthe characteristic time constant for gas-phase diffusion (s), f,, the characteristic time constant for diffusion in the liquid
phase (s), fhg the characteristic time constant for heat conduction in the gas phase (s), f,, the characteristic time constant for heat
conduction in the liquid phase (s), I , the characteristic time constant for droplet shrinkage (s), x, the mole fraction of solvent
vapors far from the droplet, apthe thermal diffusivity in the gas phase (cm’.s I), a ,the thermal diffusivity in the liquid phase
(cm% I), ppthe density of the gas phase (g/cm ’),and p, the density of the liquid phase (g/cm -’).

suggest that the droplet surface temperature during the free sur- time dependence of the boundary conditions. To account for
face evaporation period can be equated to the temperature of the these factors, he modified the diffusion equation by making the
saturated solution (T,), and, thus, T, - Twbrepresents the following substitutions:
increase in droplet temperature due to the presence of the dis-
solved salts. During SP, the droplet temperature increases from
the solution feed temperature to the saturated solution tempera-
ture (T,), which is fixed by the humidity and temperature of the
furnace. Then, Eq. (6) can be written as
( E ) Solute Diffusion in a Droplet: The mean concentra-
tion of the dissolved salt C , increases concurrent with droplet (9)
shrinkage as follows:

c,, = C , (RKj with the boundary conditions

u =u, att=O
where C, and R, are the initial concentration and droplet radius,
respectively. The concentration of the solute in the droplet is
not uniform throughout the evaporation period, because the sol-
vent is lost from the droplet surface at a faster rate than the rate -r2s-
- _1_ _
atz = Cr’ d r
of solute diffusion; thus, the solute concentration is higher at the az 4nr’ d t
droplet surface than at its center. Choosing a spherical coordi-
nate system with the origin at the center of the droplet and Equations (l), (3), and (9) can be solved simultaneously by a
assuming that the solute concentration C depends only on the numerical, finite-difference method using an unequally spaced
radial coordinate r and time t , the solute concentration can be grid with more points toward the surface of the drop than at the
evaluated by solving the partial differential equation center:”
( F ) Solute Condensation: To determine how the solute
ac - D , a
_ concentration changes as a function of drying conditions for the
evaporation stage of SP, we simultaneously solved the differen-
tial equations for solute diffusion and solvent evaporation using
for the following initial and boundary conditions: a first-order explicit finite-difference scheme,’ in accordance
with the suggestion by van der Lijn. Once the concentration
C = C, at t = 0
profile in a droplet is known as a function of the drying condi-
_ -- 0 atr=O
tions, then the time at which the solute starts to precipitate can
ar be established. For heterogeneity-free solutions, we assumed
that homogeneous nucleation would occur when the solute con-
dC 1 dm centration reached the critical supersaturation C,, at the surface.
D , z = --
4 n r Z dt
at r = R(t) (7) In reference to particle morphology, two cases for precipitation
are envisioned:
When the droplet is moving relative to the ambient, the evap- (i) If the solute concentration at the center of the drop is
oration rate is faster on the leading surface of the droplet, and, greater than or equal to the equilibrium saturation (C,) of the
hence, the solute concentration is greater there. To determine solute at the droplet temperature, then nuclei on the surface cat-
how the concentration profile changes within a droplet for this alyze precipitation throughout the droplet, i.e., volume
case requires the inclusion of the dependence of the concentra- precipitation.
tion on the spherical coordinates in the diffusion equation, a (ii) If the solute concentration at the center of the drop is
major mathematical complication that is beyond the scope of less than the equilibrium saturation of the solute at the droplet
this paper. temperature, then precipitation occurs only in that part of the
An analytical solution to Eq. (6) is difficult, because the drop where the concentration is higher than the equilibrium sat-
droplet radius decreases with evaporation. Table 111 shows that uration, i.e., surface precipitation.
the characteristic time constant for droplet shrinkage can be Note at this point that the true values of critical supersatura-
comparable to that for solute diffusion, and, hence, models that tion for the range of solutes used in SP are difficult to obtain,
assume constant radius are not realistic.”,’x Gardner“’ showed mainly because most of the values in the literature are for het-
that Eq. (6) can be solved by assuming that the rate of change of erogeneous nucleation. Exceptions to this are the results of
the square of the radius of the droplet is constant. Cohen et al.,”’ who levitated solution droplets using an electro-
van der Lijnao noted that the analytical solutions for Eq. (6) dynamic balance and found the critical supersaturation for
do not effectively describe the concentration profile of the sol- homogeneous nucleation.
ute, because they do not consider the changes in diffusivity with The morphology of the particles can be predicted from the
the solute conccntration, decreasing radius of the droplet, and model calculations of the solute concentration gradient and
November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 2713

the simple criterion for solid particle formation. For these cal- Volume precipitation initially appears to lead to solid particle
culations, we chose values for zirconyl hydroxychloride formation, and surface precipitation seems to be the cause of
(ZrO(OH)CI, ZHC) because of our previous experience with SP hollow particle formation. However, under certain conditions
synthesis of ZrO, from aqueous solutions of ZHC and because this assumption may not be valid. For example, if there is too
we have measured values for C , (5.7 mol/L) and C,, (8 mol/L) little solute in the droplet at the time of precipitation, then all of
for ZHC. The effects of the initial concentration of the droplet the precipitated solid crystallites may not touch each other. In
and the ambient temperature on solid particle formation were this case, it is possible that excessive porosity forms inside the
studied by calculating the solute concentration gradients in a final particle, leading to low-density, hollow particles. Percola-
droplet at the onset of precipitation. tion theory can be invoked to account for the space-filling
Figure 5 shows the solute concentration profile inside the capacity of the precipitated solids. To form a continuous, three-
droplet when the surface reaches C,, for ambient temperatures dimensional network of solids, the volume fraction of the pre-
of 90" to 150°C. The horizontal C, line shows the equilibrium
saturation line. The C, line should change with increasing tem- cipitated solids at the droplet center should be higher than the
perature as a result of the solubility temperature dependence. critical volume fraction 'p* (i.e., 0.16),", the percolation
However, because the solubility temperature dependence is not criterion.
known, C , was assumed to be independent of temperature. The solute concentration C (molb), the volume fraction cp of
Also, the temperature of the droplet would not be expected to the precipitated solids of density p (g/cm'), and the solute
change appreciably during the evaporation stage which leads to molecular weight MW are related by
precipitation, but instead would be expected to rapidly rise to
the furnace temperature after precipitation begins at the surface. CMW
As shown in Fig. 5, the solute concentration is above C , for all 'p=looop
locations in the droplet only when the drying temperature is
90°C. In this case volume precipitation is predicted. For higher Thus, the solute concentration necessary to exceed the percola-
temperatures, the radial distance at which the solute concentra- tion criterion at the droplet center is given by
tion goes below C , decreases. Figure 5 indicates that the thick- IOOOp(p*
ness of the precipitated layer can be adjusted by changing the C" 2
temperature. However, to retain the shell-like particle morphol- MW
ogy requires a mechanism to remove the remaining solvent Based on volume precipitation and percolation criteria, we
from the particle without disrupting the precipitate. conclude that solutes with a large difference between the criti-
Figure 6 shows the effect of initial concentration on the sol- cal supersaturation and equilibrium saturation, and with a large
ute concentration profiles inside the droplet at the time of pre-
equilibrium saturation, i.e., high solubility, are more likely to
cipitation. If the initial concentration is higher than the
equilibrium saturation, then volume precipitation should yield solid particles during the evaporation stage of SP. Further-
always occur. When the initial concentrations are low, the sol- more, high initial concentration results in volume precipitation.
ute concentration is more likely to be less than C , when the sur- In contrast with experience, the model predicts that the occur-
face reaches C,, . Although high initial concentrations are rence of volume or surface precipitation does not depend on the
suitable for volume precipitation, such saturated solutions are initial droplet size.
likely to be heterogeneously nucleated during atomization and In the above discussion, the size of the precipitated crystals in
thus not supersaturate to the same degree as suspended, drying the droplet was assumed to be small relative to the size of the
droplets. droplet. Based on precipitation theory, L e ~ n reported
g ~ ~ that the
degree of supersaturation influences the size and number of
crystals formed in the droplet. That is, solutes with a high
degree of supersaturation tend to form a large number of nano-
Ambient T e m p e r a t u r e meter-sized crystallites, and, thus, the shape of the particle is
spherical. When the degree of supersaturation is low. the nucle-
ation rate is small relative to the growth rate, and, therefore,
only a few large crystals-and in some cases, even single crys-
tals-are formed.44The size and number of crystals determine
the size and size distribution of the pores and, hence, influences
further drying of the droplet.
Co = IM (4) Drying
3 ~ I I I ~ I I I ~
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The drying of droplets containing precipitated salts signifi-
r/ R
cantly differs from evaporation. According to Nesic and Vod-
Fig. 5. Effect of ambient temperature on the solute concentration pro- nik$5 the rate of solvent removal in the presence of solids on the
file inside a droplet during the evaporation stage.2 droplet surface is given by (modified for drying in still air)

where R , is the droplet radius at the time of precipitation, 6 the

thickness of the crust, D,, the diffusivity of vapor through the
precipitate layer, and y the mass concentration of solvent vapor
(the subscripts d and 00 refer to the surface and the bulk vapor,
respectively). Because the vapor diffusivity through the pores
in the precipitate layer is much slower than the diffusivity of
solvent vapors in the gas phase, the resistance to mass transfer
increases significantly and the rate of evaporation decreases.
00 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 Note that Nesic and Vodnik treated diffusivity in the crust as a
constant and did not consider the effect of the size/size distribu-
Fig. 6. Effect of initial concentration on the solute concentration pro- tion, shape, or volume of the pores (parameters affected by the
file inside a droplet during the evaporation stage at 150"C.z solute supersaturation).
2714 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76, No. 11

When the solute starts to precipitate, the evaporation rate is 10001 I I I 1

significantly reduced and the droplet temperature increases
steeply until it reaches the ambient temperature. Nesic and
Vodnik4' developed the following equation to account for the
change in heat transfer when solids are present:
- I 900K I
~ I T R , K ( T-
, Td)
+ A-dm = mS- Td
dt dt

where K,, is the thermal conductivity of the crust.

The presence of solids on the droplet surface causes an addi-
tional resistance to the mass transfer of the solvent vapors,
whereas the additional resistance to heat transfer is small. This 0.I
leads to an increase in droplet temperature, because the evapo- I00 10' lo2 lo3 lo4
ration rate is slower. If the solute has a positive coefficient of Droplet Diameter (nm)
solubility and the particle temperature increases, then the solute
may redissolve; this is an effect that has not been considered in Fig. 7. Coagulation time dependence on initial droplet number con-
any model. If the permeability of the precipitate crust is low and centration, droplet size, and temperature."
if the ambient temperature is higher than the boiling point of the
solution, then the solvent may vaporize and form bubbles that
can cause inflation or even disintegration of the droplet. Predic-
droplet coagulation. Clearly, methods to limit coagulation are
tions of the time and the ambient temperature at which the solu-
needed for the commercial production of ultrafine particles.
tion reaches its boiling point require the solution of the
equations governing the drying stage of SP. If the pores are (6) Thermolysis and Sintering
small and the drying rates are high, then the capillary forces To date there has been little effort to model the thermolysis
between the solids and the liquid may cause a sufficiently high and sintering stages of SP. In most SP papers these two stages
stress to fracture the particle; this is a process analogous to that are conducted after SP as a consequence of insufficient droplet
proposed for sol-gel systems.46 residence time to complete the thermolysis reactions and sinter-
ing. Because the SP particles are reactive after thermolysis, it is
(5) Droplet Coagulation important to sinter them in situ to take full advantage of the SP
The above analysis treated SP as a single-droplet problem, process. To date most reactor systems have been designed such
but liquid droplets can undergo coagulation-a process by that thermolysis and sintering processes overlap; i.e., a conven-
which two or more droplets collide and coalesce into a larger tional, single-chamber spray drier is used. It is believed that the
droplet. This can occur as long as there is a liquid phase present. processes of evaporation, thermolysis, and sintering should be
There are no reports in the SP literature concerning the impor- conducted in separate reactors to obtain maximum control of
tance of coagulation phenomena on particle-size and morphol- the individual processes and because the time-temperature con-
ogy development. However, the dynamics of coagulating ditions are significantly different. For example, thermolysis
droplets (or particles) are well ~ n d e r s t o o dThe
. ~ ~ decay in the reactions take place at 400" to 500"C, whereas sintering may
particle number density, associated with the increase in the take place at > 1000°C. Overlap of these processes in a single
average droplet size, can be described by droplet could significantly affect densification of the particle.
Both the MerckZ4and SSCzsprocesses use in situ exothermic
1 reactions to internally thermolyze the dried particle. The SSC
hl t
1 +I process uses the exothermic reaction between metal nitrates and
7, urea, glycine, or sugar. The reaction provides sufficient heat
within the particle to completely form the high-temperature
where No is the initial number of droplets, N , the number of ceramic phase. The rapid evolution of product gases results in
droplets at time t, T, = 2/pN0 the characteristic coagulation particle foaming, or low-density agglomerates which are then
time constant, and p the coagulation (collision) rate constant. milled to make them suitable for ceramic fabrication and sinter-
In Eq. ( 1 3 , Brownian motion is assumed to be the reason for ing. The Merck process is similar in the use of nitrate solutions
droplet collision and p is assumed to be constant. Both of plus organics for in situ generation of heat, but the details of the
these assumptions are reasonable and allow for an estimate of process are not known.
droplet coagulation times as a function of size and number den- There are no fundamental reasons why the nanoporous parti-
sity. Note that, for a constant volume of solution, N<,scales with cles after thermolysis cannot sinter to full density in the aerosol
D;'. Thus, reducing the droplet size significantly increases the reactor. The characteristics of small pore size, purity, and small
probability of coagulation through its influence on 7,. crystallite size within the thermolyzed particle are the same
Figure 7 is a calculation of the time required for the coagula- characteristics which have created interest in the low-tempera-
tion of 10% of the droplets. The curves demonstrate that the ture sintering of ceramics:' The fine nanocrystallites compris-
coagulation time is relatively insensitive to temperature but ing the particle (Fig. 8) should densify readily if exposed to a
strongly dependent on the initial number density of droplets; the suitably high reactor temperature. Sintering times of less than
higher the initial number density, the faster is droplet coagula- 5 s have been reported in the literature49for ceramic bodies with
tion. Based on these estimated atomization characteristics and significantly coarser crystallites and pores.
the short drying times for small droplets, it is expected that Particles densifying by solid-state sintering mechanisms do
coagulation can be suitably limited by maintaining the atomiza- not undergo interparticle sintering during SP, because the inter-
tion process to number concentrations between 10' and lo7 particle collision times are too short for neck formation by sur-
droplets/cm3.Coagulation during the thermolysis and sintering face diffusion, and the sticking coefficients of micrometer-sized
stages of SP is assumed to be less important, because of the particles are small. Slamovich and LmgeS0showed that ZrO,
smaller sticking coefficient of solid, inorganic particles. How- particles undergo intraparticle grain growth going from an ini-
ever, if the particle is heated to above its melting temperature, tially microcrystalline particle to single-crystal particles.
then coagulation could be important. One important conclusion The melting temperatures of most metal oxides are generally
from this analysis is that production rates are significantly lim- outside the furnace capability of most SP processes, and, thus,
ited if droplet concentrations of only lo7cm-3 are used to avoid melting the particles to densify them is not always realistic.
November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 2715

which is much less than the percolation criterion of 0.16.

Smaller particle sizes were obtained with ZC and ZHC
(Figs. 9(B) and (C)) because of the lower initial relative satura-
tions. The ZHC-derived powder consists of I - to 3-pm-
diameter spherical particles with little evidence of surface pre-
cipitation or fragments. In contrast with ZN, the critical volume
fractions for ZC and ZHC are 0.250 and 0.328, respectively,
and, thus, both salts satisfy the percolation criterion.
To more closely evaluate the importance of initial solute con-
centration on solid particle formation, ZHC solutions with ini-
tial relative saturations from 0.009 to 1.4 (supersaturated) were
atomized with a two-fluid atomizer into a -700°C furnace
(Fig. 10). At relative saturations of 0.01 8 and 0.009, the parti-
cles are primarily solid spheres, whereas hollow particles and
shell fragments were obtained with solutions with higher
degrees of saturation.
The model predicts volume precipitation for high-concentra-
tion solutions and, hence, solid particle formation. However,
Fig. 8. Microstructure of ZrO, particles synthesized by SP and heated Fig. 10 illustrates that hollow particles are formed instead. This
at 900°C. discrepancy with the evaporation stage model can be attributed
to the high operating temperature during the evaporation stage
and subsequent solvent boiling once precipitation commences.
That is, as predicted by Eq. (14) and plotted in Fig. 1 l,*, the
Lyons et aL5' have recently shown that melting of thermolyzed reduction of evaporation rate and the high furnace temperature
particles can be effective for compounds-such as V,O, and cause the particle temperature to exceed the solvent boiling
Bi,O,-that have low melting temperatures. This approach is
temperature before the solvent is completely removed.
not useful for most mixed metal oxides, because they phase Odier et aLssobtained solid, spherical ZrO, particles by ultra-
separate or incongruently vaporize if heated to their melting sonic atomization of 0.08M to 0.67M (CJC, of about 0.018 to
point. Furthermore, if particles were melted at this stage, the 0.15) ZC solutions. The mean particle diameter followed the
probability of coagulation and coalescence would significantly
theoretical shrinkage predictions of Eq. ( 5 ) , indicating that the
increase. Kodas et al.".52showed that heating spray-pyrolyzed solute concentration was relatively uniform because of slow
YBa,Cu,O,_, (YBC) particles to 1000°C or near the melting evaporation. The same groups6atomized droplets into a 700°C
temperature of YBC (1015°C) results in equiaxed, single- furnace to obtain a heating rate of -3OO"C/s. The resulting par-
crystal particles. A plausible explanation for solid particle for-
ticles were spherical shell fragments. When the furnace temper-
mation at this stage involves the numerous liquid-forming reac-
ature was adjusted to have a thermal gradient from 20" to 400°C
t i o n ~ ' ~in the YBC system at <lOOO"C and liquid-phase-
and a residence time of -5 s, solid particles were formed. When
assisted spheroidization of the inorganic particles. Solid V,O, PeblerbZultrasonically atomized a nitrate solution containing
particles were produced by SP, by melting the thermolyzed 0.02 mol/L zirconium and 0.004 mol/L yttrium into a multiple-
pass quartz reactor designed to extend the residence time to
15 s, they reported the formation of solid, spherical particles
111. Applications with an average diameter of 0.4 pm.
To obtain volume precipitation, it is evident that slower
SP processes offer many opportunities to synthesize powders
evaporation is necessary to avoid the development of a steep
with tailored physical and chemical characteristics. Based on
concentration gradient within the droplet prior to precipitation
the principles presented above, we discuss the synthesis of solid and at temperatures below the boiling temperature of the sol-
particles, hollow or porous particles, and nanoparticles (i.e., vent.2 Similar to the above experiments, furnaces have been
< l o 0 nm) by SP. The chemical versatility of SP is demon- operated at high temperature in many SP studies to accommo-
strated by reviewing the literature on multicomponent, non- date the fast droplet velocities associated with two-fluid atomiz-
oxide, and composite powders. Finally, recent progress in the
ers. The rapid heating results in rapid evaporation and surface
use of SP-type processes for the formation of staple fibers and precipitation. Consequently, powders produced with two-fluid
thin films is discussed.
atomizers tend to be relatively large and consist of hollow parti-
(1) Solid Particle Synthesis cles and broken shells. Solid particles can be produced with
Fabrication of advanced ceramics requires powders pos- ultrasonic atomizers because the droplet velocity is very low
sessing a well-defined set of characteristics, including chemical and the droplets are small, and a carrier gas can therefore be
purity and homogeneity, < 1-pm particle diameter, dense parti- used to obtain residence times of 10 to SO s during the evapora-
cles, equiaxed shape, and freedom from particle aggregation. tion stage.6' In this manner, the evaporation rate can be reduced
The primary benefit of SP is the potential to directly produce and the conditions for volume precipitation obtained.
powders with these chardcteristi~s.~~'~~~~-'~ It is evident that a The temperature coefficient of solubility for a precursor can
major problem hindering the utilization of SP for powder syn- influence solid particle formation when starting with dilute
thesis is the formation of hollow particles or broken shells. solution droplets. For example, if the initial concentration is
Zhang and Messing'' demonstrated the importance of the rel- low, the droplet temperature can exceed the wet-bulb tempera-
ative saturation of the solute on solid particle formation by ture (Twb) of the pure solvent before precipitation (Fig. I I). To
atomizing 1M solutions of zirconyl nitrate (ZrO(NO,),, ZN zir- illustrate this relation, the size of the droplet when precipitation
cony1 chloride (ZrOCI,, ZC), and zirconyl hydroxychloride starts is marked by an "x" in Fig. 11. For salts with a positive
(ZHC) into a -700°C furnace. At this concentration these salts temperature coefficient of solubility, this means that the satura-
have relative saturations of 1 .O, 0.23, and 0.18, respectively. tion concentration in the droplet will be higher than the salt sat-
Similar to other the ZN-derived powder (Fig. 9) uration concentration at room temperature. The increase in the
consisted of a mixture of <2-pm spherical particles and rela- saturation concentration postpones salt precipitation on the
tively larger, thin-film relics of the initial droplets. Even though droplet surface and results in more shrinkage and a higher sol-
the initial ZN solution is almost saturated and volume precipita- ids content per unit volume at the onset of precipitation.
tion is predicted, solid particles were not formed because the We evaluated the effect of the temperature coefficient of sol-
salt solids volume fraction upon precipitation is only 0.085, ubility by comparing Al,O, and BaO particle formation from
2716 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76, No. 11

Fig. 9. Particle morphologies of SP ZrO, particles obtained from 1M

solutions of (A) ZN, (B) ZC, and (C) ZHC.Z6

AI,(SO,), and Ba(CH,COO)2 solutions of approximately the during SP by either heating or drying. Aging of the chemicals to
same initial relative saturations.MAI(SO,), and Ba(CH,COOj, effect hydrolysis and condensation reactions prior to SP can
have positive and negative temperature coefficients of solubil- also affect particle formation by shortening the gelation time of
ity, respectively. At 100°C the relative saturation concentration the sol droplet during SP. Although gelation may occur by dif-
of AI,(SO,), decreases and the relative saturation concentration ferent processes, the important distinguishing characteristic is
of Ba(CH,COO), increases. Thus, an increase in the Ba(CH,- the formation of a continuous three-dimensional network and a
COO), droplet temperature would cause precipitation to occur rapid increase in viscosity.
earlier, resulting in hollow particles (Fig. 12).27In contrast, Solid particle formation from metal alkoxide or organic acid
solid spherical particles of 0.5- to 1.5-ym diameter were solutions depends on the initial solution chemistry and the
obtained from the AI,(SO,), solution. degree of hydrolysis prior to atomization. During SP, heating
From the modeling of particle formation during SP and the increases the alkoxide concentration and accelerates the solvent
studies discussed above, we propose that the following solute evaporation and polymerization of alkoxide. Nogami et a1.&
properties and operating conditions are necessary to obtain demonstrated that the morphology of SiO, particles formed by
solid particles from metal salt solutions: SP was strongly dependent on the tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)
(i) To satisfy the volume precipitation criterion, solutes polymerization degree. That is, powders prepared from solu-
with a large difference between the solute critical supersatura- tions with an intrinsic viscosity [q]less than 0.009 dL/g con-
tion and equilibrium saturation should be used. sisted of both spherical and nonspherical particles, whereas
(ii) The solute should have a high solubility and a positive only spherical particles of 0.36 to 0.56 pm were formed when
temperature coefficient of solubility to satisfy the percolation [q] > 0.009 dL/g. When titanium isopropoxide was used: a
criterion. bimodal particle-size distribution of TiO, particles of 0.01 -pm
(iii) The precipitated solids should not be thermoplastic or and 0.2- to 0.3-pm diameter was obtained. The small particles
melt during the thermolysis stage of the SP process. result from the vaporization and condensation of some of the
(iv) Ultrasonic atomizers or nebulizers are recommended titanium isopropoxide, whereas the larger particles were formed
to generate aerosols with small droplet size and low velocity so by the precipitation/thermal decomposition of titanium isopro-
that low evaporation rates are achieved during the evaporation poxide droplets. Because metal organics have relatively high
stage of SP. vapor pressures, understanding the presynthesis chemistry is
In contrast with reports on particle formation from metal salt essential if vapor condensation processes are to be avoided dur-
solutions, solid particles of a number of metal oxides have been ing SP.
produced from metal alkoxide ~01utions.h.~~~~~" The difference in
the apparent ease of obtaining solid particles for inorganic salts (2) Hollow or Porous Powder Synthesis
and metal alkoxides can be attributed to a fundamental differ- SP processes offer a number of opportunities for the synthe-
ence in the mechanism of solute condensation. Metal alkoxides sis of either hollow or porous particles that may be useful for
and organic acid solutions undergo gelation or polymerization thermal insulation or catalyst support applications. As sug-
at the gel point." The gel point of the solution can be reached gested by Fig. 5 and as predicted by the evaporation model,
November 1993 Cerurnic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 2711

Fig. 10. Particle morphologies of ZHC-derived particles as a function of initial relative saturation: (A) 0.35, (B) 0.088, (C) 0.018. and (D) 0.009.20

solid particle formation such as by using metal salts that are

thermoplastic or have low melting temperatures. For example, a
number of nitrates melt before they decompose: A1(NO,),.9H2O
(74"C),59 Zn(N0,),.6H20 (45"C)," Cu(N0,),.3H20 (1 14°C):'
and Ba(NO,), (592°C).6yIf the metal nitrate melts before the
solvent is completely removed, the molten salt will inhibit
removal of the entrapped solvent. This is one reason why pow-
ders derived from metal nitrates often consist of porous or irreg-
ular particle^.^^,^^.^'-^^
Ciminelli and M e s ~ i n g ' ~have
, ~ ~ studied the formation of
A1,0, from A1(NO3),-9H,O solutions. When the concentration
at the surface reaches the critical supersaturation a crust forms
and the surface temperature of the droplet rises. At 76"C, the
A1(NO3),.9H,O salt dissolves in its own water of crystallization
Pure Water
to form a "melt" and releases nitrous oxide gases at >76"C. The
continual evaporation of water from within the droplet results in
an increase of the melt viscosity and eventually foaming of the
particle (Fig. 13(A)). Sproson and Messing' have reported that
I particles with open, macroscopic surface porosity can be
formed by adding ethylene glycol to the solution (Fig. 13(B)).
Fig. 11. Change in temperature for droplets with different initial rela-
tive sat~ration.~~ -
This morphology develops as a result of ethylene glycol boiling
(Zb 198°C) when the metal salt is in a molten state.
(3) Ultrafine and Nanoparticle Synthesis
precipitate layers of different thicknesses can be obtained Research in the last 10 years has identified size-dependent
depending on the concentration gradient at the onset of precipi- particle and microstructure properties in the submicrometer to
tation. If the precipitate shell has a sufficiently high permeabil- nanometer range as an important area for the development of
ity for removal of the remaining solvent, then the shell can be new materials and materials p r o c e s ~ e s .Based
~ ~ , ~ ~on inherent
preserved and a hollow particle can be obtained. As far as we simplicity and compositional flexibility, SP processes have the
know. no one has taken advantage of this possibility for con- potential to expand the availability and compositional range of
trolled hollow particle synthesis. nanostructured particles. Nanoparticles can be directly synthe-
Porous materials that do not retain a dense surface can be sized from droplets or by liberating the individual crystallites
formed by using the opposite process conditions leading to comprising the SP-derived particles after the thermolysis stage.
2718 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76, No. 11

Fig. 12. Morphologies of (A) A1,0, particles derived from A1,(SO,),~16H2Osolution of CJC, = 0.022 and (B) BaO particles derived from
Ba(CH,COO)2solution of CJC, = 0.028.2’

Fig. 13. (A) Porous A1,0, particles derived from AI(N0,),.9H20 and (B) porous ZnO particles derived from Zn with 15 wt% polyethylene

To directly produce powders by SP requires control over

droplet formation, coagulation, and evaporation processes as
well as precipitation and decomposition processes. The final
oxide particle size D, after sintering can be approximated
(assuming the solute concentration is uniform at C,) by

where Dois the initial diameter of the solution droplet, C, the

the precursor theoretical
initial solution concentration, pprecurJar
density, ponldrthe oxide theoretical density, and W the oxide
yield of the precursor. Figure 14 illustrates that direct produc-
tion of nanoparticles by SP requires relatively dilute solutions
(i.e., low C,/C,) and small initial droplet size
Ultrasonic and electrostatic atomizers, and nebulizers have
been used to satisfy the requirement for small droplets. Droplet
size from ultrasonic atomizers can be controlled by the atomizer
frequency or by the solution surface tension and can be calcu-

d = 0.34 7
Initial Droplet Size (nm)

where p is the solution density (gicm’) and f is the frequency Fig. 14. Precipitate particle size as a function of solution concentra-
(s ‘1. tion and droplet size before calcination and sintering.”
November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 2719

Kato et al. obtained 220- to 280-nm Y-ZrO,h5 and 200- to (4) Single Phase, Multicomponent Oxide Particle Synthesis
300-nm TiO,b particles by SP of O.035M zirconium alkoxide or The aqueous coprecipitation of multicomponent systems is
1 vol% titanium isopropoxide (Ti(j-OC3H7)J solutions using an always complicated by differences between the solubilities of
ultrasonic atomizer at 1.7 MHz. Odier et a1." obtained 180- to the solutes and the differences in the pH at which precipitation
200-nm ZrO, particles by atomizing a 0.018M ZC solution with occurs. These differences cause segregation of the solutes and
an ultrasonic atomizer operated at 2.5 MHz. Toghe et pre- affect phase development during thermolysis. While SP tech-
pared TiO,, SiO,, A1,0,, and cu-Fe,O, particles using an ultra- niques localize compositional segregation to the droplet scale
sonic atomizer operated at 70 MHz. Slamovich and Lange'" during precipitation at least, these differences can still affect
reported the synthesis of 0.2-pm Y-ZrO, particles by electro- phase formation in multicomponent systems if the relative solu-
static atomization of nearly saturated ZC solutions. bilities of the constituent salts differ significantly.
The initial droplet size can be further reduced by adjusting Odier et aL5' and Tohge e f a1." reported that it was not possi-
the surface tension of the precursor solution with either surfac- ble to synthesize phase-pure, superconducting YBC particles by
tants or low-surface-tension solvents such as alcohols. By low- SP of metal nitrate solutions. This result was explained by the
ering the surface tension of a 0.05M ZHC solution from 73 to 32 differences in the metal nitrate solubilities and subsequent
dyne/cm with 5 wt% 1-butanol, the initial droplet size was sequential precipitation during evaporation of bulk solu-
reduced from 3 to 2.3 Frn using an ultrasonic atomizer at 1.6 tions. 11,8246 For SP to realize its potential for multicomponent
MHz. Although ZrO, particles of 660 nm should have been pro- particle synthesis, chemical segregation within the droplet must
duced, 970-nm solid particles were obtained. The larger particle be avoided.
size was attributed to coagulation of the droplets. The issue of A number of organic acid- and metal alkoxide-based systems
droplet and particle coagulation will require attention if SP pro- have been developed for the synthesis of homogeneous, multi-
cesses are to be used for direct production of nanoparticles and component oxide powders. The three-dimensional network
ultrafine powders.
structure or higher viscosity of these precursor systems has
By using a nebulizer and impactor, we have been able to
been shown to decrease or eliminate the extent of nonunifom
form 50-nm ZnO and ZrO, nanoparticles (Fig. 15). The
impactor decreased the initial number density of droplets from precipitation in mixed metal oxide ~ y s t e m s , ~ which
~ - ~ ' in turn
10' to lo3cm ' and preferentially removed the larger droplets improves phase homogeneity. Y,O, homogeneity in SP-derived
and thus decreased the median droplet size from 5 to 220 nm. Y-ZrO, particles has been demonstrated to be good by elemen-
Particles formed by SP are usually composed of crystallites tal mapping in TEM6' and by using the Williamson-Hall plot
substantially less than 100 nm in diameter after the thermolysis method.h5
stage. Therefore, instead of trying to form nanoparticles In another example, SP m ~ l l i t ewas ~ ~prepared by cohydro-
directly, an alternative approach is to liberate the individual lyzing partially hydrolyzed TEOS and aluminurn isopropoxide
crystallites comprising the SP-formed particles. Gardner and (Al(i-OC,H7)J. The physical characteristics of the particles
Messing4demonstrated that 14-nm MgO nanoparticles could be were similar to the ZrO, particles discussed above. Depending
formed from Mg(CH,COO), but not from Mg(NO,),. Although on the degree of hydrolysis and whether a base or acid catalyst
both salts yielded particles consisting of nanocrystallites, it was was used, large differences in the relative volatility of TEOS
proposed that the oxidation of the carbonaceous residue from were observed; acid hydrolysis of TEOS plus copolymerization
the acetate resulted in disintegration of the initial particle to with aluminum alkoxide yielded more chemically uniform
give unaggregated nanocrystallites. Similar results were particles.
obtained for Zn0,31but the correlation between metal acetate Kato6 used metal alkoxides as precursors for lead zirconate
decomposition and nanocrystalline particle formation may not titanate (PZT) and refluxing of the starting solution to obtain
be universal. Another approach for liberating the nanocrystal- compositional homogeneity in each PZT particle. Nonaka
lites would be to use colloid or attrition-milling techniques for et al.'" eliminated the heterogeneity of BaTiO, and SrTiO,
SP particles that have been heated through thermolysis but not powders by increasing the concentration of the solutions or by
sintered. Because large quantities of powder can be produced complexing Ti4+ions in the solution with H,O,. Starting solu-
using two-fluid atomizers, this approach may be the most viable tions were prepared from Ti(i-OC,H,), and Ba(NO,), or
for the production of substantial quantities of nanoparticles, Sr(NO,),. Pebler and Charlesh8synthesized phase-pure submi-
given the limitations of current atomization technology and the crometer YBC and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu oxide particles from 0.06M
need to avoid coagulation. and 0.05M metal-ethylenediaminetetraaceticacid (EDTA) soh-

Fig. 15. (A) ZnO and (B) ZrO, nanoparticles synthesized by SP.
2720 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76, No. 1 I

tions, respectively. Although the solution characteristics (e.g., (6) Composite Particle Synthesis
viscosity and solubility) and subsequent particle formation pro- Developments in the field of particulate composites and
cesses were not reported, it is evident that the complexing agent nanoc~mposites'~ are impeded by the difficulty of uniformly
EDTA was necessary to reduce cation segregation during codispersing and mixing the individual powders. SP can fulfill
precipitation. the emerging need for composite particles by directly producing
We reported the synthesis of spherical YBC superconducting them with the requisite phase composition and distribution.
powders69based on SP of an organic acid precursor solution. Combinations of polysilazanes, polyborazines, polysilanes,
The precursor was prepared by dissolving metal carbonates into metal alkoxides, and conventional metal salts create many new
a citric acid/ethylene glycol solution, followed by heat treat- possibilities for composite particle synthesis and design. Ther-
ments to yield solid resins of different molecular weights. It was molysis atmosphere control may allow the synthesis of com-
concluded that a precursor with a high degree of polymerization posite particles of unique compositions.
is an important requirement for the formation of solid particles Depending on the precursor characteristics, composite parti-
by SP of organic precursors. It is not clear whether segregation cle formation processes can be classified into four categories
was avoided by bonding in the precursor itself or was due to the (Fig. 4(B)).
significantly slower diffusion of the chemical species in the vis- ( A ) Sequential Coprecipitation: If the difference in pre-
cous matrix as predicted by the Stokes-Einstein equation. cursor solubilities is large, then the solute of lower solubility
Recent progress in precursor design to avoid chemical segrega- will precipitate first. Depending on whether the particle can
tion in niulticomponent systems, such as YBC, offers promising continue to shrink, the other solutes will segregate to the surface
alternatives to simple metal salts for SP. where they will heterogeneously nucleate. The composite parti-
(5) Nonoxide and Metal Particle Synthesis cle will consist of relatively larger crystallites of the first phase
Only a few studies report the synthesis of non-oxide ceramic surrounded by smaller crystallites of the second phase. Figure
powders by SP. Mizutani and Liu" reported that an oxygen-free 1 6(A)95illustrates such a case for Al,O,-platinum composite
precursor possessing very low vapor pressure and soluble in an particles synthesized from an aqueous solution of 0.5M
oxygen-free solvent is required for synthesis of non-oxide parti- AI,(SO,), and H,PtCI, (2.5 wt% platinum) at 950°C. The pow-
cles. In their investigation, polysilazane dissolved in benzene der consists of 4- to 5-nm cubic platinum particles dispersed on
(6 X mol/L) was ultrasonically atomized and transported the surfaces of larger spherical y-Al,O, particles which are
with nitrogen into a 700°C furnace. Spherical, agglomerate-free composed of very small crystallites. Carim et aL9' prepared
particles 0.38 pm in diameter were obtained. A pure a-Si,N, nanocrystalline YBC-Ag composite particles by SP from a
phase was formed if the as-prepared powder was calcined at nitrate solution of Y, Ba, Cu, and Ag and obtained <25-nm Ag
1400°C in nitrogen. Lindquist et aLg2used a poly(boraziny1- grains. Although the size of the aerosol-produced particles
amine)-liquid-NH, solution as a precursor for SP synthesis of ranged up to a few micrometers or more, the dimensions of the
BN powder under anhydrous and oxygen-free conditions. The individual grains composing the particles were typically 10 to
10 wt% polymer solution was atomized into a 1000°C furnace 80 nm (for both YBC and Ag crystallites).
in nitrogen. The white powder obtained was X-ray amorphous, ( B ) Simultaneous Coprecipitation: If the precursor solu-
spherical, and had a particle size of -0.5 pm. The particles at bilities are nearly the same, then precipitation will occur almost
this stage were porous, and some appeared to be hollow. Subse- simultaneously. In this case, the composite microstructure will
quent calcining at 1600°C yielded dense, crystalline BN pow- consist of a uniform mixture of nanocrystallites. As an example,
ders that were partially sintered. a 0.5M ZHC and H,PtCI, (10 wt%) solution was atomized into a
There are only a few reports of metal powder synthesis, furnace at 700°C using a nebulizer, and the powder was then
except as part of composite powders. This is probably a conse- heated to 950°C at 10"C/min in air.95The TEM micrographs in
quence of the pyrophoric nature of small metal particles and the Fig. 16(C) show that the particle consists of a uniform mixture
associated handling difficulties. However, Dornier Company in of 16.5-nm t-ZrO, and 6.7-nm platinum crystallites.
Germany has reported" the production of tungsten alloy pow- Two other cases can b e considered as promising ways to pro-
ders by SP from an aqueous solution of tungsten and other duce composite particles. Gurav et aL9' recently reported that
metal salts. They also report that the alloy powder characteris- highly disperse (20- to 100-nm) powders consisting of nano-
tics were improved due to more homogeneous distribution of phase fullerene and rhodium were generated by aerosol ther-
the components. molysis. The solution of mixed fullerene extract (Cm, C,,,) and

Fig. 16. Nanocomposite particles of (A) A1,OJplatinum prepared from Al,(SO,),, (B) A1,OJplatinum prepared from boehmite, and (C) ZrOJplati-
num from ZHC.9'
November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 272 1

(( 1,5-COD)RhCI), in toluene was atomized and passed through process but for applications in which small particle size and
nitrogen in a hot-wall reactor. Nanocomposite particles were controlled morphology are not critical.
formed at a reactor temperature of 550°C. XRD and TEM (7) Fiber Synthesis
showed that phase segregation can be controlled at the nanome-
Analogous to fiber formation by dry spinning, we have dem-
ter scale to form ultrafine, nanocomposite particles of C, and
onstrated that-by adjusting the precursor viscosity, surface
rhodium. TEM studies of the 50/50 wt% fullerene/rhodium
tension, and solution concentration-discontinuous fibers can
composite showed 3- to 5-nm rhodium crystallites.
be produced by SP when using a two-fluid atomizer. A precur-
Kanno and Suzukig8reported that t-ZrO,-SiO, composite
sor is spinnable if it is capable of undergoing large irreversible
particles were produced by SP of an ethanol solution of TEOS elongations when subjected to a uniaxial stress.'02TOmaintain
and ZC with an ultrasonic atomizer. The resultant ZrO,-SiO, the fiber morphology requires a chemical or physical mecha-
(1:l) particles were spherical and 0.8 to 1.0 km in diameter. nism to stabilize the fiber in the extended state.
The formation mechanism of the Zr0,-SiO, composite particle We have learned'03.'04that fibers of virtually any composition
is similar to the simultaneous precipitation of two salts, but can be formed during SP by changing the solution characteris-
SiO, is formed by gelation. tics so that it is spinnable and atomized with a two-fluid atom-
( C ) Colloid-Solution Precipitation: Hybrid systems izer. The precursor is pumped with a peristaltic pump through
where one component is added as a colloid and the other as a the central orifice of the two-fluid nozzle to form a ligament.
soluble metal salt or metal organic offer a number of advan- The precursor ligament is elongated by a high-velocity air jet
tages in terms of yield, production rates, and phase-distribution around the orifice and then stabilized by rapidly removing the
flexibility. Nanocomposite particles of y-Al,O, and platinum solvent when it enters the furnace.
(Fig. 16(B)) were produced by SP at 950°C from a hybrid sol of To studyiMthe effect of precursor viscosity on ZrO, fiber for-
H,PtCI, dissolved in a boehmite sol at pH 3. From XRD, the mation, zirconium acetate (Zr(CH,COO),, ZAC) solutions with
platinum crystallite diameter was 3.9 nm and the y-Al,O, was the equivalent of 23.5, 24.8, 26.6, and 27.4 wt% ZrO, plus 6
4.5 nm. The powder surface area was 203 m'/g. wt% poly(viny1 alcohol) (PVOH) were sprayed at 0.1 MPa into
(D) Vapor-Phase-Induced Precipitation: Some metal a 750°C furnace. The maximum fiber fraction was obtained
salts, especially transition-metal salts, are easily precipitated in with the 25 wt% ZrO, precursor solution which had viscosity of
the form of hydroxides or hydrous oxides when the solution pH 0.122 Pas.
is changed.99As discussed earlier, the lower melting point of For low-viscosity solutions, the degree of fiber elongation is
AI(N0,),.9H,O (ANN) leads to formation of hollow and irregu- controlled by cohesive fracture, whereas Rayleigh instability
lar AI,O, particles. However, the problem can be solved by controls formation at high viscosity. The ratio of the precursor
introducing NH, into the aerosol carrier gas before the droplet surface tension to viscosity determines the fiber formation
reaches the melting temperature of ANN. In this manner mechanism. To examine the controlling mechanism of fiber for-
Al(OH), precipitates in the droplet to form a solid particle as mation over the low-viscosity range, ZAC solutions (25 wt%
NH, dissolves in the droplets and increases the pH to 7. In a ZrO,) containing 6 wt% PVOH with a viscosity of 0.120 Pa.s
similar manner, Gadalla et al. obtained a uniform mixture of and surface tensions from 56 to 40 dyne/cm (0.056 to 0.040 N/
NiO and FeO hydrous oxide precipitates by reacting aerosol m) were prepared by adding up to lo-, mol/L of a surfactant
droplets of the metal nitrates with NH,. (C,,H,,(OCH,CH,),,OH). As shown in Fig. 17, the fiber frac-
Another chemical precipitation process is based on the tion increases and fibers become longer and smaller in diameter
hydrolysis of metal alkoxide droplets with water vapor. with decreasing y/q.
Ingbrethsen et af.67obtained uniform, 0.1 -km-diameter spheres Apart from reducing the y/q ratio, the PVOH also functions
of mixed Al,O,-TiO, (hydrous) oxides by the hydrolysis of alu- as a skeleton during fiber solidification. The skeleton formation
minum sec-butoxide and titanium ethoxide aerosol droplets. may be a combination effect of drying and coagulation of
Recently, McCandlish et a1.lW reported a solution chemical PVOH caused b y the metal salt.'"5In a manner similar to hollow
route called "spray conversion processing" to produce bulk particle formation, hollow fibers can be synthesized by control-
quantities of cobalt-WC powder. The process starts by mixing ling the operating and solution parameters.26At low solution
the cobalt and tungsten on the molecular level with an aqueous concentration, low solution flow rate, and low heating rate, the
solution of ammonium metatungstate ((NH,),(H,W,,O,,). fibers appear to be solid (Fig. 18(A)), but, at higher solution
4H,O) and cobalt chloride (CoCl,.nH,O). The solution was concentration, higher flow rate, and higher heating rate, fibers
spray dried to produce particles composed of a fine mixture of with diameters >2 pm are hollow (Fig. 18(B)).
the precursor salts. This precursor powder was reduced with (8) Thin Films
hydrogen and then reacted with CO to yield a cobalt-WC nano- SP is also well suited for producing thin films of the desired
composite powder in which the WC particles were <50 nm in stoichiometry on large, nonplanar surfaces (e.g., wire^).'^,'"^
diameter. The dense nanocomposite formed from this powder Vacuum deposition techniques yield films with smooth surfaces
was reported to be significantly stronger and tougher than which are useful for microwave applications, but granular films,
cobalt-WC composites fabricated from conventionally pro- which can be fabricated by SP techniques, are needed for some
duced powders. applications, such as light detectors."' Simplicity and economic
The availability of 100- to 1000-nm composite particles in viability factors make film formation by SP deposition attrac-
this size range avoids some of the difficulties associated with tive. Since the pioneering paper by Chamberlin and Skarman on
nanoparticle processing. Yano et al."' used SP to prepare CdS films for solar cells in 1966,'09the SP technique has been
A1,0,40% ZrO, particles from a nitrate solution. Although the applied widely to produce coating films of transparent conduct-
particles were hollow spheres of a few micrometers, the ZrO, ing sulfide,"2 'I5 and selenide semiconductors."'
and a-Al,O, crystallite sizes were 60 to 150 nm, respectively, Typical film thicknesses range from 0.2 to 10 pm. Recently,
after calcination at 1400°C for 1 h. This powder readily sintered there have been a large number of reports published on the pro-
to >99% of theoretical density at 1200" to 1250°C. Note that duction of superconductor films by SP.'w'o',' 1 7 ~ " x
the precipitation conditions during SP plus the presence of a In the SP deposition process, a precursor solution is atomized
second phase ensures that the particles will be nanocrystalline. into discrete droplets and subsequently transported to a heated
Another important advantage of SP for nanocrystalline powders substrate. At the proper temperature the droplets or solid parti-
is that large quantities can be produced in contrast with current cles are decomposed and then sintered or melted on the heated
vapor-phase technologies used to make nanosized (10-nm) par- substrates. Viguie and Spitz"' classified SP deposition into five
ticles. The potential for large-scale production of particles by processes according to the type of reaction on the substrate sur-
SP processes has already been e ~ t a b l i s h e d ~ ~for
- ' ~a. ~similar
~ faces. The important variables are the substrate temperature,
2722 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et QI Vol. 76, No. I 1

Fig. 17. Effect of surfactant on formation of fibers: (A) ZAC and 6 wt% PVOH (7 = 112 mPa-s and y = 56 dyneicm) and (B) ZAC and 6 wt%
PVOH with surfactant (q = 118 mPa.s and y = 40 dyne/cm).

Fig. 18. (A) Solid ZrO, fiber derived from ZAC plus 6 wt% PVOH solution of 24.8%ZrO, and (B) hollow ZrO, fiber derived from ZAC and 6 wt%
PVOH solution of 25.3% 210,.

carrier gas flow rate, solution flow rate, solution concentration, the substrate surface, leaving vapors to react at the s ~ r f a c e . " ~
droplet size, and nozzle to substrate distance.114.1'5 An ideal The concentration of the SP precursors ranges from 0.01M to
deposition condition is when the droplet approaches the sub- 0.3M. The metal nitrates and metal acetates are commonly
strate just as the solvent is completely removed."' used, because of their low decomposition temperature, low
The surface temperature of the substrate is a critical factor for melting point, and low corrosivity. Some authors report that
SP film dep~sition,'"~~"'~~~'"~~~~ because it affects the processes on precursors also affect the microstructure of films. For example,
the substrate, such as droplet drying, decomposition or melting, Aranovich' I s demonstrated that zinc acetate- (Zn(CH,COO),)
crystallization, and grain growth. For example, Afify I" derived ZnO films were much more uniform and smoother in
observed that the crystallite size and strong preferred orienta- appearance than films derived from metal chloride or chloride
tion of ZnO along the [002] plane is strongly dependent on the with H202solutions. Very smooth CdS surfaces were obtained
substrate temperature, and, therefore, the resistivity of the film at low flow rates using acetate solutions, but chloride solutions
increases with substrate temperature during deposition. In YBC resulted in very smooth surfaces with columnar grains.120
film synthesis, the film stoichiometry, phase composition,
microstructure, and film surface roughness greatly depend on
substrate temperat~re."'~Blancher'"' showed that YBC films IV. Summary
deposited from a nitrate solution at 800°C were composed of
highly uniform 1-pm grains and that they had a high degree of Spray pryrolysis (SP) is a versatile technique for production
orientation. of ceramic materials of a wide range of composition, size, and
The atomization process is another critical factor in SP depo- morphology. Production of ceramic powders, films, or fibers
sition, because film formation depends on the processes of with controlled characteristics requires control over atomiza-
droplet landing, reaction, and solvent evaporation, which are tion, coagulation, evaporation, thermolysis, and sintering pro-
related to droplet size and momentum. Lampkim12"showed cesses. The properties of the solution and the precursor,
that, depending on droplet velocity and flow direction, a droplet including thermal characteristics, must be known, because they
will either flatten, skip along the surface, or hover motionless. can profoundly affect the maintenance of the particle morphol-
Most SP film deposition is done from aqueous solution, ogy through all stages of the process. Chemistry of the ceramic
which is conducive to a low-cost process. However, some phase can be adjusted by regulating the thermolysis atmosphere
investigators have developed processes using nonaqueous solu- and precursor chemistry. A number of challenges still face this
11.1 13.1 17.121
as the volatile solvent evaporates before striking emerging field, depending on the specific synthesis objectives.
November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 2723

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November 1993 Ceramic Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis 2725

Dr. Gary L. Messing is Professor of Ceramic Science and Engineering and Director of
the Particulate Materials Center at The Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Messing
received his B.S. in ceramic engineering from the New York State College of Ceramics
at Alfred University and his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering at the Univer-
sity of Florida. He was a research scientist for two years at Battelle Columbus Labora-
tory before joining the Materials Science and Engineering Department faculty at Penn
State. Dr. Messing is coorganizer of the International Powder Processing Conference
series with H. Hausner and S. Hirano, an Editor of the Journal of the American Ceramic
Society, and has served as Chairman of the Basic Science Division. Professor Messing
received the Wilson Research Award at Penn State in 1992, a 1993 Richard M. Fulrath
Pacific Award (U.S. recipient), and is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society.

Shi C. Zhang is a research associate in the Particulate Materials Center at The Pennsyl-
vania State University. Mr. Zhang graduated from Nanjing Institute of Chemical Tech-
nology, Nanjing, China, in 1966, majoring in ceramic science and engineering. From
1981 to 1983, he studied and worked at Rutgers University as a visiting scientist. He
was the director of the Advanced Ceramics Division in the China Building Materials
Academy from 1984 to 1986. Prior to joining Penn State in 1987,Mr. Zhang was named
as a member of the Expert Steering Board and chairman of the Powder Division, super-
vising the capital project “High-Temperature Structural Ceramics and Adiabatic
Engines,” by the Bureau of industrial Technology, State Science and Technology Com-
mission of China. From 1988 to 1991, he held a postdoctoral appointment at Penn State.
His principal areas of interest are synthesis and characterization of oxide, non-oxide,
and composite ceramic powders as well as other ceramic processes.
2726 Journal of the American Ceramic Society-Messing et al. Vol. 76, No.11

Gopal Jayanthi is a graduate student in chemical engineering at The Pennsylvania State

University. Mr. Jayanthi received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering at the Indian
Institute of Technology at Madras and his M.S. in chemical engineering from Texas
A&M University.

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