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Emily Bonzo

Professor Chapin
Comm 428D
SQLGene Google Analytics Review



The search bar is easily accessible if users need to search for specific information. The mailing
list is also placed at the top of the website, making it more likely for new users to see and be
added to it. In addition, the archive is helpful, so if returning users need to look for a specific
blog post and remember right around the time that it was written, they’d be able to find it.
Finally, I like the calendar under the services section on the “Facing a Challenge?” page. The
clickable dates make it easier for users to schedule an appointment.


Page Titles

I like that the page names have unique titles. However, they should be more specific to what the
pages are about. For example, users know they can find information about Eugene under the
"About Me" page, but, at a glance, I didn’t have a clue as to what the other pages were about
until I clicked on them. "Facing a Challenge?" could be used as a headline on the "Facing a
Challenge?" page, along with a description of how users could schedule an appointment with
Eugene if they were having issues. Additionally, the page should be named something more
specific like "Contact me." Further, "Keeping up with Technology" should be renamed to
"Resources,” and “Keeping up with Technology” could be one of the resources Eugene lists
alongside “PowerBi” resources. Overall, the “Keeping up with Technology” page and
“PowerBi” page should mesh into one "Resources" page. The "Speaking Engagements" page
could also benefit by being renamed “Events.”


The blogs add a nice touch to the website and allow users to gain insight as to who Eugene is and
additional advice. However, the blogs shouldn’t be a part of the “Home” page as new users won't
know what the purpose of the website is; to solve this, the blogs should be a part of a separate

Also, there should be a “Home” page. The blogs can still be a part of the “Home” page by adding
links that direct users to the “Blog” page. Adding links to different parts of the website on the
“Home” page will help decrease the number of bounce rates and increase the number of user
activity throughout the website.
Additionally, the blogs should be more consistent. While the last post was from August 28, 2020,
the post written before it was from January 14, 2020. Creating more content for users will help
establish a stronger connection between Eugene and them, as well as provide information/advice
to those who use Power BI.



Bounce Rate

After looking at the behavior overview, one of the issues I noticed is that the bounce rate was
high; this means users are only visiting one page before leaving the website. In comparison to the
number of non-bounce sessions, only 419 of the 1,835 users are visiting other pages of the
website. By adding links that take users to other pages within the website, they can view other
content, and the number of non-bounce sessions will increase.

Mobile Devices

After comparing the average time to the different devices people use to view the website, I
noticed tablet users spend a significantly less amount of time on the website than mobile and
desktop users. Additionally, the bounce rate is higher, meaning users are leaving after only
viewing one page. This information tells me that tablet users may be experiencing issues while
visiting the website.
ACQUISITION OVERVIEW (over the past 30 days)


After reviewing the website's acquisitions, it's evident that the most of its traffic is coming from
direct and organic searches, with social media being a close third and referral websites being a
close fourth. By referring followers from social media to the website, more users will visit the
website from social media. Additionally, by investing in advertisements, more users will visit the
website from referral websites.

This data also indicates users show high areas of interest in the website during specific points in
time but aren't showing interest until something peaks it again.

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