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¿what do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, and,

 I know how to have vegetable soup for breakfast and at
lunchtime rice with chicken and finally a sándwich

2.What food do you need for your favorite meal?

 My favorite food a shrimp ceviche, shell ceviche

3.what food is in your fridge at home right now?

 In my snow there is a cheese, there is a chicken, there is
chorizo, there is fish,, there is a mortadella,, there is a jelly


1.¿Qué suele desayunar, almorzar y cenar?

 Yo se desayunar sopa der verduras y a la hora de almorzar
arroz con pollo y por ultimo un sandwich

2.¿Qué comida necesitas para tu comida favorita?

 Mi comida favorita un ceviche de camarón, ceviche de concha.

3.¿Qué comida hay en la nevera de tu casa ahora mismo?

 en mi nevear hay un queso, hay un pollo, hay chorizo, hay
pescado, hay una mortadela, hay una gelatina

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