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Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57

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Rosemary tea consumption results to anxiolytic- and anti-depressant-

like behavior of adult male mice and inhibits all cerebral area and liver
cholinesterase activity; phytochemical investigation and in silico studies
Anastasia-Varvara Ferlemi a,1, Antigoni Katsikoudi a,2, Vassiliki G. Kontogianni b, Tahsin F. Kellici b,f,
Grigoris Iatrou d, Fotini N. Lamari e, Andreas G. Tzakos b,c,⇑, Marigoula Margarity a,⇑
Laboratory of Human and Animal Physiology, Department of Biology, University of Patras, 26504 Rio, Greece
Department of Chemistry, Section of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Ioannina, GR-45110 Ioannina, Greece
CancerBiobank Center, University of Ioannina, GR45110 Ioannina, Greece
Plant Division, Department of Biology, University of Patras, 26504 Rio, Greece
Laboratory of Pharmacognosy & Chemistry of Natural Products, Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, 26504 Patras, Greece
Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, Zografou 15771, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Our aim was to investigate the possible effects of regular drinking of Rosmarinus officinalis L. leaf infusion
Received 22 January 2015 on behavior and on AChE activity of mice. Rosemary tea (2% w/w) phytochemical profile was investigated
Received in revised form 24 March 2015 through LC/DAD/ESI-MSn. Adult male mice were randomly divided into two groups: ‘‘Rosemary-treated’’
Accepted 12 April 2015
that received orally the rosemary tea for 4 weeks and ‘‘control’’ that received drinking water. The effects
Available online 21 April 2015
of regular drinking of rosemary tea on behavioral parameters were assessed by passive avoidance, ele-
vated plus maze and forced swimming tests. Moreover, its effects on cerebral and liver cholinesterase
(ChE) isoforms activity were examined colorimetricaly. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence
Rosmarinus officinalis
of diterpenes, flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic derivatives in rosemary tea; the major compounds were
Step-through passive avoidance test quantitatively determined. Its consumption rigorously affected anxiety/fear and depression-like behavior
Elevated plus maze test of mice, though memory/learning was unaffected. ChE isoforms activity was significantly decreased in
Forced swimming test brain and liver of ‘‘rosemary treated’’ mice. In order to explain the tissue ChE inhibition, principal
Molecular docking component analysis, pharmacophore alignment and molecular docking were used to explore a possible
relationship between main identified compounds of rosemary tea, i.e. rosmarinic acid,
luteolin-7-O-glucuronide, caffeic acid and known AChE inhibitors. Results revealed potential common
pharmacophores of the phenolic components with the inhibitors. Our findings suggest that rosemary
tea administration exerts anxiolytic and antidepressant effects on mice and inhibits ChE activity; its main
phytochemicals may function in a similar way as inhibitors.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction renowned in all parts of the world since the ancient times.
Nowadays, based on traditional remedies, several studies demon-
The consumption of herbals and herbal supplements for both strate that nutritional and herbal supplementation is an effective
the alleviation of the diseases’ symptoms and the prevention is method for treating anxiety and anxiety-related conditions [1],
although there is a lack of rigorous clinical studies in this area [2].
⇑ Corresponding authors at: Cancer Biobank Center & Dept. of Chemistry, Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Labiatae, rosemary), mostly naturalized
Section of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Univ. of Ioannina, GR-45110 from cultivation, but locally native in Greece, is a common culinary
Ioannina, Greece. Tel.: +30 2651008387 (A.G. Tzakos). Laboratory of Human and herb cultivated in many parts of the world. It has been attributed a
Animal Physiology, Dept. of Biology, University of Patras, Greece. Tel.: +30 2610 number of therapeutic applications in folk medicine systems such
997430; fax: +30 2610 969272 (M. Margarity).
as against dyspepsia and mild spasmodic disorders of the gastroin-
E-mail addresses: (A.G. Tzakos),
(M. Margarity). testinal tract, minor muscular and articular pain and minor periph-
Present address: Laboratory of Pharmacognosy & Chemistry of Natural Products, eral circulatory disorders [3], as well as respiratory and
Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, 26504 Patras, Greece. inflammatory diseases [4]. Moreover, rosemary is listed among
Present address: Barts and the London School of Dentistry & Medicine, Blizard European herbs that have been pan-culturally used in order to
Institute, Center of Neuroscience and Trauma, London, UK.
0009-2797/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
48 A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57

alleviate cognitive deficits [5], whereas, an ethnopharmacological absorbance was measured at 405 nm against distilled water blank.
use of R. officinalis in the treatment of depression, among other Standards (5–200 lg/mL) were prepared using quercetin. Total
uses, was also reported by Heinrich et al. [6]. flavonoids were expressed as quercetin equivalents (QE) per
The implication of the cholinergic system in learning and mem- 100 mL of rosemary infusion.
ory process is well established [7–9]. Even though its implication w?>Total monomeric anthocyanins were estimated using the
in anxiety-like and depression-like behavior is also acknowledged pH-differential method of [21]. According to the method, the absor-
[10–12], several reports show controversial results, indicating banceoftwodilutionsoftheinfusion,onewith0.025 Mpotassiumchlo-
the complexity of the behavioral mechanisms. In the study by ridebuffer,pH1.0andtheotherwith0.4 Msodiumacetatebuffer,pH4.5,
Mineur et al. [13], experiments in mice using AChE inhibitors, such were measured at 510 and 700 nm, respectively. Total monomeric
as physostigmine, demonstrated an increase in anxiety- and anthocyanin content was expressed as cyanidin-3-glucoside equiva-
depression-like behaviors that were reversed using muscarinic lentsper100 mLofrosemarybeverage.
and nicotinic antagonists. Several AChE inhibitors, such as donepe-
zil, rivastigmine, galantamine and memantine have been approved 2.3. LC–MS analysis and quantitative determination of the major
by EMA for the treatment of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease phenolic compounds
(AD), diseases associated to the degeneration of the cholinergic
system [14,15]. Rozzini et al. [16] demonstrated that acetyl- The LC–MS analysis was performed according to [22]. All
cholinesterase inhibitor therapy in depressed AD patients, alleviated LC–MSn experiments were performed on a quadrupole ion trap
the depressive symptoms and this improvement was independent mass analyzer (Agilent Technologies, model MSD trap SL) retro-
of cognitive enhancement, indicating the multi-targeted positive fitted to a 1100 binary HPLC system equipped with a degasser,
result of AChE inhibition. However, conventional treatment modal- an autosampler, a diode array detector and an electrospray ioniza-
ities are hindered by adverse effects and produce only a partial tion source (Agilent Technologies, Karlsruhe, Germany). All hard-
remission [17]; thus, there has been renewed interest in medicinal ware components were controlled by Agilent Chemstation
plants, which may have comparable efficacy to prescription medica- Software.
tions, while lacking their severe side effects [18]. Rosemary infusion was freeze dried and an aqueous extract was
In this frame, we assessed the protective potential of regular obtained. Aqueous rosemary extract was dissolved in 50–50% v/v
drinking of rosemary infusion. Specifically, the aim of the present acetonitrile–water (1 mg dry extract/mL). A 10 lL aliquot was fil-
study was to investigate the potential protective effects of the con- tered (0.45 lm) and injected into the LC–MS instrument.
sumption of rosemary leaf infusion on several behavioral aspects Separation was achieved on a 25 cm  4.6 mm i.d., 5 lm Zorbax
on adult male mice, i.e. anxiety/fear, depression-like behavior Eclipse xdb-C8 analytical column, at a flow rate of 0.6 mL min 1,
and memory/learning, and on cerebral and hepatic ChE isoforms using as solvent A (water/formic acid, 99.9:0.1 v/v) and solvent B
activity. Finally, using principal component analysis, pharma- (acetonitrile). The gradient used for the analysis of extracts was:
cophore alignment and molecular docking, we explored the 0–20 min, 80–40% A; 20–25 min, 40–25% A; 25–40 min, 25–15%
relationship between caffeic acid, carnosic acid, rosmarinic acid, A; 40–45 min, 15–80% A. Chromatograms were acquired at 254,
luteolin-7-O-glucuronide with known AChE inhibitors. 284, and 330 nm.
Both precursor and product ion scanning of the phenolic com-
pounds was monitored between m/z 50 and m/z 1000 in negative
2. Materials and methods
polarity. The ionization source conditions were as follows: capil-
lary voltage, 3.5 kV; drying gas temperature, 350 °C; nitrogen flow
2.1. Preparation of the 2% w/v infusion of R. officinalis and extraction
and pressure, 10 L min 1 and 50 psi, respectively. Maximum accu-
mulation time of ion trap and the number of MS repetitions to
R. officinalis (rosemary) leaves were collected from plants
obtain the MS average spectra were set at 30 ms and 3, respec-
cultivated and grown in the garden of the Department of Biology,
tively. Authentic standard compounds used for comparison rea-
in the University Campus of Patras, during September 2012 and
sons were quinic acid (98%, Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany),
identified by Prof. Gregorios Iatrou. A voucher specimen (No.
carnosol and carnosic acid (98% and 91%, respectively, Sigma,
UPA150912) was deposited at the Herbarium (UPA) of the
Steinheim, Germany).
Department of Biology. For infusion preparation, 2 g of rosemary
Quantitative analysis was performed by HPLC method using a
leaves were placed into 100 mL of hot water, which was further
diode array detector with the authentic standards that are com-
boiled at 100 °C for 1 min. The leaves were then left to steep for
mercially available; rosmarinic acid (95%, Fluka, Steinheim,
5 min, filtered and made to the volume of 100 mL. The infusion
Germany), caffeic acid (98%, Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) that
was strained, left at room temperature to cool down and given to
was used to quantitate caffeic acid derivative and
the animals.
luteolin-7-O-glucoside (98%, Extrasynthese, France) that was used
to quantify luteolin-7-O-glucuronide. All compounds were quanti-
2.2. Determination of total phenolics, flavonoids and monomeric tated at 330 nm.
anthocyanins of rosemary infusion
2.4. Animals
Total phenolics were measured with the Folin–Ciocalteau
reagent method [19]. The total polyphenolic content was Male 3–4 month-old Balb-c mice (30–40 g bw), were kept in
expressed as gallic acid equivalents (GAE), using a standard curve polyacrylic cages (n = 16/group) and housed in a room under con-
with 0.1–1.0 mg/mL gallic acid. The data are expressed as GAE trolled temperature of 24–26 °C, relative humidity between 50–
per 100 mL of infusion. 60% and with 12 h alteration of light and dark cycles. The adult
The total flavonoid content was determined according to the mice were randomly divided into two groups: (i) a control group
aluminum chloride colorimetric method [20] as follows: in a 96 which consumed drinking water for 4 weeks (200 mL) and (ii) a
well – plate, 16 lL of the rosemary infusion were mixed with Rosemary-treated group which consumed the R. officinalis infusion
40 lL 95% alcohol, 5 lL 10% aluminum chloride (AlCl3), 5 lL 1 M (2% w/v/day for 4 weeks). Practically, rodents received daily
potassium acetate (CH3COOK) and 75 lL distilled water. After 130 mg dry extract/kg of body weight. This particular dosage of
incubation for 40 min at room temperature, the reaction mixture rosemary tea is the one usually recommended for preparation of
A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57 49

herbal teas in phytotherapy [23]. The consumption of food and of chamber, a foot shock (25 V, 3 mA, 5 s) was applied. The initial
water/infusion was recorded daily and mouse body weight was latency (IL) required to enter the dark compartment was measured
measured every 7 days. After behavioral tests, mice were killed (max time allowed 120 s). The animals that did not enter the dark
with decapitation after light anesthesia that was induced using chamber were eliminated from the experiment. Twenty-four hours
ethyl ether. Whole brain (-ce), cerebral cortex, midbrain, cerebel- later, on day 27, the retention trial was performed. Each mouse
lum, striatum, hippocampus and liver were carefully removed was placed in the illuminated compartment of the apparatus, the
and placed on an ice-chilled petri dish for cleaning. The tissues door was opened and the step-through latency time (STL) until
were weighed, cleaned with isotonic saline and kept at 20 °C till the mouse entered the dark chamber was recorded (maximum
homogenization. The handling of animals and the study protocol time allowed 300 s). During the latter session, no electric shock
were in accordance with EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal was applied. All training and testing sessions were carried out dur-
experiments and approved by the local Institutional Animal Care ing the light phase (08:00–14:00).
and Use Committee (Animal Act, PD 56/13).
2.6. Determination of ChE activity
2.5. Behavioral testing
Tissues were homogenized (10% w/v) in ice-cold sodium phos-
2.5.1. Evaluation of anxiety-like behavior phate 30 mM, pH = 7.6 with glass-Teflon homogenizer (Thomas Elevated plus maze test. Elevated plus maze test was per- Philadelphia, USA, No. B 13957). The samples were centrifuged at
formed on day 26 and during the light phase (08:00–14:00) using 15,000g, for 20 min at 4 °C to recover a salt soluble fraction (SS).
two groups of mice (n = 8/group). The above task is considered to The pellet was re-dissolved with equal volume of 1% (w/v)
be one of the most commonly used tests for measuring Triton-X 100 (in sodium phosphate 30 mM, pH = 7.6) and cen-
anxiety-like behavior. The apparatus consists of two open arms trifuged at 15,000g, for 20 min, at 4 °C. The supernatant contained
(25  5  0.5 cm) across from each other and two closed arms the detergent-soluble fraction (DS) [28]. Salt- and
(25  5  16 cm). In between there is a center platform detergent-soluble fractions were stored at 70 °C until use.
(5  5  0.5 cm). The open arms have a very low (0.5 cm) wall to ChE activity was determined using Ellman’s colorimetric
decrease the number of falls, whereas the closed arms have a high method [29,30]. All determinations were carried out three times
(16 cm) wall to enclose the arm. The entire apparatus is 50 cm and in triplicate. The ChE activity was expressed as lmol/min/g
above the floor. The two experimental groups of mice were trans- tissue.
ferred to the behavioral testing room 60 min prior to the beginning
of the procedure to habituate to the conditions of the room. Each 2.7. Statistical analysis
mouse was placed in the central platform with its head towards
a closed arm and was freely allowed to explore the apparatus for The results were analyzed by Student’s t-test analysis.
10 min in dark. The parameter assessed for studying the Probability values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically
anxiety-like behavior of the mice was the ratio of time spent to significant. All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS
the open arms to the total time spent to the open and closed arms statistical software version 13.0.
(Op/Op + Cl) [24]. The above parameter and the movement of each
mouse were simulated by the computing program Phobos [25]. 2.8. Pharmacophore alignment using Phase and Principal component
2.5.2. Evaluation of depression-like behavior Forced swimming test. The forced swimming test (FST) was Three-dimensional structures for 6 compounds (3 approved
performed on day 27 and during the light phase (08:00–14:00). drugs (donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine) and 3 phytochemi-
The apparatus used in this task consists of a transparent cylinder cals present in the rosemary tea (caffeic acid, carnosic acid, ros-
filled with water (24 °C) up to 15 cm deep so that the mouse’s tail marinic acid)) were downloaded from the Cambridge Structural
does not come in contact with the bottom of the cylinder [26]. Database (CSD) and the Protein Data Bank (donepezil CSD refer-
The two experimental groups of mice (n = 8/group) were trans- ence code: XETKEN, galantamine CSD reference code: JINZEM,
ferred to the behavioral testing room 60 min prior to the beginning rivastigmine CSD reference code: MAKKEQ, caffeic acid CSD refer-
of the procedure to habituate to the condition of the room. Each ence code: FESNOG, carnosic acid CSD reference code JUWDAG
mouse was placed in the cylinders filled with water for 6 min. (modificated structure), rosmarinic acid PDB code: 3QNL). The
The immobility time during the last 4 min was assessed as the structure of luteolin-7-O-glucuronide was sketched in Maestro
measure of depression-like behavior. (Schrodinger Suite 2012.2). All structures were minimized using
the Polak-Ribiere conjugated gradient. Bioactive conformations
2.5.3. Evaluation of cognitive activity were generated using ConfGen [31]. Pharmacophoric sites were Step-through passive avoidance task. Step-through passive created using Phase version 3.4 [32]. Phase provides six types of
avoidance test was performed on two consecutive days in order pharmacophore features: hydrogen bond acceptor (A), hydrogen
to examine memory consolidation. The animals that we used bond donor (D), hydrophobe (H), negative ionizable (N), positive
(n = 8/group) were different from those used for the other two ionizable (P), and aromatic ring (R). The program then identifies
behavioral experiments. According to previously described [27] the common characteristics of the active ligands that will explain
and slightly modified procedures a two-compartment (white/dark, the ligand–receptor binding by aligning their common features.
separated by a guillotine door) passive avoidance apparatus was Details regarding the Principal Component analysis on the 2D
used. The dark compartment of the device was equipped with a chemical property space between the approved drugs and the
grid floor. determined phytochemical in the rosemary tea can be found in
Roughly, on the 26th day, the first day of the test, were placed the Supporting Information.
each mouse was placed in the illuminated compartment and left
for 100 s to habituate the apparatus (habituation trial). One hour 2.9. Molecular docking studies
after the habituation trial, in the acquisition trial, each mouse
was placed in the illuminated chamber and the guillotine door Docking calculations of the different AChE known drugs (done-
was opened. Once the animal crossed all four paws in the dark pezil, rivastigmine, galantamine) as well as caffeic acid, carnosic
50 A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57

acid, luteolin-7-O-glucuronide and rosmarinic acid, which are pre- of the detected compounds, caffeic acid derivative was quantitated
sent in the herbal infusion, with the recombinant human acetyl- as caffeic acid and luteolin-glucuronide was quantitated as
cholinesterase (rhAChE) cocrystallized with donepezil in the luteolin-7-O-glucoside. The calibration curves were proved to be
binding site (PDB code 4EY7 [33]; subdomain A) were performed linear in the ranges 10–80 mg/L with R2 0.988 (rosmarinic acid),
utilizing Schrödinger’s suite 2012.2 and GlideXP [34]. Please see 2–20 mg/L with R2 0.994 (caffeic acid) and 2–20 mg/L with R2
Supporting Information for the details of the method. 0.991 (luteolin-7-O-glucoside). The concentration of rosmarinic
acid was found 70.78 ± 5.15 mg/g dry weight of freeze dried rose-
3. Results mary infusion (2.33 mg/100 mL of the infusion), of caffeic acid
derivative 8.48 ± 0.21 mg/g dry weight (0.28 mg/100 mL of the
3.1. Total phenolic, flavonoid and anthocyanin content of rosemary infusion) and of luteolin-glucuronide 4.44 ± 0.43 mg/g dry weight
infusion (0.15 mg/100 mL of the infusion). Carnosol, quinic acid and carno-
sic acid were detected in trace amounts.
Rosemary infusion was prepared after 5 min extraction of rose-
mary leaves in hot boiled water. After lyophilization, the remaining 3.4. Behavioral effects of rosemary infusion consumption in mice
dry weight was 0.033 g/100 mL beverage. The total polyphenol con-
tent in the R. officinalis tea was 12.700 ± 0.008 mg GAE/100 mL, The regular recording of food and liquid consumption revealed
whereas the content of the tea in flavonoids and monomeric antho- that the animals did not show preference to the rosemary tea and
cyanins was 1.444 ± 0.069 mg QE/100 mL and 0.619 ± 0.038 mg that its daily drinking (15 mL) did not affect the consumption of
3-cyanidin glucoside equivalents/100 mL, respectively. food. Moreover, we tested the changes on the body weight and on
the weight of cerebral and hepatic tissues of mouse and we found
3.2. LS–MS based exploration of the phytochemical profile of the no significant differences between the two groups. Macroscopic
rosemary extract examination of the tissues is in line with the above observation.
Step-through passive avoidance test was used in order to deter-
The LC/DAD/ESI-MSn analysis of the rosemary extract led to the mine the learning/memory status of the rodents after the treat-
separation and identification of the majority of the constituents; ment period. The results are shown in Fig. 1A. Initial Latency
overall, 16 compounds were identified and those belong to three time (IL), which is relative to the motor and explorative activity
representative classes of constituents: diterpenes, flavonoids and of mice, showed no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05)
hydroxycinnamic derivatives. Because polyphenols contain one between groups, demonstrating that controls and treated mice
or more hydroxyl and/or carboxylic acid groups, MS data were behave the same during the acquisition trial. Step-through
acquired in negative ionization mode. Identification of the com- Latency time (STL), which was recorded during the retention trial,
pounds was carried out by comparing retention times and masses shows the consolidation of the reinforced stimuli in the memory of
with those of the 4 authentic standards (quinic acid, rosmarinic rodents. No significant difference was observed between the
acid, carnosol and carnosic acid). For the remaining 12 compounds Rosemary-treated and the control group. Apparently, R. officinalis
for which no standards were available, identification was based on leaf tea 4-weeks consumption had no effect on learning ability of
accurate mass measurements of the pseudomolecular [M H] ions normal mice.
and their fragmentation pattern, as has been documented in the Elevated plus maze test assessed the anxiety-like behavior of
literature. The total ion current (TIC) chromatogram is presented the rodents after the treatment period. The results are listed in
in Fig. 2A while the UV chromatogram at 284 nm is presented in Fig. 1B. Time spent in open and closed arms was recorded, and
Fig. 2B. Data obtained from the ESI-MSn analysis of the extracts the parameter op/op + cl (time in open arms/time in both open
are summarized in Table 1. For a detailed analysis of the mass and closed arms) was calculated. Between the two experimental
spectrometry data and the associated compounds please see groups there was statistically significant difference (p < 0.05). The
Supporting Information. results demonstrated that rosemary leaf tea had an
anxiolytic-like effect on mice.
3.3. Quantitative determination of the major phenolic compounds The last behavioral test was the forced swimming test. The
results are listed in Fig. 1C. Between the two experimental groups,
The major phenolic compounds (indicated 3, 6 and 7 in the immobility time (IT) was significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in
Fig. 2A and B) were quantified by means of an HPLC/diode array Rosemary-treated group of mice (55.71%) as they appeared to
method. Since reference compounds were not available for most struggle more in the water trying to find a way out of it. The results

Fig. 1. Effect of rosemary tea consumption on mice behavior: [A] initial latency (IL) and Step-through latency (STL) of adult male mice in both control and Rosemary-treated
group, in the step-through test. No significant difference was observed between the Ro-treated and the control group. [B] The ratio of time spent to the open arms to the total
time to the open and closed arms (Op/Op + Cl). [C] Evaluation of the immobility time. Each column represents Mean ± S.E. (n = 8). Statistical analysis was performed by
Students t-test. ⁄Statistical difference between control and Rosmarinus-treated mice group (p < 0.05). Each column represents Mean ± S.E. (n = 8).
A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57 51

Fig. 2. Total ion chromatogram (TIC) of aqueous rosemary extract [A] UV chromatogram at 284 nm. 1: caffeic acid-O-hexoside derivative, 2: quinic acid, 3: caffeic acid
derivative, 4: isorhamnentin-3-O-hexoside, 5: homaplantaginin, 6: luteolin-7-O-glucuronide, scutellarein or isoscutellarein, 7: rosmarinic acid, 8: luteolin-acetyl-
glucuronide, 9: cirsimaritin, 10: rosmanol isomer, 11: rosmanol isomer, 12: rosmanol isomer, 13: rosmadial, 14: notohamosin R, 15: carnosol, 16: carnosic acid, 17: unknown

Table 1
Peak assignments of rosemary extract (Rt: retention time).

P Rt [M H] (m/z) (%) –MS2 [M H] (m/z) (%) –MS3 [base peak]- (m/z) (%) Compounds
1 3.6 455 (100), 387 (72) (387) 341 (100), (455) 409 (100), 341 (387) 179, 161, (455) 341, Caffeic acid-O-hexoside derivative
(40) 363
2 3.7 191 (100), 383 (96) (383) 191 (100), (191) 127 (86), 147 (383) 170, 173 Quinic acid
3 4.9 459 (100) 161 (100), 179 (34) 158 (100) Caffeic acid derivative
4 9.6 477 (100) 315 (100), 300 (37) 300 (100), 271 (41) Isorhamnetin-3-O-hexoside
5 11.1 461 (100) 299 (100), 284 (70) 284 (100), 297 (97) Homaplantaginin
6 11.7 461 (100), 777 (34) 285 (100) 285, 217, 241 Luteolin-7-O-glucuronide, scutellarein or
7 12.5 359 (100), 473 (31), 719 161 (100), 197 (36), 178 (35) 133 (100), 117 Rosmarinic acid
8 14.0 503 (100) 285 (100), 443 (48) 283, 241 Luteolin-acetyl-glucuronide
9 21.3 313 (100) 298 (100), 311 (32) 283, 297 Cirsimaritin
10 22.6 459 (100), 345 (36) 345 (100), 301 (14) 301, 283 Rosmanol isomer
11 23.5 345 (100), 459 (69) 283 (100) (345) 268, 239, 281 Rosmanol isomer
12 24.1 345 (100), 283 (56) 283 (100), 345 (75) 265, 281 Rosmanol isomer
13 28.6 343 (100) 343 (100), 299 (78) – Rosmadial
14 29.1 457 (100), 299 (18) 299 (100), 343 (23) – Notohamosin R
15 29.8 329 (100), 443 (77) 286 (100) 285, 270 Carnosol
16 33.2 331 (100) 287 (100) 244, 285, 269, 217 Carnosic acid
17 34.4 265 (13) 265, 169 113 Unknown

in this case demonstrated the anti-depressant-like effect on mice distributed in between soluble and membrane-bound species [35],
of rosemary leaf tea. thus none of them predominates in the fractions.
The results concerning the whole brain (-ce), brain areas and
the liver ChE activity are described in Table 2. Firstly, the activity
3.5. Effect of rosemary infusion on ChE activity in whole brain, of the DS fraction is much higher than the activity of the SS fraction
individual brain areas and liver in brain tissues relatively to the liver. In whole brain samples, rose-
mary tea consumption resulted in a significant inhibition of ChE
AChE activity constitutes the major fraction of total ChE activity activity in both SS and DS fraction (19.29% and 27.72%) relatively
in whole brain (-ce) and cerebellum, whereas BChE activity pre- to the control group.
dominates in liver. In order to evaluate the possible role of ChE, As far as brain areas are concerned, the results demonstrated
we studied the effect on two fractions of the enzyme: the that ChE activity was significantly inhibited in both SS and DS frac-
salt-soluble (SS) and the detergent-soluble (DS) fraction. In the tion except of hippocampus, where the activity of SS-ChE was
SS fraction the cytosolic G1 isoform of the AChE predominates, insusceptible. The results are shown in Table 3. In detail, in cere-
whereas the DS fraction contains mainly the membrane-bound bral cortex the inhibition of ChE activity in SS and DS fraction
G4 isoform of the enzyme. G1 and G4 isoforms of BChE are evenly was 29.93% and 30.83%, respectively. In midbrain we observed that
52 A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57

Table 2
Effect of rosemary tea consumption (2% w/v) on ChE levels of mice tissues.

ChE (lmol/min/g tissue)

Tissues Homogenates fractions Control mice Rosemary-treated mice Percentage of decrease (%)
Whole brain SS 10.03 ± 0.75 8.09 ± 0.40⁄ 19.29
DS 82.38 ± 4.93 46.33 ± 0.99⁄ 27.72
Liver SS 44.43 ± 0.94 23.25 ± 2.14⁄ 44.77
DS 15.12 ± 0.71 8.93 ± 0.87⁄ 15.13

(a) Data are Mean ± S.E. (n = 8). Statistical analysis was performed by Student’s-t-test.
(b) ⁄Statistical difference between Control and Rosemary-treated mice (p < 0.05).
(c) Percentage decrease (;) of ChE values compared to the control group.

Table 3
Effect of rosemary tea consumption (2% w/v) on ChE levels of mice brain areas.

ChE (lmol/min/g tissue)

Tissues Homogenates fractions Control mice Rosemary-treated mice Percentage of decrease (%)
Cerebral cortex SS 7.73 ± 0.75 5.42 ± 0.64⁄ 29.93
DS 32.49 ± 1.98 22.47 ± 2.18⁄ 30.83
Midbrain SS 16.70 ± 0.90 14.07 ± 1.70⁄ 21.31
DS 74.52 ± 2.51 50.48 ± 4.72⁄ 32.25
Cerebellum SS 8.58 ± 0.66 5.89 ± 0.38⁄ 31.30
DS 16.43 ± 0.58 10.53 ± 1.00⁄ 35.92
Striatum SS 8.02 ± 0.55 6.46 ± 0.46⁄ 24.56
DS 73.52 ± 6.63 43.61 ± 3.90⁄ 39.59 %
Hippocampus SS 8.64 ± 0.67 8.15 ± 0.56
DS 38.72 ± 2.28 24.45 ± 1.90⁄ 34.22

(a) Data are Mean ± S.E. (n = 8). Statistical analysis was performed by Student’s t-test.
(b) ⁄Statistical difference between Control and Rosemary-treated mice (p < 0.05).
(c) Percentage decrease (;) of ChE values compared to the control group.

ChE activity was inhibited by 21.31% in SS fraction and 32.25% in bioactive conformations) with rosmarinic acid and luteolin-7-O-
DS fraction. Moreover, in cerebellum the inhibition was 31.30% glucuronide (Fig. 3(B3)) showed 4 common pharmacophore sites:
and 35.92%, respectively in SS and DS fraction. In striatum, the 1 aromatic ring and 3 hydrogen bond acceptors. These compar-
inhibition was significant in both SS (24.56%) and DS fraction isons illustrated a considerable structure similarity between phy-
(39.59%). In hippocampus rosemary leaf tea did not affect tochemicals present in the rosemary tea and known drugs
SS-fraction activity. However, ChE’s activity in DS fraction was presenting anti-acetylcholinesterasic activity. A potential pharma-
inhibited by 34.22%. cophore overlay between the approved drugs and the rosemary tea
In the case of liver, rosemary leaf tea led to the statistically sig- phytochemicals could be identified suggesting the determined
nificant inhibition (p < 0.05) of ChE activity in both fractions, as it is common function – anti-acetylcholinesterastic activity of these
demonstrated in Table 2. In detail, ChE inhibition in SS and DS frac- molecules. This pharmacophore similarity was further exploited
tion was 44.77% and 15.13%, respectively. through docking calculations of caffeic acid to the X-ray structure
of AChE. The three dimensional plots, highlighting the interactions
3.6. Pharmacophore alignment of the phenolic compounds with drugs developed between major phytochemicals in the herbal infusion
established for their anti-acetylcholinesterasic activity – molecular (rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and luteolin-7-O-glucuronide) along
docking calculations in the AChE site with carnosic acid, one of the main constituents of rosemary leaves
found in traces in rosemary infusion because of its low solubility in
The anti-acetylcholinesterasic activity of rosemary tea water, and AChE are illustrated in Fig. 4, whereas the relevant 2D
prompted us to explore a potential pharmacophore similarity of plots are presented in Fig. S7. From a direct comparison of these
the determined phytochemicals with approved drugs conferring results to the relevant data obtained from the docking calculations
anti-acetylcholinesterasic activity. The structural alignment of of the AChE known drugs (Donepezil, Galantamine, Rivastigmine,)
Donepezil with rosmarinic acid and luteolin-7-O-glucuronide to AChE (Figs. S4–S6) it is further strengthened that the common
(Fig. 3(B1)) shows 5 common pharmacophore sites: 2 aromatic pharmacophore groups, pinpointed above, can be utilized to
rings (brown features) at a distance of 6.437 Å, and three hydrogen develop similar interactions to the active site of AChE. The relevant
bond acceptors (red spheres). Four common features are found in interactions are presented in a tabulated format in Table S1. The
the alignment of Rivastigmine and carnosic acid (Fig. 3(B2)): 2 four compounds show favorable binding scores (Table S1) that
hydrogen bond acceptors, 1 aromatic ring and 1 hydrophobic site are in close agreement with the docking scores of the approved
(green sphere). Since both molecules are rigid (only 4 bioactive drugs as calculated using GlideXP. In addition, the four compounds
conformations are found by ConfGen software) the fact that their interact with the same residues that donepezil and galantamine
alignment finds 4 common pharmacophore sites suggests that interact with, as shown in the 3D crystal structures of these com-
both could present similar/common ligand binding interaction pounds with AChE (Figs. S5 and S6). The superposition of the best
profile. The superposition of Galantamine (that has only two binding pose of luteolin-7-O-glucuronide with the crystal structure
A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57 53

Fig. 3. (A) Results of the principal components analysis comparing in the chemical property space the determined phytochemicals and approved drugs with known anti-AChE
activity. (B) The pharmacophore alignments of: (1) donepezil (blue) with rosmarinic acid (green) and luteolin-7-O-glucuronide (purple). (2) rivastigmine (green) and carnosic
acid (blue). (3) galantamine (blue) with rosmarinic acid (green) and luteolin-7-O-glucuronide (purple) (4) rosmarinic acid (blue) with caffeic acid (green) and luteolin-7-O-
glucuronide (purple). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

of donepezil bound to human acetylcholinesterase show remark- we have recorded for other Labiatae species of Greek flora, such as
able similarities, further validating our pharmacophore approach several Sideritis clandestina subsp. [36]. LC–MS analysis of rosemary
(Fig. S8). tea showed the presence of 16 compounds that are classified into
the categories of flavonoids, diterpenes and hydroxycinnamic
derivatives; it was shown that rosmarinic acid (RA) was the major
4. Discussion bioactive compound of the infusion, followed by a caffeic acid
derivative and luteolin 7-O-glucuronide. RA was, also, the major
The therapeutic application of R. officinalis in folk medicine in component of the water-soluble extract of rosemary leaf in the
the management of mood disorders is established. Several reports study of del Bano et al. [37], but it was found only in trace amounts
have shown its ethnopharmacological uses for the treatment of in methanol and acetone extracts.
physical and mental fatigue, improvement of memory and treat- Regular recording of mouse body weight and liver weighing
ment of nervous agitation, hysteria and depression, among other right after its removal, revealed that there were no differences
applications [6]. However, research has focused on rosemary between the treated and the control group. Furthermore, macro-
essential oil, alcoholic and aqueous extracts. It is the first time that scopic examination revealed that liver tissues of both groups were
R. officinalis leaf tea was studied for its composition and possible normal in appearance, color and shape indicating that the pro-
positive effects on mood regulation and ChE activity. longed consumption of 130 mg/kg body weight of rosemary tea
The determination of total phenolic content showed that the did not affect mouse liver. Our results are reinforced by Daher
amount of rosemary tea polyphenols is similar to the content that and Kashour [23] who reported that administration to rats of
54 A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57

different concentrations of rosemary extract (100, 200, 500 mg/kg Indeed, pharmacokinetic studies have shown after i.p. administra-
body weight) via drinking water for one month resulted in no liver tion of RA (60 mg/kg) to rats that the compound was found at very
toxicity. It should be mentioned, though, that the chosen treatment low concentration in plasma (AUC0–6h 6.6 mg h/L and T1/2 0.75 h),
allowed us to examine the positive effects of oral administration of probably due to liver metabolism, while according to the AUC
rosemary tea without toxicity effects, however it is such a high low level of RA in brain, this phenolic compound does not effi-
concentration that could not be achieved by nutritional interven- ciently cross the blood–brain barrier [50]. Baba et al. [51] showed
tion but only with supplementation. that RA orally administrated in rats (50 mg/kg) was absorbed and
Behavioral study revealed that rosemary’s daily oral adminis- metabolized as conjugated and/or methylated forms and that the
tration to adult male mice reduced significantly both the majority of RA absorbed was degraded into conjugated and/or
anxiety- and the depression-like behavior. However, even though methylated forms of caffeic acid, ferrulic acid and m-coumaric acid.
rosemary is traditionally considered as a cognitive enhancer [5], These metabolites could be further metabolized according to
we found that the consumption of the infusion had Vaquero et al. [52]; LC–MS/MS and pharmacokinetic analysis of
non-significant effect (though positive) on memory/learning abil- the main metabolites of a rosemary extract that was orally admin-
ity of mice. Several studies have shown the protective effects of istered to Zucker rats revealed the presence of CA (1), CA glu-
rosemary alcoholic/hydroalcoholic extracts or of main components curonide (2), CA 12-methyl ether (3), hydroxyrosmariquinone
of its leaves in mood regulation through several neurotransmitter (caffeic acid derivative – 4), as well as carnosol and its glucuronide
systems [38,39]. One of the main components of rosemary tea, in plasma. Finally, the authors reported that CA and carnosol were
RA, has been thoroughly investigated for its anti-depressant and found in significant amounts in brain, whereas compounds 2, 3, 4
anxiolytic actions. An in vivo study demonstrated that when RA were also detected in traces. Carnosic acid is, also, accumulated
was intraperitoneally administered to adult male mice at a dose in mouse brain in in vivo and in vitro experiments as well, where
of 2 mg/kg, it reduced significantly the immobility time during it accumulates in high concentrations in neurons and in low con-
the FST [40]. The same applies to caffeic acid (CA) as it also centrations in non-neuronal cells and exerts several protective
presented antidepressant effects. Moreover, when a variety of antioxidant effects as shown by Satoh et al. [53]. Finally, it is estab-
doses of RA was administrated i.p. in adult male mice, a lished that polyphenols cross blood–brain barrier [54,55] and it is
dose-dependent anxiolytic action of RA was observed [41]. plausible that they accumulate in several brain regions at different
The neurobiological background of both anxiety and depression degrees [56]. These observations about the metabolism of rose-
is under investigation. In these severe mood deregulations cholin- mary extract and/or its main components, i.e. RA, CA, carnosic acid
ergic system fulfils a rather crucial role. In our study, both SS- and and polyphenols, support the potential benefits against brain dis-
DS-ChE activity was inhibited significantly in all examined brain orders derived from the consumption of rosemary.
regions and liver, apart from hippocampus SS-ChE activity (no Secondly, a challenging goal is the investigation whether plant
change). Hippocampus is known for its important involvement in specific phytochemicals affect directly AChE enzyme with respect
memory process and mood regulation, i.e. anxiety-like behaviors to established drugs such as donepezil and rivastigmine. It has
and depression [42]. However, the exact way by which this brain been demonstrated that caffeic acid inhibits in vitro both AChE
region contributes to behavior needs to be clarified. A correlation and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activities in dose-dependent
between the unchanged hippocampal SS-ChE activity and mem- manner [57]. Moreover, Szwajgier [58] tested several phenolic
ory/learning could not be hypothesized since we have demon- acids found in beer and concluded that ferulic, p-coumaric and caf-
strated that the two parameters are not correlated [43]. The feic acids were the most potent inhibitors against cholinesterases,
non-correlation of the two parameters was reinforced by indicating that the type of acid, cinnamic or benzoic, as well as the
Machado et al. [44] who showed that a hydroalcoholic extract of presence of OH-group in para- or meta-position in the molecule
R. officinalis decreased ChE hippocampal activity without altering elevated its inhibitory activity. Conforti et al. [59] showed that caf-
learning deficit. Moreover, they also demonstrated that the feic acid acts as an efficient AChE inhibitor with IC50 value
rosemary extract which contained rosmarinic acid, carnosol, 32.4 lg/mL, while luteolin had the most promising anti-AchE
betulinic acid, oleanolic acid, and ursolic acid exerted an activity (IC50: 25.2 lg/mL). As far as luteolin is concerned,
antidepressant-like effect in bulbectomized mice. Dhananjayan et al. [60] in a molecular docking and in vitro acetyl-
In order to get some insight to the way with which R. officinalis cholinesterase inhibition study, indicated that this particular
tea exerts the observed properties of our study, the network of polyphenol showed the lowest IC50 (135 lg/mL) value among
interactions among the different bioactive compounds and cellular other flavonoids and terpenoids, while tacrine that was used as ref-
constituents needs to be characterized [45]. RA, for example, when erence had only 0.5-fold lower IC50 (92 lg/mL). However, molecu-
administrated intraperitoneally in rats in a variety of doses, lar docking revealed that luteolin showed the lowest binding
reduced significantly AChE levels in individual brain regions, such energy to the enzyme of AChE among other flavonoids. In the study
as frontal cortex and hippocampus [46]. Moreover, caffeic acid was of Szwajgier [61] the anti-cholinesterase activity of several pheno-
administered to adult male rats once a day for 30 days at the doses lic compounds was tested and carnosic acid possessed the highest
of 10, 50 and 100 mg/kg by gavage [47] and the results demon- inhibitory activity, followed by rosmarinic and caffeic acid. In
strated that AChE activity was decreased significantly in cerebral another study, rosmarinic acid showed almost 50% inhibition of
cortex and striatum compared to the control group of rats, AChE in the concentration of 0.25 mg/mL and caffeic acid was
whereas, the same doses of caffeic acid provoked a significant almost, equally effective in the high concentrations but in low con-
increase in AChE activity in hippocampus and pons. In addition, centration its inhibitory activity was far below 50% [62].
Costa et al. [48] demonstrated that water/ethanol extracts of wild Taking account the phytochemical composition of rosemary tea,
and cultured plants of Lavandula viridis, which accumulate high literature references which report the penetration of these com-
amounts of caffeoyliquinic acids, rosmarinic acid and luteolin, pos- pounds in brain, their in vitro AChE inhibitory activity and the
sess significant anti-acetylcholinesterasic activity. few in silico studies about the binding of phenolic compounds on
Since, AChE activity predominates in cerebral tissues compared AChE, we hypothesized that some of our main components may
to BChE [49], where it plays significant role in neurotransmition, act as common drug inhibitors against the enzyme, thus we exam-
one could wonder about the effectiveness of plant compounds on ined the possible common features of these compounds with
the enzyme of AChE. First, it should be clarified whether phenolics known AChE inhibitors. We selected the caffeic, rosmarinic and
can cross blood–brain barrier and reach different cerebral regions. carnosic acid, while luteolin-7-O-glucuronide was chosen among
A.-V. Ferlemi et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 237 (2015) 47–57 55

Fig. 4. The binding pose of: (A) rosmarinic acid (green) in the active site of AChE, (B) luteolin-7-O-glucuronide (green), (C) caffeic acid (green) and (D) carnosic acid (green).
The important residues are shown in purple. Hydrogen bonds are shown in yellow dashed lines. Numbering of residues from rhAChE (pdb codes 3EY6 and 3EY7) is used
unless explicitly noted. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

the few determined polyphenols. Indeed, the principal component effects of our tea. However, herbal extracts are chemically complex
analysis of the chemical property space sampled by the rosemary mixtures containing multiple major and minor constituents with
tea phytochemicals and the approved drugs (conferring multiple potential targets and mechanisms, and thus further work
anti-acetylcholinesterasic activities) illustrated that phytochemi- is necessary to elucidate the mechanisms although the behavioral
cals cover a larger part of the relevant chemical space (Fig. 3A). effects have been conclusively demonstrated in many studies.
To get more insight to the common anti-acetylcholinesterasic
activities presented among the rosemary tea phytochemicals and
Conflict of Interest
approved drugs we exploited potential common pharmacophore
features in the 3D space. We therefore utilized an established com-
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
putational approach based on pharmacophore alignment and we
found that the phytochemicals adopted a large number of common
sites with drugs suggesting that they develop a similar interaction Transparency Document
profile with the drug protein targets. To further exploit the identi-
fied pharmacophore similarity we performed docking calculations The Transparency document associated with this article can be
of the different compounds to the X-ray structure of AChE. These found in the online version.
results strengthened the fact that the common pharmacophore
groups, reported above, may function in similar way as AChE
known inhibitors via developing alike interactions to the active site
of AChE. Acknowledgments
With regard to the binding type of the isolated compounds on
AChE molecule, it is known that in order to achieve covalent mod- This research project was partially supported by BIOFLORA, net-
ification of a protein target a highly electrophilic species (e.g., work of University of Patras and has been co-financed by the
a-halo ketone, a,b-unsaturated ketone, fluorophosphonate (FP) or European Union (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF)
cyanamide) needs to be incorporated into the inhibitor. The pres- and Greek national funds through the Operational Program
ence of Michael acceptors in an inhibitor scaffold also has been ‘‘THESSALY-MAINLAND GREECE AND EPIRUS-2007–2013’’ of the
used to covalently inactivate cysteine residues in their target National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF 2007–2013).
enzymes. Even though a 1,2 addition could happen to rosmarinic Special thanks are given to the Mass Spectrometry Unit of
acid, docking calculations into the binding site of AChE indicates University of Ioannina for providing access to LC–MS/MS facilities.
that the pose taken by rosmarinic acid does not favor a nucle-
ophilic attack from Ser203 (Fig. 4A). Furthermore the study by
Marcelo et al. [63] also suggests that rosmarinic acid does not inhi- Appendix A. Supplementary data
bit AChE through covalent binding. The findings of Anwar et al.
[47] , Oboh et al. [57] and Khan et al. [64] revealed that caffeic acid Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
inhibited AChE activities in dose-dependent manner thus indicat- the online version, at
ing non-covalent inhibition.
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