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Economic Globalization & Sustainable Development

 The spread of trade is one focus of economic globalization that has affected us
significantly. It has changed the means of trade and further affecting our quality
of life. The products we use and the resources it uses to manufacture came from
different countries.
 Sustainable development is development that meets people’s needs in the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
needs. The improvement of trade have affected the environment as well. Since
then, resources have depleted, and at this rate future generations may not have
enough resources for them to survive.
 This is why we thought of...

 Car Exhaust Filter (CEF)

 The Car Exhaust Filter is a filter that is placed on the end of a car's exhaust pipe.
It filters out C02 and other harmful pollutants/toxic fumes so that only clean air
comes out. The toxic fumes are then routed back into the combustion chambers
and re-burned to improve fuel efficiency and reduce air pollution. It can be used
on any car.

Contribution to Economic Globalization

 Generates money for the economy.
 Can be traded to other countries, promoting worldwide commerce.
 Improved energy efficiency of the economy generally, job creation in existing
industries and recycling of dollars formerly spent on fossil fuels.

 Contribution to Sustainable Development

 Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are the primary air pollutants produced by
a car. With the CEF it filters out these pollutants and lets out clean air. This
reduces the amount of CO2 and CO in the atmosphere, improving air quality,
reducing smog precursors, and reducing human exposure to toxic air
 Example 1: Cabin Air Filter

 Cabin air filters help to protect your health by improving the quality of the air you
breathe in your vehicle. These filters trap a broad range of microscopic particles,
harmful gases, and unpleasant odors. Regularly replacing your cabin air filter can
offer relief for asthma, allergies and hay fever sufferers. They also help to protect
the performance of your air conditioning system.
 Example 2: Fuel Filter

 A fuel filter is used to pick up various particles and dirt that might interfere with
the engines performance. Over time, dirt and particles build up in the filter. The
fuel filter needs to be replaced or it will reduce the flow of fuel to your engine,
affecting your vehicle’s performance and fuel economy.


 Facts of Car Pollution. (2015). LIVESTRONG.COM. Retrieved 7 June 2016, from
 (2016). Retrieved 8 June 2016, from
 Science, L. & Earth, P. (2013). Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Could
Prevent Premature Deaths. Live Science. Retrieved 8 June 2016, from
 (2016). Retrieved 8 June 2016, from

Car Exhaust Filter (CEF)

 By: Angel Xavier S. Caleja

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