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Comprehensive Editorial:

Reviews What’s All This

in We Hear about
Food Science
and Molecular
Food Safety Gastronomy?

S everal years ago Dr. Herve This served as a peer reviewer

for a Journal of Food Science manuscript and on that occa-
sion informed me about his special interest which he called
“gastronomie moleculaire.” The term caught my attention and
both historic and futuristic aspects. I am grateful to Dr. This for
sharing with us his thoughts and providing a look at his creation.
Because this is an editorial, there was no peer review of this pa-
per. Of course, I take full responsibility for any problems that may
I followed the concept as a recipient of his e-mailed newslet- have slipped in during the process of rewriting and editing. INRA
ters; unfortunately, I was severely handicapped by insufficien- is the French National Institute for Agricultural Research. The En-
cies with my French. In my new role as editor of CRFSFS, how- glish language website is at
ever, I have turned more aggressive and have invited Dr. This CONSULTER/INTER/external/departements/ecrans/47
to provide information on his creation to the Institute of Food Dr. This is affiliated with the Paris Centre of the Food
Technologists. IFT has thousands of members with professional and Human Nutrition Dept.’s groups UMR 214 and INA P-G
interests in the various aspects of food preparation, those in the (Joint Research Unit for Analytical Engineering Applied to Food
Foodservice Division probably more so than others. Apparently, Quality).
“molecular gastronomy” effectively explains the difference be-
tween science and technology, between physicochemical phe-
nomena and the art of cooking. There is even a strong educa-
tional element embedded in this new concept coming to us from
France and it behooves our on-line sister publication, the Journal
of Food Science Education, to follow up on those aspects. Also,
it is imperative that the editor of Food Technology inform IFT’s
general membership about future details on what may be con- Manfred Kroger
sidered a major movement or development in the history of food Scientific Editor, CRFSFS
science/technology. In my opinion, Comprehensive Reviews in Professor of Food Science Emeritus
Food Science and Food Safety is an appropriate means to convey The Pennsylvania State Univ.


Molecular Gastronomy and the Foundation

“Food Science and Food Culture”
Herve This, Ph.D. tion, my proposal is to consider first what cooking means, then to
Groupe INRA de Gastronomie Moléculaire examine the objectives of the scientific discipline called molec-
Laboratoire de chimie des interactions moléculaires ular gastronomy, and only then cover the rationale, objectives,
Collège de France and current programs of the Foundation.
11, place Marcelin Berthelot
75005 Paris, France
Whipping eggs to make chocolate mousse
Consider this statement by the wonderful late biologist Stephen
Jay Gould (from “La mal mesure de l’homme”): “It’s very efficient
Cooking instructions in schools and universities to grasp great problems of general interest from details. There is
When the Editor of this journal heard about the creation no use writing a book on ‘the meaning of life.’ Great problems
in France of the “Fondation Science et Culture Alimentaire” should be attacked from the side, and not directly.” So, let’s follow
(“Foundation Food Science and Food Culture”), he thought it his advice and begin by the preparation of a chocolate mousse.
would be a good idea to share the information with the read- Traditionally, chocolate mousse is obtained by melting choco-
ers of his journal. I shall certainly explain the objectives of this late, sometimes with butter, adding egg yolks to this mixture
organization at the end of this document, but in order to stimulate when it’s not too hot, whipping the egg whites, and mixing the
interest and to prepare readers for future activities by the Founda- two preparations. With such a simple “recipe” the result can
C 2006 Institute of Food Technologists
Molecular gastronomy and the Foundation . . .

be easily predicted: the final flavor will be mainly due to its on ice cubes and whipping its contents, a foamed emulsion is ob-
chocolate (hence the relationship between ingredients and prod- tained which has been called “chocolate Chantilly” (Le chocolat
uct “quality”); the final consistency (not the texture, because we Chantilly 1996). No egg whites are needed!
have to clearly differentiate between the two) will be the re-
sult of a foam containing the butter-plus-chocolate preparation Why cooking?
softening the mass (with butter providing triacylglycerols having What is the lesson of this investigation? Traditional practice is
lower melting points than those of chocolate, and also having not always a guarantee for technical success. Arriving at success
a broader chemical composition). Let’s now focus on the whip- depends on asking questions. Therefore, asking questions is of
ping of eggs. The fresh egg whites are unimportant regarding fla- utmost importance. Of course, all scientists know that, but why
vor; they only provide foamy consistency. The more foam, the not also teach it in school? And, finally, invention, or technol-
“lighter” the mousse. Whipped egg white is obtained by whip- ogy, is a natural result of scientific research. This, too, must be
ping egg whites. Such a seemingly useless sentence is not useless communicated. Young people and their schooling are the keys to
at all, if we consider the concept of whipping. Why should we tomorrow’s world. Are we going to produce informed consumers
whip egg whites? The answer is: we want to introduce air bub- and citizens, or do we prefer to restrict the enlightenment of in-
bles. Egg white is roughly 90% water and 10% protein(s). If we dividuals and leave them vulnerable to the manipulations and
just whip, the whisk is introducing air bubbles whose diameters, schemes of specialized interests, which might include the food
easily determined with a light microscope, will be about 0.01 to industry? Satisfactory consumer education is not possible, and we
0.1 mm. do observe today a frightening pandemic of obesity. Consumer
health is not entirely the foremost objective of an industry. Clearly
Why so little foam? some food education is important.
This is the traditional question, but let’s consider a better ques- Moreover, another social issue, namely, the growing dislike
tion: how much foam can we get from the white of one egg? for science, could be overcome through educational activities
Generally, when egg whites are whipped, a volume of 1/3 L is based on science. In France, the Ateliers expérimentaux du goût
obtained. Why such a small foam volume? Imagine first the cre- (Experimental Workshops on Taste), include school classroom ac-
ation of only one large bubble with the liquid egg white around it. tivities such as making one cubic meter of whipped egg white
Depending on various assumptions, the diameter of this bubble with only one egg, as well as giving children some control over
would be between 30 and 300 m (!), and the volume would be their food through cooking (CRDP 2005). Food appeal is used as
much more than 1/3 L. an introduction, but the various programs are moving children
Imagine now that we would like to keep our bubbles at a diam- away from eating only, and leading them toward technological,
eter between 0.01 and 0.1 mm. Is 1/3 of a liter the maximum that scientific, and cultural questions. In this way, tradition is not only
can be obtained through whipping? The question can be asked transmitted, but also questioned, as it should have been all the
differently: why is the volume limited to 1/3 of a liter? As whip- time. This is one purpose of molecular gastronomy.
ping two egg whites produces about twice the volume obtained
from one egg white, it means that something is missing to get Molecular gastronomy
more foam. As whipped egg whites are primarily composed of Molecular gastronomy, why such a pompous name? And is it
air, water, and proteins, we can guess that the “missing some- some useless activity of the idle rich or wealthy foodies? Of course
thing” is either water or proteins (not air, as there is plenty of it). not! First, a differentiation should be made between cooking and
Calculations and experiments show that water is indeed the lim- gastronomy. Cooking means preparing dishes, whereas gastron-
iting factor, and this leads the 21st century cook (the one who omy, according to the promoter of the word, means “intelligent
no longer sticks to recipes) to add some aqueous solution (wa- knowledge of whatever concerns man’s nourishment” (Brillat-
ter plus flavor) into the egg white being whipped, thus obtaining Savarin 2006). When this knowledge is history, the activity is
more and more foam (plus flavor). “historical gastronomy,” but when it comes to the study of chem-
ical and physical transformations involved in culinary practice,
Are eggs useful? then it is “molecular gastronomy.”
Are eggs important in this recipe? The yolk is clearly useful, Is it simply food science? Not exactly. The reason why this new
because it gives some flavor to the chocolate mixture. But the scientific discipline was introduced by Nicholas Kurti and my-
egg white? Let’s look at milk. This is literally an emulsion: emul- self in 1988 (This 2002) was based on the observation that food
sion comes from the Latin word emulgere, which means “to draw science had slowly drifted, over many decades, toward the in-
milk.” And all food scientists know that, indeed, milk is mainly vestigation of food and toward technological processes, but not
made of “oil” droplets (fat globules) dispersed in “water.” When toward culinary aspects. But multitudes of people cook every day,
milk is allowed to rest, the oil droplets slowly rise upwards and ag- and until the creation of molecular gastronomy, no scientific re-
gregate, forming a creamy emulsion much more fat-concentrated sults were given to them about such common dishes as soufflés,
than the milk below it. roasted chicken, mayonnaise sauce, and more. Certainly, molec-
Let’s whip cream: whipped cream is obtained by trapping air ular gastronomy must be included in food science, but defining
bubbles in the emulsion. Using the “complex disperse system it more clearly would be very useful, because some new and
formula” introduced some years ago (ECIS 2002), this can be important questions arise.
described by a simple equation. With O the oil phase, W the Is molecular gastronomy the same as “culinology”? One can
water phase, G the gas phase, and/the “dispersion,” milk and easily see a difference. First, culinology is a trademark; how can
cream can be described as O/W, and whipping cream can be science be patented? Clearly, there is knowledge behind this en-
represented by the “physical equation” O/W + G = (G+O)/W. terprise of culinology, but also money and communication. Doc-
Now let’s change the ingredients, keeping the equation. For ex- uments issued by universities that teach culinology indicate that
ample, as chocolate is all fat, at first approximation, let’s make an it involves some education allowing chefs to cook differently.
emulsion with it: in a pan, put 200 g water (this “water” can have Therefore, culinology is cooking and not molecular gastronomy.
flavor in it, such as being orange juice or tea, for example) and The latter must be considered a scientific discipline because it is
225 g chocolate, then heat. The sugar contained in the chocolate about insights, understanding, and knowledge generation (look-
dissolves in the “water” during this process. After placing the pan ing for mechanisms and establishing modes of action).
CRFSFS: Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
More generally, and this needs repeating, according to Louis 2000, monthly seminars on molecular gastronomy have been or-
Pasteur, science is different from technology, and “applied sci- ganized by INRA, with reports sent through e-mail to more than
ence” is an oxymoron that cannot exist. First, science looks for 1300 recipients around the world; “sister seminars” have by now
mechanisms of phenomena, whereas technology is using scien- been created in Argentina, Belgium, Switzerland, The Nether-
tific results to improve a technique or a craft. This is why “applied lands, Denmark, Japan, and the United States of America (at the
science” cannot exist. If culinology were a science, then its pur- Institute of Culinary Education). Since 2001, the Ateliers exper-
pose would be mechanism elucidation, not applications. And imentaux du goût, based on molecular gastronomy, have been
this is why the term “application of sciences” should be pre- sponsored in French schools; these Ateliers have now also been
ferred over “applied sciences,” and application of sciences means implemented in Greece, Italy, Spain, and Germany. Since 2002,
technology. university courses on molecular gastronomy have been offered in
Finally, it should be said that, because we were not sufficiently several countries (such as France, Italy, Denmark, and the United
aware of these important differences, the program of molecu- Kingdom). In 2004, public and free courses on molecular gas-
lar gastronomy was somewhat flawed when it was begun in the tronomy were introduced in Paris.
1980s. The initial objectives of molecular gastronomy (This 1995) Clearly some coherence had to be given to all these enter-
were: (i) investigate recipes; (ii) collect and test culinary proverbs, prises, and molecular gastronomy had to be put into a broader
old wives’ tales, and so on; (iii) invent new dishes based on (i) frame, with anticipated synergistic effects. The question was, if
and (ii); (iv) introduce new tools, ingredients, and methods in the molecular gastronomy can have technological and educational
kitchen; (v) use cooking to show that the physical and biological applications, why not organize it rationally? This is the aim of
sciences are wonderful. This was a major mistake because ob- the new foundation, providing a total and unified environment
jectives (iii) and (iv) are technological, not scientific, and (v) is for research, action, and communication. The Foundation is or-
political. This is why the objectives were recently changed. We ganized as would be found in institutions of higher education:
observed that a dish is considered good when it is “technically” there are divisions (research, technology, art, education, safety,
successful (a defective mayonnaise is a failure), when a flavor regulations, communication), and there will be active outreach
pleases the consumer it is considered “art,” and when a prepared through regional programs. The first program was launched in Ar-
dish is not brusquely “thrown” at a consumer, “love” and affection bois (Franche Comté, near Jura, France) on April 12, 2006, under
must have been involved. This means that science should inves- the auspices of the French Academy of Sciences; it included a
tigate the love component, the art component, and the technical lecture and prizes were given to young food technologists. Other
component. As all recipes are composed of 3 parts (the “techni- regions are preparing different programs, in France and in other
cally useless” details, the “definitions,” and the “culinary precise countries. One particular objective is not to foster competition
measurements”), molecular gastronomy should study all these between regions but to promote complementarity based on par-
components, but, again, only from a scientific point of view (This ticular regional strengths. The overall objective is to bring science
2005). to where it is supposed to be: near every citizen!

A foundation created in France with a network of References

seminars and regional centers Brillat-Savarin JA. Quoted in: This H. Molecular gastronomy. New York: Columbia Univ.
Now, finally, let’s examine the question asked by the Editor of Press.
CRDP. 2005. Ateliers expérimentaux du goût: A propos des fiches d’Hervé This. Available
this journal: why the creation of the Foundation for Food Sci- from: arts-culture/gout-intro.htm
ence and Food Culture? Since 1988, many activities have devel- ECIS. 2002. Molecular gastronomy, presented at the 16. Conference of the European Colloid
oped, in France and in other countries, around molecular gas- and Interface Society (ECIS), Paris, September 26, 2002.
Le chocolat Chantilly. December 1996. Pour la Science 230:20.
tronomy. Since 1992, international workshops have been held in This H. 1995. La gastronomie moleculaire et physique. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Paris VI,
Erice (Sicily, Italy). Since 1995, a molecular gastronomy team has France.
This H. 2002. Molecular gastronomy. Angewandte Chemie (International Edition) 41(1):83–8.
been working in a laboratory of the Collège de France, in Paris. This H. 2005. Modelisation of dishes and exploration of culinary “precisions”: The two issues
Since 1998, congresses on molecular gastronomy have been held of molecular gastronomy. British J Nutr 93(Suppl. 1).
in France, mainly for young university teaching personnel. Since


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