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11D Skills for Writing

In my opinion, it’s because of the Internet

The bicycle was invented in the 19th century.

1 READING At first, bicycles were very expensive, but at
the beginning of the 20th century, they were
mass-produced in large factories. As a result
a Read the web posts on the right and of this, they became much cheaper and after
tick (✓) the correct answer. that, most people could afford to buy one.
a Bicycles have always been very cheap to buy. Bicycles changed the way people travelled
b Cycling is a popular hobby for a lot of people. short distances. Because of the bicycle, people who didn’t have
much money didn’t have to travel to work on buses or trains. As
c Cycling is bad for the environment.
a result, they saved money and could get a job further away from
d Streets with electric lighting were more dangerous.
where they lived. Today, bicycles are the most important form of
transport for people in many countries in the developing world.
b Read the web posts again. Are the sentences Cycling is also a very popular sporting activity for many people, as
true or false? it is a great way to stay fit and healthy. In big cities, a lot of people
1 It was cheaper to have a bicycle than to travel cycle to work and this helps to reduce pollution and protect the
on public transport. environment. Because of this, it seems to me that the bicycle is
2 Bicycles are not very popular in the developing world. one of the most important inventions of the last 200 years.
3 When lots of people cycle to work, cities become Martin Roberts
less polluted.
4 Gas lighting was invented after electric lighting.
5 Reading and writing at night was easier with electric In my opinion, the most important
lighting. invention is the electric light. The electric
light bulb was invented in the 19th century
2 WRITING SKILLS and slowly replaced gas lighting in the
streets of big cities and in people’s homes.
Expressing results and reasons With electric lights, the streets of big
cities became safer and, as a result, there
a Underline the correct words to complete the was less crime. Also, electric light bulbs
sentences. improved the lighting in people’s houses.
As a result, they could do more things
1 As a result of / As / Because better windows, new when it got dark in the evenings, such as
houses lose less heat in winter and people spend less reading books or writing letters. Electric
money on keeping them warm. lights have greatly improved the quality of
2 In the 1960s, people couldn’t afford to go to the USA people’s lives and it is hard to imagine life
on holiday because of / as / as a result of air travel without them.
was so expensive. Naomi Stevens
3 People didn’t use their mobile phones when they
were travelling abroad as a result of / because of /
because phone calls were so expensive.
4 Computers are much smaller now as / because /
because of the invention of the micro-chip.
5 As / As a result of / Because of you can travel by train
a Write a web post about the invention of mobile phones.
Use the notes to help you.
from London to Paris in less than three hours now,
I won’t need to catch the plane any more.
6 Nowadays, malaria is less common in Africa as / as a
result of / because the new vaccination programme.
Notes for web post about mobile phones
7 Because / As / Because of the terrible pollution, many • most important invention = mobile phone
European cities only allow people to drive their cars • before: had to be home, office or public phone box
on certain days of the month. • keep in contact with friends, family, colleagues
8 She decided to buy a tablet because of / because / • speak wherever you are: street, supermarket, car, train
as a result of it was much easier to carry around than • stay in touch with children + elderly relatives
her old laptop. • useful if accident or to call the police
• not only calls and texts: also photos, videos, music, Internet, Facebook
• my phone = my most useful possession: where would I be without it?


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