Narrative Report

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October 02, 2021

Parts Page
Introduction 2
Narrative Report 4
Creating Memories 10


A sound mind and a sound body have to always synchronize with each other. Just

like a printer, when it works all day for the production of learning modules, it will always

come to a sudden halt so as to regain and reset its machineries to press on again. It is a

common troubleshooting mechanics but for a worker, especially a teacher, this may help

lessen the weight of having too much dish in their plate. The sudden shift of the working

environment has caused workers to experience culture shocks and being left behind. With this

dilemma the teachers are facing, some schools of the District of San Nicolas, namely: San

Nicolas Elementary School, Catuguing Elementary School, Cayetano Bumanglag Memorial

Elementary School, Asuncion Elementary School, and Barabar Elementary School, have to

come up with some necessary actions in order to give a hand to their teachers and other

employees, most especially, in this time of Pandemic. Thus, a Learning Action Cell (LAC)

Session on Mental Health Awareness was conducted last October 2, on the occasion of the

World Teachers’ Day 2021 through Zoom Meeting. The group invited Ms. Shareid Shundy

B. Aguilar, a faculty member of Saint Louis University of Baguio City, as the speaker for the

session to help teachers of the different schools of the District of San Nicolas to unpack their

luggage and to make them breathe in between the mental strain of working away from work.

Although the workloads of teachers from pre-pandemic and today are still the

same, the gravity of furnishing them could show a lot of differences. In this pandemic,

teachers can only access their classes through online platforms. The practicality of having this

kind of setup can also give other stressors to arise since it did not only change the working

environment, but also the time management of handling works at home. However, since

every school has their roles in delivering quality education to the learners, assurances of the

safety and stability of its human resources, especially the teachers, must be put into priority


Teachers are always committed with their work so as to make sure that the show

runs smoothly but that does not mean that overworking and pressuring oneself could help

finish the work. Just like from the working environment before the pandemic, keeping the

mind and body healthy is an essential.


The Schools of the District of San Nicolas formed a Symposium on Mental

Health Awareness during their Districtwide Learning Action Cell (LAC) Session last October

2, 2021 for the World Techers’ Day Celebration 2021 which was held virtually through

Zoom Meeting. The participating schools were San Nicolas Elementary School, the school

host, headed by Dr. Rolen A. Oracion, Asuncion Elementary School, headed by Mr. Randy

R. Rosales, Barabar Elementary School, headed by Dr. Ruben Agustin, Catuguing

Elementary School, headed by Mrs. Marilyn D. Pasamonte, Cayetano Bumanglag Memorial

Elementary School, headed by Mr. Artemio Gabug, and Filipinas West Elementary School,

headed by Mrs. Vilma Bagay.

The meeting started with warm greetings and welcoming by the Program

Facilitators, Mrs. Rowena P. Deuz and Mrs. Nestle C. Guillermo, and proceeded to the initial

parts of the program, the opening prayer, the Philippine National Anthem and the San Nicolas

Municipal Hymn, through audio-visual presentations.

Afterwards, the facilitators did some reminders for the participants to follow

while the session is on-going and called out the participants in their respective school by

opening their cameras.

The program was formally set off when Mr. Artemio Gabug, Head Teacher II and

School Head of Cayetano Bumanglag Memorial Elementary School, dropped his words for

the audience to help the participating teachers to set themselves up and engage in the

discussions of the LAC Session.

Later on, Dr. Rolen A. Oracion, School Principal IV of San Nicolas Elementary

School, left the group some pieces of advices and a sense of direction for all the participants

of the session. She made it clear in her words that this session will aid everyone for the

reduction of stressors from all of one’s aspects in life.

The participants stood by as they listened to Mrs. Vilma Nicoreta Pambid as she

introduced the speaker for us. So as to give us some backgrounds about the credibility of the

speaker Ms. Sharied Shundy B. Aguilar.

The flesh of the program was given to the speaker, Ms. Sharied Shunday B.

Aguilar, to discuss some basic matter on Mental Health Awareness. She started the talk by

initiating an icebreaker for the group to try to loosen up the participants to be able to engage

in an interactive and comfortable conversation about the tensions of the mind.

Ms. Aguilar gave the participants an overview about Mental Health and some

factors that triggers the mind to overload when pressured. She gave them some different light

on the mental health among individuals to help the participants to understand not only the

stress they are facing, but also the stress everybody else is having.

She tried to discussed also about how taking a break from work is also working to

make sure that the mind can function and realign again its vision towards the goals to be

done, she reiterated the importance of checking one’s self up to remind everyone that it is

okay to give one’s self some time. She also made point on whence stressors arise by giving us

data and other information to help the participants to manage and prevent them from

stressing, causing them their mental stability to drop down.

With all these Mental Instability the participants might be experiencing, the

speaker gave us also points to take on how they could control their Mentality.

After the discussion proper, the speaker let the particpants open their

microphones to answer some questions on how they could make sure their mental state is in

balance perspective. The teachers shared some experiences and problems to which the

Speaker, with her expertise and knowledge on the matter, gave some resolutions and

compromise them these with themselves.

With some of the questions being answered by the Speaker. The facilitators

played the song “I am a Teacher” once more in an audio-visual presentation, to reignite the

teachers’ commitment in serving the learners for quality education, any more than now.

Succeeding to this part was the awarding of the Certificate of Recognition to the

Speaker of the program for her well-versed discussions on Metal Health Awareness among

the teachers.

The program was formally closed as Mrs. Vilma A. Bagay, Head Teacher II and

School Head of Filipinas West Elementary School gave her words for gratitude to the speaker

and her concluding message to imprint in the minds and hearts of the teachers to always take

good care of one’s self. Followed by taking group pictures of the school heads with their

teachers in their respective schools.



The LAC Activities prepared by the school heads of the

six (6) schools in the District of San Nicolas and approved by the
Officer-In-Charge, Chief Education Supervisor, CID, Dr. Santiago L. Baoec.

List of Attendees of the LAC Session.


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