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Set 8

Part 1

Dat: The teacher who changed my learning path was Ms. Trang.She was my chemistry teacher
and also the head teacher of my class. However, she is still very strict but understands us very
well. I used to hate studying, especially chemistry. During teaching hours, she is extremely strict
and when an activity is launched by the school, she always wants us to complete them
excellently. She always set the high grades she desired for my class in learning. Behind
stressful classes, she always takes the time to talk to the class. She not only taught me
Chemistry, but also taught them how to live and live beautifully in life. As I once made the
mistake of neglecting my studies in video games. She asked me to speak privately, she said
quietly, "you see the effort in your previous learning so you should try to learn and not neglect
something that is not worth it." After the words it always etched in my mind I had to try hard in
learning. In the following lessons, I listened very attentively and took full notes, I found it very
easy to understand, and at the end of the class she always told beautiful stories about life, I
realized a lot of good things that she conveyed for us.
Lam: My high school year is a very important year, it will determine the university and my future.
The school year was not due to the efforts of the teachers, I did not have a bright school like
now. The teacher who helped me the most was the teacher who taught Ly, even though she
wasn't my head teacher. I'm a self-appointed kid or watching lectures or doing my own things in
my studies. But when I went down, she didn't yell at me, and she added an tutoring class for
weak students like us. One afternoon, the tutoring school finished heavy rain. I waited for my
mother to pick me up. She came over and talked with me. From what I did, I thought she would
hate me, but that’s not true. I feel like she is giving me a special love. Her gentle gaze made me
feel safe. And I started to enjoy learning more. Every time I do a good job, she gives me
compliments. Something I never received before. Every time I did not act well, she did not scold.
She will ask me why and explain to me her job was wrong. She gave me the feeling of being
listened to. Now, I have a better academic record and it’s all thanks to you. Thank you so much
Part 2

Dat: Could you tell me what art and music are taught in school?

Lam: Actually, our school doesn't teach those subjects.

Dat: Oh, it's sad. I'd like to begin to study subjects like art and music. Then there are the other
professional professions.

Lam: I don't think these classes are really necessary, you'll have more free time để làm nhiều việc khác.
Isn't that great?

Dat: Not. I understand your point of view. But the university is a place to expand knowledge not only as
a professional but also for other activities.

Lam: What will be the benefit of these arts and music?

Dat: It gives us creativity and helps us improve ourselves. In addition, promote our talents.

Lam: Um, that sounds good, but you'll add to the tuition you think it's worth it.
Dat: No lessons are free, these subjects will be open to those who really love and want to learn them.

Lam: You're right too. However, is there a way to help these subjects be taught in school?

Dat: You and I urge you in the school to vote for the school to open the teaching of these subjects.

Lam: Okay, I'll help you make a page that loves art and music for you to join and support the vote asking
for the subject to be opened. What do you think?

Dat: That's a good idea, thank you for helping me.

Lam: Nothing, we are friends to help you be my honor, but I will not take that subject.


Part 1

Dat: Well, that was a year ago when I was involved in a class project called "things that lead to school
neglect." I was still a first-year student. The project aims to give Vietnamese students at UEF a change in
learning. The project is divided into each group and each group consists of 8 class members. I
participated in the survey and interviewed at the school to give a variety of opinions. But the most
opinion is still that the wrong team started analyzing the measures and arguments of the group during
the snow presentation in front of the class. The presentation went well and was successful. It helps me
improve myself and helps people who have such problems and helps people to solve the best.

Lam: The project lasted for two months, and it was one of the best times of my life. Every morning, we
had to ride our bikes to the construction site, where we built a concrete road for the locals to replace
the muddy road. This is the first time we've worked in a place away from home and this is in the
mountains. We participated in the project of a volunteer delegation of the class to help poor
mountainous people have beautiful roads to travel and circulate goods. . In the early days of work, the
work was extremely heavy and wanted to give up, but in the afternoon watching the people waiting for
it to be completed in me pushed a fire to always try. When I finished the road, I was thanked and invited
by many people. I'm really happy to have done something useful for society.

Part 2

Dat: Do you think the information technology industry is important to education?

Lam: Yes, education is the determining factor of the employer's selection.

Dat: As far as I'm ly, as far as I know there are many very high-tech people in the information technology
industry. But the level of education without them is self-study and self-experience with small jobs first.

Lam: I think if the person with the degree proves that this person has been equipped with the head of all
the knowledge and skills in the school taught.

Dat: I'm not sure the amount of knowledge we learn can be enough, but it can be enough to support our
Lam: I'm not sure the amount of knowledge we learn can be enough. But could it be enough to support
our industry later?

Dat: As far as I know, skills have also come close to the reality of work outside.

Lam:But unedigned people often strive and forge very severely I'm sure they'll do better than us.

Dat: In addition, you don't hear the saying that education shapes the human personality, and the factor
of whether a person can be a good employee or not.

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