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TEST Name:

4  Atoms combining
Core curriculum
1 True or false? Underline your choice.
A Metals are elements, because they contain only one type of atom. true / false
B An atom that gives up an electron forms a negative ion. true / false
C Ionic bonds cannot be formed between two non-metals. true / false
D In molecular compounds, atoms are joined by covalent bonds. true / false
E Ionic bonds are formed when a metal shares an electron with a non-metal. true / false
F Chlorine can form both ionic and covalent bonds with other elements. true / false

2 Draw a diagram to show the bonding in these molecules. Show all the electrons.

3 This diagram represents a substance with giant structure:

a Is the substance an element, or a compound? [1]

b Which is its structure more like, diamond or graphite? [1]

c Which type of bonding is there, between its atoms? [1]

d Underline the term that describes this substance, in each pair below.
i conductor / non-conductor ii high melting point/low melting point
iii soluble in water / insoluble in water iv hard / soft [4]

© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute
TEST Name:

4 Write in the formula for each compound in this table, and give the type of bonding in it.

compound formula bonding: ionic or covalent?

hydrogen chloride
magnesium chloride
sodium oxide
iron(II) sulfate

Extended curriculum
5 Complete this diagram, to show the bonding in
calcium sulphide.
Show only the outer electron shells. Use crosses
for the electrons of one atom, and dots for
the electrons of the other.
calcium ion sulfide ion


6 This diagram represents the bonding in a metal.


a Fill in the missing labels, for the two types of particle in the metal lattice. [2]

b What holds the particles together in the lattice?


c Why are metals so good at conducting electricity and heat?


d Give another property of metals that can be

explained by their structure, and draw a
diagram in this box to illustrate it.

The property:



© OUP: this may be reproduced for class use solely for the purchaser’s institute

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