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Task 5 – Food Security Module (see uploaded module)

I made sure that these are simple tasks and will not make you feel stressed, I hope! 😊

The different food systems

1. Why is there a need to improve the food systems?

Food systems are crucial in addressing food insecurity, malnutrition, and diet-related
health problems. Many countries, regions, and even individual households are grappling
with malnutrition, as well as an epidemic of obesity, overweight, and diet-related
noncommunicable diseases.

2. How can flawed or broken food systems affect food security?

Food security can be impacted in a variety of ways by flawed or damaged food systems.
They can boost costs, making healthy food unaffordable for the poorest people, or they
can prevent smallholder farmers from earning from their crops.

3. What are the main problems facing food systems?

Disruptions in the food chain have been linked to calamities such as climate change and
globalization as the key issues in food security. The challenge of the “final mile” — The
vast majority of the hungry poor are geographically, economically, socially, and
politically isolated, making them difficult to reach. The problem of the “bad year” or
“lean season” — poor families in both urban and rural areas lack the resources to meet
their food demands and are forced to resort to harmful coping techniques, such as
eating less and less nutritious food. The “good year” conundrum – Even a bumper crop
might have drawbacks. Food prices and quality suffer as a result of insufficient capacity
to store, market, and transport surpluses.

4. Why does the problem on food systems affect the women more?

Because they have more limited access to assets and services, and may be excluded
from decision-making processes.

5. What are the other WFP interventions being done to aid in the food security?

Other examples of WFP interventions that can have a positive influence on food systems
include Home Grown School Meals, which connect local smallholder farmers to the
supply chain of school meals programmes; fortification initiatives that help communities
access locally produced nutritious food; the creation and rehabilitation of infrastructure
in exchange for food or cash-based assistance; strengthening public food reserves; and
supporting smallholder farmers through the facilitation of credit, capacity development
and access to markets.
Based on the discussion earlier, do an ACROSTIC about food security.

F-ood security must be

O-bserved everytime because a secured food brings positive effects
O-n social, physical, and economy such as economic growth and job creation, poverty
reduction, trade opportunities increased global security and stability and improved
health and health care.

D-on’t normalize ignoring food security; it is important for everyone’s safety, security
and sovereignty.


Check yourself knowledge. Give three reasons why there is need for a food security.

1. .Food security is defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization. In order to live
an active and healthy life, everyone requires physical, social, and economic access
to adequate, safe, and nutritious food that satisfies their dietary needs and food
preferences. Food security is critical because it provides nutritional guidance
through home economics programs and community development improves
people’s lives.

2. It helps to enhance the productivity and consecutively the production of food. It

can assist in providing opportunities for income generation. And, it generally
provides improvement of nutritional advice through home economics programmes
and enhances the quality of rural life by way of community development.

3. The right to food is a basic human right. Increased productivity and, as a result,
increased food output are both aided by food security. It might be able to help
with revenue generation. It also enhances the quality of life in rural areas and
promotes dietary advising through home visits.

Create a editorial cartoon/comic strips (6 panels) depicting the current state of global food
security. A written explanation consisting of at least three sentences shall be written at the

Content 40
Creativity 35
Written Explanation 20
Punctuality 5

Food is an important aspect of everyone's health and well-being. Its affordability, availability, and
quality are all depicted in the graphic. However, variables such as climate change, water scarcity, and
land deals all have an impact on global food security. Countries are now emphasizing the need of
maintaining a solid agricultural infrastructure, as well as monitoring nutritional deficits and the
availability of a diverse range of food supplies.

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