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Lesson Plan in English 7

By Christia Marie Dychangco

Topic: Facts and Opinion

1. Identify facts and opinions in TV commercials and in written
2. Distinguish the difference between facts and opinions.
3. Write to create tips to tell consumers on how to distinguish facts from
opinions to make smart choices in buying products.

Teacher Student

“Good day! everyone” “Good day! Ma’am”

“Before we start, let me remind you the

following” - Class Rules

“Let us pray!” “Reciting the prayer.”

“How are you feeling today?” “We’re good po ma’am”

“Please annotate to express your


“That’s good to know.”

“Don’t ever forget that "If you aim at

nothing, you will hit it everytime."

“Our goals for today are...” the

teacher will read the objectives.


“Let’s watch this video and Please

take note of the statement that
expresses fact/s and opinion/s.”

“Anyone wants to volunteer to say

what is news and views?” Kindly
raise your hand.

“Alright, great! Now class here are

the meanings of facts and opinion”
Can you read it B___ or G____?

“Thank you! B___/G____”

“Now I want you to observe this

picture, which do you think state fact
and opinion?”

“Great! perfect!”

“Now I want you to tell me whether

the advertisement shows fact or

“Are you ready to annotate?”

“Okay so here is the first picture.

5...4..3...2..1… answer please!”

“Alright as I could here most of you

got the right answer and class for
your information this is an opinion
because it expresses an idea maybe
for some it will be better but with
some it would be worse.

“Okay so here is the second picture.

5...4..3...2..1… answer please!”

“Alright as I could here most of you

got the right answer and class for
your information. This is an opinion
because it expresses an idea.
Maybe for some it will be easier to
use an iphone but for some reason
android users will not be in favor.

“Okay so here is the 3rd picture.

5...4..3...2..1… answer please!”

“Alright as I could here all of you got

the right answer. Yes, it’s a fact
because that is the real price of this

“Okay so here is the 4th picture.

5...4..3...2..1… answer please!”

“Alright as I could here most of you

got the right answer and class for
your information. This is an opinion
because there is no evidence that
supports their claim to be number 1.

“Okay so here is the 5th picture.

5...4..3...2..1… answer please!”

“Alright as I could here most of you

got the right answer and class for
your information. This is a fact
because it is visible to be true.”

“Now class, let’s remember that a

media literacy is so important
especially when You are planning to
a certain product featured in an

What would encourage you to buy

the product?
A commercial full of facts or a
commercial full of opinions?

“Remember the RACES…”

“Now, for our class, I want everyone

to answer this. Kindly click the padlet
link and express your ideas. This is
“A Friendly Advice Activity” Create
tips to tell consumers on how to
distinguish facts from opinions to
make smart choices in buying
products. I’ll give you 5 mins. To

“Now, for our next activity we will play

a game “Reading Detectives'' All you
need to do is to analyze the given
statement and tell if they are stating
fact or opinion.” Kindly click the
google form link to answer.

Let’s move on to the next activity.

Boys kindly write one word that
denotes opinion. Please make sure
to type your class number and your

Fabulous! These are the words that

denote opinions.

Next, Girls! kindly write one word that

denotes fact. Please make sure to
type your class number and your
fantastic! These are the words that
denote facts.

“Do you have questions?”

“For your Asynchronous Activities
you must answer English book pages
20-24 to be checked on Thursday.”

Closing prayer

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