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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

2.1 Simple past tense (I did)

We use the simple past tense to talk about something that

happened at a definite time in the past (yesterday, the day
before yesterday, a few days ago, last month, in 2011, before
the trip, when I was small, after the rain stopped, etc.).

Jacky went to Europe in 2011.

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

The simple past tense of many verbs is formed with -ed: 2.2 Present perfect tense (I have done)

We played basketball after school last Friday. We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action in
the past that has a connection to the present, or something
However, some verbs have an irregular past tense form: that started in the past and continues up to or into the present.
We also use it to talk about a past event if the time it
Sam’s parents took him to Disneyland two days ago. happened is not known or not important.
Amy bought her mother a beautiful scarf in Italy.

For a list of irregular verbs, see Appendix 2.

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

I don’t feel well.

Is your brother I think I’ve caught Have you seen
No, he has
home? a doctor?
gone/he’s gone a cold.
to the library.

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

When we use the present perfect, our focus is on the present A: I’ve just been to the new science exhibition!
status of an action. We are not focused on how, when or B: Oh, I’ve already seen it. Have you seen the electric-
where the past action occurred. We do not use this tense with car exhibit? It’s great!
adverbs/adverbial phrases specifying a definite past time such
as yesterday, last week and three years ago, but we can use
A: You speak Cantonese very well. Are you from Hong
the present perfect with just, ever, yet, never, already, Kong? How long have you lived there?
recently, for, since, etc., which suggest an indefinite time
including the present moment. B: I have never lived in Hong Kong. In fact, I haven’t
ever been to Hong Kong. I grew up in Guangzhou,

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

We can use today, this morning, etc. with the present

perfect tense when these periods of time are not finished
at the time of speaking. I saw Alice this morning.
She looked happy.

I’ve seen Ann this morning.

She looks great.

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

2.3 Past continuous tense (I was doing) 2.4 Past perfect tense (I had done)

We use the past continuous tense for an action that was in We use the past perfect tense for an action that happened
progress at a definite point in time in the past (e.g. at 5.00 pm before another action or event.
yesterday) or when something else happened (e.g. when I got
home). I didn’t see Melinda at Jason’s party last night. She had
left by the time I arrived.
Last week I was sightseeing in New Zealand. Compare: Sandy went to Daniel’s party, but she didn’t
We were sleeping when the fire broke out. stay long. She left soon after I arrived.

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

We do not use the past perfect for a single past action. 2.5 Present perfect continuous tense (I have been doing)

û I had gone to Shenzhen yesterday. The present perfect continuous tense is formed by
have/has + been + -ing form of the verb.
ü I went to Shenzhen yesterday.
Sorry I’m late. Not very long.
ü I had gone to Shenzhen when Mike came to visit me. Have you been I’ve been waiting
waiting long? for only 45

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

We use this tense for an action which started in the past, and We can also use this tense for an action repeated over a period
of time and continuing up to now.
• is still going on now
Sam is a good swimmer. He has been practising for 6
It’s been raining all day. I hope it’ll stop soon. years/since he was eight.

• has just stopped When we talk about an action that happens over a period of
time up to the present, we can use either the present perfect
A: You are sweating.
or the present perfect continuous.
B: Yes, I’ve been running.
My father has worked/has been working in a bank
for 10 years/since 2002.

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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

We use the present perfect continuous when our emphasis Where have you
is on the continuity of the action, i.e. when we want to stress been? I’ve been
that the action has been in progress up to now. It can be used looking for you
when the action has stopped, the situation has changed, or
the action is expected to continue.

Here, since the girl has found the boy,

the action (the search) will no longer
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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

What’s bothering If, on the other hand, we want to emphasise the result of the
action, we use the present perfect tense.

A: He looks happy.

He’s been looking B: He is. He’s found a job at last.

for a job for
months without

Jack hasn’t found a job. The action

(the job-hunting) will continue into
the future.
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Unit 2 Talking about the past Unit 2 Talking about the past

Some verbs are not used in the continuous tenses, including We use the present perfect continuous, not the present
the present perfect continuous. (See Appendix 1 for a list of continuous when we talk about how long something has been
the verbs.) going on.

ü Cecilia is one of my best friends. We have known Compare:

each other for many years.
I didn’t expect to No. I’m just
û We have been knowing each other for many years. see you. Are you visiting my
still living here? aunt.

present continuous
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Unit 2 Talking about the past

Nice to see you. Yes, I've been

Have you been studying for
preparing for them since last
exams? month.

present perfect continuous

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