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Systems Plus Computer College


141 – 143 10th AVENUE
TEL NO.: 365-5401


S.Y. 2019-2020


The PTC was successfully done because of the cooperation of the following persons:

1. Ms. Maria Myrna G. Nuque – Academic Head, HE Department

2. Mr. Aldrin C. Agasen
3. Mr. Joseph Jerome S. Amata
4. Herbert S. Gamlanga
5. Ms. Luchie P. Lingan
6. Mr. James Ceezar Martinez
7. Mr. Mark Angelo Montoya
8. Ms. Rose Ann P. Ramos
9. Ms. Lealyn R. Salayog
10.Ms. Lovebel Sandig
11.Ms. Anna Luisa A. Platero
12.Mr. Ricky Borromeo
13. HE Students
Supervised by:

Ms. Maria Myrna G. Nuque
Academic Head, HE Department

Portfolio Prepared by:

Ms. Ma. Lealyn Salayog
English Teacher, HE Dept.
T h e p a r e

academic progress and growth of our students based on the classroom

observations, testing data, assessments, portfolios, and etc. It’s usually
once or twice a year at progress reporting periods, a brief meeting, lasting
about half to 1 hour. The focus of parent-teacher conference should be
learning, it is also important to discuss factors that can affect learning,
such as students' behavioral and social development.

Conducting an effective parent-teacher conferences can boost

family involvement in our classroom and help promote positive outcomes for
us-teachers, our students, and our school. That’s why HE Department
teachers together with our supportive Academic Head Ms. Nuque was
prepared a lot of things to make the September 06,2019 Parent-Teacher
Conference meaningful and successful. Ms. Nuque conducted a meeting to
create plans and objectives to be accomplished on the said date of PTC.

Teachers make sure that they’re familiar with the school's or
school district's protocols on progress reports or report cards, grading
policies, and any other student assessment tools because as they move
through the conference, the report card or progress report can be a
springboard for discussion and help guide through the meeting. That’s why
a day before the said event, teachers were busy finalizing the grades and
preparing the things that are needed.

As you can see at this picture, Mr. Agasen, one of the Faculty
teachers of HE, headed the preparations. He made everything on set by
listing what to do and accomplish a day before the said event. Mr.
Borromeo, our HE custodian, also helped Mr. Agasen in preparing
laboratory tools that are needed and foods to be cooked.
Teachers had Prepared the materials well before the conference. As
they're teaching during the school year, they’d kept in mind which
assessments will be shared and reported at the conference. They’ve
reviewed student data, assignments and assessments that they'll be sharing
with parents, and made notes about what they'd like to ask parents about
their children to support learning. Teachers cooperate with one another to
better finish the visions that was laid out during their previous meeting
with Ms. Nuque.

A day before the conference, teachers reminded the students

before the dismissal of class and even in the evening before off work,
through chat, about where and what time the conference will be held, as
well as the meeting agenda.
In addition to progress reports, teachers set aside separate
conference folders with three to five student documents that support grades
and progress, as well as any test results that are available, so that if the
parents will ask about the supporting evidences to their children’s grade,
teachers are ready. They’d also prepared an outline or agenda to be shared
with the parents, so they know what to expect. Some teachers keep
worksheets with strengths, needs, and social or behavioral notes to guide
them through conference.

The teachers made the classroom inviting, by displaying students'
work, and making space for the conference with long tables and chairs.


Teachers assigned a room where the parents will wait and

registered their children’s name, section, as well as their names for the
attendance and document purposes.

For the preparation of the said room, grade eleven students

cleaned the room, arranged the chairs, and put the long table where it
should be located. With their help, they made the room refreshing, well-
designed and good to the eyes.

And also, there were rooms that we called SHOWROOMS,

wherein, all of the creative works, projects and students’ tasks were
exhibited or showcased.
(1) Student’s Project: “Pag-buo ng Sariling Produkto at Deskripsyon
ng Produkto”

Subject: Filipino sa Piling Larangan

Grade eleven students who’d pasted these posters, they helped

their teachers in decorating the whole room with these said project.

(2) These are the TABLE NAPKIN FOLDS and TABLE SET UP that was
made and showcased by our grade twelve HE students.
S t u d e n t s ’

our HE custodian Mr. Borromeo and his assistant for the equipment’s
preparation and distribution.
(3) Students’ project: Baybayin

Subject : Komunikasyon

Grade eleven students also pasted these posters, as their

contribution effort in decorating the whole room.
(4) Project: Menu Frames

Subject: Food and Beverages

Through collaboration, students were able to exhibit these

beautiful frames that they’d passed in their subject- Food and Beverages.
Teachers also considered offering healthy snacks and beverages for
the parents who will come in the meeting.

Mr. Agasen, together with his students, had prepared a healthy

and delicious snack that will be loved by those people who will eat it. This
will be served, together with juice, to our students’ parents for some
refreshments during the parent-teacher conference.

(1) HE Department created a welcoming environment.


With the help of our grade twelve students, parents were welcomed
in a cheerful manner with their beautiful and smiling face in the
registration room. The parents were obligated to sign in the registration
form for the attendance.
(2) Open the meeting with positives.


Video presentation of students’ academic and non-academic

performances in different subjects and activities

Advisers presented a video that showcase different performances of

all HE students from grade eleven to twelve. In starting the conversation,
teachers reminded the parents that the goal of this meeting is to share
information about students' academic progress and growth and how their
children interacts in the school environment. And as expected, all of the
parents were proud of their kids and want to hear about their child's
strengths as well as challenges but of course, teachers start with the
(3) Performance Task Exhibits.

Assigned students were able to explain and show some of their

subjects’ project and art works.
(5)Home Economics Display -Table Skirting, Table Napkin,
Bartending, Table Set up, & etc..
(6)Teachers served foods and refreshments to the parents.
(7) Discuss progress and growth.


Teachers informed the parents about their child's ability levels or

grade levels in different content areas. Many parents want to know how
their children compare to their peers, but teachers reminded them that
you're discussing their child's individual instructional levels, not their
standing in class. Teachers, however, had informed them about grade-level
expectations and how the student is doing in that context.
Teachers provides suggestions to the parents for the activities and
strategies to support the learning of their children at home. It's us,
teachers, who have the responsibility to give parents or guardians an
accurate assessment of students' academic progress. Sometimes this means
delivering bad news. Sugar-coating the facts defeats the purpose of the

Teachers also informed the parents or guardians about their

children's strengths, needs, behaviors, and learning styles so that they will
know about the academic performances of their children. Even the
enrichment or intervention strategies to support students' learning was also
discussed together with the issues that may interferes students' learning
and growth.

A little thank-you can go a long way. Many parents had to take a

time off work or hire babysitters to attend the meeting, so, teachers
consider this to take a time to thank parents verbally. Teachers also
suggested to their students to write a thank-you notes to their parents or
guardians for attending and supporting their learning. And teachers also
reminded the parents to contact them if they have any further questions or
concerns. Advisers remind themselves to be sure in contacting the parents
of the students who did not attend and offer alternative ways to
communicate about their child's progress.
Teacher-Parent Learning Ideas to share with

We, teachers, informed the parents about the importance of going

to the parent-teacher conference as it provides them and us- teachers an
opportunity to work together as a team in order to help their child.
Everyone has an important perspective to share — as the parent, they know
their child's personality, habits, strengths, and weaknesses. The teachers,
on the other hand, we have been trained professionally in the best methods
of teaching, meeting individual student's needs, how to control classroom
behavior, and how to help our students to succeed in school. We also
educated the parents about “by working together we will be able to find
ways that each of us can provide the appropriate and necessary support for
your child”. And reminded the parents that the conference is also an
opportunity for them to ask questions about their child's progress, to learn
more about the class and what their child are studying, and to find out if
their child is having difficulty with anything.

In addition, we told that if the parents have an interest in knowing

their children's school and classes updates, the more likely their children’s
will be interested too to talk about their daily experiences with their
parents. Their child will appreciate more their parental concern and
involvement, and they will be more likely to approach their parents as well
as if they have problems.

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