Set Theory Notes With Solutions

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Math 302 | 1 (Chapter 1: Set Theory Lesson 1.1 ~ Types of Sets and Set Notations Page 6 Definitions: ‘Set A collection of distinguishable objects for example the set of whole numbers is W’ = (0, 1,2,3,..}- Another ‘example: the number of faces on adie forms a set. Sets are usually denoted by capital letters or by a description inside curly brackets Defining Sets: A=(123456) — *facesofadie ‘A= (natural numbers less than 7) Az {rie <7.2€N) ote: ‘The curly brackets togethers readas “the set of" | represents, ands ead as, “such that” represents, and is read a, “isa member of” ‘The number of elements ina set Ais written as n(4). n the above example regarding the faces of adie, n(A) = 6 Element ~ An object ina set; for example 3 isan element of W, the set of whole numbers. Universal Set~ A set of all the elements under consideration fo a particular context (also called the sample space; for ‘example, the universal st of digs is D = (0,12,34,56.7849). Generally t's the largest set we have in mind Subset ~ A set whose elements all belong to another se; for example, the set of odd gts, 0 = {1.3.57}, isa subset of, the set of digits. In set notation, this relationships written as: 0 © D Sets Aan 8a part ofa Uni St, Ate elena of Aarti the sabse 8 ‘Compliment ~ All the elements ofa universal set that do not belong tothe subset oft; for example, 0” = (02.4.6: is ‘the compliment of O = {1,3,5,7,9}, a subset ofthe universal set of gts, D. The compliments denoted with a prime sien, 0" Empty Set~ A set with no elements; for example, the set of odd numbers dsible by 2is the empty set. The empty set \sdenoted by} or9. Disjoint ~ Two or more sets having no elements in common; for example, the set of even numbers and the set of odd umbers are disjoint ‘sets andr part ota nner St, bot Aart Bare rt acute heyhae na conan cements Math 304 (Chapter 1: Set Theory faa Define the universal setof the number onthe facesofasixsided die, U = £1.2,3,4,5,68 Define set asthe set toofoddnumbersonthedi, A= 21,3,53, ‘lithe elements of 4 are also elements of U, so A isa subset of U. Write this using proper notation. © CU The seta’ isthe compliment ofA. Deine this set A's GaNes 2 Corser the following two sets (natural numbers less than 20 that are divisible by 3} A= {3,6,9. 12,195,188 (natural numbers less than 20 that are divisible by5) 2 = 5,10, 15, % 2) plain why te set fata numbers than 25a stable yer se ‘ y Boll Board “Bore Anherd as nk TEL Rend Bare eubsek dy nolured quimbars less than 8h 8) Uist the elements of the following sts PARC 1288S MB=(HO ISS —)AT=L1,2,4,5,3,8, 10,11, 3 16,1193, ) Wirte a description ofthe elements of the compliment of set 8 in words. Bl Srokead cumbers less Yor 90 had are nok divis eng 58 6) Set = {natural numbers less than 20 that are multiples of 6 State whether he following ae tre ore C= $6,18,188 » ¢ » cts om acc : Teue Tue me $a MHD. 11, BM WON Hes 1 12,98 614 = F1,2,3,4,8,7.8,4, 19,18! ath 302 |3 chapter: Set Theory m3 by = £1,2,3, te N08 2) tnicate te multiztes oF and 2, rom 10 20 ins singe notation Fa $48 lero, Fees LAI, Se, HOS T= $10,00,36, 18.6 + Ib, 08, 240% )tstany subsets, nd show the reltonship among the ets and sbsesin 2 Venn cagram TOF a Reminder af Venn Diagrams: ‘VENN DIAGRAM xa [triangular set of number, such a8 1, 3,6, 10, canbe represented asa triangular aray using blocks oc [ ( Gia tT 1 1a) 1!) 18) TO=1 T@=3 T@=6 TH)=10 76)=15 8) Determine a pattern you can use to determine any triangular number. (This can be done on a spreadsheet.) A Googe Deve Sproodsvecd 1) 14a, 148,3, 1989394, arenes b) Determine how many natural umbers rom 1 to 100 are es i) Brenandtriangular ,= § 6,10,a%, 36, 64, 78 \OCED=6 1) Oedandtanmlar ©, + 1,9, 15, 1,45, 88918 [2 CO) =F) Resin as 9-13 = BF ©) How many numbers are tiangular? (ae) 2 13 Math 302 | 4 (Chapter 1: Set Theory Infinite Set~ A set with an infinite numberof elements; for example, the set of natural numbers, = (1,2,3,4,5,..).is infinite YouTy Ex.S ‘Two six-sided de are rolled. 2) Show the universal et of sums from the roll ofthe dice in the table below. ie) 1) lustrate the following ets in one Venn diagram: + Rolls that produce a sum ofless than 6 4 Rolls that produce a sum of greater than 6 Le Suc kss than & Gz Sony Kalice greet then lo 6) Record the number of elements in each st, NCL)=IO nlG)= at 14) Determine a formula for the number of ways that a sum ofless than or greater than 6 can occur. Verify yur formula. nL) + n(@) = 10+ al= 3) ‘A summary ofthe key ideas from this lesson can be found on page 14 ofthe textbook. Read this page. Homework: Page 14 ~ questions 1 through 19 Math 302| 5 (Chapter 1: Set Theory Lesson 1.2 ~ Exploring Relationships between Sets Page 19 Definitions: Venn Diagram A aiagram using circles to represent sets, wth the positon and overlp of the circles indicating the relationships between the sts mad 4) Create a Venn diagram indicating the individuals inthis room who are takng English this semester and, ‘Math during this semester. Math ish, Ws, Sekuca b) Are the students in English 30 disjoint fom the students in Math 30? How do you know? ©) How many people are taking English AND Math? 4) How many people in this room are registered in English OR Math? ©) How many people inthis room are not registered in English? Math30-2 | 6 (Chapter 1: Set Theory u x2 Consider the following two sets (natural numbers less than 20 that are divisible by 3) natural nucmers less than 20 that are divisible by 5} Sse a Shade set B Cee) we TRAST fa} 13 “n(B)=Ie roth 13,1, 10,13,19 a) Ustthe elements of Aand 8 A and B= (152, Db) Uist the elements of Aor 8. Aor B =(3,5,6,9,10, 18,15) 18 gu €) not (And BY = (12,3, (Bio, BY, 10, 14412, By A Moy (1, 1814, 4) not (Aor B)=(4,4,4,9,3,0, 13,14, le, 93 TAS T1291 1213) FBI Math 302 | 7 (Chapter 1: Set Theory You Try 6.2 Use the Venn diagram to list the elements ofthe following sets () t 0. P=(112,3,9,10% Q=( 14,10, 298 not P=( 7,11, 16,893 notQ=( 48,4, Wile gS PandQ=(1 108, PorQ=(1,4,7,3,%, 99% not (P or @)= (WN, WO not (P and Q) = (8,7, 8,4, 116,243 ‘A summary ofthe key ideas from this lesson can be found on page 20 ofthe textbook. Read this page. Homework: Page 20 ~ questions 1 through 5 Math 302 |8 (Chapter 1: Set Theory Lesson 1.3 ~ Intersection and Union of Two Sets, Page 22 Definitions Intersection ~The set of elements tht are common to two or more sets. Inset notation, A.M B denotes the Intersection of sets A and 8. Uso Union ~ The set of al the elements in two oF more sets; in set notation, AU B denotes the unfon of ses o the set AorB. Np PO = (2.9.8) ath 302 | 9 (Chapter 1: Set Theory mua Consider the following two sets. A= (natural numbers less than 45 that are divisible by 2}, 1B = {natural numbers less than 45 that are divisible by 4) 4) Create a Venn diagram showing the Universal set of natural numbers less than 45 with the subsets of A and B indicated in the diagram BoA 4S 3 102,146 18, 80, 22,94, 88, 30; 38, 39, 36, 38, ¥0,"78, 1991 1) A\B=(8,6,19. 14,18, 89, 86,30, 34, 38,44, a2 Ifyou draw a card at random from a standard deck of cards, you will draw acard from one o the four suites: cubs (Oy spades (5), hearts (19, or diamonds (0). Sut Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen King oo Je LO SHER REE SOY, Diamonds @ 7 3 77 ES ie @ woats fo Me a somies (a TERA aed ‘3, 2) Desribe sets G5 Hand Dand the univers et Ufo ths situation Pes 13 cords wnt Chote or swe = Phos 13 cards with spades on than % H = Zhes cards with Woarls on them Z D= Fhos 13 cords with Diamonds on Hur U = FAN 99 cords? ‘Math 302 | a1 'b) Determine the following: nc) = 13 (5) n= 13 n(0) = 13 nu) = SQ ©) Determine the following: Sun=Stte13eqadmond — n(SUH) = He the 13 vearts 3 sou=% 3 nsni)= 0 ethese dre mubvally Crclucio o¢ disor seks 4) Determine whether the events that are described by sets Sand Hare mutually exclusive, and whether sets ‘Sand Hate disjoint. See Sond W are radually exelucre, so thase sas ard disipinl. ©) Describe the compliment of $ UH wumy=(CuD) Pre oS Cubs and diomonds £ x3 Joe surveyed 50 gym members. Ofthese members 9 train fewer than three times week, 11 do cardi training o-l, thre times week and 16 do bot cardio and weigh raining re tesa week. Determine how many ofthese members do weight training three times a week, Wt E the embars whe wash fran Shows & werk B C= ZHeortombars whe de cardio Sheen o werk Z U = Eahe Quy cornders % 4 at nC) = 1644 = 30) To cater fra school party, aoe 11S RudentsTHVOTE Tough a east one of ths ollotng items: sandwiches (6), chips (© or lemonade (). ‘+S brought sandwiches, chip and lemonade rst) +24 broughe chips and lemonade x fC + 27 brought sandwiches and chips, re + 17 brought sandwiches and ohips eroneBe KEN 23, + 56 brought sandwiches < 3 + TObrought lemonade a 4H How many students brought only chips? oc) % Math 302 | 1 ‘Chapter 1: Set Theory fxs ‘Susan surveyed the 34 students inher science lass #14 students eat breakfast © 16students eat a healthy lunch + 4 ot tne 30 stuaents each breakfast and a heattny unen, Since 14 + 16 + 4 = 34, Susan concluded that everyone eas either breakfast o a healthy lunch, or bath ‘What error did Susan make? How many students do not eat either mea? te The shuderts Sa bate Vere ond Wweokfent must Ve sublrcited Spars Mea DeerkGat ote and tho \erckn tol #10 eat ia ly °Necd beh lunch and brear&s} ce eee eet ones. + 8h-CiOH1944) = B coho don't cot o heaOHay lunch or breck{os\ CY ee ae a “The Venn diagram ilustates the numberof gis wha played ‘0 various schoo! ypon eis Hoshey {he nun fg wh played oer and olla Go aaa aaa cenit me ‘he mmo gs wh played ext 9 aM Woy A 6 ws Ov wu Math 30-2 chapter 3: Set Theory ter ia igh school who ¢ combination af these, noone teach Biology af whom $ do not also tach Chemistry. 7 teach Physics | and 3 teach both Chemistry and Physics, ‘The numberof teachers who teach Chemisty or Physies cn mann nthe cl ep a re eh) (vel B Payee ster 314= Ie cach Big) .Cheminry oF Physi hes both Hilo and Physics. Co al (5sa1ae )=6 the munber teacher who wach nly neo he sujet is_— : Biology Only + Chernisiny Only y Physics Only, 5S +644 =18 'A summary of the key ideas from this leon can be found on page 31 ofthe textbook. Read this page. Homework: Page 32~ questions 1 through 3 and 4 through 18 even questions only. Mid- Chapter Review: ‘+ Read pages 36 and 37 ‘+ Complete questions 1 through 7 found on page 38, Math302 | 1 ‘chapter 3: Set Theory Lesson 1.4 ~ Applications of Set Theory Page 39 Explore ‘Sarah conducted an onlin survey of een gang preferences. Here are her results + 20 6ens pay online games. + 20piay ona game console + 205iay gamescon their cel phones. She surveyed only 31 tens. Howean thse? “Cecouee thee sels ore nab muuallls exclusive Some teens will game on al thier” Some tail game on boo od oh the Novees Review os &S) (ie Notation. Danian Element of Not an elonent of slo Ne Nota subset of ‘Asubset and equal T ‘Union (all together) OF a Intersection (Over) ANT & Rola Le Emply sel Investigate Complete Investigate the Math found on page@0) 37, (\.) U=%Ail the Grade \g students sucveged § KE. ASL of shudants wed ob least one of thas Sorms of Communicerbion Fe BML 4 101407 - S0'/, ~~ 8H 4) 2 487 Upo it 9 she seme G@. nleuty - n(Snd)-nlSat) +n(saTnd) wh-e%-1aZ-47% — n(Cur)\s)= 2 4 whi +27 Math 302 | 1 (Chapter 1: Set Theory ex “The patially completed Venn diagram cisplays the resuits of fast food survey of 145 teenagers. © n(P) = 75 represents the number of teenzgers who hed pizza ‘+ -n(B) = 60 represent the numberof teenagers who ” Wy ‘ liked burgers ‘+ n(W) = 68 represents the number of teenagers wo liked wraps 2) Complete the Veon diagram 5) How many teenagers ies i] Pizza and burgers and wraps n(Pry BLO) > D i urgersandnotwaps (B/W) = 10410 = QO RM bO-35-5 = a0 m) eugersand pina (Bn O)= 1048215 W)— Onlyburgersandpiza (BOP Y= IO Y— Burgersorpina 9 (BU P) = 1043545410 48458 = 190 VI None ofthesetpesottesteod 145 - 56-19. §-9-15-35-20= 5 m2 To catertors choo! party lof the 15 stadentsnvlved brought tas oe of the folowing items: sandches hin (Cortera), ‘+ Sou sarduiches, hips and lemonade 24 wou hips and lemonade 27 wou sandwinsand lemonade 17 wou sandwiches and chs 58 brought sandwiches om iT brow lemonade ow man tents rough ot eis? eS Kx.d Drow 0 Nene drogen, do shou Sese sds The Universe seb U = Fx|- lox x < 10, x TZ eN* 2xl-los ee -\, wer ~ + P= Exll sxe, xer? 2 tIxl%=d0,16 x65, 0€rd ‘Math 302 | 2! (Chapter 1: Set Theory Ea ‘The students from Mr. Smith's class were surveyed. 19 students take Math, 10 students take Math and Physics, 1g students take only Chemistry, 12.students take Chemistry and Math, and 3 students take all three subjects. 2 Students do not take any ofthe these subjects and all Physics students take Math 8) Show the information ina Vena diagram. 'b) How many students 1) areinMr.Smith’shomeroom? Q + F431 4y1d= 35 i) takeonly Math? i) ake Chemistry and not Math? |) Ww) takechemistryorPhysic? 14444344 2 33 Check out the game found on the following webpage: ‘tp: / ww. swf Math 302| 31 (Chapter 1: Set Theory Bet Kelsey is playing a game involving sets. She is using the nine cards whon, which have tree different attributes: shape, number and shading. ‘ ely must create four sets, using three cards in each set from the nine cards shown. Each card may be ‘used more tian once in aset. ‘Which sets can Kelsey make to win the game? Roles for Creating Sets Sets of three cards must agree with each other or disagree with each other with respect toezch attribute, Three cards form setif ‘the card displays the same number of figures or each displays a different numberof figures, and ‘the figures are all the same shape or three different shapes, and the figures are the same colour or thee diferent colours. Fe eee} Ban ‘A summary of the key ideas from this lesson can be found on page 50 ofthe textbook. Read this page. Homework: Page 51 ~ questions 1 through 13 odd numbers only Math 30:2 Chapter 1: Set Theory Chapter 1 Exam Review YYout Chapter 1: Set Theory Exam is in afew days. How wil you prepare for this exam? 1. Complete textbook page 56. This is Chapter Self-Test. Do all questions. Check all your solution with the back ofthe book Complete teatbook page $8. This a page of Practice questions pertaining ta each section ofthe textbook: ‘The day prior to the exam will be an in-Class Open Book Assignment. Ths isto be submitted bythe end of dass ‘and solutions to ths assignment willbe posted onine.

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